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[NeurIPS 2024] MVInpainter: Learning Multi-View Consistent Inpainting to Bridge 2D and 3D Editing

[arXiv] [Project Page]


Setup repository and environment

git clone https://github.com/ewrfcas/MVInpainter.git
cd MVInpainter

conda create -n mvinpainter python=3.8
conda activate mvinpainter

pip install -r requirements.txt
mim install mmcv-full
pip install mmflow

# We need to replace the new decoder py of mmflow for faster flow estimation
cp ./check_points/mmflow/raft_decoder.py /usr/local/conda/envs/mvinpainter/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mmflow/models/decoders/

Dataset preparation (training)

  1. Downloading Co3dv2, MVImgNet for MVInpainter-O. Downloading Real10k, DL3DV, Scannet++ for MVInpainter-F.
  2. Downloading information of indices, masking formats, and captions from Link. Put them to ./data. Note that we remove some dirty samples from aforementioned datasets. Since Co3dv2 data contains object masks but MVImgNet does not, we additionally provide complete foreground masks for MVImgNet through CarveKit. Please put the MVImgNet masks to ./data/mvimagenet/masks.

Pretrained weights

  1. RAFT weights (put it to ./check_points/mmflow/).
  2. SD1.5-inpainting (put it to ./check_points/).
  3. AnimateDiff weights. We revise the key name for easier peft usages (put it to ./check_points/).


Training with fixed nframe=12:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 accelerate launch --mixed_precision="fp16" --num_processes=8 --num_machines 1 --main_process_port 29502 \
  --config_file configs/deepspeed/acc_zero2.yaml train.py \
  --config_file="configs/mvinpainter_{o,f}.yaml" \
  --output_dir="check_points/mvinpainter_{o,f}_256" \
  --train_log_interval=250 \
  --val_interval=2000 \
  --val_cfg=7.5 \

Finetuning with dynamic frames (8~24):

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 accelerate launch --mixed_precision="fp16" --num_processes=8 --num_machines 1 --main_process_port 29502 \
  --config_file configs/deepspeed/acc_zero2.yaml train.py \
  --config_file="configs/mvinpainter_{o,f}.yaml" \
  --output_dir="check_points/mvinpainter_{o,f}_256" \
  --train_log_interval=250 \
  --val_interval=2000 \
  --val_cfg=7.5 \
  --img_size=256 \
  --resume_from_checkpoint="latest" \
  --dynamic_nframe \
  --low_nframe 8 \
  --high_nframe 24

Please use mvinpainter_{o,f}_512.yaml to train 512x512 models.


Model weights

  1. MVSInpainter-O (Novel view synthesis, put it to ./check_points/).
  2. MVSInpainter-F (Removal, put it to ./check_points/).


  1. Removing or synthesis foreground of the first view through 2D-inpainting. We recommend using Fooocus-inpainting to accomplish this. Getting tracking masks through Track-Anything. Some examples are provided in ./demo.
- <folder>
    - images      # input images with foregrounds
    - inpainted   # inpainted result of the first view
    - masks       # masks for images
  1. (Optional) removing foregrounds from all other views through MVInpainter-F:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python test_removal.py \
  --load_path="check_points/mvinpainter_f_256" \
  --dataset_root="./demo/removal" \
  --output_path="demo_removal" \
  --resume_from_checkpoint="best" \
  --val_cfg=5.0 \
  --img_size=256 \
  --sampling_interval=1.0 \
  --dataset_names realworld \
  --reference_path="inpainted" \
  --nframe=24 \
  --save_images # (whether to save samples respectively)


  1. Achieving 3d bbox of the object generated from 2D-inpainting through python draw_bbox.py. Put the image 000x.png and 000x.json from ./bbox to obj_bbox of the target folder.


  1. Mask adaption to achieve warp_masks. If the basic plane where the foreground placed on enjoys a small percentage of the whole image, please use methods like Grounded-Segment-Anything to get plane_masks.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python mask_adaption.py --input_path="demo/nvs/kitchen" --edited_index=0

You can also use --no_irregular_mask to disable irregular mask for more precise warped masks.


Make sure the final folder looks like:

- <folder>
    - obj_bbox    # inpainted 2d images with new foreground and bbox json
    - removal     # images without foregrounds
    - warp_masks  # masks from adaption for the removal folder
    - plane_masks # (optional, only for mask_adaption) masks of basic plane where the foreground is placed on
  1. Run MVInpainter-O for novel view synthesis:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python test_nvs.py \
  --load_path="check_points/mvinpainter_o_256" \
  --dataset_root="./demo/nvs" \
  --output_path="demo_nvs" \
  --edited_index=0 \
  --resume_from_checkpoint="best" \
  --val_cfg=7.5 \
  --img_height=256 \
  --img_width=256 \
  --sampling_interval=1.0 \
  --nframe=24 \
  --prompt="a red apple with circle and round shape on the table." \


  1. 3D reconstruction: See Dust3R, MVSFormer++, and 3DGS for more details.


If you found our project helpful, please consider citing:

  title={MVInpainter: Learning Multi-View Consistent Inpainting to Bridge 2D and 3D Editing},
  author={Cao, Chenjie and Yu, Chaohui and Fu, Yanwei and Wang, Fan and Xue, Xiangyang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.08000},
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