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Insurance Company Declares Living Man Dead George Johannesen is very much alive. Which is why it was so surprising when the Canadian man received a letter addressed “To the Estate of George Johannesen.” Even more surprising is that it came from his insurance company, who should really be on top of such things. Now this wouldn’t have been so terrible if Manitoba Public Insurance was giving Johannesen’s estate a fat check for his passing away. But that’s not what happened. Instead the letter was to inform the estate that, since George was dead, his driver license and auto insurance had been cancelled in October. This poses a problem for Johannesen because, being alive, he continues to drive his car. “I don’t understand how this could have happened,” he told the Toronto Sun. “For me to be declared dead, someone would have to present a death certificate. For someone to get that, I guess I must have died sometime in October.” Now the 59-year-old worries that he will stop getting his pension and other government benefits. The Manitoba Public Insurance Company says they are trying to resolve the issue. They also claim they weren’t the ones who determined Johannesen was dead, but cryptically can’t reveal the source of the confusion for confidentially reasons. Perhaps a pesky ghost is behind the mix up?
Stateside Footy presents an Australian Rules Football Championship match, played on October 14, 2012 at the USAFL Nationals Tournament in Mason, Ohio. This game features the Womens Division Final between the Boston Lady Demons and the two-time defending champion Denver Lady Bulldogs (Guest Commentator: Brian Barrish of the Philadelphia Hawks). The second half features a look back at the Boston Demons 2012 season. Stateside Footy is a cable access TV show produced with the assistance of WCTV - Wilmington Community Television in Wilmington, MA. It features Aussie Rules Football as it is played in the U.S.A. Stateside Footy is a Cable Access program produced in the New England region of the United States. It is the only American Cable Access Program featuring Australian Rules Football as it is played in the United States. Episodes feature game telecasts of footy matches played in the Boston area, as well as news and stories about Aussie Football in America. Visit our web site at http://www.statesidefootytv.com
Exhausted and euphoric. Those are the words to describe me right now. Six days after boarding the "Good Morning America" Whistle-Stop '08 Tour train, and beginning the adventure of a lifetime, it's over. We just wrapped the last show of our little Odyssey from the Newseum in the nation's capitol, Washington D.C., and for me, it was an appropriate but bittersweet ending to our tale. Appropriate because the point of our tour was to go out and ask real people what was on their minds, to hear straight from them their concerns about our nation. By ending in Washington, D.C., we brought their thoughts, problems and hopes to the doorstep of the government -- to the people that can do something about them. But it was also bittersweet because I honestly didn't want the trip to end. I'm not going to lie to you and say that I loved everything about it (3:00 AM wake up calls being the main offender), but I was consistently surprised to find that even in the tougher times, when we had been blearily working for 18 hours straight, something or someone would come along to pick everyone up. From the absolute chaos of pre-show preparations, to the fleeting sparkle of pride in the production team's eyes when a show went just as planned, life on the train was crazy, grueling and complicated, but most of all, fun. Some moments I'll never forget. Like the celebration in Massachusetts after we pulled off what had never been done before -- the first live network television broadcast from a moving train. Or when Diane, Robin and Chris teamed up -- using Rick Klein and me as props -- to convince Sam that he was supposed to share his tiny room on the train with two roomates. Or when Chris put his life on a very secure line at Niagara Falls to dramatically bring the news from the brink of watery doom. Or, my personal favorite moment, when Sam, Chris and two producers played the most ridiculous game of Monopoly I've ever seen for four hours and a few of us, Sam included, cried from laughing so hard. But far more moving than the obvious and endearing camaraderie between the anchors was their care for the American people to whom they bring the news every morning. Never was this more obvious than yesterday, when I accidentally stumbled into an anchors' meeting where they discuss the content of the next day's show and, for some reason, I was allowed to stay. As an aspiring journalist myself, I can't express how inspiring it was to listen in on this discussion and know firsthand that whatever goes on the air, it's the fairest, most accurate and most informative report possible. Though they have their fun, when it comes to the news Diane, Robin, Chris and Sam are professionals in every sense of the word. But now I have to go -- have to return to "normal" life, and I don't want to. I have to shave my rail-beard, the result of a production-wide pact to not shave for the duration of the trip. I have to wash some extremely smelly clothes. I also have a feeling that the spontaneous dance parties that erupted on the train will be for some reason looked down upon in the office. These are all reasons to miss dragging myself aboard that cramped studio on rails well before the sun comes up. But maybe we'll be able to do it again sometime. We were told to get back to New York however we wanted. I think I'll take a train.
By registering on amnesty.org you can join in on the human rights conversation and ensure your contributions are combined with ours. If you come from a country that doesn't have an office you have the option to become an International member. Here, you will receive emails about human rights campaigns that are targeted to your interests and opportunities to take action for human rights impact. You can also become a volunteer, and lead on activism initiatives in your community. Furthermore, you will have full use of the Amnesty International online communities. We can’t do it without you! Where do you live? We have 50 international offices. This information will help us ensure that you receive the appropriate services. If you don't have an office in your country, you can join Amnesty International as an International Member If you prefer to join Amnesty International with one of our country offices, click your country below to be directed to their site
As many of you know I'll be teaching at a weeklong retreat hosted by Arcangelo Productions at the most glorious Apakabar Villas in March this year. Since so much of my geography and personal life have been in flux this will be the only retreat I have scheduled until fall of 2009. This will be my first visit to the isle of artisans and I am holding this retreat very close to my heart. I will be arriving weeks early to scout out local materials and concepts for us to integrate into the abundant artwork we will be making during the week. It will be a nice intimate group in a truly stunning environment. I am in every way expecting there to be some special chemistry at this event. The retreat is filling nicely so if you have been considering coming along with us now is a good time to look further into the possibilities for yourself. Click here for more information. Or see the link to the right... Been turning to painting this week as I am trying to get settled down here. I always take the ease of our lives in the states for granted. How quickly things manifest. How fluid it can be to accomplish things, get services and problem solve. I am humbled this week as I take baby steps to getting an office up and running here. But a little fish and rice, some long salt water swims and a few bike rides keep the process in perspective. This is a work in progress I've used as a touchstone this week. Still getting warmed up. I think I found a man to build me canvases- woohoo! Luxury at it's best. Kiss your art supply stores and Target's for me y'all. I've just finished a lovely weekend here in San Diego. This weekend Emily Falconridge was our host while I offered up tips and ideas to a wonderful group of women. We did Mixed Media Mandala's and Funky Wallpaper People. It's been a whirlwind flying in from Belize and heading back tomorrow. San Diego seems more vibrant than ever and the perfect place to make some fresh artwork and connect in a workshop. Thank you to everyone who made the trek and effort to come this weekend! I'll be loading up with three suitcases full of paints, papers and canvas so that I can keep the artsy love flowing from Central America until I head out of the island thicket and head to the (Arcangelo Productions) Bali retreat in March! Tomorrow is the leap day. Taking off for the that lovely turquoise sea. Thank God for having this blog and this community. I will cherish this place of connection while I am away and it will be a touchstone when I am cut off from life as usual. Keep me posted on things here at home and I will be doing lots of island art show and tell from my perch in Belize. xoxox, everyone...(See you SD folks in a couple weeks!)
October 1st, 2010, 04:41 PM Thread Author (OP) Join Date: Oct 2010 Carrier: Not Provided Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts USB Tether Through VZAccess Not Working Hello, I have mentioned this in the XDA thread, but i figured i would include it here as well. I am having issues using the verizon usb tether plan with my phone after putting virtuous on it. What i have done so far, is installed 3.0.1 after a wipe, via rom manager. when i connect my phone to my pc (i have tried 3 different computers with the same results) and select mobile broadband as the option, some interesting things happen, first my computer makes sounds indicating usb has been unplugged and replugged, and i wait for the hardware to be recognized, which it appears to be with no error. BUT the HTC modem HW never shows up. VZAccess manager, tells me it cant find my phone. if i look on the phone in wireless & networks, mobile network is checked, but mobile Broad Band connect is not. if i manually check/uncheck these boxes in any order, it still does not work. if i flash my phone back via clockwork, to my stock 2.1 just after root. and plug my phone in, i select broadband, and the hw appears in device manager, and vz access sees it, and connects online immediately. i was asked at xda what antenna i am running Any suggestions or help you can provide would be great. I really like the Virtuous rom, just dont like not being able to usb tether for work.
By Jim Hopf Owners of the (556 MW) Kewaunee nuclear plant in Wisconsin recently announced that they will be closing the plant, because it was losing money and they were unable to find another company willing to buy it. The reason the plant is losing money is that it is in a “merchant” power market, in which the price of electricity is governed by the cost of electricity from natural gas plants (those plants being the last, highest-variable cost, incremental supplier). Due to the current very low cost of natural gas, as well as weak demand due to a sluggish economy, the market price for electricity in those regions is very low. On top of this is the fact that small, one-unit plants like Kewaunee have relatively high operating costs, since many costs (including many of those associated with regulatory compliance, site security, etc.) do not scale down with plant size. Unfortunately, it is possible that Kewaunee may not be the last plant to close for purely economic reasons. Many experts are saying that several other small plants in merchant power markets (including Vermont Yankee, Fitzpatrick, Nine Mile Point, Cooper, Ginna, Indian Point, and Clinton) are at risk of closing, due to weak demand and continuing low natural gas prices. In addition to plants that may close for economic reasons, a few other reactors will or may close due to equipment problems. Based on estimates of $2–$3 billion to repair the Crystal River plant’s containment dome, Duke decided to close the Florida plant. Low natural gas prices almost certainly factored into that decision. Meanwhile, the San Onofre plant in California has been offline for over a year due to tube failures in recently-installed steam generators that were based on a new design (that turned out to be problematic). Apparently (and surprisingly) it will take 4-6 years for new stream generators “that could pass regulatory muster” to be fabricated and installed. The utility is seeking Nuclear Regulatory Commission permission to run one of the two idled reactors at 70% power, based on analyses that show additional tube wear will not occur under those conditions. Low gas prices likely temporary Although many voices are saying that low natural gas prices (not much higher than current levels of $3–$4 per million BTU) will last for a long time, there are many reasons why this is unlikely to be true. The four main reasons are summarized below: - The price of natural gas is 4-6 times lower than that of oil, on a per unit energy (BTU) basis. Given that oil and gas are interchangeable for many uses/applications, such a difference in energy-equivalent price is unsustainable. In fact, plans are underway, as we speak, to use natural gas in the transport sector, mainly for large trucks and fleet vehicles. There are also plans to build Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) refineries that convert natural gas into clean diesel fuel. - The price of US natural gas ($3-$4/MBTU) is a factor of 3 to 4 times lower than what gas (LNG) sells for abroad, with Europe paying over $12/MBTU and Japan/Asia currently paying over $16/MBTU for LNG imports. Plans to export US gas are being made as we speak. Such exports will even out worldwide gas prices, and lead to significantly higher US prices. - The price of natural gas is very sensitive to the balance between supply and demand, and demand should increase measurably in the coming years as the economy recovers. - Finally, and perhaps most significantly, the current price of natural gas is actually much lower than the raw cost of gas production for most US shale fields. This is clearly unsustainable. In fact, there has recently been a major shift in drilling activity (and drilling equipment) from gas to oil, since oil production is so much more profitable, given the much higher price for oil. Given the high decline rates for shale gas wells, any let up in exploration or the drilling of new wells will soon lead to declining production. In addition to the above four reasons is the likelihood that increased (tightened) requirements will be placed on shale drilling operations, either by the Environmental Protection Agency or the states themselves, in order to protect groundwater and reduce air pollution. Such requirements would also result in somewhat higher production costs. Of course, if a price or limit on CO2 emissions is ever imposed, it would make existing nuclear plants more competitive vs. gas plants. Finally, it must be noted that new EPA pollution regulations are leading to a significant number of coal plant closures. Most of this coal capacity will be replaced by gas generation. The resultant increase in US gas demand will also put upward pressure on gas prices. Given this, it seems likely that the unprofitability of the nuclear plants in question will be temporary; probably only a few years. For this reason, many nuclear plant owners (e.g., Exelon) have stated that they are not currently planning to close any plants. Thus, some of the plants listed earlier may not close, despite a negative short term situation. Given the likely short term nature of the situation, any such closures would be very unfortunate, and shortsighted. Can anything be done? The closure of nuclear plants like Kewaunee and Crystal River will have a devastating effect on the local economy, due to lost local jobs and a greatly reduced local tax base. As a result, some political efforts are being made to avoid closure. In Kewaunee’s case, a local legislator is proposing that nuclear qualify under the state’s renewable (or clean energy) portfolio standard. Depending on the details, and their design, however, many such proposals may not provide the assistance that the plant needs to remain open. As stated by the Kewaunee utility, what the plant really needed was a long-term power purchase agreement at an adequate price. It would seem that the best solution would be to develop a means to either support the price or reduce operating costs, over the next few years, or somehow arrange (or incentivise) a power purchase agreement that would last for at least a few years. Power price supports One option would be for the government (federal, state, or local) to provide a minor level of price support for the plant’s power, with the understanding that such support would be only temporary (i.e., a few years). Given the current financial state of the federal government, any such support may be unlikely. However, given the negative local impacts of the plants’ closures, it may be in lower-level governments’ interest to offer some limited support, if it were enough to keep the plants open. Such governments would have to weigh the cost of any support against the permanent loss of local employment and tax base. The situation is analogous to how local areas offer economic incentives to attract large employers in the first place. As for how a “price support” would work, one could take a cue from the support given to renewable energy over the years. Such government support has often taken the form of above market prices paid to renewable suppliers, or using “renewable energy certificates” to attain a renewable generation goal, and allowing renewable generators to sell those certificates (at a price determined by the market). In one way or another, the (local) government would pay off the difference between the market price for power and an agreed-upon price that the plant needs. Another option would be to arrange for some type of power purchase agreement. Either the government would add some type of incentive for a private power consumer to enter into such an agreement with the plant, at least for a few years, or the government itself could enter into such a power purchase agreement with the plant. If the government’s own power demand is not large enough to use all the plant’s output, it could sell off any remaining power to private consumers at market rates (presumably at some loss to the government, that is, until gas prices go back up). Many may say that such measures would be too expensive, that governments can’t afford it, or that any such interventions in the free market are not justified. It seems to me that the support these plants need is smaller in both magnitude and duration than the support that has been given to many renewable energy projects, in the form of operating subsidies or mandates for their use, regardless of cost (with power consumers being forced to pay the higher costs). In terms of securing cost-stable, reliable, domestic, pollution-free, CO2-free base load generation for the long term, these may be among the most cost effective measures ever taken. In addition to preserving local employment and tax base, they would reduce the region’s vulnerability to natural gas price swings/spikes in the future. Call it a (temporary) subsidy on all (new or existing) emissions-free generation. It should be easier to justify than much larger renewable generation subsidies. Another option for keeping plants in operation would be measures to reduce their operating costs (or at least prevent them from increasing) for at least the next few years. Such measures could be removed in a few years, after the market price for power has recovered, and the plants can afford higher costs. One example would be to delay any expensive Fukushima-related upgrades for plants that are currently barely profitable or (temporarily) unprofitable. After a several-year grace period, the plant would be required to make the upgrades. If the market price for power has still not recovered (due to gas prices not going up), then the plant would close if the upgrades would render it unprofitable. As I discussed in my last post, requirements that result in the closure of nuclear plants, and their replacement by fossil-fueled generation (even gas) does not reduce public health and environmental risks; it actually increases them. Also, it’s not as though there is no precedent for such policies. After the Clean Air Act passed in 1970, the coal industry managed to get many (if not most) of its existing plants exempted (grandfathered) from the new law’s much stricter requirements. The argument was that it would not make economic sense to retrofit old plants that would only be operating for a few more years anyway. It turns out that they kept operating those older plants (whose emissions of various pollutants are many, many times that allowed by the 1970 Clean Air Act) for 40 more years, and counting…. Note how there is no such thing as a “grandfather clause” for the nuclear industry, with respect to Fukushima upgrades or requirements in general (anything that NRC thinks is important). At a minimum, backfits are required if justified by cost-benefit analysis (something that is not required for grandfathered coal plants, where the benefits of CAA-mandated pollution controls greatly exceed any costs). Another difference is the fact that the overall public health and environmental risk/harm from the grandfathered coal plants is orders of magnitude larger than any from a nuclear plant without Fukushima upgrades (especially given the lack of earthquake and tsunami potential at all the sites in question). On a more general note, with respect to Fukushima, I definitely agree that many intelligent, cost-effective measures should be taken in response to the lessons learned from the event. However, we’ve also learned that even a worst-case plant accident event (with multiple meltdowns followed by essentially a failure of containment) caused no deaths and is projected to have no measurable health impact. In other words, the public health impacts are FAR smaller than what had been previously assumed, as the basis for current regulatory policy. Given this, while I agree that some specific upgrades should be made in response to Fukushima, I’m wondering what requirements we should also consider paring back, given the much smaller potential impacts. Are any new cost-benefit analyses being performed? To my knowledge, the NRC isn’t considering taking any steps in that direction. This is unfortunate, since some carefully-considered, strategic paring of certain requirements could possibly prevent plant closures, and may make nuclear more competitive in general, resulting in reduced use of (harmful) fossil fuels in the future. (Note that