1 value
7 values
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i feel idiotic for noticing balls before the rest of the question
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i mean the supergirl is only but i feel like if i am gonna have enough livestock to truly do her would be suitor justice someday i am going to need a pretty handsome flock
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Now people are talking about world recession which started more than a year ago . Can you give us your personal assessment of the situation of the global economy ?
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i am conditioned to have but how much i with a capital want to feel satisfied
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im only and that most people havent exactly settled down yet but the other part of me feels like i missed my chance
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i have a strange feeling that being around them is gonna get obnoxious pretty soon
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I think we ’ ll be better off if we are apart .
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One economy , please .
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Huh ... I think 7 % is little high that might be hard to do . How about this ? We'll give you a discount of 4 % , but you can have 90 days credits .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i gotta admit i feel momentarily invigorated by recent decisions ive taken
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Yes . we could do that for you .
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Yes , I'd like to know the exchange rate for yen .
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“I do not aim to be word-perfect”: my new personal motto.
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To run a successful internet business , it requires a little research and relatively small investment . You've got to have a good idea of some kind of product that is in demand or would be popular .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Well , yes it's definitely the same program but I might have the wrong version . Their system is newer than ours .
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i feel strange about how excited i am about some of these things and occasionally i remind myself of a post menopausal woman all of these changes in my habits are probably some of the best things i could be doing for my health and body
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i do know and i feel devastated
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i feel like i am smart and talented enough to make something of myself
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i was feeling and outside of my aching knees i was able to tell her that i was feeling absolutely wonderful
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i don t think the men and women who are right now pumping the water out of new york s subways are feeling insecure about their futures
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Just once.Quite a few years ago we took the kids to Disneyland on our vacation.They had a blast .
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i feel convinced that this will be our last kid no way will i put myself through another pregnancy
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Bump stocks too I guess, I can't imagine why he actually did that though, perhaps his advisors told him to do it to pander
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i got a very slow start to the month but i do feel quite productive lately
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i feel they missed my point completely
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I've got a suit , a woolen sweater and a white shirt to wash .
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im scared that if i go to holland i will feel miserable because im not there but am also scared if i go to australia after all i get disappointed
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel like it makes me a hypocrite because i apologized after how hateful i was towards him
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i feel like i ve lost an entire day of my weekend which makes me look forward to work tomorrow even less than usual
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That's fine . If you are travelling outside of Mainland China , Hong Kong and Macao we need to follow the SAFE rules . This means that you can exchange 2,000 USD or equivalent .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i often tell him that i want attention from him especially when i feel horny and want to have good sex for hours
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
I don't think so . You must compare our price with that it other export houses . I'm sure our offer is in line with the prevailing market price level .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i knew he was feeling horny so while sitting near him i opened his dhoti and stated mouth fucking him
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i was feeling better and i had lost two pant sizes
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id pull some of it out and put an hour or two toward it if only to feel like id almost been productive on something
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i could link to please feel free hellip
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i feel a little doubtful about what people will think because my husband and i were seperated for almost one year and are not back together and happier than ever
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Well I have to decide which gifts to keep and which to exchange for better ones when I go to the Boxing Day sales this afternoon !
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i can t shake the feeling of being fundamentally dissatisfied with my selection in the democratic primaries
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i wish it had been a little more and this makes me feel greedy and sheepish and lazy for not having worked harder over the last few months
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i think i m just feeling fucked up and paranoid because i m not sleeping well lately
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i looked like one of those red breasted birds and feeling too shy to ask someone to rub sunscreen where i couldn t reach i left the beach with what felt like a brand stamp on my back
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i used to feel plus gave me some time for insights to arise and now keeping them up plus also supporting it in english is really a good package deal for me
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i tend to wilt in the heat feeling lethargic and headachey
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i personally feel that women who do this sort of thing to other women are really heartless cold immature narcissistic and pathetic
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel awkward uncomfortable in my own skin antisocial vacant and completely hopeless
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
You know I hate shopping more than anything else in this world .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Poetic justice they get to the title game host Philly and BDN whips it out for them and shoves it down their throat. That would be epic.
