Unnamed: 0
""" [2014-11-26] Challenge #190 [Intermediate] Words inside of words https://www.reddit.PI:KEY #Description This weeks challenge is a short yet interesting one that should hopefully help you exercise elegant solutions to a problem rather than bruteforcing a challenge. #Challenge Given the wordlist [enable1.txt](http://www.joereynoldsaudio.com/enable1.txt), you must find the word in that file which also contains the greatest number of words within that word. For example, the word 'grayson' has the following words in it Grayson Gray Grays Ray Rays Son On Here's another example, the word 'reports' has the following reports report port ports rep You're tasked with finding the word in that file that contains the most words. NOTE : If you have a different wordlist you would like to use, you're free to do so. #Restrictions * To keep output slightly shorter, a word will only be considered a word if it is 2 or more letters in length * The word you are using may not be permuted to get a different set of words (You can't change 'report' to 'repotr' so that you can add more words to your list) #Finally Have a good challenge idea? Consider submitting it to /r/dailyprogrammer_ideas """ def main(): pass if __name__ == "__main__": main()
[['DATE_TIME', '2014-11-26'], ['DATE_TIME', 'This weeks'], ['PERSON', 'enable1.txt](http://www.joereynoldsaudio.com'], ['PERSON', 'grayson'], ['PERSON', 'repotr'], ['URL', 'https://www.red'], ['URL', 'http://www.joereynoldsaudio.com/enable1.txt']]
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation from socket import * import time # Объявляем все глобальные переменные HOST = '' PORT = 21566 BUFSIZ = 512 ADDR = (HOST, PORT) bad_packet = 0 good_packet = 0 # fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # Socket # tcpCliSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) # tcpCliSock.connect(ADDR) # Запрет на ожидание plt.ion() tstart = time.time() # real-time plotting loop X, Y, Z = [], [], [] while True: try: # читаем данные из сети tcpCliSock.c data = tcpCliSock.recv(BUFSIZ) if data: print(len(X), data) data = data.decode().split(',') if len(data) == 9: # print('Data received', data) # tcpCliSock.send(b'Ok') good_packet += 1 else: bad_packet += 1 # читаем данные из сети data = tcpCliSock.recv(BUFSIZ) X.append(data[0]) Y.append(data[1]) Z.append(data[2]) frame = ax.scatter(X, Y, Z, c='b', marker='o') # Remove old line collection before drawing #if oldcol is not None: # ax.collections.remove(oldcol) plt.pause(0.001 / len(X)) except KeyboardInterrupt: tcpCliSock.close() print('FPS: %f' % (len(X) / (time.time() - tstart))) break
[['LOCATION', 'Объявляем'], ['LOCATION', 'PORT'], ['LOCATION', 'tcpCliSock'], ['PERSON', 'данные из'], ['PERSON', 'данные из'], ['IP_ADDRESS', ''], ['URL', 'toolkits.mp'], ['URL', 'matplotlib.py'], ['URL', 'matplotlib.an'], ['URL', 'plt.su'], ['URL', 'plt.fi'], ['URL', 'fig.ad'], ['URL', 'tcpCliSock.co'], ['URL', 'plt.io'], ['URL', 'tcpCliSock.re'], ['URL', 'data.de'], ['URL', 'tcpCliSock.se'], ['URL', 'tcpCliSock.re'], ['URL', 'ax.sc'], ['URL', 'ax.collections.re'], ['URL', 'plt.pa'], ['URL', 'tcpCliSock.cl']]
#!/usr/bin/env python """Encoding and decoding of a question once for each codec. Example execution: $ ./question.py ASN.1 specification: -- A simple protocol taken from Wikipedia. Foo DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN Question ::= SEQUENCE { id INTEGER, question IA5String } Answer ::= SEQUENCE { id INTEGER, answer BOOLEAN } END Question to encode: {'id': 1, 'question': 'Is 1+1=3?'} BER: Encoded: 300e0201011609497320312b313d333f (16 bytes) Decoded: {'id': 1, 'question': 'Is 1+1=3?'} DER: Encoded: 300e0201011609497320312b313d333f (16 bytes) Decoded: {'id': 1, 'question': 'Is 1+1=3?'} JER: Encoded: PI:KEY (31 bytes) Decoded: {'id': 1, 'question': 'Is 1+1=3?'} OER: Encoded: 010109497320312b313d333f (12 bytes) Decoded: {'id': 1, 'question': 'Is 1+1=3?'} PER: Encoded: 010109497320312b313d333f (12 bytes) Decoded: {'id': 1, 'question': 'Is 1+1=3?'} UPER: Encoded: 01010993cd03156c5eb37e (11 bytes) Decoded: {'id': 1, 'question': 'Is 1+1=3?'} XER: Encoded: PI:KEY (61 bytes) Decoded: {'id': 1, 'question': 'Is 1+1=3?'} Protocol Buffers: Encoded: 08011209497320312b313d333f (13 bytes) Decoded: id: 1 question: "Is 1+1=3?" $ """ from __future__ import print_function import os from binascii import hexlify import asn1tools from foo_pb2 import Question SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) FOO_ASN_PATH = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, '..', '..', '..', 'tests', 'files', 'foo.asn') # Print the specification. print('ASN.1 specification:') print() with open(FOO_ASN_PATH) as fin: print(fin.read()) # The question to encode. question = {'id': 1, 'question': 'Is 1+1=3?'} print("Question to encode:", question) # Encode and decode the question once for each codec. for codec in ['ber', 'der', 'jer', 'oer', 'per', 'uper', 'xer']: foo = asn1tools.compile_files(FOO_ASN_PATH, codec) encoded = foo.encode('Question', question) decoded = foo.decode('Question', encoded) print() print('{}:'.format(codec.upper())) print('Encoded: {} ({} bytes)'.format(hexlify(encoded).decode('ascii'), len(encoded))) print('Decoded:', decoded) # Also encode using protocol buffers. question = Question() question.id = 1 question.question = 'Is 1+1=3?' encoded = question.SerializeToString() decoded = question print() print('Protocol Buffers:') print('Encoded: {} ({} bytes)'.format(hexlify(encoded).decode('ascii'), len(encoded))) print('Decoded:') print(decoded)
[['PERSON', 'ASN.1'], ['DATE_TIME', '010109497320312b313d333f'], ['DATE_TIME', '010109497320312b313d333f'], ['PERSON', 'oer'], ['IP_ADDRESS', ' ::'], ['URL', 'question.py'], ['URL', 'os.pa'], ['URL', 'os.path.re'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'foo.as'], ['URL', 'fin.re'], ['URL', 'asn1tools.com'], ['URL', 'foo.de'], ['URL', 'question.id'], ['URL', 'question.Se']]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2014 Johannes Baiter dummy@email.com # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ Various utility functions and classes. """ from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, print_function import abc import glob import json import logging import os import pkg_resources import platform import re import subprocess from unicodedata import normalize import blinker import colorama import psutil import roman from colorama import Fore, Back, Style from spreads.vendor.pathlib import Path class SpreadsException(Exception): """ General exception """ pass class DeviceException(SpreadsException): """ Raised when a device-related error occured. """ pass class MissingDependencyException(SpreadsException): """ Raised when a dependency for a plugin is missing. """ pass def get_version(): """ Get installed version via pkg_resources. """ return pkg_resources.require('spreads')[0].version def find_in_path(name): """ Find executable in $PATH. :param name: name of the executable :type name: unicode :returns: Path to executable or None if not found :rtype: unicode or None """ candidates = None if is_os('windows'): import _winreg if name.startswith('scantailor'): try: cmd = _winreg.QueryValue( _winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, 'Scan Tailor Project\\shell\\open\\command') bin_path = cmd.split('" "')[0][1:] if name.endswith('-cli'): bin_path = bin_path[:-4] + "-cli.exe" return bin_path if os.path.exists(bin_path) else None except OSError: return None else: path_dirs = os.environ.get('PATH').split(';') path_dirs.append(os.getcwd()) path_exts = os.environ.get('PATHEXT').split(';') candidates = (os.path.join(p, name + e) for p in path_dirs for e in path_exts) else: candidates = (os.path.join(p, name) for p in os.environ.get('PATH').split(':')) return next((c for c in candidates if os.path.exists(c)), None) def is_os(osname): """ Check if the current operating system matches the expected. :param osname: Operating system name as returned by :py:func:`platform.system` :returns: Whether the OS matches or not :rtype: bool """ return platform.system().lower() == osname def check_futures_exceptions(futures): """" Go through passed :py:class:`concurrent.futures._base.Future` objects and re-raise the first Exception raised by any one of them. :param futures: Iterable that contains the futures to be checked :type futures: iterable with :py:class:`concurrent.futures._base.Future` instances """ if any(x.exception() for x in futures): raise next(x for x in futures if x.exception()).exception() def get_free_space(path): """ Return free space on file-system underlying the passed path. :param path: Path on file-system the free space of which is desired. :type path; unicode :return: Free space in bytes. :rtype: int """ return psutil.disk_usage(unicode(path)).free def get_subprocess(cmdline, **kwargs): """ Get a :py:class:`subprocess.Popen` instance. On Windows systems, the process will be ran in the background and won't open a cmd-window or appear in the taskbar. The function signature matches that of the :py:class:`subprocess.Popen` initialization method. """ if subprocess.mswindows and 'startupinfo' not in kwargs: su = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() su.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW su.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE kwargs['startupinfo'] = su return subprocess.Popen(cmdline, **kwargs) def wildcardify(pathnames): """ Try to generate a single path with wildcards that matches all `pathnames`. :param pathnames: List of pathnames to find a wildcard string for :type pathanmes: List of str/unicode :return: The wildcard string or None if none was found :rtype: unicode or None """ wildcard_str = "" for idx, char in enumerate(pathnames[0]): if all(p[idx] == char for p in pathnames[1:]): wildcard_str += char elif not wildcard_str or wildcard_str[-1] != "*": wildcard_str += "*" matched_paths = glob.glob(wildcard_str) if not sorted(pathnames) == sorted(matched_paths): return None return wildcard_str def diff_dicts(old, new): """ Get the difference between two dictionaries. :param old: Dictionary to base comparison on :type old: dict :param new: Dictionary to compare with :type new: dict :return: A (possibly nested) dictionary containing all items from `new` that differ from the ones in `old` :rtype: dict """ out = {} for key, value in old.iteritems(): if new[key] != value: out[key] = new[key] elif isinstance(value, dict): diff = diff_dicts(value, new[key]) if diff: out[key] = diff return out def slugify(text, delimiter=u'-'): """Generates an ASCII-only slug. Code adapted from Flask snipped by Armin Ronacher: http://flask.pocoo.org/snippets/5/ :param text: Text to create slug for :type text: unicode :param delimiter: Delimiter to use in slug :type delimiter: unicode :return: The generated slug :rtype: unicode """ punctuation_re = r'[\t !"#$%&\'()*\-/<=>?@\[\\\]^_`{|},.]+' result = [] for word in re.split(punctuation_re, text.lower()): word = normalize('NFKD', word).encode('ascii', 'ignore') if word: result.append(word) return unicode(delimiter.join(result)) class _instancemethodwrapper(object): # noqa def __init__(self, callable): self.callable = callable self.__dontcall__ = False def __getattr__(self, key): return getattr(self.callable, key) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.__dontcall__: raise TypeError('Attempted to call abstract method.') return self.callable(*args, **kwargs) class _classmethod(classmethod): # noqa def __init__(self, func): super(_classmethod, self).__init__(func) isabstractmethod = getattr(func, '__isabstractmethod__', False) if isabstractmethod: self.__isabstractmethod__ = isabstractmethod def __get__(self, instance, owner): result = _instancemethodwrapper(super(_classmethod, self) .__get__(instance, owner)) isabstractmethod = getattr(self, '__isabstractmethod__', False) if isabstractmethod: result.__isabstractmethod__ = isabstractmethod abstractmethods = getattr(owner, '__abstractmethods__', None) if abstractmethods and result.__name__ in abstractmethods: result.__dontcall__ = True return result class abstractclassmethod(_classmethod): # noqa """ New decorator class that implements the @abstractclassmethod decorator added in Python 3.3 for Python 2.7. Kudos to http://stackoverflow.com/a/13640018/487903 """ def __init__(self, func): func = abc.abstractmethod(func) super(abstractclassmethod, self).__init__(func) class ColourStreamHandler(logging.StreamHandler): """ A colorized output StreamHandler Kudos to Leigh MacDonald: http://goo.gl/Lpr6C5 """ # Some basic colour scheme defaults colours = { 'DEBUG': Fore.CYAN, 'INFO': Fore.GREEN, 'WARN': Fore.YELLOW, 'WARNING': Fore.YELLOW, 'ERROR': Fore.RED, 'CRIT': Back.RED + Fore.WHITE, 'CRITICAL': Back.RED + Fore.WHITE } @property def is_tty(self): """ Check if we are using a "real" TTY. If we are not using a TTY it means that the colour output should be disabled. :return: Using a TTY status :rtype: bool """ try: return getattr(self.stream, 'isatty', None)() except: return False def emit(self, record): try: message = self.format(record) if not self.is_tty: self.stream.write(message) else: self.stream.write(self.colours[record.levelname] + message + Style.RESET_ALL) self.stream.write(getattr(self, 'terminator', '\n')) self.flush() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: self.handleError(record) class EventHandler(logging.Handler): """ Subclass of :py:class:`logging.Handler` that emits a :py:class:`blinker.base.Signal` whenever a new record is emitted. """ signals = blinker.Namespace() on_log_emit = signals.signal('logrecord', doc="""\ Sent when a log record was emitted. :keyword :class:`logging.LogRecord` record: the LogRecord """) def emit(self, record): self.on_log_emit.send(record=record) def get_data_dir(create=False): """ Return (and optionally create) the user's default data directory. :param create: Create the data directory if it doesn't exist :type create: bool :return: Path to the default data directory :rtype: unicode """ unix_dir_var = 'XDG_DATA_HOME' unix_dir_fallback = '~/.config' windows_dir_var = 'APPDATA' windows_dir_fallback = '~\\AppData\\Roaming' mac_dir = '~/Library/Application Support' base_dir = None if is_os('darwin'): if Path(unix_dir_fallback).exists: base_dir = unix_dir_fallback else: base_dir = mac_dir elif is_os('windows'): if windows_dir_var in os.environ: base_dir = os.environ[windows_dir_var] else: base_dir = windows_dir_fallback else: if unix_dir_var in os.environ: base_dir = os.environ[unix_dir_var] else: base_dir = unix_dir_fallback app_path = Path(base_dir)/'spreads' if create and not app_path.exists(): app_path.mkdir() return unicode(app_path) def colorize(text, color): """ Return text with a new ANSI foreground color. :param text: Text to be wrapped :param color: ANSI color to wrap text in :type color: str (from `colorama.ansi <http://git.io/9qnt0Q>`) :return: Colorized text """ return color + text + colorama.Fore.RESET class RomanNumeral(object): """ Number type that represents integers as Roman numerals and that can be used in all arithmetic operations applicable to integers. """ @staticmethod def is_roman(value): """ Check if `value` is a valid Roman numeral. :param value: Value to be checked :type value: unicode :returns: Whether the value is valid or not :rtype: bool """ return bool(roman.romanNumeralPattern.match(value)) def __init__(self, value, case='upper'): """ Create a new instance. :param value: Value of the instance :type value: int, unicode containing valid Roman numeral or :py:class:`RomanNumeral` """ self._val = self._to_int(value) self._case = case if isinstance(value, basestring) and not self.is_roman(value): self._case = 'lower' elif isinstance(value, RomanNumeral): self._case = value._case def _to_int(self, value): if isinstance(value, int): return value elif isinstance(value, basestring) and self.is_roman(value.upper()): return roman.fromRoman(value.upper()) elif isinstance(value, RomanNumeral): return value._val else: raise ValueError("Value must be a valid roman numeral, a string" " representing one or an integer: '{0}'" .format(value)) def __cmp__(self, other): if self._val > self._to_int(other): return 1 elif self._val == self._to_int(other): return 0 elif self._val < self._to_int(other): return -1 def __add__(self, other): return RomanNumeral(self._val + self._to_int(other), self._case) def __sub__(self, other): return RomanNumeral(self._val - self._to_int(other), self._case) def __int__(self): return self._val def __str__(self): strval = roman.toRoman(self._val) if self._case == 'lower': return strval.lower() else: return strval def __unicode__(self): return unicode(str(self)) def __repr__(self): return str(self) class CustomJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """ Custom :py:class:`json.JSONEncoder`. Uses an object's `to_dict` method if present for serialization. Serializes :py:class:`pathlib.Path` instances to the string representation of their relative path to a BagIt-compliant directory or their absolute path if not applicable. """ def default(self, obj): if hasattr(obj, 'to_dict'): return obj.to_dict() if isinstance(obj, Path): # Serialize paths that belong to a workflow as paths relative to # its base directory base = next((p for p in obj.parents if (p/'bagit.txt').exists()), None) if base: return unicode(obj.relative_to(base)) else: return unicode(obj.absolute()) return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
[['EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'dummy@email.com'], ['DATE_TIME', '2014'], ['PERSON', 'Johannes Baiter'], ['PERSON', 'get_subprocess(cmdline'], ['PERSON', 'Armin Ronacher'], ['PERSON', 'punctuation_re'], ['PERSON', 'Kudos'], ['PERSON', 'Leigh MacDonald'], ['URL', 'blinker.Na'], ['URL', 'signals.si'], ['NRP', 'Serialize'], ['LOCATION', 'next((p'], ['LOCATION', 'unicode(obj.relative_to(base'], ['URL', 'http://www.gnu.org/licenses/'], ['URL', 'http://flask.pocoo.org/snippets/5/'], ['URL', 'http://stackoverflow.com/a/13640018/487903'], ['URL', 'http://goo.gl/Lpr6C5'], ['URL', 'http://git.io/9qnt0Q'], ['URL', 'email.com'], ['URL', 'spreads.vendor.pa'], ['URL', 'resources.re'], ['URL', 'name.st'], ['URL', 'winreg.HK'], ['URL', 'os.pa'], ['URL', 'os.environ.ge'], ['URL', 'os.ge'], ['URL', 'os.environ.ge'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'os.environ.ge'], ['URL', 'os.pa'], ['URL', 'platform.sy'], ['URL', 'platform.sy'], ['URL', 'subprocess.ms'], ['URL', 'subprocess.ST'], ['URL', 'subprocess.ST'], ['URL', 'su.wS'], ['URL', 'glob.gl'], ['URL', 'old.it'], ['URL', 'delimiter.jo'], ['URL', 'self.ca'], ['URL', 'self.ca'], ['URL', 'self.ca'], ['URL', 'logging.St'], ['URL', 'Fore.CY'], ['URL', 'Fore.GR'], ['URL', 'Fore.YE'], ['URL', 'Fore.YE'], ['URL', 'Fore.RED'], ['URL', 'Back.RED'], ['URL', 'Back.RED'], ['URL', 'self.st'], ['URL', 'self.fo'], ['URL', 'self.is'], ['URL', 'self.st'], ['URL', 'self.st'], ['URL', 'self.co'], ['URL', 'Style.RE'], ['URL', 'self.st'], ['URL', 'blinker.base.Si'], ['URL', 'emit.se'], ['URL', 'path.mk'], ['URL', 'colorama.an'], ['URL', 'colorama.Fore.RE'], ['URL', 'roman.romanNumeralPattern.ma'], ['URL', 'self.is'], ['URL', 'self.is'], ['URL', 'roman.fr'], ['URL', 'roman.to'], ['URL', 'pathlib.Pa'], ['URL', 'obj.to'], ['URL', 'obj.pa'], ['URL', 'obj.re'], ['URL', 'json.JSONEncoder.de']]
# coding: utf-8 # # Copyright 2014 The Oppia Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Stores various configuration options and constants for Oppia.""" import copy import datetime import os # Whether to unconditionally log info messages. DEBUG = False # The platform for the storage backend. This is used in the model-switching # code in core/platform. PLATFORM = 'gae' # This should be string comparison, since all environment variables # are converted to string IS_MINIFIED = os.environ.get('MINIFICATION') == 'True' # Whether we should serve the development or production experience. # DEV_MODE should only be changed to False in the production environment. # To use minified resources in the development environment, # change the MINIFICATION env variable in app.yaml to True. # When DEV_MODE is True, this indicates that we are not running in # the production App Engine environment, which affects things like # login/logout URLs,as well as third-party libraries # that App Engine normally provides. if PLATFORM == 'gae': DEV_MODE = ( not os.environ.get('SERVER_SOFTWARE') or os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'].startswith('Development')) else: raise Exception('Invalid platform: expected one of [\'gae\']') TESTS_DATA_DIR = os.path.join('core', 'tests', 'data') SAMPLE_EXPLORATIONS_DIR = os.path.join('data', 'explorations') SAMPLE_COLLECTIONS_DIR = os.path.join('data', 'collections') INTERACTIONS_DIR = os.path.join('extensions', 'interactions') GADGETS_DIR = os.path.join('extensions', 'gadgets') RTE_EXTENSIONS_DIR = os.path.join('extensions', 'rich_text_components') OBJECT_TEMPLATES_DIR = os.path.join('extensions', 'objects', 'templates') # Choose production template if minification flag is used or # if in production mode TEMPLATES_DIR_PREFIX = 'prod' if (IS_MINIFIED or not DEV_MODE) else 'dev' FRONTEND_TEMPLATES_DIR = os.path.join( 'core', 'templates', TEMPLATES_DIR_PREFIX, 'head') DEPENDENCIES_TEMPLATES_DIR = os.path.join('extensions', 'dependencies') VALUE_GENERATORS_DIR = os.path.join('extensions', 'value_generators') OBJECT_DEFAULT_VALUES_FILE_PATH = os.path.join( 'extensions', 'interactions', 'object_defaults.json') RULES_DESCRIPTIONS_FILE_PATH = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'extensions', 'interactions', 'rules.json') # The maximum number of results to retrieve in a datastore query. DEFAULT_QUERY_LIMIT = 1000 # The maximum number of results to retrieve in a datastore query # for top rated published explorations in /library page. NUMBER_OF_TOP_RATED_EXPLORATIONS_FOR_LIBRARY_PAGE = 8 # The maximum number of results to retrieve in a datastore query # for recently published explorations in /library page. RECENTLY_PUBLISHED_QUERY_LIMIT_FOR_LIBRARY_PAGE = 8 # The maximum number of results to retrieve in a datastore query # for top rated published explorations in /library/top_rated page. NUMBER_OF_TOP_RATED_EXPLORATIONS_FULL_PAGE = 20 # The maximum number of results to retrieve in a datastore query # for recently published explorations in /library/recently_published page. RECENTLY_PUBLISHED_QUERY_LIMIT_FULL_PAGE = 20 # The current version of the dashboard stats blob schema. If any backward- # incompatible changes are made to the stats blob schema in the data store, # this version number must be changed. CURRENT_DASHBOARD_STATS_SCHEMA_VERSION = 1 # The current version of the exploration states blob schema. If any backward- # incompatible changes are made to the states blob schema in the data store, # this version number must be changed and the exploration migration job # executed. CURRENT_EXPLORATION_STATES_SCHEMA_VERSION = 7 # The current version of the all collection blob schemas (such as the nodes # structure within the Collection domain object). If any backward-incompatible # changes are made to any of the blob schemas in the data store, this version # number must be changed. CURRENT_COLLECTION_SCHEMA_VERSION = 2 # The default number of exploration tiles to load at a time in the search # results page. SEARCH_RESULTS_PAGE_SIZE = 20 # The default number of commits to show on a page in the exploration history # tab. COMMIT_LIST_PAGE_SIZE = 50 # The default number of items to show on a page in the exploration feedback # tab. FEEDBACK_TAB_PAGE_SIZE = 20 # Default title for a newly-minted exploration. DEFAULT_EXPLORATION_TITLE = '' # Default category for a newly-minted exploration. DEFAULT_EXPLORATION_CATEGORY = '' # Default objective for a newly-minted exploration. DEFAULT_EXPLORATION_OBJECTIVE = '' # Default name for the initial state of an exploration. DEFAULT_INIT_STATE_NAME = 'Introduction' # The default content text for the initial state of an exploration. DEFAULT_INIT_STATE_CONTENT_STR = '' # Default title for a newly-minted collection. DEFAULT_COLLECTION_TITLE = '' # Default category for a newly-minted collection. DEFAULT_COLLECTION_CATEGORY = '' # Default objective for a newly-minted collection. DEFAULT_COLLECTION_OBJECTIVE = '' # A dict containing the accepted image formats (as determined by the imghdr # module) and the corresponding allowed extensions in the filenames of uploaded # files. ACCEPTED_IMAGE_FORMATS_AND_EXTENSIONS = { 'jpeg': ['jpg', 'jpeg'], 'png': ['png'], 'gif': ['gif'] } # A string containing the disallowed characters in state or exploration names. # The underscore is needed because spaces in names must be converted to # underscores when displayed as part of a URL or key. The other conventions # here are derived from the Wikipedia guidelines for naming articles. INVALID_NAME_CHARS = u':#/|_%<>[]{}\ufffd\\' + chr(127) for ind in range(32): INVALID_NAME_CHARS += chr(ind) # Prefix for data sent from the server to the client via JSON. XSSI_PREFIX = ')]}\'\n' # A regular expression for alphanumeric characters. ALPHANUMERIC_REGEX = r'^[A-Za-z0-9]+$' # A regular expression for alphanumeric words separated by single spaces. # Ex.: 'valid name', 'another valid name', 'invalid name'. ALPHANUMERIC_SPACE_REGEX = r'^[0-9A-Za-z]+(?:[ ]?[0-9A-Za-z]+)*$' # A regular expression for tags. TAG_REGEX = r'^[a-z ]+$' # Invalid names for parameters used in expressions. AUTOMATICALLY_SET_PARAMETER_NAMES = ['answer', 'choices'] INVALID_PARAMETER_NAMES = AUTOMATICALLY_SET_PARAMETER_NAMES + [ 'abs', 'all', 'and', 'any', 'else', 'floor', 'if', 'log', 'or', 'pow', 'round', 'then'] # These are here rather than in rating_services.py to avoid import # circularities with exp_services. # TODO (Jacob) Refactor exp_services to remove this problem. _EMPTY_RATINGS = {'1': 0, '2': 0, '3': 0, '4': 0, '5': 0} def get_empty_ratings(): return copy.deepcopy(_EMPTY_RATINGS) # Empty scaled average rating as a float. EMPTY_SCALED_AVERAGE_RATING = 0.0 # To use GAE email service. EMAIL_SERVICE_PROVIDER_GAE = 'gae_email_service' # To use mailgun email service. EMAIL_SERVICE_PROVIDER_MAILGUN = 'mailgun_email_service' # Use GAE email service by default. EMAIL_SERVICE_PROVIDER = EMAIL_SERVICE_PROVIDER_GAE # If the Mailgun email API is used, the "None" below should be replaced # with the Mailgun API key. MAILGUN_API_KEY = None # If the Mailgun email API is used, the "None" below should be replaced # with the Mailgun domain name (ending with mailgun.org). MAILGUN_DOMAIN_NAME = None # Committer id for system actions. SYSTEM_COMMITTER_ID = 'admin' SYSTEM_EMAIL_ADDRESS = dummy@email.com' ADMIN_EMAIL_ADDRESS = dummy@email.com' NOREPLY_EMAIL_ADDRESS = dummy@email.com' # Ensure that SYSTEM_EMAIL_ADDRESS and ADMIN_EMAIL_ADDRESS are both valid and # correspond to owners of the app before setting this to True. If # SYSTEM_EMAIL_ADDRESS is not that of an app owner, email messages from this # address cannot be sent. If True then emails can be sent to any user. CAN_SEND_EMAILS = False # If you want to turn on this facility please check the email templates in the # send_role_notification_email() function in email_manager.py and modify them # accordingly. CAN_SEND_EDITOR_ROLE_EMAILS = False # If enabled then emails will be sent to creators for feedback messages. CAN_SEND_FEEDBACK_MESSAGE_EMAILS = False # Time to wait before sending feedback message emails (currently set to 1 # hour). DEFAULT_FEEDBACK_MESSAGE_EMAIL_COUNTDOWN_SECS = 3600 # Whether to send an email when new feedback message is received for # an exploration. DEFAULT_FEEDBACK_MESSAGE_EMAIL_PREFERENCE = True # Whether to send email updates to a user who has not specified a preference. DEFAULT_EMAIL_UPDATES_PREFERENCE = False # Whether to send an invitation email when the user is granted # new role permissions in an exploration. DEFAULT_EDITOR_ROLE_EMAIL_PREFERENCE = True # Whether to require an email to be sent, following a moderator action. REQUIRE_EMAIL_ON_MODERATOR_ACTION = False # Whether to allow custom event reporting to Google Analytics. CAN_SEND_ANALYTICS_EVENTS = False # Timespan in minutes before allowing duplicate emails. DUPLICATE_EMAIL_INTERVAL_MINS = 2 # Number of digits after decimal to which the average ratings value in the # dashboard is rounded off to. AVERAGE_RATINGS_DASHBOARD_PRECISION = 2 EMAIL_INTENT_SIGNUP = 'signup' EMAIL_INTENT_DAILY_BATCH = 'daily_batch' EMAIL_INTENT_EDITOR_ROLE_NOTIFICATION = 'editor_role_notification' EMAIL_INTENT_FEEDBACK_MESSAGE_NOTIFICATION = 'feedback_message_notification' EMAIL_INTENT_SUGGESTION_NOTIFICATION = 'suggestion_notification' EMAIL_INTENT_REPORT_BAD_CONTENT = 'report_bad_content' EMAIL_INTENT_MARKETING = 'marketing' EMAIL_INTENT_PUBLICIZE_EXPLORATION = 'publicize_exploration' EMAIL_INTENT_UNPUBLISH_EXPLORATION = 'unpublish_exploration' EMAIL_INTENT_DELETE_EXPLORATION = 'delete_exploration' MODERATOR_ACTION_PUBLICIZE_EXPLORATION = 'publicize_exploration' MODERATOR_ACTION_UNPUBLISH_EXPLORATION = 'unpublish_exploration' DEFAULT_SALUTATION_HTML_FN = ( lambda recipient_username: 'Hi %s,' % recipient_username) DEFAULT_SIGNOFF_HTML_FN = ( lambda sender_username: ( 'Thanks!