this would not be analogous to EPA relaxing pollution requirements so that coal plants could remain open, in that any replacement generation for old coal plants would be environmentally superior, whereas when a nuclear plant closes, its [fossil] replacement is environmentally inferior.) In a similar vein, aside from Fukushima upgrades, one could explore other ways to reduce operating costs at small, vulnerable plants. Apparently, the operating cost for some of these plants (e.g., Ginna) is $40/MWh; much higher than the under $20/MWh operating cost that I was always told applies to existing nuclear plants. This must be due, in part, to their small size and single-unit nature. That said, one still has to ask why their operating costs are so high. I’m guessing that their staffing, per MW, is extremely high; higher than most nuclear plants and much higher than that of fossil plants (the 556 MW Kewaunee plant employed 655 people). In my personal opinion, the industry (e.g., INPO), Kewaunee plant operators, and the NRC should sit down and figure out why the staffing (and operating costs) are so high, and try to figure out a responsible way to reduce them. At least that much effort should be made to keep these plants open, given the impacts on the local economy and the long-term impacts on the environment, energy costs, and energy security. The industry needs to make more of an effort on this. The Kewaunee plant is only ~5 miles from the larger, two-unit Point Beach nuclear plant. Both are pressurized water reactors. One question I have is why the plants could not be effectively managed and operated like a three-unit site, given the proximity. Are there any jobs/tasks at Kewaunee that could be handled by Point Beach personnel, or vice versa? I realize that this would result in staff reductions and lost jobs, but losing some jobs is better than losing them all. I also wonder if Kewaunee plant staff considered any wage/benefits concessions, or if management considered offering them before closing the plant and laying everyone off. One other option for temporarily unprofitable plants would be to mothball them for a few years, then reopen them when the market price for power recovers. The problem is that, due to various requirements (regulatory, etc.), it’s expensive to maintain a shutdown nuclear plant. If the owners give up the operating license, and switch over to a (“possession only”) license that applies to a decommissioned reactor state, it would be very expensive to gain permission to restart the plant. As a result, no nuclear plant that has been formally shutdown has ever been restarted. This is one more thing that seems to be unique to the nuclear industry. Restarting a coal plant is much easier. In fact, while coal’s percentage of US generation has fallen from ~50% to ~32% over the last year or so, due to very low gas prices, utilities (e.g., Southern) have stated that they will switch many of those coal plants right back on once natural gas prices recover (i.e., once it is even slightly less expensive to run the coal plant, regardless of the much greater level of pollution). Some disincentive to pollute, which would at least raise the natural gas price at which utilities would switch old, highly-polluting coal plants back on, is clearly needed. This is another area where some review of current policies is in order, in my opinion. As things stand, it is far too difficult and expensive to pull a closed nuclear plant back out of mothballs, and/or to maintain a plant in a “mothballed” state. I don’t really understand why maintaining the option of restarting a nuclear plant should make it that much more expensive to maintain a plant in a shutdown state. It’s not as though the risks and potential for release (from stored spent fuel, etc..) are any greater. Reform/scrutiny in this area should be more palatable than my earlier suggestions about paring requirements for operating plants, given the lower potential risks present during the long-term shutdown state. Anyway, mothballing the plant is another option that should be studied by the local governments, the utility, and the NRC. If local governments want to keep the option of restarting the plant, they should try to find a way to make it happen (i.e., make it worthwhile for the utility). Crystal River and San Onofre Unlike plants like Kewaunee, the Crystal River plant is probably a lost cause given the (inexplicably) huge cost of repairing its containment dome. I still have to ask why no cost-benefit analysis is being done on the option of operating the plant in its current state. (It’s likely that the costs of repair greatly exceed any public health or economic risk reduction benefits.) I also feel compelled to point out that even if the plant were operated in its current (unrepaired) state, its overall risk to public health and the environment in the local area would be much smaller than that posed by the four coal units at the same site, that are going to continue to operate. As for San Onofre, I am not sure what “that pass regulatory muster” means. Does it refer to installing generators of the old design, or does it refer to years of analysis (paralysis)? I have to ask why it will take 4–6 years to replace the steam generators (a piece of industrial heat exchange equipment). Does the replacement of large heat exchangers in any other industry take anywhere near this long? Also, news reports are saying that the NRC is having some problem allowing the plant (steam generator?) to run at 70% because 100% was the design basis. I’m having trouble understanding how legal (licensing) issues could be a significant impediment. The engineering issues, i.e., the assertion that the steam generators can operate at that power level without further tube degradation, clearly need to be analyzed, but they should (expeditiously) perform the necessary engineering evaluations and move on. Whatever these issues are, the NRC (and the utility) need to do what it takes to resolve them, in months not years. This is especially true given that to make up for the loss of San Onofre’s generation, they are firing up two old, dirty fossil units in the area; units that had been retired due to the fact that they did not meet current air pollution requirements, among other factors. Thus, the longer they delay, the greater the (real) impacts on public health in the region (as well as CO2 emissions) from those fossil units. Is this beginning to sound like a theme? Going to the ends of the earth to avoid/reduce small nuclear risks, and ignoring much larger risks from fossil generation; fossil generation that is often being used to replace nuclear generation that is closed due to the relentless quest to reduce nuclear risks to zero. Jim Hopf is a senior nuclear engineer with more than 20 years of experience in shielding and criticality analysis and design for spent fuel dry storage and transportation systems. He has been involved in nuclear advocacy for 10+ years, and is a member of the ANS Public Information Committee. He is a regular contributor to the ANS Nuclear Cafe.
Metal Amp Room Metal Amp Room was designed to bring you the most brutal, evil and aggressive sound that is possible to squeeze out of your DAW. It was co-developed with Patrik Jensen (The Haunted) and tailored to his needs. It features continuous mic placement and twin mics with adjustable stereo panning. Get huge stereo sounds with adjustable phasing effects, a plain old one-mic-right-against-the-cone, or anything in between. The cabinets were measured in the In Flames studio (former Studio Fredman) by Tue Madsen and Patrik Jensen. * Brutal metal amp with a raw & authentic sound * Program-dependent guitar noise gate * Two cabs with two mics per cabinet * Easy to use balancing stereo mic preamp for balancing the two click-and-drag mics * Amp/Cab Bypass possiblities let you use cabinets from other Amp Room products Learn More: Metal Amp Room
This is ArabAd magazine's blog. If you got a taste for creative communications, then take an inspiring dive into ArabAd's Zone. Reprogram your Mind.. "Let your fingers do the walking".."SNAP! CRACKLE!POP!" It's ARABAD guilty feasts; a space for creative relaxation & inspiration around sparkling ideas. Allow unexpected connections to prompt new insights. Have a delightful surf. Seatbelts are optional. & keep in mind, It's all about the "Smile in the Mind".
Erica first noticed him when they were five. Stiles was the rowdy little five-year-old, always bouncing from one foot to the other, he was the one who brought an extra pack of crayons in case anyone forgot theirs, who would hug their teacher's legs before leaving everyday after school--and Erica knew this, because the only father who came after Stiles' to pick their kid up was her own. He was the one to split a sandwich that was already split in half in case any of the other child mentioned they were hungry and didn't have enough money for lunch. He was nice, and he may have been a little restless, but not in the way most boys were at that age. He was different. Something most kids weren't. He had been great, and Erica had immediately been captivated by him. They'd never talked, not really, not because Erica was scared he'd give her cooties but because she was scared of rejection. Stiles didn't seem like a jerk, but Erica was only five and the thought of someone cooler than her not wanting to be her friend hurt more than the (admittedly low) possibility of him saying yes ever happening could make her happy. So she stayed away, admired from afar. She'd stay like that for years. She didn't mind, though, because Stiles made her happy just because he was happy. The summer she turned twelve is when the seizures started happening. She started to miss school more, sat in the back of the classroom when she actually went instead of sitting in the front like she used to, would sink back so she'd go unnoticed. It's not that Erica wanted it to be this way, she wanted to go out with friends and experiment with boys and be that girl that every boy wanted--the girl that Stiles wanted, but she couldn't do that when she was the poster child of a liability. She could never go out with boys, because what if she had a seizure while they were at the movies holding hands? Or worse--when they were kissing. She was already mortified enough that she had the condition, she didn't want it to relfect on her worse than it already did. So, she stayed away from boys, told herself that she was saving herself the embarrassment, and them the realization that their date was a total loser. Maybe they'd find their own little personal Lydia Martin--she'd be better for them. Boys didn't want someone like Erica, someone who was sickly and weak, a girl that was so terrifed of what her condition was capable of that she could barely control herself enough not to cry in class. They needed someone like Lydia. Someone who was brave, brilliant, and beautiful. No one would ever notice Erica. She wasn't a Lydia. She'd never be a Lydia. And sure, Stiles was understanding, he was too nice for his own good and had grown up with a father figure that had taught him right from wrong--explicitly--and he'd grown up as a pretty accepting person, too, but Erica didn't think Stiles would be friends with that-girl-who-seizes-because-she-has-a-disease-or-something. She wasn't so sure that his nice-guy-streak would extend as far as that. Stiles didn't have to accept it. He didn't have to accept Erica or her condition or anything about her, really. Erica was nothing to him, had always been nothing to him--hell, Erica had never even been sure that he'd ever noticed her, let alone wanted anything to do with her. The most embarrassing thing about it, though, was that she always went to Mrs. Riley in the clinic to take her medication so she wouldn't have seizures in class, and she knew that it shouldn’t be something she should be ashamed of, because it was keeping her alive and that was the best thing, for her, and for her family. But it made her feel different from other kids. It made her feel like an outsider. Erica didn’t need another reason to be an outsider; she’d already had enough. But then Stiles started coming a few months later, after his mom died. "You're Erica, right?" He asked, one afternoon when Mrs. Riley was in the other room tending to a sick kid, with some sort of flu. Erica was forced to stay in a different room, almost always, because she had a shitty immune system. Not that she wanted to see puke or anything, but it just felt like one more kick in the direction of invisibility. She was only twelve, and everything was melodramatic and the world was always ending, but it didn't make things easier, or better, or any of the things that her doctors and her parents had promised her. It just made it more difficult, made kids stare at her in the halls and whisper about her, made some kids push her into lockers and call her Epileptic Erica, Never-Get-a-Date Erica, Earthquake-Make-the-Ground-Shake Erica--really, she’d heard them all. Kids were assholes, but Erica eventually had just understood that it was who she was. But anyway, her heart got caught in her throat and her fingers started to get clammy, kind of how she sometimes felt before she had a seizure, and she almost was afraid she was about to have one before she realized it was just Stiles . Stiles made her crazy inside, made her think about things that a twelve-year-old girl shouldn't be thinking about, like first kisses and the 7th grade dance coming up, and how Stiles had always looked ridiculously good in red. "Yeah," She whispered, voice cracking, but Stiles didn't seem to notice, and if he did--which he probably did, because sometimes Erica was convinced that Stiles noticed everything, except for her, never did he notice her--he was nice enough not to say anything-- Stiles was just--nice. Too nice, almost. Stiles was bouncing his leg up and down, a habit that Erica knew he got when he was too tired of sitting in one place for too long, and it should've been annoying, but it was Stiles so she just found it adorable. "Nice to meet you," he said, and then kind of flushed, like he was embarrassed about something. Probably that he was talking to her, Erica thought. "I'm Stiles. I don't think--I've ever introduced myself to you. Sorry, about that. I wasn't--avoiding you, or anything, I just don't know what to say. I'm bad with words," he blabbered. Erica bit her lip on a smile. "That's okay. No one ever does." Stiles kind of looked conflicted at that, hurt in a way that she'd never seen before, but she shrugged it off--mentally, of course, because Stiles already thought she was crazy, probably, he didn't need another reason. He looked like he was about to say something, but then Mrs. Riley walked in with both of their medication bottles in hand, and handed them both theirs respectively, along with some water. "Come back before the day's end, Erica, we have to talk about the new medication your doctor's putting you on," Mrs. Riley said, because she obviously wanted to ruin Erica's life forever . "Okay," she answered, quietly, glancing over at Stiles, who was smiling at her slightly. "That's annoying, isn't it? My doctor's always changing my ADD medication on me too." He grabbed his backpack after swallowing his pills, strapping it over both shoulders before waving at her slightly. "See you around, Erica. It was nice to meet you!" Everyday after that, she'd find a piece of notebook paper on her desk in Mr. Greene's class, a simple piece of notebook paper, folded and tattered around the edges like it'd been folded over and over again. It was a simple piece of notebook paper and it'd always have a "Have a great day, Erica :-) - G." She treausred them so much she eventually had to get a box for them, had stuck them under her bed and even though they were always the same, when she was feeling especially shitty on the worst nights, she'd stay up for hours to read them all, because someone actually cared. And for Erica, that meant everything. Two days into sophomore year, the letters stopped. Two days into sophomore year, Stiles started to skip classes more, his grades started to slip a little, and he was perpetually sweaty. Four days into sophomore year, Erica realized that the letters were done for good. Six days into sophomore year, Erica had a seizure in class for the first time in months. Then Derek happened, Derek happened and he promised he’d make everything better for her, that he’d make the seizures stop and he’d make everything change and the one thing in life that Erica had ever wanted was change. Erica wanted to stop feeling helpless and useless. She wanted to stop being the laughing stock of the school. She wanted to stop being second to Lydia Martin, she wanted to be noticed, by Stiles, by everyone. Erica wanted what Derek could give her, and even if she wasn’t completely sure that Derek was telling the truth, she bared her throat and whispered, “yes.” The morning after the bite, Erica knew the seizures wouldn’t return. She felt strong in a way that she never had, strong and powerful and different. Derek was there, lurking in the corner of her hospital room, and she almost screamed at him, asking what he was doing here, but she didn’t, she sank back to the sheets, before looking up at him curiously. “What am I now?” She whispered. He grinned, feral and promising, eyes flashing red. “You’re a werewolf.” She almost laughed at the absurdity of it, because werewolves were the nightmares you told your stupid kid brother at night so he wouldn’t be able to sleep, they weren’t real, they were fantasy. But Erica knew Derek wasn’t lying, and it should’ve made her terrified, to think that she was the monster she used to be afraid of when she was younger, what all kids were afraid of, but it only made her swell up, with something that resembled pride. And maybe a little fear. But mostly pride. “Will I kill anyone?” She asked. She didn’t want to kill anyone. “No,” Derek answered, more of a snort than anything, and made the move to leave. “But you could,” he paused at the door, glancing at her over his shoulder, before leaving. She won’t kill anyone. But she could. It made her feel more safe than she’d ever felt in years. “I need you to distract him.” Erica rose an eyebrow in Derek’s general direction. “Pardon?” Derek growled, eyes flashing red, and a part of her wanted to turn belly-down on the floor. She didn't, of course, but she wanted to. “I need you to distract Stiles for a while.” Her heart thudded in her chest, and by the look that Derek gave her, she knew that Derek had heard it--of course he’d heard it, he heard everything, he heard how Erica had spent the first few nights in her room, hissing and shaking out on the bed, clawing at the sheets, not because she had any reason to, but because she could. Because she had control, something she hadn't had since it was ripped away from her when she was twelve, lying on the hospital bed sweating through sheets after sheets. Derek shrugged. “You need to hold him off and point him in a different direction. Tie him to a chair. Lock him in a closet. Just make sure he doesn’t get to that ice rink tonight.” “Okay,” She whispered, because she was still young, she still hadn’t realized that she’d have enough room to wiggle around with Derek, that she could poke at him and prod him and anger him without any serious repercussions. When Derek found out she wrecked Stiles’ car and knocked him out, Derek had shoved her up against a wall and had told her that taking initiative was careless and stupid and that she shouldn’t rough up a human, much less the sheriff’s son. She’d pushed back, had stared at him with glowing eyes, and hissed, “you wouldn’t understand,” because he didn’t, and he never would. Erica didn’t mean to hurt Stiles. She didn’t mean to hurt him at all. Derek gave her protection, Derek gave her strength. Derek gave her pride and happiness and things she’d never experienced before--well, things she hadn’t experienced in a long time. So yeah, Erica may have kissed him, may have used it more as a tactic to throw him off, but she’d kissed him, with enough confidence to know that there’d been a 90% chance he’d kiss her back. It was reckless and would probably end in nothing but a pissed off Alpha and her leaving with her tail in between her legs, but Erica-- She wanted control, now. She wanted to stop taking orders and she wanted to shout them. She wanted it and Derek was the one that she could milk it out of, at least for a couple of seconds. And it wasn’t like Erica was stupid, she wasn’t unaware, she knew how attractive she was now. And Derek had never told her, had never told her or Isaac or Boyd, but Erica knew-- She knew Derek had a type, and she was achingly certain blondes were included. (She was right; even if it only lasted a few seconds, she was right.) The day in the hallway, when Stiles had cornered her to ask about Jackson’s parents, she couldn’t hide her attraction anymore. She couldn’t hide how she had spent years yearning for his affection and attention without ever getting it. She couldn’t hide that because maybe she thought that there was a chance that Stiles would want it. She couldn’t pick up scents like Derek or Scott could, because Derek hadn’t taught them that, had barely taught them anything besides basic combat skills, but she could see Stiles’ mouth open in surprise whenever she came around, like he still wasn’t used to how she looked now. How she would’ve looked if she had never had epilepsy. “I used to have the worst crush in the world on you ,” Erica says, voice cracking like it hadn’t since before she’d been turned. Stiles had simply blinked at her, like he didn’t believe her. “Yes, you, Stiles.” And for a moment, for a moment she let herself believe that she’d gotten through to him, that he had seen her for her , for what she’d been trying to to show him all along. “And you never noticed me,” Erica laughed, after Stiles made no move to say anything, but it was humorless, falling dry in her throat. “Like how you’re not noticing me now.” After Jackson attacked her, when they brought her to Derek, Erica focused on how Stiles’ heart was beating like a hummingbird’s in his chest, how Erica might even be inclined to call it out of fear, fear for her safety, for her life . She’d finally gotten his attention. And it was because she was dying . “Is she dying?” Stiles asked, sounding panicked and on-edge and Erica would’ve smiled if she could have. Because he cared. He showed something for her. He didn’t want her to die. “Stiles, you'd make a good batman,” she said, reaching up with a hand to grasp his flannel shirt sleeve. She didn’t have to look to notice Derek’s glare. She didn’t have to have a superior senses to smell how angry Derek was. She didn’t know how she knew, but in that moment, she knew Stiles would never be hers. He already belonged to someone else. Eighty-three days into sophomore year, she found a letter on her desk, again. "Batman always needs some backup. - G" Erica, despite herself, smiled.
