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2 classes
Sentence 1: What are some of the best jokes? e Sentence 2: What. are’ th® all. time best jokes?
Sentence 1: Which Quoran do you think would be the most fun to hang out with? Sentence 2: What are some Quorans you: like to hang out with?
‘Sentence t How do we pronounce sauté? Sentence 2 How do you pronounce Manwé?
Sentence 1:1 completed btech’ECE this year. have UL intiest. in coding but know. only’ c language (basics).so Im confused. weather prépare for itsector or IBPS? Sentence 2: | have done BA hongurs'in economics for DU this year only and woulld like to do MA in same so for it's preparation | fiave dropped this-year but as [ m sittng atll' Home and not doing any other diploma or. ‘certificate -course will it prove ‘to. be- a disadvantage to: me in.near future?
Senlence 1 Whats the difference between UL designer and UL develoyers? Senlence 2 Whats the difference between Ul designers and UL developers?
Sentence 4: How do I study for exams in music? Sentence 2: How do I study for my exams?
Sentence 1:Does halr transplant. work? Sentence 2: How does -hal* ‘transplant really work?
Sentence 1: My dad decides. to PY, fo comy iter es rather, An bre oe Bg Pe" Stee 8 Soon: My ual ny Ppa ad a bétter Pa!
Sentence .1:.What. isthe way to start up computer dealership in India? To get dealership... of Dell; HpSofy, Lenovo. *: Poe Ace 2: What is the process. to get"a - dealership ‘for HP, Dell, Lenovo and other computer companies? ‘
Sentence 1: Do hemorrhoids pop? If so, what ai recommended in the case‘of a popped hemorrhoid? Sentence 2: Do hemorrhcids bleed daily, say for a week ‘or more?
jentence T: Haw did the universe lock ‘he:Big Bang? sentence 2: What happened before the. a
Sentence t What i is. someting that J. don't know but you. do? Sentence 2: What ts someting ‘hat you know ‘hat I.don't?.
‘Sentence 1: How do you play Overwatch? Saiitence 2: Whiat Should ! play to prepare for Overwateh?.
Sentence t Do you think Trump can cause the Third World War? Sentence 2 Why do so many People say Trump is going 0 cause a world war it he becomes president?
Sentence 1 Should Edward Snowden be considered a hero? Sentence 2: Would you characterize Edward Snowden as a hero, a patriot, both, or neither? Why?
Sentence ‘iz,D0' you, faét. that’, pédple'. like Jimmy. Wales and Richard. Mutter (or any:.other. publicly known, member of Quord) ‘ever actually type their, ‘own answers? Sentence, 2: How. ‘do ‘busy ‘people. like, Jimmy, Wales, Richard, Muller find. ime. to, answer :questions: on ‘Quora?
Sentence I: What is the limit of 1/x - 1/x (sqrtlx+1)) as it approaches 0? Sentence 2: What is the limit as x approaches | of (2x*2 - x - Dx-1)?
Sentence 4 How do T explain to my parents that 1 want t9 bs homeschooled? Sentence 2 How can I convince my parents tomes me?
Sentence 1: When will Arsene Wenger leave Arsenal? : oe Sentence 2: Would Arsenal benefit with Arsene Wenger sacked?
Sentence 1: Can | take a loan from a bank and invest it in mutual funds? Sentence 2: How good is it to invest in a banking sector mutual fund?
Sentence 1: Silicon Valley. What do tech engineers think about non-poaching agreements? Sentence 2: What does the Silicon Valley wage-fixing lawsuit say about the tech industry in the Bay Area?
‘E Why don't most workplaces allow masturbation rebeve hominess 40 you can concentrate at work? 2 Why cant you use seed capt os collaterd borow against it ot a bank to that you have more to work wih?
Sentence 1: What ave the possible ways to commit suicide? Sentence 2: Besides hanging yourself what are other ways ‘people commit suicide?
Sentence 't How do | get rid of my guit for being failed to keep my promi y girfriend that | wil marry her @ Sentence 2: My stepmompsays to get rd of the Hiakes ongey head, | should wash my hair every day| or two MBeks. How do | tell her that wil make i worse?
Sentence 1:The number Xis chosen at random from the numbers -4,3-2,-1,01,2,34. what is the probability of (X) <3? Sentence 2: As a post doc student can | publish my ideas unrelated to my current research without letting my supervisor or university know?
autence 1: What is the main purpose of a Licroscope's diaphragm? antence 2: How is a microscope diaphragm used nd how is it made?
-Senténce 1: How’ can nt ‘get into-a visi start a companies? « Sentence 2: What ate'the required courses’ in the field of VESI:that students must, take to gét jobs in professional companies? -
‘Sentence 1: What is the corporate culture like at Anthem? How is the culture different than other companies? ‘Sentence 2: What is the corporate culture like at Oracle? How is the culture different than other companies? ox
Sentence 1: Why dees human life exist on earth? Sentence 2: Is there a place on Earth where no life exists?
