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the banker ' s gain of a certain sum due 3 years hence at 10 % per annum is rs . 36 . what is the present worth ?
average age of students of an adult school is 40 years . 120 new students whose average age is 32 years joined the school . as a result the average age is decreased by 4 years . find the number of students of the school after joining of the new students .
sophia finished 2 / 3 of a book . she calculated that she finished 90 more pages than she has yet to read . how long is her book ?
120 is what percent of 50 ?
there are 10 girls and 20 boys in a classroom . what is the ratio of girls to boys ?
an empty fuel tank with a capacity of 218 gallons was filled partially with fuel a and then to capacity with fuel b . fuel a contains 12 % ethanol by volume and fuel b contains 16 % ethanol by volume . if the full fuel tank contains 30 gallons of ethanol , how many gallons of fuel a were added ?
an article is bought for rs . 823 and sold for rs . 1000 , find the gain percent ?
6 workers should finish a job in 8 days . after 3 days came 4 workers join them . how many days m do they need to finish the same job ?
j is 25 % less than p and 20 % less than t . t is q % less than p . what is the value of q ?
a student was asked to find 4 / 5 of a number . but the student divided the number by 4 / 5 , thus the student got 36 more than the correct answer . find the number .
the average weight of 8 person ' s increases by 1.5 kg when a new person comes in place of one of them weighing 75 kg . what might be the weight of the new person ?
a train 125 m long passes a man , running at 15 km / hr in the same direction in which the train is going , in 10 seconds . the speed of the train is ?
the average of 15 result is 60 . average of the first 10 of them is 10 and that of the last 10 is 80 . find the 8 th result ?
a salesman â € ™ s terms were changed from a flat commission of 5 % on all his sales to a fixed salary of rs . 1000 plus 2.5 % commission on all sales exceeding rs . 4,000 . if his remuneration as per new scheme was rs . 500 more than that by the previous schema , his sales were worth ?
a rectangular floor that measures 15 meters by 18 meters is to be covered with carpet squares that each measure 3 meters by 3 meters . if the carpet squares cost $ 12 apiece , what is the total cost for the number of carpet squares needed to cover the floor ?
a vessel of capacity 2 litre has 30 % of alcohol and another vessel of capacity 6 litre had 40 % alcohol . the total liquid of 8 litre was poured out in a vessel of capacity 10 litre and thus the rest part of the vessel was filled with the water . what is the new concentration of mixture ?
the total of 324 of 20 paise and 25 paise make a sum of rs . 70 . the no of 20 paise coins is
in 1970 there were 8,902 women stockbrokers in the united states . by 1978 the number had increased to 18,947 . approximately what was the percent increase ?
what is the number of integers from 1 to 1100 ( inclusive ) that are divisible by neither 11 nor by 35 ?
arun makes a popular brand of ice cream in a rectangular shaped bar 6 cm long , 5 cm wide and 2 cm thick . to cut costs , the company had decided to reduce the volume of the bar by 19 % . the thickness will remain same , but the length and width will be decreased by some percentage . the new width will be ,
kim finds a 5 - meter tree branch and marks it off in thirds and fifths . she then breaks the branch along all the markings and removes one piece of every distinct length . what fraction of the original branch remains ?
mark bought a set of 6 flower pots of different sizes at a total cost of $ 8.25 . each pot cost 0.1 more than the next one below it in size . what was the cost , in dollars , of the largest pot ?
in the above number , a and b represent the tens and units digits , respectively . if the above number is divisible by 45 , what is the greatest possible value of b x a ?
the profit obtained by selling an article for rs . 57 is the same as the loss obtained by selling it for rs . 43 . what is the cost price of the article ?
in 2008 , the profits of company n were 8 percent of revenues . in 2009 , the revenues of company n fell by 20 percent , but profits were 15 percent of revenues . the profits in 2009 were what percent of the profits in 2008 ?
a garrison of 2000 men has provisions for 54 days . at the end of 15 days , a reinforcement arrives , and it is now found that the provisions will last only for 20 days more . what is the reinforcement ?
if a bicyclist in motion increases his speed by 30 percent and then increases this speed by 10 percent , what percent of the original speed is the total increase in speed ?
what is the greatest number that divides 263 , 935 and 1383 leaving a remainder of 7 in each case ?
how many seconds will a 900 meter long train moving with a speed of 63 km / hr take to cross a man walking with a speed of 3 km / hr in the direction of the train ?
find the average of all the numbers between 6 and 38 which are divisible by 4 .
if the cost price is 96 % of sp then what is the profit %
a car gets 27 miles to the gallon . if it is modified to use a solar panel , it will use only 75 percent as much fuel as it does now . if the fuel tank holds 14 gallons , how many more miles will the car be able to travel , per full tank of fuel , after it has been modified ?
a fort had provision of food for 150 men for 45 days . after 10 days , 25 men left the fort . the number of days for which the remaining food will last , is :
a person lent a certain sum of money at 4 % per annum at simple interest and in 8 years the interest amounted to rs . 306 less than the sum lent . what was the sum lent ?
