person A: I was so let down when i didnt get the last job i applied for.. person B: I've been in that boat. What do you think the issue was? person A: Its hard to know. If I had to guess I couldnt unfortunately. person B: That stinks. I've been interviewing also. I had two places call me back for three interviews and then no offer. So I feel ya. Just keep looking.
person A: I had to help my friend move out of their house person B: how did that go? person A: It went ok_comma_ i was tired after person B: Was it a long move? person A: Not really no
person A: I didn't have any friends when i was younger. person B: Why didn't you have any friends? person A: Well i was socially awkward due to my learning disability at the time. I would also just sit at my computer and play games. person B: What games did you play at the time?
person A: My friend who I grew up with recently passed away. person B: Sorry to hear that_comma_ what happened? person A: A car accident. It was pretty tragic and terrible. person B: That's awful_comma_ people need to be more careful
person A: I cheated on my boyfriend once. person B: Did you tell him_comma_ or did he find out? person A: I told him and I felt horrible and terrible for my actions. person B: Awe_comma_ I am sorry. In those instances_comma_ nobody wins. I hope you guys came out of it stronger than before
person A: I was doing a team thing_comma_ and we won so i was happy person B: what was the team activity? person A: We had to do a presentation for a job person B: I'm happy it went well for you!
person A: Yesterday I went to the doctor and had to get a shot. person B: What is your health issue? person A: I am having shoulder pain from an injury 7-8 years ago. He decided I should have a cortisone shot. person B: Sorry to hear that. I have same issues with my knees.
person A: I broke my coworker statue which was on her desk. I feel so bad about it. person B: Oh no_comma_ were you able to tell her you did it? person A: Yes but there is no way to replace that statue. It was a sentimental object for her person B: Ugh_comma_ I'm sure that was hard. I'm sorry you had to go through that.
person A: I really dislike people that don't have kindness and have hate in their hearts. person B: I SO agree. I would not want to live like that. And it's one thing if they're only affecting themselves -- but when it's aimed at others -- the worst. person A: I know!.My brother's sister is a very negative person who dislikes a lot of people for no reason! person B: Isn't that weird? I mean it takes *energy* to be that negative! Does your brother feel that too? Or just can't/won't see it?
person A: My mom just completed seven weeks of radiation treatments for breast cancer! person B: How is she feeling? person A: She's feeling great! I'm so thankful she had such great doctors to treat her! person B: That's terrific. Hopefully she continues to get better and better.
person A: I saw my boyfriend commenting on another girls Facebook photos. person B: How did that make you feel person A: I was very jealous and angry_comma_ insecure. person B: Did you confront him
person A: I broke my phone person B: OH I am sorry to hear that. How? person A: I dropped it lol person B: Oh no! I hope you can fix it!
person A: I recently studied very hard for a final exam person B: I remember those days_comma_ what subject? person A: Physics. It was hard but very worth it. person B: It sounds hard! What grade did you get?
person A: I do miss the last decade.I was adolescent and had a lot of fun. person B: I have the same feeling but for the last 90s and early 2000's. Being an adult is no fun. person A: No_comma_ it's not.Al responsabilities and no fun. I wish i was Peter Pan. person B: Yes or rich. When I was a kid I wanted to grow up. Now that I'm old I want to be a kid again.
person A: My son was invited for a sleepover but we don't know the host family very well. person B: Did you decline? I would not feel very comfortable until i got to know the family. person A: Yes_comma_ and it was hard to decide because my son really wanted to go. But you can't just trust anybody these days. person B: I agree_comma_ you made the right choice. And it gives you time to get to know the hosts before a future sleepover!
person A: While I was on maternity leave_comma_ I worked from home a little bit. I don't think my boss liked it very much though. person B: Oh_comma_ well that isn't fair of your boss! Most people wouldn't work at all while are maternity leave_comma_ he should be grateful! person A: You would think_comma_ but he would literally yell at me over the phone about things that happened when I wasn't even there. person B: Well_comma_ sounds like your boss is stressed out too much and taking it out on you! Maybe he needs a long break!
person A: I stayed up until midnight and watched ESPN to see who would acquire him. I thought he would end up staying in Cleveland. person B: Do you mean LeBron James? I was hoping he'd come to Miami! person A: Yes I do! Wow_comma_ if he went to Miami that would've been crazy! person B: I wish he would have! The Heat can use his help! Haha!
