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3 classes
Sertance F Both mags downplay his thuggishness. Servtence 2- His thuggishness is downployed by mags
Sentenge 1: Amiag: other ‘things, the assesément should develdp ‘strategies to’ mitigate . risks’ and maximize: ‘benefits “in the context :of available rechnologies,. andthe, relative total costs and effects of implementing those technologies. Sentence’ 2: This asséssment “evaluates sly, technology.
[Sentence 1: The point of making these physical standards is to educate your mose te recognize these aromas in an undectored glass of wine. Sentence 2: Aremas in wine greatly change the taste of he wine.
Sentence 1: A central focal point is essential to spotting trends, identifying problem areas, and seeing that policies and administrative actions are handled in a consistent manner. Sentence 2: If the focus is directed toward effective preventive measures, the entire organization will benefit, since it will stop a number of escalating situations from continuing or starting.
Sentence tt Shopping arcades are a staple feature of every Jopanese city town and vitae. Sentence 2: Every place in Japan has shopping arcades. they are the most renown for it
"Sentence 1: bit that: was oh good many many years ago andi fave i really my spare time usually odo aerobics and ‘Sentence 2: do aerdbics in my spare time:
‘Sentence +: yeah well the yeah coin dealers are supposed to be| ‘smart enough not to fall for that gimmick but |i have seen a few of them sell these things ‘Sentence 2 The coin sellers sell fraudulent coins.
Sentence 1: Cummins used the knowledge captured from these and subsequent prototypes to refine and eventually validate the manufacturing processes for the engine. Sentence 2: Building an engine is complex and takes a long time.
Sentence 1: There is zinc gum, zine spray, even zine lollipops. Sentence 2: Zinc only comes in a liquid form.
Sentence J: Pat Buchanan, couldn't have said it better. Sentence 2: Pat, Buchanan could have, made this: point, far. better,
Sentence 1: i'd like to see those i keep you know um you know there's like three movies that ii keep telling myself that i should see one of these you know some day that i haven't seen you know that that are classics you know because i've never seen Citizen Kane and never Sentence 2: Ive seen all the classies, there's nothing else for me to see.
Sentence 1: As they had suffered slights of either incomprehension or contempt for their religious customs before, they simply could not believe it was not deliberate, and mutiny broke out at Meerut, 40 km (25 miles) north of Delhi. Sentence 2: The native people suffered for the ‘ignorance of others and fought back.
‘Sentence: i: but.it's liké three fairways over Sentence. 8;'t.is-acrosé thrée. highways,
‘Sentence 1:we have uh uh a local station uh on our cable network here that uh is showing all the Miss Marples over again so ‘wegottorepeatthem Sentence 2 We have a local station on our cable network here that is showing all the Miss Marples over again so unfortunately we are seeing them repeat and not seeing anynewcontent.
Seritenice 1: Results of the survey; which\is ‘expected’ to. collect. responses from. more than“ 1,000~ ‘legal. “setvices . employers, attorneys. general, public defenders “and ‘local -eivil. liberties ‘law-organizations,. will be.released in April at the anntial: meéting ‘of “the ‘National. Association for”. Law’ Placement. Sentenice 2: Many -employers, .attorhey generals, and: civil liberties “organizations have. respended to thé survey:
‘Sehtzince 1: Spins on’ the, monetary1)4t-will make Euiroy ee Uhited SRS ew aconomic ral ye Sentence 2: Europe will be. rival to the United'States. tris
Sentence 1, A dolmu service links the town to Ladies' Beach (Kad??nlar Plaj??) 3 km (2 miles) to the south, and there are also beaches at Pamucak and in the Dilek National Park (Dilek Yar??madas?? Milli Park??), 25 km (151.2 miles) from town. Sentence 2: The beach at Pamucak is manmade.
Sentence 1: oh yes we've un been un we've gone other you know all kinds of places we go out to dinner we take the kids to the park and un Sentence 2: We have gone to dinner, and also to the park, we go all kinds of places, really.
Sentence 1: corpus well uh South Padre is on down the bend Sentence 2: South Padre is really far.
‘Sentence 1: Guests are net explobed because they are Sertence 2: Maybe the quests are net explited because of this.
