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Human Trafficking Facts and Stats
Hi, everyone. Due to the nature of this subreddit and because it's a hot button topic on social media in general, we receive a *lot* of posts and comments about encounters being possible human trafficking. Unfortunately, there is a massive amount of misinformation about what human trafficking is and isn't, and the vast majority of these interactions here in this subreddit and elsewhere on social media are not how trafficking typically occurs. # **What is human trafficking, anyway?** Human trafficking is the movement of people through coercion, deception, force and any combination of those three, for exploitative sex, labor, or both. Human trafficking DOES NOT usually occur by spotting some girl alone out and about, following her and kidnapping her or "tagging" her to kidnap later. For sex trafficking in particular, the people trafficked almost *always* know and often times love or trust the person that trafficked them.  Human trafficking is, disgustingly, a business, and it'd be bad for business to grab some random girl that might have a rich family to look for her, and to do so in front of witnesses. While there have been a few cases of trafficking that have occurred that way (it's sensational and scary, or we wouldn't know about it), it is by far the exception and not the rule. You are more likely to be trafficked by a romantic partner than anyone else. # **How it happens** "The most pervasive myth about human trafficking is that it often involves kidnapping or physically forcing someone into a situation. In reality, most traffickers use psychological means such as, tricking, defrauding, manipulating or threatening victims into providing commercial sex or exploitative labor. Another myth is that traffickers target victims they don't know. Many survivors have been trafficked by romantic partners, including spouses, and by family members, including parents." - Polaris Project "Perpetrators of human trafficking span all racial, ethnic, and gender demographics and are as diverse as survivors. Some use their privilege, wealth, and power as a means of control while others experience the same socio-economic oppression as their victims. They include individuals, business owners, members of a gang or network, parents or family members of victims, intimate partners, owners of farms or restaurants, and powerful corporate executives and government representatives." - Polaris Project # **Recent Statistics** Based on data* from the [2021 National Report]( by The Human Trafficking Hotline: * **72% of trafficking is for sex**, 10% is for forced labor, 4% is for both sex and labor, with the remaining 14% being for unspecified purposes. * 62% of sex trafficking victims are adults, **28% are minors**. In some cases, demographic information is not provided to the hotline, which is why the percentage here doesn't add up to 100%. * 84% of sex trafficking victims are female, 8% are male, with the remaining 8% having another gender identity, defined as someone who identifies as any identity other than cisgender male or female. In the vast majority of cases (33%), the country of origin of victims was unknown. When the country of origin *was* known, the majority of victims were US citizens.  *note: this data is all from substantiated tips received by the hotline from January 1, 2021 until December 31, 2021, the vast majority of which came from victims themselves.  # **Additional Info & Sources** For more information, please visit [Polaris Project](, a wonderful resource for information about human trafficking and ways to help if you are interested, or [The Human Trafficking Hotline](, which keeps one of the most extensive data sets on human trafficking in the United States. If you believe you or someone you know is a victim of human trafficking, you can also call +18883737888 (open 24/7) to make a report (this is a United States number, if you suspect human trafficking in another country, please refer to your country’s national human trafficking hotline). You can also text 233733 with HELP or INFO to get more information or to report suspected human trafficking in the United States. [Here is a story]( from this exact subreddit that we approved with verification that describes OP's experience. Any misinformation about trafficking in this thread will result in it being locked.  Any off topic comments will be removed.
This woman on the train
This happened last week, and while she didn't seem malicious, the things she said was creepy. I (19M) was going home from university, and to get home, I have to use the train. As I got on, a lot of the seats were occupied. In my country, the seats are put in a way so that four people can talk and sit in front of each other, and they are kinda close, perfect for talking, even with strangers, sadly. I see that there is a free space in front of this girl, who one or two years younger me, but you can never know. I go there, and I ask her if I can sit down. "Of course", she replied, and looked at me in a strange, intense way. I pulled out my phone to distract myself from her. She also had a chocolate in her hand, that's gonna be important for later. She asked me "Where do you live?" and I was like 'Why do you have to know?", so she asked when I'm gonna get off the train. I told her the place, and she told me that she's getting off the next one. She started singing, then said "Oh, sometimes I sing. I'm a silly girl", then did it AGAIN. Whenever she said something, she looked at me like she was waiting a response, so I replied "it's okay to be silly", because I just didn't want to talk to her. Then, she told me that "You're pretty", and when I asked "What?" she asked if she's pretty. In my language, the second one is an extension of the first ("Szép vagy" turned to "Szép vagyok?"), so it seemed like she corrected herself. Then she asked if she had chocolate on her face, she did. I also got the chocolate in her offered to me, but I declined. She also told me about her piercing that came off, and she put it on in the middle of the train. I told her that she should get it fixed where she got it, and she said "In Germany? Will you go there with me?" but obviously, I told her no. While she tried to put on her piercing back in (her mouth-piercing), she told me that she's in love with me. I told her that I have a girlfriend (I don't, but the university I attend has much prettier girls than her) and that "the pacing is too fast for me", and she told me that she will beat my girlfriend. Her "I love you" started escalating into "I'll kidnap you" and "Strip for me". She asked me if I'll go with her, and if she could go with me home. Then, when the train arrived at my destination, she asked me "Are you going, love?", I told her yes, and went on my way. Luckily she didn't follow me home. She also asked me when we are going to meet again. Hopefully never.
To the mumbling man in the library
This happened to me just a few minutes ago, I just got home and I'm still shaken. For context I'm a latin american woman. I look young, and I'm also very short for where I live, although it would be considered average in my mothers country. Getting picked up from school and dropped off at the library, I sat down at a small round table, the nearest one at the door which also happened to be the nearest at the receptionist desk. It was a while before I noticed the man, he was at an elongated table with multiple chairs along the edge. He was the only one there, and was mumbling to himself and flipping through several picture books. It was clear the man had some sort of mental illness or maybe he was severely mentally challenged, but he was minding himself, and wasn't bothering anyone, so I didn't pay him much mind. There were many mentally challenged people who would come to that particular library to read or study or whatever, so I couldn't have cared more. More time passed, I was working on summarizing an article for my history class, and I didn't even remember the guy. But the man, out of nowhere, walked to my table and sat down across from me. He didn't look at me. He didn't talk to me. He didn't ask if the seat was available. He didn't even move my things that were sprawled across the table. He just settled with his books, never ceasing to mumble incomprehensible words. My anxiety had spiked, this is really unusual where I am, and I was mentally racing through possible options and risks, because I truly didn't know if he was dangerous or not. Doing this, I noticed many things about him, most about his manner, but I also noted how he dressed. He wore dirty glasses, and wore clothing that bore holes and muddy stains. He had a long untamed beard, and wore a Cartoon Network baseball cap. His books weren't any picture books,either, they were for first grade girls (I know because I used to read them when I was kid), the Pinkalicouse series I think, but I'm not sure. He didn't even make eye contact with me, it's as if I and my supplies weren't there to begin with. I also noticed his mumbling, he was saying things without stopping, and I couldn’t understand a single thing he said. It's as if he just spoke to make a continuous string of sounds, like he was reading a run-on keyboard smash or something. He didn’t take any breaks while he spoke all this gibberish, not to breathe or rest. He would flip through the books quickly, wouldn't read them outloud or anything, and then he'd set it aside before grabbing another. At this, I began to text my mom asking her to pick me up, but she didn't respond. Normally I would have no issue telling off a stranger who was being creepy. I was taught by my mom that the fastest way to get rid of a creep is to make it clear that you're not gonna be polite or quiet. If he was being creepy,I would have made a scene, called over the receptionist, or yelled at him, but this man hadn't even looked at me. He was just odd, like I said I suspect he was either on drugs, or was severely mentally ill, but he hadn't done anything creepy so far. I told you, he didn't even acknowledge me. I looked around then, trying to see if all the other tables were occupied and he had to settle with someone else. Nope. There were several empty tables. Even the one he sat at previously was clear too. I then looked at the people around me to see if they knew what was happening, but no one acknowledged the situation, not the receptionist or other students. I really didn't expect them to say anything, but a nod to ask if I was all good would have been very reassuring. Still feeling unsettled, acting busy, my mom texted back in a panic. She tried calling me, but I declined, and then texted her that he was right across from me.He never stopped mumbling. She then told me to get up and go to the receptionist desk, which was right across the table I sat at. I refused, and walked to the back of the library instead since I didn't want to be in his view. I won't lie, I still feel a little guilty about my behavior. I understand that his manner was very odd, but if he really was an old man with a severe disability, I was treating the poor guy like a dangerous lunatic. So I quietly acted like I needed something, and stood up, walking and hiding in the back of the library. He didn't look at me as I moved, and didn't say anything. Just kept mumbling odd sounds, flipping through those books and piling them up when finished. When I reached the back, my cousin called me. He lives with us and had been staying home all week because he was ill, and he had to be quarantined. I had texted him, after my mom didn't immediately respond so he knew what was up. He asked me if i was ok, I responded that I was fine and away from the guy at the other side of the library. I explained that the kids section was there, so mothers were reading with their children, and I figured sticking near them would be the safest thing for me. He told me he called my parents, and my dad was coming since he was the closets. I thanked him and hung up. I looked for horror books, I had recently gained an interest in vampires so I looked for anything relating to that. As I looked through the sections trying to find the scary genre, I peered over the edge of the shelves. They were at shoulder height since it was the kids section. I could see the head of the man, still at my desk. I only looked for a moment because I didn't want him to see me. So I ducked and turned back to looking for a book. I had finally found the horror section, when I started to skim through them, picking out a few and reading the back before sliding them into the slot they belonged in. I had the thought to look back over and see what he was doing. He had left my table alone, and was now following a woman. The man only halted when she ducked into the hallway containing the bathrooms. This was enough to make me go back to where the mothers were, and I received a call from my mom, who informed me that my father was there. She had been too far away to get me before him, and I could see his car through the window stemming across the library's wall. I waited on the phone and as he walked, I waved until he saw me at the back of the library. I approached, hung up, and gave a little more context, building off of what my mom had already told him. He nodded, asked me to show him the man, and walked with me to get my things. We looked around on the way there, but we couldn't see him. I'm pretty sure he left or was in the restroom. I don't know, I'm just glad I was with my dad. He helped me grab my things, and I called my cousin in the car to tell him I was safe, and assured my mother that I was with my dad. We talked on the way home, and I told him everything, explaining why I was so unsettled with the man. I described his clothes, his manner, my dad even laughed when I told him what kind of books he had with him, and most of all I explained his odd mumbling. How he would just make sounds and vowels without stopping or taking breaks. Hearing that my dad mentioned that he could be on drugs, but that he most likely was just out of touch with reality and I agreed with him. Honestly, I hope the man is alright, and I hope he was just someone with a disability and very poor social skills. Assuming that's the truth, I give him my sympathy. But if he really had bad intentions and sat with me to creep me out, then, to the man who wouldn't stop mumbling, I hope we never meet again. Thank you for reading this, if you have any suggestions on what might be up with him, please tell me. I want to hear every possibility.
The burglar who nearly killed me
So this was May 2017. My husband Jim and I own a 5 floor, hundred year old building which has our business in it- an antique mall- our apartment upstairs, and various other tenants. We’d had several back-to-back burglaries in the prior years and had reinforced the front doors of the business pretty intensely. Aggressive steel bars, more cameras, etc. Anyway, at 3AM we were sound asleep upstairs, as one is, but then we got a call from Sonitrol, our security company. We had a motion detect in an unusual location- not the main floor where 90% of the jewelry is, but downstairs. That sort of thing is usually a spider on the camera, or a mouse or some shit. So we ran out less than prepared. I was only wearing a tank top, undies and flip flops.* Jim did not grab his baseball bat, but at least had pants. I went one way to check the front door, which was intact, and Jim went the other to check around back. Suddenly he called me and said “Someone’s inside,” so I fumbled with my phone trying to call 911- in that situation, your monkey brain is in the driver’s seat, and the phone is the black monolith from 2001. Finally I managed it, and rounded the backside of the building, narrating to the 911 operator. Broken glass, broken window. I said- as I later heard during the run up to the trial- “Oh my god they’re in there, please come NOW”. Then there was an *unholy* crash. It sounded like everything inside was being smashed to bits. The feeling of listening to someone busy destroying your livelihood is something I can’t quite capture. Who was in there? How many? What path of destruction was being wreaked? I could only yell down the phone at a faceless voice, begging for help that I knew was still minutes away. Bear in mind I was freshly awoken into a horrible situation, barely clothed** and it was escalating by the second. As it turned out the burglar, Troy, had come face to face with Jim, trying to exit the building out the broken window, before I’d arrived. They locked eyes and Troy said “Oh shit” and reversed direction, back to the depths of the building. Then he dropped his backpack with stolen merch, flung himself bodily over a giant iron gate, smashed through the restaurant tenant’s door, and then subsequently out their main door. At that point he’d caught a lot of glass to the face and body, and was bleeding pretty good. Jim caught him on the exit and fucking *pounced on him*. Full body slam to the cement. Then he pinned Troy. Adrenaline is wild. I was not crying but urgently begging the operator to hurry, hurry, hurry- I was terrified I was going to see my husband die before my eyes. And then I ran right into the fray because, again, adrenaline. It gets right up on you, and you just do the stupidest shit. They were in the middle of the street, dimly orange lit by the streetlights and it was hard to parse what was going on. Fucking thank sweet baby jeebus, Troy did not have a weapon and was wildly unprepared to have a madman tackle him in the dark; as it turned out, he had done hundreds of burglaries and never been caught. Jim had the upper hand and had him fully pinned down, and Troy was wisely playing possum. Suddenly we heard a roaring engine and someone laying rubber. Apparently I started screaming. Yeah, it was Troy’s getaway driver, his wife Kelsey. She leaned out her window and yelled “Get the fuck off him or I’m gonna kill the bitch”. (That was me, the bitch c'est moi.) Clearly captured on audio, but I don’t remember it. Not willing to wait, she then tried to run me over. I vaguely remember realizing things were going horribly wrong, but desperately trying to read the license plate into the phone with an idiotic laser focus. It was out of state and I struggled to read it. That’s all. My brain deleted how close she’d come to turning me into a bloody smear- within maybe a foot of me, fast, while I dodge like a badly clothed matador, clutching my phone. We had to listen to the 911 recording a year later in the prosecutor’s office, synched with the video. The video was from a nearby business, with really good exterior cameras. Jim started crying; he had no idea what a close call it was. The engine revving overwhelmed my screaming at a certain point. My voice was blown out, I was trying to chant the license number like an incantation but *you can’t hear it* because the engine roar and squealing tires. Jim let Troy go, of course. Troy jumped into the car and they tore off down the street. The police showed up maybe a minute later, but they were gone. Anyway, Troy had bled all over Jim from the door glass. Jim freaked out so hard later. We figured Troy was likely using IV drugs (correctly, as it turned out) and I had to inspect Jim for cuts, using a flashlight to make sure I missed nothing. He still got tested. Unlike a number of other incidents, this one was taken pretty seriously, due to the amount of evidence as well as violence and, you know, the attempted murder. Several months later, they arrested Troy and Kelsey. They had Troy’s DNA from the bloody clothes Jim was wearing and all over the car they’d been driving, which had been stolen but ditched. It turned out they were wanted in *five counties* for hundreds of commercial burglaries over several years, to support their oxy habits. (Back before the age of fetty!) We were the only fuck up they made- they didn’t know we lived on the premises. Kelsey, the wife, flipped on Troy. They accepted a plea for her- much to my displeasure since *she* was the one that tried to kill me. At least she ratted him out six ways to Sunday. He refused a plea. He wanted a trial. I would not wish a trial on my worst enemy. You get interviewed, alone, by the defense team. Did you know they can lie? They sure can! They won’t in front of the jury, but one-on-one they’ll eat your soul and pick their teeth with the shards. You don’t get a lawyer- you’re on Team Prosecution. Theoretically I can understand it… but it’s still utterly maddening. They took me first. They played the 911 tape, second time I’d heard it. They insisted that because I kept saying “they’re inside”, that I was lying and there was someone else, not Troy or Kelsey. Sorry, I just use it as a nongendered pronoun, guys. I hadn’t yet seen the person, so they were a “they”. Which is what I told them, adamantly. Then they took Jim. They told Jim that I admitted I’d lied and there was another person inside the building. He luckily laughed and was like “absolutely the fuck not, she didn’t.” Finally the day before trial, Troy accepted a plea. Thank god. I had been having the stupidest meltdown ever- do I dye my hair something other than purple? (I’d just spent $700 on it!) What shoes do I wear? I don’t have conservative shoes! How can I cover my tattoos? Basically the most pointless shit I could control because that train was rolling on, without me. Kelsey got off with probation. Troy was in prison from 2017-2020, until he got released early, adjacent to Covid. Kelsey seems to be clean and living a normal life, remarried with kids and looks happy. I watch her on FB. I really hope so. (I do occasionally wish she has a raging case of hemorrhoids or something tho, I’m not a saint.) NOTE: you’re welcome to DM me if you think you know me, but I’d appreciate if you don’t post it! It’s not wildly important or I wouldn’t put this up, but, yeah be cool please. *Not where my username comes from, just a weird coincidence ** Fuck the towel, know where your shoes are at night. This is critical. In the immortal words of Kate McKinnon, who cares if your pink pocket and stink rocket are on full display- you best be able to *run*. I cannot emphasize this enough.
Friendly customer decided to be a creep
This happened 16 years ago but it stayed with me, both because it terrified me and because I still feel like an idiot. I live in Honduras, which has more than its fair share of problems. Violence and poverty being the top of the list. So you kind of grow up with messed up stuff being normalized. One of them is families marrying off their daughters to rich suitors. Some times its putting peer pressure on the daughter to be open to the advances of some rich prick, and other times it feels like outright sexual trafficking. Especially in families where either mom or dad are not in the picture. More common in small towns but not unheard off in bigger places. Growing up me and my siblings were shielded from the nastier things that happen here because our parents busted their humps to put us in good schools, live in a relatively safe place and raised us to be cautious and not go where we're not supposed to. My mom owned a cafe in a port so a lot of her clients were tourists and foreigners who stopped in route to their villas or beachouses. One of them was this older American who through chit chatting a few times ended up getting along with my parents. Even inviting our whole family once to a cook out in his beachhouse. He was always nice and friendly and gave off a sweet vibe, he even kind of looked like Santa Claus. So one day when I was taking his order, he asked me to sit down with him. He asked me about school, my goals once I graduated and no alarm went off in my head because I figured he was bored and wanted to chat with somebody before my mom came back from her break. Then things took a bad turn. He commented about knowing about my family's recent hardships. Mainly about debts and dad not being able to work due to an accident. I nod along, figuring that my parents asked him for help or a loan or something. He then says he was talking about them having me go with him back to the States since I have a Visa and helping him out while living with him. He made some comments about my looks, said ''everybody'' would rather wait until I graduated which was still a few months away but that my family needed help now and it wouldn't appropriate for him to step in if they weren't ''his'' family. So if we went off and got married soon, he'd take care of everybody. I was stupified and basically just murmured out something that was like ''no thank you, sir.'' He said I didn't have to decide right away but that we should go on a trip in his boat this weekend to see if we get along. He claimed my parents were conflicted but decided not to tell me anything because they wanted me to finish school and then choose for myself. But he flipped that on me saying I was the oldest, I needed to look out for my siblings and that my parents had taken care of me and I needed to take care of them. At this point I felt a pit in my stomach because I believed he really did speak with them about taking me away and they really were thinking about it. Instead of telling to fuck himself, I started kind of negotiating saying if so and so could come with me on the weekend boat trip and if I could finish High School over in the States and so forth. All while holding back tears. He calmed me down and told me my parents already said no but that I should really think about it and wait for them to bring it up. And he made me promise not to tell them that he'd already given me the heads up. That it was important that I proved to him that he could trust me. Turns out he was full of shit. He brought the idea up to my parents two days AFTER he had told me, my mom instantly shut it down and that he insisted she should ask me for my opinion and my mom told him she wouldn't bother because I was going to finish school, go to college and then I could do what I wanted with my life. This was during dinner, two full days after the talk with that old man and I started bawling telling them that he had said this and that and not to tell anybody. So yeah, I felt like the biggest idiot in the world for thinking my parents would just hand me away like a sack of potatoes but God did I feel relieved. So wherever you are Creepy Santa, let's not meet again.
She would watch me sleep
I'll admit, i'm addicted to this subreddit. I probably spend 2 or more hours a day just reading the posts, so i decided to contribute with my own story. This happened when i was around 12 years old. Me and my family lived in a small apartment, but it felt cozy to me and we knew some of our neighbors and would sometimes even invite them to our house, they were great people. At the time i used to sleep next to my brother's bed, and felt safe with his presence, like nothing bad would happen to me. The only thing i can say was bad about the apartment, was that our bedroom was next to the bedroom of our neighbor, which was a little higher than ours. If you wanted to see their room, you could do so by getting on top of a chair, while they could see almost our entire bedroom with no effort. Despise it being freaky i didn't think much about it, since like i said, i had my brother sleeping in the same room and felt like nothing could go wrong. Oh, how innocent i was... The day everything started, i had barely finished my dinner and decided that i would go to sleep early, so my brother was not in the room at the moment. Everything seemed fine, until i woke up and saw something that still give me chills to this day. What i saw was a silhouette of a person right next to the window, and while i could not see their face at all, i knew they were staring at me. I remember screaming as loud as i could and running desperately to the living room, where my mom was watching TV. I explained what happened to her and she didn't seem bothered at all, she was like "Oh ok" and continued watching TV like nothing happened. A few days after that event i was feeling way better about it, but even them, i decided to keep the curtains closed, just in case. Until one day i woke up in the middle of the night and for some reason, had the idea of opening the curtains. And as you already expected, she was there staring at me once again, and like the first time, i couldn't see her face at all, just a black figure. I don't know how many times she did that, but for the following days i would wake up like 2-3 times every night, and while the curtains were always closed, i would have this feeling that she was there, watching me sleep. A few days later i decided to tell my parents everything, and that's when things get creepier. They said that right next to our apartment, lived an elderly woman who was sick and had her son taking care of her. They said that they would leave to take out the trash, and she would sneak behind them and smile, while patiently waiting for them to turn around. I tried telling them how i felt paranoid she was always watching me and they said something like "She's a sick old lady, scaring people is probably the only highlight of her week, just ignore her and keep sleeping". While nowadays i don't care much about that, i remember being very angry with them, why weren't they helping me? I did exactly as they said, and just ignored her every night, while keeping the curtains closed. It took some time, but i was finnaly starting to forget about the experience, until a few weeks later, that's when things took a turn for the worse. From my mother's perspective, our family was always different from others. My mom was the one working all day while my dad would be at home with us, so he would always bring me and my brother to school and then go pick us out when it ended. One day i was at school waiting for my dad to arrive when a friend came up to me and said she could bring me home with her dad's car. I completely forgot my father was coming to get me, so i said yes and went inside. When i got back home i knocked at the door, but other than my two dogs barking, there was no response. I started to get anxious so i kept knocking over and over, until i heard a big sound coming from the old woman's apartment, and that's when i realized i had made a big mistake. As soon as i heard the sound i ran to the elevator and clicked the buttons as many times as i could. Our elevator had a window at the center, so i was terrified she would show up in it, but thankfully she didn't. After i left the building i decided to lay down on the street, trying to process what had happened, when my friend saw me and invited me to their house. I was watching cartoons while her dad was calling mine, explaining why i was not at school. When my dad came back, i ran to him and gave him a big hug while crying, and he said "It's ok now." My brother's class usually ended 30 minutes after mine, so we had to go back to school and get him. The entire time i was expecting my father to scold me, but instead he was very calm and told me he was thinking of buying a cellphone, so i could message him if anything happened. After that experience i was even more terrified of the old woman, but kept the curtains closed like usual, and kind of got used to it. Eventually, we moved to a different house, and i never saw that woman again. Not that i would be able to recognize her, since everytime i saw her at the window her face was completely black. And that's how my story ends. Thankfully i didn't get to see how she looked like, but i realize my story was not as interesting as some others that i have read. In any case, i hope you enjoyed it and sorry if some things don't make sense, english isn't my first language. ​ ​
I’ll Never Go Back There Alone
This happened to me when I was seventeen years old. I was just about to graduate high-school. I was homeschooled and very encouraged to pursue entrepreneurship. I was trying to establish a photography business that I could run after graduating. In order to build my portfolio I decided to ask a few friends and acquaintances to model for me. I asked a girl I worked with if she and her husband would like to model a couple’s session for me. It would be a win win since they would receive free photos and I would get to add them to my website as sample work. We planned a day to meet and I asked them to meet me at a local park one evening. Something you should know about this park is that it is pretty far out in the country. The park has soccer fields, baseball fields, a golf course, and walking trails so it is on a large plot of land and fairly secluded. The only house in view of the park is the caretaker’s home directly across the street from the entrance. Unless there is an event or a weekend, there is usually not many people there. I felt pretty confident meeting the couple there because I was only planning to arrive about fifteen minutes early to set up, so I wouldn’t be alone long. The park has an entrance where you can drive down a road into the parking lot to get to all the sports fields, playground, and down to the pond. The front of the park has a large grassy strip which is where I was planning to set up for my photos. I bypassed the entrance and pulled into a little dirt section at the front of the park and began unloading all of my props. I was always taught to be a cautious person, especially as a young woman, so I took a quick glance to see if anyone was at the park. I saw one car in the parking lot, and two guys tossing a ball in the baseball field, along with their pit bull. Across the street I could see the caretaker out in her yard so that made me feel a lot better. I decided I would just keep an eye out and continued setting up my things. I would glance up every now and then to make sure that the two men were still on the baseball field. I had no reason to believe they would bother me, but something in my gut just told me to keep watch. The couple I was waiting on seemed to be running late. I finished my set up and glanced up to check on the two guys. To my horror they were gone. The car was still there but the men and the dog where nowhere in sight. There was a bit of a hill in front of me that blocked some of the park entrance from sight so I thought maybe they had just decided to walk one of the nature trails. But again, that feeling in my gut just told me something was wrong. I looked at the caretaker’s house and she had gone back inside. I couldn’t get everything back to the car quickly, so I just grabbed my camera equipment and hopped in my car. I locked the doors, turned on the ignition, and got my phone out. Literally as soon as I got settled in my car I see the two guys coming over the hill with their dog. I feel my gut feeling melt into panic. You have to understand, there was no reason for them to come up to where I was. It’s literally just an open, grassy yard. If the dog needed to relieve himself, there was plenty of place for that at the woods edge, or the nature trail, or the walk to the pond, all of which were way closer to them than where I was. They walked around my setup and when they got to my car one guy went around the front and the one holding the dog on the leash circled my car. I assume that they realized I had already noticed they were coming and that I was no longer vulnerable, because they rejoined and walked further down up and around through the soccer field. Once I felt like I was no longer in danger I glance down at my phone to see that the couple I was supposed to meet had apparently forgotten about it and were at the beach. I was so fed up at that point, I jumped out of the car, grabbed up all my props, and shoved them into the car. This was my first experience of how scary it can be to be a female out alone. I’ve had multiple experiences since, but this one sticks out to me the most because I am absolutely certain that those guys intended to do me harm. And what kind match would a seventeen year old girl be against two grown men and a pit bull? One thing is for certain, I will never go back to that park alone.
My screaming may have saved my life.
Some context first - this story took place in 2020, when I was 18 years old. I lived in a relatively safe neighbourhood - but my country does have a high crime rate in general, so take that with a pinch of salt. My dad had passed away earlier in the year, and I had no siblings, so my mom and I lived alone in our house. The Covid lockdowns were still in place, but as certain restrictions were lifted, people were starting to return to work. Between my house and the train tracks was a stretch of empty field. It became a safe, quiet space for me to escape to whenever I needed to get out of the house. I would normally sit there once a day for a cigarette or two, sometimes for a little picnic. My home situation was complicated, to say the least, and due to the pandemic I had nowhere else to go. On this particular day, I went there for a few minutes to smoke, as always. I was about halfway through my cigarette when I noticed a young man walking along the train tracks, on the other side of the field. He was barefoot, and wearing dirty, worn-out clothes. He noticed me, and made a hand gesture suggesting that he was asking for a smoke. I should have just left, but as a teenager, I found it difficult to say no to people. I walked across the field and handed him a smoke. He took it from me and I immediately felt uneasy with the way he was looking at me. He asked me: "Don't you live in that house over there?" and pointed at my house. I avoided answering the question, and at this point realized that I needed to leave. I had left from my front gate that day. For him to know where I lived he must have watched me leave from the back gate before. I told him I needed to get going. He started insisting on giving me a hug to say thank you, and I declined several times. At this point, I turned around and started walking away quickly. I didn't get very far. He caught up to me, and put his arm around my waist. I panicked - not knowing what to do. All I could think of was that I needed to get away. As I tried to start running, he grabbed me from behind and started dragging me toward the row of houses, where the view from the road is completely blocked. The fences were high too, so no one could see the field from their backyards. We were completely isolated. I was kicking and struggling, desperate to get out of his grasp. He ended up throwing me on the ground, with him on top of me, still holding on. In a split second, my life flashed before my eyes. That feeling that something terrible was about to happen came over me. I couldn't escape - he was too strong. My arms were trapped by his and he was holding me down, so I couldn't kick him. I did the only thing left to do and I started screaming for help. Suddenly I was free. I could move. He had let go, and jumped off of me. He ran away. My heart was still pounding. I was shaking, in shock from what had just happened. He disappeared into the industrial area on the other side of the train tracks. I immediately ran towards the road. As I reached it, I noticed it was empty. There were no cars parked in my neighbors' driveways. No one heard me screaming, and had he realized, that day could have had a far worse ending. He knew where I lived, and I was terrified of him returning. For months, I had panic attacks and nightmares and I could barely leave my house without breaking down. I moved away from there a year later, but I still sometimes get scared when I'm home alone or walking around town. Thankfully, I never saw him again and I hope that I never will.
How do i handle this situation?
EDIT: Thanks everyone for your kind comments, I may talk to a relative who works with the police. This happened a couple of days ago. I probably should have reported it then and there but I don't know. A couple of days ago I was on a train heading home from work. A bit earlier than normal because I was planning to work from home for the rest of the day since it was an office job. After I got off the train, I decided to go to a vending machine and get myself a Pepsi. It was there on the vending machine to the left of the one I was at, there was a man: Black hair, brown skin, tatoos of letters/numbers on his knuckles, 5"8 and I heard him mutter something to me I had my headphones partially on And I am partially deaf in one ear, so I took off the headphones and asked him what he needed. It took a while for me to understand what he wanted but it seems he was asking for change for the vending machine, considering he was actually looking for the Change dispensary slot for money, I checked my wallet to see if I had any change but I didn't. But The thing is I tried paying for my Pepsi with my card and he saw me do so. So what he said next took me by surprise: "why don't you use your card? So I won't have to stab you in the chest." At the time, I thought I misheard him because I was partially deaf and it was the first time i was threatened, so I asked him to repeat it but he said "Can you use your card" without mentioning stabbing me in the chest and because i felt shitty not to I did (in hindsight, I probably shouldn't have). I scan my card on the EFTPOS machine and I think he ordered something akin to a LE Snack. "He then goes on to say that I don't usually do this." After he got the food, he looked at the food and looked back at me and said "Are you sure?", and I said "yes", He kept on repeating the question, but each time I said "yes 100%, I'm sure you can keep it", he even tried to return the food to me. Then he told me that a lot of his friends use drugs like weed, crack cocaine and offered me some to to which I declined. He then said something along the lines of "When you get to the heaven They will be asking you about this moment." He then asked for my name to which I gave a fake one after which he shook my hand and got on the nearest bus. It was around this time, an old lady that was sitting nearby listening to the entire thing told me "you do realize he just said he was going to stab you in the chest? I was on standby, just in case something happened". To which I responded that I gave him a fake name and left a little startled. At first, I didn't really think much of this encounter. But lately I've been more on Guard as the days go by. I went to the shop shortly after that encounter and every time I see someone slightly matching that description I was on guard. I tried reporting this to Crime Stoppers but then they called me and asked me to call the police. This is where things get a little stupid for my part, I didn't end up calling the police, honestly, I've always been scared of talking on the phone and causing a stir when it's not needed. I am aspergers and i have a bit of an anxiety problem. So here I am at the moment, not sure how to go forward with this.. I should have gotten that old lady's details that way. I would have had a witness and I should have reported this the moment it happened. But I didn't. What should I do? (IF this is the wrong subreddit for this kind of thing.... sorry...) TLDR: A couple of days ago, while getting a drink from a vending machine after leaving the train, I was approached by a man who subtly threatened to stab me when asking for change. I obliged, he made unsettling comments, offered me drugs and left. Still havent reported to police due to Anxiety.
The creepy man from the bus
(Sorry for my English, I'm a French native speaker and only learned it at school). I've never forgotten that event, even though it happened over 10 years ago now. Today I'm a 26 (F), and I still get goose bumps, and it's even creepier with my adult eyes. In fact, to be more precise, this event took place over a period of more than 6 months. To put it in context, it all started when I was about 14. At the time, I was attending a private secondary school in the south of France, and I used to go to my grandmother's every evening, to wait for my mother to get off work and pick me up. My grandmother, who was retired, would wait for me in her car when I got out of school, but the more time passed, the more I wanted to be independent. So I asked her if I could take the bus home, and she agreed. I liked to put my headphones on and take advantage of the long journey to listen to my favorite music and be in my own bubble. The nearest bus stop to her house was about ten minutes away on foot, because, by bad coincidence, the one opposite the dead end she is living in had been condemned for lack of use. But that didn't bother me, as I'm more of a stroller by nature. So I started taking the same bus, every day, at roughly the same time (although this could vary, I didn't have classes on Wednesday afternoons, for example). When I was 14, I was really childlike. When I say childlike, I mean, I've always had a childish face, but this time it really showed. I didn't have a "woman's" shape, I always had cute stuffed animals hanging on my bag, well, I guess you can imagine. And then, I first noticed this guy on the bus, must have been in September-October. He must have been in his forties, not very tall, and bald. Why did I notice him, you might ask ? Well, because he was staring at me. I even had the feeling that he wasn't blinking. He was giving me smiles that didn't inspire confidence, but it was completely instinctive: I'd never been confronted with the reality of the world, I was still very naive, but I knew something wasn't right. I didn't say anything.I just decided to "run away" from the situation that didn't make me feel comfortable, by looking in another direction, and that was that. That was just the beginning of something I would remember forever. This man took the same bus as me, every day, at the same time, even when my schedule changed. To this day, I have still no idea how he could have got these informations: was he watching me? Did he live around the school? He was always staring at me with those strange smiles, never letting up, but never talking to me. I'd get off the bus at my stop, he'd stay on, and then the cycle would start all over again the next day. I was so terrified of this situation that I didn't dare telling anyone: I was afraid they wouldn't believe me, and also that I wouldn't be allowed out of the house afterwards. And then one day (it was around May-June, at the end of the school year), I'd had enough: I got off at a stop halfway through the journey, and hid (naively) behind a tree to try and lose him. I'd had enough of these persistent stares... Except that the guy also got off. And he started looking for me. There was nobody around, and that's when I realized I wasn't safe. The guy was calling me "*Where are you, sweetheart? Come on, let's have a chat*!" I was, so to speak, sweating and unable to move from my tree. Of course, he eventually found me."*You're really pretty, you know that? I'd love to have a chat, get to know you..*."Frankly, I didn't want to get to know him at all, he terrified me, and I wanted to go home. I tried to make him understand that he was freaking me out and that I wanted him to leave me alone. I asked him what he wanted, and he kept saying the same thing over and over, "*just to get to know each other*"... The next bus arrived and I took the opportunity to run on to it, except that he did too. He sat down, stopped talking and stared at me, smiling. I was in an internal panic, my thoughts were going in all directions and I didn't know what to do. I made the worst decision of all, getting off at my usual stop and going back to my grandma's anyway, thinking he'd do as usual and stay on the bus. Except that this time, he got off at the same time as me. The stop was in a very lightly trafficked area, and was lined with little dirt paths that served as shortcuts to parallel thoroughfares. I told myself that he was going to kidnap me, that he was going to take me down a small path and that I would never be able to go home again. But I didn't want him to notice my fear, as it seemed to "fuel" him in a kind of domineering pleasure. So he started asking me to "*get to know each other*" again, while following me. I picked up the pace, but he kept lining up with me : he wouldn't let go. Eventually I reached my grandmother's dead end, and finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel. I ran up to her house, and she was standing in the doorway reading a book. She saw me coming, red-faced, still shaking with panic, with the bald guy staring at us from behind the gate. She saw my face, and I didn't need to talk to her : she yelled that she was going to call the cops if he didn't get out of there fast. He turned around and left the dead end. After that, my grandmother categorically refused to let me back on the bus. Until my senior year, she picked me up in front of the school gate every day .I never saw that man again. When I think that this guy, this ADULT, followed a 14-year-old girl home... That he became fixated on me, and that this happened EVERY day... Who knows how far it could have gone? Maybe that's what's most worrying about all this. To this man : let's not meet again, and I hope that he never meets a young girl again aswell. Today, I no longer take public transport, unless I'm accompanied, because it terrifies me.
