Usually early Jan. Excited to hear!
And Tesla keeps going…bullish!
Also, Austin and Berlin aren't even online yet!
Is the new Apple car going to be a Tesla?
Interesting these guys are likely selling in morning and buying in evening as the SI is not really high… isn’t this market manipulation?
Can Canadians DRS?
Earnings Is 5/05/2021
If you are unable to understand that you shouldn’t be tradinf
The earlier you’re in before the split the lower your average trade price will be post split- given of course that the price does continue to rise after you’ve bought in. If it only drops leading up to the split your average will be higher but hopefully you stopped out before it gets to that point lol
And hold...
I paper handed on that dip. Shout out trailing stop losses
Lmao stfu take this shit to a GME sub
That's great! Yeah, I do but I've been buying Tesla for a few years. I've been adding a bit each month. Mostly in retirement accounts so can't use it now anyways, might as well keep adding
The world is changing and electric cars are here to stay. Tesla is ahead of VW and the stock price is collapsing because of shorts as well as the market being spooked by rising interest rates. Telsa is one of a kind and at this level is a screaming BUY.
We need time to let the double bottom play out but so far so good
I wonder if this post will age well? I suspect this Friday "end of the week" will see some major price fluctuations.
why wouldnt fsd not be desirable as a profit center? some will and wont trust it. it costs mon ey to maintain. as it becomes more common its wxpected to reduce insurance rates which adds value and inncentive.
I never understood this. split is same was buying fraction shares and having it split
Putting that much in 1 holding is much riskier, but when tsla rises the rewards car be much greater. If it dips and you are buying on margin you could get a margin call.
A little red today, big red on Wednesday, then we start back a healthy climb until EOY TSLA is my biggest holding but this is the least painful way out of that insane run up. Elon is no dummy
I mean I can’t. Unfortunately
Rich guy selling for some safety I guess. Not a terrible time to sell, as I think this year will be relatively flat (and be range bound 800 - 1100), compared to last year. But I think 2022 will be another exponential year for the stock once Shanghai model Y reaches volume (this year) and then in 2022 Berlin and Texas will reach volume too which is what I think the catalyst for another exponential leg up will be. But ofc if FSD does come to fruition this year, then I'll be wrong and we will see another ex
I have to disagree with this. I own a Tesla Model 3 for 3 years. Hasn't needed so much as an oil change. It accelerates like nothing I've owned before and uses regenerative braking which means I won't be wearing out breakpads.
Forget the cars the cars (superior in all ways that they are) are a red herring. As far as your investment is concerned they’re a means to an end. Its the full self drive (FSD) software and data that is the real prize (guess where Amazon, Google, Facebook make their money... it’s the data silly!) Tesla is simply a whole 10 laps of the track ahead of the others in terms of data and software for FSD. Waymo has no cars and is stuck with inferior software that only works on mapped grids, they’ll never make it
Still holding TSLA? Ok then
Cranmer said this morning whole market isn’t done dumping and it could have a long way to go before the bottom
crypto keeps the government out of your own damn business that's about as american as you can get
Up %352 here
Yeah, gotta just focus on facts and tune out the nonsense, but it is hard if you’re not holding as a long term investor but rather trying to make short term plays when the stock moves so illogically sometimes.
>After watching all the videos on this thing I would have priced this thing at 80 GRAND. But for 40 GRAND! are they going to be selling this thing out of goodwill? Or was the price just a marketing ploy based on assumed advances in battery tech? Note, the reserve price is not guaranteed.
It's not like Elon will execute 1 single order in Robinhood. It will be spread across days/weeks/months. This actual selling will barely move the price. It's this news which will move the stock.
The fall right now has more to do with the overall market falling, than just Tesla related.
Buy and hold. It will up. Never short tsla!!!
this is the way
What are you guys trying to buy? Options wise, any particular strike price? OTM?
It was way up, sold a $660 OTM put when it was around $690 then the bottom fell out. Your welcome
a lot of speculation on forward split. last time, because of stimmy money, stock ran up. but last year the time was different. bad earning report, stock goes up. we are back to normal. forward split is a negative catalyst - people now have more stocks and take profits. bad earning now causes the stock go down even more.
Buy & Hold
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Will it go 1000$ this week?
Who says the big shareholders didn't approve of this move?
No Tesla’s on the road in Texas, but I think that will change, gas prices going up and new TSLA factory in Austin.
The commander in chief and his pressers.
The apple guy in charge of the alloys
Everything is good for TSLA next run to $3,000.00
U've obviously never had a breakup with someone u truly loved. But ye, it hurts 😅
If it were me, I'd sell half of your Tesla stock. No one ever went broke taking profits. De-risk yourself and take some money off the table. If Tesla does go to 2k, the half you kept will double to what you have now. Another way of looking at it - what would you regret more? Selling half and it goes up, or selling none and the stock price halves?
When did you first invest with tsla? Before the 2019-2020 run up, tsla was horrible lol right now is nothing. And Elon been tweeting random stuff. I like it. It brings controversy aka advertisements for tesla. Of we have boring ass ceo, tesla wouldn’t be as big as today. No one believe him when he started talking about ev back in the day. Let him talk about dogecoin. Dogecoin is like third largest crypto currency. You know what that means? A lot of people own dogecoin who are now pro Elon who are now thinki
My thought exactly! All major indexes pull back. Hedge funds need money to buy COIN.