That’s one reason the rules committee is reasserting guidelines on what constitutes a charge and asking for referees to be re-educated on how the play should be called. It will be one of the most important points covered this fall at the NCAA’s four regional refereeing seminars; all college basketball referees must attend one session to be eligible to work the NCAA Tournament. And this shit blows my mind... In other news, The Sporting News website has gone to shit. All of those mid story links and headlines are fucking ridiculous. Edited by RedEyedGhost, 24 May 2012 - 12:19 AM.
These wise words from Tolstoy seem even more relevant 100 years on. Matt Ridley has published a great essay in WIRED SCIENCE today. Ridley nails an issue that has plagued humanity since time immemorial. Some supposedly intelligent human beings become so convinced that Doomsday is upon them that nothing will persuade them to the contrary. Ridley’s essay is a must read for everyone interested in Doomsday predictions that have failed to materialise and why we should dump the Climate Scare in the same basket. When the sun rises on December 22, as it surely will, do not expect apologies or even a rethink. No matter how often apocalyptic predictions fail to come true, another one soon arrives. And the prophets of apocalypse always draw a following—from the 100,000 Millerites who took to the hills in 1843, awaiting the end of the world, to the thousands who believed in Harold Camping, the Christian radio broadcaster who forecast the final rapture in both 1994 and 2011. Religious zealots hardly have a monopoly on apocalyptic thinking. Consider some of the environmental cataclysms that so many experts promised were inevitable. Best-selling economist Robert Heilbroner in 1974: “The outlook for man, I believe, is painful, difficult, perhaps desperate, and the hope that can be held out for his future prospects seem to be very slim indeed.” Or best-selling ecologist Paul Ehrlich in 1968: “The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s ["and 1980s" was added in a later edition] the world will undergo famines—hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked on now … nothing can prevent a substantial increase in the world death rate.” Or Jimmy Carter in a televised speech in 1977: “We could use up all of the proven reserves of oil in the entire world by the end of the next decade.” Predictions of global famine and the end of oil in the 1970s proved just as wrong as end-of-the-world forecasts from millennialist priests. Yet there is no sign that experts are becoming more cautious about apocalyptic promises. If anything, the rhetoric has ramped up in recent years. Echoing the Mayan calendar folk, theBulletin of the Atomic Scientists moved its Doomsday Clock one minute closer to midnight at the start of 2012, commenting: “The global community may be near a point of no return in efforts to prevent catastrophe from changes in Earth’s atmosphere.” APOCOHOLISM IS GROWING Over the five decades since the success of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring in 1962 and the four decades since the success of the Club of Rome’s The Limits to Growth in 1972, prophecies of doom on a colossal scale have become routine. Indeed, we seem to crave ever-more-frightening predictions—we are now, in writer Gary Alexander’s word, apocaholic. The past half century has brought us warnings of population explosions, global famines, plagues, water wars, oil exhaustion, mineral shortages, falling sperm counts, thinning ozone, acidifying rain, nuclear winters, Y2K bugs, mad cow epidemics, killer bees, sex-change fish, cell-phone-induced brain-cancer epidemics, and climate catastrophes. So far all of these specters have turned out to be exaggerated. True, we have encountered obstacles, public-health emergencies, and even mass tragedies. But the promised Armageddons—the thresholds that cannot be uncrossed, the tipping points that cannot be untipped, the existential threats to Life as We Know It—have consistently failed to materialize. To see the full depth of our apocaholism, and to understand why we keep getting it so wrong, we need to consult the past 50 years of history. Ridley takes the reader through a modern day analogy of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The classic apocalypse has four horsemen, and our modern version follows that pattern, with the four riders being chemicals (DDT, CFCs, acid rain), diseases (bird flu, swine flu, SARS, AIDS, Ebola, mad cow disease), people (population, famine), and resources (oil, metals). Let’s visit them each in turn.Read it all here
just thought i should say that while i would like to stay and answer some messages, it is actually my birthday today and thus im about to go out. so apologies to people that are still waiting for me to get to their queries. unless you asked about zuko’s mom. then i just laugh humourlessly and delete the question. but apologies to everyone else.
I’m so sorry I missed this lovely day and didn’t manage to post 10 pictures (a difficult task in itself!!), but thank you so much to everyone who posted that glorious face to celebrate 10 years of bean_daily , not least govi20 for the lovely themed posts. So, better late than never … please join Sean and I in a smile!
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This is the eleventh audio message for the Heroes & Villains series. It's important to know where our responsibility ends and someone else's begins. In short, it's important to identify the boundaries in our lives. We experience an amazing amount of freedom and fruitfulness when we faithfully serve within our appropriate boundaries. When we go outside of our boundaries, by definition we encroach on others' territory. We trespass. We rob others of the opportunity for faithfulness by doing what they were meant to do. And we also abdicate our own roles, thus neglecting our own stewardships. Have you identified your roles? Do you stay within your own boundaries? Do you respect others' boundaries? Doing more than we're asked to do (by crossing boundaries) doesn't earn us bonus point; rather, it reduces our effectiveness and undermines the contributions of others. The bible.org staff and supporters share the vision to harness the Internet for God and freely provide the NET Bible and trustworthy Bible study material to everyone on earth so they become equipped for global impact, able to complete the Great Commission in one generation. Would you consider sharing your time, talents, monies, and prayers to achieve meaning to this life and in heaven receive your crowns and hearing Christ say well done….. Matthew 25:23More...
Seattle Seahawks: Did Russell Wilson and Bobby Wagner Deserve ROY Awards? Over the weekend, Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III and Carolina Panthers linebacker Luke Kuechly won the NFL's Offensive and Defensive Rookie of the Year awards, while Seattle Seahawks Bobby Wagner and Russell Wilson finished in second and third place respectively in the voting done by the Associated Press. As the Seattle Times' Danny O'Neil reported: Seattle’s draft class was panned in April. In January, though, Seattle had two of the top six rookies according to Associated Press ballots. Linebacker Bobby Wagner was runner-up in Defensive Rookie of the Year to Luke Kuechly of Carolina, the No. 9 overall pick. Kuechly received 28 first-place votes, Wagner 11. Green Bay cornerback Casey Hayward finished third with six first-place votes. Quarterback Russell Wilson was third in votes for Offensive Rookie of the Year. Robert Griffin III of Washington won the award, receiving 29 of 50 votes. Andrew Luck of Indianapolis received 11 votes, Wilson received 10. The balloting by 50 designated voters concluded before the start of the postseason. Voters selected one winner. There were no second and third-place votes in balloting. While I'm not shocked that RG3 won the offensive award, I was a little surprised Kuechly beat out Wagner. In both votes what really has me scratching my head is the margin by which RG3 and Kuechly won. On the offensive side of the coin the competition was fierce between not only the No. 1 and No. 2 selections in the April draft, but the man chosen 70-plus spots following them. If you're a fan of the underdog, you will be hard-pressed to find a better story than Russell Wilson this season or most others. The undersized third-round draft choice took the city of Seattle and the NFL by storm in a story that now reads like a cheesy Hollywood script. The fact of the matter is that it was really a fairly lengthy process that began last spring and took shape over the better part of the season. Wilson painstakingly won over his coaches, teammates, fans and eventually the entire league by taking on all comers and proving the critics wrong every step of the way. Yet choosing among RG3, Andrew Luck, and Russell Wilson isn't as easy as you might imagine. Who deserved the Offensive ROY Award? As much as I love Wilson, I can understand the appeal of RG3 and how voters were amazed by him from the very beginning to the very end. Who could forget RG3's Week 1 performance when he went to New Orleans and won with a dazzling display of dominance by attacking through the air and on the ground. Fast-forward to the regular-season finale at home against the Cowboys with the division title up for grabs when Griffin once again got the job done with the help of fellow rookie Alfred Morris at running back. By the way, where were the ROY votes for Morris? A sixth-round pick from Florida Atlantic rushes for 1,613 yards with 13 touchdowns while helping his team to the playoffs and his teammate wins in a landslide while he doesn't get a single vote from the 50 writers? It all leads me to believe that Griffin's knack for drama is what has the media and fans spellbound. It also leads me to believe it's part of why he stayed in the wild-card game against the Seahawks well past the point he should have. Patrick McDermott/Getty Images Wilson, on the other hand, perhaps because he has been reminded throughout his life about his limitations, seems to have a solid grasp of what he should and shouldn't do on the field of play. That maturity came through against the Redskins as he rallied the 'Hawks back on the road and leads me to wonder how many voters would have changed their vote if they had the chance now? On the defensive side, Wagner was a second-round pick joining an already solid defense, but asked to help shore up what was arguably the team's weakest point at linebacker. Following the departure of veteran David Hawthorne via free agency, Wagner was drafted with the hopes of taking over the middle linebacker spot after the top middle linebacker in the draft was selected just a few spots ahead of the Seahawks' first-round pick. Whether the 'Hawks would have drafted Luke Kuechly is something we will probably never know, but with the Carolina Panthers grabbing him at No. 9, the brain trust of head coach Pete Carroll and general manager John Schneider adjusted accordingly and eventually found their man in the middle in Round 2. A position that going in to the season looked like a potential liability soon became a strength, with Wagner always at the center of the action while leading the team in tackles playing alongside second-year man K.J. Wright and veteran Leroy Hill. With that said, did Wagner deserve to win given his contributions to the Seahawks this season? Who Deserved the Defensive ROY Award? In Carolina this season Kuechly posted 165 tackles and took over the middle linebacker spot after veteran Jon Beason went down for the season with an injury early in the season. At the same time I don't see how Kuechly got 28 first-place votes versus only 11 for Wagner. At times like these I can imagine some fans crying about an East Coast bias within the media, but I'm not sure how much I buy that here given the fact that the Seahawks had four first-team All-Pro selections this year. Perhaps in both cases Wilson and Wagner's success was seen as a byproduct of an already solid roster built by Pete Carroll and John Schneider? Once again, we will probably never know, but by now Wilson and Wagner are likely accustomed to the critics looking past them. Either way I like to think both slights will be stowed away and some day used as motivation for Wilson and Wagner, who seem the kind of players who may forgive but will never forget. Winning rookie of the year may be nice, but I hope that both men have their sights set on something far more grandiose over the course of time, while helping lift the Seahawks to a level that no one will be able to deny them with a popular vote...a Super Bowl championship. What is the duplicate article? Why is this article offensive? Where is this article plagiarized from? Why is this article poorly edited?
Super Ninety Nine Romps in Sloppy Southwest Super Ninety Nine rolled to an 11 1/4-length win in the $300,000 Southwest Stakes Feb. 18 for Susan and Charles Chu's Tanma Corporation, muddling the 3-year-old picture even more as the top three finishers from the Smarty Jones Stakes finished off the board at Oaklawn Park... What is the duplicate article? Why is this article offensive? Where is this article plagiarized from? Why is this article poorly edited?
January 13, 2010 Ken has yet to fill out a bio. Ken...I think I was telling Scotto to leave Brittney alone...But I don't have the conversation before me...so, I you will give me the exact quote< will have a better grasp of what was siad and/or meant...Okay..Thanks.. Go Blue Ken! Too bad the end didnt turn out the way we hoped, but it was a great run and an amazing feat for the program Hey Ken, Been a long time since I was on Bleacher Report. Now that Football season is starting I'll be on here more often and looking forward to your comments as usual. Anyway, good luck this Friday to your MSU team. I think they will crush Boise State!!! Go Green when they aren't playing my team and Go Blue!!!! Hi Ken, thanks for posting on my bulletin board. Sorry that I just saw this tonight. I'm not always following everything on BR these days. In any case, I've always enjoyed our trips to Michigan State. I have found the fans to be quite welcoming and friendly to Penn Staters, and the stadium atmosphere to be outstanding, albeit a bit tough to get up to that nosebleed section - 7 ramps! - where they put the away game fans these days. I also think that MSU's campus is one of the prettiest in the Big Ten. In any case I guess since now we are in different divisions we won't play one another quite as often. So when we do, it will be more special. I never hide my garb anywhere in the Big Ten, and have never really had a problem. But I understand why you go out of your way at Ohio State to hide the fact that you're from Michigan. Thanks for the message Ken. I think running those types of plays would be great. I think it's good too because it's not likely that there would be injuries to the QB. I think throwing in a play like that each quarter would be great as well. It would keep the defense honest and make passing and running plays easier for us. I think Having Denard throwing to Gardner, and Gardner throwing back to Denard on a screen would almost get a TD every time since Denard is so fast and elusive. Michigan looks great on paper. They have a ton of great players. I think they will do great under Coach Hoke and Mattison, however the schedule they play this year is brutal. If they can pull out wins on their road games, (@Nebraska, Alabama in Texas, Ohio State, Notre Dame, Minnesota, and Purdue) then I think they will have a shot at another BCS bowl game and perhaps a chance at going to the Big Ten Championship game. I sure hope you're right about this being Michigan's year. I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often. Essay Writing Help|Research Paper Help|Essay Writers|Cheap Essays|Help Me Write An Essay|Custom Research Paper Online Help|Free Essays Online|Order An Essay Online|Buy Persuasive Essays Online|Admission Essays Writing Service Online I def dont think ur a bad guy, lol...i spent some time looking for that quote but ill def give ur friend a shout and get the scoop...lol....roll tide!! I thought you might want to check out "The Top 25 Title Odds" story. I think you'll get a kick out of my picks to make the finals. Ken... I fully and totally understand you not wanting me to have your email address. If you want to keep in touch through B/R that is fine with me. But, if you ever want to get in touch with me on a more personal level, you can always email me at firstname.lastname@example.org. It is a strange time in the world right now so I won't be upset in any way, shape, or form if you would rather keep in touch through B/R. Hell...it surely is easy enough and my email alerts me any time I get any kind of message from B/R. I may be wrong, but I consider you smart,and even though you are a fan of "little brother", I consider you a friend as well. I wish all of the people at B/R were like you and the handful of friends I have at B/R. I have a couple Michigan pals, a Wisconsin buddy, you, and about a dozen Buckeye friends although they aren't very bright for the most part and DO NOT have my email address. Hahahaha. Anyway...you are now my brother whether you like it or not (I call all men, "brother"... it is a Christian thing). And on a couple personal notes... I'm 38 years old. I was born in Dayton, Ohio, just like friggin Brady Hoke, and I have lived in the Orlando, Florida area for around 30 years. My birthday is on February, 25th so I turn 39 then, In keeping with "Things about Chris"... I am married with 2 daughters (12 and 9), but I have been separated for 7 years. I live with my girlfriend, Wendy, and her 2 children. Wendy's boy has Down's syndrome and is 28. Wendy's daughter is a senior in high school and is 18. We honestly have 26 cats (no joke). We took in a couple pregnant strays and then 8 months later we went from 12 cats to 38 cats. Since we would never let someone kill our pets, we take between 1 and 4 cats to the "no kill" animal shelter every 2 to 4 weeks. We also have 2 rabbits as we are animal lovers but the cats were an accident of sorts that our laziness made things bad. Wendy and I are both plumbers that specialize in total home re-piping. But since we are in a depression of sorts, Wendy has taken a job doing housekeeping at a nearby hotel and I am doing very little part-time plumbing just to barely get by. We used to make $1200 to $2500 each weekly for a four day week, but now we are living week to week. Times have been very tough to say the least. So, now you know about my family and me. I'm just a sports freak and not too much of a weirdo. You told me about your job so I went a bit overboard and told you nearly everything about me and us. Oh... one last thing... we are Christians but we aren't Bible banging freaks. You never have to worry about me getting upset about any words you speak. I'm just a normal dude that believes in Christ but I don't attend church or practice any funky rituals. I'm a weirdo, but I'm normal at the same time. Email me through B/R or through my regular email anytime you wish. Your emails and your sports views will always be taken in pleasure. Take care, brother, I hope to hear from you before the last game of the Big Ten basketball season. See ya.