person A: I was so shocked that my husband bought me tickets to see my favorite NFL team_comma_ the Steelers_comma_ in Jacksonville! person B: That must've been awesome. I've only been to one NFL game and it was wild! person A: The game is in November! I've never been to an NFL game! I was so shocked that he bought the tickets! person B: I can imagine! I remember finding out I got free tickets to Disney World one time_comma_ I was ecstatic.
person A: My apartment was robbed. I was totaly devastated by seeing the damages and what was stolen. person B: Wow I am so sorry. That had to be so scary. Were the cops able to find any evidence? person A: No_comma_ they were totaly useless person B: man I was hoping they would be able to help in some way! I hope they didn't take anything to personal!
person A: My husband and I went to dinner tonight and were looking at pictures of our kids when they were really little. person B: How sweet! How old are they now? person A: They are 18 and almost 16_comma_ they say the days go by so slow but the years fly by - and they are right. I can't believe they are not that little anymore. person B: This is true for me as well_comma_ I have a 17 and 19 years old. I can't believe it_comma_ and just turned 40 on the 5th.
person A: I hate the ocean. I am very scared. person B: That's..intriguing. Is there any particular reason why you're scared of the ocean? person A: I almost drowned once when I was little. person B: Really? Same..I was about 5 in the deep end by myself. How old were you?
person A: I tried OkCupid last year for the first time...the first girl I met was decent in the pictures_comma_ but turned out to be a bombshell in person... person B: I do not like OkCupid. person A: Okay buddy what do you like person B: I prefer Tinder.
person A: I wish I was Brad Pitt. person B: I wish i was Chris Pratt but why do you wanna be "The Pitt" person A: He makes a lot of money and is famous. person B: This is very true_comma_ But would you want to be bugged by people all the time.
person A: So when i got Pokemon for christmas was i was a kid i was so surprised i lost my mind i was so happy and hyper. person B: I love Pokemon. person A: Nice_comma_ They also got it on recording so you just see me screaming "POKEMON! POKEMON!" person B: Cool. I liked Pokemon blue.
person A: When I fail at school I get so mad. person B: Why do you fail? Do you not study? person A: I do study but I am not smart. person B: No one is smart until they learn to be smart. We are all born with brains but not smarts. We must gain smarts.
person A: I wish I was Donald Trump. His life is amazing. person B: You can be the next trump if you work hard. person A: I hope so. I want to be rich like him. person B: You have to work hard and get good at somehting.
person A: I cried all day when my grandma died. person B: I'm sorry to hear that. You two were close? person A: Yes. I visited her every summer. person B: I did the same with mine. I lived with her during the summers and went home when school started back.
person A: Ugh_comma_ I was so embarrassed with myself the other day for snapping at a sales lady. person B: Hey_comma_ it happens sometimes. What was the situation? person A: I wanted to purchase an item that was marked wrong and she refused to honor the posted price. I thought it was shady_comma_ but she ended up being so nice and helpful. I felt so bad. person B: Trust me I've been there! Some days are better than others. Did you apologize?
person A: I remember when Jordan hit that game winning shot against my Utah Jazz in the late 90's. Still can't believe it. person B: I know that must have been so disappointing! person A: We would beat them in the regular season over and over but when it came to the finals and specifically the 98' finals_comma_ the Bulls just ruined any chance the Jazz had. person B: Well there will always be other chances for this match up to play out again.
person A: My husband is an over the road truck driver and I dont get to see him a lot. person B: I'm sorry to hear that. It must be difficult to be away from the one you love. person A: Yes. We have been blessed to be able to comfort each other through the tough times. person B: I'm glad to hear that. I wish you continued love and success with your marriage. It's a rare gift to have these days.
person A: My friend Phil really bugs me. person B: Does he have good characteristics too_comma_ or is he just annoying all the time? person A: He is a nice guy but talks too much. person B: Does he at least have interesting things to say when he talks?
person A: So my father has done some dumb things. He missed a soccer game once and i was just not happy with him. person B: Sorry to hear that. Do you play soccer person A: Not anymore_comma_ I play Hockey more which he would show up to those games. person B: Oh cool. Maybe he was more of a hockey fan person A: He is honestly person B: How long have you been playing
person A: Before I sucked at talking to I'm getting numbers left and right person B: Yeah when you break that fear from asking life gets A LOT better. person A: For sure. Are you female or male person B: I am a male so it was hard at first to do that since most girls do want some assertive guys.
