watch it big shot a hoarse voice yelled back
a huge tapestry hung in her hallway
some make beautiful chairs cabinets chests doll houses etc
a roll of wire lay near the wall
women may never become completely equal to men
don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that
in the pity for them his loneliness was gone
she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year
the overweight charmer could slip poison into anyone's tea
in every major cloverleaf traffic sometimes gets backed up
forget we ever knew what
milk appears twice a day
be careful not to plow over the flower beds
don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that
the speech symposium might begin monday
she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year
the misprint provoked an immediate disclaimer
rich looked for spotted hyenas and jaguars on the safari
of particular importance is the study of the actions of drugs in this respect
the thick elm forest was nearly overwhelmed by dutch elm disease
then simmer fifteen minutes longer
nothing is as offensive as innocence
the surplus shoes were sold at a discount price
the population can thereby replenish itself and actually grow larger
don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that
she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year
they often go out in the evening
anyway it was evident what he had in mind
penguins live near the icy antarctic
al received a joint appointment in the biology and the engineering departments
the bluejay flew over the high building
if you destroy confidence in banks you do something to the economy he said
the news agency hired a great journalist
don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that
she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year
such an animal was said to be mealynosed
in news items a man is less often shot in the body or head than in the suburbs
she uses both names interchangeably
coconut cream pie makes a nice dessert
a screwdriver is made from vodka and orange juice
regular attendance is seldom required
don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that
she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year
there was no hint of a violent struggle now
he reached out and felt the bath towel hanging on the towel rack over the tub
top zinnias rarely have crooked stems
orange juice tastes funny after toothpaste
herb's birthday occurs frequently on thanksgiving
often you'll get back more than you put in
you're afraid to talk to a guy you idolize
bob found more clams at the ocean's edge
don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that
of course you can have another tunafish sandwich
the elementaryschool child grows gradually in his ability to work in groups
she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year
keep the thermometer under your tongue
turn shaker upside down
addition and subtraction are learned skills
technical writers can abbreviate in bibliographies
he didn't tell her the truth he now freely admitted to himself
his sudden departure shocked the cast
ten years ago they blew up some of our ditches
far more frequently overeating is a result of a psychological compulsion
the same shelter could be built into an embankment or below ground level
don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that
approach your interview with statuesque composure
she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year
we welcome many new students each year
the avalanche triggered a minor earthquake
alfalfa is healthy for you
draw every outer line first then fill in the interior
it is one of the rare public ventures here on which nearly everyone is agreed
c'mon he whispered four levels about three feet down so don't fall
don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that
does creole cooking use curry
she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year
primitive tribes have an upbeat attitude
we have nothing to hide under a bushel
the moisture in my eyes is from eyedrops not from tears
first add milk to the shredded cheese
just what is meant by spirit and by matter
tugboats are capable of hauling huge loads
it cost us a hundred thousand dollars and thirty days lost time to fix them
radio reception is cut down by the shielding necessary to keep out radiation
how much allowance do you get
don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that
she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year
george is paranoid about a future gas shortage
these exclusive documents must be locked up at all times
when all else fails use force
you've not seemed like them but maybe you are
tugboats are capable of hauling huge loads
perhaps one bored holes in the stone with some kind of an electric gadget
how much allowance do you get
don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that
she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year
beverages are made from seeds the world over
george is paranoid about a future gas shortage
these exclusive documents must be locked up at all times
when all else fails use force