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Sentence 1: Georgia cannot afford to not get funding , * said Dr. Melinda Rowe , Chatham County's health director. Sentence 2: Georgia cannot afford to not get funding , " said county health director Dr. Melinda Rowe.
Sentence ‘1::The Nasdaq composite’ index fel 2.95 ar- 02. percent . -for. the : week’ to 1.91236. after ‘stumbling 3778 yesterday . Sentence. 2. The. Nasdaq eased ‘6.15 percent for -the week after two consécutive up weeks.
Sentence 1:° F the other rating agencies also downgrade us Sentence 2: The two other national rating agencies are waiting to take action
‘Sentence. . t. * - Kecisations °"of”” improper agtivity” “are . as * false. ‘today. a8 they". were when" thé Democrats’ first made’ dtherii -,"" Grell Said - Sentence 2." .-- Accusations of. improper tatiirity. xe a8 Gilse today as When the Demoaials first made them .
Sentence 1: President George W. Bush and top administration officials cited the threat from Iraq's banned weapons. programs as the main justification for going to war . Sentence 2: President Bush and top officials in his administration cited the threat from Iraq's alleged chemical and. biological weapons and nuclear weapons program as the main justification for going to war .
Sentence 1: The report cites the marriage of the alleged operational commander of the Bali bombings , Mukhlas , to Farida , a " highly cosmopolitan and well-educated young woman " . Sentence 2: The report cites the marriage of the alleged operational commander of the Bali bombings , Mukhlas , as an example of how JI uses marriage to grow .
Senfence 1: He’..’ said’ there -’ were complex: réasons . for’ the “increased ttumbers' “of -cases “and scientists | were only just beginning to understand the tisk factors . Sentence. 2: However . he said’. The reasons. behind the-- increase: - in incidence -are’ more complex and were just beginning ‘to: understand the risk factors . .
Sentence E Chairman Michael Powell and Fcc colleagues...at the Wednesday hearing. Sentence: 2: FCC “chief. Michael Powell presides overhearing Monday...
Sentence 1: On April 11 , Mayor Bart Peterson sa was " inconceivable " that the airline would resume operations at the base that had employed 1,500 workers , including 1,100 mechanics Sentence 2: On April 11 , Mayor Bart Peterson conceded that the facility 's fate was inevitable , quashing the hopes of the airline 's 1,500 local workers , including 1,100 mechanics
Sentence 1 Liiutey ts nat the firt fabtbied rogram, in. Florida. %s prison. system... Seattace 2¢ Bui Lawitey is the. fire ‘entire’ ‘prison te take that path «
Sentence 1: Her body was found several weeks later in the Green River . Sentence 2: Aug, 15 , 1982 : Remains of Chapman , Hinds and Mills are found in the Green River .
‘Sentence +1: Long. ‘lines ; formed: outside gas’ 'statioris and. péople:rushed to. get money from: cash.” machines . ‘Sunday. “as- “Israelis: prepared ~ to. Weather! a strike “that threatened ta paralyze “the country..." : Sénterke | 2: Long. Irie. formed’, Sunday. outside’ gas. stations ‘atid peoplerushed_ to, ‘get money ‘froin, cash.machinés as -Israélls braced for.'the strike 's effects:
Sentence 1: .S. Agriculture Secretary /A\on \Veneman » who announced — Juesdays ban, also said ‘Washington would send a technical team to Canada to help .
entence 1: In terms of format , DVD music ok off while legitimate online music roadened its reach, the IFPI said . jentence DVD music took joff , \ccounting for more than five peréent of les, and legitimate online ,rfiisic roadened its reach . #
‘Senience ‘ts. A'djxeduraging, oiutlook’ from General Electrle Co, sent:ts-share down 81 cents ( US. ) or 22 per ceil to $ 29.32 Sentence 224 dixcouriging: outlook from GB sini the Company.'s Shares down 81 cen: ( US. )ar 2:7 per cent to $39.32
entence 1: The layoffs at Eddie Baw headquarters were Tspersed across the company and at ‘all levels , spokeswoman Lisa Erickson said. ‘2: The eliminations at Eddie Bauer come at all divisions std levels ofthe company , said Eddie Bauer ‘spokeswoman List Erickson. 1
Sentence 1: " He said they were in distress ,* said Kingsville Police Chief Sam Granato . ‘Sentence 2: We ‘re asphyxiating , ''' said Sam Granato , chief of the Kingsville police .