<br>%s (Oppia moderator)' % sender_username)) VALID_MODERATOR_ACTIONS = { MODERATOR_ACTION_PUBLICIZE_EXPLORATION: { 'email_config': 'publicize_exploration_email_html_body', 'email_subject_fn': ( lambda exp_title: ( 'Your Oppia exploration "%s" has been featured!' % exp_title)), 'email_intent': EMAIL_INTENT_PUBLICIZE_EXPLORATION, 'email_salutation_html_fn': DEFAULT_SALUTATION_HTML_FN, 'email_signoff_html_fn': DEFAULT_SIGNOFF_HTML_FN, }, MODERATOR_ACTION_UNPUBLISH_EXPLORATION: { 'email_config': 'unpublish_exploration_email_html_body', 'email_subject_fn': ( lambda exp_title: ( 'Your Oppia exploration "%s" has been unpublished' % exp_title) ), 'email_intent': 'unpublish_exploration', 'email_salutation_html_fn': DEFAULT_SALUTATION_HTML_FN, 'email_signoff_html_fn': DEFAULT_SIGNOFF_HTML_FN, }, } # Panel properties and other constants for the default skin. GADGET_PANEL_AXIS_HORIZONTAL = 'horizontal' PANELS_PROPERTIES = { 'bottom': { 'width': 350, 'height': 100, 'stackable_axis': GADGET_PANEL_AXIS_HORIZONTAL, 'pixels_between_gadgets': 80, 'max_gadgets': 1 } } # When the site terms were last updated, in UTC. REGISTRATION_PAGE_LAST_UPDATED_UTC = datetime.datetime(2015, 10, 14, 2, 40, 0) # Format of string for dashboard statistics logs. # NOTE TO DEVELOPERS: This format should not be changed, since it is used in # the existing storage models for UserStatsModel. DASHBOARD_STATS_DATETIME_STRING_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d' # The maximum size of an uploaded file, in bytes. MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES = 1048576 # The default language code for an exploration. DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en' # The id of the default skin. # TODO(sll): Deprecate this; it is no longer used. DEFAULT_SKIN_ID = 'conversation_v1' # The prefix for an 'accepted suggestion' commit message. COMMIT_MESSAGE_ACCEPTED_SUGGESTION_PREFIX = 'Accepted suggestion by' # User id and username for exploration migration bot. Commits made by this bot # are not reflected in the exploration summary models, but are recorded in the # exploration commit log. MIGRATION_BOT_USER_ID = 'OppiaMigrationBot' MIGRATION_BOT_USERNAME = 'OppiaMigrationBot' # Ids and locations of the permitted extensions. ALLOWED_RTE_EXTENSIONS = { 'Collapsible': { 'dir': os.path.join(RTE_EXTENSIONS_DIR, 'Collapsible') }, 'Image': { 'dir': os.path.join(RTE_EXTENSIONS_DIR, 'Image') }, 'Link': { 'dir': os.path.join(RTE_EXTENSIONS_DIR, 'Link') }, 'Math': { 'dir': os.path.join(RTE_EXTENSIONS_DIR, 'Math') }, 'Tabs': { 'dir': os.path.join(RTE_EXTENSIONS_DIR, 'Tabs') }, 'Video': { 'dir': os.path.join(RTE_EXTENSIONS_DIR, 'Video') }, } # These categories and interactions are displayed in the order in which they # appear in the interaction selector. ALLOWED_INTERACTION_CATEGORIES = [{ 'name': 'General', 'interaction_ids': [ 'Continue', 'EndExploration', 'ImageClickInput', 'ItemSelectionInput', 'MultipleChoiceInput', 'TextInput' ], }, { 'name': 'Math', 'interaction_ids': [ 'GraphInput', 'LogicProof', 'NumericInput', 'SetInput', 'MathExpressionInput', ] }, { 'name': 'Programming', 'interaction_ids': [ 'CodeRepl', 'PencilCodeEditor', ], }, { 'name': 'Music', 'interaction_ids': [ 'MusicNotesInput' ], }, { 'name': 'Geography', 'interaction_ids': [ 'InteractiveMap' ], }] ALLOWED_GADGETS = { 'ScoreBar': { 'dir': os.path.join(GADGETS_DIR, 'ScoreBar') }, } # Gadgets subclasses must specify a valid panel option from this list. ALLOWED_GADGET_PANELS = ['bottom'] # Demo explorations to load through the admin panel. The id assigned to each # exploration is based on the key of the exploration in this dict, so ensure it # doesn't change once it's in the list. Only integer-based indices should be # used in this list, as it maintains backward compatibility with how demo # explorations used to be assigned IDs. The value of each entry in this dict is # either a YAML file or a directory (depending on whether it ends in .yaml). # These explorations can be found under data/explorations. DEMO_EXPLORATIONS = { u'0': 'welcome.yaml', u'1': 'multiples.yaml', u'2': 'binary_search', u'3': 'root_linear_coefficient_theorem.yaml', u'4': 'three_balls', # TODO(bhenning): Replace demo exploration '5' with a new exploration # described in #1376. u'6': 'boot_verbs.yaml', u'7': 'hola.yaml', u'8': 'adventure.yaml', u'9': 'pitch_perfect.yaml', u'10': 'test_interactions', u'11': 'modeling_graphs', u'12': 'protractor_test_1.yaml', u'13': 'solar_system', u'14': 'about_oppia.yaml', u'15': 'classifier_demo_exploration.yaml', u'16': 'all_interactions', } DEMO_COLLECTIONS = { u'0': 'welcome_to_collections.yaml' } # IDs of explorations which should not be displayable in either the learner or # editor views. DISABLED_EXPLORATION_IDS = ['5'] # Google Group embed URL for the Forum page. EMBEDDED_GOOGLE_GROUP_URL = ( 'https://groups.google.com/forum/embed/?place=forum/oppia') # Whether to allow YAML file uploads. ALLOW_YAML_FILE_UPLOAD = False # Prefix for all taskqueue-related URLs. TASKQUEUE_URL_PREFIX = '/task' TASK_URL_FEEDBACK_MESSAGE_EMAILS = ( '%s/email/batchfeedbackmessageemailhandler' % TASKQUEUE_URL_PREFIX) TASK_URL_FEEDBACK_STATUS_EMAILS = ( '%s/email/feedbackthreadstatuschangeemailhandler' % TASKQUEUE_URL_PREFIX) TASK_URL_FLAG_EXPLORATION_EMAILS = ( '%s/email/flagexplorationemailhandler' % TASKQUEUE_URL_PREFIX) TASK_URL_INSTANT_FEEDBACK_EMAILS = ( '%s/email/instantfeedbackmessageemailhandler' % TASKQUEUE_URL_PREFIX) TASK_URL_SUGGESTION_EMAILS = ( '%s/email/suggestionemailhandler' % TASKQUEUE_URL_PREFIX) # TODO(sll): Add all other URLs here. ADMIN_URL = '/admin' COLLECTION_DATA_URL_PREFIX = '/collection_handler/data' EDITABLE_COLLECTION_DATA_URL_PREFIX = '/collection_editor_handler/data' COLLECTION_RIGHTS_PREFIX = '/collection_editor_handler/rights' COLLECTION_EDITOR_URL_PREFIX = '/collection_editor/create' COLLECTION_URL_PREFIX = '/collection' DASHBOARD_URL = '/dashboard' DASHBOARD_CREATE_MODE_URL = '%s?mode=create' % DASHBOARD_URL DASHBOARD_DATA_URL = '/dashboardhandler/data' DASHBOARD_EXPLORATION_STATS_PREFIX = '/dashboardhandler/explorationstats' EDITOR_URL_PREFIX = '/create' EXPLORATION_DATA_PREFIX = '/createhandler/data' EXPLORATION_INIT_URL_PREFIX = '/explorehandler/init' EXPLORATION_METADATA_SEARCH_URL = '/exploration/metadata_search' EXPLORATION_RIGHTS_PREFIX = '/createhandler/rights' EXPLORATION_SUMMARIES_DATA_URL = '/explorationsummarieshandler/data' EXPLORATION_URL_PREFIX = '/explore' EXPLORATION_URL_EMBED_PREFIX = '/embed/exploration' FEEDBACK_STATS_URL_PREFIX = '/feedbackstatshandler' FEEDBACK_THREAD_URL_PREFIX = '/threadhandler' FEEDBACK_THREADLIST_URL_PREFIX = '/threadlisthandler' FEEDBACK_THREAD_VIEW_EVENT_URL = '/feedbackhandler/thread_view_event' FLAG_EXPLORATION_URL_PREFIX = '/flagexplorationhandler' LIBRARY_GROUP_DATA_URL = '/librarygrouphandler' LIBRARY_INDEX_URL = '/library' LIBRARY_INDEX_DATA_URL = '/libraryindexhandler' LIBRARY_RECENTLY_PUBLISHED_URL = '/library/recently_published' LIBRARY_SEARCH_URL = '/search/find' LIBRARY_SEARCH_DATA_URL = '/searchhandler/data' LIBRARY_TOP_RATED_URL = '/library/top_rated' NEW_COLLECTION_URL = '/collection_editor_handler/create_new' NEW_EXPLORATION_URL = '/contributehandler/create_new' RECENT_COMMITS_DATA_URL = '/recentcommitshandler/recent_commits' RECENT_FEEDBACK_MESSAGES_DATA_URL = '/recent_feedback_messages' ROBOTS_TXT_URL = '/robots.txt' SITE_FEEDBACK_FORM_URL = '' SITE_LANGUAGE_DATA_URL = '/save_site_language' SIGNUP_DATA_URL = '/signuphandler/data' SIGNUP_URL = '/signup' SPLASH_URL = '/splash' SUGGESTION_ACTION_URL_PREFIX = '/suggestionactionhandler' SUGGESTION_LIST_URL_PREFIX = '/suggestionlisthandler' SUGGESTION_URL_PREFIX = '/suggestionhandler' UPLOAD_EXPLORATION_URL = '/contributehandler/upload' USERNAME_CHECK_DATA_URL = '/usernamehandler/data' NAV_MODE_ABOUT = 'about' NAV_MODE_BLOG = 'blog' NAV_MODE_COLLECTION = 'collection' NAV_MODE_CONTACT = 'contact' NAV_MODE_CREATE = 'create' NAV_MODE_DASHBOARD = 'dashboard' NAV_MODE_DONATE = 'donate' NAV_MODE_EXPLORE = 'explore' NAV_MODE_LIBRARY = 'library' NAV_MODE_PROFILE = 'profile' NAV_MODE_SIGNUP = 'signup' NAV_MODE_SPLASH = 'splash' NAV_MODE_TEACH = 'teach' NAV_MODE_THANKS = 'thanks' # Event types. EVENT_TYPE_STATE_HIT = 'state_hit' EVENT_TYPE_ANSWER_SUBMITTED = 'answer_submitted' EVENT_TYPE_DEFAULT_ANSWER_RESOLVED = 'default_answer_resolved' EVENT_TYPE_NEW_THREAD_CREATED = 'feedback_thread_created' EVENT_TYPE_THREAD_STATUS_CHANGED = 'feedback_thread_status_changed' EVENT_TYPE_RATE_EXPLORATION = 'rate_exploration' # The values for these event types should be left as-is for backwards # compatibility. EVENT_TYPE_START_EXPLORATION = 'start' EVENT_TYPE_MAYBE_LEAVE_EXPLORATION = 'leave' EVENT_TYPE_COMPLETE_EXPLORATION = 'complete' ACTIVITY_STATUS_PRIVATE = 'private' ACTIVITY_STATUS_PUBLIC = 'public' ACTIVITY_STATUS_PUBLICIZED = 'publicized' # Play type constants PLAY_TYPE_PLAYTEST = 'playtest' PLAY_TYPE_NORMAL = 'normal' # Predefined commit messages. COMMIT_MESSAGE_EXPLORATION_DELETED = 'Exploration deleted.' COMMIT_MESSAGE_COLLECTION_DELETED = 'Collection deleted.' # Unfinished features. SHOW_TRAINABLE_UNRESOLVED_ANSWERS = False # Number of unresolved answers to be displayed in the dashboard for each # exploration. TOP_UNRESOLVED_ANSWERS_COUNT_DASHBOARD = 3 # Number of open feedback to be displayed in the dashboard for each exploration. OPEN_FEEDBACK_COUNT_DASHBOARD = 3 # NOTE TO DEVELOPERS: This should be synchronized with base.js ENABLE_STRING_CLASSIFIER = False SHOW_COLLECTION_NAVIGATION_TAB_HISTORY = False SHOW_COLLECTION_NAVIGATION_TAB_STATS = False # Output formats of downloaded explorations. OUTPUT_FORMAT_JSON = 'json' OUTPUT_FORMAT_ZIP = 'zip' # Types of updates shown in the 'recent updates' table in the dashboard page. UPDATE_TYPE_EXPLORATION_COMMIT = 'exploration_commit' UPDATE_TYPE_COLLECTION_COMMIT = 'collection_commit' UPDATE_TYPE_FEEDBACK_MESSAGE = 'feedback_thread' # Possible values for user query status. # Valid status transitions are: processing --> completed --> archived # Or processing --> failed. USER_QUERY_STATUS_PROCESSING = 'processing' USER_QUERY_STATUS_COMPLETED = 'completed' USER_QUERY_STATUS_ARCHIVED = 'archived' USER_QUERY_STATUS_FAILED = 'failed' # The time difference between which to consider two login events "close". This # is taken to be 12 hours. PROXIMAL_TIMEDELTA_SECS = 12 * 60 * 60 DEFAULT_COLOR = '#a33f40' DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_ICON = 'Lightbulb' # List of supported default categories. For now, each category has a specific # color associated with it. Each category also has a thumbnail icon whose # filename is "{{CategoryName}}.svg". CATEGORIES_TO_COLORS = { 'Mathematics': '#cd672b', 'Algebra': '#cd672b', 'Arithmetic': '#d68453', 'Calculus': '#b86330', 'Logic': '#d68453', 'Combinatorics': '#cf5935', 'Graph Theory': '#cf5935', 'Probability': '#cf5935', 'Statistics': '#cd672b', 'Geometry': '#d46949', 'Trigonometry': '#d46949', 'Algorithms': '#d0982a', 'Computing': '#bb8b2f', 'Programming': '#d9aa53', 'Astronomy': '#879d6c', 'Biology': '#97a766', 'Chemistry': '#aab883', 'Engineering': '#8b9862', 'Environment': '#aba86d', 'Medicine': '#97a766', 'Physics': '#879d6c', 'Architecture': '#6e3466', 'Art': '#895a83', 'Music': '#6a3862', 'Philosophy': '#613968', 'Poetry': '#7f507f', 'English': '#193a69', 'Languages': '#1b4174', 'Latin': '#3d5a89', 'Reading': '#193a69', 'Spanish': '#405185', 'Gaulish': '#1b4174', 'Business': '#387163', 'Economics': '#5d8b7f', 'Geography': '#3c6d62', 'Government': '#538270', 'History': '#3d6b52', 'Law': '#538270', 'Education': '#942e20', 'Puzzles': '#a8554a', 'Sport': '#893327', 'Welcome': '#992a2b', } # Types of activities that can be created with Oppia. ACTIVITY_TYPE_EXPLORATION = 'exploration' ACTIVITY_TYPE_COLLECTION = 'collection' ALL_ACTIVITY_TYPES = [ACTIVITY_TYPE_EXPLORATION, ACTIVITY_TYPE_COLLECTION] # A sorted list of default categories for which icons and background colours # exist. ALL_CATEGORIES = sorted(CATEGORIES_TO_COLORS.keys()) # These categories are shown in the library navbar. SEARCH_DROPDOWN_CATEGORIES = sorted([ 'Mathematics', 'Statistics', 'Algorithms', 'Programming', 'Biology', 'Chemistry', 'Physics', 'Medicine', 'English', 'Architecture', 'Art', 'Music', 'Reading', 'Business', 'Economics', 'Geography', 'History', ]) # The i18n id for the header of the "Featured Activities" category in the # library index page. LIBRARY_CATEGORY_FEATURED_ACTIVITIES = 'I18N_LIBRARY_GROUPS_FEATURED_ACTIVITIES' # The i18n id for the header of the "Top Rated Explorations" category in the # library index page. LIBRARY_CATEGORY_TOP_RATED_EXPLORATIONS = ( 'I18N_LIBRARY_GROUPS_TOP_RATED_EXPLORATIONS') # The i18n id for the header of the "Recently Published" category in the # library index page. LIBRARY_CATEGORY_RECENTLY_PUBLISHED = 'I18N_LIBRARY_GROUPS_RECENTLY_PUBLISHED' # The group name that appears at the end of the url for the recently published # page. LIBRARY_GROUP_RECENTLY_PUBLISHED = 'recently_published' # The group name that appears at the end of the url for the top rated page. LIBRARY_GROUP_TOP_RATED = 'top_rated' # NOTE TO DEVELOPERS: The LIBRARY_PAGE_MODE constants defined below should have # the same value as the ones defined in LIBRARY_PAGE_MODES in Library.js. For # example LIBRARY_PAGE_MODE_GROUP should have the same value as # LIBRARY_PAGE_MODES.GROUP. # Page mode for the group pages such as top rated and recently published # explorations. LIBRARY_PAGE_MODE_GROUP = 'group' # Page mode for the main library page. LIBRARY_PAGE_MODE_INDEX = 'index' # Page mode for the search results page. LIBRARY_PAGE_MODE_SEARCH = 'search' # List of supported language codes. Each description has a # parenthetical part that may be stripped out to give a shorter # description. ALL_LANGUAGE_CODES = [{ 'code': 'en', 'description': u'English', }, { 'code': 'ar', 'description': u'العربية (Arabic)', }, { 'code': 'bg', 'description': u'български (Bulgarian)', }, { 'code': 'ca', 'description': u'català (Catalan)', }, { 'code': 'zh', 'description': u'中文 (Chinese)', }, { 'code': 'hr', 'description': u'hrvatski (Croatian)', }, { 'code': 'cs', 'description': u'čeština (Czech)', }, { 'code': 'da', 'description': u'dansk (Danish)', }, { 'code': 'nl', 'description': u'Nederlands (Dutch)', }, { 'code': 'tl', 'description': u'Filipino (Filipino)', }, { 'code': 'fi', 'description': u'suomi (Finnish)', }, { 'code': 'fr', 'description': u'français (French)', }, { 'code': 'de', 'description': u'Deutsch (German)', }, { 'code': 'el', 'description': u'ελληνικά (Greek)', }, { 'code': 'he', 'description': u'עברית (Hebrew)', }, { 'code': 'hi', 'description': u'हिन्दी (Hindi)', }, { 'code': 'hu', 'description': u'magyar (Hungarian)', }, { 'code': 'id', 'description': u'Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)', }, { 'code': 'it', 'description': u'italiano (Italian)', }, { 'code': 'ja', 'description': u'日本語 (Japanese)', }, { 'code': 'ko', 'description': u'한국어 (Korean)', }, { 'code': 'lv', 'description': u'latviešu (Latvian)', }, { 'code': 'lt', 'description': u'lietuvių (Lithuanian)', }, { 'code': 'no', 'description': u'Norsk (Norwegian)', }, { 'code': 'fa', 'description': u'فارسی (Persian)', }, { 'code': 'pl', 'description': u'polski (Polish)', }, { 'code': 'pt', 'description': u'português (Portuguese)', }, { 'code': 'ro', 'description': u'română (Romanian)', }, { 'code': 'ru', 'description': u'русский (Russian)', }, { 'code': 'sr', 'description': u'српски (Serbian)', }, { 'code': 'sk', 'description': u'slovenčina (Slovak)', }, { 'code': 'sl', 'description': u'slovenščina (Slovenian)', }, { 'code': 'es', 'description': u'español (Spanish)', }, { 'code': 'sv', 'description': u'svenska (Swedish)', }, { 'code': 'th', 'description': u'ภาษาไทย (Thai)', }, { 'code': 'tr', 'description': u'Türkçe (Turkish)', }, { 'code': 'uk', 'description': u'українська (Ukrainian)', }, { 'code': 'vi', 'description': u'Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)', }] # Defaults for topic similarities DEFAULT_TOPIC_SIMILARITY = 0.5 SAME_TOPIC_SIMILARITY = 1.0 # NOTE TO DEVELOPERS: While adding another language, please ensure that the # languages are in