Creepy encounter during urban exploration
This story comes from Belgium and took place in 2020 during COVID confinements. I was 20 back then. At the time, because of the severity of the pandemic in Belgium, the law stated that you could only go out to practice sports or to work so I took the habit of meeting with a friend (Sully) to go out for runs and to practice all kinds of sports in general. Both of us were quite fond of urban exploration and knew a spot in the outskirts of Brussels consisting of an old sports and wellness center where we took the habit to hang out after our runs. (To get into the spot, you must go through a hole in a fence on a street, cross a small portion of woods and you'll come up on a football pitch and tennis courts and up on a hill is the center which is an old 4 story building. The hole center takes a whole street block) On that day, we had just finished a 5km run and went to our spot as usual, we where walking to the building since it was about to rain when we saw 2 teenagers sitting on the roof edge and I remember thinking that it bothered me since we were planning to to to the roof as well, so we went to the hall area to wait for a bit in hopes that the people leave. (In the hall area, you have a clear view into the kitchen, which you must go through if you want to go to the roof, you can also see into another smaller hall and into the dinning room.) Sully was rolling himself a cigarette whilst I was gathering 2 chairs and an office table for us to sit. This next part gives me chills to this day. As I finished setting everything up, I remember starting to feel unwell, as I was being watched, and not in a good way. That's when I looked at the kitchen and saw, for a brief moment, a head sticking out of the door frame and staring right at us. It was a man, I couldn't say what age he was since he was all dirty but the one thing I remember is that he had an exaggerated happy expression on his face, like he had just found exactly what he was looking for. At that moment, I just froze and was unable to react bravely yo the situation. I leaned slowly towards Sully all whilst keeping eye contact with the man and told him very calmly that we had to go immediately. I tend to make lots of jokes to all of my friends and especially to Sully but when he saw the look I had on my face when I told him we had to leave, he didn't say a word, just took hist backpack and stood up. We ran to the football pitch and saw that the two teenagers where still on the roof so we started to tell at them asking if the man was with them or if they saw him but they answered that "no" they hadn't seen anyone and had come by themselves so if someone was there, he wasn't with them. We told them it was probably better for them to leave as well since we didn't know what the man in the lobby was up to. They told us they would be fine and they would leave a bit after. We decided to leave since we had already told them what we saw and we also had already been out for very long so it wasn't very legal with confinement rules. As we where walking towards to woods, I turned back and I could swear I saw silhouette standing in front of the stair case leading to the roof but my mind didn't quite react and I just left alongside with my friend. I was so shocked (because nothing like it had happened to me before) that I just decided not to talk about it to anyone in fear of them not believing me or possibly making fun of me. My friend Sully is the only one who was there, he didn't take a look at the man but he is as scared as me just by seing my own reaction at the time. I don't know what happened to these teenagers, I found local articles and papers dating from that time about teenagers being chased by a crazy man in an abandonnés building but the information given wasn't enough for me to be sure it was the same people and the same story.
almost kidnapped in a ghost town
I never tell anyone this story, but reading all the stories on here I feel like I need to post about it. Because of this I don’t go on walks alone or even with friends unless it’s in a very public place. But even then I am paranoid… With that being said, my friends family had just moved to a new town 15 minutes from where I lived. It was a complete ghost town, with one tiny grocery store, a post office, and a school. This down was so secluded and quite I rarely ever saw cars drive by. One night, as we were unpacking boxes we heard a knock at the door. It was a big tall man with a shotgun in his hands. Being from Oklahoma this could mean you’re either meeting your hick new neighbor, or it’s actually someone wanting to harm us. Turns out it was just a hick neighbor coming to introduce himself. He told my friends mom about the lack of police, and how everyone tends to carry their own guns in order to protect themselves, because the police were usually no help and 15 minutes away. He also talked about how these areas can be dangerous and that my friends mom should keep a gun with her. At this time I was 13 years old, and knowing this information, you would think I would simply stay my ass inside and not wonder the streets of this dangerous hillbilly ghost town, but I did. There was no service, no cable, and nothing to do but go outside. We would walk to the store and get snacks, walk to the school and play on the playground. Majority of the time we wouldn’t see a single car or person but the same clerk in the grocery story on every walk we took. There was a day my dad had brought me to her house, and right off the bat we walked to the park. That day I was sick to my stomach, but was so eager to go see my friend I went anyways. I had a terrible feeling, and now that I’m older and have experienced bad anxiety I can now say that day I was experiencing some pretty bad anxiety, and I didn’t know why I felt this way. When we got there we actually ended up hanging out with an old friend who had transferred to this school a year prior. After he left, we sat on the bench for what felt like ages taking selfie’s and talking, when all of a sudden the stereotypical creepy van pulls up to the park. Now my friend was and still is way braver than I was and will ever be, and she was always the dare devil one in our friendship. But for some reason, around this time I just assumed it was a family coming to play, and my anxiety was gone. But my friend was scared. She immediately had a bad feeling when the van pulled up, and I could tell she was ready to leave. But we decided to stay and see who it was before we just ran off. Of course, like something out of a movie came out two big men literally barreling over to where we were. We immediately started to walk away, and they tried to follow and grab us. At this point we began to run. They got back into the van and followed us. I have no idea how but they didn’t catch up to us, but we ran as fast as we would up the road and straight to the grocery store. I was so horrified when we got inside I couldn’t even speak. That sick feeling I felt on the way to my friends house made complete sense. My mom was always watching true crime growing up, and sometimes she would have me watch with her, so I was always really scared to walk around because of that. But even with that fear I never thought it would never happen to me. The van was parked across the street, but eventually drove off. We walked home with no way to call anyone, thinking they could be waiting for us around every corner with absolutely no one around. It was the scariest day of my life. I didn’t tell anyone for years, which was stupid of me, but at 13 years old I didn’t know what to do. I’m turning 21 soon, and this story still keeps me up at night sometimes, I can’t help but imagine what would have happened if they captured me and my friend, where we would have gone, and what would have happened to us.
to my recent ex who threatened me many times, let’s not meet again.
tw for a lot i (f20) recently broke off contact with my ex (m19). we were only together for two months, in those two months my living situation had changed suddenly and i ended up moving in pretty fast. at first, it was just me, him and his roommate. he was soso sweet and honestly the first time i was in something healthy, until it wasn’t. i mean he even tattooed one of the tattoos i have, on himself after a week of talking, i really thought that was cute LOL, was so blind. i found out his roommate (m30) had been convicted w a felony for battery, they both claimed it was false but i don’t think it was so i was already iffy about him. ex and roommate always talked about k!lling people, especially cops, like no joke, every single day. anytime someone made them mad, everytime they didn’t like someone, anytime someone looked at them too long. me and ex had went to a party, both of us came home very drunk and was also tripping. there was a weird moment when us three was in ex’s bedroom and ex had left me in the room with roommate, exchanged looks and shut the door, just me and roommate. he kept looking at me but wouldn’t say anything. luckily i was on facetime with a friend and once he realized that, he left too. to me it was all weird but maybe i over thought it. eventually, ex’s babymama (18, pregnant with his twins) moved in as well. after this is when things really took a turn. he would become more aggressive and consistent with the fact he wanted me to be in bed when he woke up to the point where one day, i left the room to go get water and i didn’t even make it halfway to the kitchen before i heard him stomping out. once he was infront of me, he looked me in the EYES and said ‘i swear i’m gonna sh00t you.’ i was shocked and all i could say was ‘excuse me?’. ‘why are you not in the fucking bed? it pisses me off’ at that point i was honestly scared. after this, he would randomly bring up how he ‘wanted to choke me and watch me struggle to live’ and would randomly grab my throat saying ‘sometimes i’m worried im gonna snap ur neck’. anytime we argued, he would talk abt how he was going to end his life in detail. once i moved back to my hometown, i stopped answering and the texts to my mom started. telling her i was talking about ending my life and he needed to know if i was okay. he was trying to keep tabs on me. i told my mom not the answer but she keeps answering anyway and i don’t know what to do as of now. so, to the man who completely love bombed just to scare me away, i hope we do not meet again.
Encounter with weirdo on Hwy 1
So this happened about 4 years ago. My girlfriend and I were both 21 years old. We were out on a drive up hwy 1 past davenport CA. We spent the day at the beach and driving up and down some back roads in my jeep. It started to get late so we decided to call it a day and head home. If your not familare with Ca. Hwy 1, some stretches of the highway are on cliffs high up above the ocean. There are alot of turnouts along the highway and people will park in them to watch the sunset. We were on a stretch of the hwy pretty far between any houses or buisness and I drove past this particularly sweet turnout that almost ALWAYS has a car parked in it during sunset time. For once it was empty. Since it was around sunset time, I did a U-Turn and backed into the spot. The spot is small, there is a huge dirt mound on side and a steep cliff face with a trail going up about 60ft on the other side. The gap inbetween the two sides was like 16 ft. The mound was on the passenger side and the cliff face was on the drivers side. And we were pretty close to the edge, it wasnt an abrudt edge though, there was a medium size dirt mound so cars wont just roll off the cliff. So anyways, I was pretty stoked. So we sat there in the back of my jeep facing out over the ocean watching the sky turn red. It was nice. About 25 minutes in, my hopped out and to get her water from the front of the car. She came back and then right after she sits down this black bmw suv pulled up. Like I said there was only room for 1 car at this tight spot. You theoretically could park two, but you would have to park directly park infront of my car and block me in. And that's exactly what this guy did. I was pretty annoyed awhen he pulled up because I think that's rude to pull up on someone in such a small spot and then block them in. My gf said "wtf?" "I know right what a rudeass" I said back. Then she said "no I mean I saw that car drive past when I was getting my water and the guy looked at me, so it's weird that he turned around and parked there". Which was strange and made me more annoyed, but it was a nice evening so were like whatever and we brushed it off, they'll probably leave in a couple of minutes anyways. So we kept enjoying the sunset. 10 minutes pass and then the driver steps out of the car. He was this yuppie looking kind of guy probably in his late 40's or early 50's. About 6'3". He was wearing a button up shirt and tie. He looks around and slowly walks up to the back of my car (he's on the passenger side) and says hello to my girlfriend and I, we say Hi back. There's a pause and he looks over the edge and says "thats a long ways down" then he looks back at us with a creepy half smile. So I'm already a little bit weirded out so I just say "yeaaaaah it sure is" with a forced a laugh at the end. He then asks "do you guys have any cigarettes? Maybe something healthy like American spirits?" (Lol "something healthy") BUT I coincidentally did have some American spirits cigarettes. They were on my dashboard in the front so he definitely saw them which made the way he asked seem kind of weird to me. So I gave him one and he goes "ahhh yes thank you" he went back to his car and started to rummaged through the back. My girlfriend and I were both looking at eachother, I say "isn't this kind of weird?" She goes "yeah, why cliff comment?". The guy comes back after a couple of minutes with a fold out chair and a small duffle bag. He puts the duffle on the ground and folds out his chair and sits right next to us he was about 3 ft away from us, he didn't have the cigarette I gave him anymore I dont think he even smoked it. He randomly starts asking us questions. Like; "are you guys homeless?" And I go "uh no, were not homeless" I throw in a short laugh at the end because I just was trying to play it cool and not seem weirded out. He then asks "are you two from around here?" I go "yeah we live in the mountains by hwy 17" he replies "that's pretty far from here isn't it?" I go "its like 30-45 minutes, so not too far". The sun was starting to get lower in the sky and it started to get dimmer out. Mr. American spirit guy reaches in the duffle bag and pulls out some glasses and a huge handle of vodka??? "Here do you guys want some?" I say "no we're good" then he says "come on, lets relax a little" then I say "nah I need to drive". "Suit yourself" he says and he pours himself a fat glass and downs it immediately after. My girlfriend and I threw glances at eachother that communicated "this is weird". We sit there in awkward silence for about 10 minutes, there was some kind of weird tension in the air. Then out of no where he asks "so does anyone know your out here?" Uhhh red flag??? Also at this point I was starting to get annoyed because he was ruining the evening with his creepyness and questions. so I was kind of short with him and said "yeah most likely". He just nodded and didn't say anything. It was just turning into a weird ass interaction and I was getting such a weird feeling in my gut about this whole situation. I eventually 'asked' my girlfriend "well should we wrap it up?" She immediately said yes. So I stood up and my gf crawled in over through the back seat into the front passenger. I close the rear door and immediately the dude snaps his head towards me in am almost comically creepy way and deadass says "how are you going to get out if I'm blocking you in like this?" Im thinking "wtf is this dude on?" But realized he had a good point. But I tried to act chill and said "I think I got it" I got inside my jeep, locked the doors and turned it on. My girlfriend said she saw him start rummage thru his duffle bag again. I started to get an adrenaline rush at this point and shit started to move fast, not even paying attention to the dude I engaged the 4wd, and there was just enough space between his car and the cliff face for me to angle my driver side up the cliff face it tilted my jeep at a sharp 45 degree angle, which was sketchy because I pinned the gas when I looked in my mirror and saw the guy quickly walking around to my side. I was barely able to get past his car without hitting it or flipping my jeep onto it, but once I did I peeled out of there. My girlfriend and I were like "holy shit!" we looked back at the guy as we drove away and he was standing there with a blank expression on his face and he was holding something long in his right hand close to his side, I dont know what it was. He just stood there looking at us for a seccond then he started to quickly pack up his things. I had to pull over real quick to put my jeep back into 2wd before going faster down the road, and we saw the guy pull out and drive away in the opposite direction. We never saw him again after that. I'll never park along hwy 1 near night time again.
Encounter with traffickers in China
I’m a woman. I’m Chinese but grew up in Sydney, Australia. However I was born in Beijing but on the outskirts of it in a large town called Yungang Residental District where my mums family is from. When I was 5, I immigrated to Australia but my family would still travel back to China every few years. This incident happened in the snowy winter of 1997 when I was 11 years old. My grandparents still lived in Yungang and introduced me to a brother and sister who lived in the same building as them. I can’t remember their exact ages but I think the older girl was around 14 and the younger boy was around 6. I still remember the exact outfit as I was wearing as I’d been wearing the same outfit all trip. At that time flared jeans were in and, coming from Australia, I wasn’t prepared for the snow and coldness of the Chinese winter and so on my first or second day there, my Chinese cousin had taken me to a shopping mall where she’d helped me haggle down the price of a bright pink duffle coat with fluffy white trimming. I thought it was the most fashionable thing ever (haha) and wore it every day. I have photos of me from the trip wearing that exact outfit. We walked around town and ended up going to a very large park with a lake inside it. It was a little bit of a distance from the center of town. We were playing by the shore, throwing rocks, joking around and having a good time. At some point I looked up at realised it was getting dusky. Although it probably wasn’t very late but considering it was winter the sun set early. The park, which had never been very busy to start with, was nearly deserted. There were still some other people but they were a fair distance away from us. All except for two men who suddenly approached us. They were middle to late middle aged, the “uncle” type. One of them approached me and said he was a friend of my father’s and that he’d asked him to pick us up. I remember being confused because my dad didn’t live in this town and was in another district about 2 hours away in Beijing where his family were from. Pretty quick I realised something was off and so did the brother-sister I was with. We all started making excuses and backing off. I still remember very clearly that as we started backing away, the man who approached us looked back over his shoulder at his companion as if asking him what he should do. His companion was standing a little distance away beside a white van with the door already slid open. I completely believe that he was considering snatching one of us and making a run for it. However perhaps because there were 3 of us and perhaps because there were still people around in the peripheries, they didn’t do anything. As I walked away rapidly I looked back over my shoulder and remember seeing the two men just standing there, watching us go. That 15-20 minute walk back was one of the scariest walks in my life as I imagined someone grabbing me from behind every second. The sun set just as we got into my building and burst in through the door, so happy to be home safe. I did tell my mum and grandmother about it but at that time child kidnappings in China (while already definitely happening) were much less of a massive and widespread news story as it is now. I think my mum especially felt that my being almost kidnapped was somehow a commentary on her parenting skills and was very dismissive and even now dislikes it when I bring it up. Now that organised child and/or bride kidnappings are such a huge story in China it often makes me shiver at night to think how different my fate could have been. There have been so many stories about young women/girls kidnapped and forced into becoming brides of villagers in remote countrysides, sometimes tied to beds and having their legs broken to prevent them running away. They’re forced to bear children one after another. No one in the village will help them because almost all the men in the village have “purchased” brides from traffickers in this way. There’s also children, usually boys, kidnapped into families who have been unable to have kids or adopt legally. They fare a bit better but can also be abused and neglected. Now that I have my own kids and safe and warm in my bed in Sydney, I sometimes think about how wildly and irrevocably my life might have derailed that snowy evening in Yungang and shiver. Hi
Weird friend i had two/three years ago
hi reddit, ive been scared to tell this story to anyone not involved because i am always petrified she'll end up finding her way back to me, but on here, and in this subreddit i dont think she will. trigger warning for grooming and stalking ​ two or three years ago, i met this girl thru mutual friends. she seemed like, amazing, she was so kind and eager to be friends with me, she'd give me presents, and compliments, so much. too much almost. now in this friendship i was developing with her, she'd talk about kidnapping me and having her to herself. obviously, you tell a traumatized naive 16 year old that she'll think its a joke, which is exactly what i did. after a while she started to get oddly sexual with me (i was in a very committed relationship at that time too.) asking if she could feel me up when we met because she didnt know what boobs felt like, or saying how her truck bed was perfect for sex under the stars in a field. mind you shes a year and 11 months older than me. i eventually moved to be with my friend group, unaware that she also lived here, but went to school with my friends. we were all friends with her, and they all have their sides of what happened that i wont recount, as its their story to tell. once i moved here, she'd try and come see me everyday, even after she turned 18 and i was 16 almost 17. she even bought me three pairs of booty shorts for christmas with the note "cant wait to see you in these, i picked the perfect colors ;)". i had been uncomfortable with her advances from the start and had even told her on multiple occasions that i was uncomfortable, but it didnt stop her advances. even trying to manipulatively convince me to leave my partner at the time. once i started to pull away emotionally from her, she chewed me out, threatening to kill herself or shoot up her school if i didnt wanna be friends with her. once new years rolled around, and i couldnt handle the constant at this point harassment i was getting from her, i finally told my friends what was happening with her. they told me i was actively being groomed. the gifts, the compliments, the unwavering obsession with me. it made me sick, so me and my roommate finally decided to cut ties with her, blocking her on everything and having one of my parents tell her she was not welcome near me or the house again. she was PISSED, she started to drive by my house or near my street almost every day after she got out of school, even at one point deciding to do a burnout very loudly at my friends house because she knew i was at their house. she would ask my friends about me and ask if i done ignoring her. once she found out i got told i was groomed by her, everything switched. she hated me, said i ruined her life, lead her on, forced her to smoke weed, she even started saying i sent her nudes and started to sexually flirt with her first, all of those not true in any way. she was telling these and so many other things about me to complete strangers at her school too. she was so mad at me, even on my 17th birthday tweeting that she wished id just die already. all her anger, or anything she had said about me would come back to me obviously, as she was actively talking to or engaging with my friends. it had been months since i had heard about her or anything she had said about me, i was finally content but that paranoia i had was still strongly there, and terrified. i was going to a concert for one of my favorite bands ever, and i was even happier about it because they were playing in a city near me. i had tweeted about getting tickets, and just how excited i was about it. me and my roommate go to the concert, and we're having an amazing time during the openers, i go out to get a cup of water and out of the corner of my eye i see her. she hated this band, she even bashed me for liking them so much. knowing that i brushed my worry off and went back into the concert venue. once the openers left and the band started played me and my roommate we're having SUCH a good time. then during the third or fourth song i turn around and see her so close it was uncomfortable. my body threw me into a panic attack on instinct, and me and my best friend had to leave the concert immediately. it was horrifying, and im still petrified to go to concerts in my state honestly. i havent heard anything about her or her whereabouts since then besides hearing she got admitted into a mental hospital for saying some fucked shit to a friend of hers. sorry for such a long story, thank you to anyone to who read, and to that girl, i truly hope we never meet again.
A creepy bicycle man in the fields
This story happened a while ago but it still messes with my mind. Sidenote: I live in a quiet countryside where is usually nothing happening. I'm a 18 years old girl who can easily walk around my hometown alone without even being scared because it's really safe here. Basically no crimes. So, as usual, me and my dog went for a walk one evening. It was nice weather outside so I decided to go for a nearby field. I usually let my dog out of her leash there so it was fun for both of us, she's a nice dog and always comes when I call for her. We get to the field and everything is going really really well and nothing seems off, except I have this kind of odd feeling in my gut that I never usually have, the last time I had the same feeling when I was eight years old and we were driving at night with my family. I had the same feeling then and I told it to my parents "I feel like something is wrong, you should be careful" I said something like that. They slowed down because I was oddly serious at the moment, a minute after I said it a deer came out of nowhere and we would've crushed if we had gone by the same speed as a minute before. We were all shocked and my mom thanked me, I still remember it like it was yesterday. However, in the field, ten years later, I get the same gut feeling. "Whatever" I think and keep going completely ignoring it. We roll around the fields and a nearby forest until the sunset starts to set. I put my dog back to her leash and decide to leave from one of the tiny paths that go through a small forest (it's the quickest way to my home). It's not a popular way to go but it's quick. As I'm walking along that path I suddenly spot a silhouette in the end of the road just before the forest starts. I think nothing of it at that point and just keep walking but after just a little while I have a strong gut feeling and stare at the silhouette for a while, it's then that I notice that the silhouette is staring at me without moving. I just think that maybe they were waiting for someone, because at first the silhouette looked like a child's. But as I got closer I noticed that it wasn't a child but a grown man who was riding difficulty looking child's bicycle. It was a blue-green boys bicycle, his legs were way too long for it and his whole body looked like he was forcing himself to ride it. It was really unsettling sight. Still, my dumbass didn't want to turn around and have a couple of kilometers waste of time and even though it was creepy looking I still thought "maybe he's waiting for someone that comes from my way?". But every step i take he follows me with intense expression. I'm only like a twenty meters away from him when he starts to do a weird 'jumps' on his bike, smiling the ugliest and the most unsettling smile I've ever seen, just staring at me with wide eyes. He kinda looks like he was expecting something and is so excited about it that he needs to jump. He looks like he's in his fifties or something, very long and thin legs and arms, bald and that creepy unsettling smile. That's when my alarm rings went on, I glanced behind me and no one was there, it was just me, a 18 years old small girl with her fluffy (definitely not a guard) dog. I turn around 360' and start to jog where I came from, 'just in case'. I glanced at him and sighed in relief when I noticed he wasn't following me or anything, I thought that maybe he wasn't waiting for me after all and called myself stupid and a scaredy cat. I was so wrong. My adrenaline starts to slow down again as I'm in the middle of the fields and I still see no sign of him following me. I let my dog out of her leash again and she starts to run around. I'm nearly at the end of the field (I only have a kilometer or sum a forest part before I get to my home after the field part) when my dog spots a rabbit or deer or some interesting thing and flies towards it, I panic because she has never done that before and yell for her. I yell plenty of times for her loudly and finally she comes back. I'm relieved that nothing happened to her but but as I put her back to her leash I notice something form the corner of my eye. The freaking bald long legs is biking towards me, he's not looking at the ground when he bikes, but me. Freak out wasn't enough to express my feeling in that moment. I have never seen a human who looks so crazy. More than crazy. what surprised me the most was that he was biking through a field, and I can tell you it is not a easy field to even walk sometimes. It has muddy ponds that you need to jump over but that psycho just biked through them. He was struggling A LOT to bike there but somehow managed to still do that, I didn't watch for another second behind me because I just started running. I ran so freaking full speed (and I have asthma) that I saw black and nearly collapsed, my lungs hurt so bad that I thought I was dying but the adrenaline kept my blood running and my legs too. Once I glanced behind me and he was there, struggling badly to keep up his full speed on the field grounds with that ugly white smile and the way too little bike. After that I just ran like crazy until I found a house, hid in their yard without even minding that I was in someone else's yard. It didn't matter to me in that moment at all. I waited a while with my breathing stuck in my throat, but he didn't come. I was planning to yell as loudly as I could if he found me but he never did. At some point the adrenaline started leaving my system and I left my hiding spot. I ran again until I reached an area which had multiple people in their yards so I would have help if I saw him again. But I didn't. I typed 911 into my phone but couldn't bring myself to call, mostly because I had no proof and I didn't want my parents to find out because they are overprotecting so I wouldn't probably leave my house anymore (I still live with them sidenote). I've been paranoid after this incident, my dog was frightened too. I guess she noticed something was really off too. I swear to god that I will always ALWAYS listen to my gut when it's telling me something from now on. I'm still scared of him, I've expected to randomly spot him in some area and what he could've done to me. I can't forget his awful smile. I feel like he's gonna jump on my window one night and do what he wants to me. I feel paranoid and helpless, I'm still thinking about calling the police.
Could someone please help explain this weird intruder behaviour?
I’ll post the whole story for context. Last night I got home from work at about midnight, and went to bed. I asked my partner to check the door before we went to bed because we live in a council block and just want to be safe. My flatmate works at a nightclub, and she got back at around 5-7am I’m guessing. I think she didn’t close the door properly, she has done this before, and this is how the intruder got in. I woke up at about 8am and heard the bathroom door opening and shutting, the toilet seat opening and closing. We don’t get on with our other flatmates and they argue with us whenever we talk to them (lol) so I assumed it was one of them in a bad mood. The thing that really panicked me was when our bedroom door was opened, and when I said ‘hello’ the door quickly shut. It was very frantically opened. When my partner got dressed and went to the kitchen, we heard the front door close - the person left. Nothing had been taken but the storage cupboard door was open and toilet roll packaging was pulled out onto the bathroom floor. Upon speaking to my flatmates, one person was out and the other person who came home from work was asleep, so it was an intruder. Why would they be opening and shutting stuff in our bathroom? Really very disturbed by this. thanks
Date gone wrong
In june 2023, i was on a lot of dating apps and would meet people regularly to have sex. I was texting with someone and he invited me over. I took a uber to his place in the afternoon. The building was old and a bit creepy, i started feeling unsafe but my rational side took over and i went in. The front door was broken so i was able to go in. I texted him that i just got there and was waiting for him to show up. A few minutes later, I knocked to what I thought was his apartment. He texted me « apartment 9 » but he wasn’t there. I went back to the lobby and texted that I was leaving in the next few minutes since I didn’t get any reply. A man shows up in the lobby and I follow him to apartment 15. I said « That’s weird, why would you tell me you lived in apartment 9? » « No i live here, apartment 15 » « Yes I noticed. But you said apartment 9, why? » He didn’t seem to understand my question, he looked intoxicated. Apartment 15 was disgusting. Trash everywhere and it smelled like death. I knew i had to leave but i didn’t want to offend him. At this point, i’ve been in the apartment for a few minutes only. « blow me » Aint no fkg way. I showed him our text messages. « Is this your phone number? » I asked. « No » I panick. I tell him that I have to leave. I unlock the door, opened it, step outside. I feel something in my back, he was burning me with his cigarette. He then tried to pull me inside, beat me up and stole my bag. I was on the floor of the hallway when he kicked me in the face then close the door. I ran outside and called the cops. THE SAME NIGHT, he text me « ? » WHICH IS SO WEIRD WTF. My jaw was fractured on both side, i lost a tooth and chipped another one. He’s now in jail and we’re waiting for the court to know exactly how much time he will serve.
I was almost a victim of a killer.
Over 4 years ago, I went to work at a warehouse in the small town that I'm from. I decided to leave after my health started to get worse physically and I was diagnosed with panic disorder and severe anxiety after the situation that I'm about to tell you. This changed the way that I developed friendships after that job; that's for certain. So, I started this job on April Fools day of 2018 (which was odd to me) and I had no kind of high expectation of the job. All I wanted was to do my job, get paid, and go home as I had two children at home and many things that I could work on there. The job wasn't hard and it made pretty good money for all duties considered so, I really couldn't complain. I worked second shift for about 5 months and I went to dayshift. While working on second shift, I kept to myself mostly until, one day, I met someone from one of the lines after we struck up a conversation about gaming. For the sake of anonymity, we'll name him JF. Well JF was a pretty good guy and we had a lot of things in common. I went home that night and he popped up as a suggested friend on Facebook (again, another oddity) so, I decided to add him. When I did, we started talking more at work until he suggested that we should hang out so, we did hang out. Pretty frequently. We were friends for a month at this point and one day, he decided that he was going to introduce me to his partner. She seemed decent at first: super nice, didn't seem to be a judgmental type so, I was cool with her. From then on, I would hang out with him when my kids were spending time with my mother. One time, we were talking at a restaurant and he started to vent to me. "Dude, she's such a bitch sometimes. The other day, I forgot to take the trash out and she threatened to stab me if I didn't. I've never been in a relationship where someone's threatened me but, she's got good intentions, dude." When he said that to me, I was concerned but, of course, we had only been friends for a month so, I thought that maybe, he was being morbid jokingly so, I chuckled at him. He gave me a pretty serious look and said, "I'm not joking. She really did." That concerned me. Fast forward about 8 months: They're still together and we all hang out pretty regularly forgetting the things he told me then. One day, we were all talking and he seemed a little off that day so, I asked him what was wrong in front of her. He flashed a smirk and said, "Nothing, dude. I'm just a little tired." He didn't have his eyes on me though. He had them on her when I asked that. When we went to work the next day, I asked him again. "Do you promise to keep this between us?" Of course, I agreed. He said that he was breaking up with her and she went a little crazy. He said that she grabbed her gun and pointed it at him and said, "If I can't have you then, no one will." He said that he diffused the situation and is trying to look for a way out. Not really knowing what to say, I just said, "You'll figure it out, man. If you need somewhere to go then, you can come stay with me until you get her out of the house." Fast forward to another year: he finally decided to leave her. When he did, she flipped out again. This time, he told her over text. She said that she was going to find him and kill him and he was actually out of work that day with a vacation day. He sent me a text that said, "Hey, let me know if she comes over to work looking for me." That struck me as odd because, I had no idea of the situation that was unfolding. She actually did come to our job and she asked me where he was and I said, "I have no idea. I thought he was with you and you guys went out of town or something." All she did was roll up her window and drive off. I called him and told him that she came by and he called the police about it. They had found her up the road with a loaded gun in the car. Two months later: he decided to talk to her again and when he did, he had something to tell me. When he called me, he asked if I had seen her around and I hadn't. He said, "I would take some vacation days if I were you." Dumbfounded, I asked him why. He said to me, "Because, she's out of jail and her cousins are in town trying to find the people she has personal vendettas with. You're one of them." At that point, I was terrified. I grabbed my kids and went out of town. Took two weeks off of work. Come to find out, that next day, her and her cousins went to the next town over and shot 3 people in an apartment and killed them. I got the news about it the day after it happened. The reason why he knew they were coming after me is because, they made a Facebook Messenger group that he was included in and sent a list of names. Everyone regarded it as spam and decided to disregard the message but he knew what it was. 3 of the names on that list were the people that they shot. The fourth name on that list... was mine. After they found the evidence and he decided to go public about the group and screenshots that he had, they were all charged with first degree murder. From then on, I was very careful about who I would stick my neck out for because, even though, he knew the context of that list and her intentions, he decided to not inform anyone else on it. Needless to say, we aren't friends anymore and I dodged a bullet. Literally. Sorry for the long post. I felt like it needed context. Stay safe, y'all.
I thought I was alone so I tried to sleep. I was wrong.
This story is something that I think about from time to time and it creeps me out. So I am writing this to get it off my chest so anyways lets begin. Two almost three years ago I was seventeen years old at this point I was accustomed to being in horrible situations, as all I had was my mother and she could not hold down a job for long because she had her own issues to tackle and so as I grew up we stayed in and out of roommates houses. We never really had our own place to stay except twice but that didn't last long either and we would be forced into a new environment with a snap of a finger. So when I was 17 we are lead into a situation where we are going to be homeless again and I was used to it at this point as I had slept in the street more than I'd like. The day comes when we have to leave our roommates house and my mom is able to stay at her boyfriends trailer. I had nowhere to go as I had no friends at this point as I halted my friendships because they were bad for my health and mental state and overall were toxic. My mom offered me to go with her but I didn't want to as I felt like getting between my Mom and her boyfriend was kind of weird plus I'm used to the street and I didn't think it was as bad as it was at the time. So here we are I get dropped of at a McDonalds and I eat some burgers before I go off into the streets once more. Eventually the sun fled and darkness was all that remained and so I look for a place to sleep for the night. I went into many places that night trying to sleep but none of them were working because it was either too hot or the lights were too bright or the mosquitos were biting me. That's when I remember a house that I used to go into to chill in, this house was under construction and nearly finished so the doors all shut and the windows were all settled so there were no Mosquitos. I go through the back like always and I make my way upstairs. Eventually I settle in the bathroom because there is less debris on the floor. So I lay there and I try to sleep. Eventually I hear some sounds down stairs but I didn't think anything of it. I figured it was the door that I came through swinging open and close or something. Eventually after laying there for maybe a hour I open up my phone and I look at old photos of my life thinking about how messed up it was that I got to this point and how I lost everything. The noises were still happening this entire time but I paid no mind to it. Eventually for whatever reason I get up and I go to sit down on the back porch because I just couldn't sleep. I make my way down stairs and out the back door to the porch. I am messing around on my phone for maybe 5 minutes when it happens. I see movement to my left from the back door I just exited from. I glance over and time itself freezes. At first I think that it's a illusion but I was in fact wrong. I see a man shrouded in darkness peering past the wall inside to gaze at me. His lower half of his figure was behind the wall entirely and I could not see anything but his upper body. The rest of his body has leaning to the left peaking behind this wall almost like the man was trying not to let me see his full body as it would make his presents known. The man was a pure black silhouette and I could not make out any features. After noticing him I just sat there and stared at him for what seemed like forever but was probably a minute or two. I expected him to come outside and talk to me because I normally talked to a lot of homeless people and I thought the man was just homeless. He didn't come outside though, he had not moved at all actually. He was as still as a statue, quiet as a mouse, maybe if I had not noticed him he would have stared at me the entire time. I eventually after staring at him got up and got my bicycle and made my way out of the property. As I am walking out of the backyard I peer into the window that is next to the door I saw the man in. The moonlight revealed the man was still there only now he was watching me walk out of the property. I could tell because the moonlight revealed the top of the mans head and I saw his left eye gazing at me. He was a white male who was very tall and had a jacket of some kind on. I could not make out many details because he was still cloaked in darkness. After seeing this I just move a little faster out of there. I got to the front of the house on the street and I looked inside to see if I could see him again. I could not. I got on my bicycle and waved goodbye to the house because I figured the man was still watching me. Then I drove away. For the rest of the night I could not sleep. I tried two different spots but both were no luck. This is where the story ends I know I didn't have a crazy chase or fight to the death or anything but this was real life and its not the same as the movies or books. I don't know what the man was doing in there, I assume he was trying to sleep like I was but the way he was staring on me was very unnerving. It makes me wonder how long the man was in the house for and what would have happened if I actually fell asleep in the house. Would he have stared at me while I was asleep completely blinded to his presents? Or did he have other intentions? I will never know but now I don't go into houses like that anymore at all after this experience. So, to the man shrouded in darkness, lets not meet again. ​ Edit 09/18/2023: Upon request I spaced out the block of text into paragraphs.
