Which other Crypto do Tesla plan to approve?
[Yahoo wrote an article about MULN being featured... on Yahoo.](
The battery pack size compared to range alone is so, so pathetic.
Already sold off my load 😂
I did for a bit thinking I would buy lower then it was announced to be going into the S&P… Imho Dont
Elon Musk is scaring Tesla investors with his involvement in DOGE & Bitcoin. Fear of another wave or erratic behavior and SEC investigations have many taking the money and running.
Lot of great facts, but stock price still going 👇
That's definitely a comment.
I rather go for higher risk, higher reward right now, considering I’m going and have really nothing else to lose. Yet don’t see a big risk in Tesla considering it’s growth. I feel safe in TSLA, I used to be very diverse and sold all to put everything into TSLA
More like 800 I think
3 to 1 based on Elons 3 matching stock sales.
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Hopefully Tesla gets to $700 before their earnings announcement later this week. It’s likely that the earnings will be down and disappointing because of the lack of semiconductors in the world. Just a shortage of semi conductors? Stock could decline 10% on the earnings or lack there of.
This works out to be about a 15% beat at Shanghai, with 183k in Q4 out of Shanghai alone. This could put Tesla above 303k for Q4. That would put Shanghai 41% Q/Q and 170% Y/Y for Q4.
I want it too and hope it does. But even if/when that happens, the pattern will just be a coincidence. On a brighter note, I'm seeing a ton of new Teslas around my neighborhood.
That would be impressive w/ current macro and geopolitical conditions. I would love to see that
downdoot. S3XY is cool. looks cool. cool owner. robo taxi coming. In CHINA they all want a TESLA nothing else
We know it’s a pure hit piece. Now we need to know who’s behind it
Same lol but hey, its a long term winner as well
My forecast is VW in Europe, and Korea will grab Asia except China and Japan where local players will dominate. When US is lost is the big question, if by 2024 then for sore the world leadership is lost forever.
The firm also upgraded TSLA stock price to $1,071
Yes just call your broker and tell them you want to DRS your shares, they have an legal obligation to do it within 3-5 days.. if they say itll take longer let them know you'll be informing the SEC about their actions and they'll get it done immediately lol
Yea that cost me $4k! Still up but don’t have any intention of selling. I know I will get it back by month end if not sooner. 😂
Here's a sneak peek of /r/GME using the [top posts]( of the year! \#1: [I am u/bEAc0n and my wife approved of me dumping $1 per upvote into GME. She said she likes the stock but she wants proof that there are enough retarded autists to make this work. 🚀💎🙌 TURN IT UP FOR LORI, IT’S ACTUALLY ALSO HER 28TH BIRTHDAY TODAY 🎂🎉🎈]( \#2: [Endgame DD: How last weeks action
This sub needs a moral boost. Earnings in T minus the hour. I’m cheering for TSLA. I’d like some huge surprise news to the upside on Gigas or debunk the cyber truck rumor.
haha I've gone through this as well many times. I've stopped day trading it so actively due to the inevitable impossibility of never timing it correctly. I hit big and lost decently so I've landed on the green side but it saves so much time and anxiety not doing this lol.
Yup.. my second favorite company is Rocket Lab and it's been hammered... I'm down 50%
I would go with December puts. Powell has so much bad news waiting for us and this will take us down.
I sold today (with a loss lol)
What's the largest tax bill ever faced by an individual? Has Elon about to take the top spot?
Ended higher than how it trended for a lot of friday. And most tech/innovation took a dump today. I'm buying more. I hope this price keeps up. Even for the year. If it keeps declining I will be down but I will double or triple my holding this year.
If you are a tsla owner in IRA, your shares will not be loaned out; therefore, registration is not necessary.
Buy the dip!
Hard to say. It would take a beating if he sells all the shares over the next week. But that may be good to buy more shares going into Q4 and next year. There are alot of catalysts coming up soon so any price you can afford then it's good to jump in.
Honestly I hope she gets metaphorically buried in her shorts by having to cover. $TSLA to the fucking moon! ( just bought my 22nd share yesterday!!)
U have to start somewhere! Practice makes perfect.
just do the math on your "catalysts"
Freedom to do what? All I’m asking is what freedoms do you not have that Elon is going to give you? Lmao Why aren’t y’all answering the simple question? How many shares do you have?
Up $200
I’m sorry but Squawk and Cramer are good for one thing. Going the opposite way. Best contra indicator there is. Brian Kelly is reliably wrong.
If you really believe in Tesla than just buy shares
Hardly any tech companies trade based solely on profits. They trade on future growth potential. The examples are everywhere so I won’t bother listing them.
He exercised his options which means he bought shares at a predetermined (low) price.
You mean pumping and dumping BTC?
Steven Mark Ryan is.
Made a 30 day low Friday. $775 was huge. Here comes $600
I’m in for the long haul because Tesla is more than a car company. Think about how shitty it would feel to sell at $600 and then watch it rocket to $3k in 5 years. Eyes on the horizon my dude.