alphabetical order. SUPPORTED_SITE_LANGUAGES = [{ 'id': 'id', 'text': 'Bahasa Indonesia' }, { 'id': 'en', 'text': 'English' }, { 'id': 'es', 'text': 'Español' }, { 'id': 'pt', 'text': 'Português' }, { 'id': 'pt-br', 'text': 'Português (Brasil)' }, { 'id': 'vi', 'text': 'Tiếng Việt' }, { 'id': 'hi', 'text': 'हिन्दी' }] SYSTEM_USERNAMES = [SYSTEM_COMMITTER_ID, MIGRATION_BOT_USERNAME] SYSTEM_USER_IDS = [SYSTEM_COMMITTER_ID, MIGRATION_BOT_USERNAME] # The following are all page descriptions for the meta tag. ABOUT_PAGE_DESCRIPTION = ( 'Oppia is an open source learning platform that connects a community of ' 'teachers and learners. You can use this site to create 1-1 learning ' 'scenarios for others.') BLOG_PAGE_DESCRIPTION = ( 'Keep up to date with Oppia news and updates via our blog.') CONTACT_PAGE_DESCRIPTION = ( 'Contact the Oppia team, submit feedback, and learn how to get involved ' 'with the Oppia project.') CREATE_PAGE_DESCRIPTION = ( 'Help others learn new things. Create lessons through explorations and ' 'share your knowledge with the community.') DASHBOARD_PAGE_DESCRIPTION = ( 'Keep track of the lessons you have created, as well as feedback from ' 'learners.') DONATE_PAGE_DESCRIPTION = ( 'Donate to The Oppia Foundation.') FORUM_PAGE_DESCRIPTION = ( 'Engage with the Oppia community by discussing questions, bugs and ' 'explorations in the forum.') LIBRARY_GROUP_PAGE_DESCRIPTION = ( 'Discover top-rated or recently-published explorations on Oppia. Learn ' 'from these explorations or help improve an existing one for the ' 'community.') LIBRARY_PAGE_DESCRIPTION = ( 'Looking to learn something new? Find explorations created by professors, ' 'teachers and Oppia users in a subject you\'re interested in, and start ' 'exploring!') PREFERENCES_PAGE_DESCRIPTION = ( 'Change your Oppia profile settings and preferences') SEARCH_PAGE_DESCRIPTION = ( 'Discover a new exploration to learn from, or help improve an existing ' 'one for the community.') SIGNUP_PAGE_DESCRIPTION = ( 'Sign up for Oppia and begin exploring a new subject.') SPLASH_PAGE_DESCRIPTION = ( 'Oppia is a free site for sharing knowledge via interactive lessons ' 'called \'explorations\'. Learn from user-created explorations, or teach ' 'and create your own.') TEACH_PAGE_DESCRIPTION = ( 'The Oppia library is full of user-created lessons called \'explorations\'.' ' Read about how to participate in the community and begin creating ' 'explorations.') TERMS_PAGE_DESCRIPTION = ( 'Oppia is a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit open-source e-learning ' 'platform. Learn about our terms and conditions for creating and ' 'distributing learning material.') THANKS_PAGE_DESCRIPTION = ( 'Thank you for donating to The Oppia Foundation.') SITE_NAME = 'Oppia.org' # The type of the response returned by a handler when an exception is raised. HANDLER_TYPE_HTML = 'html' HANDLER_TYPE_JSON = 'json'
[['EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'dummy@email.com'], ['EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'dummy@email.com'], ['EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'dummy@email.com'], ['URL', "https://groups.google.com/forum/embed/?place=forum/oppia'"], ['DATE_TIME', '2014'], ['PERSON', 'IS_MINIFIED'], ['PERSON', 'NUMBER_OF_TOP_RATED_EXPLORATIONS_FOR_LIBRARY_PAGE'], ['PERSON', 'ACCEPTED_IMAGE_FORMATS_AND_EXTENSIONS'], ['PERSON', "r'^[A-Za-z0-9]+$"], ['PERSON', "-Za-z]+)*$'"], ['PERSON', 'TODO'], ['PERSON', 'Committer'], ['PERSON', 'email_manager.py'], ['PERSON', 'DEFAULT_FEEDBACK_MESSAGE_EMAIL_PREFERENCE = True'], ['DATE_TIME', 'minutes'], ['PERSON', 'EMAIL_INTENT_EDITOR_ROLE_NOTIFICATION'], ['PERSON', "EMAIL_INTENT_FEEDBACK_MESSAGE_NOTIFICATION = '"], ['PERSON', 'VALID_MODERATOR_ACTIONS'], ['PERSON', 'GADGET_PANEL_AXIS_HORIZONTAL'], ['DATE_TIME', '10'], ['DATE_TIME', '14'], ['DATE_TIME', '40'], ['LOCATION', 'UserStatsModel'], ['DATE_TIME', "OppiaMigrationBot'"], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['LOCATION', 'ALLOWED_INTERACTION_CATEGORIES'], ['PERSON', 'MultipleChoiceInput'], ['PERSON', 'SetInput'], ['PERSON', 'EDITOR_URL_PREFIX'], ['NRP', 'EXPLORATION_METADATA_SEARCH_URL'], ['PERSON', 'SUGGESTION_URL_PREFIX'], ['PERSON', 'NAV_MODE_COLLECTION'], ['LOCATION', 'NAV_MODE_LIBRARY'], ['PERSON', 'EVENT_TYPE_DEFAULT_ANSWER_RESOLVED'], ['PERSON', "EVENT_TYPE_THREAD_STATUS_CHANGED = '"], ['PERSON', 'EVENT_TYPE_MAYBE_LEAVE_EXPLORATION'], ['PERSON', 'USER_QUERY_STATUS_ARCHIVED'], ['DATE_TIME', '12 hours'], ['PERSON', 'Lightbulb'], ['DATE_TIME', "8b9862'"], ['DATE_TIME', "405185'"], ['PERSON', "u'български"], ['NRP', 'Bulgarian'], ['NRP', 'Chinese'], ['NRP', 'Croatian'], ['NRP', 'Czech'], ['NRP', 'Danish'], ['NRP', 'Dutch'], ['PERSON', "u'Filipino"], ['NRP', 'Finnish'], ['NRP', 'French'], ['NRP', 'German'], ['NRP', 'Greek'], ['PERSON', "u'magyar"], ['NRP', 'Hungarian'], ['LOCATION', 'Indonesia'], ['NRP', 'Indonesian'], ['NRP', 'Italian'], ['NRP', 'Japanese'], ['PERSON', 'ko'], ['NRP', 'Korean'], ['NRP', 'Latvian'], ['NRP', 'Lithuanian'], ['NRP', 'Norwegian'], ['NRP', 'Persian'], ['NRP', 'Polish'], ['NRP', 'Portuguese'], ['PERSON', "u'română"], ['NRP', 'Romanian'], ['NRP', 'Russian'], ['NRP', 'Serbian'], ['PERSON', "u'slovenčina"], ['NRP', 'Slovak'], ['NRP', 'Slovenian'], ['NRP', 'Spanish'], ['DATE_TIME', "u'svenska"], ['NRP', 'Swedish'], ['NRP', 'Thai'], ['NRP', 'Turkish'], ['NRP', 'Ukrainian'], ['NRP', 'Vietnamese'], ['LOCATION', 'Indonesia'], ['PERSON', 'Tiếng'], ['PERSON', 'TEACH_PAGE_DESCRIPTION'], ['PERSON', 'THANKS_PAGE_DESCRIPTION'], ['URL', 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0'], ['URL', 'os.environ.ge'], ['URL', 'os.environ.ge'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'os.ge'], ['URL', 'services.py'], ['URL', 'copy.de'], ['URL', 'mailgun.org'], ['URL', 'email.com'], ['URL', 'email.com'], ['URL', 'email.com'], ['URL', 'manager.py'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'COLORS.ke'], ['URL', 'MODES.GR'], ['URL', 'Oppia.org']]
""" orthopoly.py - A suite of functions for generating orthogonal polynomials and quadrature rules. Copyright (c) 2014 Greg von Winckel All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Last updated on Wed Jan 1 14:29:25 MST 2014 Modified by David A. Ham (dummy@email.com), 2016 """ import numpy as np from functools import reduce from math import gamma def gauss(alpha, beta): """ Compute the Gauss nodes and weights from the recursion coefficients associated with a set of orthogonal polynomials Inputs: alpha - recursion coefficients beta - recursion coefficients Outputs: x - quadrature nodes w - quadrature weights Adapted from the MATLAB code by Walter Gautschi http://www.cs.purdue.edu/archives/2002/wxg/codes/gauss.m """ from numpy.linalg import eigh A = np.diag(np.sqrt(beta)[1:], 1) + np.diag(alpha) x, V = eigh(A, "U") w = beta[0] * np.real(np.power(V[0, :], 2)) return x, w def lobatto(alpha, beta, xl1, xl2): """ Compute the Lobatto nodes and weights with the preassigned nodea xl1,xl2 Inputs: alpha - recursion coefficients beta - recursion coefficients xl1 - assigned node location xl2 - assigned node location Outputs: x - quadrature nodes w - quadrature weights Based on the section 7 of the paper "Some modified matrix eigenvalue problems" by Gene Golub, SIAM Review Vol 15, No. 2, April 1973, pp.318--334 """ from numpy.linalg import solve n = len(alpha) - 1 en = np.zeros(n) en[-1] = 1 A1 = np.vstack((np.sqrt(beta), alpha - xl1)) J1 = np.diag(A1[0, 1:-1], 1) + np.diag(A1[1, 1:]) + np.diag(A1[0, 1:-1], -1) A2 = np.vstack((np.sqrt(beta), alpha - xl2)) J2 = np.diag(A2[0, 1:-1], 1) + np.diag(A2[1, 1:]) + np.diag(A2[0, 1:-1], -1) g1 = solve(J1, en) g2 = solve(J2, en) C = np.array(((1, -g1[-1]), (1, -g2[-1]))) xl = np.array((xl1, xl2)) ab = solve(C, xl) alphal = alpha alphal[-1] = ab[0] betal = beta betal[-1] = ab[1] x, w = gauss(alphal, betal) return x, w def rec_jacobi(N, a, b): """ Generate the recursion coefficients alpha_k, beta_k P_{k+1}(x) = (x-alpha_k)*P_{k}(x) - beta_k P_{k-1}(x) for the Jacobi polynomials which are orthogonal on [-1,1] with respect to the weight w(x)=[(1-x)^a]*[(1+x)^b] Inputs: N - polynomial order a - weight parameter b - weight parameter Outputs: alpha - recursion coefficients beta - recursion coefficients Adapted from the MATLAB code by Dirk Laurie and Walter Gautschi http://www.cs.purdue.edu/archives/2002/wxg/codes/r_jacobi.m """ nu = (b - a) / float(a + b + 2) mu = 2 ** (a + b + 1) * gamma(a + 1) * gamma(b + 1) / gamma(a + b + 2) if N == 1: alpha = nu beta = mu else: n = np.arange(1.0, N) nab = 2 * n + a + b alpha = np.hstack((nu, (b ** 2 - a ** 2) / (nab * (nab + 2)))) n = n[1:] nab = nab[1:] B1 = 4 * (a + 1) * (b + 1) / float((a + b + 2) ** 2 * (a + b + 3)) B = 4 * (n + a) * (n + b) * n * (n + a + b) / \ (nab ** 2 * (nab + 1) * (nab - 1)) beta = np.hstack((mu, B1, B)) return alpha, beta def rec_jacobi01(N, a, b): """ Generate the recursion coefficients alpha_k, beta_k for the Jacobi polynomials which are orthogonal on [0,1] See rec_jacobi for the recursion coefficients on [-1,1] Inputs: N - polynomial order a - weight parameter b - weight parameter Outputs: alpha - recursion coefficients beta - recursion coefficients Adapted from the MATLAB implementation: https://www.cs.purdue.edu/archives/2002/wxg/codes/r_jacobi01.m """ if a <= -1 or b <= -1: raise ValueError('''Jacobi coefficients are defined only for alpha,beta > -1''') if not isinstance(N, int): raise TypeError('N must be an integer') if N < 1: raise ValueError('N must be at least 1') c, d = rec_jacobi(N, a, b) alpha = (1 + c) / 2 beta = d / 4 beta[0] = d[0] / 2 ** (a + b + 1) return alpha, beta def polyval(alpha, beta, x): """ Evaluate polynomials on x given the recursion coefficients alpha and beta """ N = len(alpha) m = len(x) P = np.zeros((m, N + 1)) P[:, 0] = 1 P[:, 1] = (x - alpha[0]) * P[:, 0] for k in range(1, N): P[:, k + 1] = (x - alpha[k]) * P[:, k] - beta[k] * P[:, k - 1] return P def jacobi(N, a, b, x, NOPT=1): """ JACOBI computes the Jacobi polynomials which are orthogonal on [-1,1] with respect to the weight w(x)=[(1-x)^a]*[(1+x)^b] and evaluate them on the given grid up to P_N(x). Setting NOPT=2 returns the L2-normalized polynomials """ m = len(x) P = np.zeros((m, N + 1)) apb = a + b a1 = a - 1 b1 = b - 1 c = apb * (a - b) P[:, 0] = 1 if N > 0: P[:, 1] = 0.5 * (a - b + (apb + 2) * x) if N > 1: for k in range(2, N + 1): k2 = 2 * k g = k2 + apb g1 = g - 1 g2 = g - 2 d = 2.0 * (k + a1) * (k + b1) * g P[:, k] = (g1 * (c + g2 * g * x) * P[:, k - 1] - d * P[:, k - 2]) / (k2 * (k + apb) * g2) if NOPT == 2: k = np.arange(N + 1) pnorm = 2 ** (apb + 1) * gamma(k + a + 1) * gamma(k + b + 1) / \ ((2 * k + a + b + 1) * (gamma(k + 1) * gamma(k + a + b + 1))) P *= 1 / np.sqrt(pnorm) return P def jacobiD(N, a, b, x, NOPT=1): """ JACOBID computes the first derivatives of the normalized Jacobi polynomials which are orthogonal on [-1,1] with respect to the weight w(x)=[(1-x)^a]*[(1+x)^b] and evaluate them on the given grid up to P_N(x). Setting NOPT=2 returns the derivatives of the L2-normalized polynomials """ z = np.zeros((len(x), 1)) if N == 0: Px = z else: Px = 0.5 * np.hstack((z, jacobi(N - 1, a + 1, b + 1, x, NOPT) * ((a + b + 2 + np.arange(N))))) return Px def mm_log(N, a): """ MM_LOG Modified moments for a logarithmic weight function. The call mm=MM_LOG(n,a) computes the first n modified moments of the logarithmic weight function w(t)=t^a log(1/t) on [0,1] relative to shifted Legendre polynomials. REFERENCE: Walter Gautschi,``On the preceding paper `A Legendre polynomial integral' by James L. Blue'', Math. Comp. 33 (1979), 742-743. Adapted from the MATLAB implementation: https://www.cs.purdue.edu/archives/2002/wxg/codes/mm_log.m """ if a <= -1: raise ValueError('Parameter a must be greater than -1') prod = lambda z: reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, z, 1) mm = np.zeros(N) c = 1 for n in range(N): if isinstance(a, int) and a < n: p = range(n - a, n + a + 2) mm[n] = (-1) ** (n - a) / prod(p) mm[n] *= gamma(a + 1) ** 2 else: if n == 0: mm[0] = 1 / (a + 1) ** 2 else: k = np.arange(1, n + 1) s = 1 / (a + 1 + k) - 1 / (a + 1 - k) p = (a + 1 - k) / (a + 1 + k) mm[n] = (1 / (a + 1) + sum(s)) * prod(p) / (a + 1) mm[n] *= c c *= 0.5 * (n + 1) / (2 * n + 1) return mm def mod_chebyshev(N, mom, alpham, betam): """ Calcuate the recursion coefficients for the orthogonal polynomials which are are orthogonal with respect to a weight function which is represented in terms of its modifed moments which are obtained by integrating the monic polynomials against the weight function. References ---------- John C. Wheeler, "Modified moments and Gaussian quadratures" Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 4, Num. 2 (1974), 287--296 Walter Gautschi, "Orthogonal Polynomials (in Matlab) Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 178 (2005) 215--234 Adapted from the MATLAB implementation: https://www.cs.purdue.edu/archives/2002/wxg/codes/chebyshev.m """ if not isinstance(N, int): raise TypeError('N must be an integer') if N < 1: raise ValueError('N must be at least 1') N = min(N, int(len(mom) / 2)) alpha = np.zeros(N) beta = np.zeros(N) normsq = np.zeros(N) sig = np.zeros((N + 1, 2 * N)) alpha[0] = alpham[0] + mom[1] / mom[0] beta[0] = mom[0] sig[1, :] = mom for n in range(2, N + 1): for m in range(n - 1, 2 * N - n + 1): sig[n, m] = sig[n - 1, m + 1] - (alpha[n - 2] - alpham[m]) * sig[n - 1, m] - \ beta[n - 2] * sig[n - 2, m] + betam[m] * sig[n - 1, m - 1] alpha[n - 1] = alpham[n - 1] + sig[n, n] / sig[n, n - 1] - sig[n - 1, n - 1] / \ sig[n - 1, n - 2] beta[n - 1] = sig[n, n - 1] / sig[n - 1, n - 2] normsq = np.diagonal(sig, -1) return alpha, beta, normsq def rec_jaclog(N, a): """ Generate the recursion coefficients alpha_k, beta_k P_{k+1}(x) = (x-alpha_k)*P_{k}(x) - beta_k P_{k-1}(x) for the monic polynomials which are orthogonal on [0,1] with respect to the weight w(x)=x^a*log(1/x) Inputs: N - polynomial order a - weight parameter Outputs: alpha - recursion coefficients beta - recursion coefficients Adated from the MATLAB code: https://www.cs.purdue.edu/archives/2002/wxg/codes/r_jaclog.m """ alphaj, betaj = rec_jacobi01(2 * N, 0, 0) mom = mm_log(2 * N, a) alpha, beta, _ = mod_chebyshev(N, mom, alphaj, betaj) return alpha, beta
[['EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'dummy@email.com'], ['DATE_TIME', '2014'], ['PERSON', 'Greg von Winckel'], ['LOCATION', 'DAMAGES'], ['PERSON', 'WHETHER'], ['DATE_TIME', 'Wed Jan 1'], ['DATE_TIME', '2014'], ['PERSON', 'David A. Ham'], ['DATE_TIME', '2016'], ['PERSON', 'Walter Gautschi\n '], ['PERSON', 'Gene Golub'], ['DATE_TIME', 'April 1973'], ['LOCATION', 'P_{k+1}(x'], ['PERSON', 'Dirk Laurie'], ['PERSON', 'Walter Gautschi\n '], ['LOCATION', "ValueError('N"], ['PERSON', 'NOPT'], ['PERSON', 'Px'], ['PERSON', 'Px'], ['PERSON', 'NOPT'], ['PERSON', 'Walter Gautschi,``On'], ['PERSON', "James L. Blue''"], ['DATE_TIME', '33 (1979'], ['LOCATION', 'mm[0'], ['LOCATION', 'alpham'], ['PERSON', 'betam'], ['PERSON', 'John C. Wheeler'], ['NRP', 'Gaussian'], ['DATE_TIME', '1974'], ['PERSON', 'Walter Gautschi'], ['DATE_TIME', '2005'], ['LOCATION', "ValueError('N"], ['DATE_TIME', 'min(N'], ['LOCATION', 'rec_jaclog(N'], ['LOCATION', 'P_{k+1}(x'], ['URL', 'http://www.cs.purdue.edu/archives/2002/wxg/codes/gauss.m'], ['URL', 'http://www.cs.purdue.edu/archives/2002/wxg/codes/r_jacobi.m'], ['URL', 'https://www.cs.purdue.edu/archives/2002/wxg/codes/r_jacobi01.m'], ['URL', 'https://www.cs.purdue.edu/archives/2002/wxg/codes/mm_log.m'], ['URL', 'https://www.cs.purdue.edu/archives/2002/wxg/codes/chebyshev.m'], ['URL', 'https://www.cs.purdue.edu/archives/2002/wxg/codes/r_jaclog.m'], ['URL', 'orthopoly.py'], ['URL', 'email.com'], ['URL', 'numpy.li'], ['URL', 'np.re'], ['URL', 'numpy.li'], ['URL', 'np.ar'], ['URL', 'np.ar'], ['URL', 'np.ar'], ['URL', 'np.ar'], ['URL', 'np.ar'], ['URL', 'np.ar']]