‘Sentence t: Claudette , the first hurricane of the Atlantic storm season . hit the mid-Texas coast July 15 with 85-mph wind . Sentence % Claudette, the first hurricane ofthe Atlantic storm season «hit the mid-Texas coast July 15 , classified as a Category-{hurricane ‘with maximum sustained winds of 85 mph
Sentence 1: Sentence 2:
Sentence 1: Justices Stephen Breyer, Sandra Day 0 "Conner and Anthony Kennedy disagreed Sentence 2: Justices Anthony Kennedy , Sandra Day O "Conner and Stephen Breyer dissented
Sentence 1: ." There is always a danger of casualties in something like this. . Sentence 2: Howard said there was always @ Casualties .
Sentence 1:1 called the number and the lady told me she was talking on the phone to Toby Studabaker , '' Sherry Studabaker told BBC television . 40 Sb. Sentence 2: | called the number and the lady told me she was talking on the phone to Toby Studabaker." ee
Sentence 1 Sentence 2
Sentionde 1: The’ constitutionality” of - outlawing’ partial birth abortion 1s: fot ‘an open quéstion . Sentence. '2:..Defénders .of ; the. “partial, birth, abortion: ban downplayed ‘the.-legal'éhallenges .
Sentence. 1: " This. individual’ “'s. lawyers are: trying to obtain from the| court a free -pass to download or! upload music online illegally .” Sentence 2: " Her. lawyers are. trying| to obtain a. free pass to. download or} upload music on-tine illegally .
Sentence 1: Gillette shares rose $ 1.45 , oF 4.5-percent ‘to. $ 33.95 In afternoon, New, York Stock, Exchange trading. Sentence 2: Shares of Gillette closed down 45 cenis at $ 3370 in trading: Wednesday of thé:New.York Stock Exchange’
Seritende 1: Prior.t6 joining: Kodak ,, Palumbo worked.for Procter & Gainble Corp. ,;where'he. ‘managed: prodticts “such. as Folgers: and Pantene shampoo’. Sentence 2:.Prior to joining, Eastman Kodak , ‘Mr. .Paluntbo. held*senior marketing: positions for Procter & Gamble.
Sentence 1: frtists are werried the plan would harm those who need help most - performers who have a difficult time lining up shows, . Sentence 2: Che artists say the plan will harm: french culture-and punish those who need iclp most = performers who have a hatd time. lining up. work, ;
Sentence 1:" At this point , Mr. Brando announced : ' Somebody ought to put a bullet '" through her head , the motion continued . Sentence 2: Brando said that " somebody ought to put a bullet * through her head , according to the defense.
Sentence te Ms. Strayhorn said she has hired a constitutional scholar to assist ber statt Sentence 2: Strayhorn has Orought in a constitutional scholar to advise her om the reallocation .
repata,2, 1h IAwmt names Shatey a Demeerat. ena Feesirars'n Les Angeles, Orange and Sen Dege courts SER SE
Sentence 1: Consolidated volume was heavy , with 2.17 billion shares traded , compared with 1.92 billion on Tuesday Sentence 2: Consolidated volume was moderate , with 1,91 billion shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange , compared to 1.5 billion Monday .