‘Sentence 1: Its principal scandal reporter, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, has published lots of stories on the suicide. |Sentence 2: The stories were about ahomicide victim.
pe | iat | i bs]
Sentence I: Eventually the British began to force the Maroons into more isolated and remote pockets of land. 2 Some maroons escaped the British.
Sentence 1: It said, Such behavior ranges from demanding sex from co-workers to forcing female office staff to serve tea or to dean the workplace. Sentence 2: Reports of sexism in the workplace |have prompted a sexual harassment specialist to come in to train the agency at a workshop for managers and employees.
Sentence 1: It has been an important settlement since the 14th century and was the largest port in Scotland for many years, handling Edinburgh's cargo. Sentence 2: It was the largest port in Scotland for many years.
Sentence 1: Marigot, the modest capital on its wide bay, is so quiet that very large fish venture in surprisingly close to shore. Sentence 2: Fishing comes easily in the capital of Marigot.
Sentence 1: Won 87 SSI/SSD cases ena ing clients to receive $850,016 in retroactive benefits, saving state taxpayers $441,786 and enabling people with disabil dignity. Sentence 2: The lawyer won over $800k in retroactive benefits.
Sentence 1: no i haven't i don't know if i've even heard of that one it must have uh what's his name in it Sentence 2: I'm not sure I've heard of it.
sz In’ Rs Shotp. decision, rarmirable Understanding sing respec senienoé a: The shorp uagementwos © prepedent, setting case. 7 the- court showed’. 16x ecortorti: Weary.
Sentence 1: I'm 81, she said, adding that she never Owned a Quilting company, never worked Tor one and never told a loan agent she did Sentence 2: She had worked and owned 2 quilting company.
Sentence # A DOT official said that the Department permits the public to submit comments electronically on all of its proposed rules. Sentence 2 The public is allowed to electronically submit comments on any proposed rule, according to an official at the DOT.
Sentence 1: Checkmated for the moment, he was far from abandoning the conflict. Sentence 2: Checkmated and facing certain defeat, he hung his head in dejection.
Sentence 1: um college fund for them because it was just so important i said i don't want them to go through what i went through Sentence 2: It was very important to us to set up a college fund.
Sentencé i: "Suppose I -said-yes if ‘the-fees were. some, of. the foals of ay own choosing, ‘suh?"Drew asked... : Sentence: 2; Drewasked if he. was the-one: who caused it ‘to happen:
Sentence 1: The 5g". Bowl:‘will be’ a” grudge match Between, goncos Mrterbacky John Elway. and former Bronitos “MBack -"Dan..ReevesMwho:-now'. coaches the Fatcons. * *Sentgrice 2: The Superbowl wil be a, giudge match between’ ‘the Broncos- quarterback. and’ ‘their. former coach,
Sentence 1: And, when he could, would bite. Sentence 2: He enjoys biting.
Sentence 1: The distinctive dances of Menorca include the ball des cossil. thought to be derived from Scottish dancing. Sentence 2 The dances of Menorca are popular among all the Scottish
Sentence 1 Its hard to feel sorry for Buah, given his preposterous sgim on the question Sentence 2 Sympathy for Bush is not very cay tiven how he woul! sie question.
intence 1: Here there are several attractive hotels, including one with tropical. gardens, that cater to. visitors hoping to: catch a limpse- of. the. Himalayas: -at. ‘sunrise. or inset. intence 2: The hotels here are ail dirty and lunattractive; and:none offer a good view of the Himalayas. ee
Sentence 1: Journal of Environmental Economics Management. Sentence 2: Environmental Economics Management journal
oe i i Bey 4 Berg fs gee s bak
Sentince: kash _Sentente2:Maybe I
Rebs started Then them em a van jwe Jus’ gave fer sentence playin row: jesson."FOW norted. sentence 2: The Rebs were given a lesson sentence’ hey. played rough and the others did not like that
Sentence 1 yedh-yeah i-had to. waste-a: lot of Iioney on THy car that Was the biggest mistake Jiever bought! : Sentence 2: | iad: to. wast a‘lot-ofmoney-on imy“dog. ~
Sentence tof course you know you always wander about the information youre getting anyway Sentence 2: You alvays wandered if dags really go taheaven.