Creepy apartment chase
This happened over ten years ago, so excuse me if the details are a little fuzzy. When I was in highschool my friend Claire came to sleep over. We made some plans to sneak out and hang out with some guys, and then one of them would drive us home. We go out to our friends' apartment, have some fun, and around midnight we decide it's time for us to head back. But when we ask to be taken back, everyone says no, despite previously agreeing to bring us back. Everyone said they were too drunk or too high, so we eventually decide to just start walking back and we would make some phone calls to see if anyone could pick us up and bring us the rest of the way back. My house was a good 20 minutes away by car on the highway so there was no way we were walking all the way back. The apartment was towards the back of the complex, so we start making our way to the entrance. We don't even get halfway there before a car slowly starts rolling up behind us. I was 15 or 16 at the time, and very naive to the ways of the world, so I wasn't too concerned, but Claire was a little smarter than me on this night. She tells me to start walking faster. So we start walking faster. The car also picks up their pace behind us. Again, she tells me to walk faster. So we start moving as fast as we can, and that's when the car pulled slightly in front of us and two of the passenger doors open and two men get out. Realizing there's no "walking faster" to get out of this situation, she instructs me to "Run NOW" so she takes off running and I follow her. She runs towards a group of parked cars and jumps behind a pickup truck, and for a minute we hope and pray that we weren't spotted. This is where details get a little fuzzy, one of them must have gotten back in the car at some point, as there's only one of them following us behind the truck. We hear a set of footsteps quickly approaching and she quietly indicates that we're now going into stealth mode. This man is on the other side of the truck that we're hiding behind. He's circling the truck looking for us, and we're slowly and quietly circling it on the opposite side to avoid being spotted. It felt like a scene from a movie or video game. We somehow managed to do two or three circles around the vehicle without being detected, and by the grace of the gods, he gives up and decides to go back to the car with his friends. This is our one shot to get away. She tells me to run again, so we run for what felt like an eternity, but in reality was probably only 15-20 seconds. We find the pool house area and find a spot to hide. We were hidden behind some fences and bushes and we're anxiously waiting to see if they discover us. Their car pulls around to the pool house and we're biting our nails hoping they don't stop and get out. The car slowly drives away and we realize we haven't been spotted! We were safe for now. But the car circled around the apartment complex for hours and hours and hours. They weren't giving up on looking for us. We were safe for the time being, but now we needed to find a way out of there. It was the middle of winter, and of course we were dressed to impress the guys we went to hang out with, so short shorts and revealing tops. We were FREEZING. We found a dirty disgusting captain America blanket that we huddled up under while making phone calls to find someone to pick us up. We tried contacting the guys at the apartment but no one answered our calls. None of our friends answered our calls. We felt completely alone and hopeless. But around 5am someone finally answered and said they would pick us up. The best news I had ever heard in my life. Our friend gets to the apartment complex but can't find the pool house. The group of men is STILL constantly circling around, so there's no way we're coming out of hiding. We manage to figure out where our friend is at with a little detective work, figuring out what building they're facing, what's in front of them, are there dumpsters nearby, etc etc. We figure out where they're at so we make a run for it. We spot their car and hop in as fast as we can. "GO GO GO," we tell them and our friend speeds off towards the entrance. We pass the group of men on the way out and that was the last we saw of them. We made it back around 6am, just in time to sneak back in without my parents ever knowing we even left. If Claire hadn't been with me that night I definitely would have been abducted, raped, and possibly killed. So thankful for Claire and our friend that picked us up, but a big 'fuck you' to the adult men we went to hang out with as teenagers, and especially 'fuck you' to the guys that intended to harm us. On a happier note, I'm now very diligent and aware of my surroundings, and we washed the dirty captain America blanket and shared custody of it for years after this encounter. So to the men who terrorized me and my friend in a shitty apartment complex, let's not meet again.
Owl man
UPTADE1 : 08/09 [the record]( UPTADE2: 10/09, that night I forgot to close the window and obviously I heard lm. It always makes me feel so uncomfortable, but especially there I distinctly heard TWO whistlers. On the evening of the recording I also heard 2 noises but even if the recording seems strong it stayed away so I thought cool the guy was able to talk with his owl, I still record for the fun but in the end it’s much less scary! (The whistler did not go under my window because a car passed and he definitely went after) But this time it went under my window, and the two noises are not at all the guy and an owl but well TWO different whistles, so 1 that doesn’t really sound like an owl. **therefore, firstly**: it makes a noise OF HELL but REALLY ULTRA STRONG, I have the impression that every night it is gradual, last year it was not like that **2nd :** no bird will answer such a noise because with several whistles it’s really messy, so the guy does not try to attract birds. I am ULTRA uncomfortable, really. I didn’t record this time, my tel was off and I was afraid that turning it on would make noise, I’m still afraid to make noise when I hear them. I might try tomorrow, for the sake of the gesture, even if I hate to hear, I like to record. UPTADE 3 : 11/09 This night he only made a few shy hoo hoos, not managing to record it. I don't think there will be new uptades because I will soon be leaving my mother's house and I need to rest. **STORY** : 07/09 Ps: I am French so the translation may not be perfect So first of all you have to know that I was born and I lived until my 18 years in the area where it happens, so the noises of the nature of the area, normally, it knows me. I went to town when I was older, I come back to see my family during the holidays. Meanwhile, last year, they moved to a really secluded hamlet in the fields, a few kilometers from my childhood village. Last summer, I pass for a small stay, it is hot, so I open the windows at night (by closing the shutters). The windows overlook the street, but anyway, there is literally no one here, we have neighbors but they are couples of fifty so I know I will not be disturbed to sleep, at 9pm it is total silence. I fall asleep, quiet, but at 3am I woke up by a noise: it’s the sound of a bird. It’s strong enough to wake me up but it stays far away, I’m out of it, I listen to it to determine what it is, but I can’t. I can’t go back to sleep because the noise completely breaks the silence, but something keeps me from closing the windows; the noise gradually gets closer to me, and it makes me feel really weird. The noise comes to my windows, it scared me because it is not at all the behavior of a bird to do that, so I get out of my bed discreetly and I stick my ear to the shutter. And there I hear something that terrifies me and I can not move at all: the "song" of the bird twitches, and misses. It’s not a bird, it’s a human with a Bird whistle (to imitate and attract birds), walking down the street. The guy’s like a few yards away from me. I have a really weird feeling, I feel like I’m witnessing something that I won’t have to so I stay frozen and I wait until it leaves far enough away to not hear me close the windows. I ask myself many questions: there are fields all around, small forests a few kilometers, why the guy will use his pipe IN THE STREET? If there was a bird with that song in the area, I would have heard it from my window, and it’s not. Anyway, the guy left, too weird but well, after a few hours I go back to sleep. The next morning I tell my parents, they don’t believe me and think I dreamed. It pisses me off, I don’t like people thinking I’m off the rails, so I decide to leave the windows open tonight and try to record the sound so they believe me and also so we can figure out which bird the guy is trying to imitate, I tell them and they make fun of me by telling me that it will not happen again. But failed, at 3am, the guy is at the appointment and wakes me again. This time I take out my tel and I stick it to the shutter to record the sound. I hear the guy coming up to my window. I hear him walking, so it’s definitely not a bird. The next day I make my mother listen to the sound, she thinks it’s the sound of an owl. [I don’t have the recording since] Ok, it’s the sound of an owl, but well that does not explain why there is a guy who makes the owl under my window when there is no owl! Third night, I always leave the windows open, I’m always afraid but I’m too curious. 3am, I hear the guy coming, and I’m going to stand this time behind the front door, 2 steps from my room on the same facade. The door is glass a little blurred, the street is lit by some street lights, in short, if the guy passes I will see his silhouette and I can determine what the owl man looks like. Well, no. I can’t see it, I can hear it, but I can’t see its shadow, not even a small shape. It’s so weird. The next nights I keep hearing it, my mother got up at 3 am to see and heard it too. Once my mom closed the window when he was right next door out because too much noise for sleeping, and the noise just stopped when he heard. I end up closing the windows all night, I don’t know what else to do to investigate, the only thing I didn’t do is go outside when it’s there, and I’M NOT GOING TO do it. I still hear it closed window, but it does not wake me. It lasted a week, every night. I go home and I don’t think about it too much, but my mother sometimes tells me that she hears it, sometimes she hears it not in the street but in a small road perpendicular to the street, which leads to the fields. She says what she hears is an owl, but I know it’s not an owl and it’s him. And we get to THAT NIGHT. That night I came home, at 3 am. Like I finished writing it is 4 am, it took me 1 hour to tell everything. I closed the window before he got too close to me, because he always scares me, and I don’t want to go through that. And I thought shit, I should have recorded it. Anyway tomorrow night, if I hear it, I’ll record it again and try to publish the sound, I don’t know if we can here. Do you have any idea what this guy’s goal is? Why play the bird whistle in the street? Why does he absolutely want to attract owls? It can’t just be an enthusiast, the guy does it all the nights of the week.
The cartoon character stalker
My parents had purchased a condo about 10 minutes from their home around the time my older brother was born, with the intention that my siblings and I have the option of renting it when we would come of age. I moved in alongside my brother a few weeks after my 18th birthday, exhilarated by the freedom from our childhood home, which had become laden with traumatic memories over the years. The move took 2 or 3 days, and we had a U-Haul coming in and out of the driveway during that time. My first day of college occurred a few days later. I had a full schedule 3 days a week (which I would later regret), with my last class getting out at 6pm. The city I live in is notorious for heavy traffic, and I would not get home until roughly an hour and a half later, despite the university being less than 15 miles away. The sun was mostly down by the time I turned into my street, and there were a few people, some accompanied and one alone taking their evening strolls. There was nothing remarkable about it. The driveway was occupied, so I parked on the street and made my way home. The following day, I got off my closing shift at 9pm. It was dark by the time I got home, and there was a man walking on the strip of sidewalk that faces the condo. I would not have noticed that he was the lone man from the evening before, if it was not for him wearing the same outfit: A bright yellow hoodie, black nylon track pants with white pinstripes, grey nike trainers, and a tan baseball cap. As I got out of my car, we shared a quick glance and continued on our ways. Two days later, I got off my closing shift and picked my (now ex) boyfriend up for a date. We went back to the condo so that I could change, and in the dark, I saw the man again, wearing the same outfit and on the same strip of sidewalk. "It’s him again!" I sounded more surprised than sussed out, and my boyfriend was confused. I explained that I had been seeing him walking around and that he was always wearing the same thing. We got out of the car and stared at him, our bodies turned toward him. He ducked behind a car. Now properly sussed out, we got back in my car and watched him get into his and drive away with his lights off. It was too dark and he was too far away for us to catch a license plate. At this point, I was not sure if this man even lived in the neighborhood. We went about our night, and I dropped my boyfriend back off at his parents’ house. He told me to call him and/ or the police if I saw the man again, and I agreed. I got home around midnight. The man was a street away from his usual spot, crouching below a tree and hugging his knees under his chin. I drove past him and noticed a different man in a blue flannel and jeans approaching a street light. He got under the illuminating glow and pulled his phone out, attempting to make a call. I was unsure if the two men had any association with each other until I look back over at the yellow hoodie man. He was no longer under the tree. He was also under a street light, a few meters away from the tree. His back was turned to me, but it appeared as though he was taking a call. As I looked back and forth between the two men, it became pretty obvious that they were communicating with each other. I drove away and called the police. They told me to stay where I was or go to another safe location and that they would contact me when the matter was taken care of. I dozed off and was awoken maybe an hour later by the promised phone call. I was told that neither of the two men were residents of the area, and that they were simply told not to come back on reports of suspicious activity. After being advised to call again if they came back, I went home. I was tired enough that I had no trouble sleeping for a little while. Around 4 am I was sharply roused by the metal screen door rattling against its frame. The force slowly grew in intensity and eventually, the walls and floor were quaking. I peeked through the blinds of my second story window which overlooks the front door and of course, saw the man in the yellow hoodie, aggressively attempting to open the screen door. I was shaking in my boots on my mattress, which was still on the floor as I had not yet purchased a bed frame. I received a call from my equally bewildered brother who was in his room. I told him to call my dad while I called the police. It has now been almost four years and I can assure you all that my street smarts have markedly improved.
The old man in the apron up the road wouldn't leave me or my family alone.
So for context, I grew up in the suburbs, and outside of the occasional play park or sports field, there was nothing to do. Me and my neighbours used to play Knock and Run, or its other name, Ding Dong Ditch. for context I have a sister who is a year younger than me, and my neighbour James was the same age as me; his older sister was 14 at the time, and she also played with us from time to time, although I think she just wanted to hang out with my sister, whom she thought was cute. I was admittedly the biggest coward in the group, and to this day, my flight instinct is significantly stronger than my fight instinct, so I would never ring the doorbell as I would always find a way to wiggle out of it. I always found watching it more entertaining than doing it. On this particular afternoon, my cousins came over. One of my cousins was my age; the other was a few years younger than me and couldn't play with us; and the other was a year older than me, but everyone treated him like he was an adult, even though he was only 11. or at least that's how I perceived it. lets call this cousin Daniel as he is somewhat important to the story, I am not a reliable narrator, as it has been almost ten years since these events, but I will try my hardest to remember them. Anyway, I am getting off topic. ​ My cousins came over, and we were banished outside to play, and we all decided that knock and run was a good idea. We usually just played around our immediate street, never venturing further than the next street over out of fear of getting lost in the copied and pasted suburban streets. We made our way up the street to the play park on top of the hill; it sat where a house could have been, and someone could cut across it onto the next road. As we sat on the play equipment, we decided that a vote should decide who knocked first, and of course I was picked. I remember getting myself out of it and getting my older cousin to take my place. I am thankful that he was and is as proud as he is. It helped me get out of a lot of situations. We decided that our first target would be the fanciest-looking house in the area, a white marble house with a fountain in the front yard and a curved driveway. I remember sitting next to a car; I was small enough to look under it from the kerb, and I had a clear view of my cousin sneaking up to the door and ringing the doorbell three times in order to get the attention of whoever was inside, and he bolted down the pathway towards the street to hide behind the cars, but before he got to the fence, an older man in a black leather apron with what I assumed was paint came sprinting after him. I immediately knew something was wrong; this wasn't the usual response to a knock and run. Sure, we have encountered some angry people before, but this was something very different. He practically flew down the walkway towards Daniel and threw his hand out to grab him. This didn't feel like anything someone his age could do, and it scared the shit out of me. I think I might have been the only one with a clear view of what was going on, which meant that I was the first to see what was happening. It wasn't until the man was practically on top of Daniel that he noticed that he was being chased, and the scream that he made when he realised this will always stick with me. ​ As I said at the start of this, Daniel was and still is a very proud person who will always try to prove himself, so hearing this scream of pure terror struck at my core. Everyone was clued in at this point as to what was happening. Daniel didn't open the waist-high gate at the end of the path; he just jumped it, which I think ultimately saved him from getting hurt as the old man had to take a second to open it. Daniel was sprinting down the street as fast as I had ever seen him. "Stop you little shit," the man shouted with a deep, angry voice. which did actually stop Daniel in his tracks; they were both standing in the middle of the road at this point, reminding me of an old western movie when two cowboys would be standing at either end of the main road. The man marched straight up into Daniel's face, and I could finally get a good look at him. His skin resembled rough leather, and the few strands of hair on his head had long since greyed. He was clean-shaven, and he was wearing white pants, a white button-up, and a black leather apron that had what I rationalised as red paint on it. After he was maybe half a foot from Daniel, he started to berate him, and I could only make out the words "Sick people in there", Everything about this man threw me off, and I could see my neighbour and my other cousin, who was hiding in the bushes, felt the same. My neighbour's older sister, whom I will call Tay, screamed out at him from the other side of the road, which gave Daniel the opportunity to run as fast as he could away from the man. We all ran at that point. I don't think I or anyone else knew where we were running off to, but I found myself in the carpark of the shopping centre across the road from me. I waited there for maybe 30 minutes, just watching cars come in and out, feeling safer with the large group of people. I had no idea at the time if he chased one of us, but I knew that I was safe. I made my way back to my house and found that I was the last one to return. My cousin Daniel ran straight home, and Tay followed him. My other cousin and neighbour ran around the suburbs for a bit before deciding to go home. My mum was missing when I got home, and I realised that she had been told what happened. My mother is someone who isn't afraid of protecting her own, and she is one of the strongest people I know, so I felt pretty safe that she was aware and was off telling him to fuck off, but when she got back she seemed off; she didn't want to talk about it or anything, and any colour from her face had completely drained. We slept at my neighbour's house that night because my mum wanted to talk to my dad about something serious, and I think we all knew what it was about. Nothing happened for a while after that. Not for a while, but my mum was a lot more protective of what we did outside; we were no longer allowed to play knock-and-run or go up the road without a parent. It really bugged my sister, who loved to play outside, but I don't think she fully understood what happened. I have a lot more stories about this guy, and I probably will write more because this has helped me get a better grip on everything that happened throughout that year, but I hope you enjoy the very first event in one of the worst periods of my life. Part 2 Ok, so before I get into the next few events, I think that it is important to address some things that I've read in the last post. I know that we were the ones who originally disturbed him, but I thought it was important to dedicate a post to that event as it kind of kicked off a lot of stuff. I will probably update this post with a few more stories just to get it all out there, but I just wanted to say that I fully understand my and everyone else's part to play in Part 1, but I believe that the issue really began after that, which is what I'll show you today. I am sorry if I upset anyone. Thank you all so much for the positive reception to Part 1. It means a lot that people are interested in what I've got to say, which makes me feel better about writing about other events. First things first, I promised a few of you that I would ask my mum what the old man had told her last night at dinner, and I did manage to do so. She was surprised that I remembered what happened and tried to sweep it under the rug, but I kept pressing her for answers. I'm not proud of pressuring my mother into talking to me about something like this, but curiosity got the better of me. I know that that isn't an excuse, but I feel it somewhat justifies my actions, as a lot of you wanted to know as well. After I pressed her for more answers, she grabbed my arm and led me to my room before placing me on my bed. She sat next to me and told me not to repeat anything of what I said to my sister, my cousins, or anyone else who was involved with this man throughout that year. She finally opened up about how she was sitting at home watching TV when she heard a loud knock on the front door. It was my cousin Daniel and my neighbour Tay, who looked terrified and exhausted. After letting them in and grilling them for answers, my mum was rightfully pissed that someone had spoken to them in such a way, and so she got up to go and confront the man, and on her way out, my other cousin and neighbour arrived, whom she also sent inside. She was concerned about where I was, but Daniel made it clear that I ran in the opposite direction of the man and that he would go out looking for me (which he didn't). My mum made her way up to the play park and saw the man pacing back and forth up and down his driveway. He didn't seem angry or upset; he apparently didn't seem like anything besides someone marching back and forth, which took my mother's mood from enraged to confused. She walked up to the front gate and let herself in, which made the man stop almost immediately and stare at her. I am surprised that she didn't turn back and go home at that point, because that's what I and what I imagine anyone would have done, but as I said in Part 1, I am a coward. The man marched up to my mum and started to berate with her about trespassing on his property, which she met by berating with him about terrifying some kids. This apparently went on for a couple minutes before he said something that terrified her. My mum didn't say exactly what he said because she said that she was trying to forget it, but he said something along the lines of, "I will show both of you what it feels like to have somebody on your property when you don't want them there, and then I'll shut those fucking kids up forever." He tried to grab her at that point, but she quickly moved away and left his yard, swiftly walking back home. this really affected my mum. But that was the answer I got from her. I gave her a hug and apologized for pressing her to tell me, and we got back to dinner shortly after. I don't regret her telling me, but it just feels like knowing the end of a movie and seeing all of the hints leading up to it, recontextualizing a lot of stuff. It had been about a month, maybe a month and a half, since the first initial incident with the man; we hadn't seen him since, and I was forgetting about it until I went to the shops one day. For context, my parents had started to let me go to the shops by myself to grab little things for them. I was young at the time, and the shops were across the road from me, so getting there wasn't an issue. One day, my dad asked me to go and grab a loaf of bread for him. He gave me two 2-dollar coins and sent me on my way to the shops. I was getting used to doing this on my own and enjoying my independence. I grabbed the bread, which was on the far side of the large supermarket, and made my way towards the registers. I stopped by the toy aisle and took a look at all of the low-quality, mass-produced action figures that I desperately wanted. This was part of my routine; even now, if I wanted something but didn't have money to get it, I would just look at it. But on this occasion, I wish I had just continued to the registers. I felt two hands push me to the ground from my left. I was shocked for a moment, as I didn't fully know what had just happened. The sticky and dusty floor beneath me hurt. It took me a second to look at my attacker, and when I did, I immediately knew that this was very wrong. It was the old man from up the road; he had found me in the place that I had hid from him just a month prior. He started to shout at me, but I couldn't understand what he was saying. I don't know if it was the adrenaline ringing in my ears or his rage just taking over, but the tone in which he was shouting shook me. I tried to get up to run, and when I planted my foot on the ground to get up, he kicked it out from below me, which made me fall back on the ground. Thank God a staff member arrived at this point; they must have heard his shouting from across the store and come to check on what was happening. I didn't get a good look at the staff member, but I am thankful for them. As I got up to run with the loaf of bread in my hand, I could hear the man reacting to me getting away, and it took everything in me not to look behind me to look at him, but I knew that he was furious. I ran straight out of the store with the bread without realising it and almost threw up from all of the emotions. I told my parents when I got home, and they both made it clear that I wouldn't be going on any shopping trips by myself from here on out. They didn't think about how me and my sister walked together to school, which in hindsight should have been something that they thought of. The trip to my school wasn't a long one; it was just over a kilometre long, or just over half a mile, but the trip was still tough on small legs. There were quite a few hills, which added time to our trip there, and the path went along a creek with nothing around it. It was nice and isolated, which helped relax my mind after school. Not long after the supermarket incident, me and my sister were walking home from school and just made our way to the beginning of the path along the creek when we saw a suv that had been parked there for what I assumed had been a while. I thought it was empty, but as you could probably guess, it wasn't. We turned to enter the creek when the SUV car door opened, and we heard someone shouting out to us "Hey, do you guys want a drive home", It was the man. My sister, who was always trusting of others, started to walk towards the truck, but I quickly held her back. "What's wrong?" the man said in a cheerful tone. This was very different from the unintelligible screaming from just the week before, and I obviously wanted nothing to do with this man. I quickly started to lead my sister towards the creek, and the man quickly scooted over towards the door. "Wait up; I will walk you home." I should have run up the hill towards the school, but instead I started to sprint down the creek. Looking back at this, I feel stupid. Daniel was faster than me, and the man had been able to catch up to him in seconds, but for some reason he didn't leave his truck. All I heard was another unintelligible scream and his truck driving away. My sister was beyond pissed that we didn't get a ride home and that we had to walk, but I didn't care. She and I were safe, and so we continued walking along the path. Thinking back to it, the path was beautiful and connected on either side to small, quiet streets--the perfect in-between of isolation. Sadly, my young mind didn't realise that the creek opened to two quiet streets, and so when I saw that same silver SUV on the street at the end of the path, I froze. What could I have done? I felt powerless and had to take care of my sister, who was only now figuring out that this man may not have good intentions. I decided that the best course of action was to cross the creek and walk through the bushes to the other side. This was a beyond dangerous idea as there were slippery rocks, animals, and running water. This very easily could have injured or killed us, but somehow we managed. We climbed over logs of wood and under tree branches, through prickly bushes, and through large plants. but we managed to do it and crossed over to another road that we followed towards the main road, which took us home. Obviously, those two SUVs could have been different, but at the time I was certain they were the same, and even now I am not 100% sure if they were different. I only found out about this later, but my parents got the police involved at this point, but based on the fact that more stuff happened, I am going to say that they probably didn't do much. There were a few other things that happened throughout this time, like mail being stolen, our bins being pushed over, and the front door knocking at the early hours of the morning that we knew was him, although we had no real proof. The last thing that I will bring up before I end this post is something that I am not 100% sure was a dream or not. For context, my dad used to have "campouts" with me and my sister; we would sleep out on the couch, and my dad would sleep on a mattress on the floor. The couches we would sleep on were right next to the front door in the living room. and we would watch movies with pizza or some other type of takeaway. It was really fun, and I remember those nights, but one particular night will stick with me. Everyone else went to sleep, and Naruto was on. I hadn't watched or read Naruto at that point, but I recognised the characters. I was sitting directly next to the large window that looked out onto the driveway. I was just enjoying doing nothing when I saw some movement out on the driveway, and so I looked out, and there he was, walking up to our front door, wearing his white pants and white button up t-shirt. He was staring directly at our front door with such focus that it felt like nothing would break it, but something did, and it was me. He looked at me, and I could see in his eyes that it was funny to him. He simply held his hand up, waved at me, and then placed one finger on his mouth as if he were telling me to shush, and then he jogged away. I surprisingly fell asleep not long later, and for the longest time I thought it was a dream until I read all of Naruto and recognised the scene. It was then that I realised that it might not actually have been a dream and that he might have been attempting something, and after what my mum had told me, I think I know what he was trying to do. Part 3 So it's been a while since I've given you guys an update. I have been busy with school, and digging up these memories is a little distracting for me. I would like to thank you all for all of the incredibly positive responses to my post. It makes me feel better about all of this, but without further ado, let's just start the story. It was summer, and the local council decided to have a fair. The local council hired a few clowns, some face-painting stations, food trucks, and bouncy castles at the local football field. Of course, me and my sister were beyond excited to go. For a young child, this was the hottest ticket in town, and my parents were happy to take us as it was just down the road and free. I remember the field being beyond busy; the crowd was difficult to walk in and even harder to see through, but we managed to find ourselves right next to a giant blow-up bouncy slide. As it was summer, the actual balloon of the slide burned to the touch, and the sun made me feel like I was slowly melting. Regardless of this, I must have spent at least 40 minutes going up and down that slide. I was having too much fun and didn't notice that both my parents and sister had gone missing in the giant crowd of people. I got down from the slide, put my shoes and socks back on, and started to make my way through the crowd. I didn't actually know where I was going, and I remember feeling incredibly anxious as I waddled around the fair. It wasn't until I felt a hand on my shoulder and then on my forearm that I felt a little safer. It was my dad, I thought; he had found me. I couldn't actually tell whose arm it was, as the angle at which it was holding my arm made it difficult to look at in a crowd. The whole day was overly stimulating, and I wasn't thinking clearly. I should have known from how hard the hand was gripping me or the fact that it was leading me to the parking lot that something was wrong. I only really felt terror when I saw my parents running towards me, running faster than I had ever seen them run. Adrenaline immediately coursed through my veins, and I pivoted my body around and immediately saw the leathery hand on my arm and white pants. The link was connected in my mind as to who this was. My mother's scream was the first thing I heard, and the angry or annoyed grunt of the old man followed it. He started to jog with me towards his truck, but I had started to fight back against his grip. He may have been old, but he was stronger than any elderly person should be, and he was faster too. Everything about this man was wrong, and it may have been my young mind making it all up, but I still believe that something was very weird about him; no elderly person should be like this. At this point, I was only a couple feet away from his car, and as he opened the door, I felt two hands on my right arm that pulled me hard against the man's grip. The man's grip held on before my dad came out from behind me and slammed the old man's head into his car, which loosened his grip on me. At this point, my mother grabbed me and ran, and we went straight home. Apparently, they didn't notice me slip away on the bouncy slide, and they ran into some family friends who offered to take care of my sister while they searched for me. I don't know what type of person it takes to do something like that in such a populated area, but this man was not normal, not in the slightest. My dad returned later that night; he looked really roughed up and drained of all energy. From what I had gathered over the years, they got into a pretty brutal fight that ended with the police breaking it up. My dad didn't get into that much trouble considering that he had called the police on the man before, but they still took him to the station to give a statement. When he sat down on the couch, he looked exhausted, bruises forming all over and a cut on his lip and upper eyebrow still leaking blood, but he had a smile on his face, and I could hear him telling my mum that it was over. They were both hopeful, and so was I. A couple weeks later, my cousins came back over, and Daniel wanted to know everything. He felt like he was the main victim and deserved to know everything because he was the one that the man shouted at and the one that the man wanted to get the most. I don't disagree that the man would probably try to hurt him on sight, but it felt weird to me—almost like he was trying to take credit for something that to him sounded like a creepy story but to my family was real. Anyway, we decided to go out for a bit. My parents trusted us because we were with my older cousin. We went up to the usual play park, which was across the street from the man's currently vacant house. Daniel was telling us all about how he swore that he saw him near his house. Keep in mind that he lives almost three hours away. I am not saying that he is a liar, but I am saying that he wanted to be part of this. Anyway, we were playing hide-and-seek. Tay, our neighbour, was seeking, and she had only just started to count down from 60. I always tagged along with Daniel because he always found the best spots. We ran across the road towards the man's house, and Daniel jumped the fence, which I immediately stopped at. "Come on," he said from the other side of the waist-high fence. "No one will find us", The house felt like a void that we would get sucked into, and I had up until this point refused to even be near it, but for some reason I agreed. I joined him in the man's yard, and to my shock, Daniel wanted to go deeper into his home, not just his yard. I made it clear that this was a very bad idea; even if he was in custody, jail, or whatever, we would be breaking into someone's home. Daniel didn't seem scared by it, though. I think the whole idea of being in the man's house seemed too attractive to him. We went around the side fence into his backyard; it was overgrown, almost like no one had been living there for years. I made my way towards his back window and looked inside. From what I could make out, he was a hardcore minimalist, only having a TV, chair, fireplace, and shelf that housed some photos of a much younger man and some medals. He was a veteran; it changes nothing to me, but it explains his above-average speed and strength, especially for his age. The sound of a door sliding open almost made me yell in fear. Daniel had found an unlocked sliding door and wanted to venture inward. I ran around to find him, but he was already inside before I could stop him. At this point, I was also curious to find out more, but I understood the risk of this all. It didn't matter if I understood it because I went in with him. The rest of the house reflected the living room; the kitchen had a fridge and a stove, and the dining room only had a small table with one wooden chair. There was no decoration on the walls or signs of life besides these sad reminders of how lonely the man had been. As I said, this changes nothing for me. I hate this man more than anyone can know. We made our way upstairs and found two completely empty rooms and one bedroom—a single bed with a bedside table filled with different types of weapons—a hatchet, a knife, and a knuckle duster. I had never seen a knuckle duster before, and I successfully fought the urge to take it and put it on. This was something that Daniel failed to do, as he almost immediately grabbed it, which I almost hit him for. We continued searching the house, and Daniel had the idea that he must have something weird in his wardrobe, and when we opened it, he gave a disappointed sigh as there was nothing inside except a few white button-ups and white pants. This especially creeped me out as he never wore anything else. We made our way back down the stairs and into the living room, and to our surprise, we missed the table that sat next to the couch; it was just out of view and only had one drawer. Daniel opened it and struggled to get it out fast, but when he did, we found something profoundly strange. It was a single photo; neither of us could make out what it was, but we knew that it looked familiar. Daniel sat down in the chair bored, and it was only then that we heard Tay scream out that she had given up. Daniel shot up and sprinted back out to the backyard. We had both completely forgotten about her, but as I put the photo back into the drawer, something stood out to me about the photo: the fence was navy blue. This was something unusual in my area, and I knew of only one navy blue fence in the suburb, our side door entrance fence. This realisation made the photo seem so much clearer. The white pebbles on the ground leading to the backyard, the cream colour of the garage next to it, and the green bush at the end of the path—this was my home. He had a photo of my home. I quickly met back up with Daniel and Tay, and we went back home. I should of told my parents, but I was scared that I would be in trouble if they found out that we were in his home. I understand why we would be, but I still didn't want to live up to it. About a month after that, we were having another campout with me, my dad, and my sister. Both my sister and my dad had fallen asleep with the TV still on, illuminating the room. It was one of those weird situations where you were both really comfortable and really uncomfortable. That was my situation, and on most nights I love this feeling, but that feeling will always be tied to this night. I was drifting off to sleep as well, but I heard the sliding backdoor open slowly. I peered up above the couch and saw a silhouette of a man standing in the doorway. I froze with fear and started to cry. My dad woke up at this point. I am not entirely sure how; maybe it was a parental instinct, but he knew almost immediately that something was wrong. He got off the bed and crouched towards the dining room, which is where the backdoor was. The other man had begun to walk slowly through the house at this point, murmuring to himself. To my horror, I recognised the pants—the bright white pants. So many questions went through my mind, the most prevalent one being 'how he was in custody'. But none of that mattered because there he was, standing in my dining room, holding something. My dad charged him from around the corner and tackled him into the wall. The old man punched him in the arm, and my dad immediately dropped that arm. It was the knuckle dusters that Daniel was wearing. It was at this point that the lights turned on. I don't know if it was my dad or the man, but they came on, and my dad made a noise of pure horror. Both men were fully healed from their last fight, but my dad took a real beating. I had always expected that the old man had had his ass kicked, but now I am not so sure. My dad was standing in the doorway to the living room, shielding us with his body. My sister was awake and crying at this time, as was I, and my mum also ran down the stairs and immediately saw everything that was going on. The man had lunged at my dad with a thing in his hand that I could see was a hatchet. My dad threw himself to the side, and his other arm got scrazed by the hatchet, drawing blood. My mum at this point leapt towards the old man and pushed him into the kitchen bench, which made him scream. But he was up almost as fast as he was down. He slashed at my mum and missed her, and my dad ran to the other room and started to call the police. My mum was dodging his slashes while also throwing things at him. Once she got to the knife block, she armed herself with two knives and threw one of them, and the handle hit him in the face. knocking him back, my mum took the opportunity and drove the knife into his shoulder. which made him scream again. He fell to the ground and didn't try to get up until the police arrived. After this happened, we moved—not too far away, maybe just half an hour away. Even though we live so close to that place, we have never returned. As much as I have been tempted to go back and relive some stuff, for the time being, I am pretty comfortable staying here. Apparently, he paid bail and was staying in the hospital for a while before staying at somebody else's house. I know that he made his way back to his house before making his way to my home. It creeps me out to think that I could have been in his home at the same time as him. Well, anyway, it's been ten years, and it's been something that's been on my mind for a while. I want to thank you all for hearing my story, and I think it's tradition on this subreddit to say this. To the old fucking creep up the road who terrorised my family, let's not meet again.
You could be a model..
