Chat UI documentation

Text Generation Inference (TGI)

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Text Generation Inference (TGI)

Feature Available
Tools Yes*
Multimodal Yes*

* Tools are only supported with the Cohere Command R+ model with the Xenova tokenizers. Please see the Tools section.

* Multimodal is only supported with the IDEFICS model. Please see the Multimodal section.

By default, if endpoints are left unspecified, Chat UI will look for the model on the hosted Hugging Face inference API using the model name, and use your HF_TOKEN. Refer to the overview for more information about model configuration.

    "name": "mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2",
    "displayName": "mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2",
    "description": "Mistral 7B is a new Apache 2.0 model, released by Mistral AI that outperforms Llama2 13B in benchmarks.",
    "websiteUrl": "",
    "preprompt": "",
    "chatPromptTemplate" : "<s>{{#each messages}}{{#ifUser}}[INST] {{#if @first}}{{#if @root.preprompt}}{{@root.preprompt}}\n{




}{{content}} [/INST]{{/ifUser}}{{#ifAssistant}}{{content}}</s>{{/ifAssistant}}{{/each}}",
    "parameters": {
      "temperature": 0.3,
      "top_p": 0.95,
      "repetition_penalty": 1.2,
      "top_k": 50,
      "truncate": 3072,
      "max_new_tokens": 1024,
      "stop": ["</s>"]
    "promptExamples": [
        "title": "Write an email from bullet list",
        "prompt": "As a restaurant owner, write a professional email to the supplier to get these products every week: \n\n- Wine (x10)\n- Eggs (x24)\n- Bread (x12)"
      }, {
        "title": "Code a snake game",
        "prompt": "Code a basic snake game in python, give explanations for each step."
      }, {
        "title": "Assist in a task",
        "prompt": "How do I make a delicious lemon cheesecake?"

Running your own models using a custom endpoint

If you want to, instead of hitting models on the Hugging Face Inference API, you can run your own models locally.

A good option is to hit a text-generation-inference endpoint. This is what is done in the official Chat UI Spaces Docker template for instance: both this app and a text-generation-inference server run inside the same container.

To do this, you can add your own endpoints to the MODELS variable in .env.local, by adding an "endpoints" key for each model in MODELS.

  "name": "your-model-name",
  "displayName": "Your Model Name",
  ... other model config
  "endpoints": [{
    "type" : "tgi",
    "url": "https://HOST:PORT",
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