Is this a good/bad thing for Q2 financials?
Is this where you go if r/teslainvestorsclub is too hard to follow?
Why even comment? Nobody said they were selling.
If there’s anything I learned in my short time in the stock market it’s that anything is possible… especially when it comes to tesla
TSLA's board of Directors is eventually going to act. Until then, this is money laying on the ground for anyone to pick up. By all means, hold this stock, but there is no reason not to make easy money when Elon is struggling and losing his mind so publicly.
Hahaha sorry mate. Off the cuff math. Upvoted!
Do you have any idea of what market share this would mean on the class 8 business the this product appear to address? And don't forget that the first announced intro time was 2019, still nothing..
If you're not interested in long-term, then just sell next time it crosses over 700 or 720. If these patterns continue, you can buy back in with even more shares around 550+
you live under a rock? getting lied to. Change your source
Been around the block, this is the time to buy @everyone. It will go back up you just need to hold.
I feel the pain... I’m embarrassed if people look at my screen and see today’s expiration value 😢
Iv crush? Volatility dropped today
What's the record date for the split?
I would ideally like have to have twelve shares sell maybe two and redistribute into the portfolio and have ten shares hodl.
How many shares do you have and is it in a taxable account or IRA? If it’s an IRA and you sell, the funds take 2-3 days to settle. If it’s a taxable account and funds are available immediately, trade it and profit from the swings. Hopefully you’ll be on the right side of the trade.
My advice is dont try to time the market tesla is crazy volatile and you are going to get burned. Hold your shares. Tesla is looking bullish
Welp I'm convinced.
More important question: Is u/stevenWHO6 Russian troll farm account?
We go up today, tomorrow after fed meeting and then Thursday after earnings 🤑🤑🤑
You think this news will make it drop tonight or make any difference?
TSLA has had 6 consecutive quarters with positive earnings and right now sits on over $7 billion cash.
Typical useless info from hype drivers, no profits from core business will soon bring it down.
Buy stocks because you want to make money, not because you're in love with a CEO
He needs to just shut up and run Tesla and SpaceX. Never thought fame would get to him. Always looked at him as the exception. Now he’s an expert on everything. Just run the company and stop being distracted. Build more service centers to deal with the impending ageing car crisis that will come about eventually. Solve the battery issues and keep looking at ways to get to Mars.
uhm, source? and imao i don‘t think that‘s from friday!
5to one stock split
Thank you
$1 boys
Another 5 million shares scheduled to sell on Friday 11/12. 11/12 update told you so. 1063 down 1050 going to 950. Sold 639,737 shares 11:12 so far today.
Just hold and be patient
Don't sell
Every time someone enters the market you’ll lose market share. It’s a fact of life. The question is whether they can stay in the market or make up the massive difference in production in an already heavily constrained supply (battery).
are you planning to reverse your call options before the split announcement date?
Natesayers have no clue. Just follow rkta
Made a 30 day low on Friday. Broke a major support at $775. I nibbled on a sell near Fridays close. Added to my short today. It’s WAY overvalued. My original target was $600. Might need to adjust lower
Yes ​ You will never time the bottom of this cycle. However, after Elon announces that he has meet his twitter poll stock sale, the stock will skyrocket.
We'll be lucky tomorrow if it closes above 700. Weak earnings TBH: \- OP from credits and BTC sale, not from cars \- Margin is low on MY and M3, this month we can really see it is around 22% only \- FSD in the US only in foreseeable future and who knows when- No word on CT and Semi progress \- bad progress for solar business \- new cells are far from production status, they're still facing stability issues => it is not production yet. I'd take 12-18m with a grain of salt => no plaid+ and CT in the near
Let’s go!
Yes @10:30am ET $TSLA now short term bullish
This is all macro, not TSLA specific. The entire market is down and has been every day for a few days: TSLA held out for a while against the market and this market condition is hitting when it was already down from the Twitter funding. We're either moving into full-on 2008 or we aren't. Either way, TSLA fundamentals don't really change, they have enough recession-proof customer backlog/base to ride it out a few years and the China production hit is going to be less than people
Thanks for elaborating 💪
I'm not sure what you mean. A model 3 is rated at 240Wh/mi and there are 250kW charging stations everywhere. That is, you add more than 1000mi/hr to your car while plugged in you can fully charge a LR M3 in 25 minutes. Since you can charge your car at home, you only ever wait on charging while on a road trip, so you can spend that time using the bathroom, buying a snack, stretching your legs, etc. as opposed to standing next your car pumping gas. EDIT: I have spent less time waiting on my M3 to charge than
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Agree, my shoutout was for SolarCity, Tesla Energy, Boring Company and not just Tesla. Sorry I didn't articulate that better. Keep up the great work evolving and refining these technologies!
Tried but didn’t realize it was after hours 🤦🏽‍♂️
The business case: Tesla : -creating its own facility for recycling/ battery production -Setting up to meet future demand - FSD data collection cloud/ AI info - has been meeting delivery and amping it up by opening new factories which are soon to open according to news. - AI and robotics associated. - makes one of the safest vehicles. - ahead of many other manufacturers in the EV industry. Many other companies have failed and fell into debt because running a vehicle sales industry has been difficult d
Yeah I forgot about the bitcoin plunge.