I grew up in a small town. Total population was maybe two thousand. Everyone knew everyone else, or least knew your family members. It was a safe town, with mostly middle class working families. Nothing major ever happened and the crime rates were low. I grew up feeling safe and secure. To note, I grew up in the 90s. One summer day, my good friend Jenny and I were out for a bikeride. We were 11 or 12 years old. We were allowed to bike anywhere we wanted, as long as we didn't leave our town and wore our helmets. There was a new road being constructed in between the two main neighborhoods. The new road was to provide a shorter way of accessing the main road to get to the next town. At the time, the road was still under construction but was nearly complete. All that was left was paving and painting. Jenny and I decided to bike down the gravel road. Jenny and I were about halfway down the road. The road was about a kilometre long. At the halfway point, we noticed a man walking. He was early 30s and very handsome. I didn't recognize him and Jenny didn't either. As we got closer, he broke out in a big smile and said hello. We said hello back as he didn't seem threatening or scary. He asked us if we were having a good summer and we said yes. He told Jenny and I he was a photographer from a nearby city and was in town to scout out models for his new postcard company. He said Jenny and I had beautiful features. He said everything in a very flattering way that made us feel special. He said we could be models. He asked if he could take our pictures. He said we had the look he wanted and the scenery right now is perfect to promote the town. He said he knows he will sell tons of postcards and we could all make money. Jenny and I eagerly agreed. He got us to stand with our hands on our hips and smile big. He took a disposable camera out of his back pocket and began snapping photos. He took about 10 photos in total, from many angles. I remember feeling a little uneasy and said we should probably go because we needed to be home soon. He said he would get in touch with our principal on the first day of school to give us some money from the postcard sales. We foolishly confirmed we went to the local elementary school, though it was the only elementary school in town so it wouldn't be hard to figure out. Neither Jenny or I remember (to this day) giving him our names. This is an important detail for later. Jenny and I talked about becoming famous on the way home. I told Jenny that I wondered why he didn't have a professional camera. She said she wondered that too but we agreed cameras are expensive so maybe he didn't have a nice one with him in case it rained. That evening at supper, I told my parents about my potential new found fame. They were horrified and got on the phone with Jenny's parents. The two sets of parents called police and gave statements. Police sort of downplayed it and said it was unusual but nothing criminal had happened. My parents had a long talk to me about safety, as did Jenny's parents with her. The following Spring, Jenny and I were hanging out together. This time a little older and a little wiser and a lot more cautious. We were walking along a quiet side street, just talking about music and tv shows. A minivan approached us and slowed down. A friendly looking woman asked us if we knew where Smith's Road was. We told her she just needed to drive straight for less than a minute and it's the first right hand turn. She said she was having difficulty finding it and would we mind hopping in and showing her. I instantly said no. Jenny also declined. Then, the woman said it was okay because she knows who we are. She called us both by first name and said she saw us on a postcard. By now, we were both freaked out. We were on a stretch of the road that had no houses. The nearest one was about 100 metres away. And it wasn't common for people to have cell phones back then so neither Jenny or I had one. The woman continued to ask us to get in her minivan. Jenny, who is normally super chatty, was staring into the vehicle intensely. Her body language was stiff and I could tell she was scared. Suddenly, and seemingly out of nowhere, Jenny screamed "RUN!!!!" I didn't know what was happening but I ran and followed Jenny. We ran off the road and through a field and into a yard another street over. I recognized the yard and house as belonging to a school teacher. We pounded on her door and she answered. We told her what happened. And then Jenny said something I will never forget. She said she saw the photographer man from last summer crouching down in the the very back row of seats. She said she knew something bad was going to happen. Police and our parents were called. We gave statements and a vehicle description, as well as descriptions of the man and woman. Unfortunately the police were never able to locate them. Jenny and I never saw them again. We had some serious trust issues with strangers after those encounters and I had nightmares of being kidnapped into early adulthood. Always make sure to teach your children that strangers are not safe, no matter how nice they are. My situation could have had a much more unfortunate outcome if things had gone even slightly differently. Those are two people I sincerely hope to never meet again
Have you ever felt the taste of human flesh hit your tongue, the sweet but tangy flavor seeping into your taste buds as you crunch down on the flesh covered meat, well it's what I long for. A boy had grown up in a small town, yet he remained unnoticed and invisible to those around him. No one noticed his perfect emerald green eyes that glistened when rays of sunlight hit them or his bush of hair that curls together just right, but I noticed him. I noticed how every Tuesday he would walk to the library to catch up on his studies and biweekly he would go to his grandma's nursery to sew with her. Even though we grew up in the same town and went to school together, the two of us had officially met at a charity event in Lesotho. It was an event where we helped build new homes for the community. Oren and I were placed in the same group. As we worked together, I got to know him better and I immediately grew obsessed with him. Once the event was over and we returned home, sorrowful thoughts suffocated me. Being away from Oren felt as though my heart was getting ripped out of my chest. Having to go a day without his energetic laugh and alluring scent of burning wood, surged an aching through my stomach. Before I knew it, I began to long for his touch and his presence. When I started university at Bridgeport, I had found out Oren was attending Bridgeport as well. Walking through the tall doorway into my biology class, sitting there, looking as perfect as ever, was Oren. He waved at me. Butterflies penetrated my stomach as I walked over and sat in the seat next to him. Just as I sat down, the bell rang and the teacher started his lecture. After an hour and a half of painstakingly enduring biology class, Oren and I decided to walk to a cafe nearby. As we were seated, engaged in a conversation about our class, a girl approached us. The girl sauntered up to Oren with a provocative sway of her hips and breast practically jumping out of her shirt. It seemed someone else had noticed him too. My mind was consumed with resentment as I watched the girl talk to Oren, completely disregarding my existence. The sound around me seemed to fade away, as if my ears had become deaf to everything else once they began discussing the idea of hanging out. I felt an urge to release a piercing wail and assert my ownership over him, but I couldn't ignore the painful truth: he wasn’t mine. I was aware of the wandering eyes of Oren glancing at me and giving me the look as if asking if I'm okay. I nod my head, deciding to enter myself into their conversation, “Where are you guys thinking about hanging out?” \\ Almost looking offended, the girl replied, “I’ve got two tickets for a movie.” “I'll pay for a third ticket so Liyla can join,” Oren blurted out. “I don't mind,” the girl replied. Obviously she minded. The girl then bellowed at me, “I don't think we've met before, I’m Nevada.” “Liyla,” I uttered. Nevada smiled distastefully. She turned her attention back to Oren, continuing to seduce him in front of me. Not able to stomach anymore of their flirting, I excused myself to the restroom. Instead I went straight out the door of the cafe. I didn’t care if Oren saw me. My heart was broken. Tears flowed uncontrollably along my pimple-filled cheeks, as I walked aimlessly around. I continued walking in a random direction for what felt like hours until I found myself back at my dorm. Walking inside, I hear the ding of my phone and see a message from Oren. Are you alright? I threw my phone against the wall, hoping to shatter it into pieces. I sprang into my bed, burying my face into my pillows. That night felt different. The air was suddenly thick, like a smoker's lung filled with mucus. It felt as if clouds covered my shining sun. Unable to get out of bed, I decided to skip my homework and go straight to bed. In the middle of the night, I suddenly woke up. My body was unable to move. Great another night of sleep paralysis, I thought, having been through this many times before. I lie there waiting for the hallucinations to start. In the corner of my room, I saw a short and stubby man wearing the typical trench coat, but with a sombrero. I wanted to laugh but the grip of sleep paralysis was a virus in my body. I then moved my eyes to the other side of me to see the exact same figure. Now a little startled I try to keep my eyes closed in order to have this pass, when I feel the touch of a person's lips around my calf, biting me. The pain grew as if it felt that someone was tearing my skin off, when I tried to scream nothing came out, just the breath from my lungs. Next thing I knew I saw the face of a man appear as if it's coming down from my ceiling like a spy, while unable to scream the figure laughs at me struggling to move. The figure then drops through me, I can feel the coldness take over me and my thoughts become not my own. The feeling of dread suffocates me after. Eventually laying there for maybe an hour, the biting sensation on my calf stops, I start to feel the droopiness off my eyelids, and I pass out. As the sun awoke, so did I, I roused to the overbearing feeling of hunger. I swiftly make my way into my kitchen where I devour anything in my sight: raw meat, vegetables, raw noodles, you name it. Still this feeling of hunger never left. My attention is driven to the notification from my phone, walking over to the cracked phone, I checked to see that Oren had texted me, it read ‘we’re meeting at the movies in an hour, see you then?’ I responded with a thumbs up and checked the time. It was already 7:30 pm, and I slept all day. Getting ready was hard, my tear filled eyes restricted me from looking my best. After I put on my clothes, I skipped doing my makeup out of fear of it getting messed up and looking worse than I already did. While I'm getting ready the intense feeling of hunger never leaves, but gets worse; It felt as though someone was ripping me from the inside of my stomach. Locking the door behind me, I started the 10 minute walk to the movie theaters. The whole walk it felt as though someone was watching me, I couldn't shake the feeling. No matter how much I turned my head or how quick, I never saw a person or even an animal nearby. Walking up the sidewalk to the theater, I see Oren and Nevada talking rather close to each other. I assumed they were waiting for me; when I noticed them walking inside. Dumbfounded, I came to a stop and checked my phone to see a message from Oren. Change of plans, we aren't going anymore. My heart shattered even more than it already has, I've officially been replaced. I slowly walk inside and walk up to Oren, “Thanks for ditching me,” I say, not letting myself cry in order to not show weakness. He doesn't respond and I see a sly smile on Nevada's face, admitting my defeat, I decide to walk away. Once I walked out of the theater, I began to start running. The ravenous craving of food with a mixture of immense dismal, seeped into my blood. so, I decided to go to the cafe. Walking inside, the fluorescent lights make my eyes shift from the gloomy atmosphere to the liveliness of the cafe; I sit down at my usual table and wait for one of the workers to come take my order. I finally get the chance to calm down and examine my thoughts. Following a short wait, a lengthy woman comes up to me and asks, “Can I get you anything?” “I'll take a jelly bun and one large coffee with 3 pumps of caramel and 5 pumps of cream,” I responded. As she was writing down my order I couldn't help but look at her arm, that's when the intrusive thoughts started appearing. I wonder what she tastes like fills my thoughts as if not my own, unable to control the overwhelming thoughts I decide to just walk out. Walking in a random direction I notice a park in the distance, thinking I could sit there to clear my thoughts; I walk up and sit on a swing. A few minutes later a child comes bouncing along the pathway with her pigtails that look like curly fries. The thoughts come back ‘eat her.’ I gasp and jump off the swing while flying in the air. Tumbling while getting up, I ran, not knowing where to run to, I just ran. Not too long later I ended up back at my dorm. Unlocking my door with shaking hands, I quickly barricade myself inside. unable to stomach the pain anymore, I decided to call Oren to see if he could come over to help. After talking to a sorrowful and concerned Oren, he agreed to come over. I soon heard the knock of the door and ran to it, opening the door. I see Oren as gorgeous as ever, dressed in what I imagine is his best casual wear. That's when I look to the left of him and see Nevada holding onto his arm; The tenderness of my heart turned to ice. “Come inside,” I mumble while holding my stomach. That's when both of them walk inside my dorm and sit on the couch hand in hand. Feeling like I'm about to get sick, I say I'm using the bathroom and walk towards the washroom that's in my room. While sitting at the toilet, throwing up all of the junk I've eaten today, I feel inside of me like something is moving throughout my body, slowly taking control of each limb. As my body becomes not my own, I stand up quickly and head towards my bedroom once more. That's when I instinctively grab something from underneath my bed, a box. In this box I keep my firearm which I'm not technically supposed to have, but I do incase of protection. In almost a trance- like state I grab the gun out of the box and load it with ammo; what am I doing? Slowly walking out of my room, I pointed the gun right at Nevadas head. Oren nor Nevada could see me as the couch was facing away from my room, this felt right. I pulled the trigger under my finger, the deafening sound of the gun rang through the room. I look up to see Nevada no longer in sight, but Oren right next to her aiding her. This is what he should be doing to me, I'm the one in pain, I'm the one who called him here, only him, not her. This enrages me as I lift up the gun again, point it right at Orens heart, and as I did before, and pulled the trigger. I strolled over to Oren to see him lying there, gasping for air and coughing up blood. As he says his last words, "Why." The guilt pierces my heart like the bullet I just put in his, no this is his fault, I shouldn't feel guilty for him picking another girl over me. An intense smell hit my nose, the smell was indescribable, and it made my mouth water like never before. That's when I realized the smell was coming off the corpses below me. I kneel down and lick the skin of Oren, a rush fills me as my taste buds grow excited at the taste of his skin. Whatever was inside me, controlling me, made me long for more of Oren, not in a sexual way, but I wanted to ingest him. Going into the kitchen, I grab the largest knife I have, then make my way back to the bodies on my floor. Immense anger filled me as I looked at Nevadas face, still more beautiful than me, even after life. I lifted up the knife and plunged it right into her stomach, blood oozing out as I moved the blade out of her, just wanting to make sure she's finished off. I lick the blade of the knife and the sweet taste of blood hits my tongue. I then go into a fury of chopping up Nevada piece by piece, making sure to cut bite sized chunks to feast on. Slowly the feeling of hunger disappeared and the discomfort faded, I felt accomplished. After I finished my meal, I realized I was left with nothing but bones, hair, and the body parts I'd prefer not to eat.I grab some rags and cleaning spray, and get to work cleaning up all of the blood on my floor. After I quickly grabbed a box and shoved the discarded organs,,rags from cleaning, and the knife into it. At this time it was pitch dark out so I sneakily made my way out of my dorm with the box, and to a nearby dumpster where I know stray dogs like to roam. I place the box just outside of the dumpster with stuff on top of it to hide it from the human eye. As I made my way back to my dorm I quickly scanned over the crime scene to make sure I cleaned it back to the way I left it, so that my roommates wouldn't get suspicious. After that I stroll into my bedroom, take a deep clean shower in order to wash all of the blood off me , and make sure to put my bloody clothes into a trash bag that I will throw away in the morning. I then make my way into my cozy bed and soon find myself dozing in a deep sleep. Once again I woke up to the feeling, or rather not the feeling, of my body. Already expecting what was about to happen, prepared myself for the inevitable. As I was staring at my ceiling, I saw the sombrero man appear like a dangling spider, not really scared of him, but more intrigued. I tried to talk but my vocal cords feel as though someone is ripping them as I tried. As he is moving toward me he sticks out his tongue and licks my face from cheek to forehead, and said, “Good job my little prodigy,” he then screamed an inhuman like screech and fell into me, coldness shook me to the core. I must've passed out because next thing i knew i opened my eyes to daylight, surprisingly my anxiety was low this morning. I got dressed in my usual sweats and a sweater, then grabbed the bag of bloody clothes and my backpack as I exited my front door. I was off to my first class, but not before stopping at a different dumpster than the night before. As I'm walking into the classroom, I glance at the seat Oren had sat at the day before. I sit in the chair next to it and wait for the teacher to do roll call of the classroom, as he does each day. After hearing Orens name called and getting no response, a feeling of pity flows through me. Why do I keep feeling bad for him? This was his fault. During class my thoughts wandered to the sombrero man I kept on seeing. Being a huge believer in the paranormal I decided to google any past deaths in my dorm. Turns out in 1947 there was a man the age of 23 who ended up killing 18 women and men, and eating them. This man hung himself in order to escape the police right here in my room. Past people in my dorm have stated seeing the man in a sombrero, no one believed them, but i did. I realized I liked this life. I liked eating people and the thrill of covering up the discarded body parts. It made me feel as though I was the most powerful when ingesting the meat of humans. This delight would soon be crushed, as the justice system would soon catch up with me. News went around that there was a box found next to a dumpster full of human body parts. ‘Shit.’ Almost as quickly, people soon noticed that Oren and Nevada were missing, Nevada more than Oren. I went on with my life, soon forgetting about Oren and Nevada, as I was now focused on finding my next meal. One morning I got a knock on my door, my roommate was out so I got my lazy butt up off my bed and walked right up to the front door, opening it I saw the police. By heart dropped, they knew. All i could do was let them search my dorm, they found loads of evidence against me and arrested me right on the spot. I was thrown into a jail cell for around 5 months before my trial, the food was terrible, tasted nothing like the flesh of a human, it was tortuous. At my trial I saw the families of Oren and Nevada, all of them were crying and or giving me a death stare. I couldn't help but smile at each and everyone of them. Turns out eating people isn't taken too lightly in my country, and I received the death penalty. I wasn't scared, or sad, all I could think about was the sensation of flesh hitting my tongue. Being tossed into a solitary confinement cell this time, I spent the next 32 years there, being alone, having nothing to do, and away from any human contact, not even my family wanted to visit me. the food was a little better at least, i received raw lamb at my request, it was the closest tasting to human in my opinion. On the morning of another Monday, it turned out to be my execution day. To my surprise, my cell door swung open. Standing there I saw a scared woman, I could smell it, in a police uniform holding a pair of handcuffs. Knowing the drill, I turned around and put my hands behind my back, ready to feel the icy metal against my skin. Her shaky hands put the cuffs on me and led me out of my cell. Walking through the prison was nostalgic, as we were twisting and turning through the prison, we made it to a door, the door led us outside and the light of the sun blinded me, after not seeing it for so long. Waiting for us was a van that I figured out was leading me to my death. Sitting in the chair, where I was about to die, was oddly calming, the knowledge that death is near gave me the thrill I had missed all these years. I wonder if this is how the man felt as he was dangling there, unable to breathe, and slowly losing consciousness. I wonder if it gave him that thrill. After waiting for what felt like forever, there was a man that came in with gloves on, along with other people around him assisting him as he hooked up the needle to the poison I assumed. The needle was placed into my arm and slowly I felt the substance seep into my blood, he then switched the substance with another mixture, this one made me feel drowsy. I started to slowly lose consciousness as the man switched the bag one more time. That's when I felt cold, I could feel my body slowly starting to fail. I felt the tight grasp of hands wrap around my neck, fingertips digging into my larynx. Just then the face of the sombrero man appeared as I closed my eyes, his face an angry expression “You failed me little one,” he said in a disappointed tone, “now you must face the same fate I did.” His grip tightened around my throat, I closed my eyes and felt tears leave my eyes. Even though I never asked for this, the sensation of failure lingered within me. I wanted more than anything to still be out in the world, tasting the flesh of humans; but I wasn't prepared for this. Accepting this fate I felt as the breath from my lungs started to slow, and my once beating heart turned to a hollow void. There was nothing but a rigging in my ears as I was trapped in my own body, unable to move. This was my end.
The Void
Robert Bastian has been imprisoned by the four walls of the home he had died in back in 1965 for 58 years now. When Robert died in the living room of this run of the mill little American house on 522 Primrose Lane in Guthrie, Oklahoma, it was but 2 years old. The damn foundation hadn’t even finished settling before he was struck down. He had purchased it with his new wife, Annie, the second it was complete. Together, they had planned on building a home within this house. She became pregnant relatively quickly, and 9 months later in August of ‘64, their baby boy, Thomas, was born. He was a proud father. That year that he had both his baby boy and his beautiful wife was the best 13 months of his life. In the end, it wasn’t a war that got Robert Bastian, nor was it a car accident, or a robbery. It was a goddamn aneurysm. If Robert could have spoken in the first few years following his death, he could've told you that all he remembered was laying down on the couch on a warm September day back in 1965 after fiddling with the carburetor on his old AMC Rambler. He had been out there, leaned over the engine, when he became light headed. Robert stumbled inside, took a rag from the kitchen counter, soaked it in cool water from the sink, and then laid down on the flower patterned couch. When he lifted his arms to place the wet rag over his eyes, he felt a tremendous pain jolt through his head...and then...he felt nothing. The first 2 years that Robert spent wondering the halls of this now old house, he remembered his death vividly. 10 years after his death, he remembered he had died. He remembered waking up here inn this cold, gray place. A quiet, shadowy replica of his home. 20 years after his death, Robert Bastian still understood the concept of life and death, though he couldn’t quite remember the specifics of of his own aside from that bouncing baby boy that somebody had named Thomas. 30 years after his death, Robert Bastian wasn’t entirely human anymore. He remembered a little boy named Thomas. Or maybe it was Tommy? He knew the boy was important to him, though he didn’t remember why. The personality, memories, and individuality of the dead fade over time like limestone on a beach shore. For 58 years, Robert Bastian has not heard a sound. There is no sound in the void. It’s as if this world...this plane of existence...has been placed permanently on mute. Today, If you, a living, breathing person with a future ahead of yourself and family still aware of your existence were to stand in the living room, and look out into the front yard through the double windows of that small one story red brick house, you would see nothing extraordinary. Across the street sits a modest, white brick single story house. To it’s left, a small field with trees and a well manicured lawn. Primrose has always been a single lane road, and you may occasionally see a soccer mom go by in a van with a stick figure family stuck to the rear window. Or maybe you’ll see the owner of that modest one story home across the street mowing his lawn depending on the time of year. What you don’t know, however, is that Robert Bastian is standing there too. What you don’t see, is what Robert Bastian is seeing as he looks out that window. He mostly sees...nothing. Darkness mostly. Every now and then, it seems that God, or whomever is in charge, will pull the blanket of blackness back just enough to make out an outline of the large oak tree in the front yard. On really good days, he can even see the silhouette of the house across the street. Mostly though, Robert Bastian peers into the void, and has been for years now. He knows not why he stands there. Staring. For the first 25 years after his death, he wondered aimlessly around inside what was once his home, but was now his prison. From the living room and Down the hallway, and into the bedrooms. Sometimes he would stop and Stare at the bed for a moment. Oftentimes, he could feel the presence of something laying there, though he could not see it. Robert would stand there and try to latch onto that presence, whatever it was. It was a warm spot amongst all this cold. Then, after he felt he had taken in all the warmth that the presence had to offer, he would Make another lap. Through the kitchen. Into the garage, where he would Stare at a parked car that wasn’t his. The warm spots weren’t always by the bed. Sometimes he would come across them in the hallways for a brief second. Sometimes in the living room. Other times in the kitchen, especially if he hung around the stove or kitchen table. Over time, the house changed. Things would fade out of existence, and new ones would fade in. His floor model television set with the wooden legs and wood grain paneling disappeared one day, and reappeared as a large, black, boxy television. Eventually that faded into a massive, flat television. Not that it matters anyway. These days, Robert Bastian doesn’t even know what a television is anymore. What DOES matter is out there, though he doesn’t know what that is. In the first few years, the windows nor doors would open no matter how hard he tried. It wasn’t a lock that was holding them shut, or even a set of hands from the other side. It was a force of nature. They wouldn’t just not open...they wouldn’t even rattle. They behaved as 2 foot thick bank faults, even though he could peer through their glass into the void outside. As I said, what is left of Robert Bastian, standing in that living room looking out that set of double window there at 522 Primrose Lane isn’t Robert Bastian. At least not anymore. It’s an echo. It’s a spiritual imprint. A Fossil in the bedrock of time. In the bedrock of this house. Today is October 23rd, 2023, and across the street back here in the world of the living, the 59 year old man that owns 529 Primrose Lane has just been declared legally dead by Hospice. Cancer is a sonofabitch, and stomach cancer has bested even some of the strongest fighters. That man had made it a point to die at home. He had bought this house in the summer of 87 when he was 23 years old. He hasn’t figured out that he’s dead yet, though, and he’ll work his way to the window soon enough. It might be weeks. It might be months. It might be years. He’s got all the time in the world. Hopefully, though, he’ll be able to occasionally catch glimpses of his childhood home across the street when he does find that window. Thomas Bastian will become a shell soon enough. He’s got nothing but time.
A subjects knock
[An audio story about knocks](
this house
i awake. i find in front of me a house unkept. grass tall, as the house stood, its only superior. i move through with difficulty, yet hastily. this house finds me every night, i dont know why its here, i dont know why its unkept, i dont know why i see myself, in the shattered window... staring, everpuzzled, staring, behind myself. whats behind me? i look behind him. tick, tock, tick, tock, on the wall behind myself stands a clock. one moment its attached to that very wall, the second its a grandfather clock. it switches, from one state to the other. i look behind me. yet again its her i see. utmost beauty, and understatement certianly. sittting here patiently, under this tree. the grass seems to bend over her. or around her. "this house" she speaks, "it finds us here" this woman, though im uncertian, seems kind and empathetic. not tall, maybe my size. "come" again she beckons, everytime so far, ive listened to her, i trust her, surely, shes friendly. i sit next to her. she looks down and gives me a forced smile. it doesnt seem forced to trick me, yet to give me false hope, that everything will be fine. "the sky, this house, this grass even. what are they Anna?" i dont remember ever knowing her name, yet i felt compelled to call her that. "how do you picture this house, this sky, the grass?" i wonder, "i see a two story home" i begin, "there are vines of leaves piercing through every window, yet they look wooden, as if its a tree. the roof red, the walls white." she asks again a question, this one more abstract, she looks up, at that sky, unlike ours. "how do *you* picture this house" confused i ask "is someone up there Anna?" "behind it, there they are. they dont see what we do, yet they try, desperately, to picture it with our vague descriptions" "how could we describe it to them best, Anna?" "there is no way to accurately help them picture it, we will just hope, they see shat you do" i sit. in silence, pondering. they cant see Anna, me, this house or the grass. what do they see? perhaps they are in their own world. with another Anna, that i cannot picture. "You? up there, what do you see?" "well" Anna adds, "we will have to wait" this house that finds me, what does it look like?
The road to New Wilderness [Part 23]
[\[Part 22\]]( Without a watch, and my head stuffed in a rough cloth bag that smelled of dirt and potatoes, I found it impossible to keep track of time. On through the darkness my captors rode, their beasts loping with the ease and skill of trained hounds, and sharp branches whipped at me from all side. Part of my thoughts were fixated on trying to wiggle loose, but at the speed we were moving, I feared the fall more than the mysterious armored bandits that had grabbed me. One of them rode right in front of me, the rope around my arms and chest connected to him somehow, and the round metal centerpiece on his big shield had a nasty habit of swinging back to catch me in the chin. Riding this fast through the mid-September night chilled me to the bone, and I shivered in a hunch behind the shield in an attempt to avoid the wind. Still the hooves rumbled on across the forest floor in a steady rhythm, and just when I thought I’d happily throw myself off to avoid hypothermia, they slowed to a light trot. *Bawoo.* Another horn called from somewhere up ahead, and out of the midst of the unseen riders around me, another blatted back a reply. *Bawoo-bawoo.* Voices shouted in the distance, and a creaking sound echoed on both side of me, like giant hinges in a garden gate. Bridles clinked, and a few of the deer roared with high, elk-like bugles. Our pace slowed, so I concentrated on my hands, and tried to pick at the knots with my sweaty fingers. *If I could get down, maybe I could slip my legs through, and use my teeth.* Something tickled my nose, and my stomach rumbled as a wall of delicious aroma slithered into the sack on my head. Cooking meat, baking bread, and woodsmoke combined to make my mouth water, and food overtook my thoughts, a frustrating, intoxicating desire that I couldn’t shake. I’d never felt so hungry in all my life, and ravenous thirst came with the hunger in a vengeance. Weight shifted off the saddle in front of me, and a few pairs of hands took hold of my arms, legs, and waist. Too tired, cold, and hungry to fight, I let them set me on the ground, and did my best not to fall over, as a spate of dizziness rippled through my head. Shoes ran from all directions, happy voices of men and women who called out, and strangely enough, the majority of the words were English now, as if the odd language of the riders had been nothing more than a hallucination. “Aleph! Thank God, we were so worried. All the other sorties came back half an hour ago.” A woman laughed in relief not five feet from me, and similar conversations flowered to life all down the line of riders. “How many were there?” “We heard all the gunfire, is everyone alright?” “Who’s that with the bag on her head?” I fidgeted where I stood, unsure if they could see my fingernails tearing at the knots, an awkwardness creeping into my chest. Being in crowds had never been a favorite pastime of mine, as it only ever served to remind me how alone I was, but being blindfolded and disoriented made the sensation even worse. *We could be miles from the lake with how hard they rode. I wouldn’t even know where to go if I could get away.* Two sets of hands led me away from the whispers of the crowd, and short cut blades of grass swished under my feet. Some steps tripped me up, planks echoed with our footfalls, and a door closed behind me with a dull, wooden clunk. They guided me down to a cold hard seat and loosened the itchy ropes around my wrists. Someone pulled the potato-scented bag off my head, and my eyes slammed shut at a sudden influx of golden light. I sat in a small room of what appeared to be a log cabin, with plank floors, log walls, and exposed beams in the ceiling. A fire crackled to my right in a fireplace made from stones and mud, several candles burning in little tin lanterns around the room. Long curtains of some kind of off-white cloth covered the windows, but I could make out more lights outside, flickers of torches and fires, more voices laughing and calling to each other in the evening air. It was warmer here, but I couldn’t relish the heat for the three armored figures who stood across from me, two holding rifles, and one in the middle seated in a chair, a long cruciform sword across both metal-clad knees. All three watched me for a few moments, and the middle one pointed a gauntleted finger at my stained uniform shirt. “Who are you?” I swallowed, rubbed at my arms to get some of the feeling ack into my cold skin, and a dry catch in the back of my throat made me cough. “Hannah Brun. I . . . I’m from New Wilderness.” He turned to one of the guards at his side and nodded at the door. The guard ducked out and returned a few moments later with a blue tin cup of water, which the man in the middle handed to me. Barely had the water touched my lips, and I gulped it down, unable to stop myself, my arms shaking with primal need. Why was I so thirsty? I’d drank water throughout the day. I couldn’t see their faces for the eerie masks on their helmets, but the one with the sword took my cup back and sent his guard out for another. “Why are you working for ELSAR?” My eyes caught a black lump by his left boot, familiar nylon pockets and zippers that made my heart skip a beat. *They still have my pack.* “I’m not.” I rasped and drained the second cup as soon as the guard returned to place it in my hands. Out went the mug for a third time, and the man with the sword studied me from behind his iron mask, fingers drumming on the hilt of his elegant weapon. “Yet you would risk your life for them?” I shook my head and shivered, goosebumps rising on my arms despite the nearby fire. How I wished I could at least get the woolen blanket that the stranger in yellow had given me. “No. F-For my friends, Chris and Jamie. They’re on the ship.” Eyes blinked at me from behind narrow eye slits, the three fighters motionless. “So, you’re a pirate then?” It came as a growl from the man with the sword, a low, dangerous murmur that made my already chilled blood run glacially cold. “That’s why you went looking for this object you carry?” “No.” My teeth chattered, and I eyed a bunk in the furthest right corner of the room with longing, a thick fur coverlet on top that had to be as soft as silk. “I’m a r-ranger. We came from New W-Wilderness and got captured. I need to trade the box for their lives, or the pirates will s-sell my friends.” Another long pause enveloped the room, and I couldn’t suppress my next shiver. *They might have been sold already. Where would ELSAR take them? Is there some kind of prison camp, or would they just kneel them down in the woods and . . .* The guard on the sword-bearing man’s left stepped out from the three and closed on my chair. I winced, ready for a strike, a slap, some form of violence like what I’d experienced on the *Harper’s Vengeance.* Instead, both hands went to pull the guard’s helmet free, and a slender face emerged with creamy skin and vibrant golden hair tied back in a neat bun. Two curious eyes gazed back at me, the irises ringed in a metallic gold that shone like stars. She was not much larger than myself in height, perhaps a few years older at most, yet beautiful in a way that even I couldn’t quite believe, and the woman’s face slipped into a sympathetic half smile. “She’s telling the truth.” The sword-bearer sighed, as if exasperated. “*Amica mea*, you can’t just—” “Look at her, Adam.” The golden eyed woman strode to the bed, from which she stripped the fur coverlet. “You’d take pity on her if she had mold in her hair and blood between her teeth. Is she not a daughter of God, same as the rest?” “The Lost Ones aren’t as deceptive as people, you know that.” Adam, the man with the sword, sheathed his blade in frustration. “She could be a spy. Anyone can take a shirt off a corpse.” Pleasant softness cloaked my arms, the brown fur coverlet settled around my shoulders by the golden-haired woman. I couldn’t help but sigh in relief at the dense embrace of the fur and tugged it close around my trembling limbs. “Thank you.” At that, the woman smiled, in a gentle radiance that pushed the tension from my bones. “See? She’s not dangerous, *pupillam oculi mei*. Just lost.” *Finally, someone who understands.* “Only one way to be certain.” Standing, Adam turned to the third guard by the door, and nodded. “Aleph, if you would please?” I recognized the leaf patterns on the armor now, the man by the door the same one who had elbowed me in the head. Aleph slung his rifle over one steel shoulder and grumbled on his way out. “Gonna walk myself to death, going back and forth like this.” Left alone, the other two faced me, and the man with the sword reached up to tug his own helmet off. He had a square face, clean-shaven, with toffee-colored irises and sandy-brown hair. I guessed the man to be in his early thirties at most, and with how the woman sidled up to him, their eyes gleaming whenever they exchanged glances, left me with little doubt. *Ah, a couple. That explains why she gets to flout orders.* “If you mean us no harm, then answer me truthfully.” Adam fixed me with a grave stare, one hand resting on the hilt of his long sword. “Your companions; you say they were aboard the pirate ship?” “Yes.” I sat up, hoping beyond hope that at last, I’d found people who weren’t total maniacs. “A boy and a girl, about my age, Chris and Jamie. Chris is tall, and Jamie has light blonde hair. Look, the ship might not be far, if we hurry, we might still be able to—” His hand came up to signal for me to stop, and Adam cocked his head to one side. “We can’t let you can’t go back, Miss Brun. Even if you could reach the pirates, they’d be in no mood to negotiate now. There’s no point.” *Excuse me?* Something snapped in my brain, and my blood boiled with a surge of rage that I didn’t know I had. I lunged to my feet and jabbed the air with my pointer finger. “No Point? *No point*? I was *this* close to saving them before you rode in a ruined everything. I had the box, we had a deal, but you just—” “Hannah,” The golden-haired woman shook her head, and waved for me to calm down. “Listen, you don’t understa—” “No, you don’t understand!” I shouted, fists balled at my side. “Those are my friends out there, they *need* me, and I’ll be damned if I let you keep me here while they—” The door to the cabin swung open, and all the words stuck in my throat. Two figures stood in the door frame, backlit by a rising moon. They each wore long shirts that resembled some kind of pseudo-medieval tunic, stained various shades of forest green, with matching trousers tucked into brown leather boots. In the dim shadows of evening, I had to blink a few times to take in their facial features, and my mind almost couldn’t recognize them out of shock. “Hannah?” My anger melted, and I swayed on my feet, unsure if what I was seeing was real. “Jamie?” Bleach-blonde hair streaked forward, and Jamie almost knocked me down, throwing her arms around me to squeeze so hard that I thought my ribs would crack. She laughed, though I could feel her tears on my neck, and I did my best to hug her back with all the energy I had left. Scarcely had she let go, and another set of arms engulfed me, along with a broad chest like silk-covered steel, and I drank in the heady aroma of Chris’s skin through his tunic. He smelled like pine needles and woodsmoke, enough to make my tired brain fuzz over, and I buried my face into his shoulder to soak in his luxurious body heat. A tide of emotions overwhelmed me, and I sobbed in relief, feeling as though it had all been a bad dream. “We’ve got to stop meeting like this, Brun.” He chuckled, though Chris’s voice cracked at my name, and he held me close in a tender way that sent my frazzled thoughts over the moon. *That spider nest was so worth it.* The second Chris and I drifted apart, Jamie gripped me by my shoulders to look me over, taking in my ruined clothes, the bandages on my skin, and the burnt strands of hair. “You look like shit.” “Good to see you too.” I giggled, suppressing my joyful tears long enough to shake my head at Jamie. “But you were . . . you guys were in the brig, how did you . . .” “Peter let us go when you didn’t come back.” Chris watched me with those sky-blue eyes that stuck me to the floor, and I wanted to throw myself into his arms to stay there for a solid week. “He and Tarren snuck us off the ship, and we ended up running into these guys in the woods. We’ve been looking everywhere for you.” That stuck in my brain, and I hesitated, trying to process those words. *I did all that, and they just let them go? That doesn’t make any sense.* “I don’t understand.” I looked back and forth between my two friends, noting how well their bruises had healed, how Jamie no longer wore a sling on her arm. “They were waiting for me at the coal barge. They were there just like they said, why would they let you go without seeing if I came back?” Jamie and Chris exchanged bewildered glances, and Jamie eyed me with concern. “They were only there because they were searching for us. Everyone thought you were dead. Where have you been all this time?” “What do you mean?” My eyebrows shot up like arrows to the top of my forehead. “I saw you just this morning, on the ship, remember?” No one moved, and everyone stared like I’d flashed them. Chris opened and shut his mouth a few times, like he couldn’t find words to speak. “Hannah, you’ve been gone for *three* days.” *What?* I waited for the punchline to the joke, for someone to crack a smile to let me know it was all an elaborate prank, but none of them did. My knees wobbled, and a rush went through my head, sapping me of my strength. Three days? How was that possible? No one could survive for three days without even remembering it. Just one day without water could cripple someone. If I had been gone for three whole days, why wasn’t I . . . *Thirsty? Starving? Exhausted?* How much water had I drank just sitting here? My stomach had yet to stop growling, and it hurt in the pit of my guts, each gurgle like a knife blade. Just standing upright drained me, as if I’d not slept in days, and I swayed on my feet. “I . . .” I fought to keep my balance, the world spinning as if I were trying to stand up in a washing machine. “. . . I think I’m gonna throw up.” Chris and Jamie eased me back into my chair, and my stomach rolled like ocean waves, both palms clammy with sweat. Jamie snatched a nearby pail from beside the fireplace, dumping the few logs in it onto the floor, and held it ready. “You’re alright.” The golden-haired woman knelt in front of me and fished a small glass vial out of her belt pouch. “Take deep, slow breaths for me, in and out. Swallow this when you’re ready.” Wary of the murky brown substance in the glass, I flicked my gaze to Jamie. She hefted the metal pail and waved me on with an urgent hand. “It’s fine, I drank like three of them for my shoulder. Tastes like candy. Just do it, or make out with the bucket.” *Well, when you put it that way . . .* I squeezed my eyes shut and downed the contents of the skinny glass vessel with a shuddery gulp. It reminded me of orange and vanilla ice cream, sweet and tangy, but with a strange jittery sensation in my guts that calmed my nausea. The shaking stopped, my heart slowed, and it was as if someone had waved a magic wand over me to take all the tension away. *Whoa.* Her brilliant smile beamed in the firelight, and the golden-haired woman took the empty vial from me with a pat on my hand. “Lantern Rose nectar. We cultivate them in our gardens, both for medicine, and to keep the Firedrakes out of our corn. By the look of things, that one was well overdue.” Breathing a long sigh at my stomach settling, I felt my face growing warm again. “Yeah, I guess so. Sorry for screaming at you.” “Sorry for the interrogation.” Seeming embarrassed of his earlier gruffness, Adam’s stoic expression melted into a sheepish grin from across the room. “But we couldn’t take chances. We’ve had run-ins with the soldiers in the past, none of them pleasant.” Sitting up straight, I winced at all the eyes on me and looked around. “So . . . where are we?” “Come see for yourself.” The golden-haired woman headed for the door behind Adam, her hand slid into his as if they were going out for a regular evening stroll. “We have some food set out for the returning fighters near the church. Once you’ve eaten, I’ll see about a bath, so you can go straight to bed afterward.” *Yes please.* I climbed back to my feet, and Chris took my arm to steady me, Jamie holding the door. With the fur coverlet still wrapped around my shoulders, I stumbled to the cabin doorway to peek out. Dozens upon dozens of square one-story cabins surrounded the area in neat rows, interspersed with gardens and flower beds in a patchwork quilt of green. Torches sputtered in wrought iron fastenings by doorways and along footpaths, with stones laid across the mud, the lush grass trimmed short. Intricate designs adorned the doors, corner posts, and roof eaves, every building a work of art. Etched into the wood grain, I saw deer, wild boar, and eagles, along with winged lizards that breathed fire, and familiar creatures with white eyes, or metallic legs. Each rooftop had been covered in thin squares of split oak, not a shingle out of place, and the gardens too were an OCD dream with plentiful corn, beans, and various pumpkins in weed-free blocks. Luminescent flowers ringed every patch of crop, gorgeous orange and yellow roses that gave off heady sweet aromas, and miniature trenches filled with water bore fluorescent white lilies that seemed to move on their own. High overhead, tiny bat-winged animals traded little bursts of flame in the sky, and a long wall about a quarter-mile distant ringed the entire hamlet, cut with perfect crenelations in the ramparts. Fireflies swirled right past me in a magical cloud of staccato jade light, and in all my life, I’d never seen a place so beautiful. “You okay?” Chris squeezed the hand I had fastened to his arm, and I drew a shaky breath at the warmth of his touch. “Yeah. This is . . . this is amazing.” I clung to him without caring how obvious my intentions were, and we walked down the little flagstone road behind Jamie and the others, drinking in the sights. People strode to and fro, laughing and talking in pairs or huddles, their happy faces lit up by the dim ambience of the night. Like the woman from the cabin, they all had cream-colored skin, with shimmering golden hair and matching eyes, the only thing varying being their facial features, height, and voice. The men wore their hair in short ponytails or cut close to their scalp, many with beards, and bore similar clothing to what I’d seen thus far. The women however varied in attire from trousers to dresses, fine sweeping garments of dyed linen that could have been spun in a custom shop in downtown Louisville. They walked with proud, confident strides, their golden hair so long that it reached their waists, often woven into complex braids that dazzled me. *Carla would have killed to have hair that long.* As we passed by, they watched me with curiosity in their gazes, and more than one smile or waved, a strange reversal of the suspicious attitudes I’d first encountered in New Wilderness. In fact, they didn’t seem at all bothered by their surroundings, or the cries of the various mutants that rang out in the distant hills. Even the armored guards patrolled with relaxed ease along the elegant battlements, not staring out into the night with tight-lipped anxiety like our own forces did. No tension coated the air, no weight of looming dread, and they didn’t hide their lights or pull shut their curtains in fear. Here, it seemed, civilization was not only alive, but thriving, pushing back against the barbaric shadows of the night with pure, unabashed triumph. A crowd appeared as we rounded a bend, and high above them rose a sharp white steeple against the night sky, crowned with a gold-painted cross. White clapboard siding covered the quaint chapel, all the little streets and roads leading to it, as if the village had been constructed around it from the ground up. It would have fit in with any rural community across middle America, had it not been for the handprints. Side-by-side, they lined every board, every window, golden hands painted on the wood with little squiggles underneath. The closer I got, the more I realized the squiggles were names, hundreds of names written in swirling yellow letters that shone in the light of nearby torches. *Zayin.* *Deborah.* *Ehud.* In the grass around the church, close to a hundred or more people were spread out around a long, winding chain of rugs laden with food, seated on blankets or cushions, with torches and candles lighting the entire feast. Empty suits of armor lay on the ground behind their owners, all of whom hunched over their plates with their tunic collars loosened in the cool breeze, and the golden-haired woman stopped to help Adam take his suit off. “You can sit with us.” She grinned, and turned so Adam could work on unlacing her steel cuirass. “I’m Eve by the way, and this is my husband, Adam. Welcome to [Ark River.](”
Captain's Log
# Captain's Log #55 Since entering orbit, time has lost all meaning. Whether they’re aware of my presence is uncertain but over the past what appears to be their plants rotation I’ve noticed various technologies within firing distance. Whether they’re aware of my presence still remains unclear.  Last night? It’s hard to remember when night was but in attempt to communicate with their metal beasts we sent a signal of communication only to receive what appears like an automated response.  Without knowledge of their intention I made the decision to consider it an act of aggression. # Captain's Log #58 Since my last update it has become clear their technological capabilities are far inferior to ours. This *“Earth”* as they call it is habited by crude savages whose DNA is only a minor improvement from their primate counterparts. At the time of writing this, spores have been deployed, full colonization of the species will soon be underway.