“Sentence... t.-/ Senate = Majority. Leader. Bit Frist 4.) a) Tennessee Republican, 3) said he: intended. to, work fo. get:the loon pravision, removed from. the ‘firsal bil Sentence. 2:7 > Seaté< -- Majority. Leader: Bil “Frist. ).."a° Tennessee Republican, said he intended to work' ta: se@ that thé loan pravision was net in the final bill:
Sentence 17 Danidl C2 Clark’ and ‘Jamies, Hatgadon ‘a former. priest ;, ‘Bruce Ewing, ;. and’ two teachets are awaiting trial ,”” 3 Seitence 3: Tivo other priests", the'Reys. DanielC Clark: and Jatiies Hlargadoi and a forte ‘priest, Bruce. Ewing ‘re awaiting trial.
Sentence » 1: The companies also announced plans to collaborate on the design’ for’ future . generations: -of memory technologies . H Sentence 2: The two groups said they would collaborate on the design. of future memory technologies -
Sentence t: Samudra claims the mé jeeting agreed with this and fine-tuning wes handed to Oulmatin . 2 bombmaxer still on the run and so-called smiling Ball bomber , Amrozi Sentence 2 He claims they agreed on this plot and that fine-tuning was bombmaxer wha is still on the run led to Oulmatin . @
Sentence 1: The new contract extends the guarantee that his lannual pay and bon will be at least $ 2.4 million sgejear . Sentence 2: The contract sets his lannual base salary at $ 1.4 million and his target bonus at a minimum of $ 1 million
Sentence t According to the 2808 Census , Long Beach 's Hispanic or Latino population was listed at 358 percent Sentence 2 According to the Census Bureau , the Hispanic population increased by 98 percent from the ‘April 2600 census figures
Sentence 4: Wal- Mart , Kohl ‘s Corp. , Family Dollar Stores Inc ., and Big Lots Inc. posted May sales that fell below Wall Street 's modest expectations . Sentence 2: Wal-Mart , Kohl ‘s Corp. and Big Lots Inc. were among the merchants posting May sales below Wall Street 's modest expectations .
Sentence 1: A second bomb , evidently carried by the sther woman; didnot ‘explode ; the ‘authorities detonate the-explosives later gentonce 2: A second bomb , evidently tartid by the, Stner woman , did not explode "the authorities found explosives and detonated them afterward. lt
Sentence 1: Trade deals between manufacturers and grocery retailers or distributors have long been governed by complicated contracts that offer retailers discounts , money _ for advertising or payments for prominent shelf space. Sentence 2: Manufacturers and grocers or distributors have a long history of complicated contracts offering retailers discounts , money for advertising or payments for prominent shelf space.
Sentence 1: The National Transportation Safety Board has ‘subpoenaed Gansas , arguing his immediate testimony remains critical to its investigation. ‘Sentence 2 The National Transportation Safety Board had ‘subpoenaed him , but heinitially ignored the order.
‘Sentence 1: Romanian port authorities said two ships that sank during World War II had resurfaced as water. levels fell and could block river traific. ‘Sentence 2: Port authorities in Romania said two ships that sank during World War IT but resurfaced due to tow water levels could block river traffic.
‘Sentence 1: CELF said 18M is pursuing membership and plans to be an ‘active participant in the forum . Sentence 2: IBM is pursuing membership and plans to be an active porticipantin the CELF, according to various members of CELF.
Sentence 1: The company 's chief executive retired and chief financial officer resigned . Sentence 2: A third executive , chief operating officer David Glenn was fired .
Sentence 1: In December 1998 , a 33-year-old woman| died when she was hit by a metal cleat that came loose} from the Columbia sailing ship Sentence 2: In 1998 , a 33-year-old.man died after he was} struck by a metal cleat at the Colufrbia ship attraction
Santonce 1: Mc Abbas sai : "Everyday without an agreement san opportunity that was ost Sentonce 2: is Palestinian coutepart, Mahmoud Abbas , rept that evry day witout an agreement isan opportunity that was lst
Sentence 1: On Monday , one American soldier was. killed and another was wounded when their convoy was ambushed in northern Iraq. Sentence 2: On Sunday , a U.S. soldier was killed and. another injured in southern Iraq when a munitions dump exploded .
Sentence 1::"It 's obvious. /m-not riding as'well as yeas~past_,." geoeh at-a' news. conference - Sentence:2:.":1 think t's obyious'I'm not rdi as well'as |have it years past.