person A: I wish I never lied to my dad. person B: I'm sure you had a good reason. What was it about? person A: About my test score at school. person B: Why would you lie about that? It couldn't have been that bad?
person A: We are having our family reunion this weekend. It should be a lot of fun person B: I love family reunions. person A: I'm gald we are doing it because we didn't have one last year. I proud that we can overcome our difference and hang out. person B: Thats great. Where did you meet? person A: My dad's side of my family. person B: That's great. Where did you meet?
person A: I feel at school in front of the whole class.
person A: I listened to a song the other day that reminded me of the past. person B: What song was it? person A: Glycerine by Bush. It made me feel odd_comma_ like I was in the past. person B: I've never heard of it_comma_ is it from the 80's?
person A: When I was 7 I was always the first to check for gifts under the tree on Christmas Eve. I was disappointed when there was nothing there...but the next morning woke up to an Xbox 360 person B: I have a Xbox 360. person A: That's cool. What are your favorite games mine are COD MWII and madden person B: I love Madden.
person A: I know I will pass my English class. person B: Cool. What makes you so confident person A: I have studied and know the material. person B: Nice. gotta love easy credit when you put in the work
person A: I wish I was Batman. He is cool. person B: He is cool. I would settle for a British butler. Is he your favorite super hero? person A: Yes not even close. He is the best. person B: I really like Batman too_comma_ Christian Bale is my favorite Batman.
person A: I am ready for my vacation. person B: So exciting! Where are you going again? person A: I am going to Australia. person B: Whoa! That's incredible! I've never even been out of the country. Who are you going with again?
person A: I always feel loyality is the strongest thing in a relationship. person B: I agree completely. person A: My girlfriend makes me so happy just why would i want to destroy that. person B: Where did you meet her?
person A: I really enjoyed IT_comma_ I was surprised. person B: The movie or Information Technology? person A: The movie. It was really good. person B: I liked it a lot too_comma_ Can't wait for the next part of it.
person A: I am ready for school to start. person B: Me too! When do you start school? person A: In August_comma_ when do you? person B: August as well. What are you studying?
person A: I am so mad at my son. person B: What did he do? person A: I asked him three times today to do his chores and they still aren't done. I don't know what I have to do to make him listen. person B: Did you try to bribe him?
person A: My husband brought me a birthday present last month that I was very excited to receive person B: What did he buy you? person A: An iPhone 8! I sooo needed a new one_comma_ I've been using a 5 for years and it would barely hold a charge. I really like the 8. person B: I have an iphone7. person A: I think I'm going to get my girls a 7 for Christmas. They are at that age that they are no longer into toys and really just want money LOL!
person A: I wish I was Elon Musk. person B: I've heard his net worth is like $20.9 billion dollars!! I wish I was him too - LOL! person A: Yes and started SpaceX. person B: If I were to travel to Mars_comma_ it would be with him!
person A: People caring is good but i will say i have never cared as much for a creature than my first dog. person B: I can totally relate. Dogs are better than most people. What kid of dog was it? person A: He was a Dachshund lived til he was 18. I miss him still. person B: I'm sorry. Dogs take a piece of our hearts when they go. 18 years is a very long life for a dog_comma_ I bet you had a lot of great times together!
person A: When I saw a guy on facebook post a video of himself deadlifting 335lbs and getting attention from some cute girls...I had my buddy record me bench pressing 350lbs which is way harder...and felt much better after that person B: Wow_comma_ you are strong. person A: Thanks. Been doing it for 3 years_comma_ but anyone can get there! person B: What do you eat to be so strong? person A: Anything and everything. No lie
person A: I am ready to visit Fenway Park. person B: That's cool. I'm still a Boston boy...lived in Lowell_comma_ MA in 4-5th grade person A: That is cool. Have you been to Fenway Park? person B: No I want to though. Did you score tickets or something
person A: I took a vacation to Mexico_comma_ but was scared to go anywhere because of the crime in the area. person B: Oh_comma_ I'm sorry to hear that. Did you stay in the capital? person A: I'm not sure_comma_ I think it was Cozmuzel or something like that person B: Oh no! Next time_comma_ make sure you go to Mexico City! It's a blast! Besides_comma_ Cozumel isn't really that dangerous at all.