Disturbing TRUE Backwoods Horror Stories | Late Night Horror Stories
A Soviet Incident of the Wild Side: The Enigmatic Encounter with the Dikiysamka
In the year 1955, a most curious incident unfolded amidst the remote reaches of a Soviet outpost nestled in the Altai Mountains a treacherous place that is inhabited by various ethnic groups in the Russian Federation during this time it was known as the Soviet Union when intrigue and diplomatic tensions reign supreme between their government in the United States. It was within this rugged terrain that an enigma emerged, shrouded in a veil of mystery and intrigue that came in the form of a redheaded indigenous girl, possessed of lupine eyes that exuded an otherworldly aura, a slender figure that captured the gaze, ample breasts that commanded attention, and a pallid complexion that seemed untouched by the sun's gentle caress, materialized abruptly in the very heart of the outpost. Cloaked in the hides of animals and clutching a primitive stone knife, she emanated an air of enigmatic purpose, and her sudden appearance of this ethereal damsel, whose origins remained elusive, stirred great bewilderment among the Soviet inhabitants of the outpost. They stood agape, their eyes transfixed upon her as if a divine apparition had descended upon their humble abode. In their native tongue, the locals christened her the "Dikiysamka" a name that, when translated into the Russian lexicon, approximates the moniker "Wild Woman" because she appeared on numerous occasions, always bearing primitive weapons and perpetually draped in animal furs and hides, her presence a tantalizing enigma. The days that followed the first encounter with the Dikiysamka were marked by an air of peculiar trepidation and she vanished as mysteriously as she had arrived, leaving in her wake a trail of unanswered questionings and mysteries in her wake as the Soviet troops scoured the woods. When the Soviets endeavored to interrogate her, their inquiries were met with naught but eerie silence and it was during these moments of questioning that her ethereal presence dissipated into the ether, a vanishing act that transpired in a mere 15.5 seconds, leaving the Soviets both perplexed and bemused. Notably, as the Dikiysamka dissolved into the ethereal realm, the Soviets bore witness to a series of disconcerting auditory phenomena such as screeching sounds, akin to the wails of excitement and gratification, reverberated throughout the vicinity, further adding to the enigma surrounding her mysterious presence. ##Timeline of Dikiysamka's Enigmatic Encounters in the Altai Mountains - October 6th, 1955: The first encounter with the Dikiysamka takes place at a remote Soviet outpost nestled in the Altai Mountains. The indigenous maiden, adorned in the hides of animals, materializes in the very heart of the outpost, brandishing a primitive stone knife. - October 7th-12th, 1955: Dikiysamka continues to manifest before the Soviet inhabitants of the outpost, captivating their attention with her ethereal presence. The locals, in their native tongue, bestow upon her the name "Dikiysamka," meaning "Wild Woman" in Russian and this was only the beginning. - October 13th, 1955: As the days pass, an air of peculiar trepidation hangs over the outpost. The Dikiysamka's enigmatic nature and sudden appearances leave the Soviets bewildered and awestruck, their minds yearning for answers. - October 14th, 1955: The Soviets, driven by their insatiable thirst for knowledge, attempt to unravel the mystery that enshrouds the Dikiysamka. However, their inquiries are met with an eerie silence, and she vanishes into the ethereal realm within a fleeting 15.5 seconds, leaving behind a myriad of unanswered questions. - November 12th, 1955: The Dikiysamka's ephemeral presence graces the eyes of various villagers residing in the Altai Mountains. Her ethereal appearances continue to stir fascination and intrigue among those fortunate enough to bear witness to her elusive nature. - November 12th, 1956: The last recorded encounter with the Dikiysamka takes place in the Altai Mountains, bringing an end to this chapter of enigma. Her enigmatic presence and mysterious purpose have left an indelible mark on the minds of the villagers who have experienced her fleeting apparitions. This timeline serves as a testament to the fleeting moments in which the Dikiysamka graced the Altai Mountains with her ethereal presence, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions and a sense of fascination that lingers in the annals of history.
One of my nightmares
I'm just standing here. When did I get here? How did I get here? Where is "here"? I look around, there's nothing. No walls, no ceiling. Not even a sky. Barely any light. Just a plain floor, with a circle of light around me, as if I had a spotlight above me. Where is it coming from? What is this place? So full of.. nothingness. Many other light spots appear around me, at regular intervals. Maybe 100 meters between them? Seems like a grid of these... And people appear in them. What is this? What was I doing before? "Welcome." The smooth voice startles me, and I turn around towards it. Someone had approached me, without making a sound. Seems like a man, but at the same time, too feminine for one. Is it a woman? I can't even tell. It's dressed impecably, in a nicely cut suit, the body shape not denouncing any gender. The face, too beautiful and perfect to believe, framed with long hair falling on the shoulders. A nice warm neutral smile on its face, welcoming eyes, hands spread apart, palms up, as someone who is indeed welcoming you to some fancy party. Who is this? "Uh. Hello? Who are you? Where am I?" "Oh, I have many names, and actually no name at all.. God, Devil, Allah, Satan, Belzebuh... You can choose. I'm just ... me. And you are now in my realm." "You're... God? Am I dead?" "I'm afraid you are, indeed. You had a nice death, for your standards. Died in your sleep. What you would call a sudden cardiac arrest. I simply call it, your life force giving up." "I'm dead.. I can't believe it. But.. " . Questions raced inside my head. My family. My future. I'd never gotten married, started a family. I never felt that amazing feeling of safety in love. What now? Then a particular question dawned on me, and chilled me to the bone.. "If you're also the Devil... Is this hell?" "Oh, you and your religions... There is no heaven or hell. No purgatory, no valhalla. No judgement to say who goes where, according to morals. There is only this. The afterlife. You call it what you will. Free of judgement." "What happens now?" "Well, you get to relive the most marking or memorable moments of your past life. This... place... is entirely dedicated to you. As you can see around you, there are several moments being rebuilt for you to relive again. And you'll get to feel them all simultaneously. A collection of memories, if you will." As the entity said this, it spread its arms inviting me to look around. Under those lights I could make out small dioramas of moments in my past life, playing like a movie. Some lights turn on and show a specific moment. Some time later, they end and dim out. A never ending field of lights turning on and off, randomly. A miriad of small feelings wash over me.. "So... These are ... all me?" "Yes. You will relive all those moments, at the same time, forever. They will keep repeating, and you will feel all of those feelings together. Basically, you will be living all those moments at the same time. It will take a tiny bit of time to gather all of the most intense moments of your life here, but you have eternity for it... It's like a museum of your life, if you will." I look at a nearby circle of light. I'm 6 there, and near my school gate. My granddad went there to pick me up. I remember the joy I felt at that moment, all those years ago, and as he picks the 6 year old me, I feel his love and joy too! Then the light dims out... "Can they see me?" I ask. "No, they cannot. Within those areas of light they live their moment, as you did. They see the world around them as you did. It's like their own separate world, different from this one. Don't try to go back there, in the light, there's nothing more than what you see. Like I said, this is just an exhibit. You would only cause chaos inside that little snippet of a world." I look at another one light area. I'm a lot younger than now. Inside a car... It's my driving test! I just passed! I feel the nervousness flowing away again, and being replaced with pride! The joy! And another... When me and my ex were travelling together, in the car. The other me is driving, and she's lovingly looking at him, caressing his hair... I feel it in mine... And again, the moment ends and dims out. And another! I see me on the street.. What's happening? That same ex girlfriend is approaching.. Oh no. I recognize that moment.... I run to that place, to try to intervene, but it's too late. She's yelling. Accusing that other me of something he'll never understand. Looking at him with eyes of hatred and rage. I feel his heart breaking. His confusion. Powerlessness. Legs turning to ice, his entire body burning inside. Head going numb, and reality breaking. The feeling of safety and trust, broken. He's looking at her sister, by her side... he knows where these lies come from. The slow poisonous drip caused by this woman... The start of his... my depression... The moment where it cracked. Strangely, I also feel her rage, her pain. Both her feelings and my younger self's are within me! God, all that anger. That disappointment coming from her, caused by lies told to her... That other me just stays still as she leaves, completely numb and confused... The light dims out, and suddenly there's nothing there... I see me under another light playing with my baby niece. The love flows through me, the joy of both of us. The completeness of it. The warmth. "I love you, uncle", she whispers in my ear. My heart melts again, as it did the original time. I miss that child. The light dims out. The moment is gone. Precious, but not nearly enough to remove the pain from the previous memory... What seems like days go by, with me wandering through my past memories, smiling at some, crying at others. Can't say that it was a happy life, not even in average, unfortunately... My heart sinks when I see in the distance a memory I recognize all too easily. My grandparents were there. They had raised me, showed me love. Taught me compassion, love and respect. Only for their sons to dump them in a state nursing home, a dumpster for the elder and forgotten, just waiting to die. They were perfectly healthy, but started needing help now and then with the changes of the world. None of their sons bothered to do it, so they simply relinquished their life-givers as someone else's problem. In the memory, I was visiting my grand parents in the nursing home. They're crying, asking why their sons put them there. They're in pain, away from their home. The other me doesn't know either, and doesn't know what to tell them. I feel his despair and pain, his love for them. I feel my own love for them. The pain of seeing my most loved people in this world suffering like that, abandoned, the helplessness. I know what's going to happen next, even though that other me doesn't yet. He still had hope of rescuing them, at that time. But I know what happened. I was never able to help them. They withered away day after day, losing all dignity, joy and pride, until there was nothing left of them but an empty vessel, eyes looking far away at nothing, or a static-filled television, drugged out of their minds. That memory will last for years... Years of helplessness and despair, years of pleading for help and getting none. Years of pain and solitude from them... Until I feel their lives flow away from them, right in front of me, while holding their hands... Those moments... Pain through years and years, from both our sides. Pain and despair. I walk away, not wanting to witness all that suffering again, but the feelings are still shared with me. No matter how much I walk away, I still feel the pain, the despair, helplessness, the anger. It takes years to subside, but finally it does... I wander through this museum of me, looking for some pleasant memories to remember.. Eventually, as eternity flows, some moments repeat. Some better than others. Once again, I feel despair. Somewhere, the memory of me and my grandparents has started all over again.. I cannot go through that again. I know I can't save them, but I can surely put them out of their misery and spare them the suffering, at least in this world. And I'll save myself from feeling that again. I can't let it happen! As much as it hurts me, I'll try to end that memory quickly. I run around, searching every light spot for the familiar scenes, until I find it. I look at myself in the memory, crying, my grandparents drugged asleep on a sofa, like leftover human beings, with no energy or dignity left. I shudder at the thought, but I know what must be done. This memory cannot be allowed to continue for years again... It must end now. I run as fast as I can towards them, enter the light area, grab the iron flower vase from the table next to them and amidst my own tears, hit them in the head with it, with all my strength. They shall not suffer for years... I know I can fix this! It's a horrible deed, but done from a place of compassion. They were already dead in real life anyway, this is just a memory. I'm just trying to save myself the torture of having to relive it again and again. I feel a sharp pang of pain on my head. Surprised, I deduce I just felt what my grandparents felt when I killed them in this new reality. At least it lasted only a split second, instead of the years and years of agony. But there's also... shock? Anger? Pain? A flood of it, feeling me to my fingertips, spilling out of me, like I'm setting fire to all around me. Where is this coming from? It completely drowns and overwhelms me. Then I get it... I look around and I see the younger me in shock, surprised to see someone appear out of nowhere, and rob him... me... of his most loved people... He can see me! He looks at me in horror and unbelieving pain. These are his feelings! Now mine too. How can I have changed that? I quickly leave the lit area, and leave my other self there, gazing to the unknown, my loved ones dead. I get the new memory of having watched someone murder them in cold blood. The horror. The uselessness. Shock. At least this moment should end pretty quickly now... To my surprise, it does not. For the subsequent years that the original memory lasted, I feel my younger self's new despair and horror, the slow fall into tumble insanity as I remember from his point of view some older guy appear out of nowhere and hit my relatives to death. What have I done? The pain soars through me for years, as if melting my flesh away. I just want to rip my skin out, so I can strangle my own soul to oblivion, to save me from this despair... Then that light dims out and the entire scene disappears... For some time, I am lost in the miriad of memories, getting their feelings... I see some good ones, some bad ones. I try to hide that huge gash in my soul deep within, but nothing seems enough. I try to regain some composite, knowing that "rewritten memory" has finally ended. It was way worse than the original... I see myself buying my first car, and thinking to myself "I've done it" with a smile. I see myself hugging my best friend in the world, an orange stray cat that had adopted me. I see that same scene from my younger self with my grandparents, and just walk away from it, feeling the despair and pain, knowing it will last for years until that memory ends. Years do go by, and I finally feel the pain of their natural deaths ... Finally... Even intermixed with all those little happy memories, it still pains me... I see various moments of a younger me taking care and loving my younger brothers, showing them the love I didn't get at their age. Until I feel a familiar resolution of fixing something... I recognize it... It's that "changed" moment again! Somewhere, it must be replaying! It's now a memory as well! Franctically, I look around, trying to find it, and when I do, I run as fast as I can towards it, to see what happens... There they are, my grandparents. There is my younger self. And I see a copy of myself running towards them, out of nowhere, heading straight for the vase... I have to stop this from happening, to delete this "fixed" moment, so it never happens! The original is horrible, but nothing compared to this! I run towards my other self, grab the emergency fire axe from the wall, and strike him in the torso as hard as I can, to stop him. I feel my insides split, as I share his pain. The surprise and horror of seeing myself run towards me with an axe, enters my mind... Along with the mind-shattering memory of my younger self seeing two other copies of me appear out of nothing, and kill one another, while I'm visiting my grandparents... Only now, do I understand the error of my ways... With this, I have created a new cycle of horrible memories, only to be relived over and over again forever...
Terrifying childhood memory I still can't explain
When I was little I had a best friend who lived really close to me. We hung out pretty much every day I would go over to his house and knock on the door for him to come out so we could go get into something. One time he came over to my mom's house who lived a town over but my mom sent us to my aunts house with my older cousins while her and my aunt partied. So basically we were being really loud and throwing stuff across the room messing with the cat. My older cousin came out and unscrewed the light bulbs in the lamp and said "go to sleep, don't make me come out here again". Needless to say he came out again cause we were laughing so hard and still being rowdy My cousin got really mad and dragged my friend outside by his feet, literally by his feet and I just followed and he locked us outside. It was dark except for this blue light that was on the porch probably 1 or 2 A.M in the morning idk, he locked us out there and went inside. My friend was crying at first but we were really scared cause it looked super creepy out there. After he went in we looked around for a second and heard this ruffling in the woods nearby. We weren't scared yet and this little animal ran out of the woods and just stood there at the edge of the woods and the way it looked froze us and we just stared at it. It was really short with the body of like a small pit bull but it's head was a full sized horse's head. Literally a small dog body with what was undoubted a whole horse's head. It shouldn't have been able to even hold its head up. We started banging on the door for my cousin to open scared to death and we heard this little animal laughing at us the whole time with a human laugh. We heard my cousin rushing to the door pissed off and it darted back into the woods. As soon as he opened it we ran to him hugging him and trying to get behind him cause he was blocking the door
The Cursed Echoes
In a small, unsuspecting town in the heart of New England, there existed a seemingly ordinary house that concealed a deeply unsettling secret. It was known as the "Blackwell Manor," a place whispered about only in the darkest corners of local folklore. The house, shrouded in dark history, had stood for generations, its walls bearing witness to a series of inexplicable, chilling events. In 1923, the Blackwell family mysteriously vanished without a trace, leaving their home to decay in eerie silence. No one dared to approach the house, for it was rumored that it was cursed, plagued by something unworldly. As the decades passed, tales of strange occurrences within the house grew more gruesome. It was said that on stormy nights, ghostly figures could be seen moving through the windows, their anguished cries carried on the wind. Some claimed to have heard the faint but agonized whispers of the Blackwell family, their voices trapped in an eternal torment. One cold winter evening, a group of thrill-seekers decided to unravel the mysteries of the Blackwell Manor. Armed with cameras and flashlights, they ventured into the house's decaying, cobweb-covered interior. The air grew unnaturally frigid, and shadows danced eerily on the walls. As they ascended the creaking stairs to the upper floors, an ominous presence seemed to envelop them. Their flashlights flickered, their photographs displayed unnerving apparitions, and the walls bore sinister, cryptic messages that seemed to have been etched by an invisible hand. In one room, they discovered an old, dusty mirror that seemed out of place among the decrepit surroundings. Its reflection showed more than just their own faces; it revealed twisted, spectral figures lurking behind them. The group's panic surged as they realized that they were not alone. Whispers, distant cries, and chilling laughter began to echo throughout the house. Shadows took shape, and ghostly hands brushed their shoulders, sending shivers down their spines. The temperature dropped to bone-chilling levels, and the walls seemed to bleed with dark, oozing stains. As they explored further, they found a hidden room in the attic. Inside, a haunting portrait of the Blackwell family hung ominously on the wall. The eyes of the figures in the painting followed them, and the faces contorted into expressions of agony. The group felt an overwhelming malevolence in the room, and a deep dread consumed them. In their desperate search for an escape, they realized that the house had become a nightmarish labyrinth, its corridors shifting and twisting to keep them trapped. They could feel the spirits of the Blackwell family drawing nearer, their anger and despair palpable. In a final, heart-pounding encounter, the group found a journal from the early 1900s, chronicling the family's descent into madness and their sinister dealings with forces beyond human comprehension. It became clear that the Blackwell Manor was a place of unspeakable evil, and the family had become unwilling conduits for dark entities. Their nightmare reached its climax when they heard the agonizing wails of the Blackwell family, and the walls seemed to close in around them. Desperation and terror gripped the group as they realized that the malevolent spirits sought to make them part of their eternal suffering. The group recited every prayer and plea they could remember, begging for release. As they did, the house itself seemed to shake and shudder, and they were finally freed from its accursed grasp. As they fled into the night, the Blackwell Manor crumbled behind them, disappearing into a cloud of dust and darkness. The group was forever scarred by the horrors they had witnessed, and the haunting story of the Blackwell Manor would forever haunt their dreams. To this day, no one in the town dares to speak of the house, and the chilling nightmares of those who entered its accursed halls serve as a stark reminder of the terror that lurks within the shadows.
I'm a Cop on the Navajo Reservation, I Investigated a Killer Who Steals His Victims' Skin (Part 3)
[Part 1]( [Part 2]( **The Wind-Talker's Warning** With adrenaline still coursing through our veins, Izzy and I quickly regroup. I pull out a first-aid kit from my cruiser, cleaning and dressing our wounds as best as I can. The gash on Izzy's forehead looks deep, but she brushes off my concern, her eyes filled with a determination that mirrors my own. The chilling events of the evening leave an indelible mark on our minds, but we can't afford to be paralyzed by fear. With a deep breath, I reach into the cruiser, grabbing the radio. "Mandy, this is Logan. Do you copy?" After a moment, Mandy's voice crackles through, tinged with concern. "Logan, where've you been? The station's been trying to get a hold of you. Are you okay?" I hesitate, considering how to relay the night's events. "Mandy, we've got a situation here. I need to speak with Chief Nakai immediately." There is a brief pause. "Hold on," Mandy replies, her voice wavering slightly, perhaps picking up on the urgency in my tone. After a few tense moments, the gruff voice of the police chief comes through the radio. "Logan, it's Chief Nakai. What's going on?" Taking a deep breath, I quickly explain the events with the Begays, the strange footprints, and the horrifying confrontation with what seemed like a doppelgänger of Maggie.There is a long pause before the police chief responds. "Are you trying to tell me you confronted some sort of... creature? That's... hard to believe." "Sir," I say, my voice firm, "I know how it sounds. But both I and the FBI liaison witnessed it. This isn't a joke. People are in danger." Nakai sighs. "I've heard the legends just like everyone else, but to think they might be real... Logan, give it to me straight. How serious is this?" I don't mince words. "Sir, I think it's bad. Bad enough that we might need to initiate Dinétah Shield." There is another heavy silence. Dinétah Shield is a protocol meant for dire emergencies, meant to rally the community against threats that are beyond the understanding of the typical law enforcement. Finally, Chief Nakai responds, his voice heavy. "I understand. I'll need to consult with the tribal authorities, but I'll send all available officers to your location immediately. We'll set up a perimeter and make sure this... thing doesn’t get any further." "Thank you, Chief," I reply, relieved. “Over and out.”Izzy, having overheard my conversation with Chief Nakai, turns to me, her brows furrowed in confusion. "Dinétah Shield? What's that?" "Dinétah Shield," I begin, my voice shaky from the weight of our recent encounter, "was developed in the aftermath of the COVID outbreak that devastated our reservation. It's a protocol designed for rapid response to any significant threats to the Navajo Nation." Izzy's eyes widen as she takes in the gravity of what I'm saying. "So, it's like...a state of emergency?" I nod. "Exactly. It involves several steps. First, the immediate community is locked down. No one comes in, and no one leaves. Every resident is accounted for, and regular check-ins are established." Izzy shifts uncomfortably, taking in the implications. "But... if we're locking down the community, that means..." "That whatever we're dealing with," I interrupt, "is trapped inside with us." The weight of that reality hangs heavily between us. The protocol was designed to protect, but in this instance, it felt like we were sealing ourselves in with a predator. She gulps, her earlier bravado faltering for a moment. "What's the next step?" "Information dissemination," I continue. "Every household is informed of the threat, with instructions on how to protect themselves and their families. The community leaders gather to coordinate resources, ensuring that essential supplies are distributed and that everyone has access to food, water, and medicine." Izzy nods, processing the information. "And after that?" I hesitate for a moment, choosing my words carefully. "After that...we hunt. The police, along with volunteers, form search parties. We'll scour every inch of the reservation until we find and neutralize the threat." — The sun sets quickly, painting the desert in eerie shades of red. As darkness takes over, Tsegi transforms into a fortress before my eyes. Barricades rise at the town’s entrance and exit points, with officers and volunteers standing guard, every sense on high alert. To the outside world, it's as if Tsegi has disappeared — cut off, silent, and bristling with tension. Within hours of initiating Dinétah Shield, the heart of Tsegi transforms into a hive of activity. The usually quiet streets echo with the voices of the community — anxious murmurs, hushed whispers, and the occasional shouted command. The vast desert around us feels like an enclosing wall, the vastness suddenly claustrophobic. Our first challenge is reaching every household. Many of the homes in Tsegi are spread out, and some are located in more remote parts of the reservation. Communication often depends on word of mouth and a network of trusted community members who often spread news faster than any electronic means. Despite difficulties, word spreads quickly, with the initial information being broadcasted on local radio stations. Volunteers mobilize in droves, forming small teams to personally visit each home, ensuring that every resident heard the message. Texts are sent out, written in both English and Navajo, detailing the current situation and the necessary precautions. As night deepens, trucks equipped with loudspeakers drive through the streets, broadcasting warnings and instructions. The haunting sound of the announcements echoing through the desert is an unsettling reminder of the threat we face. The community center, a large, multipurpose hall normally used for town meetings and celebrations, is quickly repurposed as a temporary refuge. The aim is to gather as many residents as possible in one location where they can be accounted for and monitored. By midnight, the center is abuzz with activity. Families huddle together on makeshift beds, children's eyes wide with a mix of fear and fascination. Elders whisper prayers, their voices weaving a comforting tapestry of tradition and faith amidst the unease. Temporary stations are set up, distributing food, water, and first aid. Local doctors and nurses volunteer their time, providing medical checks for those who need them. I make my way through the sea of faces, offering words of comfort and ensuring that everyone is accounted for. My presence is a familiar face for many, a reminder that they’re not facing this horror alone. The thrum of anxiety is palpable, but beneath it is a stronger current: unity. The residents of Tsegi might be afraid, but they are determined to face the threat head-on, together. Izzy stands a little apart from the crowd, making a series of rapid-fire calls on her satellite phone. The metallic device looks out of place amidst the traditional surroundings, but I can see the importance of her task. She’s trying to get outside assistance, to bring the full weight of the FBI to bear on our situation. After what seems like hours, she finally ends her last call and makes her way over to me. Her face is etched with frustration, the ever-present determination now tinged with a hint of desperation. "Logan," she says, her voice tight, "I've contacted everyone I could at the bureau. They're concerned, of course, but Tsegi is remote and it's difficult for them to understand the magnitude of what we're facing. They’ve promised to send a team, but it will be at least a day before they arrive." I nod, the weight of her words settling heavily on my shoulders. A day might as well be a year in our current situation.Izzy continues, "On the plus side, they're willing to provide any remote support we need. They've set up a communication line directly with their special ops center. We'll have access to their databases, surveillance tech, anything that can be managed from a distance." "That's something," I reply, trying to sound more hopeful than I feel. — With the shroud of night already blanketing Tsegi, setting up a perimeter proves challenging. Using high-beam flashlights, portable lanterns, and even the headlights of parked cars, officers and volunteers manage to establish checkpoints and barriers. It's an impressive feat, especially given such short notice and vastness of the reservation. But even as I gaze out over the barbed-wire barriers and makeshift checkpoints, I feel a pit in my stomach. The dark desert night, usually filled with the beauty of stars and the gentle chirp of cicadas, was now cast in an eerie, unsettling quiet. The sheer vastness of the reservation made the idea of a nighttime manhunt daunting and dangerous. The desolate terrain, full of deep canyons, rocky outcroppings, and treacherous sand dunes, was a landscape that promised to swallow up the unprepared. "What do you think?" Izzy asked, surveying the edge of town where officers and volunteers were stationed. They were equipped with floodlights, radios, and assault rifles, casting long shadows in the sparse moonlight. I sighed, my mind working overtime. "A search now would be too risky. The darkness gives whatever that creature is an advantage. We'd be going in blind." She nodded in agreement, her lips set in a grim line. "The FBI's surveillance equipment will help, but it's not foolproof. Infrared and thermal imaging can pick up body heat, but the desert night cools rapidly. And if this thing can shape-shift or mimic, we might not even recognize it on camera." A heavy realization dawned. Our enemy was not just elusive but potentially invisible in plain sight. The thought of that creature hiding among us, waiting for its next opportunity, sent shivers down my spine."We need to hunker down for the night," I said. — The community center was a hive of activity. Children were herded to the center of the large hall, surrounded by parents and grandparents who whispered reassurances. Makeshift barriers were erected at the entrances, with men and women from the community taking shifts to stand guard. The aroma of strong coffee permeated the air, a silent acknowledgment that many wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight. Despite the imminent threat, some residents, overwhelmed by the day's events, find solace in each other. Elders tell stories of the old times, blending myth with history, grounding the scared souls in the traditions of their ancestors. As the hours wear on, a weighty stillness envelops the community center. The murmurs and whispers from earlier in the evening give way to the sound of soft snoring and the occasional restless shift of someone turning over in their makeshift bed. I can sense the fatigue pulling at the edges of my consciousness, urging me to close my eyes and find respite in sleep. But the sense of duty, the weight of responsibility, keeps me on edge. Izzy and I sit side by side on cots we've set up near a corner of the center. I can see the strain of the day evident in the lines of her face, the tiredness reflecting in her blue eyes. We keep each other awake, sharing stories, thoughts, and speculations about the creature that has thrust our world into chaos. Our conversations are hushed, our voices barely above whispers, as we try not to disturb those around us. My eyelids grow heavy, and I can feel the weight of exhaustion settling in. My head dips, chin almost touching my chest, and I jerk awake, feeling a rush of adrenaline as if I've been caught off guard. It's a brief respite, but moments later, my body betrays me again, my consciousness threatening to slip away.And then it happens — a sound pierces the quiet, jolting me to full wakefulness. It's eerie, otherworldly, and unlike anything I've ever heard. It's as if the very air is vibrating, sending chills down my spine. Izzy is on her feet immediately, her hand instinctively moving to the sidearm holstered on her hip. We exchange a glance, a silent agreement passing between us. Together, we follow the haunting sound, trying to locate its source. As we move through the center, I notice that many are still asleep, their rest undisturbed by the chilling noise. But those who are awake wear expressions of fear and recognition, their eyes wide and filled with dread. The haunting sound grows louder, more insistent, and I can't shake the feeling that it's beckoning us. We navigate through the sleeping masses, moving towards the source of the noise. As we get closer, I recognize the voice, though it's imbued with an otherworldly quality I've never heard before. It's Chester Nez, the oldest member of our community and one of the last surviving Code Talkers, the heroes of World War II who used the Navajo language as an unbreakable code against the Japanese. The weight of history and wisdom rests upon his shoulders, and to see him in this state is unnerving. He sits upright on his cot, eyes glazed over, chanting cryptically in Navajo. The words are ancient, rhythmic, and they seem to resonate with the very air around us. Around him, the few who are awake stare in shock, some with hands over their mouths, others whispering prayers. This isn't the Chester they know. This is something else, something deeply unsettling. Izzy and I approach Lani, Chester's granddaughter, who stands a few feet away, her face pale and eyes wide with alarm. "Lani," I call out softly, trying to keep my voice steady. "What's happening to him?" She looks at me, her eyes shimmering with tears. "I don't know, Logan," she replies, her voice trembling. "He was sleeping peacefully, and then he just... started chanting. I've never heard him speak those words before." Izzy kneels beside Chester, listening intently to the chant, trying to decipher any meaning. "It sounds like an ancient ritual," she murmurs, "but I can't make out the words." The room seems to grow colder as Chester continues his chant, his voice growing louder and more forceful with every word. I try to catch fragments of his recitation, searching for any discernible meaning. Among the rapid flow of Navajo words, a phrase catches my attention: Ha’ąą yee naaldlooshii... Yee yisdáágo bíhozhǫǫgi... Izzy, looking bewildered, turns to me. "What is he saying?” I whisper, trying to keep my voice steady, “He says, ‘Beware the one who goes on all four... The skinwalker is here...'”Izzy's face turns ashen. "Skinwalker?" Before I can answer, the lights in the community center abruptly go out. Total darkness envelops us. The air becomes thick, charged with tension and fear. The faint glow from a few cell phones casts eerie shadows on the walls, their illumination swallowed by the vastness of the room. The faint, limited light from scattered cell phones can't pierce the consuming blackness. Every sense is heightened, but sight has betrayed us. A cacophony of fear fills the void — the sharp inhalation of breath, the quiet mutterings of prayers, the stifled sobs of children. And then, from the deep pockets of the enveloping darkness, there's a new sound: the soft, almost inaudible patter of something moving, creeping closer. The silence that follows is stifling, oppressive. Each one of us strains to hear, to discern any hint of movement, to prepare for whatever is about to happen. But all that meets our ears is a faint scraping, like nails on a chalkboard, only more... organic. It’s a maddening, sinister sound, dragging itself inch by inch, coming from multiple directions at once. Chester’s chanting has ceased, but now a different, chilling voice, dripping with malice, hisses out, “Hózhǫǫgii tsosts'idii...” (You're out of time...) A mimicry of Chester's warning. Suddenly, a heart-stopping scream pierces the air, followed by another, and then another. The terror in those screams is palpable, contagious, setting off a chain reaction of panic throughout the room. As if in response, a chorus of guttural, alien sounds rises up, surrounding us. The predator — or predators — have infiltrated us. "Stay back!" I shout, brandishing my weapon, trying to pinpoint a target in the disorienting gloom. My voice cracks with a mix of determination and fear. Another scream, closer this time, is cut short with a grotesque gurgling sound. “Logan, where are you?” I hear Lizzy shouting.I reach out, desperate to find Izzy, to ground myself in the chaos. My fingers graze something warm and wet. I pull back instinctively, wiping my hand on my shirt, trying not to think about what I might've touched. The cacophony is deafening — cries for help, shouts of warning, the terrible sounds of struggle. And overlaying it all, that inhuman hissing, mocking and gleeful. A beam of light suddenly slices through the darkness — a flashlight, wielded by someone brave or desperate enough to reveal themselves. In its glow, a scene from nightmares: twisted, shadowy figures, half-human, half-beast, their skin a mottled, shifting mass, moving with unnatural speed and grace. Their eyes, voids of endless hunger, lock onto the light’s source. And then they pounce. The beam wavers and then falls, casting eerie, dancing shadows before plunging us once again into darkness. Another scream, quickly silenced. [X](
I don’t have much longer until it knocks again…
I live in the countryside, I’ve been isolated from the rest of the world my entire life. We don’t have any neighbors, and the only town nearby is quite a distance from our house, which is why when we need groceries, we take one big trip so we don’t have to go shopping again for the rest of the month. It’s usually just me and my mom. she says that my father is just on a long business trip, but she’s said that my whole life. I’d like to think my father is still alive somewhere, but because we never get calls or letters, I don’t think he is. Every night at around 12:03am, there’s a soft knock on the wall next to my bed. The wall isn’t connected to anything, just the outside where it’s nothing but woods. I used to be frightened by it, but it’s happened so often that I’ve gotten used to it. Some nights it’s louder, more aggressive. Other nights, it’s calm and soft, as if the person doesn’t want me to be frightened. I think it gets angry sometimes, because I occasionally hear aggressive heavy breathing coming from the other side of the wall as if the person gets frustrated that I don’t respond. My mother has always told me to ignore it, and no matter what, don’t knock back and don’t look out the window whatsoever. I’d expect her to be more serious about the situation, but at this point I don’t mind anymore because I’ve always followed her rules. Sometimes I get the sudden urge to just take a peek however. I’ve always been extremely curious of what could be on the other side. A few nights ago, something strange happened. It has never happened before, but the thing talked… “it’s daddy” a raspy voice creaked. For some reason, it was sort of comforting… as if I we’re supposed to talk back. “Dad…?” I hesitated. Suddenly, the knocking stopped. I closed my eyes, my heart was pounding. I felt guilty for disobeying my mothers rules, but what’s the worst that could happen? I was dozing off, but then the knocking started back up again… this wasn’t normal as the knocking would usually end completely at 12:09, and it was currently 12:14. The knocking was faster then usual, as if the thing was absolutely desperate to get inside. It lasted all night, I burrowed my head into my pillow trying to drown out the noises of knocking and heavy breathing. Today, I feel the urge to finally look at whatever creature has been harassing me my entire life. What if it really is my lost father? What if this is him trying to reach out to me, even when I thought he wouldn’t? It’s now 12:02. I’m ready to see the thing that claims it’s my father.
