That Silly goose
🧻 asshole for everyone to see.
I do believe in TSLA, but small retailers like us won't know how low the real dip is ? 620? 600? 580? or may be 400? . Looks like more dips on the horizon.
I got 14@580 and then 10@880. Keeping it tight until I have enough for a model 3LR and they have matrix headlights lol...
I am sitting here and hodl my there any hope?
What do you mean by grassroots?
You're not the only one, kid. We all riding this rocket w/ you here w/ the few exceptions that just sit on this sub to troll people b/c they didn't get on it w/ us or they're bum fuck shorts. F those guys.
All in since 2019
Dips and sips, high to drip. That’s how market is. I am projecting TSLA to arrive at between 500-565 by Sept. ✌🏻
If you’re a long term TSLA bull then Musk selling off a few shares shouldn’t affect your confidence in the stock. Actually a sell off is what I want, it means I can buy more for less. If you want a smooth ride then go invest in some boring dividend paying stock or diversified ETF. Only people with a big set of nuts should be invested in volatile stocks, otherwise you’ll just end up buying high and selling low.
why is there a steering wheel?
Lol you’re assuming they have enough to sell CC’s
My 785 mar 19 calls were a ride today went up to 7% closed almost brokeven and thank God with this aftermarket.
inflation fears will be normalized by the fed, theyll do their twist or whatever to avoid it and 'calm the market'. only if theyre quarterlies drop 2x consecutively will gravity win out over the optimism for a couple weeks or months. they should have a report coming out soon but may not be bad news. id be more worried about coming tax overhaul when someone starts looking at the covid spending it could endanger incentives and generally tighten up discretionary income for tsla customer base. i was too heavy
Yes that dumbass cost me 20%
I come here to feel good about myself holding TSLA during this bearish time.
Tax credit system needs to be re-done. It basically penalizes companies for being out front. Should have been a total number of cars ever from all manufacturers. Or have set dates to sunset. That would have motivated the legacy dinosaurs to actually do something.
Today was a good day for Tesla, although It tested and broke support at 600 but closed nears it’s high for the day. If we can get through next week without a blowup, we could re-test the 700 level. I own 100 shares and I’m not a professional advisor.
Oh for the love of all that's holy. TSLA is falling for the same reason many other tech and growth stocks are falling. Money is simply being diversified into recovery stocks, because the real economy (remember that?) is recovering. Interest rates may rise, so yields may rise too, and so the smart money is moving into more traditional companies. It's a cycle, it always happens, and if you're investing and don't know this simple stuff, well then good luck with your strategy. No one is saying Tesla is in tro
You put tsla???????? Sell sell sell
What do you expect the new floor price to be? I’m holdin but it’s hurtin
I am in
Fk the press... I just read an article about Tesla may be loosing it’s lead in the EV market. Tell me which company has been selling more EV’s world wide than Tesla. All a bunch of BS.
Consider waiting to see what Bitcoin does tonight before locking in that order. BTC struggling, might be beginning correction.
TSLA is not in the DRS camp... HF's gave up on shorting TSLA as much as they do other stonks. You're talking to investors that's been HODLing TSLA since 2013, through the ups and downs. Sure, they can DRS - but it won't make as big $GME... the float on TSLA is really huge.
People were all over the Mach-E at the auto expo here in town. Trust me, a lot of people will take it rather than the Tesla. If you don’t want to trust me, wait 2 more months and look at the sales.
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External Investors and market sentiment are a small, almost insignificant factor. ESPP is a big motivator internally. Everyone, including production employees are allowed to participate in this opt-in program. You can contribute 15% of your pre-tax pay. So if you’re earning $80k per year, and the ESPP cycles twice per year, that’s ~$6,000 twice per year that goes into stock purchases. When the stock price gets above $1,000, the resolution for that compensation is difficult to manage. Many employees will
I add a few more shares at 900 and again at 875 puts my share count at 653 now. I am trying to get educated on call options. I want to roll the dice, I have high risk tolerance, and I am super bullish. This correction seems like a great time to buy a call option. Any suggestions on a good aggressive option, maybe something like 2 years out
Short term possible 600 but long term is limitless upward. Itll be with the googl and amazon prices
Red alert for something published by CNBC? Please... just do the opposite of what they publish and you will be well off. They are known for market manipulation.
good point well made
Good luck in the markets!
Did cnbc FUD finally get to you?
Was playing weeklies. Bought some calls when it found support at $600. Walked away to chill with the wife and play guitar. Opened my phone as it was cross $588. 50% loss on those calls. Win some, you lose some. That article about them selling 50% less in China than last month caused the shit storm.
0 top secret info says 1:47pm.
The Republicans have no agenda besides gaining power. They didn’t even have a platform at the 2020 convention. NO PLATFORM.
So did the share price briefly touch $872 yesterday? I thought it was a glitch.
Yup, he said he was going to vote Republican next election and the "WOKE" mob is trying to cancel him. What a fucked up world we live in. I'm sure Elon will be fine, I bought myself a whopping 10 shares of Tesla today!!!!
Planning to sell before the split and use profit to buy more shares. Gotta get back up into the $1200 range though
Hold your horses, let’s get to $2022 first this year.
Can we talk about what Tesla’s main market actually is? I think it’s carbon credit sales.
Down 3% so far today...I hope you are right...I didn’t panic last time and I’m not about to start now. This has to be one of the most volatile stocks out there.
Maybe don't use meme as market research. Or as a source of news about anything?
Hahaha 🤣, it happens to me also, that's why I mostly swing trade TSLA and rarely day trade it.
Yea it showed it dropped down to 800$ i was thinking maybe Elon sold his 6 billion in shares to see what it would do to the stock. But it was just a thought
This mornings 600 may be the last time to sell at that number for a while. I watched the cathie interview and she did not have the confidence she had just a month ago...