Time in always wins dog. I've been holding long before the split. I've taken out my initial investment but have the rest riding.
So DCA all the way down?
Bought August calls.
Sounds amazing! I have magic beans for sale...want some?
The guy just lost nearly 200k and your advice is “buy the dip”. Wtf
What if I already spent all my money on buying the dip the first time it dipped?
Doubt it is true but if it was could be a great move
Holding! 😎
It means that if if you had 100 shares worth $50 each, you’d now have 500 shares but each would be worth $10 each. Ultimately you’d have the same value, but the purchase power of a single share would be much better as it would be easier to buy shares at $10 rather than $50 each. Now, if you have 25 shares at $850 each, after a 5:1 split, you’d have 125 shares at $170 each. Usually a split results in more people getting he shares so the price rises.
This latest news is sensationalism at its best. The leader is always easy to shoot at because there isn't anyone else around.
I think today at 2:43 was the ground floor. I'm kinda thinking no noticeable dip all the way back to $1050 and maybe an overshoot into the $1200 range. We'll see at open, it's so far been flat in after hours.
People like you work for people like me. Or until I fire you and we talk about in court.
man, I missed that nice early jump this morning. would of been great to have some call options this morning, I couldnt be on the computer to this morning since I had to be at the jobsite. Hopefully you made some money today if you did.
It's an interview in end of May. Stuff was pretty bad with china shutdown. What else can he say everything is great when your factory is closed for a month? Ask him now how his giga factory now making 1k car a week at 50k a car. That's 50 million a week. Not burning cash now.
I’m rooting for you. It seems that the Tesla balloon has lost some air. No news is bad news. Bitcoin down, Tesla down. I can’t imagine that a 2% 10year bond is hurting a momentum stock. There’s no excitement in the market except for GME AND THE CREW! The market has the winter blues.
Not sure if TSLA can run up 4-5 hundred in a matter of 3 days. 🤞
Now this is how it’s done.
with the 10Y yield tumbling i think all stock at strong like Tsla Amzn will affected. plus bad new factory closed. for Demand. anyone think can it recovery’s next week? PT $750? or lower $650?
Where did you touch your Barbie doll?
VW.German engineers
Look at every one running back to Tesla now 😂😂😂 it’s always the same thing. Ark knows better!
TSLA sh price looking yummy. 🦍
3000$ stock price outs Tsla market share in .... trillion of $$$ I am not sure if we are there yet
Honestly...just sell it then. We will happily buy your shares
while i pray for that outcome i do not believe in it :P
The last split was announced at 1340-ish, it only went up to 2500 because the announcement. I’m all in for a split but probably 3-1. I hope I’m wrong about that tho.
Well is that really necessary?
It’s a temp cutback due to recent massive rise. Tesla has got some major milestones that are going to be achieved in the next 3 years. In the market for over 10 years compared to everyone else who is trying to hop on now. I personally will not trust an AV with my kids in the car based on simulated models rather than real life cross highway logic derived over years. This is the time to buy more. 1k will be the new normal very soon.
Why is the whole market taking a shit after lunch? It was such a strong premarket and opening.
Apparently TSLA only meets its earnings targets by trading Bitcoin. VW sells more EVs than them and they are valued at approx $200. My guess is that's where TESLA is headed.
Unless you get company matching then its free 100% return
That’s standard Elon, though.
Most have found that the house always wins when it comes to TSLA and options. Longer term should probably be fine but the theta alone will usually kill you unless it whipsaws.
The software and sensors is the key difference to Tesla. They are several generations beyond a regular elec car and are into advanced application now.
Same 239 average here and the last one I got at 1200$ I’m not even worried.
Plz stop.
I made the effort to look it up. According to the [criterias]( the financial aid is meant for: 28. projects, which realisation without the aid should be impossible, or it should be realised in a smaller size or scope. 33b. projects, that would not in itself be sufficiently profitable for a private undertaking to undertake, but would generate important benefits for the society. 35. When gathering evidence, the
Make it now, and make a shit ton of coins so we can get it cheap. By the time Elon Musk passes my people would be rich. Its only gonna go up, dude is taking us to mars
GME made a nice move today, dropped to $172 ish then went to $190. Better % than Tsla.
Good luck with your money ;)
You can’t help it. Young investors are panic selling. That is what they want so big companies and come in and buy the dip. She is creating a pretty good support for Tesla.
Great details, but don't we generally see a huge run up before earnings, and then a big dump after? I don't see the big run up at this point, so not sure what's going to happen after earnings. From where I'm sitting, we are going through the big dump now, so do we expect TSLA to rise through next week and then a dump? Or, will it continue to fall next week and then rise on earnings? I know these are all rhetorical questions, because nobody knows, all I'm saying is that it looks a little different this ti
This should be back to $900 by end of May
typically always the case. I missed my trade with aapl a few weeks ago when it was hitting around $119.. I put in a buy order at $118 and it never got filled... look at it now... Tsla has been hit hard 3 days in a row... can it see another hit tmrw?
Nope going to 780
yes. all macro bad so growth stocks being punished. I'm adding on the drop but plan my biggest buys for later this year after I'm more confident we've found bottom. Tesla, the company, is doing amazing. There will be some macro headwinds and a bad quarter from Shanghai shut down but we are going to be growing 50% YoY for the foreseeable future