50 Eyed Fish
Timothy and his father, Ben, are deep-sea fishing. “I think I have something huge on my line! I’ve never had a fish fight like this!.” Timothy reels in a 22lb fish. “Not as big as you thought, but it sure is weird-looking.” Ben examines the fish. “I’ve never seen a fish with so many eyes.” “Throw it back?” “Nah, let’s keep it. We haven’t caught anything all day, and this is definitely big enough to eat.” Ben and Timothy get home. Timothys' mother, Carol, and his sister, Rachael, rush to the door to see what’s for dinner. “It was pretty slow, but Timothy caught something. I’m going to put it on the barbecue.” Ben begins to filet the fish. “I’m not eating that thing. It’s weird.” Timothy was expecting an argument until Carol chimes in. “I’ll just make you a baked potato if you don’t want fish.” As Timothy eats the baked potato, the rest of his family rave about how great the fish is. “Didn’t even need seasoning!” Rachael says as she finishes the last bite. After eating, everyone gets exhausted and goes to bed, except Timothy. “It’s only 8:30! You’re all going to sleep right now?” The three head to their bedrooms as Timothy watches T.V. in the living room. Timothy takes advantage of the fact that everyone goes to sleep early and decides to stay up late watching his favorite shows. Later at night, Timothy hears the backyard door open and close. He goes to check it out and finds nothing out of the ordinary. Timothy looks at the clock. “Midnight,” he thinks, “I’m going to be so tired at school. I better get some sleep.” The entire family wakes up to sirens and police cars on every corner. The police are questioning everyone in the neighborhood. There were nine murders in the neighborhood the night before. “Ma’am, did you see or hear anything out of the ordinary last night?” The police are questioning Carol. Timothy chimes in. “The back door opened and closed last night. I think he wanted to come here but realized not everyone was asleep.” The police officer chats with the family for a bit and ends with, “Make sure to keep the doors locked.” “They’re always locked, but we’ll double-check,” Ben assures the police officer. As the family goes around checking all the doors, Rachael checks the backyard door. “This one isn’t locked!” Ben is a bit surprised after putting the evidence together. “I think the killer did try to get in here. Thank god you were awake, Timothy, or it could have been us.” After a long day, the family goes to sleep. Everyone falls asleep as soon as they hit the bed, except Timothy. “How can they sleep so soundly when there’s a killer on the loose?” Timothy thinks to himself as he plays video games in his room. Just as Timothy gets in bed and starts drifting off, he hears footsteps. Timothy grabs a bat and heads downstairs. All he finds is his family leaving the house. He tries to follow, but they're gone as soon as he gets outside. Timothy decides to stay up all night. This is extremely unusual behavior and he’s not even sure whether or not he should be terrified, but he is. He waits all night for them to get back, but he doesn’t hear the door all night. At 5 AM, Timothy wakes up to sirens. The police begin to question everyone. This time, 11 people were killed in their sleep. Timothy is shocked to see his entire family walk out of their bedrooms looking pretty groggy. “Where did you go last night?” Timothy is perplexed. “To bed, where do you think? What a stupid question.” Ben is not amused. The police question Timothy and his family much more thoroughly this time. Timothy divulges that his family left last night, but the police leave anyway. Carol is fuming. “Are you trying to get us arrested for murder? Do you hate us? Why would you lie like that?” “Go to your room and stay there until I come up with some extra chores for you to do!” Ben points upstairs. Timothy watches the street from his upstairs window as military vehicles start to arrive. Finally, a group of 8 soldiers led by a Colonel knock on the door. “We’ll need blood samples from everyone in the house.” Says the Colonel as the soldiers push the door open and walk right in. Ben and Carol are bombarding the Colonel with questions. “Is there a disease going around?” “Why do you need blood samples to solve a murder?” As the men search the house, they find Timothy in his room and bring him downstairs. One of the soldiers draws blood from all four family members and analyzes them with a handheld device. “Everyone but him.” The soldier points at Timothy. “Are we just going to leave this kid here?” One of the soldiers asks the Colonel. “We’ll let the police figure out what to do with him. Load up the other three.” The Colonel stays behind as Timothys' family has been whisked away against their will. “Timothy, does anyone in your family like to go fishing?” “My dad and I go fishing all the time.” “Catch anything interesting?” Timothy hesitates. “The last fish we caught had 50 eyes.” The colonel pulls out a flip phone and dials a number. “Please excuse me.” The Colonel walks off into another room. “They’re in custody.” Timothy is listening intently, trying to pick out anything he can. “Sir, I apologize for the containment breach, but the experiment was a success and absolutely will be useful if released into enemy waters.” The Colonel continues on the phone as he’s leaving the house. “We’ll dispose of the three that are infected, and if the boy knows anything, I’d like permission to dispose of him as well.” Another one of the military men walks up to Timothy. “Hey bud, your parents will be back tomorrow at the latest. I heard you like to fish! Let’s talk about that.”
Clap for the Dogman
Clap for the Dogman Clap for the Dogman The Dogman followed me home from a hike earlier this year. It stalked me and even tried entering my home. I am not an avid story teller but this is my best recollection of what happened: My friend Alex and I went hiking on 6/18/23. Series of trails near Mount St. Helens in Washington. It was a 12 hour day. We both had supplies and food for 2 days in case it was needed. When we left we knew how dangerous the trip would be. However, you had no idea how much evil we would bring home. The first few hours of our hike were standard. We took a couple breaks to pace ourselves. Alex was not an experienced hiker. On one of our bathroom breaks i heard a scream. Alex came running back to the trail, fear stamped on his face. “What happened” I quarried. “I saw something” Upon questioning him it was revealed he saw something I had too. The Dogman. A few day later back home was watching TV. It was almost midnight, and I was about to go to bed. I then heard a terrible howl coming from outside. I had heard something once before. I knew it was the dogman. I saw it. It was 8 feet tall. Glowing eyes. It had the shape of a wolf standing on its hind legs. Instead of paws at the end of its front legs were terrible claws. I was terrified, almost paralyzed. But remembering what my grandmother taught me i pulled my hands apart and placed them parallel to each other. With a sudden movement and clasped them together in a violent manner. Again. and and Again. I heard a terrible shriek and the sound of running. I knew the creature had been averted. The noise scared away the stalking Dogman. Every night I am fearful it will return. So I clap three times scare away the dogman. I was curious if this is a known defense against the dogman so I began researching it online. Even googling “dogman clapping” brought up results of those claiming clapping will scare it away. Some even as recent as last month. I knew this verified my encounter and made me believe that the only way to scare away the dogman is to clap for the dogman. This is when the horror starts. I sought comfort in Dogman related forums across the internet. Se even here on reddit. Anytime I mentioned how I used clapping to scare away the dogman people would either mock me or ban me. I realized there was a pro-dogman cult that was trying to hide the simple way to defeat Dogman. Even the offical subreddits and top youtube channels have been infected. Just writing this post puts me in danger, Reddit will ban me for exposing their complicity in this. And many subs will ban you just for commenting here. But We MUST stand tall. Dogman can be defeated. Just clap. Thats right. Again so we can all hear you
I’ve Been Getting Calls Non-stop and Every Time I Answer I Can Hear Nothing but Silence on the Other Side
You know those phone calls you get from people trying to advertise stuff? Yeah, those ones. The incessant calls because someone gave them your number, and now they're spam calling you, trying to get you to buy things you neither need nor want. I have no idea how, when, or why this had to happen to me, but I think I've been getting them. The reason I say 'I think' and not 'I know' is that every time I answer my mobile phone, I hear nothing but silence on the other side. It was fine the first two or three times, as I thought someone was calling me by accident and didn't think much of it. But now that it has been happening every single day for the past few weeks, exactly at 2:34 am, when no normal human is awake (apart from teenagers and young adults), I've been getting pretty scared. And by "pretty scared," I mean every time I hear my phone ring, even during the daytime (as I know I don't get these calls during broad daylight), my heart sinks, and my breathing becomes heavy, with sweat forming on my forehead at the same time. Now, I know what you might be thinking – just throw away your SIM card and buy a new one or put your phone on silent. It does not work. It literally does not work. I bought a new SIM card, and there's the same idiot calling me over and over again, driving me insane. I tried to put my phone on silent mode, but it still rang. I even turned it off, drained its battery, but it was to no avail yet again. How can you make a phone ring even when it's turned off, I have no idea. I wish I knew. Maybe then I'll be able to put a stop to this nightmare. I tried putting the phone in another room, setting an old clock I had from my mother as an alarm, but I could still hear the phone as if it were right next to my ear on the nightstand. I knew that I had to either answer or decline the call. I learned to answer the call because every time I declined, something horrible would happen. The first time I did it, I accidentally cut myself with a knife pretty deep while I was cutting my bread. I was lost in my thoughts, thinking about how I'd rid myself of my newfound fan, when I subconsciously somehow moved my finger to where the bread on the cutting board was. Don't worry, my finger is fine now, but it did need stitches. I didn't think they were related, but when I declined the next call, my dog died. After that, I broke my arm. How? I literally fell off the ladder as I was trying to change the ceiling light. I'm not risking it again. What's weird is that I've been getting these strange nosebleeds. They didn't happen as frequently, but the more calls I got, the worse they seemed to become. I've never had any problems with nosebleeds before. I went to my local doctor with Max, my husband, and he said that I was just really stressed. I've literally never cared about anything until the calls, so maybe he's right after all. It was fine until I started to forget things too. You know, I have no idea how I could forget the name of my own husband. Weird, right? The guy was mad at me for three days. He thought I'd stopped loving him or something. Max is literally my entire world. I'd let the world go up in flames for him. My English has been getting worse too. I've been forgetting certain phrases and words. That sucks. It was all fun and games until I heard someone breaking into our house. The burglar was in the kitchen. I took a rolling pin for bread and hit him on the head as hard as possible. He fell to the ground like dead meat. Funny how this didn't scare me, but the calls on my home phone really did. I'll deal with the body later. I looked through his wallet, and I found his ID card. Why would you rob a house with your ID? Are you dumb? I read the name stated on the VISA credit card, and lo and behold, some random guy named Matt Peterson. What a coincidence that we have the same last name. Anyway, my point is my memory has been quite bad after the phone calls from my... what am I talking about?
The road to New Wilderness [Part 22]
[\[Part 21\]]( [\[Part 23\]]( *Ping.* I ducked low in my canoe, as another bullet whizzed past me, and impacted on the side of the old coal barge. Floating around the stern, I paddled toward the opposite side, even as flashes of gunfire cut through the darkness all around. Night had come fast in the fifteen minutes it took me to reach the meeting point, and already the sun had sunk low behind the ridge. Long, eerie shadows crept over the water, and the barge loomed in the dying light, its red and black paint spotted with rust, the bow stuck into the nearby shore. Mold and algae had grown up the lower sides of the hull, and just under the water at the stern, I could glimpse the enormous propellors covered in tangled watergrass. Such a wreck would have driven Matt and Carla crazy had they still been part of my life, but I was too busy listening to every shot that sang into the night to bother with such thoughts. *What they heck are they shooting at? That’s way too many bullets for Jamie or Chris. Did they find some more poor civilians to kidnap?* My little craft pierced the veil of tall weeds along the shore, and I scrambled to get out of sight. Cinching the rolled-up wool blanket to the underside of my backpack, I slung it onto my shoulders, and jumped out onto the weedy bank beside the barge. I couldn’t see anyone yet, but there were shouts and gunshots coming from all directions, and lead slapped the rusted barge in whiny ricochets. With my Type-9 close in hand, I kept my head down, and wove through the prickly foliage, scanning the woods around me for people. *Snap.* I ducked out of instinct, the bullet sailing right past my head. *Snap, Snap.* Two more danced into the dirt beside my feet, and I ran in a haphazard zigzag to the nearest fallen log, heart thudding against my ribs. I could barely see anything with the sun fading away, but it would have been suicide to turn on my headlamp, as that would be a sure-fire way to get shot in the face. Someone screamed in pain nearby, and a cacophony of gunfire roared in reply, flashes sparkling in the trees. Fear snaked through my mind, and I forced myself to breathe slow, hands trembling on my submachine gun. *Get to the pirates. If they’re here, they’ll want their box. Get to them, find Chris and Jamie, and make a run for it.* Sucking in a deep gulp of fresh air, I lunged from behind my cover, and crashed through the underbrush at top speed. Lead ripped apart the leaves around me, some rounds coming close enough that I felt the air move as they passed my skin. Briars stuck through the legs of my pants, and the stale scent nervous sweat floated up from my shirt collar. My mad dash got me to the prow of the barge, and I rounded the corner to slide down behind a massive tree stump. Shouts echoed closer, so I clawed one of the grenades I’d taken off the dead soldier from my pocket, yanked the gritty pin out, and heaved it in the direction of the forest. *Ku-whump.* Crumples of earth rained down, and I poked up head up like a gopher to peer at what lay ahead. Dozens of gray-uniformed soldiers huddled behind trees, stumps, and fallen logs, shooting into the forest with their machine guns. Four armored trucks made up the wall of their crude barricade, one burning with great pillars of black smoke, the others under constant rifle fire. Next to them, the pirates let loose as well, and the *Harper’s Vengeance* sat just on the other side of the stranded barge, its portside cannons belching smoke with deafening shots. Geysers of dirt went up every time the cannons roared, trees falling, and a few brush fires burst to life. I couldn’t see who they were shooting at, but no freaks charged from the trees, and the flashes that responded from inside the forest told me they were human. *Rangers?* Hope swelled in my chest, and I debated what to do. If our people had in fact found us, then it would be smart to run to them, and help overwhelm ELSAR to rescue Jamie and Chris. On the other hand, the pirates could turn and escape out to sea, taking my friends with them. If I betrayed their trust, the others were as good as dead. A flicker of movement caught my eye, and several objects sailed through the air to land amongst the small perimeter of ELSAR troops. “Down!” One of the men screamed, and they all scattered for cover. “Everyone dow—” *Boom-boom-boom.* Several detonations rocked the small clearing, but with less concussive force, and more ashy smoke. Men screamed, and dozens of what sounded like pebbles clattered against the stump I hid behind. Smoke covered everything, blocked all view of the trees, and cast a dingy pall over the shoreline. If I wanted a chance to move unnoticed, this might be the best I could hope for. I rose to dart from behind my cover, and my eyes locked onto an array of red spines imbedded into the stump. They hadn’t been there a few moments earlier, and something about their haphazard pattern told me that they’d come from the fog, like a strange, organic form of shrapnel. Jets of orange and yellow arched into the sky from the dense trees, and I stared in horror at the cloud of fiery pinpricks that rained down. *Run you stupid fool.* My legs came alive, and I sprinted past the coughing soldiers. They lay helter-skelter, with red spines stuck in their skin, their clothes, the flesh swelling angry purple around the objects, a few wounds leaking milky pus as if they’d become infected in a matter of seconds. Pitiful screams wailed from the wounded pirates, and a part of me felt sorry for the children. Bullets flew everywhere, and the uninjured combatants fired into the fog with all their fury, unable to see a thing. I dodged a few shots directed my way, heart threatening to jump from my chest, and crouched next to a large chunk of limestone. *Bawoo-bawoo.* Somewhere in the forest, a strange horn splatted with primitive triumph, and a multitude of human voices roared all around the beach. There were hundreds of them it seemed, and something in my guts twisted with dread. Those weren’t our people. There were too many. Arrows slammed into the soil from the barrage above, their fiery tips lighting dry grass as they went, and flames roiled across the beachhead. The pirates ran for their longboats, the soldiers spread too thin to stop them, and everything descended into absolute bedlam. Burned gunpowder hung on the wind, salty and sour, the horrific cries of the dying enough to curdle my blood, and I could taste soot on my tongue. Unable to make a break through the carnage, I wove around the outer edge behind a clump of trees, and made for what looked to be a quiet section of the battlefield. A figure appeared through the fog, all dressed in gray tactical gear, and before I could hide, he spotted me. His M4 came up, the barrel pointed right at my chest. My training took over, and I jerked the submachine gun to my shoulder in a blind reflex. *Brat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat!* The soldier got off a single shot before my fusillade struck him, his bullet clipping a leaf by my right shoulder, and he stumbled backward into a tree. I heard him grunt in pain, and the man collapsed. All at once, a mortified realization seized me, and I stopped dead in my tracks. *I just shot someone.* Both arms trembled like noodles, a little curl of smoke rose in front of my eyes from the muzzle of my gun, and I edged closer in timid, tip-toe steps. He lay with his back to a small sapling, crimson blood spattered on the bark. Round holes marked where the bullets climbed up his right leg, shattered his hip, and stitched their way to his throat across the armored vest he wore. The man looked to be around 30 or so, with a brownish-red curly beard, burly arms, and chocolate-colored eyes. A tattoo peeked from under one of his rolled uniform sleeves, and the words Rangers lead the way made my intestines churn in remorse. His rifle lay by his side, but the hand that still grasped it was a mass of scarlet, another bullet hole near his right elbow. The pale flesh around his neck twitched near the ragged trench dug into the side of it by my last shot, and he pressed his opposite hand to it, both watery eyes fixed on me in shock. The Type-9 weighed heavy in my hands, and I ground my teeth together, steeling myself enough to sight in on his reddened face. This man was our enemy, one of the mercenaries who had killed our people. Because of men like him, Jamie’s brother was dead, and Matta and Carla could be as well. This was *his* fault. Our eyes met, his coated with a veneer of pain, and my finger refused to move on the trigger. *He kinda looks like Dad. Maybe he is a dad? What if he’s got a wife and kid somewhere, counting on him, waiting for him to come home and now . . .* Regret knotted in my chest, and I dropped my gun to paw at the medical pouch on my belt. “I’m sorry!” Crouching down, I ripped open the plastic package for my field bandage, and pressed the soft, white gauze to the hole in the man’s neck. He didn’t fight, merely stared at me in surprise, and something like sympathy crawled over his rugged face. The man tried to say something, his jaw moved, but he could only gasp in muffled groans. “I’m so sorry.” I whimpered, and wracked my brain for a solution, as the blood ran hot between my fingers, too much too fast. Jamie had taught me basic first aid, but what could I do for a bullet to someone’s throat? Turning, I scanned the smoke, and cursed my luck. The battle raged on, shots flying all around us, but we were too far into the brush to be seen. “Medic! Someone help us! Please, we need help over here!” Clammy fingers touched my face, and I whirled in fright to find him watching me. The soldier patted my cheek with a cold, blood-covered hand, and a tiny smile crossed his gray-tinged face. Both brown eyes started to glaze over, and for a moment, he acted as though he recognized me, a few hoarse words choking through the blood. “Kat . . . Kat, what . . . what are you doing . . .” *He’s hallucinating. Oh God, is he going to die? No, he can’t die, I don’t want him to, I didn’t mean to do this.* Guilt rammed into my heart like a runaway train, and I held his hand, felt the warmth leaving it. “It’s okay. Someone’s going to come soon, you’ll see. Just stay with me, alright?” All at once, his eyes went dark in alarm, and the soldier frowned. He twitched, tugged at my shirt front as if to struggle, and gurgled an attempt at words over and over again, but to no avail. “No, it’s okay.” I shook my head so hard the ends of my tangled hair whipped in my face. “I’m not going to hurt you, I promise. Just stay still, stay still or you’re going to—” But the man’s face contorted into a fierce snarl and he balled his fist up in the cloth of my polo shirt, sending terror through me. Would I have to kill him? I didn’t want to; I wanted a team of medics to magically appear through the fog of war and swoop him up to safety. I wanted to get the chance to explain to him that it was an accident, that I was scared, that I never meant to hurt anyone. I wanted to fix what I’d done. The soldier yanked at my shirt, and the force of his pull made me lose my grip on the bandage over his throat, more red streams spurting out. With all my strength, I did my best to press him against the tree, to keep him still so he wouldn’t hurt himself more. “Stop, I’m trying to—” “*Move!*” A deep grunt burst from his tattered esophagus, and the man seemed to find new strength, hurling me to the side like a paper doll. In the dim twilight, I watched his hand streak for a pistol on his belt, and my eyes screwed shut in anticipation. He was going to shoot me, all because I didn’t have the stomach to do what was necessary. Jamie would have done the right thing and put him out of his misery. Chris would have too. I’d been a weak-willed moron, and now I would die for it, my own weapon lying in the dirt behind me. *Bang, bang, bang.* I cringed, ready for the life to seep out of me. A shrill cry of pain cut through the cacophony of war, and something landed on the ground behind me with a dense *thud*. My eyes flew open, and I rolled over. Not ten yards away, a figure gasped in short breaths of pain, clutching at the front of her plate carrier where the armor caught the rounds. Her helmet had come loose to reveal brown hair like mine balled up in a ponytail, and another M4 lay where she’d dropped it. A green shield-shaped badge rested on one shoulder, and despite the tactical gear, the girl didn’t appear to be much older than myself. She wheezed, and pushed herself up on all fours, a gleaming black combat knife resting amongst the weeds. *Oh.* I looked back at the wounded man, and saw his vacant eyes staring far, far away, his body limp against the tree, the smoking pistol in his hand. “*Fall back! All units, fall back to the trucks! We’re pulling out!*” A panicked voice blasted through the radio on her gear, and the girl stumbled to her feet. We locked eyes, and despite the darkness, I couldn’t help but see the raw hatred there, a visceral rage that seethed like black fire in her gaze. With one hand still pressed to her armor plate, likely over a few cracked ribs, she reached for her rifle. A low rumble broke through the night, dozens upon dozens of feet stampeding closer in the underbrush, and another bullet snapped between us. I lunged for my submachine gun, fear thick in my brain. Cold steel met my palms, but by the time I looked up, nothing stood in front of me save for swirling clouds of smoke. *Bawoo-bawoo.* Through the trees, floating blobs of green light thundered toward me, a huge line of what looked like branches lunging through the vegetation. No, not branches. Antlers. A wall of blurry shapes tore through the tree line and charged into the smoky beachhead, filled with the grunts of animals, and shrill war cries in strange words I didn’t recognize. Flaming arrows ripped apart the air, and the firelight reflected on overlapping plates of iron. Soldiers and pirates fell as the shadows caught up to them, and the sound of gunfire began to be replaced by the bone-chilling echo of metal-on-metal. I ran as fast as I could toward the water, but the shapes were faster, and flooded by, in a sea of vibration and noise. The *Harper’s Vengeance* wheeled around to sail for the safety of deep water, more fleeing longboats trailing in its wake. A few of the armored trucks revved their motors and drove off with the rest of the soldiers, leaving two wrecks in flames. Shadows took over the field, too many of them between me, and the water. Too many to get past. I’d lost my chance, and now, the murky things were everywhere, cheering like banshees in the gloom. *What are they, what are they, what are—* *Boom.* A stray cannon shot landed a few yards away, the shell explosion throwing me to the ground. My ears trilled with incessant whines, and the air rained dirt over my face. The world grew muffled for a few moments, and it seemed as though a giant hand pressed me to the ground. Coughing, I curled into a ball to avoid being trampled. I no longer thought of Chris, Jamie, or even the dead soldier who had saved my life. The primal switch in my brain reactivated, and once again, I searched desperately for an escape route as more figures galloped past. “Unus est!” One of the shadows spotted me, and the glowing green antlers trotted closer, another foreign voice calling to its brethren in words I couldn’t understand. The subconscious weight lifted, and I struggled to find my weapon in the morass of weeds and canvas straps that entangled me. *If I can get back to my canoe, I can follow the ship.* Stubby iron sights rose into my field of vision, but a sudden jerk tore the gun from my hands, and an arrow clattered to my feet. “Aspice hunc, Herculem putat.” A gruff voice chuckled from somewhere behind me, and others laughed as well, as if whatever had been said was amusing. Scuttling backward on all fours, I yanked the knife from my war belt, and swallowed my fear. This was it then. It was my turn to bleed, my turn to die. Five of the shadows circled me, and as they did, they came close enough I could start to make out details. Riveted plates of metal clinked against one another, leather flaps holding them in place. Glowing like jade stars, the antlers led to a head with the boney protrusion on the front of the skull layered in steel plates. Hooves denoted a deer, but these deer seemed larger, stronger, and more fleshed-out than the glowing ones we’d seen around New Wilderness, easily as tall as a draft horse. They snorted, pawed at the ground, and the taut muscles in their limbs beneath the armor rippled with desire to run. Astride each stag’s back, brown leather saddles held upright figures, with black rifles in their hands, all pointed at me. Painted sheets of iron scales covered every inch of their bodies, shaded green, brown, and gray to match the forest. At their sides hung curved bows with quivers full of arrows, and conical helmets topped with tufts of brown fur adorned their heads. Their faces bore rigid masks shaped with eerie similarity to Puppet smiles, the eye slits painted an off-white, the breath holes overlaid with a mural of a wooden smile. Long swords dangled by their opposite hips, not curved like the pirates’ but straight, with cross-shaped hilts. Round shields bounced on their backs, knee-high boots on their feet, not a sneaker or T-shirt anywhere to be seen. It would have all fit much better in some Renaissance festival somewhere, if not for the automatic rifles that rested in their hands, or the assorted handguns and spare magazines in pouches on their belts. Flexing my fingers on my knife, I dug my teeth into my lower lip, and squared up like Jamie had taught me in the boxing ring, as one of the riders dismounted across the circle from where I stood. The armored figure slung its M4 over one shoulder, and drew the broadsword from its belt, a man’s tone echoing through the layers of steel. “The knife. Drop it. *Now*.” *I’m not going to make this easy for you.* “Leave me alone.” I snarled back with the most aggressive voice I could muster and tried to decide how to stab at my metal-clad assailant. *Whack.* Sharp pain flared in the back of my head, as something hard hit me from behind. I fell to my knees, but kept hold of my knife, not about to die helpless and pleading. “Hoc unum contumax est. Cave, Aleph.” A female voice spoke from one of the onlookers, and she hefted the butt of her rifle that she’d just used to smack me in the head. A long steel blade swung at my face, and I dove to avoid it, heart racing. I was completely outmatched here. Boxing had been my worst skill set thus far, all I had was a stubby knife, and nothing in the way of armor. I couldn’t escape the circle, not with all those guns trained on me. One lucky strike, and my opponent would open me up like a Christmas goose. *Come on Hannah, you can’t die now. If you can’t get away from him, try to get close. Maybe you can stab him in the eye or something.* I tried a feint with my right, which held the knife, but the man didn’t fall for it. His blade flashed toward my mid-section again, and I barely slid out of the path of it, lashing out in desperation. My blade clanked harmlessly off his shoulder armor without so much as leaving a dent. *Slam.* Pain ripped through my temple, as an armored elbow connected to the side of my head, and stars appeared before my eyes. Both feet buckled, and I went down onto all fours, groaning in pain. *Man, that hurt.* “Jam satis.” Another male voice barked from the onlookers, and this seemed to stay my attacker’s hand. “Hoc unum absolutum est. Pater Adam nullam crudelitatem dixit.” More feet stumped over to me, and the knife was jerked from my grasp. Just as fast as it had begun, my resistance was quashed, and I found myself a humiliated prisoner once more. They unbuckled my chest rig, along with my war belt, and one of them scooped up my Type-9 with curious hands. Rope tightened over my wrists, and a dark bag was drawn over my head. They rummaged through my pockets with hurried, rough fingers, and one of them cut the straps of my backpack to pull it from my shoulders. “No!” I thrashed against their strong hands, panicked tears in my eyes that they couldn’t see. “That’s mine, give it back! Please, I need it, give it back, please!” But the strangers didn’t reply, and instead hoisted me up until I felt fur and a bony spine under my legs, more rope tying me upright. High-pitched war cries echoed through the night, the gunfire began to slacken, and the rattle of hoofbeats swelled into a horde. The world lurched in a bumpy gait underneath me as my captors rode off into the dense trees, taking me further and further from Chris, Jamie, and my only route home.
There’s a hunger beneath the blooming moon. Every month, I feel it clawing in my chest, swelling beneath my skin. It’s a bloodline, but not the way you think. We are all born with the beast; not everyone survives its summoning. Those of us who do spend our lives looking for others. Looking for our soulmates, still slumbering beneath human flesh. I knew immediately that Aiden was different. He smelled of pine smoke and soil—a night spent running through the forest. There was something sharp to his smile, a darkness in his eyes that matched my own. The electricity between us was palpable. I craved him, and he seemed equally enthralled, our bodies drawn together like magnets. We didn’t make love—we ravaged each other, taking until the other had nothing left to give, then lying in a tangle of limbs, panting and slick with sweat. He was, I began to believe, my soulmate. Still, I didn’t reveal myself. He had to be ready for it—otherwise, he wouldn’t survive the change. So, I waited and hoped that finally—finally—I wouldn’t be alone anymore. One night, he said we needed to talk. We lay in our shared bed, the scent of sex still heavy in the air. He tugged on a strand of my hair, his eyes alight. “I’ve been keeping something from you,” he said. “I hope you can forgive me. I was afraid that if you knew, you’d think me a monster. But I’m sure that we’re the same, you and I. I know you’ll understand. “I have something to show you.” Clothed in only thin silk robes, he took my hand and led me to the basement. I’d never been down there, nor even given it a thought, and was surprised when he fished a key from underneath a kitchen drawer to unlock the nondescript door. “Don’t worry,” he said, misinterpreting my look of surprise for anxiety. “There’s nothing that can hurt you down there.” He flicked on the light and led me down, hand still clasped in mine. A bare bulb swayed over a concrete floor, moths buzzing frantically against the glass. A steel table took up most of the space, the surface stained dark. And lying upon it, naked and bound, was a terrified woman. I stood stock-still, taken aback. He wrapped his arms around me, leaning in to murmur against my ear. “I know it’s a lot. That’s why I hesitated showing you. But you get it. I’ve seen it in you—the bloodlust. Think about what we can have, you and I. We can bring our darkest dreams to life.” My heart ached. It was one thing to love someone knowing they’d never truly understand you. It was another to think someone was like you, only to realize you’d misjudged. I sighed. There wasn’t anything else to do. I turned in his arms, nuzzling against him one last time. He held me, his heart fluttering with excitement beneath my ear. I pulled back, looking up into those dark, fathomless eyes one last time. Then I sank my teeth into his throat, blood spilling rich across my tongue.
something is opening my doors...
every day, at 13:00, someone opens my door, I live alone in a modest Russian five-story house, my neighbors are kind-hearted people, they don't make noise at all, so I hear my doors opening, about 1.5 inches, yes, I'm so fucked up in order to make it clearer, since I know that there is a different metric system in America, I don't see what exactly opened my doors, but one thing is clear, I need to move the fuck out of this place, but only one thing prevents this, there is no money, I have to go to my parents, and besides, am I really going to sit on someone's neck? (in Russian, this means that I will live at the expense of others) I'm not like that, even if I'm stubborn, but I'm not stupid, so I had to hang cameras around the house, but I found them all broken, I don't know what started happening after that, but now cuts on my back started appearing at 13:00, one of them even almost grazed a lung, I'm writing this post from the hospital on my phone, but this problem with the doors haunts me dade here. Continuation of the post: I'm alive, the time is 9:45 and I saw some movement in the dark, it's something like a person, a dead person, empty eye sockets, an open deformed mouth and rotten teeth, I saw only a silhouette and part of the head, I'm sure that it exists, my doors are locked tightly they open anyway, I don't feel safe anymore, the injuries have stopped, now my things are changing their location locally throughout the apartment, I don't know what it is, but it looks like a corpse, and alive, if alive it means you can kill, I'll try to do it and tell you if it worked out for me or not.
