1 value
7 values
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With this agreement we can bring over you many benefits . For example , head offices of your group companies can get really prompt integrated fund transfers and centralised allocations . This helps internal supervision and admin run smoothly .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
>physical emotional bond The only thing that comes to mind as I try to understand what that is is hormones and such.
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i am not stressed out nor am i feeling regretful that i didnt start earlier on account of the fact that this perhaps has been one of the best weekends ive had in recent memory
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Don't let the bed bugs bite!
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i just feel like getting clothes in night market makes me become an idiotic person lost in the middle of nowhere
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i like the beaches and beach town feel and the artistic flavor of the community which is a lot like laguna beach said mr
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i wasnt expecting to feel that so i was very surprised when i began to feel it working so quickly
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
ive got to think that asking the boss for time off with months of leave looming is a tough sell especially when youre probably feeling paranoid about losing some value being a liability to them just by taking so much time off for baby and in this economy
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i am feeling more like i want to be doing my own thing and i dont need her and her unpredictability and naughty gene behaviors
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That might be true.But we have a logo concept that is great . It is really great . I think it will catch on in Taiwan at least . Young people will love it.It is because of our logo that our products will sell.We just need someone to produce the products for us.We have the backup and people to do the marketing .
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i shouldnt feel so damaged but thanks to two men boys i do
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i feel honoured to post this on my blog read on for the forwarded email
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i feel passionate about like attached parenting breastfeeding chiropractic or nutrition
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I guess so . I usually buy name-brand clothing , shoes , and electronic goods . How about you ?
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i see my children step over toys instead of picking them up i can t help but feel a little insulted they just expect me to pick it up so they don t bother
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel is loyal to me or cares about me twatcop i dont feel anything at all
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i want to feel but my body is numb
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i feel homesick and desperate for american food
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Let's put it over there .
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i started the day feeling sorry for myself with a long list of reasons further to go than we thought coming rain and cold and thanksgiving
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i had to squeeze myself like a sausage into them and feel incredibly humiliated by it all
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
The level of denial the top boys reached was astonishing.
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i have been feeling insecure about some things for quite awhile now and have just realized the process of satan taking those insecurities and blowing them up til they were blaring in my face not for sake of improvement but rather immobility
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i didn t really feel weepy but i felt like being handed a gift i have waited for a long time
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i will never forget the moment it happened and the feelings that rushed through me
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If you like taking pictures , you may bring a camera with you .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i guess it surprised me that i d be feeling homesick so soon
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i do not know i do not know is that she has been stubborn and each other s wives in a fit of anger feeling that they have been wronged woman abuse after all not what she and the other substantive exchanges is bent on preparing for our marriage
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel like im not a very popular person
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i feel like we are the perfect team again
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when my mothers new husband treated her and my brothers and sisters badly
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i feel my keyboard has been damaged before shipment
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i woke up with a start still feeling completley stunned even though it was just a dream
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I had been doing quite well . In all subjects , I got excellent scores .
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i think this is definitely the case in bond movies if you watch a bond movie the bond girl often feels embarrassed and intimidated by james bond who never hides his attraction and dominance over the girl
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i talked to ilaya because i was really worried she would feel threatened
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i was feeling distressed about spending more money fearful of further debt
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
im trying to encourage emma in is that when she feels unsure or lacks confidence that she can feel better by spending some extra time in practice
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i was going to talk about feeling discouraged because ive been feeling so powerless against my cravings and unhealthy temptations lately
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel anger towards many of my family members and get aggravated by
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Who invented the electric light bulb ?
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i walked out having enjoyed myself happy that id had the experience smug that id heard it and hadnt been bored out of my mind but still feeling uncertain of what it was id witnessed heard and its significance
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Well then , thanks for your help . Have a great day !
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Apparently not successfully.
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i feel almost as if im so indecisive that i just need someone to tell me to do something so that ill do the opposite
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
I have your catalog here . Do you want me to tell you the item numbers , or the names ?
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
It sounds wonderful . Did you take lunch with you ?
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
You mean they ’ re kicking you out ?
