It’s options. They expire on a set day and if the actual price isn’t above the contract price, it will become worthless.
By the year of 2030 my son will be 17 years old. I’ll then sells my TSLA ( probably worth $10k-$15k per share ) to fund his university fees and I’m glad that i did not panic sell during $550 per share. :)
20 for 1 Split. Bet.
With P/E multiples so high, and the market seeming tumultuous, what do you see as a market wide potential catalyst to push tsla north of $700? What tsla news might be a catalyst pushing it higher?
Was thinking about buying tsla when it dippp
I mean all the tech stocks that grew in the pandemic are getting hammered. I wouldn't over think anything specific to Tesla. Tesla is a long term play.
Buy it now and hold!
Buy the dip. I woke up down 10k and instead of bawling about it I bought another long call at open and am up on it already
I'm long Tesla but imo just thinking TSLA is going to crush the global auto industry is not "understanding" the business unless you are well versed on the industry as a whole and where TSLA fits in to it, which is even harder and more speculative given that EVs are and emerging market.
Illuminati confirmed
You really dont get it...
Flash sale of what... $650
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$654 turn and burn to the downside. Giving longs plenty of rope to hang themselves
Of course, it’s extremely over valued.
Where to get the money ?
Paper hands
Cool thanks bro
Ron Barron is a fool. I hope his investors get rid of this idiot...
I took my first TSLA position today. I'm excited but nervous!
You were wrong
@teslashanghai has been pretty good about Tesla China numbers. They also reported that they had to wait a little bit longer in order to make sure the numbers were more accurate.
I share the same pain. Hope we will recover from this
$TSLA Don’t be fooled and lose your well earned money. Jefferies raises base-case PT to $1400 & bull-case PT to $1600. Wedbush raises bull-case PT to $1800.
I don’t believe that’s true.. I’m sure a lot of smaller hedge funds were forced to close their positions back in 2008 but alot of heavy players were stuck in their position.. you can’t close your shorts when you have so many positions to cover the price would spike to ungodly levels especially since at the time the split causes so much hype that if they closed all their positions along with the insane volume they would have been screwed.. so they just buy the dept of the middle size hedge funds and try to r
I believe the downward trends have more to do with short interest rather than anything Elon does. Just my opinion.
Houston had it
I like how it is right now, where the price is very similar to the market cap in billions.
bence tesla tam bir balon
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TSLA, and the market in general, will continue to go UP and DOWN. There’s not much rhyme or reason, except for some hyped moments of irrationality. But this latest run from $79x to $102x has been great.
I guess overall it depends on what you're trying to do? If it's short-term trades for a week or two then you may need to hold but long-term the company is fine. If you look out 5-10 years Tesla will still be a company and the pps will be higher. I sold AMZN 23 years ago because people said it's overvalued and not making any $$ and PE ratio was a million....well I lost millions believing that! Relax, TSLA will be fine long term. Emotion will always make you sell at the bottom and buy at the top.
so we are now expected to have expertise to post our wish lists?
I think you know the answer.. Calls are on a downward trend. The problem is you can lose money even if you were right with Call Options. Sell them and buy the shares!
Is this true?
[$TSLA Gamma Squeeze - tesla post - Imgur](
Sooner then later. I can see it happening this month
I will be messaging you in 3 months on [**2022-05-27 23:44:59 UTC**]( to remind you of [**this link**]( [**CLICK THIS LINK**](
Because Elon Musk wether you like it or not is a SalesMan first and formost and he need to jump on the hype.
Is this a sarcastic post? Should be marked S
Interesting, looks like this sub is still bullish!
69:1 split please
Take your profits while you can- leave a bit in if you want - that way you will be happy if it goes up and even happier if it goes down!
Tesla is way too big to fail, it’s a massive opportunity
Buy and hope for best
False. I would not be able to sleep if I’m sleeping on top of a big pile of money. Sounds uncomfortable
Shorting Tesla has been attempted since the IPO, all unsuccessfully. Sadly, we can attempt analyze Tesla stock's sudden runs in value as well as the dips... none are defined with logic. This has potential and risk, but what investment doesn't?
My friends in Asia mentioned that they have lots BTC from all of the Pharma sales to Mexico and US. Your DD is not very good. Let’s see what happens. For long community to see. PS friends in Asia hate their government too.
I think if it goes to 580 it’s dropping to 400
Cathie Wood would need her other stocks to perform as good as TSLA. If they continue to lose value, Cathie would have to sell her TSLA shares in order to keep TSLA 10% of her portfolio. Even worse - if other stocks lose value and TSLA gains, she has to sell TSLA faster to keep it at 10%. I would not say, that she is all too happy about it.
Lmao @ ‘they will actually have to start selling cars’ They are looking at Tesla as only a car company? Btw- they are selling- like- a lot of cars. And with production growing fast they will be just fine. %50+ growth year after year, powerwalls, solar panels, power grid backups, etc. I agree…. Shit post
Regret not taking some profit over 1k. Was too scared to jump off the Tesla train after going all in late 2019.
