The dataset viewer is not available for this dataset.
Cannot get the config names for the dataset.
Error code:   ConfigNamesError
Exception:    DataFilesNotFoundError
Message:      No (supported) data files found in OALL/requests
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/dataset/", line 72, in compute_config_names_response
                  config_names = get_dataset_config_names(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 347, in get_dataset_config_names
                  dataset_module = dataset_module_factory(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1904, in dataset_module_factory
                  raise e1 from None
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1885, in dataset_module_factory
                  return HubDatasetModuleFactoryWithoutScript(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1270, in get_module
                  module_name, default_builder_kwargs = infer_module_for_data_files(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 597, in infer_module_for_data_files
                  raise DataFilesNotFoundError("No (supported) data files found" + (f" in {path}" if path else ""))
              datasets.exceptions.DataFilesNotFoundError: No (supported) data files found in OALL/requests

Need help to make the dataset viewer work? Open a discussion for direct support.

Requests Dataset

Open Arabic LLM Leaderboard Requests

This dataset contains community queries and the running status of models submitted to the Open Arabic LLM Leaderboard. The models are organized in folders, with JSON files providing detailed information about each model's evaluation status.

Example JSON Structure (Pending):

  "model": "FreedomIntelligence/AceGPT-7B-chat",
  "base_model": "",
  "revision": "main",
  "precision": "float16",
  "weight_type": "Original",
  "status": "PENDING",
  "submitted_time": "2024-05-11T20:51:37Z",
  "model_type": "💬 : chat models (RLHF, DPO, IFT, ...)",
  "likes": 8,
  "params": 0,
  "license": "apache-2.0",
  "private": false

Example JSON Structure (Finished):

  "model": "FreedomIntelligence/AceGPT-7B-chat",
  "base_model": "",
  "revision": "main",
  "precision": "float16",
  "weight_type": "Original",
  "status": "FINISHED",
  "submitted_time": "2024-05-11T20:51:37Z",
  "model_type": "💬 : chat models (RLHF, DPO, IFT, ...)",
  "likes": 8,
  "params": 0,
  "license": "apache-2.0",
  "private": false,
  "job_id": null,
  "job_start_time": "2024-05-13T19:42:21.942278"
Downloads last month