Meanwhile, people upgrading price targets and setting up more traps lol
This will stay sideways for the next month till Elon sells his 20b shares
Lost that game. Bought back higher. Bought into theory people holding off for tax reasons. Tsla was supposed to go down Jan 4 th
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I don’t think Tesla is going anywhere as a company but the stock has a roller coaster in front of it. Anyone that thinks Biden is all about Tesla, with all this EV future is nuts. He’s gonna spend his government money with Ford and Gm as the government has forever. It’s going back to 500 before it hits 9 again IMO.
Rather invest then take some of the profit and buy a tesla
I keep adding more, wish I had a buy order for 620
Congrats, but now it´s time to cash in
You can keep your 401k and still invest in Tesla, just allocate some (or all) of your portfolio to a different mutual fund. I found out I was invested 100% into Vanguard 2060 (slow growth, shares in fossil fuel and weapons manufacturing, all around dumb). I moved everything into higher-risk mutual funds that allocate shares in renewables, tech, healthcare etc. and now 60% of my 401k is divided between two funds whose top share is TSLA. Effectively this puts around 8% of my 401k in Tesla stock.
Tesla is the only foreign car company 100% owned in China, all the others foreigners are JV's or have chinese partners. In addition, Tesla is american which has to be an issue with the US/chinese trade issues still being debated. China is Tesla' most important market, China is a very political and zenophobic country ruled by a one party system. Also, sales in China are completely dictated by teh car registration rules - so its pretty easy for the authorities to change the rules. In conclusion Tesla's b
Me who bought tsla in march 2020 and still holding. I fucking love this company and it’s stock.
Buy and sell a decade later.
That it bounced exactly where the chart said it would.
The apple of energy
Difference is that we are now just going back to electric propulsion as was leading technology 100 years ago but lost the battle due to the range issue, now solved with Japanese battery technology and your money to build a charging network
Just hold on.
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They will beat. Elon posted and then deleted about being the largest company “maybe in a few months”. That was a message folks, read between the lines. I bought down to 550 a month ago, kept buying back down to 590 this week. the big move is coming. Tell me I’m wrong I don’t care, I’m long Tesla. On our way to 3k with Biden in office!
$675 or $625? Do we get a bump or second leg down?
Maybe $550 but $800 by 8/25/2021
How do you see puts ending? I see volume for calls and puts on ETrade but not much more than that.
Tesla is a great stock! Even better now that they are expanding beyond their core business as a technology stock and entering into speculative investing with #bitcoin. Their expertise in all things technology is amazing! It’s truly a technology stock, not auto!
Yea good point
Jelly much?
You can only do that with 100 shares right?
Overvalued ? 😂 Do DD, at this price, this is a ticket to liberty.
So true!
Pretty cute, isn't it?
I know at least one auto brand that started an insurance company before Elon was even born
That would be dumb move. Read Peter Lynch books. Don't buy stocks you don't intend to own for years.
$3k by year end
Absolutely agree with your first phrase. But the weakness is turning out to be Musk himself, unfortunately, because both traits come bundled together in one person. I suspect he’ll mature and improve during and especially after this largely self-imposed gauntlet. Might take his firing then eventual reinstatement like what Steve Jobs went thru. No one knows. What seems clear is the situation has taken a hard turn south. We haven’t even seen what this mess might well be doing to customer interest. Probabl
Yeah but if you buy 10 shares before split for a 1000 then it splits and goes back up to a thousands you went from $10,000 to 50,000. Definitely makes way more sense to buy before split. You’re stupid if you think otherwise.
you are right
Real DD, top tip, keep it short, simple like a business email or text to post your message. Downvote TLDR, we all can read the internet, and company website.
Iv been caught by this one a few time. Never again
I bought the dip to add to my position.
I tried too. Nothing crazy yesterday about Starlink. Only that they are launching a ton new satellites. No discoveries...
I just don't like loosing and giving money to institutions.
Reality time is here for Tesla? Not yet. Government support around the world for BEVs could extend the life for quite some time. At some point, the stock price will reflect what the company will consistently be able to earn and P/E will adjust accordingly. This won't happen as long as the Cathy Woods of the investment world remain unable to tell the difference between science and science fiction. (i.e. Elon Musk aka Tony Stark, 1,000,000 robo taxis, FSD in 4 or 5 years)
You got sauce? I tried looking for it but couldn't find it. And wonder if it was said recently
I can’t fully explain why other than a bubble burst. I recommend buying the dip and Diamond handing the shares. I have gained a lot through Tsla but I’m not gonna lie, I did expect a drop soon. I just didn’t realize I was going to lose a ton on options when just a month and a half ago I was up about 200 ish on each option. Anyways, Austin is about to start production, Berlin hasn’t started yet, I expect production of Tesla to not only continue to beat their competitors, but to absolutely amplify these numbe
I hope it bounce back at $760.🤢🤢🤢