I was reminded that I hadn't posted a blog entry recently and wanted to remedy the situation. When presented with my lack of posting, my first response was that "I had lacked time" recently due to client work. I was then reminded that despite our staff being 100% billable, we still expected them to blog. That got me thinking - was it really time? The answer is "no". We can always find the time. What the real root causes are that can impact regular blogging are: - work that saps creativity in other areas of thinking - distractions in our day that break an innovation cycle - too much tactical activity and not enough strategic activity These three elements are killers for innovation inside organizations. Blogging requires us to be innovative, if we are using the tool as more than just "reporting the news". In order to be able to come up with good, insightful blogs, your mental state and working environment needs to enable that. If you look back, for instance, I was able to produce a number of good blog posts during the lead-up to MicroStrategy and throughout the conference and then post conference. Why? Was it having more time? Not really. I was on an interesting client engagement and the exciting stuff coming out of the BI space was thought-provoking, hence good blog posts. As I shifted into more routine consulting work for another client after that, the creative-well dried up. Hence, no blogging, here at the PXLTD blog or my own personal blog. So how do we strike a balance? If I want to encourage my staff to blog, I need to give them the right ingredients, which include inspiration, interesting client opportunities and less distractions. With those key ingredients, people will find the time, no matter how busy they are, myself included. Being able to intersperse those ingredients amongst our client work (which sometimes is routine and not overly creative) is important. Going forward, I'm going to put a standing task in my calender...not to blog - you can't force that process. Rather, I will add a task to look for and forward on items of interest and to seek out interesting opportunities that will spark creativity for myself and my staff. That in turn, should spark some interesting blogging ideas even when we find ourselves in the midst of normal client work.
As an investment strategy, “Stay Home” has mostly outperformed “Go Global” this year. It may continue to do so in 2013. However, I’m starting to get cabin fever. It may be time to get out a little bit and see the world. Here is what I am seeing: (1) China. China’s new leaders, who will be formally appointed at the Communist Party Congress during November, are likely to spend lots of money to revive economic growth when they take charge in March. Before then, the People's Bank of China is likely to avert a hard landing by continuing to ease monetary policy. The latest data out of China suggest that the country’s economic growth may be bottoming. M2 rose 14.8% y/y during September, up from a recent low of 12.4% during January 2012. The CPI inflation rate, which recently peaked at 6.5% during July 2011, seems to be stabilizing around 2% over the past three months. Exports edged up during September, but have stalled in recent months. On the other hand, September's PPI for industrial products fell 3.6% y/y, the weakest since October 2009. (2) India. Over the past month, India’s government unveiled a series of reform initiatives long demanded by investors and business leaders frustrated by years of policy inaction in New Delhi. They include lifting the bar on foreign investment in the airline, insurance, pensions, and retail sectors. That’s already pumping up the financial markets. The next step is expected to be a roadmap for cutting the fiscal deficit. The Bombay Sensex stock price index has rallied smartly on the government’s reform announcement. It is now up 20.8% ytd, about twice as much as the 9.9% increase in the MSCI World index. During September, India’s M-PMI remained flat at 52.8, while the NM-PMI rose to 55.8. (3) Indonesia. In Southeast Asia’s largest economy, September car sales jumped 28% y/y back to near-record monthly numbers, driven by a rising middle class and low interest rates. Carmakers are expanding their Indonesian production. Their exports surged 58% on an annual basis in the year through August. On the other hand, exports and imports fell the most in three years in August, suggesting weakening third-quarter growth. Yet the World Bank forecasts that Indonesia’s real GDP will grow 6.1% in 2012 and 6.3% in 2013. The Jakarta Composite stock price index is at a record high and up 12.8% ytd. (4) Brazil. The Brazilian central bank reduced interest rates for the 10th straight time Wednesday to spark local growth amid concerns about a prolonged global slump. The bank cut its benchmark Selic interest rate by a quarter of a percentage point to a record low 7.25% and signaled the end to a cycle of cuts that started in August 2011. The central bank's rate-setting committee was divided, with five directors in favor of the cut and three directors voting to hold interest rates steady. (5) Mexico. The IMF estimates Brazil has an economy twice the size of Mexico's at $2.4 trillion, but Nomura’s economists predict that the gap could disappear by 2022 if Mexico grows at the top end of their forecast range and Brazil at the low end. New Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto aims to lift annual economic growth to 6% by overhauling Mexico's labor market, state-run oil sector, and tax base. Mexico’s IPC stock price index is up 12.4% ytd, well ahead of Brazil’s 3.3% gain. Today's Morning Briefing: Beantown. (1) The weather in Boston. (2) Blankfein says avoiding fiscal cliff would be very bullish. (3) Second Recovery is underway. (4) Foreclosures at five-year low. (5) Earned income at record high. (6) Rising stock and home prices boosting confidence. (7) Lots of applications to export US oil and LNG. (8) Tax receipts at cyclical high. (9) Time to Go Global? (10) China may be bottoming. (11) “Argo” (+ + +). (More for subscribers.)
Habanero Heyday: Tasting the Hot Jams From Diane's Sweet Heat Food trends, like trends of all other sorts from business to art to comic books, are cyclical. We cycle through salty to sweetness, from bacon to bourbon. Right now we seem to be hopped up on Habanero. With only the draft still freshly saved on the Habanero honey story, we received a surprise shipment of three Fruit Habanero Jams from Humboldt County's Diane's Sweet Heat. Having found flavor in the pepper jams INNA sent us some time back, we set our expectations to simmer and tasted through. All were noted as "Medium" versus the "Mild" they also sell. Here's what we thought. Raspberry Habanero Jam A tad runny. Mild sweetness with modest berry flavor. Mild heat with modest build. Seems like an okay cheese accoutrement, but we'd prefer INNA jam's pepper jelly for that purpose. Blackberry Habanero Jam There's a bit more berry flavor here. Like blackberry pie filling with a nice building heat. Our favorite of the three. Mango Habanero Jam Mid-modest again. We'd rank it okay. A medium building heat. With the exception of the blackberry, we'd like to see more heat, more fruit, and more flavor.The blackberry earned a place in the posts, and you can order it online here or find it at stores listed here.
SEOPRMarketing is definitely a Search engine optimization firm. It targets to deliver your site with an increase in profits. Getting people to your website is very important, and the SEO company understands this. They’ll try to help you in the very best and efficient approach. If they don’t think that your website has potential, they’ll refuse the task. When the New York SEO company thinks that the charges you will incur is going to be greater than the money you will earn, they’ll tell you that they can’t accept the job. While this may seem a very bad thing, it is an excellent feature of this specific SEO firm, since it means you can be sure that they are not going to allow you to waste your hard earned money. The company caters mostly for smaller businesses that need assistance with their internet sites. The SEO services that they offer will assure that your website is ranking as high as feasible on the internet and that it’ll continue to be there for as long as it possibly can. Social media marketing and also PPC (pay per click) are a couple of the other solutions that they offer to their customers. Their customers consist of numerous big enterprises, in addition to smaller and medium-sized companies. It does not matter what type of a business and website you have because this Search engine optimization agency works together with all sorts of internet sites. You are able to get in touch with SEOPRMarketing and talk about your website with them and find out the things they think about it. Several customers have expressed how impressed they’re with the solutions offered and how they helped the website to get more traffic.
Find here a selection of other inspiring environmental organizations, individuals, and ongoing projects. We recommend familiarizing yourself with these organizations, learning about their programs, benefiting from their expertise, and if possible, getting involved. Oceana — protecting the world’s oceans Pew Environment Group — works globally to establish pragmatic, science-based policies that protect our oceans, preserve our wildlands and promote the clean energy economy Ocean Conservancy — educates and empowers citizens to take action on behalf of the ocean Marine Conservation Institute — saving wild ocean places, for us and future generations National Coalition for Marine Conservation – the USA’s oldest public advocacy group dedicated exclusively to conserving ocean fish, such as swordfish, marlin, sharks, tuna, striped bass, menhaden and herring. Greenpeace — the largest independent direct-action environmental organization in the world.
It seems to be the season of "Top 10" in blogland. Both FilmiGirl and the Post-Punk Cinema Club have put up their selection of top 10 songs for various decades. Never having done a top 10 of anything before, I promptly and shamelessly decided to copy the idea. However, to weed out Top 10 songs from literally hundreds of songs every decade is a Herculean task and a beginner like me needs something much simpler. After much cogitation I settled on Top 10 Comedies simply because great comedies in Bollywood appear but rarely and it shouldnt be hard to select 10. Having committed myself to the task, I realised that Bollywood has way too many great comedies to make this any easier than top 10 songs! What you see here is the result of sheer hard work and days of frantic weeding and ruthless trimming - I've even managed to limit myself to only two comedies each from directors Basu Chatterji and Hrishikesh Mukherji who between them were responsible for most of the great comedies in the 70s and 80s! If jest be the food of life, read on... and dont forget to tell me about your favorite comedies. 10. Andaz Apna Apna (1994) - Yaallah!! Two bumbling young men meet up on the path of get-rich-quick by attempting to marry the same rich girl. Alternately collaborating and competing with each other for their heiress, they run into bizarre villains, confusing look-alikes and every possible situation that a hero of a successful 70s masala block-buster could look forward to. From these trials they emerge triumphant, with their love-lives and fortunes made. What makes it especially amusing is its use of cliches to create a hilarious parody of masala movies. Salman Khan and Aamir Khan as the aspiring fortune-hunters are uproariously funny and ably supported by their heroines - Raveena Tandon and Karishma Kapoor - their villains - Shakti Kapoor, Shehzad Khan and Viju Khote - and the goody-baddy lookalikes played by Paresh Rawal. Raj Kumar Santoshi's tongue-in-cheek nod to 70s Bollywood still has me in splits everytime I watch it, though I havent watched it as often as Veracious seems to have! 9. Hungama (2003) - chaos in the midst of chaos An insane comedy in the best tradition of screwball comedies - this one would do P. G. Wodehouse proud. Two strangers - Nandu (Aftab Shivdasani) and Anjali (Rimi Sen) - arriving in Mumbai to make their fortunes, pretend to be a married couple to rent a cheap apartment. Anjali is mistaken for reclusive millionaire Radheshyam Tiwari's (Paresh Rawal) daughter by the mercenary Jeetu (Akshaye Khanna) who proceeds to woo her. Tiwari's wife (Shoma Anand) suspects him of having an affair with Anjali while Tiwari himself suspects that his wife is sweet on Jeetu. Throw in a few more misunderstandings and co-incidences, several more zany characters and you have a laughathon on your hands! 8. Yahan Wahan (1984) - beguiling bluffs A lighthearted romantic comedy starring Farooq Shaikh and Surinder Kaur (you've seen her as Saif's Mom in Parineeta). Boy meets girl and the girl sets out to impress him with her wealth by lending him her luxurious apartment. The only problem is that the apartment isnt hers - she's been given the contract to decorate it for the rich absentee owner who just happens to be her new boyfriend! (I saw this one years ago and am still looking for its DVD.) 7. Pasand Apni Apni (1983) - a miss-understanding An insane misunderstanding that leads to love. Here, an almost-out-of-work actress - Geeta (Rati Agnihotri) - accepts a ride from the chauffeur of wealthy industrialist Sandeep Anand. She is seen descending from Sandeep's limo and assumed to be his fiancé, all unbeknownst to herself. As a result, wonderful things begin to happen to her - her theatre company makes her the leading lady of all their productions, she is courted and fêted wherever she goes and a journalist (Mithun Chakraborty) becomes her constant shadow. She finds herself falling for him only to find out that he is none other than Sandeep Anand! Directed by Basu Chatterji, this fun comedy also stars Utpal Dutt, Ashok Kumar, Subbiraj, Javed Khan and several of my favorite 80s TV stars. 6. Miss Mary (1957) - mirth and melody Meena Kumari in a rare comedic role while she was still unaffected by alcohol and melancholia - that alone makes this movie worth watching. But that isnt all. She plays Mary, an out-of-work teacher unsuccessfully looking for a job. When fellow teacher Arun (Gemini Ganeshan) suggests that they pretend to be married for a job advertised for married couples, she reluctantly agrees. They get the job and land-up having to live as man and wife with a wacko private eye (Kishore Kumar) watching over them while a beautiful student falls for Arun. Throw in some lost-and-found daughters, comic villains and some of 50s best loved songs and you have an entertaining comedy to while away the hours! Check out MemsaabStory's excellent write-up for a comprehensive review. 5. Angoor (1982) - pandemonium personified An adaptation of Shakespeare's Comedy Of Errors, the movie involves two sets of identical twins - a pair of Ashoks and their pair of twin servants named Bahadur - with one of each pair separated in childhood. They are brought up in different cities and while one Ashok and his Bahadur are married to Sudha (Moushumi Chatterji) and Prema (Aruna Irani), respectively, the other Ashok-Bahadur pair is unmarried. Chance brings the bachelors to the city of their married twins and utter chaos ensues with nobody (including themselves and their wives) realising that there are two Ashoks and Bahadurs. In the comedy of errors that ensues, the unmarried Ashok finds himself falling for Sudha's beautiful sister Tanu (Deepti Naval) who thinks he is married to her sister! The resulting situations are hilarious and milked for all their humor by the excellent dialogue and screenplay written by director Gulzar. Caution: a side effects of watching this movie is severe stitch-in-the-side from laughing too much. 4. Naram Garam (1981) - a convoluted story One of director Hrishikesh Mukherji's lesser known comedies, this one is the story of an enterprising young man who manages to please everybody while serving his own ends. Ramprasad (Amol Palekar) is the enterprising young man who houses his lady-love Kusum (Swaroop Sampat) and her father (A. K. Hangal) in an old house owned by his employer Bhavani Shankar (Utpal Dutt). The comedy derives from his attempts to prevent their discovery and ultimate eviction from the property. Ramprasad cleverly exploits the very human weaknesses of his employer and fellow colleagues to bring about his own happily-ever-after. Apart from Amol Palekar and Utpal Dutt's expectedly brilliant performances, the other memorable performance is that of Shatrughan Sinha as Babua - Bhavani Shankar's younger brother who is keen on body-building and avoiding women but promptly forgets these in the light of Kusum's beauty! 3. Chameli Ki Shaadi (1986) - droll diversion An off-beat comedy by Basu Chatterji starring Anil Kapoor, Amrita Singh and Amjad Khan that takes a humorous look at life and romance in a small-town. Chameli (Amrita Singh) is the grown up daughter of coal-seller Nathilal (Pankaj Kapoor). Her scholarly ambitions make her stick to high school inspite of failing multiple times and her romanic disposition makes her pursue Charandas (Anil Kapoor) an unemployed chela (disciple) of the local pehelwaan (wrestler) Ustaad Mastram (Om Prakash). Charandas succumbs to Chameli's charms and the romance is helped along by Charandas's guru in matters of romance - Advocate Harish (Amjad Khan in a rare comedic role). Their hilarious romance and its amusingly filmi aftermath is brilliantly utilised to sketch a picture of small-town life. The performance of the principals and the rest of the cast (which also includes several TV and stage actors of the day) is superb and the movie never fails to tickle my funny bone. 2. Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi (1958) - flippant fun A Marx-brothers-meet-Bollywood-masala type of comedy that has entertained people for half a century. Three brothers Brijmohan, Jagmohan, and Manmohan (real-life brothers Ashok Kumar, Anup Kumar, and Kishore Kumar, respectively) run a garage that does not cater to customers of the female sex. When Renu (Madhubala) turns up at the garage one night to get her car repaired, she triggers a storm in this bastion of masculinity. Manmohan falls for her and flouts elder brother Brijmohan's diktat against women. Apart from facing Brijmohan's misogynism, the young lovers have to battle murderers masquerading as princes, they need to don funny disguises, go on hilarious car-chases and help Manmohan's two elder brothers find love, too. (Check out Filmi Geek's excellent write-up for an in-depth review) An old favorite, this is a fast-paced laugh-riot that never fails to bring on he laughs even after several re-watches! 1. Chupke Chupke (1975) - a jest in time An all-time favorite, this Hrishikesh Mukherji-directed film is a delicious blend of witty dialogues and insane situations that come together in a wacky comedy (fellow-blogizens Beth and Carla agree!). After a comic whirlwind romance, famous botanist Dr. Parimal Tripathi (Dharmendra) marries botany-fangirl Sulekha (Sharmila Tagore) only to be regaled endlessly with praises of her brother-in-law Raghav (Om Prakash) whom he's never met. To take his rightful position as numero uno in Sulekha's esteem, he decides to play a practical joke on Raghav. He takes up a job as Raghav's driver and manages to *seduce* Raghav's visiting sister-in-law (and his wife) Sulekha. Enter Sulekha's pretend husband - Parimal's English-teaching friend Sukumar (Amitabh Bachchan) - and poor Raghav's plight is pitiable. Throw in a love interest - Vasudha (Jaya Bhaduri) - for Sukumar and you have all the characters caught in a comical charade with only the viewer completely in the know. The dialogues are especially witty and include a play on English phonetics and Hindi words that still has me in splits after more than a dozen re-watches! Other comedies that I love but which did not make it to the top 10: Sur Asur which stars Rohan Kapoor (and others whom I cant remember) and is a great parody of Bollywood masala. All of Basu Chatterji's comedies, but especially Chhoti Si Baat (1975), Hamari Bahu Alka (1982) , Dillagi (1978) and Kiraydaar (1986). Hrishikesh Mukherji's satire on married life - Rang Birangi (1983), and the hilarious Golmaal (1979). Prem Deewaane (1992) - a tongue-in-cheek send up of Bollywood - masala which stars masala-queen Madhuri Dixit along with Jackie Shroff, Puja Bhatt and Vivek Mushran. Edited Aug 12, 2008 Readers' choice #1: Jaanne Bhi Do Yaaron (1983) - a black comedy Director Kundan Shah's wonderful satire on the ways of the world in early 80s India is perhaps the only dark comedy in Bollywood. It involves two struggling photographers - Vinod (Nasseeruddin Shah) and Sudhir (Ravi Baswani) - who inadvertently photograph the commission of a murder. They don the hats of private investigators and their investigations lead them into the murky world of Bombay real-estate. Their bumbling attempts to find the murderer and expose the scandals in the real-estate business make for hilarious situations. The movie comes complete with impeccable pedigree - apart from Nasseer and Baswani, the cast includes Om Puri, Pankaj Kapoor, Satish Shah, Satish Kaushik, Neena Gupta and Vidhu Vinod Chopra (according to imdb), plus several other leading theatre and TV actors of the day. Needless to say, the performances are superb! A movie that successfully combines slapstick with biting satire and doesnt fail to bring on the laughs.