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I took something earlier .
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i don t even feel guilty about it in a way it made me feel better
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i feel like they keep it pretty hush hush and i only clicked onto this fab recycling exchange months ago
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ive gotten to know so many new people on this trip both stanford students and japanese college students that i feel like im constantly amazed by the people around me
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i have a feeling the tennis matches will resume pretty soon
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
on december the th i was filled with joy when i was told by my bosses that i had been selected to attend a course at the lilongwe school for health scienced in lilongwe
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
im thinking no but if you know otherwise feel free to correct me
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im not in any sleep debt right now because ever since sunday ive woken up before the alarm feeling just fine
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i love hearing our words all of them in whatever way they come tumbling out and feel ever so appreciative especially knowing how long i went without ever hearing any of our voices tell our own stories and stumble through sharing and asking and loving
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel irate
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i would be feeling fearful at not having his physical presence with me how would i get along if he really did leave
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That reminds me . My wedding anniversary is tomorrow .
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i actually feel a little unsure and strange still i must have that warm friendly smile wave widely and start up a conversation like i m a spokesperson in a commercial shoot
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i did not really feel envious of it as i knew that i was also capable of doing something like that and i can do it better as i am more artistically inclined that
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel very surprised because i really thought that i didnt have the credentials but obviously im extremely pleased because im joining a roll call of distinguished previous winners including six members of the royal society
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
I know sir ! We didn ’ t expect a bull market to become a bear market all of a sudden . On the other hand , you still have some high yield trash bonds and government bonds that will give us enough liquidity to cut our loses and reinvest in emerging markets . We could potentially make this tragedy work for us and make us think outside the box .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i had spent many years yearning to once again feel the safety comfort confidence beauty and inner peace that come with a divine belief
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i simply feel more positive and upbeat about things
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The older I get the more I just want to sit and be still on psychs
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i noticed that the skin on my lower back started to feel kind of tender to the touch
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i was feeling a little nervous
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i vowed to put momentum behind this feeling to be be fearless even especially if that meant confronting scary things
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i cant keep crying and feeling unimportant to someone
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I don ’ t know why bucks have such a great charm that a great many people are after nothing else .
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A good psychiatrist could do wonders for him
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i feel pretty depressed about the race
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ive yet to reach the stage of feeling numb
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i also feel strongly how living the low carb high fat lifestyle can greatly improve health
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id like to think i have a high pain threshold and i feel very whiney for saying i hurt as much as i do but good lord its a pain in the
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i feel honoured to receive it
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i made it through without feeling that my friends had purposely ignored me or not its irrelevent now if they had but it gave me a chance to assess my situation now when i went to bed in cocaine fuelled daze
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel very welcomed and very honoured na nandito na ako ngayon
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As a non-immunocompromised person I like their stance.
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i arrived at the box on friday morning feeling completely drained
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Sure , so , what about you ? Do you have any hobbies ?
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i hate when im not feeling devoted
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i want to feel sorry for myself and the trouble i am in
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i shouldnt let it affect me but i feel really horrible now and a huge blow to my self esteem
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Because he's attractive. Hence [NAME] come out in droves to defend him despite the fact he's a horrid asshole.
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel blessed to have some normalcy back in my life
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i understand why so many people want to come back to work after retirement and why so many people feel troubled of not having anything to do
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I am sorry mam , but we can only exchange or refund defective products , we cannot take responsibility for misuse or damages .
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i still don t know how i feel about all of this it isn t pleasant though and it doesn t at all reflect my reaction and what i told her afterwards
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i don t feel i devoted enough time to participation on the discussion boards
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i look at her and i am hurting that she feels so miserable but a few days having a me party would have been so so nice i m such good company
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i feel so thankful to have known and loved him
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i feel very comfortable with upscale men or women
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Air Vooch oh my!
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Sorry just seemed like you were trying to make it a [NAME] thing
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i spend my days now jumping from one task to another without really accomplishing much and feeling dissatisfied because i m not writing enough
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No way . It ’ s her who should apologize .
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Really , what makes you say that ?