‘Sentence I: China stocks end higher on PMI at midday Sentence 2: Chinese stocks open higher Thursday
BBE Ef Vans te snc ase BEBE Eb em, fe Bbrmtand Aine tne A
Sentence Four foreign soldiers killed in Afghan east Sentence 22 British solders killed in Afghan insider attack
jentence 1: estonian officials stated that some f the cyber attacks that caused estonian jovernment websites to shut down temporarily ame from computers in the administration of ussia including in the office of president ladimir putin. F fentence 2: officials in estonia including prime inister andrus ansip have claimed that some f the cyber attacks came from russian jovernment computers inetiding computers in he office of russian president vladimir putin.
Sentence 1: A man riding a white horse. Sentence 2: A woman with a white horse.
Sentence { But Adora Obi Nweze. the NAACP state president. ‘said the state only tried to: prove its. conclusion of. suicide, rather than consider Tie: posstiy, of murder. te Sentence 2; Adora Obi Nweze."the NAACP state President. said the state has fefused to consider the possibility of murder. «
Sentence 1: Two dogs play in the grass. Sentence 2: Two dogs are playing in the grass.
Sentence 1:1 absolutely do believe there was an iceberg in those waters, Sentence 2: I don't believe there was any iceberg at all anywhere near the Titanic.
Sentence I: Nokia apologises for ‘faked’ ad Sentence 2: US waives riders for Pak aid
Sentence 1: 4 woman is slicing | meat with a knife, Sentence'2: A man is Spreading out dough.
Sentence 1: Two men compete in a tire rolling race. Sentence 2: Two people flipped tractor tires in arace.
Sentence 4:'Rick’ Santorum: wins Kansas cauctises :; Sentence 2 Rick Santorum notches a victory.in ‘Kansas caucuses
‘Sentence A person peels shrimp. Sentence 2: The lady peeled the shrimp,
Sentence 1: Two men on boat floating on the water. Sentence 2: Large green boat floating on water.L
Sentence 1: Taiwan rattled by strong earthquake Sentence 2: China rocked by twin earthquakes
Sentence 1: A person is cutting garlic into pieces with a knife. Sentence 2: Someone is putting ingredients into a wok.
“Sentence 1: Four seriously. injured: io: 3. “motorway crash - antag ep npn ‘Sentence 2: Four injured ini Motorway crash
Sentence 1: The Senate Banking Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing on Tuesday where Donaldson is scheduled to testify on hedge and mutual funds. Sentence 2: The Senate Banking Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing on Tuesday, when Donaldson will be questioned about hedge and mutual funds.
sextence 1: Rosenthal declined comment on the § ster saston Taesday ba said 2 ¢ same negotiation.
Sentence 1: Aman is praying. Sentence 2: A man is running.
Sentence |: Chairman Michael Powell and FCC colleagues at the Wednesday hearing. Sentence 2: FCC chief Michael Powell presides over hearing Monday.
Sentence1:A manis playing keyboards, Sentence2:A man is ridinga mechanical bull,
Seckence 4 A Wwomati rides ‘on lesa in ‘fFont of an adoring crowd. i Sentence 2 a women rides.an dlepbaie
‘Sentence : they Liter fell out ‘and fiave. jacked a seties of rival Céngalese militias: later, fett out; and have since-backed ugh factions.
Sentence & tis is particularly true in the poorest countres Sentence 2 this was particularly ser ethiopia withdraws ts forces
1: Men tried to behead soldier on London reet, court hears 2 Australia spied on Indonesia sident: reports
Sentence 1: Egypt presidential election results Gelayed Sentence 2: Egyptian election result delayed
Sentence % The doctor was helping the patient. Sentence 2: Doctors are trying to revive 0 man.
Sentence 1: The 30-year bond US30YT=RR firmed 31/32, taking its yield to 4.16 percent — another record low -- from 4.22 percent. Sentence 2: The 30:year bond firmed 24/32, taking its yield to 4.18” pércent, after hitting another record low of 4.16 percent.
Sentence 1: The man talked on the telephone. Sentence 2: The man is talking on the phone.
Sentence 1Palice..spokesman_ Brig. Gen. Edward Aritonang, confirmed. Saturday; that another two had been arrested, on¢ in-Jakarta and another in Magelang, Central Java, Sentence 2Brigadier, General Edward Aritonang, a police spokesinan, confirmed yesterday that another two had been arrested, orie in Jakarta and another in Magelang. Central Java.
Sentence 1: The men are performing on stage. Sentence 2: The comedic mimes performedon stage.