Is Tamar finally ready to pop out a Vince Jr ? Tamar Braxton Pregnant? According to SandraRose: According to a close family member, Tamar Braxton is pregnant with her first child. Tamar is not a friend of the blog, in case you were wondering. According to a confidential source, Tamar, who is barren, was artificially inseminated by in vitro fertilization. Congrats to Tamar’s husband, Vince Herbert, who has struggled to get Tamar pregnant. Tamar and Vince are in Las Vegas attending the 2012 Soul Train Awards. According to my source, Vince recently underwent lap band surgery, and as a result he has lost a ton of weight. From divorce rumors to baby rumblings, these two sure do know how to stay in the headlines. We don’t know if these rumors are true but we know another season of Tamar & Vince will be around to document the drama.
CBA Development and Alumni Affairs Team Still Growing M.G. Bailey has joined the college’s development and alumni affairs team as one of two assistant directors of development. He comes to us from Duke Athletics where he served as assistant director of the Iron Dukes Annual Fund. Bailey grew up in Carthage, Tennessee, where his family currently resides. He graduated from the University of Tennessee in 2005 with a bachelor’s degree in communication studies and went on to receive a master’s degree in college student personnel in 2007. During his time in graduate school, Bailey worked with the UT Knoxville College of Law, UT Athletics, and Florida State University as an intern. Please join us in welcoming the newest member of the development and alumni affairs team! Also joining the department is Lance Taylor, a Kingston, Tennessee, native and recent graduate of the College of Business Administration. Serving as annual giving coordinator for the college, he joins us from Kimberly-Clark, where he worked as an intern on the Global Transportation team. While a student at UT, Taylor worked for both UT Athletics and as an Ambassador Scholar for Undergraduate Admissions. He earned the university’s highest student award, the Torchbearer, for serving UT with excellence and the CBA Bank of America Leadership Award; was an orientation leader; and was president of the College of Business Administration’s Dean’s Student Advisory Council. Please join us in welcoming them to the college!
Humans are quite remarkable when it comes to determining sizes. We can estimate how many people it will take to complete a job. If blindfolded, we have the skills to determine whether we are in a large amphitheater or small room. We can estimate the size of an airplane by its approaching sound. But music is the ultimate deceiver, isn’t it? Hypothetical and literal size are beautifully separated in the newly released album of music byPeter Garland (b. 1952), Waves Breaking on Rocks. The album consists of his piano work, “Waves Breaking on Rocks (Elegy for All of Us),” and his piece for tenor and chamber ensemble, “The Roque Dalton Songs.” Garland is an American composer whose works have often been considered post-minimal. Waves Breaking on Rocks pairs two very different compositions. The topic of deceptive “sizes” of the pieces spawns from the size of their instrumentation: “Waves Breaking on Rocks (Elegy for All of Us)” is for solo piano while “The Roque Dalton Songs” employ many musicians—but their impressions reflect the opposite. The piano work is expansive and watery, conjuring large images and panoramic landscapes. The songs for tenor travel in a narrower path—tribal in their percussion, gospel-like in their tone pairings, and purposefully targeted, they give off a small, focused vibe. Both of the pieces benefit from their aural sizes, and create an album of sounds that is attention grabbing and varied. Deceiving isn’t always a bad thing. “Waves Breaking on Rocks (Elegy for All of Us)” is a suite of elegies. Divided into six parts, the suite commemorates six different people that Garland has lost in his life. It is composed almost entirely of chords, and creates more of a space than a linear narration. Each section might not get stuck in your head, such as a certain sentence from a lost one might not, but the overall ambiance of that person can be surfaced with subtle things, and this piece creates those moods. Pianist Aki Takahashi could not have performed the piece better—she keeps the serene lines of the suite flowing and consistent with the stories being told. The last piece in the suite, “Waves Breaking on Rocks 2/Autumn (Again),” shows her control and ability to avoid even slight dynamic rises that would break the tranquility of the piece. The suite begins with “The White Place,” referring to the limestone formations in Abiquiu, New Mexico called Plaza Blanca, and commemorates the photographer Walter Chappell. Beautifully piercing, monumental chords set up the foundations for each phrase of the piece and are followed by smaller, controlled hills of hushed tones. The entire suite utilizes ostensibly simple chords, but when listened to they create a dreamy story that is complex in the way nature is seamlessly intricate. Through each of the pieces, the chords unravel into wandering and separated lines. Significant change comes in “A House in Island Bay,” composed for poet Alan Brunton. The listener is reminded of small rocks rippling on a lake as still as glass. It progresses to the intense solidity of previous chords. The last two sections of “Waves Breaking on Rocks” are Americana in their own ways—“Sierra Madre,” composed for composer Lou Harrison, is homey and nostalgic and is the only section to use violin, and appropriate and comfortable addition. “Waves Breaking on Rocks 2/Autumn (Again)” is a still and jazz-tinged piece, and is almost impossible to listen to without stopping for a minute (or five minutes and forty six seconds) and being absorbed by it. “The Roque Dalton Songs,” the second collection on the album, is a collection with much more of a landing spot than “Waves Breaking on Rocks.” Though the instrumentation is larger, it is less expansive, and this isn’t a bad thing. The listener’s brain follows the music in a more direct line—if “Waves Breaking on Rocks” was a walk in a meadow, “The Roque Dalton Songs” are a hike through a specific path. Roque Dalton was a Salvadorian poet and revolutionary who was executed during El Salvador’s civil war. Five of Dalton’s poems were set to music by Garland in this piece. The poems range from free verse to dialogue to prose (“he was a really super cool guy” is probably my favorite line), and they seem very human, like Dalton can be seen scribbling the words onto paper right in front of you. The chamber ensemble, Santa Fe New Music, is comprised of percussion, harp, piano, trumpet, bass clarinet, and violins. The ensemble is successful in layering the very obvious sheets of sound—the percussion, piano, and harp construct a stable foundation, the bass clarinet and trumpet create the walls, and the violins occupy the figurative room of sound. The tenor John Duykers keeps a triumphant tone throughout the entire collection, and conquers the sometimes out-of-the-blue high notes. The music keeps a dance rhythm, resolving itself at the end of each phrase, and doesn’t really break free of this except for the second piece, the smooth and sly “Como La Siempreviva,” and inside the fourth piece, “History of a Poetic.” The final piece, “Como Tú,” employs the harp in a refreshing way by retaining the previous piece’s dance like feel. However, it makes it more of a sensual one, like a dance between two people in privacy. A piano is one object. A chamber ensemble is many. But sound is one idea, and Peter Garland’s album Waves Breaking on Rocks enforces that. Deceived or not, these are waves worth listening to.
eBay Classifieds hosts a large number of homes for sale ads and accessing these ads in Cincinnati is simple and trouble-free when you use eBay Classifieds. These homes may cater for one person, a couple, a small family or a larger family. The ads may provide information on the total area of the property and the dimensions of each room. It may provide detail on the size of the back yard and the quality of decor in the property. Perhaps you have managed to save up enough money to secure a deposit for a mortgage and you are interesting in buying a home in the region.
Woke up early and was ready to go to the rec center, but it was still closed at 8:30 a.m. So I had just enough time I thought to go to 24 hour Nautilus. I can't find my membership letter, but Winnie let me in anyway. Was able to do all the prison bar workout and Roman Chair and some crunches with abs feeling really strong. Now for some reason my comp is acting up. Let me just say I feel really pumped, and I have to commit more to my training. I've raced already and the taper portion is way done. Posted by polynesian_metal\ on Thursday, December 18, 2008 - 10:16 AM [Reply to this\] lets just say the gym isn't so gross if one stays out of the locker room. Posted by polynesian_metal\ on Thursday, December 18, 2008 - 10:17 A The mostly mundane yet sometimes exciting trail running journal of an international endurance athlete obsessed with Nature and all of Her groovy friends. View polynesian_metal's profile No recent comments.
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The Copasetic Lounge opened in August of 2007. The owners, Chuck and Joel have been working to make a comfortable, fun, friendly atmosphere for all ages. Come to a place that is laid back where you can have a conversation with friends without the hustle and bustle of Downtown Duluth. Located just off of Central Entrance, across from Dairy Queen you find a newly remodeled patio where you can enjoy beverages, sun and fun! Open until 2am, 7days a week for your convenience! Stop in where the beer is cold, the people are friendly, and the popcorn is fresh!
If anyone knows a decent orthopaedic surgeon, I did some serious damage to my wrist. Reading this article caused me to facepalm so hard, I may have fractured something: In his closing submissions, defence lawyer Doug Marion said Mr. Phillips “consented” to a three-on-one fight with the men and “could have walked away from this fight if he wanted to. You can see him in the video, he’s backing away but his arms are open and he’s screaming ‘come on!’ and then pointing to his chest,” Mr. Marion said. “The reality is, that is consent.” I feel a bit bad for Mr. Marion, having to defend clients who are the cowardly scum of the Earth. This desperate grabbing at straws defense is about as feeble as the fighting skills of his clients. I wonder what would happen to Mr. Marion if he was accosted by three people on racial grounds, and forced to defend himself. Would he have walked away from the fight? Better question – would he have dared to turn his back on three drunk rednecks who were trying to hit him and screaming racial obscenities at him? The fact is that when you look at the video, it’s pretty obvious what’s happening. Far from egging his attackers on, Mr. Phillips is doing pretty much the same thing a cat does when threatened – making himself appear larger. Mr. Phillips says that he refused to allow the verbal assault to go on without reaction, since lack of dissent was, in his mind assent. He saw himself as standing up for other members of the black community who face similar discrimination but don’t speak up. I’m inclined to believe Phillips’ account, given that racism of the type evinced by his attackers rarely happens in a vacuum – there’s always something going on in the community that feeds that. Of course, there is always more to the story. Jay Phillips is no saint, having had run-ins with the law in his past; however, that doesn’t matter one bit. There is no excusing the actions of three cowards who shouted racial epithets at a person on the street, then stopped their truck and engaged in a three-on-one beating. My sympathies for Mr. Marion are somewhat blunted by the fact that he’s going to the same default excuse that accused rapists like to use: “look at what she was doing – she was asking for it!” There is a fantastic article about this issue on a feminist blog called The Curvature. The subject matter is different, but the take-home message is the same: nobody ever asks to be assaulted, regardless of what twisted interpretation of their actions you might be able to produce. My concern in all this is that as stupid as this defense obviously is, it might work. Racism of the type that seems to be endemic in Courtenay means that the members of the jury may be swayed by the argument. Either subconsciously or consciously, they may want to find a reason to excuse the actions of these pea-brained thugs and may seize upon this flimsy argument as sufficient grounds for acquittal. I hope I’m wrong about this.
