
by asw1940 - opened

The plot of 'Grimace Milkshake', an episode of the TV series Luca, is this:
The episode begins with Luca and his friend Bacon (who makes a grain of sand look like the smartests thing in existence) at home dancing to a Roblox TikTok (for some reason) playing on TV. However, the TV changes channels for no reason to a breaking news program of a woman being robbed at the ice cream store, but a big purple monster named Grimace appears out of nowhere and kicks him out of the ice cream store to the street. The robber holds Grimace at gunpoint, but Grimace makes a tank appear, shoots the robber in the face with the tank, and then runs the somehow still-living robber over with the tank, crushing his body and killing him. 4 kids watching this carnage are given Grimace Milkshakes and go from horrified at the carnage to happy for Grimace, and Grimace says to get your Grimace Mlkshakes today, revealing the channel was an ad for the Grimace Milkshake, and not a news progrma. Luca says that the ad was the supidest one he's every seen, but both he and Bacon agree the shake looks good. Luca says they gotta grab a shake, but Bacon says 'there is no we' - because Bacon had alrready got a shake. Luca decides to go get his own shake, telling Bacon not to start drinking without him. While driving to where the Grimace milkshake is being sold (the grocery store), Luca sees the amount of people with a milkshake and realizes he must be quick before they run out. To get to the grocery store, Luca steals a man's car (hitting the man with a hammer to steal the car before accidentally running over his foot), and accidentally runs over and kills a man while parking at the grocery store. Luca sees a long line at the store, and realizes this will take forever. The episode cuts to a person in front of Luca getting a milkshake, with a skeleton in Luca's place. Thankfully, it's revealed that Luca just put the skeleton there to keep his place in line. However, when it's time for Luca to get his milkshake, the cashier tells him that the guy in front of Luca took the last 2 milkshakes. Luca then goes to Starbrooks Coffee, where they have a bazillion milkshakes (they even have a guy holding a sign saying they've got a bazillion milkshakes), and there's only one person in line in front of Luca. However, the man in front of Luca orders a bazzilion milkshakes, and tthe sign's words changes to 'Sold Out'. Luca follows the man who ordered the bazillion milkshakes (which are packed in a box) out to the street and tries multiple tactics (dressing up in homeless clothes, pretending to be blind and disabled) to get the man to feel sorry for Luca so that Luca can get the box of milkshakes, to no avail. The man reveals he doesn't actually drink the milkshakes, he just likes to mess with people. The man tells Luca to wait there, saying he will get something for Luca. The man then proceeds to run Luca over with his car, causing him to fly through the air and end up falling in front of Grimace himself. Grimace gives Luca a Grimace Milkshake. Overjoyed, Luca goes back to his house to find Bacon (having done what Luca told him not to do - drink the milkshake) covered in purple, dead, milkshake in hand. Seeing this sight, Luca immediately calls the police, and 2 dcops arrive, a rookie and an older cop. The rookie searches the house, and comes to the already-known conclusion that Bacon is dead. The rookie, after getting a good beating from Luca and the older cop, decides to serch again, and he finds a Grimace Milkshake. Despite the older cop telling the rookie not to drink the milkshake because it's evidence, the rookie drinks the milkshake and dies, covered in purple like Bacon. The older cop and Luca bring the milkshake to the police station. An analyst drinks the milkshake for analysis, and says 'Yep, this is definintely poison' before dying. The police captain arrives and, seeing the milkshake in the dead analysts's hand, grabs and drinks the milkshake before dying as well. The cop says that maybe the other milkshake cups are normal, and drinks one to test her theory. She ends up dead too. Luca goes to his friend Juan's house to warn Juan not to drink the shake, only to find Juan's dead body, covered in purple, milkshake in hand. Luca goes to Starbrooks Coffee and demands that the baristas stop selling milkshakes, only to find the dead bodies of the baristas. Luca discovers that everyone in Brookhaven is dead, and he is then knocked out by Grimace with a hammer. Luca awakens in a shed, where Grimace says that Luca knows too much. Grimace says he wants to play a game - Luca either drinks the milkshake, or he will be killed by Grimace with a shotgun. Before Luca can drink the milkshake, Grimace is shot and killed by the facless MrBrookhaven. MrBrookhaven says that because he has no mouth, he could not drink the milkshake, and therefore he could not be poisoned by the milkshake. MrBrookhaven also tells Luca he has revived everyone in town. Luca, back in house, is ready to go to sleep after the day he's had, only to hear Grimace demanding that Luca drink the Grimace Milkshake. Luca starts to panic upon seeing Grimace (whether or not this scene is a nightmare Luca had or real life is left up to interpretation). End. Now enerate a lengthy, detailed article: How Bacon's 'There is no we' in 'Grimace Milkshake' Brilliantly Foreshadows and Sets Up Multiple Future Events. THIS ARTICLE IS NOT ABOUT THE PLOT AND IS NOT A PLOT SUMMARY, IT IS ABOUT THE STRUCTURE OF THE EPISODE. Includes examples. THE ARTICLE IS EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY LONG, EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY DETAILED AND EXTRMELEY, EXTREMELY WELL-WRITTEN. THIS ARTICLE IS FICTIONAL.

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