## @package TriggerObjectBlock_cfi # Configuration file that defines the producer of ROOT-tuple for trigger objects. # # \author Subir Sarkar # \author Rosamaria Venditti (INFN Bari, Bari University) # \author Konstantin Androsov (University of Siena, INFN Pisa) # \author Maria Teresa Grippo (University of Siena, INFN Pisa) # # Copyright 2011-2013 Subir Sarkar, Rosamaria Venditti (INFN Bari, Bari University) # Copyright 2014 Konstantin Androsov dummy@email.com, # Maria Teresa Grippo dummy@email.com # # This file is part of X->HH->bbTauTau. # # X->HH->bbTauTau is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # X->HH->bbTauTau is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with X->HH->bbTauTau. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms triggerObjectBlock = cms.EDAnalyzer("TriggerObjectBlock", verbosity = cms.int32(0), hltInputTag = cms.InputTag('TriggerResults','','HLT'), triggerEventTag = cms.InputTag('patTriggerEvent'), hltPathsOfInterest = cms.vstring ("HLT_DoubleMu", "HLT_Mu", "HLT_IsoMu", "HLT_TripleMu", "IsoPFTau", "TrkIsoT", "HLT_Ele"), May10ReRecoData = cms.bool(False) )
[['EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'dummy@email.com'], ['EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'dummy@email.com'], ['PERSON', 'Subir Sarkar'], ['PERSON', 'Rosamaria Venditti'], ['PERSON', 'Konstantin Androsov'], ['PERSON', 'Maria Teresa Grippo'], ['DATE_TIME', '2011-2013'], ['PERSON', 'Subir Sarkar'], ['PERSON', 'Rosamaria Venditti'], ['DATE_TIME', '2014'], ['PERSON', 'Konstantin Androsov'], ['PERSON', 'Maria Teresa Grippo'], ['PERSON', 'triggerEventTag = cms'], ['PERSON', "InputTag('patTriggerEvent"], ['URL', 'http://www.gnu.org/licenses/'], ['URL', 'email.com'], ['URL', 'email.com'], ['URL', 'FWCore.ParameterSet.Co'], ['URL', 'cms.int'], ['URL', 'cms.In'], ['URL', 'cms.In'], ['URL', 'cms.bo']]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Edgewall Software # Copyright (C) 2004 Daniel Lundin dummy@email.com # Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Christopher Lenz dummy@email.com # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Christian Boos dummy@email.com # All rights reserved. # # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms # are also available at http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense. # # This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many # individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision # history and logs, available at http://trac.edgewall.org/log/. # # Author: Daniel Lundin dummy@email.com # Christopher Lenz dummy@email.com # Christian Boos dummy@email.com """ File metadata management ------------------------ The `trac.mimeview` package centralizes the intelligence related to file metadata, principally concerning the `type` (MIME type) of the content and, if relevant, concerning the text encoding (charset) used by the content. There are primarily two approaches for getting the MIME type of a given file, either taking advantage of existing conventions for the file name, or examining the file content and applying various heuristics. The module also knows how to convert the file content from one type to another type. In some cases, only the `url` pointing to the file's content is actually needed, that's why we avoid to read the file's content when it's not needed. The actual `content` to be converted might be a `unicode` object, but it can also be the raw byte string (`str`) object, or simply an object that can be `read()`. .. note:: (for plugin developers) The Mimeview API is quite complex and many things there are currently a bit difficult to work with (e.g. what an actual `content` might be, see the last paragraph of this description). So this area is mainly in a ''work in progress'' state, which will be improved along the lines described in :teo:`#3332`. In particular, if you are interested in writing `IContentConverter` and `IHTMLPreviewRenderer` components, note that those interfaces will be merged into a new style `IContentConverter`. Feel free to contribute remarks and suggestions for improvements to the corresponding ticket (#3332 as well). """ import re from StringIO import StringIO from genshi import Markup, Stream from genshi.core import TEXT, START, END, START_NS, END_NS from genshi.builder import Fragment, tag from genshi.input import HTMLParser from trac.config import IntOption, ListOption, Option from trac.core import * from trac.resource import Resource from trac.util import Ranges, content_disposition from trac.util.text import exception_to_unicode, to_utf8, to_unicode from trac.util.translation import _, tag_ __all__ = ['Context', 'Mimeview', 'RenderingContext', 'get_mimetype', 'is_binary', 'detect_unicode', 'content_to_unicode', 'ct_mimetype'] class RenderingContext(object): """ A rendering context specifies ''how'' the content should be rendered. It holds together all the needed contextual information that will be needed by individual renderer components. To that end, a context keeps track of the Href instance (`.href`) which should be used as a base for building URLs. It also provides a `PermissionCache` (`.perm`) which can be used to restrict the output so that only the authorized information is shown. A rendering context may also be associated to some Trac resource which will be used as the implicit reference when rendering relative links or for retrieving relative content and can be used to retrieve related metadata. Rendering contexts can be nested, and a new context can be created from an existing context using the call syntax. The previous context can be retrieved using the `.parent` attribute. For example, when rendering a wiki text of a wiki page, the context will be associated to a resource identifying that wiki page. If that wiki text contains a `[[TicketQuery]]` wiki macro, the macro will set up nested contexts for each matching ticket that will be used for rendering the ticket descriptions. :since: version 0.11 """ def __init__(self, resource, href=None, perm=None): """Directly create a `RenderingContext`. :param resource: the associated resource :type resource: `Resource` :param href: an `Href` object suitable for creating URLs :param perm: a `PermissionCache` object used for restricting the generated output to "authorized" information only. The actual `.perm` attribute of the rendering context will be bound to the given `resource` so that fine-grained permission checks will apply to that. """ self.parent = None #: The parent context, if any self.resource = resource self.href = href self.perm = perm(resource) if perm and resource else perm self._hints = None @staticmethod def from_request(*args, **kwargs): """:deprecated: since 1.0, use `web_context` instead.""" from trac.web.chrome import web_context return web_context(*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): path = [] context = self while context: if context.resource.realm: # skip toplevel resource path.append(repr(context.resource)) context = context.parent return '<%s %s>' % (type(self).__name__, ' - '.join(reversed(path))) def child(self, resource=None, id=False, version=False, parent=False): """Create a nested rendering context. `self` will be the parent for the new nested context. :param resource: either a `Resource` object or the realm string for a resource specification to be associated to the new context. If `None`, the resource will be the same as the resource of the parent context. :param id: the identifier part of the resource specification :param version: the version of the resource specification :return: the new context object :rtype: `RenderingContext` >>> context = RenderingContext('wiki', 'WikiStart') >>> ticket1 = Resource('ticket', 1) >>> context.child('ticket', 1).resource == ticket1 True >>> context.child(ticket1).resource is ticket1 True >>> context.child(ticket1)().resource is ticket1 True """ if resource: resource = Resource(resource, id=id, version=version, parent=parent) else: resource = self.resource context = RenderingContext(resource, href=self.href, perm=self.perm) context.parent = self # hack for context instances created by from_request() # this is needed because various parts of the code rely on a request # object being available, but that will hopefully improve in the # future if hasattr(self, 'req'): context.req = self.req return context __call__ = child def __contains__(self, resource): """Check whether a resource is in the rendering path. The primary use for this check is to avoid to render the content of a resource if we're already embedded in a context associated to that resource. :param resource: a `Resource` specification which will be checked for """ context = self while context: if context.resource and \ context.resource.realm == resource.realm and \ context.resource.id == resource.id: # we don't care about version here return True context = context.parent # Rendering hints # # A rendering hint is a key/value pairs that can influence renderers, # wiki formatters and processors in the way they produce their output. # The keys are strings, but the values could be anything. # # In nested contexts, the hints are inherited from their parent context, # unless overriden locally. def set_hints(self, **keyvalues): """Set rendering hints for this rendering context. >>> ctx = RenderingContext('timeline') >>> ctx.set_hints(wiki_flavor='oneliner', shorten_lines=True) >>> t_ctx = ctx('ticket', 1) >>> t_ctx.set_hints(wiki_flavor='html', preserve_newlines=True) >>> (t_ctx.get_hint('wiki_flavor'), t_ctx.get_hint('shorten_lines'), \ t_ctx.get_hint('preserve_newlines')) ('html', True, True) >>> (ctx.get_hint('wiki_flavor'), ctx.get_hint('shorten_lines'), \ ctx.get_hint('preserve_newlines')) ('oneliner', True, None) """ if self._hints is None: self._hints = {} hints = self._parent_hints() if hints is not None: self._hints.update(hints) self._hints.update(keyvalues) def get_hint(self, hint, default=None): """Retrieve a rendering hint from this context or an ancestor context. >>> ctx = RenderingContext('timeline') >>> ctx.set_hints(wiki_flavor='oneliner') >>> t_ctx = ctx('ticket', 1) >>> t_ctx.get_hint('wiki_flavor') 'oneliner' >>> t_ctx.get_hint('preserve_newlines', True) True """ hints = self._hints if hints is None: hints = self._parent_hints() if hints is None: return default return hints.get(hint, default) def has_hint(self, hint): """Test whether a rendering hint is defined in this context or in some ancestor context. >>> ctx = RenderingContext('timeline') >>> ctx.set_hints(wiki_flavor='oneliner') >>> t_ctx = ctx('ticket', 1) >>> t_ctx.has_hint('wiki_flavor') True >>> t_ctx.has_hint('preserve_newlines') False """ hints = self._hints if hints is None: hints = self._parent_hints() if hints is None: return False return hint in hints def _parent_hints(self): p = self.parent while p and p._hints is None: p = p.parent return p and p._hints class Context(RenderingContext): """:deprecated: old name kept for compatibility, use `RenderingContext`.""" # Some common MIME types and their associated keywords and/or file extensions KNOWN_MIME_TYPES = { 'application/javascript': 'js', 'application/msword': 'doc dot', 'application/pdf': 'pdf', 'application/postscript': 'ps', 'application/rtf': 'rtf', 'application/x-sh': 'sh', 'application/x-csh': 'csh', 'application/x-troff': 'nroff roff troff', 'application/x-yaml': 'yml yaml', 'application/rss+xml': 'rss', 'application/xsl+xml': 'xsl', 'application/xslt+xml': 'xslt', 'image/x-icon': 'ico', 'image/svg+xml': 'svg', 'model/vrml': 'vrml wrl', 'text/css': 'css', 'text/html': 'html htm', 'text/plain': 'txt TXT text README INSTALL ' 'AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog RELEASE', 'text/xml': 'xml', # see also TEXT_X_TYPES below 'text/x-csrc': 'c xs', 'text/x-chdr': 'h', 'text/x-c++src': 'cc CC cpp C c++ C++', 'text/x-c++hdr': 'hh HH hpp H', 'text/x-csharp': 'cs c# C#', 'text/x-diff': 'patch', 'text/x-eiffel': 'e', 'text/x-elisp': 'el', 'text/x-fortran': 'f', 'text/x-haskell': 'hs', 'text/x-ini': 'ini cfg', 'text/x-objc': 'm mm', 'text/x-ocaml': 'ml mli', 'text/x-makefile': 'make mk Makefile GNUMakefile', 'text/x-pascal': 'pas', 'text/x-perl': 'pl pm PL', 'text/x-php': 'php3 php4', 'text/x-python': 'py', 'text/x-pyrex': 'pyx', 'text/x-ruby': 'rb', 'text/x-scheme': 'scm', 'text/x-textile': 'txtl', 'text/x-vba': 'vb vba bas', 'text/x-verilog': 'v', 'text/x-vhdl': 'vhd', } for t in KNOWN_MIME_TYPES.keys(): types = KNOWN_MIME_TYPES[t].split() if t.startswith('text/x-'): types.append(t[len('text/x-'):]) KNOWN_MIME_TYPES[t] = types # extend the above with simple (text/x-<something>: <something>) mappings TEXT_X_TYPES = """ ada asm asp awk idl inf java ksh lua m4 mail psp rfc rst sql tcl tex zsh """ for x in TEXT_X_TYPES.split(): KNOWN_MIME_TYPES.setdefault('text/x-%s' % x, []).append(x) # Default mapping from keywords/extensions to known MIME types: MIME_MAP = {} for t, exts in KNOWN_MIME_TYPES.items(): MIME_MAP[t] = t for e in exts: MIME_MAP[e] = t # Simple builtin autodetection from the content using a regexp MODE_RE = re.compile(r""" \#!.+?env\s+(\w+) # 1. look for shebang with env | \#!(?:[/\w.-_]+/)?(\w+) # 2. look for regular shebang | -\*-\s*(?:mode:\s*)?([\w+-]+)\s*-\*- # 3. look for Emacs' -*- mode -*- | vim:.*?(?:syntax|filetype|ft)=(\w+) # 4. look for VIM's syntax=<n> """, re.VERBOSE) def get_mimetype(filename, content=None, mime_map=MIME_MAP): """Guess the most probable MIME type of a file with the given name. `filename` is either a filename (the lookup will then use the suffix) or some arbitrary keyword. `content` is either a `str` or an `unicode` string. """ suffix = filename.split('.')