Monday, September 1, 2008 Knaus Continues To Learn The TV Game SPEED viewers have watched Chad Knaus work alongside of Larry McReynolds and Bootie Barker on NASCAR Performance for several seasons. Talking about the most detailed and intricate technical issues associated with the sport seemed to be a natural for Knaus. It was interesting this season when SPEED decided to add Knaus to the re-vamped Monday night show now called This Week In NASCAR. This show features conversation about a wide variety of issues, almost none of them technical. New host Steve Byrnes was feeling his way through this program when it first began and the pathway was a bit rough. Working with Michael Waltrip, Greg Biffle and Knaus proved to be a challenge. Added to that task was the format that SPEED demanded. After a very brief chat, Byrnes and his panel offered a thirty minute preview of the race that was six days away and never touched the highlights from just the day before. Needless to say, it did not work with the fans. While all the behind-the-scenes chaos was going-on with the format, a funny thing happened on-the-set. Waltrip and Knaus began to develop a relationship that continues to evolve. Waltrip discovered that Knaus could take a joke and actually had a sense of humor. Knaus discovered that the only way he was going to survive on this TV series was to learn to ignore Waltrip on a regular basis. The resulting on-air dynamic has been fun to watch and played a major role in making Monday nights on SPEED interesting again. It also helped that the network executives finally relented and let the race review lead the show. It made a big difference. This week, Byrnes, Waltrip and Knaus were all tired from a long California weekend and a three hour time zone shift. Waltrip started slow, but got himself back on-track by suggesting California go to restrictor plate racing immediately. Of course, this resulted in Knaus trying to find the words to disagree while not gloating on the fact he had the dominant car all weekend long. It was too late, Waltrip was gone off on a tangent and Byrnes was laughing so hard he could not talk. "I can't believe we still have a show," said Knaus while rubbing his temples and shaking his head. Byrnes and Waltrip had long since gone to "giggle land" and the movie references were flying. For veteran viewers of this show, it was somewhat ironic that Knaus sounds more-and-more like a former TV partner of Waltrip. Kenny Schrader spent many Mondays shaking his head at Waltrip's comments. Eventually, Schrader developed a style of ignoring Waltrip just like Knaus is trying to perfect. This week, Knaus cut-through the clutter and the chaos like a veteran TV professional. The Richmond preview featured some excitement after a very boring weekend at California. The TWIN production team pulls the best footage to back-up the comments from the panel and this week was no exception. Just seeing the three-wide racing, hot tempers and racing action served to finally help fans actually look forward to a COT race. A key element of this program's success is the features and interviews that the NASCAR Media Group can put together. They have all the resources from the track and the NASCAR footage vault, so things like the outstanding feature on Clint Bowyer and his dad can result. I have the feeling we might see that one again on RaceDay. As this program goes forward, Knaus is clearly going to grow his role as the voice-of-reason while Waltrip just continues to be himself. These two have already combined for some memorable moments this season and things should only get better. If the TV executives will just let them come back next week, of course. The Daly Planet welcomes comments from readers. Simply click on the COMMENTS button below and follow the easy instructions. The rules for posting are located on the right side of the main page. Thank you for taking the time to stop by.
notice what’s going on in the video around the 2:00 mark: a whole stageful of musicians, ranging over at least a span of 60 years of age, takes up bows and dives into the music. No one’s tracking them in an FMS (Fiddle Management System); no one’s worried about the failure to capture and embed Shareable Audio Objects. People put time and effort into becoming better at an activity they find worthwhile. Dave Ferguson via http://www.daveswhiteboard.com/archives/5314 Hat tip: Stephen Downes, http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/page.cgi?post=59600
|Viewing Single Post From: Spoilers for the Week of February 11th| |Lil||Feb 1 2013, 09:58 AM| Don't care about Chloe/Taniel/Jen-Jen. Don't care about Sami, really, but hoping that we get some good "SAMANTHA GENE!!" Marlena Death-Stares out of it. And "newfound" feelings. Please. If only. STEFANO!! STEFANO, STEFANO, STEFANO!!!! :cheer: |Spoilers for the Week of February 11th · DAYS: News, Spoilers & Discussion|
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A forum, themed “ Vietnam : opportunity for tourism, trade and investment”, took place in Malaysia ’s capital city of Kuala Lumpur on May 5 to further strengthen cooperation in these fields between Vietnam and Malaysia. Co-organised by the Vietnamese Embassy and the Vietnam Airlines office in Malaysia , the forum drew over 100 delegates from Malaysia ’s leading businesses and tourism companies and Vietnam ’s travel agencies, including Pitaberry, Chin Huat, Polar Ice Cream, HG Travel and I-travel Indochina . Addressing the forum, Vietnamese Ambassador to Malaysia Nguyen Hong Thao said that Vietnam-Malaysia cooperative relations in trade, tourism and investment continue to show positive growth, but did not yet correspond to the two countries’ potential and aspirations. The forum aims to boost tourism promotion, presenting opportunities and preferential investment policies to increase the number of tourists between the two countries, while strengthening two-way trade to raise bilateral turnover to 10 billion USD. The Ambassador expressed hopes that Malaysia ’s corporations and companies would continue strengthening their presence in Vietnam , believing that they will achieve more success. Acting Director General of Tourism Malaysia Haji Azizan Noordin highly valued Vietnam ’s potential in tourism, affirming that Vietnam is one of 15 leading tourism markets of Malaysia . He also expressed his hope that the two countries’ trade cooperation will develop more strongly. Also at the forum, Vietnamese commercial counsellor Vu Van Canh said that bilateral trade has increased annually by an average 20 percent in recent years. In 2011, two-way trade reached 6.66 billion USD, in which Vietnam ’s export turnover to Malaysia achieved 2.76 billion USD. In terms of investment, Malaysia ranks second in ASEAN countries and eighth among 90 nations and territories investing in Vietnam , with 404 projects and a total registered capital of 11.09 billion USD. After the forum, delegates had a chance to enjoy a special programme performed by Vietnamese artists and Vietnamese food and drinks like nem (Spring roll), pho (noodles) and Trung Nguyen coffee.-VNA
*sigh* Fundamentalist community, let me pass on some advice to you I learned from the atheistic community: If you have set yourself on fire, do not run. Okay? Okay?? Please? Look, D, you had two months to say to Harvard in private emails, "Im sorry, I shouldnt have been using that animation in my paid presentations. I wont use it again. I really do like 'Inner Life', though, and would love to use it in classroom presentations, from the BioVisions site, if that is acceptable." I sat here, for two months, waiting for that to happen, anything to happen, and it didnt. Two months, on your own terms, you could have written a similar post to yesterdays. I would have given you the benefit of the doubt-- maybe you didnt know the credits werent visible to the audience, and I wouldnt have said a word beyond this, as its Harvards problem, not mine. This would have been a funny joke to those of us involved in dealing with you people, but it would have been a PR non-issue for you. But after you set yourself on fire, you didnt douse it out with a bucket of ice cold reality and accountability. You ran. And youre still running. Why not just state "I screwed up. Sorry everyone." and move on? Why the excuses? Why the denial? Why the passive language? Why the vague words and cryptic capitalizations? Why the writes and rewrites of your 'press release'? We know it wasnt written of your own volition, or it would have been done *before* Harvard had to take action. And, your behavior before this, regarding this issue, is not indicative of someone who made an innocent mistake. Its weird. So what with this frantic running? Is the inability to say "I was wrong" a pathological feature of Creationists? Or are you hiding something? Or is it both? Or is it more? And now we get Casey weighing in on the issue, according to cre8id at AboveTopSecret.com-- PBS/NOVA online - Intelligent Design on trial: ...to my knowledge, Discovery Institute has neither authorized nor received nor is making use of any presentation that used that animation. We have had nothing to do with creating or selling a DVD of that animation, nor do we have anything to do with placing that presentation on Google Video.I dont know what he is talking about with that last part, but the first part sounds similar to DIs claims post-Dover ("WE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH DOVER!"). Maybe Luskin is telling the truth. Maybe this was a magic non-science Creation-friendly narration with convenient edits that AiG or ICR would have killed for... but only Dembski could find it... but he cant tell us where... and he didnt share it with anyone... and its subsequently disappeared from the Internet... But that simply isnt what Ive been told. Maybe this was all a silly Dembski mistake, blown out of proportion due to his decision to remain silent... But what if we find more videos of more DI fellows, presenting this animation? *shrug* If youve set yourself on fire, do not run, DI. If youve done it, better admit it to Harvard now, apologize, and move on.
It's a shockingly graphic scene: "Pulp Fiction" character Marsellus Wallace (Ving Rhames) is raped over a pommel horse by creepy Zed, while a leather-clad Gimp keeps an eye on Butch (Bruce Willis). (Butch eventually breaks free and kills one of the rapists, while the other faces the unimaginable threat of some of Marsellus' pals "getting medieval" on him.) Andrew Kelly / REUTERS file Uma Thurman worked with Quentin Tarantino in his 1994 hit "Pulp Fiction," and attended the premiere of his latest film, "Django Unchained," in 2012. And that scene almost kept star Uma Thurman, then just 23, from acting in the 1994 film, she tells Vanity Fair in an upcoming issue. "I wasn’t sure I wanted to do it, because I was worried about the Gimp stuff," she says in the article. "We had very memorable, long discussions about male rape versus female rape. No one could believe I even hesitated in any way. Neither can I, in hindsight." The rape scene may have been hard to watch, but Thurman also told the magazine that it was her famous dance with John Travolta that made her the most nervous, "because I was so awkward and embarrassed and shy." Director Quentin Tarantino wanted the couple to do the Twist, but dance fiend Travolta suggested they work the moves of other novelty dances into the scene. The article also discusses how every major studio passed on the film, which of course became a huge hit, and how once it was picked up, Miramax studio head Harvey Weinstein didn't want John Travolta cast. (Can you imagine the film with Daniel Day-Lewis in the Vincent Vega role?) Of course, hindsight is 20/20. The film is credited with reviving Travolta's career, and the article notes that Weinstein later jokingly said, "I’m so glad I had the idea to cast John Travolta.” The full article appears in Vanity Fair's February issue.
FAUZIAH, CATUR KHUROTUL (2007) HUBUNGAN ANTARA RELIGIUSITAS DENGAN KEPUASAN HIDUP PADA LANJUT USIA. Other thesis, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Download (58Kb) | Preview Religiosity is an appreciation, confidence, experience or individual conscience against religious teachings are realized in practice worship and religious rituals. Terbinanya religiosity properly, can raises life satisfaction for the elderly. Where life satisfaction is a state which includes feelings of passion in it, have assertiveness and tough or resilient, the match between the desire to achievement of goals, have positive self concept, and mood calm. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between religiosity to life satisfaction in elderly. This study uses a quantitative approach. The subject of this research is the elderly who followed the routine recitation in boarding school Nurul Ulum. The sampling technique used is total sampling. With number of study subjects 50 people. Data collection methods used there are 2 kinds of scales are scales of religiosity and life satisfaction scale. Data collected and then analyzed by using correlation product moment using the computer program SPSS for Windows version 10. Results obtained from this study indicate that there is a relationship positive and highly significant correlation between religiosity to life satisfaction in advanced age (r = 0.419 p = 0.002). This means that the higher the religiosity which is owned the higher the person's life satisfaction, and vice versa the lower the religiosity of a person will get low life satisfaction. The effective contribution of religiosity to the satisfaction living elderly by 17.6%, while 82,4% influenced by other variables had not been examined. |Item Type:||Thesis (Other)| |Subjects:||B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology| |Divisions:||Faculty of Psychology > Department of Psychology| |Depositing User:||Zainul Afandi| |Date Deposited:||29 May 2012 09:29| |Last Modified:||29 May 2012 09:29| Actions (login required)
- Year Published: 1866 - Language: English - Country of Origin: Russia - Source: Dostoyevsky, F. (1866). Crime and Punishment. Moscow, Russia: The Russian Messenger. - Flesch–Kincaid Level: 7.2 - Word Count: 7,803 Dostoyevsky, F. (1866). Part 3, Chapter 5. Crime and Punishment (Lit2Go Edition). Retrieved May 18, 2013, from Dostoyevsky, Fyodor. "Part 3, Chapter 5." Crime and Punishment. Lit2Go Edition. 1866. Web. <>. May 18, 2013. Fyodor Dostoyevsky, "Part 3, Chapter 5," Crime and Punishment, Lit2Go Edition, (1866), accessed May 18, 2013,. Raskolnikov was already entering the room. He came in looking as though he had the utmost difficulty not to burst out laughing again. Behind him Razumihin strode in gawky and awkward, shamefaced and red as a peony, with an utterly crestfallen and ferocious expression. His face and whole figure really were ridiculous at that moment and amply justified Raskolnikov’s laughter. Raskolnikov, not waiting for an introduction, bowed to Porfiry Petrovitch, who stood in the middle of the room looking inquiringly at them. He held out his hand and shook hands, still apparently making desperate efforts to subdue his mirth and utter a few words to introduce himself. But he had no sooner succeeded in assuming a serious air and muttering something when he suddenly glanced again as though accidentally at Razumihin, and could no longer control himself: his stifled laughter broke out the more irresistibly the more he tried to restrain it. The extraordinary ferocity with which Razumihin received this “spontaneous” mirth gave the whole scene the appearance of most genuine fun and naturalness. Razumihin strengthened this impression as though on purpose. “Fool! You fiend,” he roared, waving his arm which at once struck a little round table with an empty tea-glass on it. Everything was sent flying and crashing. “But why break chairs, gentlemen? You know it’s a loss to the Crown,” Porfiry Petrovitch quoted gaily. Raskolnikov was still laughing, with his hand in Porfiry Petrovitch’s, but anxious not to overdo it, awaited the right moment to put a natural end to it. Razumihin, completely put to confusion by upsetting the table and smashing the glass, gazed gloomily at the fragments, cursed and turned sharply to the window where he stood looking out with his back to the company with a fiercely scowling countenance, seeing nothing. Porfiry Petrovitch laughed and was ready to go on laughing, but obviously looked for explanations. Zametov had been sitting in the corner, but he rose at the visitors’ entrance and was standing in expectation with a smile on his lips, though he looked with surprise and even it seemed incredulity at the whole scene and at Raskolnikov with a certain embarrassment. Zametov’s unexpected presence struck Raskolnikov unpleasantly. “I’ve got to think of that,” he thought. “Excuse me, please,” he began, affecting extreme embarrassment. “Raskolnikov.” “Not at all, very pleasant to see you… and how pleasantly you’ve come in…. Why, won’t he even say good-morning?” Porfiry Petrovitch nodded at Razumihin. “Upon my honour I don’t know why he is in such a rage with me. I only told him as we came along that he was like Romeo… and proved it. And that was all, I think!” “Pig!” ejaculated Razumihin, without turning round. “There must have been very grave grounds for it, if he is so furious at the word,” Porfiry laughed. “Oh, you sharp lawyer!... Damn you all!” snapped Razumihin, and suddenly bursting out laughing himself, he went up to Porfiry with a more cheerful face as though nothing had happened. “That’ll do! We are all fools. To come to business. This is my friend Rodion Romanovitch Raskolnikov; in the first place he has heard of you and wants to make your acquaintance, and secondly, he has a little matter of business with you. Bah! Zametov, what brought you here? Have you met before? Have you known each other long?” “What does this mean?” thought Raskolnikov uneasily. Zametov seemed taken aback, but not very much so. “Why, it was at your rooms we met yesterday,” he said easily. “Then I have been spared the trouble. All last week he was begging me to introduce him to you. Porfiry and you have sniffed each other out without me. Where is your tobacco?” Porfiry Petrovitch was wearing a dressing-gown, very clean linen, and trodden-down slippers. He was a man of about five and thirty, short, stout even to corpulence, and clean shaven. He wore his hair cut short and had a large round head, particularly prominent at the back. His soft, round, rather snub-nosed face was of a sickly yellowish colour, but had a vigorous and rather ironical expression. It would have been good-natured except for a look in the eyes, which shone with a watery, mawkish light under almost white, blinking eyelashes. The expression of those eyes was strangely out of keeping with his somewhat womanish figure, and gave it something far more serious than could be guessed at first sight. As soon as Porfiry Petrovitch heard that his visitor had a little matter of business with him, he begged him to sit down on the sofa and sat down himself on the other end, waiting for him to explain his business, with that careful and over-serious attention which is at once oppressive and embarrassing, especially to a stranger, and especially if what you are discussing is in your opinion of far too little importance for such exceptional solemnity. But in brief and coherent phrases Raskolnikov explained his business clearly and exactly, and was so well satisfied with himself that he even succeeded in taking a good look at Porfiry. Porfiry Petrovitch did not once take his eyes off him. Razumihin, sitting opposite at the same table, listened warmly and impatiently, looking from one to the other every moment with rather excessive interest. “Fool,” Raskolnikov swore to himself. “You have to give information to the police,” Porfiry replied, with a most businesslike air, “that having learnt of this incident, that is of the murder, you beg to inform the lawyer in charge of the case that such and such things belong to you, and that you desire to redeem them… or… but they will write to you.” “That’s just the point, that at the present moment,” Raskolnikov tried his utmost to feign embarrassment, “I am not quite in funds… and even this trifling sum is beyond me… I only wanted, you see, for the present to declare that the things are mine, and that when I have money….” “That’s no matter,” answered Porfiry Petrovitch, receiving his explanation of his pecuniary position coldly, “but you can, if you prefer, write straight to me, to say, that having been informed of the matter, and claiming such and such as your property, you beg…” “On an ordinary sheet of paper?” Raskolnikov interrupted eagerly, again interested in the financial side of the question. “Oh, the most ordinary,” and suddenly Porfiry Petrovitch looked with obvious irony at him, screwing up his eyes and, as it were, winking at him. But perhaps it was