
Exp Name: Abiral Pandey
PI Email:
PI Phone: 940-242-3303
PI Current Location: Woonsocket, Rhode Island
PI Visa Status: US Citizen
Sum Dynamic individual with 6 years of software development experience in design, development, deployment, maintenance, production and support of web - based and Client-Server business applications using OOP and Java/J2EE technologies.
Sum Exposure to all phases of Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC) using Agile, RUP, Waterfall.
Sum Designed and developed web UI screen using Angular-JS.
Sum Developed AngularJS Controllers, Services, filters and directives for various modules in the application.
Sum Knowledge on ETL tools like Kettle Pentaho and Microsoft SSIS tools.
Sum Created custom directives, decorators and services using AngularJS to interface with both RESTful and legacy network services also DOM applications.
Sum Experience with MVC frameworks like Struts, SPRING and ORM tools like Hibernate.
Sum Experienced in working with batch jobs using Spring-Batch, Autosys and Quartz.
Sum Worked extensively with XML related technologies like XML/XSLT to process, validate, parse and extract data from XML using DOM and SAX parsers for DTD and SCHEMAand also worked with JAX-B.
Sum Strong experience in J2EE technologies like Java Beans, Servlets, JSP (including custom tags), JSTL, JDBC, Struts, Spring, JMS, JNDI and Multithreading.
Sum Expertise in web development technologies like HTML, DHTML, XHTML, CSS, Java Script, JQuery, JSF, AJAX, Bootstrap JS, Node JS and Angular JS.
Sum Experienced in RESTful web services using JAX-RS, Jersey framework and SOAP using JAX-WS, Axis-2 framework.
Sum Expert knowledge over J2EE Design Patterns like MVC, Adapter, Front End Controller, Value object, Singleton, Session Facade, Business Delegate, Factory DAO in designing the architecture of large applications.
Sum Experience in using Maven and Ant build scripts for the project build automation.
Sum Experience in using version control and configuration management tools like SVN, Clear Case and CVS.
Sum Expertise in working with various Application Servers such as IBM WebSphere, JBoss, Glassfish, Oracle WebLogic and Apache Tomcat server.
Sum Good knowledge in using IDE’s such as Eclipse, NetBeans, JBuilder, RAD and STS.
Sum Expertise in working with Relational databases such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, MySQL and NoSQL database MongoDB.
Sum Experience in database design using PL/SQL to write Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, views and good at writing complex queries for Oracle 10g/11g.
Sum Good experience in developing test cases with JUnit for Unit testing, Load testing and logging using Log4J.
Sum Experienced in using Operating Systems like Windows 98 / 2000 / NT / XP, AIX, Sun Solaris.
Sum Proficient in software documentation and technical report writing.
Sum Involved in Performance analysis and improvements of the application using tools like Jmeter and using commands on Unix box to resolve deadlocks and improve performance.
Skill Programming Languages: Java/J2EE, PL/SQL, Unix Shell Scripts
Skill Java/J2EE Technologies: JavaBeans, collections, Servlets, JSP, JDBC, JNDI, RMI, EJB
Skill Frameworks: Struts 1.x/2.x, Spring 2.5/3.0, Web Framework, JSF, Hibernate, iBatis, JPA, Axis-2, Jersey
Skill Methodologies/Design Patterns: OOAD, OOP, UML, MVC, Singleton, DTO Pattern, DAO Pattern, Service Fa ade, Factory Pattern
Skill Build Automation: Jenkins, Maven, Ant
Skill Application/Web Servers: IBM Web Sphere 6.x/5.x, BEA Web Logic 8.1/9.1, Apache Tomcat 5.x/6.x, JBOSS 4.x/3.x
Skill XML processing: DTD, Schema, JAX-P (DOM, SAX), JAX-B
Skill Web Services: RESTful, SOAP
Skill Web Development: HTML, DHTML, XHTML, CSS, Java Script, JQuery, AJAX, LADP, JSF, Bootstrap JS, Node JS, Angular JS
Skill Version Control Tools: CVS, Harvest, IBM Clear case, SVN and GIT
Skill Databases: Oracle 9i/10g/11g, IBM DB2, SQL Server 2005/2008, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MangoDB
Skill Messaging Techologies: JMS, IBM MQ
Skill IDE s: Eclipse, NetBeans, RAD, WSAD
Skill Testing and Logging Frameworks: Junit, Log4j, Mockito, Finesse Tests
Skill Reporting Tools: Crystal Reports 11, Jasper Reports
Skill Tools: Rational Rose, MS Visio, XML Spy, TOAD
Skill Operating Systems: Windows 98/2000/NT/XP, AIX, Sun Solaris, HP-UX
Skill CVS, Woonsocket, Rhode Island Full Stack Java Developer
Skill April 2016 – Present
Exp Responsibilities:
Exp Involved in various stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) deliverables of the project using the Agile methodology.