About the split, this will happen eventually. Elon has made it clear that he wants everyone to be able to buy his stocks and of course he would have to split the stock to bring the price down. Most probably a 5x1 or 7x1 who knows.
In that Bloomberg interview he said was not on the long side. Didn’t blatantly admit to shorting just avoided question- Imo he def shorted
Hmm, good question.
If your not a investor plz keep opinion to yourself. This is my financial future here. Also humankind
Something going on. Sell off on good news?
Why would anyone trust MSM aka, fake news?
Yes. The one month chart
thank you for qualifying that what you wrote is your opinion - despite there being zero empirical evidence to support it, many readers seem as they would take it as fact
I can't help them companies like amazon and tesla hire everybody that applies once or twice a year, when they know their going to be busy and after 2-3 months get rid of the bad workers and make permanent the ones they like.
I think it’s political..the stock price makes no sense to me. It’s brave of musk to speak his mind however it is at the expense of shareholders…I liked Michael Jordan’s approach…he famously said..”Republicans buy shoes too” when asked about his political leanings..
I hold my position on Tesla. My heart was dropping slowly to the floor as the candle stick was going down one by one😫. I believe Tesla is a great company and there will be a great earning in the future. It was Worth it to Hold
If you had the chance to invest $5k into Tesla. What’s the best way. Buying whole shares? Edit: sorry if that was hijacking. Delete if need to. Asking should Someone buy today. If they had the resources to.
Not in a bear market unfortunately
This will be especially true in places with EV mandates. These other companies aren't building chargers fast enough. The US alone is going to need millions of chargers, and these companies are now nearly a decade behind, and Tesla has better design, experience and processes. Even if they could get up and running, their process will be more expensive and slower as they ramp.
A run up because of FSD subscription? No
Exactly, and the premium segment is less than 20% of the global volume, hence the growth will slow down soon unless Tesla accept reduced margins
Also another note is that the previous vehicles created(combustion) lost value after wear and served only one purpose on average. The newer EV cars are able to drive on their own and being upgraded, they can also power some units like mobile homes, save a ton of gas and are quickly being adapted to the present times.
then get of this subreddit lol, we don't care
This is the way!!!
If you never sell you never make a profit ;)
They should, we've already seen it after all! Although I've heard Elon has aversions to motorcycles/atv due to safety concerns.
Haha bitch please
I joined you and bought 3/12 800c 10 minutes from close. Ride the tiger.
What is the latest in the EV chip shortage? I thought we were working out of this production issue. Yes? Seems to be the limiting factor. When will Tesla be more vertically integrated with its own chip manufacturing capability?
No, take that money and invest in yourself, learn a skill and increase your capital.
I like the company and believe in the future visions. I am an autist
The hopium is strong with this one. Don't get me wrong. There are very grounded arguments to be made, such that TSLA will be worth upwards of a trillion USD (in 2020 dollars) sometime in the foreseeable future.
The problem is that tsla hype is la bout that . So many young traders already at a profit bilive they will loose all. Is called panic .. I think the MM are capable to take it down to 650 before making their final loads. If investors hold this is buy point for them . I expect back to 800 by end of trading day Friday . But not before hitting 650. Yes volatility !!! I'm not a professional , actually I dont know s...t about stocks don't make desicions based on this bro .
He has called Elon a good dude in the past and even encouraged Elon to sell his shares to cement Elon's permanence as oneof the richest men in the world. His issue is clearly with the valuation. If youre not into finance his point is that everyone is paying tomorrow valuation today and every single time that has happened a company's valuation has tanked. Tesla stock could literally tank by 90% before its close to its proper valuation. Amazon declined 90% before recuperating. When you buy a security yo
The vest investment ever!
Not for long
He knows what he's doing. Sit back and watch... imo. #long
I think we've had the peak... time to cash in ones chips
Maybe $750-$800? Tesla is very volatile
But hertz wants to buy 65000 polestar 2! Why? They weren't happy about the Tesla or this is just diversifying different models.
$595 next stop
Well, every time Apple has a blowout quarter, the share price is dropping. So that makes sense.
The only reason to sell Tesla is if you are confident a short-term dip is happening and you are willing to incur the capital gains in order to sell high and buy low. Tesla will not go down and stay down for any appreciable amount of time. If it hit $500 it would be a great opportunity to put the other half of your retirement into Tesla. Tesla is not a meme stock, it isn't a fanboy stock, it's a stock that is getting shit on left and right by an establishment being overturned. It is underpinned by a compan
They’ve been burned more for buying Bitcoin then helped. Yes it helps the balance sheet and earnings but analysts see it as Elon running out of ways to spend money. Analysts want to see growth companies spending.
Today was an even better price! And tomorrow will be an even better price... And the next day... Until TSLA hits closer to a fair valuation.. 400 maybe? Suddenly the 620 price is less appealing when you could have bought 1.5x the shares!
I think we are giving too much credit to the analyst here
Hope tomorrow it gives little more dip to buy