‘Sentence 1: | can't even talk about some of them. Sentence 2: Some of them were too bloody to talk about. x
Sentence 1: Property owned by the Federal Government and meeting the definition of one of the following three Sentence 2: All of the following three have nothing to do with the Government. t*
Sentence 1: The Web site features a search “engine’:to. help. you locate. ‘documents using key_words and phrases. Sentence "2 It youvish ‘to search fot speciic keywords, theres a search eng: y that. =. |
Sentence 1: okay uh but yeah i've been doing it for probably about ten years or so Sentence 2: | have been doing this for at least ten years.
When. the.” cross are zero, .: :substantiat welfare. gains.: are > ‘available’. .from| discounts: larger than:: 6a\. and:: the. optimal discount: appears. to be. welt above 8a: Sentence.2;. Cross elasti inthe hundreds,
Sentence 94: |. feel this canbe done within, the, current LSC restrictions, but. it, requires. entirely new approaches. and cdmbinations of services. Sentenes...23: Current “restrictions prevent this. from being. possible.
Sentence 1: ‘The newsweeklies go tabloid Senterice 2: ‘The newsweeklies go to the small newspaper tabloid
Senvence- “3: Writing « novels, “performing: sigery,. preparing. alight and ‘elegant Souffle-- each.” ‘must be.” done . “without ~ rousing declamation. a : Sentence -2:. You, shouldbe” very. loud -and rowdy while ‘writing novels, petforming: sirgery, Preparing light meals
Sentence 1: The inspector reported that the chair itself, the wooden part, needed replacement. Sentence 2 The iron, fur, and plastic parts of the chair were in perfect order.
Sentence & yeah and she could have bought a typewriter also Sentence 2 She wouldn't have bouyht anything.
Sentence: 4: There is 'woader ful- hiking ‘here, --toaj: throtgh--pine forests atid’ meadows, carpeted: with wildflowers LAY Summer. Sentence’: Br Tas the. “summer; people ‘can. hike. through: woods and. meadows. Futl: of Flowers.”
Rema Ca, Spd, se A ee PC Yee. eee
Sentence: It sets sninimally. humane working conditions that foreign factories «must: meet if. their produicts are to Sport No Sweat label. Sentence 2: The No Sweat label degsn't have any minimally set conditions:
Sentence 1: ‘Carry oni" Sentence 2: ‘Continue:
Sentence 1: But he may just be a person who things happen to happen to, a guy with a penchant for pretending to be what others want to believe that heis. Sentence 2: He has always been unlucky.
Sentence 1: Table 3.6 summarizes key features of program effects case studies. ‘Sentence 2: Key features of the program effects case studies are outlined in table 3.6.
Sentence 1: incorrect things thots even worse uh or if my call rate of of eight to. of°s0 0. week went ap even higher because uh someone hod had Sentence 2: My call rate forthe vieek wos fess thar bight
- Sentence I: Thorn appeared to still sleep, “a i rising sun: . small wind-tent “sha ing his.‘head.-fromthé Sentence 2:THiorn had slept for ten hours
séntence'\\ ‘ossiiegued an the toiel of one Sénifeheé 2: Drew's! Wwaltisg IN rridybe 30 . inaiy 10 “Tis vate Ande Sat “ ews; his Thumb, Spinning at'Ch thee buiiks getting bor
Sentence 1: Pol Pot is in captivity * [Sentence 2: pale a prisoner. *
new there are poopie Wilt kind of set wy there are people that wilt kind of they enpoy in lite 2 : you Tou kztom OF things: Sentence 2 set up tots
Sentence 1: Was there a raid, th’ major, he} took out th’ troops; and Don Cazar, he| took out his riders an’ th’ Pimas. Sentence 2 Don Cazar and the troops re taken out by the major.
Sentence 1: Montgomery Ranking Minority Member Committee’-on Veterans’ Affairs House of Representatives Sentence 2: There. is a committee . on Veteran's Affairs.
Sentence 1: The contrary theory is that Gingrich is flaming out in a final futile gttempt to regain his authority in the GOP. & Sentence 2: The contrary theory is that Gingrich is fully accepting the loss of his GOP authority.
Sentence On an outcrop of rock southwest of the Red Fort, Shahjahan's other great construction, the Jama Masjid (the great congregational Friday Mosque ), is the largest mosque in India. Sentence 2: The Jama Masjid is a small chapel tucked into a corner of the Red Fort.
pemPosed of five parties including the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Sentence 2: jive parties made up the Nationa Front that defeated JGandty and tis party m Novernber 1989,
Sentence 1: folded over the Sertonen 2: The yp hed» compoind tecture nhs lg. leg. bent sideways and his body wound.
