

AI & ML interests

custom AI models with HF integration, multimodal rag and open-source software



not-lain's activity

posted an update 4 days ago
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I have finished writing a blogpost about building an image-based retrieval system, This is one of the first-ever approaches to building such a pipeline using only open-source models/libraries 🤗

You can checkout the blogpost in and the associated space at not-lain/image-retriever .

✨ If you want to request another blog post consider letting me know down below or you can reach out to me through any of my social media

📖 Happy reading !
replied to alex-abb's post 9 days ago
replied to Niansuh's post 9 days ago
posted an update 10 days ago
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Hello beautiful people.
I wanted to thank everyone that read my blogpost and I am glad to share that we have achieved 11000 readers 🥳
I couldn't have done this without you, so once again thanks a lot everyone for the support 💖
If you haven't already you can read my blog post at:
replied to nroggendorff's post 10 days ago
replied to Korakoe's post 13 days ago
replied to alvdansen's post 18 days ago
replied to Korakoe's post 20 days ago
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@lunarflu I tried generating this one using melina's voice 👀

on another note, I really loved the model kudos to @Korakoe for the awesome work 🔥

replied to dvilasuero's post 22 days ago
replied to victor's post 24 days ago
posted an update about 1 month ago
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It is with great pleasure I inform you that huggingface's ModelHubMixin reached 200+ models on the hub 🥳

ModelHubMixin is a class developed by HF to integrate AI models with the hub with ease and it comes with 3 methods :
* save_pretrained
* from_pretrained
* push_to_hub

Shoutout to @nielsr , @Wauplin and everyone else on HF for their awesome work 🤗

If you are not familiar with ModelHubMixin and you are looking for extra resources you might consider :
* docs:
🔗blog about training models with the trainer API and using ModelHubMixin:
🔗GitHub repo with pip integration:
🔗basic guide:
replied to m-ric's post about 1 month ago
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@m-ric really nice video, also I really loved the blogpost.
Thanks a lot 🤗

replied to their post about 1 month ago
posted an update about 1 month ago
replied to lunarflu's post about 1 month ago
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@lunarflu don't forget HF unwrapped too, similar to what GitHub, Reddit and other websites do, would be fun to have

replied to hakunamatata1997's post about 2 months ago
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@hakunamatata1997 , some people (including me) sometimes think that an AI is unfit for public use (for example failing the toxicity test) therefore, it is not recommended to keep them.

posted an update about 2 months ago
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If you're a researcher or developing your own model 👀 you might need to take a look at huggingface's ModelHubMixin classes.
They are used to seamlessly integrate your AI model with huggingface and to save/ load your model easily 🚀

1️⃣ make sure you're using the appropriate library version
pip install -qU "huggingface_hub>=0.22"

2️⃣ inherit from the appropriate class
from huggingface_hub import PyTorchModelHubMixin
from torch import nn

class MyModel(nn.Module,PyTorchModelHubMixin):
  def __init__(self, a, b):
    self.layer = nn.Linear(a,b)
  def forward(self,inputs):
    return self.layer(inputs)

first_model = MyModel(3,1)

4️⃣ push the model to the hub (or use save_pretrained method to save locally)

5️⃣ Load and initialize the model from the hub using the original class
pretrained_model = MyModel.from_pretrained("not-lain/test")

posted an update about 2 months ago
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I'm looking for open-source image embedding models for RAG applications and/or multimodel embedding models if they exist in the first place.

if you have any extra resources about using, creating, or finetuning them feel free to share them below 🤗
replied to mwz's post about 2 months ago
replied to their post about 2 months ago
posted an update about 2 months ago
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🥳celebrating 5K readers in one of my blog posts 🥳
I came back with another one this time 🤓
in this blog you will learn 📖 :
* How to train custom AI models with the trainer API 🚀
* integrate your AI models with HF using the mixin classes 🔥

happy reading everyone 🤗
  • 2 replies
replied to radames's post about 2 months ago
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I see you're using the image slider component too, nice work ❤️❤️

replied to abhishek's post 2 months ago
posted an update 2 months ago
posted an update 2 months ago
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🚀 just reached 3K+ readers on this blog post about RAG using only HF🤗 related tools in just a little over 1 week from publishing.

📃the most interesting thing about it is that you can use the FAISS index in the datasets library to retrieve your most similar documents.


Happy reading everyone ✨
replied to VictorSanh's post 2 months ago
replied to abhishek's post 2 months ago
replied to tomaarsen's post 2 months ago
replied to HeshamHaroon's post 2 months ago
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nope it's not a bug, the posts feature is now open for everyone

posted an update 2 months ago
replied to Wauplin's post 3 months ago
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x3 download speed in HfFileSystem = 🔥🚀
I also really loved using the PyTorchModelHubMixin class 🤗🤗

replied to Xenova's post 5 months ago
replied to Xenova's post 5 months ago
replied to victor's post 5 months ago
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or like make it a badge in their profiles if they exceed 100 contributions, could be a nice motive for people to make them engage more in the hub

replied to victor's post 5 months ago
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maybe 🧙‍♀️🧙‍♂️ for open sorcerers out there

replied to s3nh's post 6 months ago
replied to Tonic's post 6 months ago
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we're actually an anime/meme group and i made this community for AI + anime related stuff \( ̄︶ ̄*\))

replied to Tonic's post 6 months ago