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The project will make a significant contribution to the German and European hydrogen strategy and hence to achievement of the climate targets.
So in -- first of all, the segments, we are -- we are more selective than we were in the past.
Building a smarter and stronger energy grid that better serves customers is at the heart of our Advanced Grid Intelligence and Security initiative.
Generally, first of all our Transmission department is very busy, both gas and electric transmission, I should say, meeting the needs of our on-network customers.
But for the most part, our challenge is showing them how our funds work within the investment themes that they're already seeking.
Our ambition is to be the preferred energy company for all stakeholders, and we have a disciplined three-phase strategy to meet that ambition.
Our Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Guidelines, which we have formulated to enforce “green” purchasing, apply not only to parts and raw materials but also to packaging materials.
Well, Craig, we certainly are very much active in terms of driving the cost of our silicon carbide technology down over the time period.
Dow completed expansions of its Louisiana ethylene and Seadrift, Texas, gas-phase polyethylene production facilities, delivering further integration strength to complement the Company's market-focused downstream investments. •
And so you want to know what's going on in golf?
And they were asked by a very, very large German company to develop the tooling around the concept of this gas injection.
Mark, I'll let Jeff give you some thoughts on that question.
In this way, it offers all occupants a more comfortable and less tiring ride and enables them to respond quickly to environmental changes.
As a global leader in insuring low-carbon technologies, we provide standardized and tailor-made insurance products as part of our Sustainable Solutions (see section 03.4).
If you start in the year lower-for-longer and you're looking to the forward curve or around the forward curve type numbers, you'd go with, I expect, to have less adjustments during the year.
As we continue to accelerate fiber-to-the-home, we'll start seeing OpEx and CapEx costs coming out of the business.
Bank ventures in the municipal sector also promote more environmentally friendly services, for example by improving the energy efficiency of district heating or water treatment facilities.
So we think that most customers will choose to take advantage of that saving, and we really see it more as a cost savings going forward than a unique ancillary revenue initiative.
Average growth has kept pace with gross domestic product (GDP) at between two to three percent per year.
Between now and 2020, we will continue to protect water, especially where it is scarce, and use this vital resource in harmony with our business ecosystems and local communities.
Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Ltd has provided limited assurance for our Net Carbon Footprint assertion for each year from 2016 to 2019.
When we look at our Howden business in terms of coal production, they -- power production, they are benefiting from environmentally-driven compliance, particularly in China.
The 10 MW lithium-ion ESS captures excess solar energy produced during the day and releases the energy in late afternoon and early evening, when demand is highest.
As an example, our VOC products, we're starting that unit up and have very strong expectations that, that unit will fill very rapidly, as Chinese consumers are after environmental quality and health impacts that come with low VOC products.
10% to 12% is kind of where we've been for the last 3 or 4 years.
In fact, we're planning for them to accelerate, and we're going to be implementing the Energy Bill in several steps beginning in the current quarter.
As we mentioned in the prepared remarks, we're running well ahead of our Structure to Win goals and now expect to be closer to the $55 million that we committed to the run rate, actually, within the calendar year.
One of the ways we delivered valued and generated human capital was issuing a new publication sharing winning strategies for building a sustainable staffing ecosystem.
And the cost, again, to go global are a lot less.
ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CNH Industrial is committed to continuously improving the environmental performance of its production processes, by adopting both conventional and enhanced technologies and by acting responsibly to mitigate their environmental impact.
Right now, I think the one that is -- that gives us the most opportunity and the most concern is cyber.
I think the important point is that if we were to maintain the production at Antelope, we would have been looking at putting in a $70 million truck shovel fleet, moving the dragline cost considerably less than that.
Hydro has also started working on several initiatives to reduce direct CO2 emission in primary aluminium production.
We've ordered 25, and we expect to continue to invest both through acquisition, as well as investment in hydrovacs because the oil sands is growing, and we think the capacity to transport is going to be resolved.
We're currently just on the ethane side at about -- recurring 20% to hit that ATEX and get our gas and pipeline spec.
The initiatives combine investments with policy dialogue and technical assistance in a highly coordinated manner to increase economic resilience, foster integration and address common global and regional challenges such as climate change.
So we've had a primary focus on helping the OEMs meet their fuel economy/CO2 emissions requirements.
Reduce water consumption by 1% in total (128,000 m3) Reduce chemical pollutant (PRTR) release to less than the average level of FY 2012-2014.
Based on past LTPS experiences, AUO has invested and constructed the Gen 6 LTPS fab at Kunshan, China, and the fab has begun mass production in 2017.
Interesting side note, okay, as of today, I'm not saying that's -- that, that we can make this comment in a year from now because I don't know, but we have dropped off our carbon steel processing operations either.
So we believe that we are well-positioned going forward to ensure that we have continued supply and, importantly, continued supply at cost competitive levels that support our expanding business model.
In accordance with our sustainability strategy, we have already defined a number of indicators and targets relating to climate change.
We will do this by setting, disclosing and implementing a strategy with targets; starting with, but not limited to, the energy and power sectors.
Moreover, the NEOS company program also incorporated efficiency objectives, the achievement of which contributes to the increase in the recurring EPS.
I'll answer the first easy part, and Mark can answer the second harder part.
Yes, I won't to comment on exactly where we sell those, other than it was not concentrated only there.
But just to summarize, yes, that business is continuing to grow.
1,945 m 2 of photovoltaic panels, which produce 750 MWh a year;
Our goal was to get to 10% to 15%, we're there.
Ongoing socio-economic and environmental programs Compensation for those affected, the reconstruction of public infrastructure and the relocation of the impacted communities of Bento Rodrigues, Paracatu and Gesteira are key programs under the Framework Agreement.
I think in the first half of the year in particular, we're going to try to be as close to cash flow neutral with CapEx as we can.
