1 value
7 values
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im feeling pretty lame now because i texted my friend saying he covered alan jackson then i was fact checking and realized a href http www
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All right . We can grant a Financing Promise Quota , if you qualify . This means that we can deal with all of your needs in a speedy and efficient way . Firstly , your Credit Rating must be class A , and your Debt to Asset Ratio must be top notch , for the industry you are involved in .
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i was nineteen i realized that my greatest asset as a trainer and coach would be my ability to make people feel valued respected and important
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My name is Janice . Well , I book this ticket for Nova , the marketing manager of Pineapple Computer Company . Where can I get the flight ticket ?
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ive been away ive been secretive and ive been mean to my blog lately for which i feel tragic
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Oh , sure . Once they reached middle age , they became a lot less uptight .
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i feel like im on fire im too shy to cry for help
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i know it isnt healthy but sometimes i just feel like i cant feel anything at all and the adrenaline of doing something dangerous makes me feel something anything
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i feel like i should respond on an equally friendly level
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i serene did go away from the theater inspired by this film and it made me feel more compassionate towards homeless people which portland has a lot of so it can t be all awful
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Any EU countries that get tricked into nationalism become prey and weaker relative to Russia and the US.
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i could feel myself become envious and annoyed
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... Now , that's all I want to say about world coal reserves . So let's move on to the next topic , renewable resources . There are three things we have to consider when talking about renewable resources . First , sustainability ; second , marketability ; lastly , the reality factor . Let's talk about each point in more detail ... John , would you like to take it from here ?
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i feel like im fundamentally making a very very selfish decision and that they should be more important to me than how i dress
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i feel like i am unhappy missing too much from the baby or anything else i will quit
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i feel like tragic is such a fucking strong word
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Most vancouverites know of these scams. Especially #1 broken credit card machine. Complaints go unheard.
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i don t feel smart i don t feel creative i don t feel beautiful i don t feel strong i don t feel like i do anything worth remembering
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i feel these divine forces so strongly sometimes i wonder if agnostics atheists and judeo christian fundamentalists have any feeling or excitement in their hearts
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I have no idea . What about you ?
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i feel contented and loved
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i can say those have left thankfully but it doesn t mean i don t feel hopeless at times
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i get super anxious about so many things in life but this year i just want to feel calm and enjoy life
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From my savings account .
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im not sure what exactly ill be doing this summer but i have a feeling its going to be a good one
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i just don t want to feel like i want to run for going blank and not knowing what to do
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i feel that i have options and i deserve to work in a place where i am respected for my knowledge opinions and ideas that i present to make the company make money save money and keep its risks low
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
It ruined me, too. D:
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So , you've already made a large initial deposit ? That is good news . OK , let's have a look at your credit details and get this started .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel very apprehensive as i download the software and click play
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In that case . you can get a refund with a certain percentage of the original fare deducted as the service charge .
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im in the middle of several things and not near the end of any of them but for some reason the beginning of the year always makes me feel incredibly optimistic about my reading goals
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i was feeling like we were in some fucked up version of a bond movie with all this skull duggery but if it kept us alive while we figured things out then i was all for it
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i get the feeling it has a strange rhythm
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i simply first felt a place of anxiety in my heart and belly area and when i breathed into and made room for these feelings the rich territory of sadness was underneath the fear
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
I always feel high the day after I smoke than after a day or two I feel fine u should be ok
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i answered as many as i could before he had to go feeling that i was probably as entertained as he was by the exchange
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i always feel like i have to second guess myself on a lot of things because i dont want to seem to needy
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im feeling festive and absolutely excited about the season
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Just give him a chance!
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i feel like it has almost a nostalgic feel to it for me
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i feel like i had to be brave to be happy
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i would have liked to have seen a scene where adrian is feeling foolish for interrupting anheusers fundraiser two years ago with his you have to read this now
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel respected by him
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i find myself distressed by the misogynist and several other ists lyrics and despite the funkiest of tunes feel embarrassed to be listening
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
And he's showing off those tiny little hands
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i feel because the fcc has determined we texas residents should be subjected to meaningless broadcasts from louisiana
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Hi . This is Amy Yang . I ’ m calling for a home phone cancellation . I ’ m moving out next month .