person A: At work_comma_ my coworker are suprised how confident I am in being able to achieve difficult taks. person B: That's great! It's important to have confidence in yourself and your abilities at work to be successful. It's a good example to set for your coworkers too! person A: Thanks I appreciate. It is my manager that is happy person B: Well_comma_ that's the most important one to make sure is happy! Good for you!
person A: I've lived in my house for 19 years and I'm finally remodeling my kitchen! person B: I can relate - we've been in our house 18 years and have yet to do anything. What style are you doing it in? person A: We are picking out stainless steel appliances_comma_ white cabinets and quartz countertops. It's so much fun to pick everything out! person B: I bet you are having a blast!!! How long do you think the renovations will take until you are done?
person A: I was very sick when our first daughter was born. I developed HELLP syndrome with her and was in the hospital for 7 days. person B: Oh_comma_ that's terrible!! What is HELLP syndrome? person A: It's basically when eclampsia progresses to the point that your blood doesn't clot and your organs start shutting down. I had to stay 7 days past her birth to get my blood to start clotting again. My sister came down and stayed for 2 weeks to help us out. person B: Thank goodness she was able to come_comma_ but that must have been so scary! I hope you're okay now!
person A: It was such a streeful way to start the day_comma_ with no prior notice to the management change_comma_ and there firing. person B: I've been there when a new company bought us out. How did you handle it? person A: We were giving the choice to stay or leave with severance package_comma_ I was so nervous and it was on the spot_comma_ I didnt know what to do at first. person B: That sounds stressful. At least they offered severance.
person A: So i yelled at my girl once and now thinking back it was so dumb of me to do that._comma_ person B: Emotions run high - we all say things we don't mean. What happened? person A: She had a bunch of medical bills and she never saved money most the time. I just got annoyed about it. person B: Honestly_comma_ you got to pick one or the other. I can see how you were frustrated_comma_ but I'm glad you realize you shouldn't have yelled.
person A: I wish I had friends. person B: Why is that? Is there something wrong with you? person A: I do not think so but I am shy. person B: You should work on that.Be a better version of yourself.
person A: I am so angry at Donald Trump because he order the separation of children from their parents. person B: I love Donald Trump. person A: There must be something wrong with your soul_comma_ then. person B: No_comma_ he lowered my taxes.
person A: I wish I was taller. person B: My husband has that issue. Are you shorter than average? person A: No I am 6 foot but want to be 6'6. person B: I've heard of people trying to hang upside down for hours a day to lengthen themselves. Not that I think it works_comma_ but apparently many people would like to be taller.
person A: I had some girls in middle school that were very very mean to me - the epitome of mean girls. person B: That isn't cool. Are you ok? person A: Yeah_comma_ but they really made an impression I guess. They pretended to be a boy that liked me and sent me notes and even a stuffed animal on Valentines. Then told me it was them - can you imagine!? person B: That is mean. Girls can be mean sometimes.
person A: I was afraid during the earthquake. person B: That's understandable was it strong? person A: Yes a 4.0 person B: Wow_comma_ impressive. Was it your first?
person A: I cried when The Jonas brothers broke up. person B: really?? I could not care less. person A: Yes. I love their music. person B: I am more like a rock and roll type of guy myself.
person A: I am so proud of my wife. .She got a huge promotion at work. person B: Where does she work? person A: She works at a marketing Company.She is very talented. person B: Thats cool. I went to school for marketing.
person A: I was so grossed out! One of my favorite restaurants that I go to every week was just shut down by the health department! person B: What score did they get? person A: I'm not sure but the report said there were over 20 bugs found. Can you imagine how gross the kitchen must be? person B: Yes. I wouldn't go back.
person A: I am happy my brother plays in the MLB. person B: He does?! So exciting! What team does he play for? person A: He plays for the New York Yankees. person B: They are doing really well this season! You must be so proud!
person A: At the airport_comma_ I found my luggage broken and objects where stolen person B: That must have been stressful. Did you report it? person A: Yes_comma_ I filed a complain. I was so angry that could control my temper when I was talking to the agent. person B: Are they going to accept responsibility and buy you new items?
