Problem occurs with latest versions of Keras

by Metal3d - opened

The format is not OK for HugginFace "from_pretrained_keras()":

ValueError: File format not supported: filepath=/home/metal3d/.cache/huggingface/hub/models--keras-io--deeplabv3p-resnet50/snapshots/5ed36f2b0b0b0c1b09aae5657676b7338c82e985. Keras 3 only supports V3 `.keras` files and legacy H5 format files (`
.h5` extension). Note that the legacy SavedModel format is not supported by `load_model()` in Keras 3. In order to reload a TensorFlow SavedModel as an inference-only layer in Keras 3, use `keras.layers.TFSMLayer(/home/metal3d/.cache/huggingfac
e/hub/models--keras-io--deeplabv3p-resnet50/snapshots/5ed36f2b0b0b0c1b09aae5657676b7338c82e985, call_endpoint='serving_default')` (note that your `call_endpoint` might have a different name).

Can you please reupload a .keras file or .h5 file ?

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