Sentence 1: No one had been able to revive him, though bringing the dead back té life when the body was reasonably intact was routine magic that even a sersa could perform. Sentence 2: No one could revive him even though it should have been easy.
Séntence. 1:” yeah. -and~ and that's appropriate if thé uhiversity is trying| to do. serious: research " becduse* it's} hard to be a researcher and a teacher| at the sae time Sentence 2: It's not appropriate if ‘the university is’ trying.;to do serious research
Sentence 1: Helms, he went over an’ picked up a book" Sentence 2: He picked up magazine.
ntence 1: The volcano last erupted in spring }991, but it is no longer considered dangerous. wntence 2: 1991 was the last time the volcano rupted.
ident may also be 2 fue sentence I: The pre y lawsuit veliever in government b: ce 2 The president also enloys golfing Seth federal judges on holy
Sentence 1: A smaller grim-looking fellow scowled at Ga'daan, Sentence 2: Someone frowned at Ca'daan,
Sentéfice 1 Sentence 2:
Sentence I: The Prime Minister's splendid residence, Hete| Matignon at S71 de Varenne, isa short walk frm the National Assembly. ‘Sentence 2: The Prime Minister {ives in a small cottage outside the ity,
Sentence 1: Mavens can discetn belween mikers atia glance, : ‘Seatence °2 Noone “can: ell the diference ‘between makers’ no shatter how’ tong they. look’ at them. 3
Sentence t The divine art of subtlety and secrecy they called it in the south. Sentence z Southemers valued subtlety and secrecy.
Sentence 1; Apis’ -protits farped 35° percent in the - lirst six months of employee ownership, and the company.remained profitable for the next decade. Sentence’®: Apis saw: spike’ In their profits, and “a. profitable decade thereatter.
Sentence 1: Six teams of a nanny and a_ nurse take turns watching the baby around the clock, although they are not allowed to kiss him. Sentence 2: The _ six nannies get breaks between shifts.
“Sentences 7: but but they gave ft to Rer-anyway. and just she just abaut died: Sentence ‘22They didn't it to-‘her.so. shecwas fine. :
Ytende 1: yeah well uh seme of for mest bf the people i Guess it ig for dome of them hough they do it just for the love of it tende 2 ,Most of the people jo it because they love it.
‘Sentence 4; Dactordw’s-Ragtimie is set'in 1940, . Sentence 2x Doctorow's Ragtimie takes placé in 1910.:
Sentence 1: ‘Fhe hill station was named: after: ‘William Cameron; a” British surveyor, who «in| 1885, «reported:; the finding ofthe fine plateau. Sentence .2: William: Cameroon>was ‘an intelligent man.
Sentence 1: yeah they really make themselves look bad and i don't know why certain groups are fighting so hard to keep the ten four one Sentence 2: They make themselves look great.
Seftence : 1: Ultimately, “what “1; say “in” my défense is compfetely meaningless. Sentence’: 2 What ‘1 ‘say’ to: defend~.myself doesn't actually’ matter. .
Sentence: 1: hecause ‘you kriow: they talie and Uncle Sam‘takes his'the Social Security which probably. won't be here when { get that old you Bestenics 2: Uncle Sam takes the social security, which probably wen't be here by the time I get it .
Sentence 1: uh yeah well i think it depends on What the crime. is uh’ you're -not: going to sentence: somebody to death for. stealing’ & car ub if it's first degree:murder or uh Sentence 2: It doesn't depénd.on the.crime, all-punishments are the'same,
Sentence 1: Budgetary resources include the new budget authority, unobligated balances, direct spending authority, and obligation limitations. Sentence 2: Agencies prefer to have more budgetary resources thanless as a whole.
‘Sentence t. because all yi needéd-“was a big-Irying -pain. you. ‘dumpeit everything in, together Santee: % You'néedta big. pai so fbroughl yeu he ages! ‘ne: Pha :
Sentence 1: In the fireplace was a crumpled ball of orange and white. Sentence 2: There was a burned orange and white sphere In the fireplace.