person A: I ripped my pants during the school play. person B: Oh man that sucks...I'd be really embarrassed person A: Yes the whole school laughed. person B: Sorry to here that. Just curious are you male or female
person A: I am from Royal Filipino Blood_comma_ the "Maharlika" meaning Chosen by the most high. Even though my country's been degraded for centuries by greedy colonizers I'm still repping my royal kin so people know where I come from. person B: I am a male. person A: Are you the one who ripped his pants person B: I am Filipino also. person A: Oh that's cool. Where are you from I'm from San Pedro Laguna
person A: My father in law was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer when our daughter was 9 months old. She was his first granddaughter. person B: Oh_comma_ I'm so sorry to hear that! I know how hard that can be for the family as well. Is he able to get treatments? person A: He had surgery but it was too advanced. He was sick for 9 months and passed away when our daughter was 18 months old. She's 18 now so he's been gone for a little over 16 years now. person B: Well_comma_ I can't relate to some extent. My father passed away 2 years unexpectedly. It wasn't from cancer_comma_ and we actually never thought he was going to pass away that day when he went to the hospital. But_comma_ it's very hard to lose loved ones!
person A: You know when you get some new gadget and it just blows your mind? person B: yes_comma_ I love new gadgets.Specially from the Apple store. person A: When i was a kid i had a dinky computer could barely run my games. When i got a new one i was run down the halls screaming 60 FPS! person B: I remember also playing games with old and slow computers when i was a teenager.
person A: My daughter was very seek for 2 weeks_comma_ but she is way better now.I was so worried for a while. person B: Was it the summer flu? Heard that went around a lot. person A: Yes_comma_ it was.She was very dehidrateded and weak for days. person B: That just sounds so bad. Glad she is better now!
person A: I wish I was Lebron James. person B: Why? You should be happy with who you are. person A: I want to be rich and tall like Lebron. person B: Height you can not change but if you work hard anyone can be rich. person A: I want to be rich and tall like Lebron. person B: Just work hard and make your own money.
person A: I pray I make the soccer team this year. person B: I'm sure you will. Have you been training? person A: Yes_comma_ everyday for two hours. person B: Do you think that's enough?
person A: I cried when my brother died. person B: I'm so sorry. That must have been so painful for you. Were you close? person A: Yes_comma_ he was my best friend. person B: My heart hurts for you. That's such a terrible loss.
person A: I was so irked when I took my car in for an oil change last week!! person B: Is it ok? person A: Yes_comma_ it's fine but the salesman tried insisting it required a bunch of unnecessary things_comma_ like synthetic oil which costs twice as much. I know for a fact_comma_ that was a lie. person B: I do not like salesman.
person A: I am ok with being average. person B: I don't think there is anything wrong with average. person A: I agree. Average is good. person B: We are all average until circumstances require us to be extraordinary.
person A: I really like the movie_comma_ A Bugs Life. person B: I saw that movie a long time ago. person A: Yes. I laughed the whole time. person B: What was your favorite part
person A: I saw a video of little Russian girl punching a tree to shreds with her tiny the time she was done it looked like a shaved pencil_comma_ I thought it was awesome person B: Cool_comma_ I guess she was strong. person A: Yeah she definitely was...if I have a daughter I'm gonna train her to be a lethal weapon person B: Do you have any kids?
person A: Do you have any young children? person B: I do not_comma_ how about you? person A: I do_comma_ my son recently turned one and it was such a special day for us! We spent hours going back and looking at all of the photos we had taken of him throughout the first year. person B: Thats cool_comma_ what kind of camera do you have? person A: We don't have any type of nice camera_comma_ we just use our smartphones. I have an iphone and my husband has a samsung note. The quality on phones now are pretty good_comma_ we have the portrait mode.
person A: I use to be the number one tennis player in the state. person B: That is an awesome achievement! Was it for high school or college? person A: It was in high school. person B: I never played any sports in high school_comma_ I always had to work. That is a great accomplishment!
person A: A few years back_comma_ my husband was diagnosed with viral meningitis and then while in the hospital he got Bells Palsy. person B: Yikes_comma_ door guy can't catch a break. Is he ok? person A: Yes_comma_ he's ok now. It was a very anxious time though because for awhile we did not know if it was bacterial or viral. He still has some residual issues from the Bells Palsy_comma_ but it's really only noticeable when he gets tired. person B: Wow_comma_ thank god he's on the up and up. I can't imagine how rough that must have been.
person A: I wish I did not cheat on my gf. person B: Man I feel you. Today was her birthday..but I thought it would be awkward to go over since she blocked me on facebook person A: Smart move_comma_ I do not like Facebook. person B: Where are you from originally. I'm Filipino
person A: Have you ever heard someone try to inhale a sandwich? Like literally breath in every crumb like it's the last sandwich they'll ever's horrible person B: I have not and don't want to. person A: Well you're one of the lucky ones person B: I do like a good sandwich thou. But I eat slow.