RI, because it's a project-based business and quite lumpy, you'll see certain metrics jump around quarter to quarter.
And as I mentioned my remarks, that could put some temporary pressure on the DNI margin.
The plant operated under a capacity-based PPA contract with the state-owned entity Power Holding Company of Nigeria (“PHCN”), which expired in November 2014.
FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT CONTINUED INTEREST RATE RISK The Company is exposed to interest rate risk from the possibility that changes in interest rates will affect future cash flows or the fair values of its financial instruments.
Boy, did that cause some destruction and put some of our good customers down for some time.
Greater use of renewables has the added benefit of reducing our carbon footprint, which is one of Gold Fields’ key environmental priorities.
As you can see, we continue to make significant progress in deepening and advancing our HBV pipeline, in addition to completing several strategic initiatives to further focus Arbutus' resources and activities squarely on this mission.
Trucost announced at the beginning of 2015 that the fund was 62% less carbon-intensive than its MSCI benchmark.
With the exception of coal combustion residuals ("CCR"), the wastes are not usually physically disposed of on our property, but are shipped off site for final disposal, treatment or recycling.
And so we feel very well positioned there and are focused more in the senior housing with memory care space than we are in independent living.
We continue to see great success out of this product just based on the relaunch of the product, as well as our merchandising and marketing efforts with respect to our FlexFit adjustable base.
Energy storage is set to play a key role, and as costs continue to decline, revenues from “load shifting”, frequency response services and capacity markets is strengthening the economic case for battery storage provision.
Reduce water consumption and identify opportunities to install water efficient practices;
The partnership is an example of how we work with our supply chain to reduce emissions.
We advocate for national climate policies that advance the Paris Agreement on Climate Change to limit global temperature increases to well below 2°C, and ideally no more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
Over the past two decades, we have worked to reduce the role coal generation plays in our system, retiring or converting to natural gas approximately 2,500 MW of coal-fueled generation between 2000 and 2018.
Environmentally and socially responsible supply chains – Sustainability To meet these challenges, Kering has established a dedicated organization.
The average electricity consumption per server operated by the Transformation and Operational Efficiency Department was halved between December 2013 and December 2017 from 0.427kWh/server to 0.214kWh/server.
For example, they've done a fabulous lighting package that has really brought expenses down.
It continued with the double-digit growth in COOLIEF, which I'm very happy with.
The Daiwa Living Companies are also moving into the energy field as a way of expanding their sphere of operations, and hope to harness this toward the goal of providing more comfortable daily lives for rental hous- ing tenants.
The first of which was an engine plant expansion, which came in onboard on Q1.
These include a loss of jobs at the fossil-fueled plants and in the broader economy, tax payments that support public services, including education, and economic activity that is supported by the plant’s ecosystem.
Not -- there is not a silver bullet for what the changes in gross margin will be.
In September 2020, BBVA, together with other financial institutions, published a joint methodology to align its credit portfolios with the objectives of the Paris Agreement on climate change.
So we are seeing a lot of opportunities there, where we have been designing to electric buses, e-bike chargers and scooters and so on.
TOTAL performs sensitivity tests to assess the ability of its asset portfolio to withstand an increase in the price per ton of CO2.
And that's honestly most markets in the U.S. So that is a fact that we think there is opportunity for us to bring some tuck-in acquisitions that help us get to our goal of 70% and beyond.
And then your second question, on the concession, the growth in the concession per cap in Q4, as has been the case throughout this year, there's really three buckets to that increase.
These positions are only included in the liquidity risk calculation after applying conservative discounts.
We're committed to making sure that our expenses are flat to last year.
They have until January 21 to set new rates, if they choose to take that long.
Our thermal power plants Broadly based generation portfolio forms an essential mainstay of the electricity system provide the necessary system services to compensate for the fluctuating feed-in from wind and photovoltaic systems (PV).
This COP 20.4 billion investment was also a contribution to the reactivation of the textile industry in our country.
Such roads would make allowance for users and their varied means of transport, and would themselves be sources of energy or information.
(2) GW of green energy assets reflect 100% generating capacity of each asset, not the proportion owned/managed by Macquarie.
CGD S.A. In 2018, CGD set the goal of reducing its total GHG emissions (scope 1 and 2) by 43% by 2021, compared to 2015.
This evolution will have a significant impact on the reduction of the company’s carbon footprint.
This process is a game changer for our industry, making carbon emissions-free aluminium production a genuine possibility.
We advocated for and supported the UK Government’s ban on new petrol and diesel cars and light vehicles from 2030.
Under the criteria used by the rating agencies, ratings assigned to Brazilian financial institutions, including Itaú Unibanco, are constrained by the grades assigned to the Brazilian sovereign rating.
Well in a -- that's somewhat somber but, nevertheless, realistic sense, something like Remodulin is a luxury good for people with pulmonary hypertension because it is an advanced therapy, it's pricey therapy.
Through the creation of value, the Yokogawa Group has the broader aim of benefiting society by addressing environmental and other issues in the industries that it serves.
IAG is committed to mitigating the impacts of hazards which have uncertain but potentially highly negative outcomes, on the environment or people, if they occur.
Awards In 2017/18, National Grid won UK Business in the Community’s Award for Environmental Leadership in recognition of our work to reduce our carbon footprint during construction.
RUSAL submits regular GHG emission reports from its productions to the Russian Meteorological Office to register emissions in the National Cadastre of Anthro- pogenic Emissions from Sources and Absorption by GHG sinks.
C and D batteries are performing quite well for us, we're delighted with progress we're making on rebuild of the A battery, and are confident in what will be a good campaign here in 2019.
The way we to think about it is we are rolling out our new 65-nanometer low-density products here at the end of Q4 and right through the first half of next year.
So they're going to have to ultimately import probably additional soybean oil or palm oil or canola oil or something to feed the people.