Sentence 1:," This, man, gambled with our lives and we,, the passengers), lost , ° said Andres. Rivera Jr..., ‘who was also on the bus Sentence 2: ’,This, man gambled. with; our lives and. we, the, passengers, , lost ,.”, said, passenger Andres Rivera.Jr .,,, whose 15-year-old, niece ,, Jazmine Santiago , was killed
Seatence 4: The state wants to Lower wolf murnbers in approximatety 2 1,700- ‘squanre- mile area near the village of McGrath Sentence The state wants to hill the wolves ie approximately 4, 700-aquare-eile area near McGrath to est abbsh a monte nursery of sorts.
Sentence 1: Lee Janzen , who was tied atop the leaderboard with five holes left. finished with a 68 and thed for sixth . Sentence 2: Lee Janzen . tied atop the leaderboard with five holes left , finished with @ 68 to tle for sixth with Bob Crane (67) at 269.
Conn tfrcement oficials in Pola Beas , . ns 3S 24 milion mansion said be oye is ender vestigation
Sentence 1:A key question was whether France , which infuriated Washington by leading the charge against UN. authorization for the war , would vote" Yes" or abstain . Sentence 2: France , which infuriated Washington by leading the charge against UN. approval for the war also sought changes.
Sentence 1: Excluding the impact of accounting changes , Ford would have earned 13 cents a share . Sentence 2: Excluding the $ 56 million charge and the accounting change , Ford 's third-quarter earnings amounted to 15 cents a share .
Sentence 1: They describe themselves as." lifelong, non-smokers whose primary interest is-an accurate determination of the health effects of tobacco " . Sentence 2: The journal says: " Both are lifelong non-smokers whose primary interest is an accurate. ‘determination of the health effects of tobacco."
Sentence: 1: French. President. Jacques. Chirac was said to. have demanded that a’ European’: company ~ provide » the engines. Sentence '2:French President’ Jacques Chirac’ was” -also reported to have supported the European’ bid.
Sentence 1: UBS Warburg downgraded Altria, a Dow" member’ ,:to " neutral "" fromy "buy," baséd‘on valuation : Sentence’: It fell 0.5, :percent’ after. UBS downgraded it to “ neutral" from:" buy-, " citing valuation - a
Senterice “1: intel’ tipdated “intestors. midwey thirough, the quarter and. said.” busisess: was proceeding exactly as planned, : Sentence -2:.tntet said midway through -its garter’, iwhich-endedin jane-, that’ business was éxactly as expected
‘Sentence they found thiat 6.4°percent.of men on finasteride had high-grade tuniorscomparist-with'5.A percent taking a placebo Sentence about 18:perceit of meinekting finasterlde developed Brostate:cahcer ; compated.with 2% fercent'sn placebo:
Sentence. 1: The ..US. Senate judiciary committee’ overcamne-a significant hurdle yesterday in the bata to ° - create a'trust fund to: pay victims of asbestos exposure. ‘Sertence 2: the ‘Senate judiciary committee on: Tuesday overcanie a significant hurdle in the battle. to create a. ‘trust: fund-to pay victims. of asbestos exposure but the miost.difficult obstactes remain .
Sentence 1: The money was taken at 4 am. on Merch 18 , hours before the U.S, launched its first air strikes , the newspaper seid Sentence 2: The seizure took place at 4 a.m. on March 18 , just hours before the first American ssault
Sentence 1: New legit’ dowload service Taunches with PE. users in mind: ‘Sentence 2: BuyMusic is the: first subsiripton free paid dovnload misie service for PC users: ae
Sentence 1: Feral 's group was behind a successful tourism boycott about a decade ago that resulted in then-Gov . Walter J. Hickel imposing a moratorium on wolf control in.1992 . Sentence 2: Friends of Animals , which touts 200,000, mnembers , was behind a successful tourism’boycott that restifted in then-Gov . Walter J. Hickel imposing a moratorium on wolf control in 1992 .