Take my advice: take 10-20% from weekly profit. You will thank me 3 months from now. Don’t believe me? Tag this comment and check back in 3 months.
This worked well. There is no way Tesla will ever see 1500.
Yes but why not hope on board while the iron is hot?
And got even cheaper today, and dropped after hours. So tomorrow is good day to buy
Tesla has more or less cornered the market for EVs. No other manufacturer has the pace, the will to compete against Tesla EVs. Lets look at a traditional manufacturer like GM and imagine what their selling point for Ev would be - oh we have a new EV and its ok. Why would anyone even buy an EV from them when their gas cars are better. Imagine walking into an actual GM show room, you think the sales would even push this ?. Performance - lol. 36% yoy increase in deliveries. Tesla has the potential to beat G
What year?
Yes but the current valuation was based on what they said they would be doing. If they can’t do as much as what they said they would be doing, the valuation goes down. No teslatruck production, no cheaper car, robotaxis and fsd still getting pushed out, fed rates may be rising, etc. all those things affect valuation.
It’s gotta be better than what Powell is saying right now. Dude is just winging it right now. Market is volatile as hell right now. Just hold and wait for this years list of catalysts. Gonna be 2-3k by 2025 easy
It would have been planned for weeks. Hes an insider he cant just sell stock
I wonder if it will hold 650@ 100ma, if it breaks 650 I’m going back at the puts
“Seems to be” has no meaning in finance. What’s the change in on-balance volume? And what’s the change between daily average share volume in both premarket and intraday? Where’s the money moving to? You do realize the predicament you’re in if you purchased shares at over $450. It’s coming back down Not advice, just observations
We need some green legislative bills ASAP. Where’s the Democrats when you need them
Drew Baglino. He’s been effective CTO since departure of JB Straubel. Also he is one of the few who can go toe to toe with Elon on anything.
Hmmm TRD TSLA, I’m sure will sell many SUV world wide. Love it
Cancel culture is the EXACT same thing as a “defamation war” literally no different in any way.
Nothing means anything
That news was out well before closing. I doubt that's "the cause". Looks to me like a programmed/planned big boy trade simply hit right at closing. My personal guess is folks anticipating the release of the next version of FSD and expecting a rise on that news.
Does anyone know if there is a quantumscape discussion? I wonder the implications to TSLA and the battery Gigafactories if QS solid state becomes the superior technology. TSLA had acquired a solid state tech company, but not sure if the are making any breakthroughs like QS.
Every EV sold that isn’t a Tesla is a car they won’t sell.
Hold the fucking line!!!
For anyone else playing along at home: [](
HODL baby! HODL HODL HODL Dip? Uhhh. BUY BUY BUY and then BUY some more! We’re going to the Moon! Then Mars! Then outta dis Solar system!
Full Tesla stock analysis:
Well...that was interesting...let’s see what after hours has in store for us...
Why am I seeing the spam if the post was removed
we will bounce hard. november numbers then december and year, berlin, austin, fsd, insurance, solar and batteries / too many positive drivers. split?
Are all these X’s and Y’s a reference to gender?
Relax. It will come back up as always do. It’s just temporary.
10 from 500 days. Bought one more during 800 low last week. Wishing my tax return would come in before giga Austin opens up!
Lol I just had the same thoughts. I wish I would have just read this lmfao.
Sure. Just not a wall.
Nah. Pulling back before it gets there ...
Honestly bros thank you, I’m always running into boomers telling me I’m stupid for my investments and tell me to buy GM and Ford. Then they drive away in there Tesla’s. It’s like they don’t want the younger Gen to rise. Scared!!
Well the video was actually about Micheal Burry shorting TSLA. Which seems like playing with fire. Micheal Burry has his money on VW oddly enough. I guess he thinks their move into EVs is going to bring the to the top.
$795,65 x 10 shares
Logically: it sure seems scary. Realistically: something keeps telling me to buy.
Keep it bro
We all have one goal with is to make money for our future and the future of our families.. it’s middle class America vs wallstreet.. they thought they could take advantage of companies that were in a pickle.. and. We caught them with their pants down when they underestimated the intelligence of people that were stuck at home looking for a new way to support their families and those who want revenge for 2008.. they got too cocky thinking they were untouchable.. they have already lost hundreds of billions fro
Don't let yourself miss out!
I buy 1 call and 1 put 5 weeks out. So far 80% profitable.
I am holding 100 shares right now buddy, this thing better get over the 750 area tomorrow
Yeah it is okay to hold assets IMO. There is a lot of confusion as to what the market is going through right now and it takes a good assessment of what is going on to determine if you personally want to hold or sell. I haven’t sold any shares I got on the lows off 900, 880s. Currently holding 20 now. You can buy whenever, you like. At purchase hours of course. There are many bears 🐻 that don’t like features of the investment and or are trying to have a negative affect on the price since they are in differe
Just hold my friend. I bought 2 shares in 2017 for around 250 each, last year they split 5:1 and now it’s worth 12k.
I have pretty much that same mix in my self directed accounts. But I also own some GME and have no BTC, only ETH, LRC, DOGE. My 401k is diversified
IR compiled 3Q EPS is $1.69 but honestly with the big run up I suspect the whisper number is around $1.75 expected Either way with a beat or not, I expect sell the news for a few days post ER as traders move on. Personally I suspect any miss will be due to - drop is margin primarily due to chip shortage / ad hoc updates off the main production line - cost recognition from Berlin and Austin which obviously don’t have any revenue generating activity - large drop in ZEV credits But if we’re missing for any
40 cm is 15.75 inches