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i think it s fantastic i feel very honoured and nervous
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i feel like whinging about all the other unpleasant stuff in my life
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i feel more numb to it all at this point
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i am not a performance athlete nor do i expect to suffer from hot flashes anytime soon but after feeling these sheets i ignored all marketing tactics used by this company and went with my gut feeling feeling literally
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i felt everything was then reading over it feels so innocent and wonderful
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i did not want to be rude or read something that was not there but my gut feeling was telling me there was something there which was not pleasant and was uncalled for
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i hope she s not feeling too nervous about it
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i normally feel completely insecure wearing halter tops spaghetti straps and anything strapless
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i need is to feel how horny you are and how ready you are to cum all over me
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Oh , just one .
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i want to feel it falling on my neck i want to feel your heartless chest
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i just feel really burdened to start something even if i don t know how to do anything other than wordpress photoshop and change text or colors with css
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I think it’s best to leave this to [NAME] Inheritance tax is discussed at 2:00 redistribution of Wealth
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i still feel like a kid imagining all the things i might be not sure which paths to pursue
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i love having time to relax and kick back and do nothing but i feel so dissatisfied with doing nothing all the time
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i just wanted to come up with the prettiest girliest nail design i possibly could and although i think these are a little plain so i feel marginally lame i absolutely love them
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i wanted to tell them sooner but she wanted to keep it a secret because i feel she was too afraid of her parents
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i think the lack of food coupled with the pain and shock made me feel pretty queezy
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No problem. Released today is suppose to be in parenthesis.
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i feel like im caring for a baby again and sometimes i feel cheated
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i made her feel unwelcome by telling her about my meeting and my housemate
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i feel it shares our trip with you all in such a perfect way a real tour of a very special place and a very special time
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i is feeling all triumphant after her big speech
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i feel awful that i caused her pain
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i feel strange wearing shorts
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i feel terrible about it i know you just started dating channy
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i feel so giggly when i think about it lolz im such a girl
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i get the feeling an unhappy marrige to her is when her husband takes away her credit cards and this is a big revensch sceam
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i cannot help but feel irritated
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i can enjoy some of the everyday moments a bit more instead of feeling rushed through them
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i really feel i m ecstatic over the idea of finishing my degree
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i feel like i push people away and im afraid of being alone
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i feel like my dad and i have a special bond
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Sellers aren ’ t really all that objective . They may have gotten used to a leaky faucet , but it is still broken .
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i am feeling peaceful calm and collected
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I'm in the Personnel Department .
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im feeling ugly and self conscious and he reminds me to see the good and lighten up
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Lmfao. Tax refunds. Must be nice to get one of those.
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i just feel so lonely sad misunderstood by my family and friends and completely messed up inside
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i can feel that my heart is longing for her it wants to fall in love
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i was feeling depressed or frustrated about my lot in life all i had to do was tap the player one button and my worries would instantly slip away as my mind focused itself on the relentless pixelated onslaught on the screen in front of me
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
I'm [NAME] and I'll leave you with what we all came here to see ... [NAME]!
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i kinda feel selfish
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i fell back in my chair as well feeling smug
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i promise this is too humiliating to post about too often i just need to hear that i am not alone and not crazy for the way i feel i sure hope a man reads this and comments from a mans point of view hint hint jq
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i feel quite lucky to have stumbled upon it
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i feel very thankful to have found a vocation instead of just a job
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im feeling uncertain and anxious and just hope everything goes well
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I'd like to buy 1 000 shares of Duson .
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i was feeling like i had lost something and it was just an ember
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i forgot what it s like to feel so unsure about yourself
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i feel like he gets that now and he s remorseful about being an asshole to me