Exp Used AWS Cloud platform and its features which include EBS, AMI, SNS, RDS, EBS, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, Cloud Formation, Cloud Front, S3, and Route53.
Exp Expertise in building rich, interactive user interfaces using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.Js and Angular.Js.
Exp Gathered and clarified requirements with business analyst to feed into high-level customization design, development and installation phases.
Exp Used Spring Framework for dependency injection for Action classes using Application Context XML file.
Exp Involved in implementation of MVC pattern using JSP and Spring Controller.
Exp Developed business objects using Spring IOC, Spring MVC and Spring AOP. Implemented MVC architecture using JSP Spring, Hibernate and used Spring Framework to initialize managed beans and services.
Exp Implemented SOA architecture with Web Services using SOAP, JAX-WS, WSDL, UDDI and XML.
Exp Used Collections for Model classes in the DAO layer (Data Access Object) Involved in modifying some changes in DAO layer using Hibernate.
Exp Created mappings among the relations and written SQL queries using Hibernate.
Exp Implemented Concurrency, Exception Handling and Collections whenever necessary.
Exp Used Entity Beans to persist the data into IBM DB2 database like database access components, Creating Schemas and Tables.
Exp Used SQL to perform data mapping and backend testing, also documented all the SQL queries for future testing purpose.
Exp Created process flow for deploying application in Web Sphere application server.
Exp Managed build, reporting and documentation from the project information using Jenkins, Maven Tool and SVN for version control.
Exp Used Jenkins for Continuous Integration.
Exp Used JUnit for testing and used JIRA for tracking bugs.
Exp Responsible for the dealing with the problem, bug fixing and troubleshooting.
Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, Spring, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring MVC, Hibernate, REST, SOAP, XML, Eclipse, PL/SQL, JUnit, Maven Build Tool, DB2, JIRA, Jenkins, SVN and IBM Web Sphere, AngularJS, EBS, AMI, SNS, RDS, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, Cloud Formation, Auto scaling
Exp Toll Brothers, Horsham Township, Pennsylvania Software Engineer
Exp December 2015 - March 2016
Exp Responsibilities:
Exp Developed JSP and extensively used tag libraries.
Exp Designed the system with OOAD methodology using various design patterns like factory method, Singleton, Adaptor, Template etc.
Exp Implementing and planning the server-side architecture using Spring and Hibernate
Exp Configured the spring framework for entire business logic layer with XML bean configuration files.
Exp Preparation of Low Level Designing and High Level Designing and relevant documentation.
Exp Extensively used Spring IOC for Dependency Injection and worked on Custom MVC Frameworks loosely based on Struts
Exp experienced in build tools like Micro services, Ant, Maven and Gradle tools.
Exp Wrote Controller classes in Spring MVC framework in the web layer.
Exp Produced the shopping cart on the client Front-end using jQuery, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3.
Exp Extensively used Eclipse based STS IDE for building, developing and integrating the application.
Exp Used Table per hierarchy inheritance of hibernates and mapped polymorphic associations.
Exp Developed one-much, many-one, one-one annotation based mappings in Hibernate.
Exp Wrote queries Using Cassandra CQL to create, alter, insert and delete elements.
Exp Developed DAO service methods to populate the domain model objects using hibernate.
Exp Used java collections API extensively such as Lists, Sets and Maps.
Exp Wrote DAO classes using spring and Hibernate to interact with database for persistence.
Exp Developed components of web services (JAX-WS, JAX-RPC) end to end, using different JAX-WS standards with clear understanding on WSDL, SOAP using various message patterns
Exp Performed on e-Commerce by using JSF framework and JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5 pages
Exp Wrote and tested Java Beans to retrieve trading data and subscriber's information from MySQL database server,
Exp Extensive experience in Angular.JS for application implementation, proficient in creating modules, controllers, route-Providers, factory services, ng-repeat, customizable filter, http get/post methods and directives to realize functionalities like REST service with Ajax call , input validations, searchable and sortable contents.
Exp Implemented Unit and Integration test cases with JUnit Framework based on Functional Flow.
Exp Used tools like My Eclipse IDE, configured and deployed the applications onto Web Logic application server
Exp Configured Log4j for logging and debugging
Exp Environment: Eclipse, Java J2EE, HTML, JSP, JAX RPC, JAXB, CSS3, JavaScript, and jQuery, Spring MVC, Hibernate, RESTful web services, Apache Tomcat7.0, Cucumber, Cassandra, Junit, Jenkins, Maven, GitHub, XML, Log4j, EJB, MySQL, Ajax.
Exp Dairy Farmers of America, Kansas City, Missouri Java Developer
Exp November 2014 – December 2015
Exp Responsibilities:

This is a resume sentence classification dataset constructed based on resume text.(
The dataset have seven category.(experience education knowledge project others ) And three element label(header content meta).
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