a man has some hens and cows . if the number of heads be 50 and the number of feet equals 144 , then the number of hens will be
because he ’ s taxed by his home planet , mork pays a tax rate of 40 % on his income , while mindy pays a rate of only 30 % on hers . if mindy earned 3 times as much as mork did , what was their combined tax rate ?
a watch was sold at a loss of 5 % . if it was sold for rs . 500 more , there would have been a gain of 5 % . what is the cost price ?
a car travels at a speed of 65 miles per hour . how far will it travel in 6 hours ?
in a family 13 people eat only vegetarian , 7 people eat only non veg . , 8 people eat both veg and non veg . . how many people eat veg in the family ?
if p / q = 4 / 5 , then the value of 11 / 7 + { ( 2 q - p ) / ( 2 q + p ) } is ?
if x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 13 and xy = 3 , then ( x − y ) ^ 2 =
a big container is 40 % full with water . if 14 liters of water is added , the container becomes 3 / 4 full . what is the capacity of the big container in liters ?
the ratio of the arithmetic mean of two numbers to one of the numbers is 5 : 8 . what is the ratio of the smaller number to the larger number ?
the salaries of a , b , and c are in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3 . the salary of b and c together is rs . 6000 . by what percent is the salary of c more than that of a ?
a man swims downstream 96 km and upstream 40 km taking 8 hours each time ; what is the speed of the current ?
vinoth can complete a painting work in 20 days . prakash can do the same work in 25 days . they start the work together but vinoth quit after 3 days of work . how many days are required to complete the remaining painting work by prakash .
the total cost of a vacation was divided among 3 people . if the total cost of the vacation had been divided equally among 5 people , the cost per person would have been $ 50 less . what was the total cost cost of the vacation ?
how many ounces of a 60 % salt solution must be added to 30 ounces of a 20 percent salt solution so that the resulting mixture is 40 % salt ?
if 20 % of a is the same as 30 % of b , then a : b is :
d and e are two points respectively on sides ab and ac of triangle abc such that de is parallel to bc . if the ratio of area of triangle ade to that of the trapezium decb is 144 : 25 and bc = 13 cm , then find the length of de .
working alone at its constant rate , machine a produces x boxes in 10 minutes and working alone at its constant rate , machine b produces 2 x boxes in 5 minutes . how many minutes does it take machines a and b , working simultaneously at their respective constant rates , to produce 10 x boxes ?
if y > 0 , ( 1 y ) / 20 + ( 3 y ) / 10 is what percent of y ?
how many of the positive factors of 25 , 15 and how many common factors are there in numbers ?
a certain college ' s enrollment at the beginning of 1992 was 20 percent greater than it was at the beginning of 1991 , and its enrollment at the beginning of 1993 was 5 percent greater than it was at the beginning of 1992 . the college ' s enrollment at the beginning of 1993 was what percent greater than its enrollment at the beginning of 1991 ?
of the 17,210 employees of the anvil factory , 2 / 7 are journeymen . if half of the journeymen were laid off , what percentage of the total remaining employees would be journeymen ?
an electric pump can fill a tank in 10 hours . because of a leak in the tank , it took 20 hours to fill the tank . if the tank is full , how much time will the leak take to empty it ?
for every even positive integer m , f ( m ) represents the product of all even integers from 2 to m , inclusive . for example , f ( 12 ) = 2 x 4 x 6 x 8 x 10 x 12 . what is the greatest prime factor of f ( 36 ) ?
pipe a can fill a tank in 10 hours . due to a leak at the bottom , it takes 15 hours for the pipe a to fill the tank . in what time can the leak alone empty the full tank ?
5 women can do a work in two days . 10 men can complete the same work in five days . what is the ratio between the capacity of a man and a woman ?
what is the positive difference between the sum of the squares of the first 8 positive integers and the sum of the prime numbers between the first square and fourth square ?
the average age of 19 persons in a office is 15 years . out of these , the average age of 5 of them is 14 years and that of the other 9 persons is 16 years . the age of the 15 th person is ?
a pet store regularly sells pet food at a discount of 10 percent to 30 percent from the manufacturer ’ s suggested retail price . if during a sale , the store discounts an additional 20 percent from the discount price , what would be the lowest possible price of a container of pet food that had a manufacturer ’ s suggested retail price o f $ 40.00 ?
the perimeter of an equilateral triangle is 60 . if one of the sides of the equilateral triangle is the side of an isosceles triangle of perimeter 45 , then how long is the base of isosceles triangle ?
a small table has a length of 12 inches and a breadth of b inches . cubes are placed on the surface of the table so as to cover the entire surface . the maximum side of such cubes is found to be 4 inches . also , a few such tables are arranged to form a square . the minimum length of side possible for such a square is 80 inches . find b .
calculate the ratio between x and y if 25 % of x equal to 40 % of y ?
