Still selling 600,000 this morning
He’s vocal and extremely effective. His enemies (some controlling riches and dirty puppet politicians) need to take action while they still can. It’s inevitable as Musk has chosen the right path to stand with/for humanity and improve quality of life. The lower TSLA goes, the better. Some billionaires might go bankrupt in 2024
Options plays are the best way to make more to reinvest and they are printing!!!
Or Doge
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It’s fixed now. Whew 😥
You're buying the FUD.
Do what you have to do, best of luck. I think TSLA is still going up.
/u/Aggravating_House_91, I have found an error in your post: > “~~Its~~ [**It's**] no where listed” In your post, it is you, Aggravating_House_91, who should have posted “CATL) / ~~Its~~ [**It's**] no where listed” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs or contact my owner EliteDaMyth!)
Thank you very much for the recommendation. I will research that avenue and be up to speed before the market opens on Monday. Greatly appreciated!
Split the stock after -12% in 2 days. hahaha
I have TSLA and GME
But then u habe to have seen more red days, why does it make u think of a crash rn? I mean there are theories and they could be true, i just dont understand why a red tech-day concerns u now?
Naah TSLA has VW by the balls
Yeah that's really worked well the last year.
"Analysts" probably freaking about increased regulatory tax credit income ($500M) because somehow that's a problem..
Could be targeting high flyers in the tech sector. Curious if any other stocks have this same weird options anomaly.
What are you talking about
I bought today on a quick dip. I've been buying for well over a year. Not sold a single share. I believe it's still early. Like when AAPL first came out with the iPod early. Think about it. all the factories aren't even running at full capacity. Tesla is both trendy and practical. This space ship is still getting ready for liftoff. Will it go down? maybe. Will it go up? Definitely! So no, long term, it's not stupid to buy now. Maybe not a good idea to go all in now, but I thought that at $900. S
"I didn't even have to use my AK"
Who doesn't like a Tesla. But it's always good to see the bigger names confirm what we already know
Ya Tesla like 4 months ago lol
Can you name vehicle manufacturers with more data for autonomous driving? Would those that you name have a high yield in production and high demand? I already know the answer is no.
Nope just that life goes on. It’s a mountain not a wall means that it’s not just going to go down to zero forever like a wall does. It’s going to go up and down continuously for a very long time
Were good. The correction you speak of has already occurred..and will go back up..soon 😏
Stock split is priced in.. so when it does split, retail will sell.
It’s like everything is on a downturn now rather than a rotation. Take a look at Costco which reported great earnings. It looks like the trend is all technicals driving swift pullbacks.
Since fractional shares can be bought, the price of of a stock is irrelevant. It will still earn or lose the same. It is purely psychological.
Elon has issued two emails basically saying if for can’t report to work at the main office 40 hours a week, find another job!
Sound like more WS HF cock suckers, in full control of CNBC.
As a PA at GF1, I can honestly say I did not once see an engineer push a single 1250 lb battery pack between zones on a U-Line lift cart 8 hours a day, 50 hours a week.... even during "production hell" ...but I digress. Its a very flat organization-be sure to give credit to the little people that "put skin in the game" to make it happen.
I plan to sell all growth stocks into index funds in retirement as well
Great interview and easily found on YouTube:
Split is coming, I can feel it!
I’ll be a millionaire if it does, so I’m all for it. I’m holding my tsla for ever. My only regret was selling last year before reentering
Selling 700 put and buying 800 call ahead of earnings. Credit $10... think numbers are good 😎, $TSLA trades 850-1000
There is absolutely no risk in buying tesla or any other sp500 stock as long as you understand the game. People are greedy and they will purchase more in the future. as long as you are there before them you get to reap the rewards. Don't overcomplicate things. Buy on the dip and trim your positions carefully.. Best not to sell unless you absolutely have to as in stock went up 30% in 2 weeks... you should anticipate the fall... I have 90% of my money in tesla. I am down about $80k and i love it as i get to b
Fractionals my boy. My OCD won’t let me but I’d definitely do it if needed.
Currently up 1653%, after this last dip.
TSLA to $10,000!!!! Jk, I would be happy with $2,000 😀
Uhhhh price and volume algos work. But this looks like a DIY crochet gone wrong
Can’t figure out the gyrating stock movement on little news
The entire market has been trending down, and TSLA had always been more volatile than the average stock. It's silly to watch the whole stock market slide and then wonder why TSLA is going down
I posted 4 days ago in response to OP . .that wait time will come to favor you &#x200B; <<<< u/BuddyWoodchips this 3rd guy says &#x200B; " Lol fuck outta here" \>>> &#x200B; Mfers everywhere ... tesla is still gonna tank Elon tweeted some thing like " i wanna sell 10% " &#x200B; Bottom line : So People decide whom to trust ... I may like tesla,I will buy tesla shares , but will say what i have to say
Same as every other heavily shorted stock right now. Large margin accounts have no choice but to short their short positions to the max. This gives them a little more rope in 2 ways. 1) Their immediate liquidity goes up, because they just sold something (short). 2) The liability of their larger position goes down (they lowered the cost of their short portfolio). But, if it doesn't work out for them, they get margin called anyway, and have to buy back the whole short portfolio.