Gas Station Horror Stories | Late Night Horror Stories | Mr.CreepyCabin
Fragments of Fear
In the small town of Ravenswood, the evening sun cast long, twisted shadows over the desolate streets, giving life to the ghostly silhouette of the forsaken houses. Whispers of an ancient curse drifted through the eerie silence, a warning that no one dared to heed. But what lurked in the shadows was far more sinister, an otherworldly presence poised to tear apart the fabric of their reality. At the heart of Ravenswood loomed an old mansion, its decrepit facade veiled in darkness, an embodiment of the town's darkest fears. Tales of vanishing souls and tormented spirits surrounded the mansion, a chilling legend that failed to deter a group of thrill-seeking teenagers, led by the audacious Alex, from testing their fate within its haunted walls. As the group ventured into the mansion's depths, a bone-chilling cold seeped through their very souls, a harbinger of the malevolent force awakening in the ancient corridors. Shadows danced and whispered malicious secrets, luring the unsuspecting intruders into a realm where reality and nightmare merged into a singular, horrifying existence. Unbeknownst to the teenagers, a maleficent entity had been roused by their intrusion, its malignant gaze fixated on their every move, ready to ensnare them in its web of terror. The walls of the mansion pulsed with a sinister energy, an omen of the impending doom that loomed just beyond their grasp. Meanwhile, in the nearby park, the tranquility was shattered as an invisible malevolence swept through the once-peaceful grounds. The earth convulsed and twisted, giving rise to writhing forms that coiled and contorted with unnatural life. A maddening force embraced the trembling visitors, ensnaring them in a vortex of horror that defied reason and comprehension. In the hidden recesses of the mansion, the teenagers stumbled upon a forgotten journal, its pages etched with symbols of a forgotten language and ominous prophecies that echoed the sinister events unfolding around them. As they pored over the cryptic writings, a sudden emergency alert shattered the silence, its urgent warning a chilling reminder of the encroaching darkness that threatened to consume their very souls. In a desperate bid to escape the clutches of the mansion, the teenagers fled through the labyrinthine corridors, their hearts pounding in terror as the walls twisted and contorted, morphing into grotesque forms that mirrored their deepest fears. The emergency alert continued to blare, its ceaseless warning a relentless reminder of the impending doom that loomed just beyond their grasp. Outside, the once-idyllic park had transformed into a nightmarish landscape, where the very earth opened to birth grotesque tendrils that ensnared unsuspecting victims in a writhing embrace of terror and despair. The air filled with the cacophony of screams and the howls of an unearthly entity, a malevolent force that defied all mortal comprehension. As the survivors emerged from the nightmarish ordeal, the ruins of Ravenswood stood as a testament to the fragile boundary between the known and the unseen, a warning etched in the shadows that lingered, a constant reminder of the unfathomable horrors that dared to breach the confines of human perception.
The Invitation
**(This concept does not belong to me! Awhile ago I saw a prompt/two sentence horror story I think and wrote this based on that. I will link once I find it!)** ​ I wake up to the sound of Jecht whining from beside the bed. The room is dark when I open my eyes, late afternoon having bled into evening sometime during my nap. It wasn’t unexpected. I’ve been feeling sick and took some NyQuil a few hours ago to try to sleep it off before the weekend was over. I feel groggy when I push myself up, and my head rings when Jecht barks his approval, but I pull myself out of bed anyway. He needs to go out for the night. It’s the only reason he ever wakes me. “Alright, alright,” I mumble, rubbing my hand over his head as I shuffle toward the kitchen. None of the lights are on in the house and I leave them off as I wander through, unwilling to risk the headache of turning them on with my head pounding like that already. Jecht follows, like he always does. He’s the definition of a Velcro dog, has been since I brought him home from a rescue up north when I moved out here a year ago. I was hoping the company would be enough to keep the old country house from feeling so empty since I lived alone. Most nights, it worked. “Go on, then,” I say as I pull open the sliding patio door off the kitchen, running a hand through my sleep-mussed hair as the night chill rolls in. It’s fall in Wisconsin; comfortable during the day, but the temperatures drop as soon as the sun goes down and stay low until midday usually. It’s too cold for me to want to step out for a smoke, but I’m supposed to be quitting anyway. Jecht looks up at me for a second before realizing I’m not going out with him and bolts out the door. He barks from somewhere in the yard, and I reach for the light on the wall beside the door… but then I think better of it. Jecht doesn’t need light to see out there, and I don’t need to watch him anymore. He’s a smart dog. He knows his boundaries despite the lack of fence around the property, and, more than anything, he’s a grateful dog. He isn’t going anywhere he can’t find his way back from. Sure, he tries to chase squirrels and chipmunks occasionally, but he’s a dog. It’s to be expected, and if he ever goes too far all I have to do is whistle and he comes running back. That’s not to say he doesn’t love his freedom, though. If he had it his way, he’d explore every inch of the property every time he went out to piss if he could. I pull the door closed to leave him to it tonight, reminded by a growling stomach that I need to put something in it before I head back to bed. There’s nothing out there but deer and raccoons anyway, so I’m not worried about him running into any trouble. At 120 pounds, he’s too big a target for the supposed coyotes that wander through the neighborhood sometimes. I pop open a can of Chunky noodle soup and dump it into a bowl to heat up in the microwave, too fuzzy in the head to mess around with the stove. I just want to eat and go back to bed since I can barely keep my eyes open as it is. I don’t even sit down to eat once the microwave beeps, I just lean against the counter to eat in the light of the stove lamp. For some reason my mind wanders to the thought of my grandfather as I slurp at the soup. How he’d tell me stories as I sucked down the soup my grandmother made when I was sick like this as a kid. He had the best stories… They all feel exaggerated now that I’m an adult, but he was a master storyteller. I liked the scary ones growing up, the ones my cousins hated to listen to because it made them afraid to go to bed at night. He was a proud Apache, so some of his stories came off more like ancient wisdom or something. It’s hard to sort the real from the embellished ones, even now… Some of them were so random, like making each other spit on the broom if we accidentally swept someone’s feet while we were cleaning up, or burning the hair from our combs and brushes so the birds didn’t get to it. My personal favorite was keeping a screen on all the doors and windows so ghosts couldn’t get inside. My grandmother swore they had to count every hole in the screens before they came in, so they’d waste the night counting the holes until the sun came up and they had to leave. I can’t help but crack a small smile as I walk back over to the sliding door, remembering some of the superstitions – because that’s what they are, old-world superstitions – rubbing my blurry eyes as they adjust to the dark again since I switched off the stove light. Like evil things only came out at night… After working in law for the last seven years, I know better than to fear ghosts or demons. There are scarier monsters in the files in my office, and they aren’t beholden to some holes over the window or salt around the door. I can see Jecht’s eyes reflecting the moonlight of the waning crescent overhead, but that’s it – he’s a big black dog in the country night, and it’s overcast to boot, so I can’t even see an outline. He doesn’t move, just stares at me for a moment from across the yard. “Jecht,” I call, nodding inside like he understood the gesture. He’s a bit further out than he usually goes, I notice, but chalk it up to him having free reign for the last ten minutes. He doesn’t come, but I hear a low whine of protest in the darkness. So I whistle. “Let’s go! Inside.” The eyes flash as Jecht obeys, and I step aside as his large black silhouette crosses the threshold into the dark kitchen. “Good boy,” I reflexively praise him, running a hand over his head once more. It’s wet – I guess it must be drizzling out there – and there’s a slight smell when I run my hand through my own hair again to pull it away from my face as I shut the door, but I pay it no mind. Wet dog is a thing for a reason. I’m tired. I just want to sleep. Jecht walks beside me as we head back to the bedroom. I climb into bed as the sleepiness tugs at my consciousness, excited to slip back into my NyQuil coma since my bed hasn’t lost the warmth of my body heat yet. My head falls back against the pillow and I shut my eyes, eager for sleep, but something is off… I try to ignore it, but I feel like I forgot something important. Did I forget to shut off the stove? No, I used the microwave. I’m pretty sure I closed the patio door, too. Maybe I forgot to lock it… but I wasn’t worried about that sort of thing out here. It was quiet. Safe. That was the reason I moved to this neighborhood in the first place. My eyes fly open for some reason, and I realize Jecht is still standing at the door, just two blue eyes reflecting in the black. It’s a little unnerving, but that’s just a knee-jerk reaction. He’s a sweet dog, just likes to be close to me. If I’m in the living room, he wants to be in the living room. If I work from home, he naps in the office while I take my meetings. He sleeps at the foot of my bed every night. He’s a good companion. I’ve gotten used to having him around, quietly keeping an eye on me all the time. He’s never so much as bared teeth at me, and to be honest I don’t know if I can sleep peacefully without him at this point. Like the soup, he’s a comfort when I feel like this. “Come on, Jecht,” I say, patting the bed, “Time to sleep.” I whistle again for good measure. Jecht comes. I feel his weight, slowly and deliberately, climb up onto the bed with me. I mentally make a note to give him a bath tomorrow as the smell comes back, and it smells a bit more rank now – like he may have gotten into something while he was out there, a dead possum or something – as I turn over onto my side to sleep. The feeling that I was forgetting something continues to keep me up for a few minutes, but it’s no match for the doxylamine, and I slip into sleep before long. Scratch, scratch, scratch. My eyes roll open to a dull scratching sound. When I look over at the clock, it reads 3:33am exactly – so I was out for a few hours. I shut my eyes again and lay there, listening to the noise repeat itself for a while, trying to ignore it and go back to sleep. It was just some branches against the window, or some squirrels in the attic, or something perfectly ignorable at 3am. Jecht isn’t reacting to it either, so I brush it off as nothing… Until I hear a familiar whine in the distance, and I realize the sound I’m hearing is Jecht throwing himself at the patio door, wanting to be let inside… The thing at the foot of my bed stirs, slowly rising onto two legs as it stares down at me in the dark, like it knows. Jecht barks from outside, scratching wildly at the glass and I suddenly remember what I forgot earlier. It was something my grandfather told me when I was young... He told me never to whistle in the dark.
Random lady walking in our driveway
In 2021 me and my family were hanging out in the living room. Until our dog started barking that’s when we seen a random lady in her mid 40s. My dad then went to the patio window and said what are you doing her. She responded I’m cold and looking for somewhere to warm up. We obviously weren’t going to let her inside. My dad then grabbed his gun and had it waiting by the wall she then started walking down to the end of our driveway mind you it was like -10 she was only in a thin jacket and jeans. Me and my sisters waited in our dining room to see if we could see her we couldn’t. That’s when my dad decided to go driving and go look for them he seen her get into a truck and my dad followed them for a little bit. We then called the cops it took them around twenty minutes to get out to our house we gave them a description of the truck it was white and had a yellow quad in the back. It still freaks me out to this day
There is Something in the Dark (Part 1)
*There is something in the dark.* That’s the first thought you have. You can hear it breathing somewhere in your room – a low, rasping kind of breath that catches on itself and makes a strange sound when it inhales. A… popping sound, or… No, more like a clicking sound. That was it. A clicking sound. *Click. Click. Click.* It’s a horrible sound to hear suddenly in the night. The kind that sounded far away and yet right there in your ear like it was coming from right next to you. It raises goosebumps on your skin as you lie there in the dark, listening. Counting the seconds between the unsettling clicks of its breath, only you keep losing track of time for some reason. *How long has it been there? How long have you been awake?* You were unconscious just moments before, you swear it. Asleep, caught in a nonsensical regurgitation of information that you’d subconsciously gathered during the day and would never be able to recall again come morning. You’d been dreaming. You’d been safe. *How long has it been watching you sleep?* *Click. Click. Click.* The realization that you’ve never heard a human being make sounds like that, like that clicking gurgle the thing in your room kept making – it keeps your eyes glued shut and your body still in your bed, even as your heart begins to race. Your hands, instinctively clutching at your sheets, begin to sweat. The sleepy haze in your head is fading like fog in the daylight, but you only feel colder as reality sets in and you begin to understand, you *are* awake. *You are awake, and there is something there.* You’re too afraid to open your eyes. *Click. Click. Click.* You’re afraid to see what is watching you – because you can feel it watching you, its gaze like a weight on your chest, or like cold fingers down your spine – but more than that, you are afraid to let it know that you are not asleep. You are afraid of why it is there, why it has come for you, and what it will do to you when it realizes you’re awake. You know, somehow, that is what it’s waiting for. It wants you to open your eyes. It wants you to see it. *Click. Click. Click.* You try to control your breathing as the adrenaline creeps in. Your body knows what your mind is trying to reason away – that you are no longer safe there, in the safest place that you can imagine, that there is something in the darkness with you. Despite your best efforts, your hands are shaking and your breath is labored. You know that your eyes are squeezed too tightly shut to appear asleep… and you think that it may even be able to hear your heart beating against your chest, it’s pounding so hard. You wonder, for just a second, if it already knows that you’re awake. A second is all it takes for terror to grip you. *Click. Click. Click.* Your eyes spring open, foolishly searching the darkness. The blue sliver of moonlight through the window is just enough to reveal outlines and shadows that stretch too long over the darkened walls. *Click. Click. Click*. The television has already gone to sleep and you don’t remember the last time you were this scared of the dark. The last time you were really afraid. There’s a sickening chatter from the corner of your room, like bones clattering together inhumanly fast, and you quickly realize it was never the dark you were afraid of – it was this. *Click. Click. Click.* *There is something in the dark.* You can make out a figure of someone – something standing there in the corner, perfectly still. Humanoid but obviously not a person. It’s darker than the shadows that surround it, like it’s made up of darkness itself, and it’s huge. It’s… tall, taller than any man, wider than any man, with horn-like protrusions coming out of its head… or maybe it’s hooded? You don’t know. It’s weird but you can’t really tell, like your sight is playing tricks on you. As soon as you laid eyes on it your vision went weird, fading in and out slowly, like you were blinking too hard or falling asleep. *Click. Click. Click.* You weren’t, you swear you weren’t, you couldn’t even if you tried right now – it was that thing. It had to be doing something to you, and… god, it was looking right at you. *Click. Click. Click.* You can’t see its eyes or make out anything in its face, but you know it’s looking right at you and you know, you just know it’s been staring at you for a while, watching you sleep. The darkness feels too open all of a sudden, you feel vulnerable as the dread wells up in your chest when it starts to move. Its whole body shakes, like it’s vibrating or seizing – and you’ve never seen anything like that before, but you know it’s not right. That things don’t move like that – like a glitch in a video game, or like it's shivering or something. *Click. Click. Click.* You need to get out. You know you need to get out. Your fight or flight is in full effect and you know you need to run. You only have one thought, and it’s to escape that room immediately. *Click. Click. Click.* You throw off the blankets and get out of bed, running toward the door. Your limbs feel weird, too light or too heavy, unburdened but clumsy. You’re too scared. You’re moving too slow, somehow, even though you’re running for what may have been your life. *Click. Click. Click*. You don’t know why it’s taking so long to get to the door, but you keep moving because you can still see it out of the corner of your eyes, its head tilting towards you – still unnaturally shaking in the corner as the chattering grew louder. *Click. Click. Click.* You realize a high-pitched whirring has filled the room as you finally grasp the door handle and – No. God, no… You’re back in your bed. *How are you back in your bed?* *Click. Click. Click.* Your eyes flicker over to the corner and, Jesus, it’s closer. It’s closer than it was before, glitching, chattering, faster. You don’t think about it being closer, you just throw off the sheets again and rush for the door. You need to get out, you need to get the fuck out before it got you– *Click. Click. Click.* Jesus, fuck, it happened again. You’d reached the door, but now you’re back in your bed. *How are you back in your fucking bed?* You don’t understand what’s happening, just that it’s closer again, like it’s moving when you look away, and you need do something, anything to get away from it -- *Click. Click. Click.* The whirring is louder but you can barely hear it over your heart beating so hard it feels like it’s going to fucking explode. You look the other way, at the window beside your bed, before you remember you’re on the second floor. You can’t get out that way. You look back at the door. *Click. Click. Click.* Fuck it, you gotta get out of there – *Click*. But you made a mistake. *Click.* You looked away from it for too long. *Click.* Somewhere, in the back of your panicked mind, you knew that. You knew that. You felt it the second the situation went from dire to hopeless. Your whole body froze. Your heart may have even stopped beating. It was right there. When you went to throw off the blankets again, it was standing right there. Right beside the bed. Looking down at you, like… You don’t know what. Nothing has ever looked at you like that. It stood there for what felt like forever, looming over you, looking down at you… Waiting. God, what was it waiting for? *Click. Click. Click.* You try so hard not to blink. You try harder than you’ve ever tried anything in your life, because you know what will happen if you do. And you can see it now. A figure in the dark, yet somehow perfectly, terrifyingly clear. The void-black, bumpy skin stretched over its knobby bones as it hunches over your bed. The coarse black fur growing out of its impossibly broad shoulders. The two black holes in its head where its eyes should have been, peering down at you. The ominous red around its wide mouth. *Click… Click... Click.* You try so hard not to blink, but as your vision begins to sliver, you see its long, crooked teeth as it smiles down at you. Then it all goes black.
Spooky season, y'all. # ANNOUNCEMENTS * Read up on our [Three Strikes and you're out rule]( \-- trolling and sexualizing minors will typically get you a strike. If you've been cool for 60 days, hit us up and we can review and remove the strike for a clean slate. * There are one-and-done, no tolerance permaban topics! * Plagiarism. Not even once. * Intentionally poor quality stories continue to flood the sub. As such, we **will continue to PERMANENTLY BAN users submitting blatant troll posts.** * Report things! If you see a story you think breaks the sub rules, report the story/comment and it'll get in front of the mods. * While we understand the temptation to use ChatGPT, one of our rules is that the stories you submit must be written by *you*. If we find you've been using ChatGPT to generate stories, the posts will be removed under Rule 5: Be Original. # October 2023 Contest Prompt Friday the 13th has spawned one of the most classic horror franchises (and probably the most unforgivable movies in Jason X -- for real, watch that trailer and cringe). Since Friday the 13th falls in October, why not use it for this month's prompt? Let's be a bit flexible though. This month's prompt is including **a day of the week** within your story (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Yeah, you all know the days.). Your story must include the name of one of the days of the week to enter the contest. Properly formatted October 2023 examples: >\[OCT23\] Tuesday was scary. This is the second sentence.\[Oct23\] This is the first sentence. Monday is scary. Improperly formatted examples: >\[OCT 23\] This tag isn't right (includes a space between Month and Year). Wednesday is overrated.In \[OCT23\], I got the tag right, but it's not at the beginning. I also didn't mention the theme! **October Contest Rules** * The top 10 highest-voted stories will be the winners! * Winners can only place in the top 10 once. The highest of the entries will be their winner. * Only net new stories will be allowed (no repurposing old stories you've previously submitted). * Submissions that are improperly formatted, do not fit the theme, or break any of the existing sub rules will be disqualified and removed. * Max three stories per day as a general rule, and all three can be used towards the contest. * Entries that are edited after submission may be disqualified. If you edit it to fix a typo, that should be fine; if you edit to fix formatting, language, or plot, it is up to the mod's discretion to remove. * Winners will be decided by total community upvotes. In the unlikely event of a tie for the top spots, moderators will vote for a tiebreaker. **WINNERS WILL RECEIVE:** * 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Places: You receive a custom personal flair of your choosing to show off to the TSH community! (If you're a repeat winner, you can modify your flair.... but that's it.) And a cool fancy flair on your winning stories. * 7 honorable mentions: Story links will be featured on next month’s announcement! Contest ends on October 31, 2023 @ 11:59pm (GMT) Any questions should be made below in the comments, within our [Discord](, or a note on [modmail]( Check out September's winners in the comment below!
[PLEASE READ] Sh!tposts, permabans, and literally 1984.
This is all dumb. For the past several months, the sub has experienced a flood of intentionally poor quality stories in an effort to get onto parody subs and TikToks. We've historically hit you with a strike (🔴) and if you received three, you were permabanned (check out the [wiki]( However, if you've submitted one of these stories in the recent past, you may have noticed that your account was permabanned from TwoSentenceHorror without going through the strike process. While we've made this current one-and-done rule known within each of our monthly announcements for forever, we felt it was only fair to have a separate post to lay out the approach. # If you intentionally submit a poor quality story (we're looking at you "meat worm" and "killer guy" crews), you will be permabanned with no warning. If and when these posts chill out, the mod team will reconsider this rule. Until then, please continue to report these intentional poor quality stories, read the sub rules, and submit awesome, horrifying tales to maintain the quality of the sub!
In my home, there is a door that shows my town one week in the future.
Today, I swung the door open to see the street at town square, missing posters wearing my face scattered around walls and telephone poles.
As I reached for an apple at the market, a shrouded old gypsy woman appeared from the shadows, “It’s rotten and infested with vile worms!” she cried.
It took a moment for my gaze to follow her bony finger which pointed to my swollen pregnant belly.
Mom said if I take two ibuprofen, my headache will be gone in an hour
I'm getting better at math, so I know that if I finish the bottle, it will be gone in a minute
I never liked the posters that hung in my daughter's room.
She always told me that she would join them, Bundy, Gacy, and Holmes.
As the five foreign men came up to my speedboat and started talking at me in unison, I simply said 'sorry, I don't speak that language'.
Come to think of it, I don't even know what language they were speaking, I'm pretty sure that "pth'nglui" and "wgah'nagl" aren't words in any language I know of.
Due to recent incidents, the airline is now requiring all of its pilots undergo a mandatory mental health evaluation every six months.
Keep in mind that answering "yes" to any of these questions will lead to your immediate firing and blacklisting from the industry.
The Perfect Gentleman
People, I don't mean to brag, but I am the Perfect Gentleman when it comes to handling Women. >!I always remember to ask them if they have any last words.!<
My Gran and I were walking by an old duckweed covered pond when a piercing whistle broke the autumn silence.
Panic filled Gran’s eyes as she pushed me away from the pond, and moments later a mottled-green hag with a mouth full of sharp green teeth pulled her into the pond waters; never to be seen again.
My kidnapper handed me a glass bottle and told me if I can break it into exactly 13 pieces he would let me go.
I was only able to break it into 8 but it didn’t really matter since he would never know.
The best bait to use should always give them hope," I explained, "but you always want to practice catch and release."
As I cast my line into the vast burning lake of fire I watch the desperate souls clamoring to it in a frenzy not realizing whomever I pluck out is only going to be thrown right back in
After making a deal with the devil to extend my age, I can now live for 30 more years despite my deadly disease.
Now that my mother's conditioned has worsened, I get what he meant by me living on "borrowed time."
The worst part of school's Sex Ed class is the awkward conversations at home
What do you mean is not common for boys to ejaculate larvae while performing rituals with their families??
When my little boy asked to play cops and robbers with me, I let him be the cop.
I wish I had noticed sooner that it wasn't a toy gun he was holding.
In the span of a year Sarah’s car had been vandalized, her dog had been run over, and now she stared at the lifeless body of her infant son face down in the bathtub.
Remorse almost creeped in until she thought about how much social media sympathy THIS new tragedy would get her.
My anger grew as I gazed upon the small headstone praising the person buried below for how much she'd given in life and how little she'd asked for in return.
I had "meant so much" to my family that they couldn't even remember where they'd buried me in the first place.
It's 3am, I've been rocking my newborn for a while now, and it still won't stop crying and fussing.
The ring lights are probably too glaring for the baby but how else am I going to take a clear video for my followers?
Before my mother was found dead in the woods, she lost her grip on reality and went completely insane.
My cat disagrees and thinks she was abusing drugs and overdosed.
The adorable puppies looked like they might be border collie, my favourite breed!
If only they hadn't appeared on my own ultrasound
"Your leather armchair feels amazing," she said, settling in.
"Thanks," he replied happily, "it is my ex...clusive collection."
A warning flashed on my phone saying there was an unidentified entity at the back door.
I looked at my camera to see my dog giving me a human like smile.
"Take only memories, leave only footprints" applies to my other hobbies, besides camping, as well.
When she finally caught on to me and called the cops, it was really easy to convince them she was delusional, because who would stalk someone for so long and not have any photos or keepsakes.
"That's such a pretty locket," The cashier said as she scanned the rope I was buying.
She wasn't nearly as enthusiastic about the picture inside, even though it was the best one I had ever taken of her.
All my sister and I could do was pray as we watched him rip off piece by piece of the bloodied lump of meat and swallow, wondering if we would be next.
​ Unfortunately, we were not, and my sister, too weak from hunger, passed away while he continued engorging himself in front of her empty eyes.
It’s been 15 years and my parents still hold a vigil on the anniversary of my sister’s disappearance.
It’s a shame there is not statute of limitations on murder, otherwise I could tell them where she is buried.
Once the adrenaline wore off, I realized the blood I tasted wasn't mine.
At least, not anymore.
Welcome to /r/FreeHorrorStories [READ HERE BEFORE POSTING]
So, as a response to the growing trend of TRUE story narrations, we decided to make a sub-reddit in which the narrators who wish to read horror stories for their channel don't have to go through the annoying process of asking for permission, and the authors of these stories have a better chance of being featured on YouTube channels. **So we have a couple of rules that we would like you to follow;** * You must label the stories that you post here with whether they are true or not. So title your posts with something like **"[TRUE] I got shreked by my grandmother"** and if it isn't so true, then post something like; **"[FICTION] I Saw a scary spooky skeleton in the closet"** * Your story **MUST** be longer than one paragraph. While it's nice to see dope ass short horror stories, single paragraph stories are usually low effort and sacrifice detail. * **NO NARATIONS**. This is a place for stories to be posted. If you have a narration you'd like to post, i run a sub-reddit called /r/CreepyReadings where you can post (Totally not a shameless plug). * Finally, this isn't necessarily a requirement but if you are narrating someones story, then you should probably let them know when it's uploaded. Hey, maybe they'll enjoy it. **Alright, so that's basically it. I look forward to seeing your posts and have a good one my dudes.**
Ding part 3
Got a new horror animation up on my YouTube channel, come check it out and leave a comment about what you think. Happy to get feedback so I can improve the channel for horror and animation fans. Thanks. Link: [](
The stalker
I was 16 and me and my friends I'll call Evan and Jake, wanted to rent a hotel for the night since it was spring break. We got to the hotel and checked in, it had a really funky smell but we still stayed there. Once we got to our room it was about 3:00 pm so we decided to go swimming, the pool was downstairs departed from the hotel Once we got to the entrance there was a man at least 6 foot 3 in all black with a hood covering his face Facing us, I panicked a little but not out loud. We got into the pool and swam for a few hours until we saw that man again, all black sitting on a chair by the pool. I cleared my throat, "umm can I help you, sir?" I asked. No response. I still eas a little paranoid. I put my face in the water and at the bottom of the pool was another figure that was all black. I screamed like a little girl and ran for the door. I looked back and saw nothing, not the guy in the chair or the guy under the pool. My friends thought I was just seeing things but I saw what I saw as clear as water. I didn't feel like swimming anymore so I decided to get dinner at a nearby restaurant. I got a table for me and my friends to sit at and there I saw once again the man all in black on the other side of the dining room and was staring at me. I have had enough. I went over there and I lost track of him and he took off. After we at I decided this trip has gone too far and we should leave tomorrow morning but my friends didn't like that idea. Once it was 10:30, I and my friends doze off in the hotel room. I woke up to some noises. I saw a shadow of a figure at the end of my bed, I calmed myself down and told myself that it was my hat that I put there before I went to bed. I went to bed and got woken up again 30 minutes later to more noises. I was getting thirsty so I reached under the bed and tried to grab my water bottle but I grabbed something and I was totally shocked by what I grabbed. It was my hat. I was not ever more scared in my life I couldn't help but to scream at the top of my lungs when I heard a voice next to my ear say, "You're a bitch." I jumped out of bed and realized it was 2 men in black right there I tried to fight them but it was no use once they grabbed me and dragged me out of that room. I tried to scream but that guy was covering my mouth. I passed out and woken up in a stretcher. It turned out those guys knifed me while I passed out and someone caught them. But the doctor said no one could catch the guys who got me. To this day I always have a nightlight at night so I'm, not scared.
Creepy pasta / true story wanted for podcast episode!
Howdy everyone! I am a host of a true crime podcast called ‘Planet Crime Podcast’ and I am looking to do an episode of creepy stories / creepypastas / fictional and nonfictional stories. I am not really looking for ghost stories, however I will consider them if the grab my attention. I am more looking for creepy encounters and true kidnap/murder/crime stories.. Please email me with your creepy stories & I will pick out the ones that grab my attention! Of course, all rights & credits will go too you! Please tell me in the email whether it’s a true experience/story, or whether it is fictional! Email: I will be looking to get the episode out for next week / following week! Looking forward to hearing your stories! 📝🎙
If You Love Me
I love my wife above all else. I have loved her since the moment I first laid eyes on her. I would do anything for her and that has never changed after all these years. We first met in college. We were both theater majors, and it was day one of Acting 1 class that our eyes met for the first time. She had chocolate brown eyes that were complemented by her dark brown curls. We stared at each other constantly that first day, and when we were partnered together, we knew that it was fate. *"My name is Margaret,"* she said as soon as I walked up to her after class. I took her by and hand and kissed it. *"Henry,"* I responded. She then took one of my long dreadlocks and wrapped it around her finger, staring me in the eyes and biting her lip. It was an amazing meeting with an even better ending later that night. The following night, we went on our first date, a theater production of *Sueño.* We held each other's hand through the entire performance, and afterward, I walked her to her dormitory. Every day after that was like a love story. We went through good times and bad times. We broke up and got back together. Through it all, one thing never changed for me, I loved her and would do anything for her. We got married after graduation and went on to become very successful in the stage acting scene. We were considered a power couple and were always cast in romantic roles opposite each other. It was easy to bring the true deep love that we felt for each other to the stage, and it was nice to make money from it. One day, our lives took a turn. We had just finished a successful performance of the stage play *The Clean House* when we were approached by a member of the audience. *"That was an amazing performance,"* he said, a creepy English accent behind his words. *"Why thank you, you're sweet,"* said Margaret, gripping my hand. I could tell this guy had creeped her out, but being a talented actress, she was able to put on a nice front. *"I've been watching you two for a very long time,"* he continued, his pale blue eyes staring into Margaret. *"I am very much a fan of your work. Every performance is riveting, and I can tell that you put true passion into your exchanges. You two must truly love each other."* *"We do,"* I said, stepping slightly in front of Margaret. *"We love each other very much. I would do anything for her."* I looked at her, and she gave me that beautiful smile of hers. *"That warms my heart to hear,"* he said as he put his arms behind his back and looked up into the night sky. *"True love is... a valuable gift that is often taken for granted. If you're not careful, you can easily lose it forever, and it can never be replaced, no matter how hard you try."* He then looked at me, and I could see just how disturbing his pale blue eyes were. *"Hold on to that gift. Cherish it forever."* He began to walk away before I asked the question that had been bothering me since we met. *"Who are you?"* I yelled. He stopped and turned his head. *"Your biggest fan,"* he answered. He then walked away. Margaret and I looked at each other, baffled at what had just taken place. Later that night, we were sitting on our couch watching a movie when suddenly there was a knock at the door. *"Wonder who that could be,"* said Margaret as she got up to see who it was. She looked at the peephole and froze in place before taking a single step back and opening the door. Standing just outside the door was the same man we had talked to earlier that night. He stood there with his arms behind him, his pale blue eyes shining like the moon. *"Honey?"* I said, standing up from the couch to join Margaret at the door. *"Please... come in,"* Margaret said to the man, to my shock. *"What are you doing?"* I yelled, running to get to the door. The man stepped inside before I got there and began to stroke her face. When I finally got to them, I threw my fist and connected with his face, knocking him back outside. I quickly slammed the door and locked it. I turned to Margaret, who was in some sort of a trance. I tried to snap her out of it. *"Margaret!"* I yelled, shaking her. *"Margaret! Wake up!"* There was nothing I could do to get her to respond. I shook her, slapped her, and even splashed water in her face. Nothing. Nothing would work. Suddenly, the lights in the house went out. I looked around until I said the silhouette of a man standing outside our living room window. I blinked, and it was gone. I began to panic and ran to the gun safe in our bedroom. Despite being theater nerds, we were very well trained in self-defense and firearms. We could each hold our own if our lives were in danger, and if there was ever a time to put that training to use, it was now. When I got back to the living room, I immediately raised my weapon. There stood the strange man, holding Margaret by the face. *"Let go of her, motherfucker!"* I yelled, aiming for his head. He looked at me, and the only thing I could see in the darkness was glowing red eyes. He then turned his head to Margaret and I fired, hitting him directly in the head. He fell to the floor hard and I ran over. Margaret fell over too but I caught her before she hit the ground. She still would not respond, her eyes wide open in a trance. I looked over to the man... but he was gone. I gently laid her on the floor and stood up quickly, readying my weapon once again. Suddenly, I felt a strong, tight grip on the back on my neck and I was then thrown across the room, hitting the wall. I groaned in pain as I grabbed my gun and slowly stood to my feet, shaking as I raised my weapon again. Again, he had a hold of Margaret, but this time he pulled her head close to his. I felt my heart race and my blood boil as he put her lips to his, his glowing red eyes staring right at me. *"NO!"* I screamed as I ran towards them. He then pushed her to the side and opened his arms to me, as if inviting me to fire on him again. I obliged and fired five rounds into him, but all he did was allow them to connect as he laughed. I ran up to him but he grabbed me by the throat before I could do anything. He pulled me close to his face and I could see every horrifying feature. Not only did he have demon-like eyes, but his face was covered in disgusting, pulsating veins. In his mouth, were two sharp fangs and a long slimy tongue, which rubbed against my face, as if tasting me before taking his first bite. I lifted my gun to the arm that had a hold of me and fired twice. He growled in pain as he released me and I connected the butt of my gun to his face, repeatedly. He fell to the floor and I mounted him, smashing his face more and more, harder and faster. I could feel the blood gush and spray all over as the bones in his skull crack and collapse. By the time I was done, there was nothing but smashed bone, brains, and blood. I panted as I stood back up and limped over to Margaret, who was now fully unconscious. I shook her and she finally opened her eyes, looking into mine with fear and confusion. *"Margaret,"* I said, feeling relieved that she was alright. I held her close and we laid there until I looked over to where the body of the stranger should have been. He was gone and panic arose once again and we both stood up quickly. I turned to face Margaret and screamed when I saw him standing behind her, still in the process of regenerating his face. Before I had a chance to react he sunk his fangs deep into Margaret's neck. She screamed in pain as I screamed in rage, hitting the monster in the skull once again with my gun. I felt bone crack again as he released her. Again, I mounted him and went to work, growing exhausted the longer it went. I knew this wouldn't last, as he would surely regenerate again. It soon became obvious what exactly I was dealing with. He had put Margaret into a trance, merely by looking at her, even looking through a peephole. It wasn't until he invited him inside that he actually got in. He had glowing red eyes and fangs, and he bit Margaret in the neck. *"He's a god damn vampire, "*I thought to myself. While he was down, I ran to the kitchen and grabbed an old wooden broom. I broke it in half and ran back to the body, where I rammed it as hard as I could directly into his heart. The body began to convulse and flail its arms and legs all over. Suddenly, it stopped and went completely limp, before melting away into deep red blood and other disgusting fluids. After catching my breath, I slowly turned my attention to Margaret. She sat there in the darkness, legs folded and upper torso full erect. *"Honey?"* I said, nervously approaching her. In the darkness, I could only see her silhouette, until her eyes began to slowly glow red. There was only one thing I could think of to do. I love my wife. I would do anything for her. Even if that meant chaining her up in the basement, feeding her a pint of my own blood every day while I figure out what to do about her. When the hunger would hit her, she became like a wild animal that cannot be communicated with. So, I fed her my blood and she became herself again. She understood the situation and never held it against me. It wasn't easy, but it was all we could do. Unfortunately, a pint only went so far, until soon it wasn't enough. So I gave more and more until the point that I was endangering myself with so much blood loss. It was then that I decided to feed her... full meals. It started with small animals at first... and then cats and dogs. Soon I made the hard decision to invite homeless people into our home, knock them out, and give them to her. This went on for far too long before it really started to affect us. She felt like a monster and I did as well. I love my wife and I would do anything for her, which brings me to now. I'm sitting here, writing this, shaking. There is literal blood on my hands as I try to compose myself. She asked me to do one last thing for her. I refused at first... because I loved her too much. *"If you love me,"* she began, looking me deep in my eyes, her now pale blues not blinking, *"you will do this."* Tears fell from both of our eyes as I pulled her in close. *"I love you, Margaret," I whispered.* "*I love you, Henry,"* she responded. I could hear the squish as I drove the wooden stake in her heart. I trembled as I listened to her whimpers, gasps, and eventual silence. I broke down as her body melted away into liquid. I laid there in her remains, sobbing. I sit here now, with nothing left but the warning about the creatures of fiction that are very much a reality. I write my confession of the crimes I have committed out of love. I say goodbye to any friends or loved ones that may be reading this. I loved her, and I did everything... for her. **authors note I haven't used this account in years, so sorry if you've asked for permission to narrate this story and chosen not to bc I didn't respond. That being said this story is free for anyone to use, which is why I posted it in this subreddit specifically. Just make sure to credit me. Since I'm making an update here you can credit me under my most recent pen name, Lector Black. Thanks, guys, and I'm glad you enjoy the story! Also, I did some grammar revising (can't believe how bad it was holy shit lol)***
The Glitch in the matrix in my school!