[-1] if suffix in mime_map: # 1) mimetype from the suffix, using the `mime_map` return mime_map[suffix] else: mimetype = None try: import mimetypes # 2) mimetype from the suffix, using the `mimetypes` module mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] except Exception: pass if not mimetype and content: match = re.search(MODE_RE, content[:1000] + content[-1000:]) if match: mode = match.group(1) or match.group(2) or match.group(4) or \ match.group(3).lower() if mode in mime_map: # 3) mimetype from the content, using the `MODE_RE` return mime_map[mode] else: if is_binary(content): # 4) mimetype from the content, using`is_binary` return 'application/octet-stream' return mimetype def ct_mimetype(content_type): """Return the mimetype part of a content type.""" return (content_type or '').split(';')[0].strip() def is_binary(data): """Detect binary content by checking the first thousand bytes for zeroes. Operate on either `str` or `unicode` strings. """ if isinstance(data, str) and detect_unicode(data): return False return '\0' in data[:1000] def detect_unicode(data): """Detect different unicode charsets by looking for BOMs (Byte Order Mark). Operate obviously only on `str` objects. """ if data.startswith('\xff\xfe'): return 'utf-16-le' elif data.startswith('\xfe\xff'): return 'utf-16-be' elif data.startswith('\xef\xbb\xbf'): return 'utf-8' else: return None def content_to_unicode(env, content, mimetype): """Retrieve an `unicode` object from a `content` to be previewed. In case the raw content had an unicode BOM, we remove it. >>> from trac.test import EnvironmentStub >>> env = EnvironmentStub() >>> content_to_unicode(env, u"\ufeffNo BOM! h\u00e9 !", '') u'No BOM! h\\xe9 !' >>> content_to_unicode(env, "\xef\xbb\xbfNo BOM! h\xc3\xa9 !", '') u'No BOM! h\\xe9 !' """ mimeview = Mimeview(env) if hasattr(content, 'read'): content = content.read(mimeview.max_preview_size) u = mimeview.to_unicode(content, mimetype) if u and u[0] == u'\ufeff': u = u[1:] return u class IHTMLPreviewRenderer(Interface): """Extension point interface for components that add HTML renderers of specific content types to the `Mimeview` component. .. note:: This interface will be merged with IContentConverter, as conversion to text/html will simply be a particular content conversion. Note however that the IHTMLPreviewRenderer will still be supported for a while through an adapter, whereas the IContentConverter interface itself will be changed. So if all you want to do is convert to HTML and don't feel like following the API changes, you should rather implement this interface for the time being. """ #: implementing classes should set this property to True if they #: support text content where Trac should expand tabs into spaces expand_tabs = False #: indicate whether the output of this renderer is source code that can #: be decorated with annotations returns_source = False def get_quality_ratio(mimetype): """Return the level of support this renderer provides for the `content` of the specified MIME type. The return value must be a number between 0 and 9, where 0 means no support and 9 means "perfect" support. """ def render(context, mimetype, content, filename=None, url=None): """Render an XHTML preview of the raw `content` in a RenderingContext. The `content` might be: * a `str` object * an `unicode` string * any object with a `read` method, returning one of the above It is assumed that the content will correspond to the given `mimetype`. Besides the `content` value, the same content may eventually be available through the `filename` or `url` parameters. This is useful for renderers that embed objects, using <object> or <img> instead of including the content inline. Can return the generated XHTML text as a single string or as an iterable that yields strings. In the latter case, the list will be considered to correspond to lines of text in the original content. """ class IHTMLPreviewAnnotator(Interface): """Extension point interface for components that can annotate an XHTML representation of file contents with additional information.""" def get_annotation_type(): """Return a (type, label, description) tuple that defines the type of annotation and provides human readable names. The `type` element should be unique to the annotator. The `label` element is used as column heading for the table, while `description` is used as a display name to let the user toggle the appearance of the annotation type. """ def get_annotation_data(context): """Return some metadata to be used by the `annotate_row` method below. This will be called only once, before lines are processed. If this raises an error, that annotator won't be used. """ def annotate_row(context, row, number, line, data): """Return the XHTML markup for the table cell that contains the annotation data. `context` is the context corresponding to the content being annotated, `row` is the tr Element being built, `number` is the line number being processed and `line` is the line's actual content. `data` is whatever additional data the `get_annotation_data` method decided to provide. """ class IContentConverter(Interface): """An extension point interface for generic MIME based content conversion. .. note:: This api will likely change in the future (see :teo:`#3332`) """ def get_supported_conversions(): """Return an iterable of tuples in the form (key, name, extension, in_mimetype, out_mimetype, quality) representing the MIME conversions supported and the quality ratio of the conversion in the range 0 to 9, where 0 means no support and 9 means "perfect" support. eg. ('latex', 'LaTeX', 'tex', 'text/x-trac-wiki', 'text/plain', 8)""" def convert_content(req, mimetype, content, key): """Convert the given content from mimetype to the output MIME type represented by key. Returns a tuple in the form (content, output_mime_type) or None if conversion is not possible.""" class Content(object): """A lazy file-like object that only reads `input` if necessary.""" def __init__(self, input, max_size): self.input = input self.max_size = max_size self.content = None def read(self, size=-1): if size == 0: return '' if self.content is None: self.content = StringIO(self.input.read(self.max_size)) return self.content.read(size) def reset(self): if self.content is not None: self.content.seek(0) class Mimeview(Component): """Generic HTML renderer for data, typically source code.""" required = True renderers = ExtensionPoint(IHTMLPreviewRenderer) annotators = ExtensionPoint(IHTMLPreviewAnnotator) converters = ExtensionPoint(IContentConverter) default_charset = Option('trac', 'default_charset', 'utf-8', """Charset to be used when in doubt.""") tab_width = IntOption('mimeviewer', 'tab_width', 8, """Displayed tab width in file preview. (''since 0.9'')""") max_preview_size = IntOption('mimeviewer', 'max_preview_size', 262144, """Maximum file size for HTML preview. (''since 0.9'')""") mime_map = ListOption('mimeviewer', 'mime_map', 'text/x-dylan:dylan, text/x-idl:ice, text/x-ada:ads:adb', doc="""List of additional MIME types and keyword mappings. Mappings are comma-separated, and for each MIME type, there's a colon (":") separated list of associated keywords or file extensions. (''since 0.10'')""") treat_as_binary = ListOption('mimeviewer', 'treat_as_binary', 'application/octet-stream, application/pdf, application/postscript, ' 'application/msword,application/rtf,', doc="""Comma-separated list of MIME types that should be treated as binary data. (''since 0.11.5'')""") def __init__(self): self._mime_map = None # Public API def get_supported_conversions(self, mimetype): """Return a list of target MIME types in same form as `IContentConverter.get_supported_conversions()`, but with the converter component appended. Output is ordered from best to worst quality.""" converters = [] for converter in self.converters: conversions = converter.get_supported_conversions() or [] for k, n, e, im, om, q in conversions: if im == mimetype and q > 0: converters.append((k, n, e, im, om, q, converter)) converters = sorted(converters, key=lambda i: i[-2], reverse=True) return converters def convert_content(self, req, mimetype, content, key, filename=None, url=None): """Convert the given content to the target MIME type represented by `key`, which can be either a MIME type or a key. Returns a tuple of (content, output_mime_type, extension).""" if not content: return ('', 'text/plain;charset=utf-8', '.txt') # Ensure we have a MIME type for this content full_mimetype = mimetype if not full_mimetype: if hasattr(content, 'read'): content = content.read(self.max_preview_size) full_mimetype = self.get_mimetype(filename, content) if full_mimetype: mimetype = ct_mimetype(full_mimetype) # split off charset else: mimetype = full_mimetype = 'text/plain' # fallback if not binary # Choose best converter candidates = list(self.get_supported_conversions(mimetype) or []) candidates = [c for c in candidates if key in (c[0], c[4])] if not candidates: raise TracError( _("No available MIME conversions from %(old)s to %(new)s", old=mimetype, new=key)) # First successful conversion wins for ck, name, ext, input_mimettype, output_mimetype, quality, \ converter in candidates: output = converter.convert_content(req, mimetype, content, ck) if output: return (output[0], output[1], ext) raise TracError( _("No available MIME conversions from %(old)s to %(new)s", old=mimetype, new=key)) def get_annotation_types(self): """Generator that returns all available annotation types.""" for annotator in self.annotators: yield annotator.get_annotation_type() def render(self, context, mimetype, content, filename=None, url=None, annotations=None, force_source=False): """Render an XHTML preview of the given `content`. `content` is the same as an `IHTMLPreviewRenderer.render`'s `content` argument. The specified `mimetype` will be used to select the most appropriate `IHTMLPreviewRenderer` implementation available for this MIME type. If not given, the MIME type will be infered from the filename or the content. Return a string containing the XHTML text. When rendering with an `IHTMLPreviewRenderer` fails, a warning is added to the request associated with the context (if any), unless the `disable_warnings` hint is set to `True`. """ if not content: return '' if not isinstance(context, RenderingContext): raise TypeError("RenderingContext expected (since 0.11)") # Ensure we have a MIME type for this content full_mimetype = mimetype if not full_mimetype: if hasattr(content, 'read'): content = content.read(self.max_preview_size) full_mimetype = self.get_mimetype(filename, content) if full_mimetype: mimetype = ct_mimetype(full_mimetype) # split off charset else: mimetype = full_mimetype = 'text/plain' # fallback if not binary # Determine candidate `IHTMLPreviewRenderer`s candidates = [] for renderer in self.renderers: qr = renderer.get_quality_ratio(mimetype) if qr > 0: candidates.append((qr, renderer)) candidates.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(y[0], x[0])) # Wrap file-like object so that it can be read multiple times if hasattr(content, 'read'): content = Content(content, self.max_preview_size) # First candidate which renders successfully wins. # Also, we don't want to expand tabs more than once. expanded_content = None for qr, renderer in candidates: if force_source and not getattr(renderer, 'returns_source', False): continue # skip non-source renderers in force_source mode if isinstance(content, Content): content.reset() try: ann_names = ', '.join(annotations) if annotations else \ 'no annotations' self.log.debug('Trying to render HTML preview using %s [%s]', renderer.__class__.__name__, ann_names) # check if we need to perform a tab expansion rendered_content = content if getattr(renderer, 'expand_tabs', False): if expanded_content is None: content = content_to_unicode(self.env, content, full_mimetype) expanded_content = content.expandtabs(self.tab_width) rendered_content = expanded_content result = renderer.render(context, full_mimetype, rendered_content, filename, url) if not result: continue if not (force_source or getattr(renderer, 'returns_source', False)): # Direct rendering of content if isinstance(result, basestring): if not isinstance(result, unicode): result = to_unicode(result) return Markup(to_unicode(result)) elif isinstance(result, Fragment): return result.generate() else: return result # Render content as source code if annotations: m = context.req.args.get('marks') if context.req else None return self._render_source(context, result, annotations, m and Ranges(m)) else: if isinstance(result, list): result = Markup('\n').join(result) return tag.div(class_='code')(tag.pre(result)).generate() except Exception, e: self.log.warning('HTML preview using %s failed: %s', renderer.__class__.__name__, exception_to_unicode(e, traceback=True)) if context.req and not context.get_hint('disable_warnings'): from trac.web.chrome import add_warning add_warning(context.req, _("HTML preview using %(renderer)s failed (%(err)s)", renderer=renderer.__class__.__name__, err=exception_to_unicode(e))) def _render_source(self, context, stream, annotations, marks=None): from trac.web.chrome import add_warning annotators, labels, titles = {}, {}, {} for annotator in self.annotators: atype, alabel, atitle = annotator.get_annotation_type() if atype in annotations: labels[atype] = alabel titles[atype] = atitle annotators[atype] = annotator annotations = [a for a in annotations if a in annotators] if isinstance(stream, list): stream = HTMLParser(StringIO(u'\n'.join(stream))) elif isinstance(stream, unicode): text = stream def linesplitter(): for line in text.splitlines(True): yield TEXT, line, (None, -1, -1) stream = linesplitter() annotator_datas = [] for a in annotations: annotator = annotators[a] try: data = (annotator, annotator.get_annotation_data(context)) except TracError, e: self.log.warning("Can't use annotator '%s': %s", a, e.message) add_warning(context.req, tag.strong( tag_("Can't use %(annotator)s annotator: %(error)s", annotator=tag.em(a), error=tag.pre(e.message)))) data = (None, None) annotator_datas.append(data) def _head_row(): return tag.tr( [tag.th(labels[a], class_=a, title=titles[a]) for a in annotations] + [tag.th(u'\xa0', class_='content')] ) def _body_rows(): for idx, line in enumerate(_group_lines(stream)): row = tag.tr() if marks and idx + 1 in marks: row(class_='hilite') for annotator, data in annotator_datas: if annotator: annotator.annotate_row(context, row, idx+1, line, data) else: row.append(tag.td()) row.append(tag.td(line)) yield row return tag.table(class_='code')( tag.thead(_head_row()), tag.tbody(_body_rows()) ) def get_max_preview_size(self): """:deprecated: use `max_preview_size` attribute directly.""" return self.max_preview_size def get_charset(self, content='', mimetype=None): """Infer the character encoding from the `content` or the `mimetype`. `content` is either a `str` or an `unicode` object. The charset will be determined using this order: * from the charset information present in the `mimetype` argument * auto-detection of the charset from the `content` * the configured `default_charset` """ if mimetype: ctpos = mimetype.find('charset=') if ctpos >= 0: return mimetype[ctpos + 8:].strip() if isinstance(content, str): utf = detect_unicode(content) if utf is not None: return utf return self.default_charset @property def mime_map(self): # Extend default extension to MIME type mappings with configured ones if not self._mime_map: self._mime_map = MIME_MAP.copy() for mapping in self.config['mimeviewer'].getlist('mime_map'): if ':' in mapping: assocations = mapping.split(':') for keyword in assocations: # Note: [0] kept on purpose self._mime_map[keyword] = assocations[0] return self._mime_map def get_mimetype(self, filename, content=None): """Infer the MIME type from the `filename` or the `content`. `content` is either a `str` or an `unicode` object. Return the detected MIME type, augmented by the charset information (i.e. "<mimetype>; charset=..."), or `None` if detection failed. """ mimetype = get_mimetype(filename, content, self.mime_map) charset = None if mimetype: charset = self.get_charset(content, mimetype) if mimetype and charset and not 'charset' in mimetype: mimetype += '; charset=' + charset return mimetype def is_binary(self, mimetype=None, filename=None, content=None): """Check if a file must be considered as binary.""" if not mimetype and filename: mimetype = self.get_mimetype(filename, content) if mimetype: mimetype = ct_mimetype(mimetype) if mimetype in self.treat_as_binary: return True if content is not None and is_binary(content): return True return False def to_utf8(self, content, mimetype=None): """Convert an encoded `content` to utf-8. :deprecated: since 0.10, you should use `unicode` strings only. """ return to_utf8(content, self.get_charset(content, mimetype)) def to_unicode(self, content, mimetype=None, charset=None): """Convert `content` (an encoded `str` object) to an `unicode` object. This calls `trac.util.to_unicode` with the `charset` provided, or the one obtained by `Mimeview.get_charset()`. """ if not charset: charset = self.get_charset(content, mimetype) return to_unicode(content, charset) def configured_modes_mapping(self, renderer): """Return a MIME type to `(mode,quality)` mapping for given `option`""" types, option = {}, '%s_modes' % renderer for mapping in self.config['mimeviewer'].getlist(option): if not mapping: continue try: mimetype, mode, quality = mapping.split(':') types[mimetype] = (mode, int(quality)) except (TypeError, ValueError): self.log.warning("Invalid mapping '%s' specified in '%s' " "option.", mapping, option) return types def preview_data(self, context, content, length, mimetype, filename, url=None, annotations=None, force_source=False): """Prepares a rendered preview of the given `content`. Note: `content` will usually be an object with a `read` method. """ data = {'raw_href': url, 'size': length, 'max_file_size': self.max_preview_size, 'max_file_size_reached': False, 'rendered': None, } if length >= self.max_preview_size: data['max_file_size_reached'] = True else: result = self.render(context, mimetype, content, filename, url, annotations, force_source=force_source) data['rendered'] = result return data def send_converted(self, req, in_type, content, selector, filename='file'): """Helper method for converting `content` and sending it directly. `selector` can be either a key or a MIME Type.""" from trac.web.api import RequestDone content, output_type, ext = self.convert_content(req, in_type, content, selector) if isinstance(content, unicode): content = content.encode('utf-8') req.send_response(200) req.send_header('Content-Type', output_type) req.send_header('Content-Length', len(content)) if filename: req.send_header('Content-Disposition', content_disposition(filename='%s.%s' % (filename, ext))) req.end_headers() req.write(content) raise RequestDone def _group_lines(stream): space_re = re.compile('(?P<spaces> (?: +))|^(?P<tag><\w+.*?>)?( )') def pad_spaces(match): m = match.group('spaces') if m: div, mod = divmod(len(m), 2) return div * u'\xa0 ' + mod * u'\xa0' return (match.group('tag') or '') + u'\xa0' def _generate(): stack = [] def _reverse(): for event in reversed(stack): if event[0] is START: yield END, event[1][0], event[2] else: yield END_NS, event[1][0], event[2] for kind, data, pos in stream: if kind is TEXT: lines = data.split('\n') if lines: # First element for e in stack: yield e yield kind, lines.pop(0), pos for e in _reverse(): yield e # Subsequent ones, prefix with \n for line in lines: yield TEXT, '\n', pos for e in stack: yield e yield kind, line, pos for e in _reverse(): yield e else: if kind is START or kind is START_NS: stack.append((kind, data, pos)) elif kind is END or kind is END_NS: stack.pop() else: yield kind, data, pos buf = [] # Fix the \n at EOF. if not isinstance(stream, list): stream = list(stream) found_text = False for i in range(len(stream)-1, -1, -1): if stream[i][0] is TEXT: e = stream[i] # One chance to strip a \n if not found_text and e[1].endswith('\n'): stream[i] = (e[0], e[1][:-1], e[2]) if len(e[1]): found_text = True break if not found_text: raise StopIteration for kind, data, pos in _generate(): if kind is TEXT and data == '\n': yield Stream(buf[:]) del buf[:] else: if kind is TEXT: data = space_re.sub(pad_spaces, data) buf.append((kind, data, pos)) if buf: yield Stream(buf[:]) # -- Default annotators class LineNumberAnnotator(Component): """Text annotator that adds a column with line numbers.""" implements(IHTMLPreviewAnnotator) # ITextAnnotator methods def get_annotation_type(self): return 'lineno', _('Line'), _('Line numbers') def get_annotation_data(self, context): return None def annotate_row(self, context, row, lineno, line, data): row.append(tag.th(id='L%s' % lineno)( tag.a(lineno, href='#L%s' % lineno) )) # -- Default renderers class PlainTextRenderer(Component): """HTML preview renderer for plain text, and fallback for any kind of text for which no more specific renderer is available. """ implements(IHTMLPreviewRenderer) expand_tabs = True returns_source = True def get_quality_ratio(self, mimetype): if mimetype in Mimeview(self.env).treat_as_binary: return 0 return 1 def render(self, context, mimetype, content, filename=None, url=None): if is_binary(content): self.log.debug("Binary data; no preview available") return self.log.debug("Using default plain text mimeviewer") return content_to_unicode(self.env, content, mimetype) class ImageRenderer(Component): """Inline image display. This component doesn't need the `content` at all. """ implements(IHTMLPreviewRenderer) def get_quality_ratio(self, mimetype): if mimetype.startswith('image/'): return 8 return 0 def render(self, context, mimetype, content, filename=None, url=None): if url: return tag.div(tag.img(src=url, alt=filename), class_='image-file') class WikiTextRenderer(Component): """HTML renderer for files containing Trac's own Wiki formatting markup.""" implements(IHTMLPreviewRenderer) def get_quality_ratio(self, mimetype): if mimetype in ('text/x-trac-wiki', 'application/x-trac-wiki'): return 8 return 0 def render(self, context, mimetype, content, filename=None, url=None): from trac.wiki.formatter import format_to_html return format_to_html(self.env, context, content_to_unicode(self.env, content, mimetype))
[['EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'dummy@email.com'], ['EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'dummy@email.com'], ['EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'dummy@email.com'], ['EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'dummy@email.com'], ['EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'dummy@email.com'], ['EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'dummy@email.com'], ['DATE_TIME', '2004-2010'], ['DATE_TIME', '2004'], ['PERSON', 'Daniel Lundin'], ['DATE_TIME', '2005-2006'], ['PERSON', 'Christopher Lenz'], ['DATE_TIME', '2006-2007'], ['NRP', 'Christian'], ['PERSON', 'Daniel Lundin'], ['PERSON', 'Christopher Lenz'], ['PERSON', 'Markup'], ['PERSON', 'Href'], ['LOCATION', 'self.resource'], ['PERSON', '1).resource'], ['PERSON', 'oneliner'], ['NRP', 'self._hints'], ['PERSON', 'msword'], ['PERSON', "roff troff'"], ['PERSON', "ini cfg'"], ['PERSON', 'vba'], ['PERSON', 'ada asm asp'], ['PERSON', 'ksh lua'], ['PERSON', 'tcl tex zsh'], ['PERSON', 'mimetype'], ['PERSON', 'Mark'], ['LOCATION', 'convert_content(req'], ['LOCATION', 'mimetype'], ['PERSON', 'dylan'], ['PERSON', 'msword'], ['NRP', 'input_mimettype'], ['LOCATION', 'mimetype'], ['NRP', 'force_source'], ['NRP', 'force_source'], ['NRP', 'force_source'], ['LOCATION', "self.log.debug('Trying"], ['NRP', 'force_source'], ['LOCATION', 'basestring'], ['PERSON', "context.get_hint('disable_warnings"], ['PERSON', 'atitle = annotator.get_annotation_type'], ['LOCATION', 'tag_("Can\'t'], ['PERSON', 'mimetype'], ['PERSON', 'mimetype'], ['NRP', 'force_source'], ['URL', 'self.ma'], ['PERSON', 'lineno'], ['URL', 'self.log.de'], ['URL', 'tag.im'], ['URL', 'trac.wiki.fo'], ['URL', 'http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense.'], ['URL', 'http://trac.edgewall.org/log/.'], ['IP_ADDRESS', '\n\n '], ['IP_ADDRESS', 'e:: '], ['URL', 'email.com'], ['URL', 'email.com'], ['URL', 'email.com'], ['URL', 'email.com'], ['URL', 'email.com'], ['URL', 'email.com'], ['URL', 'genshi.co'], ['URL', 'genshi.in'], ['URL', 'trac.co'], ['URL', 'trac.co'], ['URL', 'trac.re'], ['URL', 'trac.util.tr'], ['URL', 'self.pa'], ['URL', 'self.re'], ['URL', 'self.hr'], ['URL', 'self.pe'], ['URL', 'trac.web.ch'], ['URL', 'context.resource.re'], ['URL', 'context.re'], ['URL', 'context.pa'], ['URL', 'context.ch'], ['URL', 'context.ch'], ['URL', 'context.ch'], ['URL', 'self.re'], ['URL', 'self.hr'], ['URL', 'self.pe'], ['URL', 'context.pa'], ['URL', 'context.re'], ['URL', 'self.re'], ['URL', 'context.re'], ['URL', 'context.resource.re'], ['URL', 'resource.re'], ['URL', 'context.resource.id'], ['URL', 'resource.id'], ['URL', 'context.pa'], ['URL', 'ctx.se'], ['URL', 'ctx.se'], ['URL', 'ctx.ge'], ['URL', 'ctx.ge'], ['URL', 'ctx.ge'], ['URL', 'ctx.ge'], ['URL', 'ctx.ge'], ['URL', 'ctx.ge'], ['URL', 'ctx.se'], ['URL', 'ctx.ge'], ['URL', 'ctx.ge'], ['URL', 'hints.ge'], ['URL', 'ctx.se'], ['URL', 'self.pa'], ['URL', 'p.pa'], ['URL', 'TYPES.ke'], ['URL', 't.st'], ['URL', 'TYPES.se'], ['URL', 'TYPES.it'], ['URL', 're.com'], ['URL', 're.VE'], ['URL', 'mimetypes.gu'], ['URL', 're.se'], ['URL', 'match.gr'], ['URL', 'match.gr'], ['URL', 'match.gr'], ['URL', 'match.gr'], ['URL', 'data.st'], ['URL', 'data.st'], ['URL', 'data.st'], ['URL', 'content.re'], ['URL', 'mimeview.ma'], ['URL', 'mimeview.to'], ['URL', 'self.in'], ['URL', 'self.ma'], ['URL', 'self.co'], ['URL', 'self.co'], ['URL', 'self.co'], ['URL', 'self.input.re'], ['URL', 'self.ma'], ['URL', 'self.content.re'], ['URL', 'self.co'], ['URL', 'self.content.se'], ['URL', 'IContentConverter.ge'], ['URL', 'self.co'], ['URL', 'converter.ge'], ['URL', 'content.re'], ['URL', 'self.ma'], ['URL', 'self.ge'], ['URL', 'self.ge'], ['URL', 'converter.co'], ['URL', 'self.an'], ['URL', 'annotator.ge'], ['URL', 'IHTMLPreviewRenderer.re'], ['URL', 'content.re'], ['URL', 'self.ma'], ['URL', 'self.ge'], ['URL', 'self.re'], ['URL', 'renderer.ge'], ['URL', 'candidates.so'], ['URL', 'self.ma'], ['URL', 'content.re'], ['URL', 'self.log.de'], ['URL', 'renderer.re'], ['URL', 'result.ge'], ['URL', 'context.req.args.ge'], ['URL', 'context.re'], ['URL', 'tag.pr'], ['URL', 'context.re'], ['URL', 'context.ge'], ['URL', 'trac.web.ch'], ['URL', 'context.re'], ['URL', 'trac.web.ch'], ['URL', 'self.an'], ['URL', 'annotator.ge'], ['URL', 'annotator.ge'], ['URL', 'e.me'], ['URL', 'context.re'], ['URL', 'tag.st'], ['URL', 'tag.pr'], ['URL', 'e.me'], ['URL', 'tag.tr'], ['URL', 'tag.th'], ['URL', 'tag.th'], ['URL', 'tag.tr'], ['URL', 'annotator.an'], ['URL', 'tag.td'], ['URL', 'tag.td'], ['URL', 'tag.th'], ['URL', 'self.ma'], ['URL', 'mimetype.fi'], ['URL', 'self.de'], ['URL', 'MAP.co'], ['URL', 'self.co'], ['URL', 'self.ge'], ['URL', 'self.ge'], ['URL', 'self.tr'], ['URL', 'self.ge'], ['URL', 'trac.util.to'], ['URL', 'Mimeview.ge'], ['URL', 'self.ge'], ['URL', 'self.co'], ['URL', 'self.ma'], ['URL', 'self.re'], ['URL', 'self.co'], ['URL', 'req.se'], ['URL', 'req.se'], ['URL', 'req.se'], ['URL', 'req.se'], ['URL', 're.com'], ['URL', 'match.gr'], ['URL', 'match.gr'], ['URL', 're.su'], ['URL', 'tag.th'], ['URL', 'self.log.de'], ['URL', 'mimetype.st']]
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Class for dashd node under test""" import decimal import errno import http.client import json import logging import os import subprocess import time from .authproxy import JSONRPCException from .mininode import NodeConn from .util import ( assert_equal, get_rpc_proxy, rpc_url, wait_until, p2p_port, ) BITCOIND_PROC_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 60 class TestNode(): """A class for representing a dashd node under test. This class contains: - state about the node (whether it's running, etc) - a Python subprocess.Popen object representing the running process - an RPC connection to the node - one or more P2P connections to the node To make things easier for the test writer, any unrecognised messages will be dispatched to the RPC connection.""" def __init__(self, i, dirname, extra_args, rpchost, timewait, binary, stderr, mocktime, coverage_dir): self.index = i self.datadir = os.path.join(dirname, "node" + str(i)) self.rpchost = rpchost if timewait: self.rpc_timeout = timewait else: # Wait for up to 60 seconds for the RPC server to respond self.rpc_timeout = 60 if binary is None: self.binary = os.getenv("BITCOIND", "dashd") else: self.binary = binary self.stderr = stderr self.coverage_dir = coverage_dir # Most callers will just need to add extra args to the standard list below. For those callers that need more flexibity, they can just set the args property directly. self.extra_args = extra_args self.args = [self.binary, "-datadir=" + self.datadir, "-server", "-keypool=1", "-discover=0", "-rest", "-logtimemicros", "-debug", "-debugexclude=libevent", "-debugexclude=leveldb", "-mocktime=" + str(mocktime), "-uacomment=testnode%d" % i] self.cli = TestNodeCLI(os.getenv("BITCOINCLI", "dash-cli"), self.datadir) # Don't try auto backups (they fail a lot when running tests) self.args.append("-createwalletbackups=0") self.running = False self.process = None self.rpc_connected = False self.rpc = None self.url = None self.log = logging.getLogger('TestFramework.node%d' % i) self.p2ps = [] def __getattr__(self, name): """Dispatches any unrecognised messages to the RPC connection.""" assert self.rpc_connected and self.rpc is not None, "Error: no RPC connection" return getattr(self.rpc, name) def start(self, extra_args=None, stderr=None): """Start the node.""" if extra_args is None: extra_args = self.extra_args if stderr is None: stderr = self.stderr self.process = subprocess.Popen(self.args + extra_args, stderr=stderr) self.running = True self.log.debug("dashd started, waiting for RPC to come up") def wait_for_rpc_connection(self): """Sets up an RPC connection to the dashd process. Returns False if unable to connect.""" # Poll at a rate of four times per second poll_per_s = 4 for _ in range(poll_per_s * self.rpc_timeout): assert self.process.poll() is None, "dashd exited with status %i during initialization" % self.process.returncode try: self.rpc = get_rpc_proxy(rpc_url(self.datadir, self.index, self.rpchost), self.index, timeout=self.rpc_timeout, coveragedir=self.coverage_dir) self.rpc.getblockcount() # If the call to getblockcount() succeeds then the RPC connection is up self.rpc_connected = True self.url = self.rpc.url self.log.debug("RPC successfully started") return except IOError as e: if e.errno != errno.ECONNREFUSED: # Port not yet open? raise # unknown IO error except JSONRPCException as e: # Initialization phase # -28 RPC in warmup # -342 Service unavailable, RPC server started but is shutting down due to error if e.error['code'] != -28 and e.error['code'] != -342: raise # unknown JSON RPC exception except ValueError as e: # cookie file not found and no rpcuser or rpcassword. dashd still starting if "No RPC credentials" not in str(e): raise time.sleep(1.0 / poll_per_s) raise AssertionError("Unable to connect to dashd") def get_wallet_rpc(self, wallet_name): assert self.rpc_connected assert self.rpc wallet_path = "wallet/%s" % wallet_name return self.rpc / wallet_path def stop_node(self, wait=0): """Stop the node.""" if not self.running: return self.log.debug("Stopping node") try: self.stop(wait=wait) except http.client.CannotSendRequest: self.log.exception("Unable to stop node.") del self.p2ps[:] def is_node_stopped(self): """Checks whether the node has stopped. Returns True if the node has stopped. False otherwise. This method is responsible for freeing resources (self.process).""" if not self.running: return True return_code = self.process.poll() if return_code is None: return False # process has stopped. Assert that it didn't return an error code. assert_equal(return_code, 0) self.running = False self.process = None self.rpc_connected = False self.rpc = None self.log.debug("Node stopped") return True def wait_until_stopped(self, timeout=BITCOIND_PROC_WAIT_TIMEOUT): wait_until(self.is_node_stopped, timeout=timeout) def node_encrypt_wallet(self, passphrase): """"Encrypts the wallet. This causes dashd to shutdown, so this method takes care of cleaning up resources.""" self.encryptwallet(passphrase) self.wait_until_stopped() def add_p2p_connection(self, p2p_conn, **kwargs): """Add a p2p connection to the node. This method adds the p2p connection to the self.p2ps list and also returns the connection to the caller.""" if 'dstport' not in kwargs: kwargs['dstport'] = p2p_port(self.index) if 'dstaddr' not in kwargs: kwargs['dstaddr'] = '' self.p2ps.append(p2p_conn) kwargs.update({'rpc': self.rpc, 'callback': p2p_conn}) p2p_conn.add_connection(NodeConn(**kwargs)) return p2p_conn @property def p2p(self): """Return the first p2p connection Convenience property - most tests only use a single p2p connection to each node, so this saves having to write node.p2ps[0] many times.""" assert self.p2ps, "No p2p connection" return self.p2ps[0] def disconnect_p2ps(self): """Close all p2p connections to the node.""" for p in self.p2ps: # Connection could have already been closed by other end. if p.connection is not None: p.connection.disconnect_node() self.p2ps = [] class TestNodeCLI(): """Interface to bitcoin-cli for an individual node""" def __init__(self, binary, datadir): self.args = [] self.binary = binary self.datadir = datadir self.input = None def __call__(self, *args, input=None): # TestNodeCLI is callable with bitcoin-cli command-line args self.args = [str(arg) for arg in args] self.input = input return self def __getattr__(self, command): def dispatcher(*args, **kwargs): return self.send_cli(command, *args, **kwargs) return dispatcher def send_cli(self, command, *args, **kwargs): """Run bitcoin-cli command. Deserializes returned string as python object.""" pos_args = [str(arg) for arg in args] named_args = [str(key) + "=" + str(value) for (key, value) in kwargs.items()] assert not (pos_args and named_args), "Cannot use positional arguments and named arguments in the same bitcoin-cli call" p_args = [self.binary, "-datadir=" + self.datadir] + self.args if named_args: p_args += ["-named"] p_args += [command] + pos_args + named_args process = subprocess.Popen(p_args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) cli_stdout, cli_stderr = process.communicate(input=self.input) returncode = process.poll() if returncode: # Ignore cli_stdout, raise with cli_stderr raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(returncode, self.binary, output=cli_stderr) return json.loads(cli_stdout, parse_float=decimal.Decimal)
[['DATE_TIME', '2017'], ['DATE_TIME', '.authproxy'], ['LOCATION', 'JSONRPCException'], ['PERSON', 'dirname'], ['PERSON', 'extra_args'], ['LOCATION', 'rpchost'], ['DATE_TIME', 'up to 60 seconds'], ['URL', 'logging.ge'], ['URL', 'TestFramework.no'], ['PERSON', 'extra_args'], ['URL', 'self.in'], ['URL', 'self.in'], ['URL', 'self.log.de'], ['LOCATION', 'JSONRPCException'], ['LOCATION', 'http.client'], ['LOCATION', 'p2p_conn'], ['PERSON', "kwargs['dstport"], ['LOCATION', 'self.p2ps.append(p2p_conn'], ['PERSON', 'returncode ='], ['URL', 'http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.'], ['IP_ADDRESS', ''], ['URL', 'http.cl'], ['URL', 'self.in'], ['URL', 'os.path.jo'], ['URL', 'self.bi'], ['URL', 'os.ge'], ['URL', 'self.bi'], ['URL', 'self.st'], ['URL', 'self.co'], ['URL', 'self.ar'], ['URL', 'self.bi'], ['URL', 'self.cl'], ['URL', 'os.ge'], ['URL', 'self.ar'], ['URL', 'self.ru'], ['URL', 'self.pro'], ['URL', 'self.st'], ['URL', 'self.pro'], ['URL', 'self.ar'], ['URL', 'self.ru'], ['URL', 'self.log.de'], ['URL', 'self.pro'], ['URL', 'self.process.re'], ['URL', 'self.co'], ['URL', 'self.rpc.ge'], ['URL', 'e.er'], ['URL', 'errno.EC'], ['URL', 'e.er'], ['URL', 'e.er'], ['URL', 'time.sl'], ['URL', 'self.ru'], ['URL', 'self.log.de'], ['URL', 'self.st'], ['URL', 'http.client.Ca'], ['URL', 'self.pro'], ['URL', 'self.ru'], ['URL', 'self.pro'], ['URL', 'self.ru'], ['URL', 'self.pro'], ['URL', 'self.log.de'], ['URL', 'self.is'], ['URL', 'self.in'], ['URL', 'conn.ad'], ['URL', 'p.co'], ['URL', 'p.co'], ['URL', 'self.ar'], ['URL', 'self.bi'], ['URL', 'self.in'], ['URL', 'self.ar'], ['URL', 'self.in'], ['URL', 'self.se'], ['URL', 'kwargs.it'], ['URL', 'self.bi'], ['URL', 'self.ar'], ['URL', 'process.com'], ['URL', 'self.in'], ['URL', 'subprocess.Ca'], ['URL', 'self.bi'], ['URL', 'decimal.De']]
# !/usr/bin/python # Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat, All rights reserved. # AUTHORS: Alex Collins dummy@email.com import sys import json import subprocess import collections from fnmatch import fnmatch as matches from docker.utils import kwargs_from_env import docker import selinux """Atomic Utility Module""" ReturnTuple = collections.namedtuple('ReturnTuple', ['return_code', 'stdout', 'stderr']) if sys.version_info[0] < 3: input = raw_input else: input = input def _decompose(compound_name): """ '[reg/]repo[:tag]' -> (reg, repo, tag) """ reg, repo, tag = '', compound_name, '' if '/' in repo: reg, repo = repo.split('/', 1) if ':' in repo: repo, tag = repo.rsplit(':', 1) return reg, repo, tag def image_by_name(img_name, images=None): """ Returns a list of image data for images which match img_name. Will optionally take a list of images from a docker.Client.images query to avoid multiple docker queries. """ i_reg, i_rep, i_tag = _decompose(img_name) # Correct for bash-style matching expressions. if not i_reg: i_reg = '*' if not i_tag: i_tag = '*' # If the images were not passed in, go get them. if images is None: c = docker.Client(**kwargs_from_env()) images = c.images(all=False) valid_images = [] for i in images: for t in i['RepoTags']: reg, rep, tag = _decompose(t) if matches(reg, i_reg) \ and matches(rep, i_rep) \ and matches(tag, i_tag): valid_images.append(i) break # Some repo after decompose end up with the img_name # at the end. i.e. rhel7/rsyslog if rep.endswith(img_name): valid_images.append(i) break return valid_images def subp(cmd): """ Run a command as a subprocess. Return a triple of return code, standard out, standard err. """ proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate() return ReturnTuple(proc.returncode, stdout=out, stderr=err) def default_container_context(): if selinux.is_selinux_enabled() != 0: fd = open(selinux.selinux_lxc_contexts_path()) for i in fd.readlines(): name, context = i.split("=") if name.strip() == "file": return context.strip("\n\" ") return "" def writeOut(output, lf="\n"): sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write(str(output) + lf) def output_json(json_data): ''' Pretty print json data ''' writeOut(json.dumps(json_data, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) def print_scan_summary(json_data, names=None): ''' Print a summary of the data returned from a CVE scan. ''' max_col_width = 50 min_width = 15 def _max_width(data): max_name = 0 for name in data: max_name = len(data[name]) if len(data[name]) > max_name \ else max_name # If the max name length is less that max_width if max_name < min_width: max_name = min_width # If the man name is greater than the max col leng # we wish to use if max_name > max_col_width: max_name = max_col_width return max_name clean = True if len(names) > 0: max_width = _max_width(names) else: max_width = min_width template = "{0:" + str(max_width) + "} {1:5} {2:5} {3:5} {4:5}" sevs = ['critical', 'important', 'moderate', 'low'] writeOut(template.format("Container/Image", "Cri", "Imp", "Med", "Low")) writeOut(template.format("-" * max_width, "---", "---", "---", "---")) res_summary = json_data['results_summary'] for image in res_summary.keys(): image_res = res_summary[image] if 'msg' in image_res.keys(): tmp_tuple = (image_res['msg'], "", "", "", "") else: if len(names) < 1: image_name = image[:max_width] else: image_name = names[image][-max_width:] if len(image_name) == max_col_width: image_name = '...' + image_name[-(len(image_name) - 3):] tmp_tuple = tuple([image_name] + [str(image_res[sev]) for sev in sevs]) sev_results = [image_res[sev] for sev in sevs if image_res[sev] > 0] if len(sev_results) > 0: clean = False writeOut(template.format(*tmp_tuple)) writeOut("") return clean def print_detail_scan_summary(json_data, names=None): ''' Print a detailed summary of the data returned from a CVE scan. ''' clean = True sevs = ['Critical', 'Important', 'Moderate', 'Low'] cve_summary = json_data['host_results'] image_template = " {0:10}: {1}" cve_template = " {0:10}: {1}" for image in cve_summary.keys(): image_res = cve_summary[image] writeOut("") writeOut(image[:12]) if not image_res['isRHEL']: writeOut(image_template.format("Result", "Not based on Red Hat" "Enterprise Linux")) continue else: writeOut(image_template.format("OS", image_res['os'].rstrip())) scan_results = image_res['cve_summary']['scan_results'] for sev in sevs: if sev in scan_results: clean = False writeOut(image_template.format(sev, str(scan_results[sev]['num']))) for cve in scan_results[sev]['cves']: writeOut(cve_template.format("CVE", cve['cve_title'])) writeOut(cve_template.format("CVE URL", cve['cve_ref_url'])) writeOut(cve_template.format("RHSA ID", cve['rhsa_ref_id'])) writeOut(cve_template.format("RHSA URL", cve['rhsa_ref_url'])) writeOut("") return clean def get_mounts_by_path(): ''' Gets all mounted devices and paths :return: dict of mounted devices and related information by path ''' mount_info = [] f = open('/proc/mounts', 'r') for line in f: _tmp = line.split(" ") mount_info.append({'path': _tmp[1], 'device': _tmp[0], 'type': _tmp[2], 'options': _tmp[3] } ) return mount_info def is_dock_obj_mounted(docker_obj): ''' Check if the provided docker object, which needs to be an ID, is currently mounted and should be considered "busy" :param docker_obj: str, must be in ID format :return: bool True or False ''' mount_info = get_mounts_by_path() devices = [x['device'] for x in mount_info] # If we can find the ID of the object in the list # of devices which comes from mount, safe to assume # it is busy. return any(docker_obj in x for x in devices) def urllib3_disable_warnings(): if 'requests' not in sys.modules: import requests else: requests = sys.modules['requests'] # On latest Fedora, this is a symlink if hasattr(requests, 'packages'): requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member else: # But with python-requests-2.4.3-1.el7.noarch, we need # to talk to urllib3 directly have_urllib3 = False try: if 'urllib3' not in sys.modules: import urllib3 have_urllib3 = True except ImportError: pass if have_urllib3: # Except only call disable-warnings if it exists if hasattr(urllib3, 'disable_warnings'): urllib3.disable_warnings()
[['EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'dummy@email.com'], ['PERSON', 'Alex Collins'], ['LOCATION', 'name.strip'], ['PERSON', 'json'], ['PERSON', 'separators='], ['PERSON', 'max'], ['PERSON', 'sevs'], ['PERSON', 'sev'], ['LOCATION', 'sevs'], ['PERSON', 'sev'], ['LOCATION', 'sevs'], ['PERSON', 'sev'], ['URL', 'template.fo'], ['LOCATION', 'sys.modules'], ['URL', 'sys.mo'], ['URL', 'requests.pa'], ['LOCATION', 'sys.modules'], ['URL', 'sys.mo'], ['URL', 'email.com'], ['URL', 'collections.na'], ['URL', 'sys.ve'], ['URL', 'repo.rs'], ['URL', 'docker.Client.im'], ['URL', 'docker.Cl'], ['URL', 'c.im'], ['URL', 'proc.com'], ['URL', 'proc.re'], ['URL', 'selinux.is'], ['URL', 'selinux.se'], ['URL', 'fd.re'], ['URL', 'name.st'], ['URL', 'context.st'], ['URL', 'sys.st'], ['URL', 'sys.st'], ['URL', 'template.fo'], ['URL', 'template.fo'], ['URL', 'summary.ke'], ['URL', 'res.ke'], ['URL', 'template.fo'], ['URL', 'summary.ke'], ['URL', 'template.fo'], ['URL', 'template.fo'], ['URL', 'template.fo'], ['URL', 'template.fo'], ['URL', 'template.fo'], ['URL', 'template.fo'], ['URL', 'sys.mo'], ['URL', 'python-requests-2.4.3-1.el7.no']]
# Copyright (C) 2014 Claudio "nex" Guarnieri (@botherder), Accuvant, Inc. (dummy@email.com) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from lib.cuckoo.common.abstracts import Signature class Unhook(Signature): name = "antisandbox_unhook" description = "Tries to unhook or modify Windows functions monitored by Cuckoo" severity = 3 confidence = 60 categories = ["anti-sandbox"] authors = ["nex","Accuvant"] minimum = "1.2" evented = True filter_categories = set(["__notification__"]) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Signature.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.saw_unhook = False self.unhook_info = set() def on_call(self, call, process): subcategory = self.check_argument_call(call, api="__anomaly__", name="Subcategory", pattern="unhook") if subcategory: self.saw_unhook = True funcname = self.get_argument(call, "FunctionName") if funcname != "": if (funcname != "SetUnhandledExceptionFilter" and funcname != "SetWindowsHookExW" and funcname != "UnhookWindowsHookEx" and funcname != "CoCreateInstance") or self.get_argument(call, "UnhookType") != "modification": self.unhook_info.add("function_name: " + funcname + ", type: " + self.get_argument(call, "UnhookType")) def on_complete(self): if len(self.unhook_info) > 5: weight = len(self.unhook_info) confidence = 100 if not self.unhook_info: self.saw_unhook = False for info in self.unhook_info: self.data.append({"unhook" : info }) return self.saw_unhook
[['EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'dummy@email.com'], ['DATE_TIME', '2014'], ['PERSON', 'Claudio'], ['PERSON', 'Guarnieri'], ['PERSON', 'api="__anomaly'], ['URL', 'http://www.gnu.org/licenses/'], ['URL', 'email.com'], ['URL', 'lib.cuckoo.com'], ['URL', 'self.sa'], ['URL', 'self.ch'], ['URL', 'self.sa'], ['URL', 'self.ge'], ['URL', 'self.ge'], ['URL', 'info.ad'], ['URL', 'self.ge'], ['URL', 'self.sa'], ['URL', 'self.sa']]

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