Dataset Card for environmental_claims

Dataset Summary

We introduce an expert-annotated dataset for detecting real-world environmental claims made by listed companies.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

The dataset supports a binary classification task of whether a given sentence is an environmental claim or not.


The text in the dataset is in English.

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

    "text": "It will enable E.ON to acquire and leverage a comprehensive understanding of the transfor- mation of the energy system and the interplay between the individual submarkets in regional and local energy supply sys- tems.",
    "label": 0

Data Fields

  • text: a sentence extracted from corporate annual reports, sustainability reports and earning calls transcripts
  • label: the label (0 -> no environmental claim, 1 -> environmental claim)

Data Splits

The dataset is split into:

  • train: 2,400
  • validation: 300
  • test: 300

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

[More Information Needed]

Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

Our dataset contains environmental claims by firms, often in the financial domain. We collect text from corporate annual reports, sustainability reports, and earning calls transcripts.

For more information regarding our sample selection, please refer to Appendix B of our paper, which is provided for citation.

Who are the source language producers?

Mainly large listed companies.


Annotation process

For more information on our annotation process and annotation guidelines, please refer to Appendix C of our paper, which is provided for citation.

Who are the annotators?

The authors and students at University of Zurich with majors in finance and sustainable finance.

Personal and Sensitive Information

Since our text sources contain public information, no personal and sensitive information should be included.

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

[More Information Needed]

Discussion of Biases

[More Information Needed]

Other Known Limitations

[More Information Needed]

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

  • Dominik Stammbach
  • Nicolas Webersinke
  • Julia Anna Bingler
  • Mathias Kraus
  • Markus Leippold

Licensing Information

This dataset is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (cc-by-nc-sa-4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit

If you are interested in commercial use of the dataset, please contact

Citation Information

  title = {A Dataset for Detecting Real-World Environmental Claims},
  author = {Stammbach, Dominik and Webersinke, Nicolas and Bingler, Julia Anna and Kraus, Mathias and Leippold, Markus},
  year = {2022},
  doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2209.00507},
  url = {},
  publisher = {arXiv},


Thanks to @webersni for adding this dataset.

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Models trained or fine-tuned on climatebert/environmental_claims