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i am trying to not feel victimized by the economy by the seeming lack of options
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i laid on his bed staring at the ceiling feeling his pain from his aching heart
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That person my friend, you will remember till the day you die. The simple treasures.
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i am really excited because i didnt really stand out a lot in high school i was just slightly above average and decently friendly and i feel like delivering this speech will be a cool legacy i can leave on the school
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i really should be feeling pretty awful right now
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I'm sorry , sir . Just hold the line , please . Now the line is connected . Go ahead please .
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i don t know why i feel impressed now to write these words but i do feel impressed to put them out there
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Discord. It’s there in the FAQ.
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I would like to see your summer suits .
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i feel like neither of these would be acceptable in nyc
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You shouldn't say things like that . You could get arrested !
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i was even addicted to doing things that might help me with my addictions thus i feel fairly convinced i can be addicted to anything
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i cant lie that made him very nice to spend time with and since i was fairly well rested i had plenty of energy to focus on bonding and feeling affectionate
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Same here. My refund almost doubled from last year. I almost cried when I saw how much I'm getting back.
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Yes , I've had a Current Account with a debit card with you for years . Now , I'm looking at upgrading to a credit card .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i spend much less time on twitter and the time i do spend there feels more valuable
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i feel like i m starting to get greedy with my yoga journal intern dreams
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i didnt feel so dumb because there really isnt much of a difference at all
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i feel like takagi sayuki is the most energetic girl in juice juice
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Yes . Thirty-eight point seven . Do you have a headache , chestache or throat pain ?
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Eh, some people grow up, get tired of banging their heads and decide to start using them instead 😜
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i have spent my life feeling very restless and knowing that there is more out there for me
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i think of other things people are going thru and i feel selfish
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i feel honoured to be a part of it
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im all clear going on a year but if youre still feelin generous throw a dolla at me
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And so , that concludes my outline for our marketing strategy next year . Thank you very much for your time .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Oh , yes . I should be there some time next spring .
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i was actually told by confidants that i made very important white people feel afraid
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i am having a hard time adjusting and am feeling sad and anxious they start tipping over their infant sister who is trying to learn to walk and scratching anything with skin that gets within their reach
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel generous data count vertical data via davidkonig data lang en data related kindle you called for what f tweet
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im kidding myself its supposed to be a comedy but i feel so sarcastic making up characters to make fun of some things
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i feel a bit abused for my efforts on this count but its over now
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Favorite: Hardhomme! That epic stare down at the end! Least favorite: No One. Completely ridiculous and unbeleivable
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel like im about to crest another wave so im very keen to put myself in that place to capitalize
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
ive finally settled back into my routine for the most part and am feeling and looking much better
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel pretty confident that i can get both of our days in amsterdam in one post since there isnt a lot to do in amsterdam
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel is really positive
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Besides , the flow through the marketing channels and the red tape involved take at least a couple of weeks . Thus , after shipment it will be four to five weeks altogether before the goods can reach our retailers . The goods must therefore be shipped before October ; otherwise we won't be in time for the selling season .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel fundamentally shaken up by the last few months
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel lively here
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i suppose its the curse of all metropolitan city where variety of options make one feel restless
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i don t know why i always feel slightly uncomfortable mentioning a href http popchassid
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i left feeling only slightly relieved
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i feel terrified and yet i am in rapture too
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
im having doubts about my feelings and im not really trusting them like i used to
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Oh , this ? I got it in Singapore . Here , do you want to take a look ?
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i took some photos using my phone i feel really pleased when i transfer the files in my tab and saw these amazing snaps without any alteration
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i is not officially out the mini has been shoved aside for the work friendly style that offers a retro feel without the anxious shit i havent fake tanned panic
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel unless you take one of the three options on offer here then things could get very messy and disruptive in your life
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How good is your Mandarin ?
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i retreated to our hide out in a newly constructed classroom and dove into my sleeping pad over concrete bed on the floor feeling lame not to be as energy filled as i usually am and feeling bad that though they would have no idea of what to compare to i knew this team wasnt getting the best of me
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel very loyal to because i know that they are one stop shops for me