Raskolnikov’s fancy, for it all lasted but a moment. There was certainly something of the sort, Raskolnikov could have sworn he winked at him, goodness knows why. “He knows,” flashed through his mind like lightning. “Forgive my troubling you about such trifles,” he went on, a little disconcerted, “the things are only worth five roubles, but I prize them particularly for the sake of those from whom they came to me, and I must confess that I was alarmed when I heard…” “That’s why you were so much struck when I mentioned to Zossimov that Porfiry was inquiring for everyone who had pledges!” Razumihin put in with obvious intention. This was really unbearable. Raskolnikov could not help glancing at him with a flash of vindictive anger in his black eyes, but immediately recollected himself. “You seem to be jeering at me, brother?” he said to him, with a well-feigned irritability. “I dare say I do seem to you absurdly anxious about such trash; but you mustn’t think me selfish or grasping for that, and these two things may be anything but trash in my eyes. I told you just now that the silver watch, though it’s not worth a cent, is the only thing left us of my father’s. You may laugh at me, but my mother is here,” he turned suddenly to Porfiry, “and if she knew,” he turned again hurriedly to Razumihin, carefully making his voice tremble, “that the watch was lost, she would be in despair! You know what women are!” “Not a bit of it! I didn’t mean that at all! Quite the contrary!” shouted Razumihin distressed. “Was it right? Was it natural? Did I overdo it?” Raskolnikov asked himself in a tremor. “Why did I say that about women?” “Oh, your mother is with you?” Porfiry Petrovitch inquired. “When did she come?” Porfiry paused as though reflecting. “Your things would not in any case be lost,” he went on calmly and coldly. “I have been expecting you here for some time.” And as though that was a matter of no importance, he carefully offered the ash-tray to Razumihin, who was ruthlessly scattering cigarette ash over the carpet. Raskolnikov shuddered, but Porfiry did not seem to be looking at him, and was still concerned with Razumihin’s cigarette. “What? Expecting him? Why, did you know that he had pledges there?” cried Razumihin. Porfiry Petrovitch addressed himself to Raskolnikov. “Your things, the ring and the watch, were wrapped up together, and on the paper your name was legibly written in pencil, together with the date on which you left them with her…” “How observant you are!” Raskolnikov smiled awkwardly, doing his very utmost to look him straight in the face, but he failed, and suddenly added: “I say that because I suppose there were a great many pledges… that it must be difficult to remember them all…. But you remember them all so clearly, and… and…” “Stupid! Feeble!” he thought. “Why did I add that?” “But we know all who had pledges, and you are the only one who hasn’t come forward,” Porfiry answered with hardly perceptible irony. “I haven’t been quite well.” “I heard that too. I heard, indeed, that you were in great distress about something. You look pale still.” “I am not pale at all…. No, I am quite well,” Raskolnikov snapped out rudely and angrily, completely changing his tone. His anger was mounting, he could not repress it. “And in my anger I shall betray myself,” flashed through his mind again. “Why are they torturing me?” “Not quite well!” Razumihin caught him up. “What next! He was unconscious and delirious all yesterday. Would you believe, Porfiry, as soon as our backs were turned, he dressed, though he could hardly stand, and gave us the slip and went off on a spree somewhere till midnight, delirious all the time! Would you believe it! Extraordinary!” “Really delirious? You don’t say so!” Porfiry shook his head in a womanish way. “Nonsense! Don’t you believe it! But you don’t believe it anyway,” Raskolnikov let slip in his anger. But Porfiry Petrovitch did not seem to catch those strange words. “But how could you have gone out if you hadn’t been delirious?” Razumihin got hot suddenly. “What did you go out for? What was the object of it? And why on the sly? Were you in your senses when you did it? Now that all danger is over I can speak plainly.” “I was awfully sick of them yesterday.” Raskolnikov addressed Porfiry suddenly with a smile of insolent defiance, “I ran away from them to take lodgings where they wouldn’t find me, and took a lot of money with me. Mr. Zametov there saw it. I say, Mr. Zametov, was I sensible or delirious yesterday; settle our dispute.” He could have strangled Zametov at that moment, so hateful were his expression and his silence to him. “In my opinion you talked sensibly and even artfully, but you were extremely irritable,” Zametov pronounced dryly. “And Nikodim Fomitch was telling me to-day,” put in Porfiry Petrovitch, “that he met you very late last night in the lodging of a man who had been run over.” “And there,” said Razumihin, “weren’t you mad then? You gave your last penny to the widow for the funeral. If you wanted to help, give fifteen or twenty even, but keep three roubles for yourself at least, but he flung away all the twenty-five at once!” “Maybe I found a treasure somewhere and you know nothing of it? So that’s why I was liberal yesterday…. Mr. Zametov knows I’ve found a treasure! Excuse us, please, for disturbing you for half an hour with such trivialities,” he said, turning to Porfiry Petrovitch, with trembling lips. “We are boring you, aren’t we?” “Oh no, quite the contrary, quite the contrary! If only you knew how you interest me! It’s interesting to look on and listen… and I am really glad you have come forward at last.” “But you might give us some tea! My throat’s dry,” cried Razumihin. “Capital idea! Perhaps we will all keep you company. Wouldn’t you like… something more essential before tea?” “Get along with you!” Porfiry Petrovitch went out to order tea. Raskolnikov’s thoughts were in a whirl. He was in terrible exasperation. “The worst of it is they don’t disguise it; they don’t care to stand on ceremony! And how if you didn’t know me at all, did you come to talk to Nikodim Fomitch about me? So they don’t care to hide that they are tracking me like a pack of dogs. They simply spit in my face.” He was shaking with rage. “Come, strike me openly, don’t play with me like a cat with a mouse. It’s hardly civil, Porfiry Petrovitch, but perhaps I won’t allow it! I shall get up and throw the whole truth in your ugly faces, and you’ll see how I despise you.” He could hardly breathe. “And what if it’s only my fancy? What if I am mistaken, and through inexperience I get angry and don’t keep up my nasty part? Perhaps it’s all unintentional. All their phrases are the usual ones, but there is something about them…. It all might be said, but there is something. Why did he say bluntly, ‘With her’? Why did Zametov add that I spoke artfully? Why do they speak in that tone? Yes, the tone…. Razumihin is sitting here, why does he see nothing? That innocent blockhead never does see anything! Feverish again! Did Porfiry wink at me just now? Of course it’s nonsense! What could he wink for? Are they trying to upset my nerves or are they teasing me? Either it’s ill fancy or they know! Even Zametov is rude…. Is Zametov rude? Zametov has changed his mind. I foresaw he would change his mind! He is at home here, while it’s my first visit. Porfiry does not consider him a visitor; sits with his back to him. They’re as thick as thieves, no doubt, over me! Not a doubt they were talking about me before we came. Do they know about the flat? If only they’d make haste! When I said that I ran away to take a flat he let it pass…. I put that in cleverly about a flat, it may be of use afterwards…. Delirious, indeed… ha-ha-ha! He knows all about last night! He didn’t know of my mother’s arrival! The hag had written the date on in pencil! You are wrong, you won’t catch me! There are no facts… it’s all supposition! You produce facts! The flat even isn’t a fact but delirium. I know what to say to them…. Do they know about the flat? I won’t go without finding out. What did I come for? But my being angry now, maybe is a fact! Fool, how irritable I am! Perhaps that’s right; to play the invalid…. He is feeling me. He will try to catch me. Why did I come?” All this flashed like lightning through his mind. Porfiry Petrovitch returned quickly. He became suddenly more jovial. “Your party yesterday, brother, has left my head rather…. And I am out of sorts altogether,” he began in quite a different tone, laughing to Razumihin. “Was it interesting? I left you yesterday at the most interesting point. Who got the best of it?” “Oh, no one, of course. They got on to everlasting questions, floated off into space.” “Only fancy, Rodya, what we got on to yesterday. Whether there is such a thing as crime. I told you that we talked our heads off.” “What is there strange? It’s an everyday social question,” Raskolnikov answered casually. “The question wasn’t put quite like that,” observed Porfiry. “Not quite, that’s true,” Razumihin agreed at once, getting warm and hurried as usual. “Listen, Rodion, and tell us your opinion, I want to hear it. I was fighting tooth and nail with them and wanted you to help me. I told them you were coming…. It began with the socialist doctrine. You know their doctrine; crime is a protest against the abnormality of the social organisation and nothing more, and nothing more; no other causes admitted!...” “You are wrong there,” cried Porfiry Petrovitch; he was noticeably animated and kept laughing as he looked at Razumihin, which made him more excited than ever. “Nothing is admitted,” Razumihin interrupted with heat. “I am not wrong. I’ll show you their pamphlets. Everything with them is ‘the influence of environment,’ and nothing else. Their favourite phrase! From which it follows that, if society is normally organised, all crime will cease at once, since there will be nothing to protest against and all men will become righteous in one instant. Human nature is not taken into account, it is excluded, it’s not supposed to exist! They don’t recognise that humanity, developing by a historical living process, will become at last a normal society, but they believe that a social system that has come out of some mathematical brain is going to organise all humanity at once and make it just and sinless in an instant, quicker than any living process! That’s why they instinctively dislike history, ‘nothing but ugliness and stupidity in it,’ and they explain it all as stupidity! That’s why they so dislike the living process of life; they don’t want a living soul! The living soul demands life, the soul won’t obey the rules of mechanics, the soul is an object of suspicion, the soul is retrograde! But what they want though it smells of death and can be made of India-rubber, at least is not alive, has no will, is servile and won’t revolt! And it comes in the end to their reducing everything to the building of walls and the planning of rooms and passages in a phalanstery! The phalanstery is ready, indeed, but your human nature is not ready for the phalanstery—it wants life, it hasn’t completed its vital process, it’s too soon for the graveyard! You can’t skip over nature by logic. Logic presupposes three possibilities, but there are millions! Cut away a million, and reduce it all to the question of comfort! That’s the easiest solution of the problem! It’s seductively clear and you musn’t think about it. That’s the great thing, you mustn’t think! The whole secret of life in two pages of print!” “Now he is off, beating the drum! Catch hold of him, do!” laughed Porfiry. “Can you imagine,” he turned to Raskolnikov, “six people holding forth like that last night, in one room, with punch as a preliminary! No, brother, you are wrong, environment accounts for a great deal in crime; I can assure you of that.” “Oh, I know it does, but just tell me: a man of forty violates a child of ten; was it environment drove him to it?” “Well, strictly speaking, it did,” Porfiry observed with noteworthy gravity; “a crime of that nature may be very well ascribed to the influence of environment.” Razumihin was almost in a frenzy. “Oh, if you like,” he roared. “I’ll prove to you that your white eyelashes may very well be ascribed to the Church of Ivan the Great’s being two hundred and fifty feet high, and I will prove it clearly, exactly, progressively, and even with a Liberal tendency! I undertake to! Will you bet on it?” “Done! Let’s hear, please, how he will prove it!” “He is always humbugging, confound him,” cried Razumihin, jumping up and gesticulating. “What’s the use of talking to you? He does all that on purpose; you don’t know him, Rodion! He took their side yesterday, simply to make fools of them. And the things he said yesterday! And they were delighted! He can keep it up for a fortnight together. Last year he persuaded us that he was going into a monastery: he stuck to it for two months. Not long ago he took it into his head to declare he was going to get married, that he had everything ready for the wedding. He ordered new clothes indeed. We all began to congratulate him. There was no bride, nothing, all pure fantasy!” “Ah, you are wrong! I got the clothes before. It was the new clothes in fact that made me think of taking you in.” “Are you such a good dissembler?” Raskolnikov asked carelessly. “You wouldn’t have supposed it, eh? Wait a bit, I shall take you in, too. Ha-ha-ha! No, I’ll tell you the truth. All these questions about crime, environment, children, recall to my mind an article of yours which interested me at the time. ‘On Crime’... or something of the sort, I forget the title, I read it with pleasure two months ago in the Periodical Review.” “My article? In the Periodical Review?” Raskolnikov asked in astonishment. “I certainly did write an article upon a book six months ago when I left the university, but I sent it to the Weekly Review.” “But it came out in the Periodical.” “And the Weekly Review ceased to exist, so that’s why it wasn’t printed at the time.” “That’s true; but when it ceased to exist, the Weekly Review was amalgamated with the Periodical, and so your article appeared two months ago in the latter. Didn’t you know?” Raskolnikov had not known. “Why, you might get some money out of them for the article! What a strange person you are! You lead such a solitary life that you know nothing of matters that concern you directly. It’s a fact, I assure you.” “Bravo, Rodya! I knew nothing about it either!” cried Razumihin. “I’ll run to-day to the reading-room and ask for the number. Two months ago? What was the date? It doesn’t matter though, I will find it. Think of not telling us!” “How did you find out that the article was mine? It’s only signed with an initial.” “I only learnt it by chance, the other day. Through the editor; I know him…. I was very much interested.” “I analysed, if I remember, the psychology of a criminal before and after the crime.” “Yes, and you maintained that the perpetration of a crime is always accompanied by illness. Very, very original, but… it was not that part of your article that interested me so much, but an idea at the end of the article which I regret to say you merely suggested without working it out clearly. There is, if you recollect, a suggestion that there are certain persons who can… that is, not precisely are able to, but have a perfect right to commit breaches of morality and crimes, and that the law is not for them.” Raskolnikov smiled at the exaggerated and intentional distortion of his idea. “What? What do you mean? A right to crime? But not because of the influence of environment?” Razumihin inquired with some alarm even. “No, not exactly because of it,” answered Porfiry. “In his article all men are divided into ‘ordinary’ and ‘extraordinary.’ Ordinary men have to live in submission, have no right to transgress the law, because, don’t you see, they are ordinary. But extraordinary men have a right to commit any crime and to transgress the law in any way, just because they are extraordinary. That was your idea, if I am not mistaken?” “What do you mean? That can’t be right?” Razumihin muttered in bewilderment. Raskolnikov smiled again. He saw the point at once, and knew where they wanted to drive him. He decided to take up the challenge. “That wasn’t quite my contention,” he began simply and modestly. “Yet I admit that you have stated it almost correctly; perhaps, if you like, perfectly so.” (It almost gave him pleasure to admit this.) “The only difference is that I don’t contend that extraordinary people are always bound to commit breaches of morals, as you call it. In fact, I doubt whether such an argument could be published. I simply hinted that an ‘extraordinary’ man has the right… that is not an official right, but an inner right to decide in his own conscience to overstep… certain obstacles, and only in case it is essential for the practical fulfilment of his idea (sometimes, perhaps, of benefit to the whole of humanity). You say that my article isn’t definite; I am ready to make it as clear as I can. Perhaps I am right in thinking you want me to; very well. I maintain that if the discoveries of Kepler and Newton could not have been made known except by sacrificing the lives of one, a dozen, a hundred, or more men, Newton would have had the right, would indeed have been in duty bound… to eliminate the dozen or the hundred men for the sake of making his discoveries known to the whole of humanity. But it does not follow from that that Newton had a right to murder people right and left and to steal every day in the market. Then, I remember, I maintain in my article that all… well, legislators and leaders of men, such as Lycurgus, Solon, Mahomet, Napoleon, and so on, were all without exception criminals, from the very fact that, making a new law, they transgressed the ancient one, handed down from their ancestors and held sacred by the people, and they did not stop short at bloodshed either, if that bloodshed—often of innocent persons fighting bravely in defence of ancient law—were of use to their cause. It’s remarkable, in fact, that the majority, indeed, of these benefactors and leaders of humanity were guilty of terrible carnage. In short, I maintain that all great men or even men a little out of the common, that is to say capable of giving some new word, must from their very nature be criminals—more or less, of course. Otherwise it’s hard for them to get out of the common rut; and to remain in the common rut is what they can’t submit to, from their very nature again, and to my mind they ought not, indeed, to submit to it. You see that there is nothing particularly new in all that. The same thing has been printed and read a thousand times before. As for my division of people into ordinary and extraordinary, I acknowledge that it’s somewhat arbitrary, but I don’t insist upon exact numbers. I only believe in my leading idea that men are in general divided by a law of nature into two categories, inferior (ordinary), that is, so to say, material that serves only to reproduce its kind, and men who have the gift or the talent to utter a new word. There are, of course, innumerable sub-divisions, but the distinguishing features of both categories are fairly well marked. The first category, generally speaking, are men conservative in temperament and law-abiding; they live under control and love to be controlled. To my thinking it is their duty to be controlled, because that’s their vocation, and there is nothing humiliating in it for them. The second category all transgress the law; they are destroyers or disposed to destruction according to their capacities. The crimes of these men are of course relative and varied; for the most part they seek in very varied ways the destruction of the present for the sake of the better. But if such a one is forced for the sake of his idea to step over a corpse or wade through blood, he can, I maintain, find within himself, in his conscience, a sanction for wading through blood—that depends on the idea and its dimensions, note that. It’s only in that sense I speak of their right to crime in my article (you remember it began with the legal question). There’s no need for such anxiety, however; the masses will scarcely ever admit this right, they punish them or hang them (more or less), and in doing so fulfil quite justly their conservative vocation. But the same masses set these criminals on a pedestal in the next generation and worship them (more or less). The first category is always the man of the present, the second the man of the future. The first preserve the world and people it, the second move the world and lead it to its goal. Each class has an equal right to exist. In fact, all have equal rights with me—and _vive la guerre éternelle_—till the New Jerusalem, of course!” “Then you believe in the New Jerusalem, do you?” “I do,” Raskolnikov answered firmly; as he said these words and during the whole