Sentence Bangladesh building collapse death toll, hits 359 Sentence 2Indian building collapse death toll rises to 72
Gontence t Kenyan forces Caused mall Colapse Gontence 2: Official says Kenyan fordes caused mall collapse
Sentence ts Syria Regime Agrees to Attend Peace Conference Sentence 2: Russia: Syria Agrees to Participate in Conference
Sentence: I-Spokesmien: forthe: FBI” CIA, Cenadicin, Security ‘Infelligence: Service and Royal: Ganadligny’ Mounted: Police declined 4 cominelitioi Eb Shukrijumab's.,, stayin Géineda,” Sentence2-, he Fel, GlA, Canadian Sectitity-- Intelligence: Setvice ‘and. Royal Canadian, -Mourted: °Policé’ © declidied to commnenit on the Washirigtois ‘Times report...
Sentence 1: Chinese premier meets Indian vice
‘Sentence: Soméonéis,deaning a-arimal Sentericé 2A iornanis cleaning a'sheifp
‘Sentence 1: At least two killed in southern Egypt clash Sentence 2: At least 18 kited in North Caucasus train station biast F
Sentence 1: As a. result, Murphy sought to substitute Strier's sister, Ethel -Celnik, as the trustee. Sentence 2:.Murphy said Strier's ‘sister, Ethel Celnik, was in the courtroom at the time, but Strier was not.
, Sentence E What the Papers Say May 20. 2013 Sentence 2: What the Papers Say. Nov 19 2013 So
Sentence A dog caves a lash inits mouth. ‘Sentence 2:A Fluffy dog carries a black leash in its mouth,
Sentence 1: A person is writing. Sentence 2: A person is writing with a pencil
Sentence 1: The black and white cat is looking up at the camera. Sentence 2: A grey, black, and white cat looking at the camera.
Sentence 1: South Africa Admits Mistake Over 'Schizophrenic' Mandela Signer Sentence 2: South Africa admits possible ‘mistake! over deaf signer at Mandela memorial
Sentence 4: ¢ Sentence 2: r
Senténce. i: EU slaps sarictions. on ‘Assad family ~ Sentence. 2: EU sanctions Assad's wife;. mortars hit. Homs'
Sentence. AL ‘Attack ‘on Nato” base © in’ “Afghanistan kills 45° : ‘Sentence 2: Aid workers fooed ‘in Afghanistan raid ‘ :
Sentence 1: "There is no doubt about the chemical programme, biological programme, indeed nuclear programme, indeed all that was documented by the UN," he said Sentence 2: He added: "There is no doubt about the chemical programme, the biological programme and indeed the nuclear weapons programme.
fees at rte ea Torotty the amended Se relent te te et
Sentence 1: Forex & Gold’6 March 2013 Sentence: 2: Forex -&: Gold’ 12; March 2013
Senténce 1: U.S: factory:.orders ‘down 6.7" peta] sanuary Sentence. 2: German’ factory. ofders :rébund “in| January.
Sentence 1: Instead, tickets for the Jersey jam went on sale last night through Ticketmaster. Sentence 2: Tickets, available through Ticketmaster, went on’sale yesterday.
Sentence z A woman tides a horse. Sentence 2: A_ woman ‘is tiding a horse.
Sentence |: Sony said the PSP would also feature a 45-inch UCD screen, Memory Stick expansion slots. Sentence 2: It also features o 4.5 in back lit UCD screen memory expansion focilities.
‘Sentence 1:2 of the individvols arrested were released. ‘Sentence 2: 2 of the zambions orrested ore juveniles.
Sentence 1: "Certainly what-we know’ suggests that we shoiild take what they're saying very seriously,” he added. Sentence 2: "We don't know everything [but] wliat.we'knows ‘suggests that we should take what they're saying seriously,” he said.
Sentence t The broader Standard & Poor's:S00 index SPX climbed 10 points, or 110 percent, to 943. Sentence 2: The Nasdaq: Composite Index «IXIC jumped» 43.64% points, ‘6n289 /percent)to 1553.73
‘Sentence Thee si 1k stehonete 9 ait Sentence’ 2: doy bt at enn mo _ shoteboord in.o skate park. i
Sentence 1: Black and white’ cat lying under. bush. Sentence: 2: The black and white, cat’ with’ yellow leyes'lounges in the dirt.
Sentence 1: Young woman in riding gear on top of horse. Sentence 2: The woman ‘is riding on the brown horse. +
Sentence 1: “It is safe to assume the Senate is prepared to pass some form of cap,” King said. prepared pas sofe to assume the Senate is prepared to pass some form of a cop.. The level of it is to be
Sentence 1: Dolores Mahoy, 68, of Colorado Springs, Colo., is someone who might be helped by the legislation pending in Congress. Sentence 2: Dolores E. Mahoy, 68, of Colorado Springs is just the type of person who might be helped by the legislation pending in Congress.