If it makes you feel any better I have a $700 call that expires on the 17th also. That's 310 days away. A lot can happen within then. If not? Then fuck looks like I lost some money.
He's about to get another movie made on himself. " The Big Short Part 2"
I’ve been holding since last Jan, bought more on this dip. Let’s go!
It's decentralized, the point is that it is free from the constraints of governing bodies and is policed by it's very nature: the blockchain. The real question is what GOODS can you exchange for crypto.
Sell it as it goes up, don’t wait till expiration date. It doesnt have to be anywhere near the breakeven price
Get it!!
19 yo with 62 shares here
Awesome. Thanks.
My Tesla short is chopping Wood at the moment, so to speak
Does that mean it's still gonna go down for a month
I…did not diamond hand my options. FML.
lol.. good way to put it
Were you shorting :( Lol
Her 15 minutes of fame is almost up.
On the Daily chart. that's a big call yet it is reiterating. I am bullish and attending the fear, so far so good no F👂🏻.
1100 by Feb
Holding shares, happy with position, and wait for another 5:1 split. Smells like money and taste like chicken. Let’s see what happens. For me I can buy TSLA car and drive a Honda HRV. Why show your money, when you can buy more stonks. Upvote for others to read. This is the way and so say we all.
I bought calls with a high premium last week. Does this stock selling means I’m screwed ? It expires 11/12 and 11/19
“ARKK sold 90 million on Thursday” what does that even mean? Earnings is on the 26th. Classic Reddit gibberish rant.
get out till u still can
What I have learned through all this is that very few "liberals" or "progressives" give a shit about global warming or getting rid of fossil fuels. It was all just window dressing for being against success.
IMO tomorrow is going to be a rough day for the whole market again, especially high valuation tech / anything with a bubbly valuation. Just start pulling the MACD indicator on any of those assets across 3-6months. Tesla doesn’t have a good track record when it stays under its 50MA for more than two days
what happeend to night?!
Ok, thanks, cool. I will watch for it.
Technically, market open saw a dip, followed by a rocket.
What the fuck are you talking about lol
Entire market down
It’s a friend of mine who just got licensed.
How about now?
I voted yes. He has to pay taxes somehow. He doesn’t take a salary. He’s an incredible leader and has generated wonderful wealth for thousands and thousands if not hundreds of thousands. He is the only person taking on gas and oil and ice industry head on. Hell yes I support Elon! BTW. I’m HODL all my TSLA shares. This rocket ship is going to $3,000!
Tesla is known for being a volatile stock, did you look at the Nasdaq it's up. This not that abnormal for a stock like Tesla.
If Tesla Bot is ready for production by 2024, they may not need to be bought out. Simply because with this bot, one may buy a cheap Ford car, put that bot behind the wheel and get yourself a auto-driving vehicle. Think about the possibilities an AI driven bot can create for regular cars. The difference between expensive bot + cheap car vs expensive self-driving car is that the car cannot follow you into grocery store and push your cart and then load your groceries into your trunk, while bot can do that and
I just hope Elon doesn't generate any Tweets until after I have made my buy-in at reduced/lower levels.
"All Hail the Queen!"
Has Elon EVER let us down What a buying opportunity!!
What’s the investment thesis on why you invested? Has this changed? Is Elon behaving any different now vs when you invested? Has he changed over last few years? Honestly, I don’t think he has changed and will always be across multiple ideas and projects whilst being involved in key technical and business decision making. Keep your emotions out of it and keep yourself honest. Write thesis and/or price targets (gains or loss prevention too) if you need to.
I am a big Tesla fan and been holding pretty sizable position for years now. I don’t buy short story for a bit but I think flaunting gain and calling wife is not classy at all. My two cents and you can ignore it if you want. Respect woman.
Tell me you just started paying attention without telling me you just started paying attention.
That’s a wild run. I don’t have a crystal ball 🔮 the time frame is just 🤯
We’ll see you at 900 it always come backs up. Next stop between 900 and 1200
Is this a little misleading? The sales probably reflect the current at the time sales price. The purchases reflect their option to purchase price. I'm pretty sure I saw where one insider sold and purchased the same amount of shares. But he sold around $800/share and purchased the same amount back at around $40/share. Wouldn't the best comparison be the net shares sold vs purchased?
U good now?
Very true
“Prepare for the worst but still pray for the best. The game is a bitch, I got my hand up her dress” - Lil Wayne
- Wait! It's all noise and nonsense? - Always has been. I've been following Musk, SpaceX and Tesla since 2014, and I've seen it all. SpaceX rocket fake landings, Fake hovering starhopper, Tesla profitability, production ramp, bankruptcy, Emerald mine story, Elon being groomed by the elite... I forgot most of them now, but I read every piece of news that came out, and researched them to see if it stuck to reality. Once I started digging, or arguing with FUD commenters, the goalpost always changed, and
Elon passing would have no effect on the ocean TSLA has already put between them and the competition. Tesla is the only company in the world selling vehicles as folks in 2040+ will recognize them, even the other electrified offerings are equivalent to early 20th century horseless carriages with way to much complexity and workmanship included in order to satisify what will soon be an antiquated notion of whatis 'vehicle' is. If Elon dies, it would be tragic, but it would also be time to reinforce my positi