preceding tirade he kept his eyes on one spot on the carpet. “And… and do you believe in God? Excuse my curiosity.” “I do,” repeated Raskolnikov, raising his eyes to Porfiry. “And… do you believe in Lazarus’ rising from the dead?” “I… I do. Why do you ask all this?” “You believe it literally?” “You don’t say so…. I asked from curiosity. Excuse me. But let us go back to the question; they are not always executed. Some, on the contrary…” “Triumph in their lifetime? Oh, yes, some attain their ends in this life, and then…” “They begin executing other people?” “If it’s necessary; indeed, for the most part they do. Your remark is very witty.” “Thank you. But tell me this: how do you distinguish those extraordinary people from the ordinary ones? Are there signs at their birth? I feel there ought to be more exactitude, more external definition. Excuse the natural anxiety of a practical law-abiding citizen, but couldn’t they adopt a special uniform, for instance, couldn’t they wear something, be branded in some way? For you know if confusion arises and a member of one category imagines that he belongs to the other, begins to ‘eliminate obstacles’ as you so happily expressed it, then…” “Oh, that very often happens! That remark is wittier than the other.” “No reason to; but take note that the mistake can only arise in the first category, that is among the ordinary people (as I perhaps unfortunately called them). In spite of their predisposition to obedience very many of them, through a playfulness of nature, sometimes vouchsafed even to the cow, like to imagine themselves advanced people, ‘destroyers,’ and to push themselves into the ‘new movement,’ and this quite sincerely. Meanwhile the really new people are very often unobserved by them, or even despised as reactionaries of grovelling tendencies. But I don’t think there is any considerable danger here, and you really need not be uneasy for they never go very far. Of course, they might have a thrashing sometimes for letting their fancy run away with them and to teach them their place, but no more; in fact, even this isn’t necessary as they castigate themselves, for they are very conscientious: some perform this service for one another and others chastise themselves with their own hands…. They will impose various public acts of penitence upon themselves with a beautiful and edifying effect; in fact you’ve nothing to be uneasy about…. It’s a law of nature.” “Well, you have certainly set my mind more at rest on that score; but there’s another thing worries me. Tell me, please, are there many people who have the right to kill others, these extraordinary people? I am ready to bow down to them, of course, but you must admit it’s alarming if there are a great many of them, eh?” “Oh, you needn’t worry about that either,” Raskolnikov went on in the same tone. “People with new ideas, people with the faintest capacity for saying something new, are extremely few in number, extraordinarily so in fact. One thing only is clear, that the appearance of all these grades and sub-divisions of men must follow with unfailing regularity some law of nature. That law, of course, is unknown at present, but I am convinced that it exists, and one day may become known. The vast mass of mankind is mere material, and only exists in order by some great effort, by some mysterious process, by means of some crossing of races and stocks, to bring into the world at last perhaps one man out of a thousand with a spark of independence. One in ten thousand perhaps—I speak roughly, approximately—is born with some independence, and with still greater independence one in a hundred thousand. The man of genius is one of millions, and the great geniuses, the crown of humanity, appear on earth perhaps one in many thousand millions. In fact I have not peeped into the retort in which all this takes place. But there certainly is and must be a definite law, it cannot be a matter of chance.” “Why, are you both joking?” Razumihin cried at last. “There you sit, making fun of one another. Are you serious, Rodya?” Raskolnikov raised his pale and almost mournful face and made no reply. And the unconcealed, persistent, nervous, and discourteous sarcasm of Porfiry seemed strange to Razumihin beside that quiet and mournful face. “Well, brother, if you are really serious… You are right, of course, in saying that it’s not new, that it’s like what we’ve read and heard a thousand times already; but what is really original in all this, and is exclusively your own, to my horror, is that you sanction bloodshed in the name of conscience, and, excuse my saying so, with such fanaticism…. That, I take it, is the point of your article. But that sanction of bloodshed by conscience is to my mind… more terrible than the official, legal sanction of bloodshed….” “You are quite right, it is more terrible,” Porfiry agreed. “Yes, you must have exaggerated! There is some mistake, I shall read it. You can’t think that! I shall read it.” “All that is not in the article, there’s only a hint of it,” said Raskolnikov. “Yes, yes.” Porfiry couldn’t sit still. “Your attitude to crime is pretty clear to me now, but… excuse me for my impertinence (I am really ashamed to be worrying you like this), you see, you’ve removed my anxiety as to the two grades getting mixed, but… there are various practical possibilities that make me uneasy! What if some man or youth imagines that he is a Lycurgus or Mahomet—a future one of course—and suppose he begins to remove all obstacles…. He has some great enterprise before him and needs money for it… and tries to get it… do you see?” Zametov gave a sudden guffaw in his corner. Raskolnikov did not even raise his eyes to him. “I must admit,” he went on calmly, “that such cases certainly must arise. The vain and foolish are particularly apt to fall into that snare; young people especially.” “Yes, you see. Well then?” “What then?” Raskolnikov smiled in reply; “that’s not my fault. So it is and so it always will be. He said just now (he nodded at Razumihin) that I sanction bloodshed. Society is too well protected by prisons, banishment, criminal investigators, penal servitude. There’s no need to be uneasy. You have but to catch the thief.” “And what if we do catch him?” “Then he gets what he deserves.” “You are certainly logical. But what of his conscience?” “Why do you care about that?” “Simply from humanity.” “If he has a conscience he will suffer for his mistake. That will be his punishment—as well as the prison.” “But the real geniuses,” asked Razumihin frowning, “those who have the right to murder? Oughtn’t they to suffer at all even for the blood they’ve shed?” “Why the word ought? It’s not a matter of permission or prohibition. He will suffer if he is sorry for his victim. Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. The really great men must, I think, have great sadness on earth,” he added dreamily, not in the tone of the conversation. He raised his eyes, looked earnestly at them all, smiled, and took his cap. He was too quiet by comparison with his manner at his entrance, and he felt this. Everyone got up. “Well, you may abuse me, be angry with me if you like,” Porfiry Petrovitch began again, “but I can’t resist. Allow me one little question (I know I am troubling you). There is just one little notion I want to express, simply that I may not forget it.” “Very good, tell me your little notion,” Raskolnikov stood waiting, pale and grave before him. “Well, you see… I really don’t know how to express it properly…. It’s a playful, psychological idea…. When you were writing your article, surely you couldn’t have helped, he-he! fancying yourself… just a little, an ‘extraordinary’ man, uttering a new word in your sense…. That’s so, isn’t it?” “Quite possibly,” Raskolnikov answered contemptuously. Razumihin made a movement. “And, if so, could you bring yourself in case of worldly difficulties and hardship or for some service to humanity—to overstep obstacles?... For instance, to rob and murder?” And again he winked with his left eye, and laughed noiselessly just as before. “If I did I certainly should not tell you,” Raskolnikov answered with defiant and haughty contempt. “No, I was only interested on account of your article, from a literary point of view…” “Foo! how obvious and insolent that is!” Raskolnikov thought with repulsion. “Allow me to observe,” he answered dryly, “that I don’t consider myself a Mahomet or a Napoleon, nor any personage of that kind, and not being one of them I cannot tell you how I should act.” “Oh, come, don’t we all think ourselves Napoleons now in Russia?” Porfiry Petrovitch said with alarming familiarity. Something peculiar betrayed itself in the very intonation of his voice. “Perhaps it was one of these future Napoleons who did for Alyona Ivanovna last week?” Zametov blurted out from the corner. Raskolnikov did not speak, but looked firmly and intently at Porfiry. Razumihin was scowling gloomily. He seemed before this to be noticing something. He looked angrily around. There was a minute of gloomy silence. Raskolnikov turned to go. “Are you going already?” Porfiry said amiably, holding out his hand with excessive politeness. “Very, very glad of your acquaintance. As for your request, have no uneasiness, write just as I told you, or, better still, come to me there yourself in a day or two… to-morrow, indeed. I shall be there at eleven o’clock for certain. We’ll arrange it all; we’ll have a talk. As one of the last to be there, you might perhaps be able to tell us something,” he added with a most good-natured expression. “You want to cross-examine me officially in due form?” Raskolnikov asked sharply. “Oh, why? That’s not necessary for the present. You misunderstand me. I lose no opportunity, you see, and… I’ve talked with all who had pledges…. I obtained evidence from some of them, and you are the last…. Yes, by the way,” he cried, seemingly suddenly delighted, “I just remember, what was I thinking of?” he turned to Razumihin, “you were talking my ears off about that Nikolay… of course, I know, I know very well,” he turned to Raskolnikov, “that the fellow is innocent, but what is one to do? We had to trouble Dmitri too…. This is the point, this is all: when you went up the stairs it was past seven, wasn’t it?” “Yes,” answered Raskolnikov, with an unpleasant sensation at the very moment he spoke that he need not have said it. “Then when you went upstairs between seven and eight, didn’t you see in a flat that stood open on a second storey, do you remember? two workmen or at least one of them? They were painting there, didn’t you notice them? It’s very, very important for them.” “Painters? No, I didn’t see them,” Raskolnikov answered slowly, as though ransacking his memory, while at the same instant he was racking every nerve, almost swooning with anxiety to conjecture as quickly as possible where the trap lay and not to overlook anything. “No, I didn’t see them, and I don’t think I noticed a flat like that open…. But on the fourth storey” (he had mastered the trap now and was triumphant) “I remember now that someone was moving out of the flat opposite Alyona Ivanovna’s…. I remember… I remember it clearly. Some porters were carrying out a sofa and they squeezed me against the wall. But painters… no, I don’t remember that there were any painters, and I don’t think that there was a flat open anywhere, no, there wasn’t.” “What do you mean?” Razumihin shouted suddenly, as though he had reflected and realised. “Why, it was on the day of the murder the painters were at work, and he was there three days before? What are you asking?” “Foo! I have muddled it!” Porfiry slapped himself on the forehead. “Deuce take it! This business is turning my brain!” he addressed Raskolnikov somewhat apologetically. “It would be such a great thing for us to find out whether anyone had seen them between seven and eight at the flat, so I fancied you could perhaps have told us something…. I quite muddled it.” “Then you should be more careful,” Razumihin observed grimly. The last words were uttered in the passage. Porfiry Petrovitch saw them to the door with excessive politeness. They went out into the street gloomy and sullen, and for some steps they did not say a word. Raskolnikov drew a deep breath.
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FontCast #16 — FontFont Type Department FontFont represents some of the most talented and interesting type designers in the world. And behind every of these great type designers is FontFont’s great technical team. Andreas Frohloff, head of the Type Department at FSI – FontShop International, explains: “We develop brilliant typeface ideas into high quality fonts”. This rare peek behind the scenes reveals how these unsung heroes work together with the type designers, providing aesthetic feedback and technical assistance, to ensure that the resulting fonts meet FontFont’s high standards. The FontFeed is a daily dispatch of recommended fonts, typography techniques, and inspirational examples of digital type at work in the real world. Eat up. - FontFont represents some of the most talented and interesting type designers in the world. In celebration of FontShop’s 20th…Read more - In FontCast’s search for typographic designers with interesting stories to tell we talk to Jim Parkinson.…Read more - Part two of our two part series with Jim Parkinson. Type designer and Logo designer for Rolling Stone, Newsweek, …Read more - You can always count on the TYPO organisers to come up with fun surprise initiatives. Their Early Bird reduced rates…Read more - FontShop is proud to offer fonts from TypeTogether, a foundry that has become a household name among editorial designers. I…Read more - ScreenFonts: Stoker, Dead Man Down, The Incredible Burt Wonderstone, Tyler Perry’s Temptation, Wrong (4)
Taking a walk around the streets, usually in my lunch hour, there are 3 plants that seem to be attracting the bees the most. Salvias, Eucalypts and another plant (shrub) that I havn't found the name of yet. It has slightly rusty small pointy leaves with small white trumpet to bell shaped flowers. It is common in the gardens from the sixties and seems to be making a comeback again in some of the newer gardens too. With the Eucalypts they seem to have just started opening in the last 24 hours. Feel free to add to the list. Phil, google Abelia spp and see if that is the one you're thinking of
DOVER — A Strafford County judge has granted prosecutors more time to build their case against murder suspect Seth Mazzaglia. The 30-year-old from Dover has been charged in connection with the death of University of New Hampshire student Elizabeth Marriott. Mazzaglia has been held in jail since his arrest in October on a second-degree murder charge. On Jan. 2., a superior court judge signed off on a request from the New Hampshire Attorney General's office for an extension of the time by which they must bring an indictment against Mazzaglia. Prosecutors now have until the end of February to present their case to a grand jury. In a motion filed Dec. 14 in Strafford County Superior Court, Assistant Attorney General Peter Hinckley wrote that the state was requesting additional time in order to interview witnesses and finish “certain investigative steps” in connection with the case. “In particular, the State notes that witness interviews, and further investigative leads deriving therefrom, are actively occurring,” a court motion states. “So too are forensic testings pertaining to a variety of matters, which it is believed will provide additional pertinent information.” The state is also seeking additional time in order to assess which charges are appropriate to bring against Mazzaglia during the grand jury proceeding, according to the motion. Marriott, a 19-year-old University of New Hampshire student, was last seen on Tuesday, Oct. 9, and is presumed dead. Prosecutors allege Marriott was either strangled or suffocated by Mazzaglia inside his apartment on Mill Street the night she went missing. The first new development in the case in the last several weeks came on Monday, Dec. 24, when police arrested a second person in connection with Marriott's death. Portsmouth resident Kathryn “Kat” McDonough, 19, is accused of lying to police about her whereabouts and interaction with Marriott on the night Marriott went missing. McDonough, a Portsmouth resident, was engaged in a romantic relationship with Mazzaglia before Marriott's disappearance, prosecutors have confirmed.
Stop staring at the burning cabin on your television. President Obama is about to deliver the first State of the Union of his second term. There's much to look forward to in the address — the first to compete with a major breaking news story since the Clinton's 1997 speech coincided with the verdict for O.J. Simpson's civil trial— including (spoiler alert) news that the Union is "strong," discussion of the economy AND Afghanistan, and, according to CNN, something called a "slap and tickle." And that's not even mentioning this year's special attendee, the patriotic pants shitter Ted Nugent. Tom Scocca will be live-tweeting the speech from the @Gawker account, and we'll have the live-stream here. So stick around to talk about it with us. And in case that's not enough for you, here's the White House's official trailer for the speech, which, of course, features #dubstep. And here's the live-stream: If you want to read along, here's the full text of Obama's speech.
"PK Jordan has been a real inspiration with her assertiveness by taking a proactive approach in dispute resolution. Her approach to resolving the issues gave me confidence in her judgment which required an in-depth analysis of my case. This team player approach, with her personal touch regarding my immediate needs, gave me comfort and peace with the solutions and final results. It has been rewarding to work with a professional that will listen actively to my dispute and obtain the results I needed. This comes with my sincere recommendation that her professional services will be provided in a successful and rewarding outcome for you and your loved ones." Steve H. Information Technology Professional
I am building a journey planner app using opentripplanner. i have followed their two minutes tutorial in which we just run webapp which uses pre build graph.obj file, it works fine. But in next five ... I have started working with opentripplanner (i am developing a journey planner app). I am following the two & five minute tutorial given on opentripplanner website. but while starting server using ... There have been several questions very similar to this asked already (including ones not involving GeoServer), but their solutions have not solved my problem. I am trying to use getFeatureInfo on my ...
Chrysalis work involves the creation of safe, sacred “containers” in which individuals, groups and systems can transform themselves and the systems they inhabit. The nature of these “containers” varies as needed to best fit the players and the situation. Chrysalis work is not new. AA’s 12-step program, spiritual retreats, on-going therapy sessions, etc., can be seen as forms of chrysalis work. Chrysalis work varies dramatically as a function of the size, complexity and nature of the social form involved. Well-designed and executed chrysalis work is best measured by examining the generative nature and duration of its ripple effects — through time and across boundaries. Chrysalis work — - Creates constructive ripples that endure and spread - Is life-giving and life-evolving — a “fusion energy” generator - Evokes Spirit and feeds the Soul — is grounded in Nature — feeds on spaciousness and beauty — involves healing and “wholing” - Provides ample opportunity for all voices to be heard — feels spacious and unrushed - Challenges participants to step into their special genius — to quest for and to experiment with discovering the work that is theirs to do. - Tends to be recursive and cumulative — involves ongoing learning and action in a way that is organic rather than mechanistic - Serves as hospice for what’s needing to die and midwife to what’s ready to be born — supports individuals and systems in shedding old patterns/structures/beliefs that no longer serve, and create openings for the new to emerge - Involves telling our evolving stories — again and again - Produces magical irreversible shifts at one or more levels of system - Does not replace existing systems — it enlivens and evolves them. Social metamorphosis, like nature’s metamorphosis, takes the time it takes. Thus trying to force chrysalis work into today’s frenetic A-work time/space frames is a recipe for failure. In undertaking organizational or regional metamorphosis we are pioneering new chrysalis work territory. The GALE Approach offers a high level vision that begins to describe some of the added challenges and opportunities involved in more complex chrysalis work.
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