Senitenie 1: Executive recruiters say that finding.a seasoned chief merchandising officer vwill'perhaps be the: trickiest. of -all: hires because. there. ié such a dearth of good ones... : Sentence. 2:' Execiitive Pecruiters say that finding a “seasoned chief merchandisthg officer perhaps will be the-trickiest of all hires .-! , :
Sentence I: Nelson had received a technical foul with 2 : 46 to go in the first quarter Sentence 2: Nelson_stared_down_referee Joey Crawford during a timeout with 2 : 46 left in the first quarter and San Antonio leading 26-16 .
‘Senténoé. 1; Cambarie’ said US, forces;found the , tractof-trailer “Aprit .19 ‘at ‘ad. Kurdish, chéekpoint-néar the, city-of, Mosulio’ northern Iraq : ‘Sentence 2: Kurdish Jorpes. at @° étiéckpoint néag Mosul in:northern iraq seized the trailer. ‘on,April 19. =
Sentence 1: Tony Blair has taken a hardline Stance arguing nothing should be done to lessen the pressure on Mugabe at the gathering in the capital Abuja . Sentence 2: The Prime Minister has taken a hardline stance arguing nothing should be done to lessen the pressure on Mugabe .
00 finishéd 13.78 points Pigher at Sentence 1:Thie S&P 5 1} since January #4 90:08 ,or'1.5 percent, thé.highest lev Sentence 2: the 5 &-P nbse.13.78,-0F 1:5 percent, 10.930,08 ‘the bestlevel since Jart 14
‘ante: enol ettonpnposa can for eampoant et Wr atitea a a ‘ect Dace etn ae ‘water? ancensaeniee tangy an aaa ta en acu oa
‘Sentence i: Keiny and the Wicks family's American lawyer , Michael Ratner + are feying-to get access to Me Wicks belire be taces a planned military ‘rbunal,. ‘Sententa 2 Hr Kenny and the family's American lawyer ,Pichael Rather, want ‘accesstoWicks before he faces'a military tribunal .
Sentence *k) A’ ci’ agd.a; house’ were" hit"tn ihe, latest ‘shootings ,"stid “Chile Deputy, Steve Martin of ihe -Erdnklin' County. sheriff's alice ¥ Seniance 2, Acar “abd’-a:halise. werg ‘it~ she-fiiy shibolige. Ui chet deputy Sheri. of Franklin County ; Steve Martin “Said:
Sentence 1: The broader Standard & Poor 's 500 index < SPX > gained 3 points, or 0.39 percent, at 924. Sentence 2: The fechnology-laced Nasdac Composite Index .IXIC rose’6 points , or 041 percent, to 1498:
‘Sentence t Lee , 33 ; told the newspaper that the girl had dragged the (60d ; toys and other things into her mother's bedroom, where he found ber Sentence 2:Lee 33, said the ort nid dragged the food :tOYS and other things into her mothyr's Bedroom.
Sentence. “Is \Atlanta~ x" Hartsfield tnternational ... Airport will: tek! "a. “ination wide séeiiihy system: Hhak- svill ‘collect fingerprints: anid :take photographs of millions 6f. foreign visifors each year. aA “3 Haafield? International Airport will be the Iwsting ile next niont hi fora nakionw vide secirily. system thal: will collect’ fhigerprinls and take photographs of a of foreign fors each'y year.
Sentence 1: Of course I want to win again, but I think is worse when you never won before because you are very anxious," he says. Sentence 2:"" Of course , I want to win again , but it is worse when you have never won because you are anxious, "he said.
Sentence 1: Poland has finished assembling 4 9,200- strong multinational stabilisation force it will command in central and southern Iraq , Defence Minister jerzy ‘Szmajdzinskt said on Wednesday . Sentence 2: The advance guard. of the 9,200-strong multinational stabflization force Poland will command in central’ and southern iraq left Wednesday on. the country ‘s biggest military mission in nearly 60 years .