Also funny how we've never seen a Tesla commercial
To a hammer, everything is a nail. Analysts only know how to value a company based on EPS = Earnings Per Share. Tesla is so unique they need a new metric: Innovation Per Share. How do you calculate it? Nobody knows. I do know innovation has never been more important than now, a time when we need to transition from finite fuels to sustainable energy. While the other manufacturers are just waking up to this fact Elon and his teams have been preparing for decades. Incumbents can’t innovate because
And where are you pulling this recommondation from?
Based on the current market, I am with you. But Musk bought TWTR where Dem has been trying to control the “speech”, and Gates has been shorting TSLA. Gates won’t lose money this way. Who does Gates side with politically? It is just the start. They are taking advantage of this opportunity of downtrend market to teach Musk a lesson. They use the recession as their excuse to cover their intention.
Not a stupid play but not a safe play either. I do the same thing myself occasionally and pretty much always regret buying the long call. Worst case scenario with the short put is that you’ll pick up TSLA for under $570. For what it’s worth my best advice would be to just stop buying call options. Selling puts at the right time on decent stocks is really the way to go. Sells covered calls if assigned. Place the trade and walk away. Set up a price alert and only login if you need to make an adjustment/close
Haha okay, sounds like someone missed out and is salty
Imagine tesla was just an electric car company.
I realize they’re not an investment, but your good vibes helped me knock down 5k in 20 minutes this morning! Preciate you! Lol. Had some play money I was trying to parlay into vacation money for Thanksgiving with the fam, which worked out. Headed to Universal…. Hahaha
No, the Pepsi deliveries were confirmed by Elon Months ago, and the phone has been shot down by him multip\[le times. You live under a rock being lied to. Try following Elon on Twitter then I bet you would know more accurate info
Even with a good ER it's not gaurentee for a gap up on a company's SP!?!? There's really no ryhem and reason anymore🤣?? I've seen companies give out a bad ER and their SP gaps up so like WTF 🙄?!?!!?
I agree. It’s a hold
Patiently waiting for the 700 break. They're making moves like a growth company right now, even at their size they're creating proportionately relevant opportunity for themselves. []( &#x200B; Really read this article top to bottom, and tell me that the sale news from this AM isn't wildly positive by the PM.
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Ark sells when the percentage as total of portfolio is too high, but buy back when price goes down with the profit they made when price was higher and they were required to sell. Seems like a good strategy. Thankfully, this helped Tesla from falling faster and greater.
Now all Tesla ‘s got to do is design a car that is not so fucking ugly.
5 for 1 stock split nice div
I agree the fundamentals are long overshadowed by sentiment, Bitcoin prices and any comments Elon Musk might come out with
Elon says thank you for buying his stocks.
They don’t have a sales problem. They have a delivery problem. They can’t sell what they don’t have.
Tsla is a horrible company and stock needs to reflect that. Autopilot does not work. Center panel leaks glue.
Ahahahahahaha go look at what a $10,000 car in America costs in India xD Also the Indian EV markets pretty saturated with Tata already, demand for Tesla would be real low!
Elon put 1.5B into Bitcoin instead of investing it into his own company. Elon's brother cashed out his TSLA stocks. Both are significant and bearish news for TSLA
Im all in if that would happen..
Haha, it would be a real Joke if Elon Musk twittered now that hè is considering a 1:5 stock split 😂😂😂
And how will that happen if the cybertruck will be selling and on the streets while the others are still trying to figure the EV world . By the time gm and ford have their trucks out , cybertruck III will be there already :)
Hold will be at $3000 soon. Today we back at $1,100
This is the way.
Amazon is taking marketshare from everyone. Tesla is losing its marketshare daily.
Wait til 2025. Then it will be well into the low thousands per share....if there isn't another split by then
Depends on how long time it takes for the bubble to burst, in 2025 the value is set by PE so probably a fraction of its peak
No, it will head toward a PE multiple of <20.
Not a whole lot of explaining here. To shorten a lengthy response to this, red or green in spooky time?
Never sell. Especially Tesla. I've been holding for nearly a year and now when my Tesla postion moves, my whole portfolio moves. The volatility is crazy but the green makes up for the red for me in the long run. Hope it hits 1k this year.
Because Tesla is “green” energy and people invested in old energy want to make a point.
beat analyst expectations as expected!
Buy and hold. B u y a n d h o l d
Will see some actions today. Bull vs Bear.
Just a reminder
Only difference is King Canute fought against the elements Elon musk is utilizing the elements Plus the 4680 batteries are going to be so dope
Autobala, with an electrek take? Sounds like a stolen article...
I called this before the Bitcoin buy. Actually, before the SP500 inclusion. Why? Because once it’s in a fund, the short sellers will look to hit the spy instead. Tesla will fall on its own merit, because small time investors don’t have the means to buy big anything, not even the dips. They also don’t know when to sell. Not advice
Just sent another at $640.00
Tesla logo is upside down on every spike chart.
Clean shot to 400 after 590.
I’m at $823 and got burned during feb/Mar crash =\
If next year they dance a humanoid robot along a stage it’s going to be nuts.
I didn’t want to sell anything to buy more. Taking a risk but I can cover if I get the call
If we knew we’d be rich lmao
TESLA will crash to 250 Dollar. All apes will loose much money.
The size of the community is not as important as the quality. I’d take a smaller group of 💎💎💎🙌 Apes over a larger group of idiot day traders and ADHD ADEROL RIDDLED scalpers any day