This isn’t exactly a horrifying story, so don’t get too disappointed if your not terrified. For background, I’m a fifteen year old Irish fella called Ross. I go to school in Ireland. I am now in third year. At the start of second year I knew fella joined the school. I was in charge of showing him around and we’ve been good friends ever since. He is Portuguese and his name is Tiago. I’ll call him Tig for this story. His school bag is a fairly small, bright red bag. He is a bit shorter than me. His hair is quite short and brown in colour. This will become important momentarily. One day I was upstairs in my school. It was break time and I was going to my groups usual spot. I turned a corner and saw Tig, walking along the hall way. This was weird because, at the distance I was from him, I would have seen him come up the stairs. I didn’t think much of it at the time. I sped up the catch up to him. There was another corner coming up. He rounded it and I followed suit. Except, he wasn’t there. There was a staircase going back down and two bathrooms, one for lad and one for lassies, but no Tig. Considering how close I was behind him, he would have had to sprint towards and then jump down the stairs, or jog into the bathroom. If he went for the stairs, I would have heard. ‘He must be in the bathroom.’ I thought. I sat at the bench and waited. Tig was the first other person in our group to arrive. He rounded the corner and left his bag down. The realisation hit m hard, he wasn’t in the bathroom. I asked him if he had already been up there to which he answered that he hadn’t. He had no reason to lie. Now, I know what your all thinking. It was someone else. First of all, the person I saw looked the exact same as my friend from the back. Second of all, no one else in the school has that bag, to my knowledge. I haven’t seen anyone else with it, that is. Third, the only place the person could have gone, without sprinting down the stairs which I would probably catch a glimpse of anyway, would be the bathroom. No one came out of the bathroom that I didn’t see enter it. Finally, my friend is a fairly distinct character. Not many people have the same body build as him. Like I said at the start, it’s not exactly terrifying, but, I do believe it to be due to a glitch in the matrix.
I would like to write a Horror or Dramatic Story, but anyone has any ideas of a title that i could get inspired from?
Female Narrator
Why I Stopped Narrating Stories On YouTube
I started narrating stories on YouTube because after sending EVERY story I wrote, to all the big names and a few lesser known names. I got no response, No thanks for sending, No your story sucks, nothing. I won’t mention who they are, but most of you should know who I’m talking about. Although, one big name did read a short story I wrote, which I’m very thankful for. It wasn’t my best. This went on for a while, after months of frustration, I finally realized it wasn’t going to happen. So, I decided to narrate my own stories, Create a YouTube channel, pick a name, and post them myself, how hard could it be, so I did. My stories were good, at least, I thought so. To my surprise, a few people actually liked them, and after a while, asked if I would narrate their stories, Wow!!!....Really???....Ok!!!! They would send them to me via email, which I gave them, and I would narrate their stories. And that started the ball rolling. I was talking to a coworker, one day, about narrating stories for fun and they suggested I check out an app called, “Reddit” and search, “shortscarystories”, and “NoSleep”. They said they posted a few stories on there and thought it would be perfect for me, so I did. I created an account, and started my search. There, I found all kinds of amazing stories. I contacted some authors through comments and personal messages, asking permission to read their stories. Most were cool with it, although I did get a few rejections. I just kept on asking. ALWAYS ASK PERMISSION!! Things were going great, I was narrating amazing stories, people were liking them, and I even earned enough “karma” on Reddit to start my own “community” I decided to use it for people to send stories to and people actually did. All the while, I still searched other communities for stories to read. That was, until I found THAT story. I should have known by their username that it wasn’t a good idea. I’m not gonna mention the name of it, because it still sends chills up my spine just thinking about it. I’m shaking as I write this. It was about 1 am, insomnia set in, and I was sitting at my dining room table searching Reddit. When I found THAT story and it just blew me away. It had it all, drama, suspense, emotion, everything. I contacted the author through personal message asking permission, except for some reason, I signed it using my real name, not my “stage” name. BIG MISTAKE!!! I realized what I did, but it was too late, I already sent it. Anyway, mere seconds went by, and I received a reply. “Yes, I’ve been waiting for this!!” Thinking they’ve been waiting for someone to read one of their stories, just like I was, I replied, “Thank you”, and planned to go on with my night. Until, I received my own personal message from the author. “Hi, my name’s Susan. Wanna talk?” I figured, what the hell, I’m not doing anything else, what could it hurt? So, I sent back, “Sure.” After about a 30 minute conversation, I found out — 1. The author was female 2. We both like Stephen King 3. We both love horror stories 4. We both live in the U.S. (only a few states away from each other) I started getting tired, I let her know, we ended the conversation, both saying goodnight. I was lying in bed, almost asleep, when I got a message from her, saying, “I’m glad to have someone like you to talk to. I miss that” I shrugged it off, and went to sleep A couple days went by, I came home from work and found a note on my door, it said, “Hi, sorry I missed you. Love, Susan.” What the fuck!!! Love??? I only talked to her for like a half hour. How’d she got my address. What the fuck did I get myself into. I took the note off the door and quickly went inside, locking the door, and calling the police. I told them this story. They said there was nothing they could do until an actual crime was committed. Yeah, that’s reassuring. I hung up from them and tried to do my normal routine. Make coffee, get changed, drink coffee, and so on. I couldn’t get the note out of my head. The doorbell rang, i froze and slowly walked to the window to see who it was. It was a woman, she about 5 1/2 feet tall, tattered, dirty clothes, long stringy brown hair. It looked like she hadn’t bathed in a month. I knew it was Susan. I had to end this, now, before it turned ugly, and ugly, it turned. I opened the door and said, “Look Susan. I don’t know what you think is going on. But I just wanted to read your story, that’s it. I’m sorry if you thought there was something more, but there’s not. Please go home.” I shut the door and walked back into the house. She screamed like a wild woman She started pounding on the door and screaming, “I LOVE YOU!!!”, “I LOVE YOU!!!” I ran to the phone to call 911. A rock or brick or something came crashing through the front window. I turned and saw that crazy bitch climbing into my house, screaming, “READ MY STORY!!!”, “READ MY STORY!!!” The shards of glass from the broken window cutting her as she climbed in. Blood on the window and the floor. “911 — What’s your emergency?” “Crazy bitch is in...” She charged, slamming into me, knocking me over the desk and falling to the floor herself. She was kicking and screaming like a lunatic. I got up, phone still in hand, and smashed it hard against her temple, as she was getting up. I don’t hit women, but that bitch deserved it. Her eyes rolled back in her head, the screaming stopped, and she fell to the floor, unconscious. I heard sirens outside, I guess the 911 operator heard it all. The cops came, took my statement. They made me stay outside while the paramedics tended to “Susan”. If that’s even her real name. The cops put her in cuffs and the paramedics took her to the ambulance. On her way out, she looked at me and laughingly said, “I’ll be waiting” They put her inside, then left. The cops finished up and did the same. I was left with a fucked up door, a broken window, blood all over the place, a broken desk and a broken phone. All over a fucking story I’m done I moved out that night. I left all my stuff behind. Slept in the car til payday then rented a room off a coworker And I never narrated another story ever again So, if any of my subscribers are reading this, and wondered what ever happened to me, now you know — Why I stopped narrating stories on YouTube.
Ever since I was a young boy, I’ve always been different, Not psychotic, demonic, or anything like that. Just not quite like the rest. I look different, I act different, I dress different, and I think different. This made it easy for the “beautiful people” of the world to mess with me. A LOT!!! It used to bother me growing up, but as I’ve gotten older, not so much. Now, I just look at the source, and think, screw ‘em, they’ll be dead soon. I’ve never been to lucky with the ladies either. So after years of failed relationships, I found myself alone, friendless, and living in a 20 year old trailer that I’m renting from a friend of a friend of a friend. It doesn’t really matter who. Anyway, I thought to myself, I’m tired of being alone. I can probably get another girlfriend, but she’d just get on my nerves, And we’d break up. Same old song and dance. No, this time, I want a companion, someone who is happy to see me when I come home from work, someone who likes to go for walks, someone to ride shotgun in the car. Someone who will love me for who I am, Not for what I have to offer them. I’m gonna get....a dog. - The very next day, I got up, hopped in my car, and drove to the local ASPCA, to get myself a dog. I walked in, told the lady behind the desk when I was looking for. Nothing big, a small dog, a lapdog so to speak. She said, “Sure, right this way.” She took me into the kennel area and showed me many types of little dogs, mini pincher’s, Chihuahuas, even a few Pomeranians, etc. They were all lovely dogs. But none of them really seemed to click with me. Then out of the corner of my eye, at the very end of the cages, all by itself, sat a metal box. The box was fully enclosed, with a tiny barred window in the door, resembling a prison cell. I said to the lady, “What is that?“. She looked at me as if I wasn’t supposed to ask and said, “That’s Roscoe, we’re not really sure what kind of dog he is. He’s been returned to us several times due to behavioral issues. He’s scheduled to be put down later today. That’s why he’s in the box.“ I’d like to see him”, I said. She said, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Starting to get annoyed, I said, “The sign out front says all dogs ready for adoption, he’s in here, he can be adopted. Now, I want to see him” She said, “Yes, sir” with a you’re going to regret it tone, and took me over to the box, unlocked the door, opened it and then I saw him. This little guy looked rough. His brown fur was matted to his body, crusty pieces of I don’t know what in the corners of his eyes, like he’d been crying. His nails were a bit long and sharp. His eyes were jet black with the slightest hint of red in them. To be quite honest, he looked like he just crawled out of the sewer and smelled like it too. He had an odor that reminded me of the summers I spent helping my uncle at his funeral home. He smelled like death!!!. But he was friendly. He ran out of the box, ran up to me, let me pick him up, and licked my face for what had to been at least 10 minutes. He was wagging his tail and just going crazy with excitement and so was I. I told the lady, “This little guy ain’t dying today, Roscoe has a new home.” A look of worry fell over her face. - After filling out some paperwork and getting his dog license. I took Roscoe home. First on the agenda was a bath. He was rather calm in the bath, seem to enjoy it really. After that, I dried him off and brushed him out. I had to use one of my old brushes, since I didn’t have a dog brush. We went to the local pet store next. I won’t mention the name of the place, due to legal matters. I’ll just say the people there are smart about pets. We got all the necessities needed to take care of my new friend. The drive home started out normal, just driving down the road. I’ve always been a cautious driver, always doing the speed limit or below. Apparently, the guy in the car behind me didn’t like it and sped up to pass me, everyone usually does. He pulled along side of me and yelled, “Get the hell out of the way, Moron. Learn how to drive.” Roscoe went crazy, barking and jumping up on the dash as the guy passed. Growling, showing all his teeth, drooling and clawing the dash. The red tint in his eyes was becoming to be more apparent now. He began banging his head against the windshield, in a crazed attempt to get at the guy, hitting it so hard, it split his forehead open. Blood running down his face, on the windshield and dash. Oh my God!! What the hell is happening. Roscoe calm down!!!, stop!!! Roscoe stop!!! I finally had to pull on the side of the road. Roscoe still frantic. I throw an old shirt over him, so he couldn’t see, grabbed him, telling him it’s ok, over and over again. His body went limp, I thought he was dead. I pulled the shirt from over him, and the second i did, his eyes opened, and he was wide eyed and bushy tailed and ready to play. Like nothing ever happened. What the hell!!! I took the shirt and held it over his forehead, stopping the blood. I washed him up fully when we got home. Cleaning the dash and windshield as well. We spent the rest of the day playing in the yard and hanging around the house so he could get used to his new home. - The trailer park in live in isn’t the best of places to live. The lot rent is cheap, but that’s the only good thing about it. It’s a dirt road, in a U shape with trailers running parallel with the road on both sides. This is apparently where the term, “trailer trash”, came from. It’s not that the people are bad or anything. Its just cleanliness isn’t their way of life. Old refrigerators, car parts, and various other piles of junk clutter their yards. The trailer at the end, in front of the park, has been raided a couple times by local police and there is always cars pulling in and out of there. I think they’re selling drugs, but that’s none of my business. In the middle of the park is what the park manager calls a “playground”. It consists an old, beat-up swing set, a rickety metal slide, and a sandbox that most of the cats around here use as a litter box. Most of the older folks here just sit out there and talk all day, no kids ever play there, who can blame them, it’s a lawsuit waiting to happen The night I realized Roscoe was the perfect friend for me came about two months later. That night, while taking him for a walk around the park before going to bed. We passed the old playground. Something told me not to cut through there, just complete the circle around the park and go home. but it was close to my house and I was really tired. At the playground, there were two guys I’d never seen before, in black hoodies, just hanging out. One on the swing, the other on the slide. As I passed them, I heard the guy on the swing say, “Nice dog, can I pet him?” I said, “Sure.” As the one guy bent down to pet Roscoe. I heard the cocking of a gun, and felt the barrel press hard against the back of my neck. “Give me your freaking money or you’re dead”, the guy from the slide, who now had a gun said. The other guy leaped up and grabbed me and slammed me against the slide, dripping the leash in the process. What happened next, sent shivers down my spine and filled me with excitement at the same time. Roscoe went insane, his eyes turned bright red. Skipping the growling and clawing part and went straight for the guys neck. He leaped up from a sitting position, and grabbed the guys throat, digging his claws into the side of his neck and ripping out his voice box with his teeth. Blood spewing everywhere, as the guy fell to the ground. Roscoe still attached. The guy with the gun ran like a bitch. The guy on the ground was gasping for air, blood pouring out of his mouth, and the hole in his throat, as he choked on it. He tried to hit Roscoe to get him off. But, my boy was relentless, biting and clawing at the guys face, ripping and tearing his eyes out, part of his cheek and his entire nose, down to the socket. Maybe I’m wrong for this, but I don’t care. After years of being messed with by assholes like this. It was great to finally get revenge. I started chanting Roscoe on. “Get ‘em, boy. Get ‘em. Kill that piece of crap” and that’s just what he did. As the guy took his last breath, Roscoe stepped back and fell over, his body limp and lifeless. Blood covering his snout, with pieces of flesh and eyeballs hanging from his mouth. Two seconds later, he sprung back to life, happy and energetic, chewing on the eyeball pieces like a play toy. “Good boy, Roscoe.”, I said, as I picked him up, staring at the mutilated corpse that lay at my feet and smiled. “Screw ‘em, let the cats eat the rest.”, I said. I carried Roscoe home, washed him off and fed him the biggest steak I had. Raw, of course, just how he likes it. I had the best nights sleep that I’ve ever had that night. Roscoe right by my side. Homicide detectives and police flooded the park the day after, going door to door looking for witnesses as to what happened. Mrs. Jacobson, from three trailers down, found the body. She had to be given oxygen and a ride in the ambulance to get checked out, it traumatized her so bad. I’m sorry, Mrs. Jacobson. I really am. When the cops came to my door, I, of course, saw nothing and Roscoe was on his best behavior, laying on the living room floor pretending to be asleep. I watched the coroner carry the body away. The cops finished up and went away. I asked my neighbor what happened, and she said, “some guy was mauled to death last night. The cops think it was some kind of wild animal that escaped from the circus that came through about a year ago and attacked the guy. There have been numerous bodies found in the area with wounds such as the ones they found today. They’re writing it off as that.” Roscoe and I couldn’t be happier together. He has a loving home and I get to seek revenge. So, if any of you assholes from my past are reading this. I haven’t forgotten. I WILL find you. I WILL get you. Well, Roscoe will. He’s not a BAD dog, he’s just very protective. (Dog Barks) Good boy, Roscoe!!!
A+Buffet It’s definitely not the scariest thing I’ve been through, but for sure one of the creepiest. I’m a 19 year female, but when this happened I was 17. So this happened around the beginning of April of 2018. I was out with my family and my still current boyfriend shopping for prom shit. I wasn’t really big into the whole prom thing, but was going for I guess the experience. (The most boring night of my life by the way, but anyways back to the story) After the whole shopping thing was finally over, we decided to go get food from somewhere. My older brother mentioned A+Buffet/Mongolian Grill. We all decided that sounded pretty good, and headed over there. As we’re eating, laughing, and talking (you know what people do) I noticed an older man maybe late 60s to early 70s looking at me.. smiling.. I turned around thinking maybe he was looking at someone else, but no one was behind me. So that meant he was looking straight at me. I got a little weirded out, but brushed it off and continued eating. A minute or two later I look at him again. Now not only is he still looking at me, smiling.. but he’s also making kissy faces at me. I got a little nervous and uncomfortable. So I quietly mentioned it to my family and boyfriend. They all told me to ignore him, and that we’re leaving soon. I calmed down a little bit, but I couldn’t help but look back at the man. I wish I didn’t, because when I did my stomach dropped, and I was now on the verge of crying. He’s now wiggling his tongue in between his middle and index finger. (I’m sure everyone knows what that means) I couldn’t take it anymore. I started crying, and ran out of the restaurant. I know, call me a pussy, but I’ve been raped and sexually assaulted before. And obviously going through that shit was a very traumatic experience for me. As for anyone whose been through it. But I was extremely uncomfortable, and I couldn’t be in there a second longer. Turns out after I left, my foster mom yelled at him for making me uncomfortable, but he wouldn’t even acknowledge her presence. He was too busy staring at my boyfriend with rage plastered on his face. I haven’t gone back to that restaurant or seen that man since. And I would like to keep it that way.
My Sleep Paralysis Episode
Just to start off I am not a writer. So I’m sorry if I made any grammar mistakes or if something doesn’t make sense. I know I can be a little jumpy with details sometimes. I hope you can enjoy, and please be respectful! Now I guess onto my story! I am a 19 year old female, and at the time that all of this happened to me I was 17. So just to give some long and necessary background. I was and still dating a guy named Kyle. (That’s not his real name, but go with it) We shared a small group of friends. We were all pretty close to each other. We did almost everything together. Especially, when it involved smoking weed, and doing other harder substances. They were pretty chill and trustworthy friends... or so I thought. Anyways, one day two weeks before my junior year started. I was hanging out with the group at one of their houses, and I just so happened to fall asleep after a while of being there. I woke up probably 5 minutes later to one of my friends touching my inner thigh. (Just to note, I was the only female in the group, and my boyfriend wasn’t there when this occurred. He was at show choir practice. So he couldn’t have been there even if he wanted to) When the friend touching me noticed I woke up he immediately stopped, and I ran into the bathroom crying. (I’ve been raped and sexually assaulted before.. so just going through it again isn’t the greatest feeling) A few minutes past by and I left the bathroom. I pulled one of my friends aside and told him what happened. His response shocked me. He said he saw what happened, but he didn’t stop him... I don’t know why he didn’t, and I guess I’ll never know. But that same friend told me not to tell Kyle, because he didn’t want any friendships ruined. Well I obviously told Kyle after show choir practice, and he was understandably pissed off. We’ve come to the agreement that we will no longer be friends with them anymore. A few days went by still avoiding the group, and we would receive a lot of messages from them but they were shocking and hurtful messages saying "I’m being overdramatic" "that it’s my fault that it happened" "just act like nothing ever happened" "he didn’t really sexually assault me" and so on. I was pretty destroyed reading all those messages coming from those so called "friends" but for some stupid reason.. we all became friends again when school started. I know what you’re thinking. Why would we go back to that shitty group of friends? I guess our only lame excuse is that we hate confrontation, and we wanted things to go back to normal. I wanted to feel normal again. Well obviously it wasn’t the best idea taking back those friends, especially the one who touched me. Because it started to really affect me mentally. I became super depressed, I developed really bad trust issues with EVERYONE (including my boyfriend), I would constantly have panic attacks throughout the day, I started self harming again, I was extremely suicidal, and I was failing all of my classes because I rarely showed up to school. The school attendants and staff had no idea what was wrong with me. I would refuse to tell them and my family. But one day came around and I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I told my family, and at first they were supportive, but then it quickly changed. (I don’t really want to go into the details) but for a long time I felt so alone. Later on around November 2017, my boyfriend did something behind my back with another girl. HE DIDN’T CHEAT ON ME!!! He just sold some weed to her. But for some odd reason I mentally got worse. I just didn’t know how to cope with anything that has and was happening to me. I started mentally abusing my boyfriend. Like extremely bad to where he hated himself, and I think at some point he even became suicidal. Deep down it made me happy. I wanted someone to feel pain to.. but It got so bad to where we broke up twice, but then got back together the same day each time. Now fast forward to around February 2018. One night that’s when it it happened. I was having trouble sleeping, and it was getting late. I also had school the next morning, so I was getting pretty frustrated. Finally around 1am I started dosing off. I found myself awake probably about 10 to 15 minutes later. I noticed a tall dark figure standing across the room in my closet. At first, I thought it was my older brother messing with me because he’s done stuff like this before. But as I tried to say his name.. I couldn’t. That’s when I realized I couldn’t speak, couldn’t move, I was paralyzed. So as I’m staring at this figure in my closet wondering what the fuck is happening.. the figure starts moving closer to me. Then I noticed it kind of looks like it was floating towards me. I can feel myself panicking, but I couldn’t move or say anything. So when the tall dark figure reached the side of my bed.. I kid you not.. it bent over and grabbed my nose. Now I couldn’t breathe through of my nose or mouth. I’m just staring at this dark figure. It’s face was so close to mine, but I couldn’t make out any features. I can feel my heart trying to break out of my chest, my lungs are hurting like hell because I couldn’t breathe. I legitimately thought I was going to die, but suddenly I quickly sat up, gasping for air, looking around my room for that figure, but it wasn’t there. I was scared. I was so scared. I didn’t know what just happened. I thought I just had the most realistic nightmare of my life. I mean I guess that’s kind of what happened. The next morning when my boyfriend picked me up for school, I told him about the realistic nightmare. He said "that’s creepy", and that was that. A few weeks later I brought it up to my older brother, and that’s when he told me that I actually had sleep paralysis. I had no clue what sleep paralysis is, but after hearing his definition of it and doing some research. I was really freaked out. I read online that stress, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, and some other things can cause sleep paralysis. I realized that everything that had happened to me sort of recently played a big part in my sleep paralysis episode that night. I would be lying if I said I didn’t have trouble sleeping for a while after that, but I eventually got over it. But every now and then.. I do get a little nervous to go to sleep. Fast forward to now! 2020! Kyle and I are doing really well. Better than ever!! We are renting our own apartment! We have two cats, and they are absolutely amazing! Our 3 year anniversary is next month, and we are extremely excited! On another note, September 22, 2019 I was diagnosed with extreme depression and anxiety disorder, but I now go to therapy and take medications to help with that. I have never felt better and happier! Oh! And in case you were wondering, we are no longer hanging with those shit friends anymore.
Les pires mois de ma vie.
Tout ce que je vais écrire mes réellement arrivé. Tout à commencer en octobre 2018 j'avais 14 ans. Je vis dans la campagne au Québec. Du coup il y a beaucoup de maison dans le coin. J'ai une maison à 2 étages elle est assez grande. Mon père travaillait de 11h pm à 9h am et ma mère elle travaillait de 7h am à 5h pm. Donc j'étais seul pendant 2h je reste seul. Bon presque seule j'avais 4 chien 2 carlin 1 chiwawa et mon fidèle compagnon mon labrador. Un matin je me réveille vers 8h et mes 3 petits chiens hurlent à la mort. Donc je regarde par ma fenêtre et la il y avait deux personnes. Je pensais que c'était ma mère avec mon père. Mais mon labrador qui dors avec moi se mes à hurlé à son tour donc je monte à L'étage pour qu'il arrête de japper mes je remarque que je ne les connais pas. Donc je décide de foncés récupérés une arme et de lâcher mon chien les individus son parti très vite. Ensuite je n'ai plus ue de nouvelles de ses individus. En Décembre j'était parti m'amuser avec mes copains au retour chez moi je remarque q une voiture me suivait quand je me suis tournée et je vis un flash. Du coup comme tout personnes sensé j'ai piqué un sprint. Pendant les semaine qui suivent quand je sortais je portais un couteau de poche. Depuis je n'ai pas u de nouvelles de ses individus.
The symbol part two
Again im sorry about my grammar, but i hope you go to enjoy this part two and ill see you in part three Also i changed up a few things one being the title and two being Mr. Michaels to Ms. Michaels As i sit at my desk and im examining the letter i noticed a weird symbol on the top right corner. So i grab my magnifier to see the symbol a little better, and the next thing i know is i wake up in the morning laying on the floor. Its 5:45am... i see 3 text messages and 5 miss calls from Ms Michaels, the text message say "you need to call me asap" 2nd " I see josh" 3rd " hes knocking at door, telling me to open it"... the last text message was at 3:33am.. the last phone call was 15 mins ago! I call Ms Michaels back at 6:00am. Me "Hello" Ms Michaels "hi" Me "everything okay? I seen your text messages and phone calls?" Ms Michaels "yes! We need to meet in person we need to talk!" Me "okay meet me at my office in 30 minutes" 6:35 You made it on time i say to him! Yeah i was around the corner... so whats going on what happened last night? Well i was sitting on the couch watching tv, i start to hear this noise. Then some scratches on the door, then knocking. I stand up and look out the window, i see josh standing there looking right at me yelling. "Open the door dear".. im frozen hard to breathe i start getting a pounding headache. Then Josh gets this weird look in his eyes, then he starts yelling "open the damn door Jamie".. then i start to cry.. then the next thing i know is that im laying in the kitchen with my phone in my hand and you calling me! Jamie can we go back to your house and look through joshs things, i have to start understanding more of what he was doing around the time he died?! Of course we can! 9:00am Can you show me where his office is? Yes its right this way, do you know what are you looking for in particular? Yes there was this symbol on the letter that i noticed last night, thats when i woke up on the floor with missed calls and texts from you! But can i have a few minutes alone in here? Yes of course anything! So i look on the bookshelf and in the desk, i start to give up. So i start to walk out the door, I shut the light off and see a glow from behind the bookshelf. Walk over and notice something i didn't before, the symbol I have been looking for. I push on it and i hear a click and the door comes open! Its so bright, i walk in and lights out! Jamie comes into the room calling for me, he finds me in the secret room. Jon how did you get in here, where is here? Id ask you same thing, what was it Josh was looking for? Jamie to be honest I really don't know. Josh was always saying something about being able to live forever. So we would go on all these trips all around the world, i thought we were just going on vacations. Not really thinking he was looking for something. Our last trip was to Mexico, you know where the Aztecs lived all those years ago. The ruins of the lost city, we had gone in this little cave. It was so dark, i thought he was trying to be romantic. We got separated in this cave i was so scared! I eventually found my way out and waited for him to come out. It was hours, it started to get dark. Then right before i left to get help he comes out with this weird staff thing and a book.. it had this weird symbol on it, the staff had the same thing on it. Kinda like one was needed for the other. Jamie, was josh acting differently when you guys came home? Yea it was like he had this glaze to him, like he was there but wasn't. Also is the book and staff here? No its at his office downtown. What was he doing for work? Josh was Archeologist and a historian. Can you show me to his office tomorrow? Of course i can! 8:34pm I make it back to my house, begin to read the letter. I couldn't remember what it said, i wanted to make sure what i was seeing what jamie was telling me matches... so i start to read and i get a phone call.. its my sister telling me our brother died.. and the way he died wasnt like anything shes ever seen. Like something out of a horror movie, that i need to get out home as soon as i can!
[Fiction]The suicide note of a murder Part one
Hey guys im sorry about my grammar in this story! Its my first time ever writing. So if you guys can bear through it and enjoy it and the feedback is good ill make a part two hello guys my names Jonathon, and to give you some back story. lets get to know me, im 25, im kinda like a PI of sorts. i get all kinds of people coming to my door asking me for help! ive been a PI for about 4 years, its paid the bills. now i wouldnt say its the best job to have, ive done some weird stuff to get the story i needed. but lets get to my story!! It was a Monday evening when I got a phone call, it was a male Id guess maybe around my age. Anyways he asked if he could come into my office to see if i would take this case and that he'd pay me double what i ask for. Now me being me kinda got greedy. So i said "sure, come on in at about 6:30 pm." Great he said.. 6:30 pm came around and nothing, nobody showed up. 7:00 came and gone, so right when i started to clean up to leave which was around 8:30 PM, i hear a knock at my door. This guy with redish hair and dark black glasses comes in. "Sorry im late traffic was hell." He said. Ohh no its okay! I replied, come in and have a seat! So Mr... i started to say. Michaels is my name! Good to meet you, i didnt get your name earlier. So Mr Michaels whats this case i could take up for you? He slides over a envelope over to me.. whats this i asked? Its everything you need to find out what happened to my husband... I open the envelope to see a picture and a suicide note. The picture was of a man in his late 20s, tall with short dirty blonde hair, blue eyes.. Mr Michaels says "thats my husband, his name was Josh." The note doesn't make sense because he was a nice/loving man! He'd never hurt a fly, we had everything. We were so happy! Okay could you tell me how he umm.. killed himself said Michael... Yes! Well he climbed up to the top of the building downtown that he worked at and jumped... when the cops and the inspectors got to the scene of the accident they ruled it as just another jumper. But when they started the autopsy they said he was impaled by something, that it couldn't have been a suicide. But the detectives still ruled it out to be a suicide! Okay Mr Michaels ill take the case for you! At this point it was about 10pm, im exhausted. So i show Mr Michaels to the door, pressed to clean up the files and go home. 11:30 pm i get home unpack all my stuff, get my glass of whiskey. Sit at my desk and pull out the suicide note and begin to read...
(True) Almost killed by drug dealer (Edited version
Ok guys I have had to post this story 3 times now hopefully this time I will get it right.I am pretty new to posting stories but hear it goes.To start off this isn’t my story but rather one that my dad told me about my uncle Edward.My uncle Edward died from pneumonia back in 2014.I was born but was to young to remember anything about my uncle Edward accept for the sight of his lifeless body laying in his casket.The sight is know burned into my mind.Later on my dad,my uncles brother told me that my uncle was an alcoholic and drug addict.My uncles addiction caused him to lie and steel from my dad and other members of my family.My dad had told me stories about my uncle Edward,some good some bad.Today were going to be talking about one of the most scariest stories I’ve ever heard regarding my uncle.This took place at some point in the late 90s before I was born.My uncle and dad were living with my nana at the time my dad noticed the windows on his ford escort were shattered.Suspecting my uncle had something to do with it my dad confronted him about it.My uncle lied and said that kids were responsible.My dad knew that was a load of crap so he gave my uncle a good beating until he told the truth.The truth is that my uncle didn’t have a car so he stole my dads car to go meet with some drug dealers.My uncle owed the dealers money but didn’t have any.My uncle drove off but the dealers shot at the car intending to kill him.The police were never called.My uncle was lucky that time but latter on my uncles addiction was taking a toll on his health and later developed pneumonia.The years of drug abuse weekend his body and was unable to fight the pneumonia and ultimately died.It is a very hard thing to live with the fact that I never got to know my uncle do to drugs.Oh ya and to those drug dealers who tried to kill my uncle I hope you sickos rot in jail were you belong.
Almost killed by drug dealer (better version)
Hi I hope you guys are doing well.To fully understand the story let’s back track a little.I lost my uncle Edward to pneumonia in 2014.At the time I was in elementary school and I still have the image of his lifeless body sitting in that casket burned into my mind.A few years later I learned from my dad,my uncles brother that my uncle Edward was an alcoholic and drug addict.My dad had a lot of problems with my uncle lying and stealing.One story that my dad told me about my uncle stands out among the rest however.This happened at some point in the late 90s.At the time my uncle and my dad were living with my Nana.My dad noticed that the windows on his car were shattered.My dad confronted my uncle about it.My uncle said that kids were responsible.If you have ever had to deal with an addict you will know that they are not very trooth full.My dad new that my uncle was trying to hide something so my dad gave him a good beating until he told the truth.My uncle did not have a car so he stole my dads car to go meet with his dealer.My uncle owned the dealer money but he didn’t have any so he drove off.The dealer shot at the car as my uncle drove away.My uncle was not injured in the incident.This may not be all that scary to some of you but I thought it was a scary story.Now I have to live with the fact that I had an uncle who I didn’t get to know.
Almost killed by drug dealer
Hi guys,first time poster.This story took place before I was born sometime in the late 90s I believe and was told to me by my dad.I have many uncles.One of them being my uncle Edward.My uncle Edward was an alcoholic and drug addict.My uncles addiction lead to him lying and steeling.My uncle and my dad were living with my Nana at the time when this incident happens.My uncle stole my dads car witch at the time was a ford escort in the middle of the night to go meet with drug dealers.In the morning my dad noticed that the windows on my dads car were shattered.My dad confronted my uncle about it.My uncle lied and said that kids were responsible for damaging the car.My dad knew my uncle was lying and pretty much beat him up until he told the trooth.What really happens was that my uncle owed his dealer money but was unable to pay him because he did not have any.My uncle drove away but the dealer shot at the car shattering the windows but my uncle was lucky and survived.My uncle died in 2014 do to an issue regarding his lunges.I am forced to live with the fact that I didn’t get to know my uncle thanks to drugs.Please think before you act and don’t do drugs.
Scary Halloween story
This story happened back in 2017.I was trick or treating when my legs started to hurt like hell.Thankfully my house was near by so I walked home.My dad checked on me and said that he was going to be at the the house across the lawn.I said ok and my dad left.I was laying on the couch eating some candy when suddenly my body went numb and I couldn’t move.My vision got wired the best way to put it is big black snowflakes.I tried to scream but nothing came out.I was suddenly able to move my head and looked into the other room were I saw a tall figure walking very slowly but then it all ended and I was able to move again.I told my mom about it along with a few friends.If any of you have any good explanations on why this happened please tell me.
[FEMALE NARRATOR AVAILABLE] to meet your storytelling needs
TRUE) the time me and my friend went skiing it didn't go so well
this story is from a female i was 13 when this happened. Sorry if theirs some grammar mistakes in this) The winter 2018 me and my friend jenny got really into skiing theirs a lot of snow because we live in Norway usually we went with her dad but this time we didn't everything was great we where laughing so hard i could barely breath but then when we where on the trail that takes us home (So hears something you have to know the trail is kinda like a T its like a right line so when we saw that man he was coming towards us but we went into that turn, its kind of confusing). So my friend is a lot better at skiing then i am so i was behind her i looked back and saw that man and keep in mind that we where 300 feet away from him so we think that he ran towards us when took that turn but then slowed down when we could see him. He kept on walking and then i saw behind me again and i saw he turned and began sprinting towards us so i yelled at my friend ( hes coming! ) then we began to run with our skis but that didn't work so i had to take of my skis and finally i got them of i was running so fast but my skis kept falling because i was holding them in my hand and at this point i felt blood in my mouth i was tired i just wanted to stop but i couldn't finally we made it up a hill and that's the path that gets us into the neighborhood but then we kinda like stopped because we thought that he was gone i looked in my friends eyes and her pupils got so big i instantly knew what it was we ran in to the neighborhood and i dropped my ski but i didn't care so hears where the miracle happened me and my friend are neighbors just on the opposite side so her house is closes so her house is mostly locked but when we ran to the front door it was unlocked so we ran inside and her mom said are you guys ok and we told her everything we started baling her mom called my dad and he went looking for my ski and the man he wasn't skiing he had on black clothing and by the way he found my ski but im never going skiing alone again never think things like this cant happen to you it can.
British female horror story narrator?
I'm interested in starting a YouTube channel where I narrate scary/horror stories. I'm a female, soft spoken Southern Brit, I've been told I'm easy to open up to mainly because of my voice and I love listening to and reading horror stories.. Would anyone be interested in watching/listening if I posted something? Was thinking I could post a few snippets of stories here and if they are well recieved I'll create the channel. And I'd love to mostly use stories submitted by anyone on here, doesn't have to be scary though I do prefer a bit of suspense!