Sentence 1: Hoxiever, We ‘have: decided:to ‘opt Foi. the European consertium's:-engine as)-the: best averall) solution o“‘ands’ -due:o to ~ the’ substantial ‘price efforts; made": ‘Sentenée:2: However, We have decided-to: opt For the. European:.consortiurr’s,enginé as: the ‘best overall solution”
Sentence 1:8 boy is pushing a van Sentenci ‘A persons slicing a famato
Sentence 1 Nazi Gestapo chief ‘butied in Jewish cemetery Sentence ' 2:sNazi. chief buried in Jewish cemetary
Sentence, I The man. is riding a horse. Sentence 2: A man is. riding on a horse.
Sentence t F boy & checking o.colendior ‘Sentence 2 Fi boy it locking ot « ectencr.
entence 1]. Siz. people. are Seated. td ‘restaurant. table” and. Looking nto: the ‘camera. * fentence.. 2: 4 “group: : of - péople étting ata restaurant. table
Sentence 1:.A woman is speaking in sign language. _ Sentence. -2:A woman spic(® some seafood. a
Sentence 1: A dog is trying to get bacon off his back. Sentence 2: A dog is trying to eat the bacon on its back.
Sentence 1: The Muslims would say the same thing about the Qur'an. Sentence 2: The Hindus would say the same thing about the Bhagavad Ghita.
nh ne
Sentence. 1: A living. to with. a dining. .table. i the background, Sentence 2: A living ro with: large sofas and dining table in th background.
Sentence I: The deal, approved by both companies’ board of directors, is expected to| be completed in the third quarter of Nvidia's fiscal third quarter. Sentence 2: The acquisition has been approved| by both companies’ board of directors and is expected to close in the third quarter this year.
Sentence 1: The priest, the Rev. John F- Johnston, 64, of 35th Avenue in Jackson Heights, was~ charged with. aggravated harassment and criminal possession of. a weapon. A Sentence 2: The Rev. John. Johnston, 64, was charged. with aggravated harassment inthe ‘phone ‘call case.and with criminal Possession. of a weapon, according to a police statement.
P agency in first talks since Sentence 2: IAEA, Iran to hold first nuclear talks sinc Rohani election
Sentences’ The” primary focus ‘of " Systematic Diatecti¢s is syin chronic, not dia chronic: - Sentence.2: Thus, Meta: - System = atic. Distecti is Diéchronico - Synchronle Dialectic,
Sentence 1: ONA explicitly stated that it did not receive intelligence material indicating that Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist network was planning to mount an operation in Bali. Sentence 2: "But at no stage did ONA receive intelligence material indicating that Jemaah Islamiyah was planning to mount an operation in
Sentence Thats not the Néloch'stene, though * Sentence 2:-This is the Moloch scene.
1: A small bird eating from the f 2: Bird eating from a bird feeder.
Sentence 1: Australian PM Gillard set to win leadership challenge Sentence 2: Australiiin PM defiant under pressure over leader
Sentence : The company posted a profit of $543 Ton or ob Letts pak Steel fh the yocr ogo period Sentence 2: That was up som the year-ago, quarter, when the Company earned $54.3 millon, of 22 cents & share.
Sentence 1: * train is at a train station. Sentence 2: — * train parked at @ train station.
Sentence I: PAN close. up of a. brown horse's head. Sentence 2: \ side view of a horse's head: .
Sentente: 4! athnesty internationals report was. compiled by - ‘edronear anti interriatiohat nen-goviéremental organisations such as yaferwdeld, which épposes armed violence Sentence "2: the’ amnesty; interriational report was, comgiled” by, “eurgpean and infétnatignal.ndn-governméntal foruris
Selitence 1 A Boat pitti four Sails salg.on, ‘ater! Sentence 2:Sci Boot Salling o9
Sentence 1:Alion is walking. Senter: ges pacing ina pen. *
Sentence t South Sudan accuses Sudan of bombings ahead of talks Sentence 2: S. Sudan accuses Sudan of bombing in blow to talks
Sentence 1: "The recent turnaround. in the stock market and an easing in unemployment claims should . keep consumer expectations at current levels and. may | signal), more _ favorable economic times ahead.” Sentence 2: The recent turnaround. in the stock market and an easing in unemployment claims "may signal more favorable economic times ahead,” she said.
Sentence 1: A man is jumping al wall. Sentence 2: A man jumps onto al short wall.
Sentence 1; The man is playing the guitar. Sentence 2: The man is playing with a skull, ———_—_
Sentence J: Like this yeor old who was shot dead ino mor quono-reloted crime. Sentence 2: Or the year old boy shot dead with outomatic weapons by marijuana deolers.
in prostitution vice ri Sentence 2: Strauss- rance’s Strauss-Kahn chai rged with involvement ing Kahn charged in prostitution vice ring
Sentence 1: The man is slicing a fish open. Sentence 2: A man is slicing a potato.
Seiitence 1: I hope everything is ok! Sentence 2: I hope your LO is ok