Sentence 1: Is Pokémon GO overrated? Sentence 2: Do you think Pokémon GO is overrated?
Sentence.1: What does the Italian expression ‘bona sera’ mean? Senterice 2:"What does the expression "be mean?" heavy with
Sentence: Whe ate Aghoris? What do they actually do and thy dg they only cee out in public durinig Humbhs?
Sentence 1: How do‘ I prepare inyself for SBI-PO" exain sbithoiw coaching? Sentence’ 2 Wliich is the: bese coaching for, SBI PO Exams in- Cheiinait
Sentence 1: Are you qualified to determine if Donald Trump can be a good president? Sentence 2: Donald Trump: Would you be a good president? cae
Sentence 1: Southern methodist university? Sentence 2: How is southern methodist university?
Sentence 1: What are the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle? Sentence 2: What is the fact behind Bermuda triangle? *
Sentence 1: When has the food you had eaten tasted the best? Sentence 2: What is the best food you have tasted and where?
Sentence 1: ‘Ihe Apple ID was never officially created. It says that my email is invalid and can't sign in. What is some help? Sentence 2: Do I need a credit card to create an Apple 4)?
Sentence 1: "Is it correct to say “*came out good™ or “came out well? Sentence 2 “ts it correct to soy “noted for oction™?"
figplepce & Is the Swift 2 compatible with Sentence 2: {0S 8: What is Quick Type?
hs :
Sentence 4: What dre some best way.to:reduve. merital strets quickiy? sentence 2: ict your favorite wa to reduce stress?
Sentence Hoe dl propose o ines year oli? Sentence 2: Whiat aré some, show and. tell ideas that begin with ihe eter" =
Sentence 1: How do we stop porn? Sentence 2: How do I stop looking at pornography?
Sentence 4: what are the top-10 wallpapers programmers love? Sentence 2: who are the top 5 programmers at google?
Sentence 1: How: does ‘one’ drive to the’ basket hen people’are in the way?, Sentence 2: What is the lilzelihood of pregnancy on birth-control?
dives -..1oHe*S Sxperience ? © Senterice’.2: What-sloes Adding: a: teasing Ye Windows: that would Habe -iefg-detect hxou are, sunning other browser's: beside: “iptesnet . EN Ehyome ot -Fisefox}-arnd go our shar t USING =a plore! (like jows, them down
t International whlch - youd be | Preserting my paper? : | Smtence 2 Yhere do | © get Rinding to anends international conerenceef, whkh 1 voud be Presenting my paper? —.: td
Sentence I Have snyone seen anything that describes win the stra orgeié growth toad be bi.» Sports Facebook Gn page? Sentence 2: Can anyorie ditect,‘me to real eximple of a Facebook in page shut down for policy violation?
Sentence 1: What is the best place to sell old international coins and know its value? Sentence 2: What is the right place to sell my old coins in Delhi?
sentence 1: Which celebrities are there on Quora? sentence 2: Who are some celebrities on Quora? If you lever see this question, what is your favorite movie? Thanks in advance.
Sentence: Is, there|any proof that 528 Hz repairs DNA? Sentence 2: Why does DNA. split?
Sentence 1: How digfighter jet salesmen feel about selling their product? Sentence 2: What does God think: about“a country that kills with‘drones?
Sentence t: Why are, Pug/Cavalier mix puppies coveted among breeders? Sentence 2: Are certain breed hybrid (mixed) Puppies coveted among breeders, and why?
Sentence 1: Does't hiring Debbie Wasserman . -Shultz reward her interference with the primaries in favor of Clinton? Sentence 2: Why did-Hillary Clinton go back on her word about having o debate with Bernie Sanders. in. May before the California Primary?
Sentence l: Row can I change my Life? Sentence 2 What is the best way to change your life?
Sentence 4k How:-can r ‘improve my. memory power? Sentence ..2: How do 1 my .incease memory. power?,
Séntefice t How can noi Tamil Nadu state-stidents apply for Arina- University and ‘affiliated universities? What's the eligibility criteria? ‘Senienos 2: How is Madras University for the non-Tamit studients. Can: the students from outside Tamil Nadu study here?
Sentence & What is ultimate purpose of life? Sentence a: What purpose do you find in life?
Sentence 1: Which is the best picture of sunrise taken at IrTe? Sentence 2: Do I. knowledge of adv Java to li Spring, hibernate frameworks?
‘Sentence E What isthe importonce of family unions? ‘Sentence 2 Whot is the importance of family?
Sentence 1: Why does Quora require a question mark at end of the question? ‘Sentence 2: Why does Quora insist on putting a question mark at the end of each question?
Sentence 1: Why és tate ight ora CL bt has a constant glow when as the epee bat doesn? Semnasce 2 Can we mei abe pcr bb which send?
Sentence 1: How do bget FM radio on my iPhone? Sentence 2: How can | receive FM radio broadcasts: on my iPhone 6s Plus?
nce 1: Did Marilyn Manson have his | ibs removed? nee 2: ‘What i is-thig pulsing tinder my ight ribcage? >”
Sentence ¢:1 have an untreatable and life-long diablin: Neurological disease, What is the easiest and mos painless way can commit suicide? Sentence 2 What would be @ coot way to, commit, suicide?