Sentence 1:°1'm disgusted, physical skin the stomach," seidBren Newbury, presen of ‘the Raclond CounyPatrolmen s BeneolentAssacatan Sentence 2:" The whale thing iso trvesy, "fumed Brent Newbury, president ofthe Rodlend (oun Patrolnen sBenevolentAssacaten
Sentence Ie: “Only two bidders of ite six have expressed interést_ in’ the- whole: pie =. oil” tycoon Marvin Davis. ‘ahd Seagram heir Edgar Bronfman Jr < Seriténée 2: Oniy- tio’ of the. bidders: have 0. far lexpressed interest-in buying. all the assets -- Davis: land:Bronfman:. :
Sentence 1: In 1999 « California legislator proposed @ law requiring driving tests for those over the age ‘of 75 who sought to renew their licenses . Sentence 2: In 1999 @ California state senator proposed a law requiring motorists over the age of 75 to take driving tests to renew their licenses .
Sentence k Police official SK. Tonapi told Reuters at least 40 people had beew killed avd more thaw 100 wounded Sentence 2: State interior ministry spokesman Vasant Pitke told Reuters neal camped) encanto killed and M2 injured F
‘Sentence 1: Paul Themba Nyathi-, an MDC-spokesman ,, said the Avenues Clinic was ‘being . targeted because jt was treating dpposition supporters Sentence’. 2: MDC spokesperson. Paul Thembd Nyathi said the Avenues Clinic was: targeted because jit was handling opposition supporters .
Cuomo pian to diverse: © and Kerry Kenned, (Cuom y Kennedy Cuomo and Andrew ‘ohave been married 13, years.
Sentence 1: In a Statement later , he said. it: appeared ‘his side may have fallen.a bit Short., Sentence 2: zilkha conceded’.in a statement. - issued Moses f that his group may have fallen * a bit short :*
Sentence f: "| arn responsible for the approval process iin my agency ; "he said in Friday ‘sstaternent . ‘Sentence 2; Second | am responsible forthe. approval pracessin my agency .
Sentence 1:" Our policies are well-known , and I'm not aware of any changes in policy ” on Iran, Powell said. Sentence 2:" Our policies are weil known and I'm not aware of any changes , " Secretary of State Colin Powell said Tuesday .
Sentence 1: You éan ieach:her at'(248 ) 647-7221 or. sehid e-mail t6 therman @ detnews.com.. Sentence: You ‘can’ reach: George Huinter-at (. 343 ) 222-2027 or ghunter @datnews.com.
Island Def Jam must pay $ 52 million 5 PO he Sentence 2 Gahen must pay te remaining $ 56 mille? the entence 2: TVT Records sought $ 360 million 2 punitive damages and $50 Revton in compensatory damages - 0 said.
Sentence: The-NEA report ; the * Status of the‘Améritan Public, School Teachér , * aimé:to help education groups sliape their agentias Séitente’ 2: The NEA repért., * Stafus of the Américan Pubtic Sthool Teacher.; *’sims to help education’ groups: shape. their agéndas, and mold, the. colintry{ 'S imiage bt ‘teachers
Sentence %: He said the district had been waited for the subpoenas and planned to cooperate with the investigation .
Sentence I: * Based on that review , | have concluded that CED & President GiegPatseahian and Gent Counsel Naud Mate shoul be replaced , “said Falcon ina statement Sentence 2: Based on that review , | have concluded that CEO and President Greg Parseghian and General Counsel Maud Mater should be replaced , “Falcon said
Sentence o£ ‘Token-issuing framework provides Copabllities that build on WS-Scueity and define eatensions to request and Issue security tokens and to ‘manage trust relationships and secure conversations - Sentence 2 Within WSE 20 . WS-tust . WS- SccuzeConversation build on WS-Security and define extensions to request and Issue security tokens and to ‘manage relationships and secure conversations -
4 Former Secretary of State Bill Jones also expressed interest in the race bat has + yet announced plans . 9: Former Secretary of State Bill Jones another potential major candidate . had not ivulged his plans Tuesday.