person A: I can not believe my friend Joe died. person B: Awe_comma_ I am sorry for your loss. Was it sudden? person A: Yes_comma_ he was only 35. person B: I am sorry for the loss. Are you okay?
person A: I am upset England lost in the World Cup. person B: Was it pretty close? person A: They lost in overtime_comma_ so yes. person B: Bummer. Haven't seen it. Don't watch soccer but I respect the sport
person A: When I was a little kid I almost drowned in front of 100 plus kinda sucked but looking back it's kinda funny person B: Wow_comma_ you are lucky you did not die. person A: Yes I'm pretty grateful. person B: Did someone save you?
person A: Hillary Clinton makes me sick. person B: Why? She seems to be nice person person A: She lies and steals money. person B: Oh I didn't know about that. How she is able to steal money?
person A: I receive my blood test result yesterday and I am so grateful that I don't any immune system diseases." person B: That is great. person A: The doctor made worry a lot because it seems that all the symptoms that I have matches an immune system disease. I am happy it is not. person B: Hopefully it will work out.
person A: I am happy its almost the weekend. person B: Good for you.What is the reason of all this happiness? person A: I am going to the beach this weekend. person B: You choose the best time.The summer is perfect for beaches.
person A: I am so surprised England lost to Croatia. person B: Yes. They should of won. person A: I thought they were gonna win at all.Fist title since 1966 person B: Yes but the choked like usual.
person A: I am embarrassed to be a fan of the Cleveland Browns. person B: I would be as well if I were you. Are you from the area? person A: Yes. I grew up in the city. person B: wasn't Johnny Manziel susposed to save that team?
person A: I am afraid of heights. person B: I'm not a big fan of them either. Are you able to go up in buildings with an elevator_comma_ etc..? person A: Yes_comma_ as long as I am with someone. person B: Has it ever caused you to not be able to enjoy certain things in life?
person A: I had to have some extra tests ran a few weeks back due to an unclear mammogram. person B: Were the results good or bad? person A: Finally they came in a few days later and all is clear thank goodness. But that was a harrowing few days! person B: Yes I am sure it was.
person A: When I first met my nephew as a baby_comma_ I was awe-struck person B: aww he must be adorable. person A: He was and still is. He has gotten to be kind of wild though haha. person B: hahah how old is he?! person A: He is 12
person A: so I'm buying my first home_comma_ and I'm worried about all the expenses that might happen besides the mortgage. person B: Oh_comma_ that is exciting. How big is your house? person A: It's a small 3 bedroom home_comma_ 1 level. It's just me and my elderly mom. person B: Oh_comma_ that sounds nice. What's your occupation?
person A: There is something wrong with my sister in law. She refuses to take her kids to the doctor for checkups or even when they are sick. person B: Wow that's pretty bad parenting. person A: That's what my husband and I think. I mean even when they were babies and would run 103 fever_comma_ she wouldn't take them. I just do not understand that at all - they are both grown now but she's pretty uninvolved with either of them. person B: Is it for religious reasons
person A: I wish I didn't cheat on my now ex-gf person B: Hindsight and all that - do you miss her? person A: Yes a lot. I've accepted it but it's hard letting go person B: Perhaps she may forgive you? It's always worth a try_comma_ sometimes you just need some time and some growth before you can revisit mistakes that have happened. person A: Thanks.
person A: I have fun plans this weekend over a friends house. person B: What are your plans? person A: My friend is having a drink and paint party. I've only been to one before but it was pretty fun. I can't wait. person B: Wow_comma_ that sounds like a fun and interesting time_comma_ but it sounds like there are a high chance for things to go south and be a huge mess
person A: Just injured my ankle. Now I can't work person B: Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that. How deid it happen? person A: Slipped on a wet floor while hurrying to get to a patient. There was no sign. person B: Are you going to sue? You could get a whole new leg!
person A: I am trying my best to go on a diet. It's not going well. person B: How much would you like to lose? person A: 20 pounds. I always eat just because I have food. Maybe if I bought less food_comma_ it would be easier. person B: Sounds like a plan! You can also try to see if there is less calorie version of foods you like. person A: I tried that they don't taste as good. I am doomed.