Sentence 1s How will Trump or Clinton presidency affect foreign studentat » Sentence 2% How night Trump affect the status of foreign students Universities An the UST
Sentence, 1; What are alt. the :job. levels. in Amazon's technical career track? . Sentence 2: hes ete lob ets nthe Areke technical career track? :
of thinking happen fi Sentence 2° Whi Rurtian brain ‘ddrig the thirkfig pre : ~
“Sentence 1: Which’ is: the best english grammar book to study for “competitive exams? “Sentence 2: Which is bést English 9 grammar book for competitionexam?. . *
‘Sentence 1 How do I kinow if be has feelings for me? ‘Sentence 2 How do know if bes falling for me?
Sentence 1: What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Georgia? Sentence 2: What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Kansas?
Sentence 1: How can | succeed in my internship? Sentence 2: How can you succeed?
Sentence t: How can'jou use an iPhone'3 with Metro PCS? Sentence 2:How do you flash-an Phone'4 to MetroPCS?
Sentence 1: If you could see one person naked, dead or alive, who would it be? Sentence 2: Who is the most spoilt person alive?
Sentence 1: what is a good power bank/flashlight/speaker/| wifi hotspot? Sentence 2: what are good ways to make my laptop a wifi hotspot of bypassed proxy server?
Sentence 4: Have Tam Bra (Tamil Brahmin) started wearing silk undergarments? Sentence 2: Do women cricketers wear normal braor sports br@instead?
Sentence 1: Which is a good solar panel installation provider near Perris, California CA? Sentence 2: Which is a good solar panel installation — provider —_ near Petaluma, California CA?
Sentence 1: How do | retrieve lost contact numbers from my phone? Sentence 2: Is it possible to retrieve lost text messages] from the iPhone?
Sentence 1: How do you view previous/old linstagram profile pictures? Sentence 2: How can I see a_ full |picture of someone on Instagram?
Sentence I: What is the purpose of life to a theist? Sentence 2: What is the purpose of life to an atheist?
Sentence. 1. Which is ‘the’ best’ escort} setvice in:Bangaloré? Sentence: a: What’ is’ the ‘best: escort} Service provider: in: Bangalore?
Sentence 1: What do you do when you feel sad? Sentence 2: What do you have to do when you are sad?
Sentence 1:'How’ is the word ‘homage! used in'a sentence? Sentencé 2: Howw:is the! word: Coritorted!' uséd in a ‘sentefice?:
Sentence What! is = the: aftermath of :trump, ‘winning the presidential: election? : Sentence '2: What would be (the itnmediate repercussions "of mp: winning. ..the Presidential: elections te Inevteble now)?
Sentence 1: How does s apping the Rs 1000 and 500 notes help in curbing terrorism? Sentence 2: How scrapping Rs 500 and 1000 notes will help to stop funding of terrorism?
Sentence 1: How much of the-universé has been mapped out? Sentence .2:'How. do | find cut’ :the “admin information of Google maps?
Sentenge 4: Hove you-ever’ upiotied ‘on answer you didn't agree With? If so,. why? Sentence 2 Hove. you ever upvoted’ cn answer thot you didn't ogres with?
‘Sentence'1: 1s sex injportant in‘ life? Senténte.2: How thuch' sex-is important for life?-
Sentence I: Can | root a Windows Phone to Android? Sentence 2: Why should | avoid rooting my Android phone?
Sentence 1: What is that one thing you want to changein your life? Sentence 2: What are the things you would like to change if you are given one chance to walk into past?
Sentence’ 1! Pifates ‘of the Caribbean. Dead Man’s:Chest (2006 movie); What. language is Jack..speaking ‘with. the. native tribe on the. island? Sentence 2: in. Déad. Man's. Chest. “What.is Dayy Jones's debt on Jack?
‘Sentence 1 if 'o child does not get mother's milk during their chitdhood then what will be the effects on health during edulthood end how cen one overcome those? ‘Sentence 2 If © child. dont get the love from parents in’ childhood. ond now she doesnt get the love from the boys she lovetben there is hatred, how to change?
sentence 1: Studying in India or abroad for” culinary arts. Which is the best option? Sentence 2: What's it like te major in culinary arts?
Sentence 1; Why\is Manaphy angsty throughout in Pokem Ranger . and. the). Temple. of the , Sea? Sentence 2: In, Pokemon, Ranger and,, The Temple.of . The, Sea,... Why, is, Manaphy angsty?
Sete sop ute i obs Why? Sete 2s ap ute ci obi?
Sentence a: hat ‘are the ‘tiost interesting products “and. innovations . ‘that ‘McDonald's is coming out: Within: 2016? Sentence “2 cwWhat: are. the most: Tntengcetnd. products. and. ‘innovations--that: ‘BaLt...is’ coming Out: with. in, 2016? E