. 003 / ? = . 01
if √ 10 = 3.16 , find the value of if √ 5 / 2
the length of a rectangular plot is 20 metres more than its breadth . if the cost of fencing the plot @ rs . 26.50 per metre is rs . 7420 , what is the length of the plot in metres ?
30 men can do a work in 40 days . when should 12 men leave the work so that the entire work is completed in 40 days after they leave the work ?
carrie likes to buy t - shirts at the local clothing store . they cost $ 9.65 each . one day , she bought 12 t - shirts . how much money did she spend ?
a train 110 m long is running with a speed of 30 km / h . in how many seconds will the train pass a man who is running at 3 km / h in the direction opposite to that in which the train is going ?
kanul spent $ 3000 in buying raw materials , $ 1000 in buying machinery and 30 % of the total amount he had as cash with him . what was the total amount ?
a sporting goods store sold 64 frisbees in one week , some for $ 3 and the rest for $ 4 each . if receipts from frisbee sales for the week totaled $ 204 , what is the fewest number of $ 3 frisbees that could have been sold ?
two trains 110 meters and 200 meters in length respectively are running in opposite directions , one at the rate of 80 km and the other at the rate of 65 kmph . in what time will they be completely clear of each other from the moment they meet ?
how many 1 / 10 s are there in 37 1 / 2 ?
a circle graph shows how the megatech corporation allocates its research and development budget : 12 % microphotonics ; 24 % home electronics ; 15 % food additives ; 29 % genetically modified microorganisms ; 8 % industrial lubricants ; and the remainder for basic astrophysics . if the arc of each sector of the graph is proportional to the percentage of the budget it represents , how many degrees of the circle are used to represent basic astrophysics research ?
how much interest will $ 10,000 earn in 3 months at an annual rate of 6 % ?
how many different values of positive integer x , for which | x + 9 | < x , are there ?
if the average of 10 consecutive integers is 21.5 then the 10 th integer is : -
in a box of 8 pens , a total of 3 are defective . if a customer buys 2 pens selected at random from the box , what is the probability that neither pen will be defective ?
in filling a room with gas 100 m * 10 m * 10 m the volumes of gas will be ?
a train passes a station platform in 30 sec and a man standing on the platform in 12 sec . if the speed of the train is 54 km / hr . what is the length of the platform ?
a right triangle is inscribed in a circle . the legs of the triangle have lengths 6 and 8 . what is the diameter of the circle ?
what is 15 percent of 64 ?
each week a restaurant serving mexican food uses the same volume of chili paste , which comes in either 55 - ounce cans or 15 - ounce cans of chili paste . if the restaurant must order 30 more of the smaller cans than the larger cans to fulfill its weekly needs , then how many larger cans are required to fulfill its weekly needs ?
for any positive integer n , the sum of the first n positive integers equals n ( n + 1 ) / 2 . what is the sum of all the even integers between 99 and 181 ?
a salesman â € ™ s terms were changed from a flat commission of 5 % on all his sales to a fixed salary of rs . 1000 plus 2.5 % commission on all sales exceeding rs . 4,000 . if his remuneration as per new scheme was rs . 800 more than that by the previous schema , his sales were worth ?
if k is an integer and 0.0010101 x 10 ^ k is greater than 10 , what is the least possible value of k ?
if a and b are positive integers and ( 3 ^ a ) ^ b = 3 ^ 3 , what is the value of 3 ^ a * 3 ^ b ?
a gardener is going to plant 2 red rosebushes and 2 white rosebushes . if the gardener is to select each of the bushes at random , one at a time , and plant them in a row , what is the probability that the 2 rosebushes in the middle of the row will be the red rosebushes ?
a certain university will select 1 of 5 candidates eligible to fill a position in the mathematics department and 2 of 8 candidates eligible to fill 2 identical positions in the computer science department . if none of the candidates is eligible for a position in both departments , how many different sets of 3 candidates are there to fill the 3 positions ?
what will be the lcm of 8 , 24 , 36 and 54
a number exceeds by 35 from its 3 / 8 part . then the number is ?
if 0.75 : x : : 5 : 6 , then x is equal to :
two trains of equal lengths take 10 sec and 14 sec respectively to cross a telegraph post . if the length of each train be 120 m , in what time will they cross other travelling in opposite direction ?
four equal circles are described about the four corners of a square so that each touches two of the others . if a side of the square is 14 cm , then the area enclosed between the circumferences of the circles is :
in the coordinate plane , line a has a slope of - 1 and an x - intercept of 1 . line b has a slope of 4 and a y - intercept of - 4 . if the two lines intersect at the point ( a , b ) , what is the sum a + b ?
if the annual increase in the population of a town is 10 % and the present number of people is 10000 , what will the population be in 2 years ?
the sum of two consecutive integers is 41 . find the numbers .
calculate the circumference of a circular field whose radius is 10 centimeters .

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