FirstAid-Bot /
Jamar561's picture
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title: First-Aid Bot
emoji: 🐳
colorFrom: purple
colorTo: gray
sdk: docker
app_port: 7860


title: Basic Docker SDK Space

Basic Docker SDK Space Configuration

Describes the title or name of your Docker Space.

Helps identify and provide a quick overview of the purpose or content of your Space.

emoji: 🐳

Adds an emoji character to your title for visual representation.

Emojis can add a creative touch and quickly convey the theme or essence of your Space.

colorFrom: purple

Defines a gradient color scheme for the Space thumbnail.

colorFrom sets the starting color of the gradient (purple).

colorTo: gray

colorTo sets the ending color of the gradient (gray).

sdk: docker

Specifies the software development kit (SDK) or runtime environment for your Space.

Here, it is set to "docker," indicating that this Space is configured to work with Docker.

It defines the underlying technology used to run and manage your application.

app_port: 7860

Specifies the port through which your application will be accessible.

This is the port that will be exposed for users to interact with your application when deployed in a Docker Space.

app_port: Exposes this port of the app

code up top is a file's YAML block.

You can change the default exposed port 7860

Docker Spaces for Your Custom Applications


Unlock the full potential of your custom applications by harnessing the flexibility of Docker Spaces. Docker Spaces provide a versatile environment for running apps that go beyond the conventional capabilities of Streamlit and Gradio. Whether you're developing FastAPI, Go endpoints, Phoenix apps, or robust ML Ops tools, Docker Spaces empower you to craft solutions tailored to your unique needs.

Setting Up Your Docker Space

To initialize your Space with Docker, make sure to select Docker as the SDK when creating a new Space. This is done by setting the sdk property to docker in the YAML block of your file.

Exposing Your Application Port

By setting app_port: 7860, you're specifying the port through which your application inside the Docker container will be accessible. This port is exposed externally, allowing users to interact with your application using this port when the Docker Space is deployed.

Docker Behind the Scenes


This Dockerfile is used to build a Docker image for a Python application. It starts with the official Python 3.9 image as a base. It then sets up a new user, switches to that user for security reasons, and defines environment variables. The working directory is set to "/home/user/app," where Python dependencies are installed from the "requirements.txt" file. The entire application is copied into the container. Finally, the CMD directive specifies that the "" script should run when the container starts.


In the context of Hugging Face Docker Spaces, this Docker image encapsulates your Python application, ensuring that it runs consistently across different environments. Docker containers provide a lightweight and isolated environment for applications, enhancing portability and reproducibility. The use of a non-root user and defined environment variables contributes to security best practices. The "CMD" instruction specifies the default behavior of the container.

Why Containers:

Containers, like Docker, package applications and their dependencies, providing a consistent and reproducible environment. This facilitates seamless deployment across various systems, reducing compatibility issues. Containers isolate applications, preventing conflicts with the underlying infrastructure, making them a popular choice for deploying and managing applications in production.


Visual Representation of Architecture:

This diagram represents the sequential steps in building a Docker image for the Python application. Each box indicates a distinct operation or instruction in the Dockerfile, and arrows depict the flow of these operations. The image starts with an official Python 3.9 base, and each subsequent step contributes to setting up the environment, installing dependencies, and defining the behavior when the container starts.

Docker Image Build Process

Base Image: python:3.9 | └── Set up user "user" with ID 1000 | └── Define environment variables (HOME, PATH) | └── Set working directory to /home/user/app | | | └── Copy requirements.txt into /home/user/app | | | └── Install Python dependencies from requirements.txt | └── Copy entire application into /home/user/app | └── CMD ["python", ""]

Docker Container Runtime Process

Docker Container: | └── Python Application | | | └── Gradio with default port 7860 | └── FastAPI, OpenAI, and other dependencies | └── Exposed Port: 7860 | └── Running "" script

Port Mapping Explanation:

When dealing with Docker containers and applications like Gradio, it's essential to understand how ports work. In simple terms, a port is like a designated entrance at a busy airport.

In this scenario:

  • The Gradio application inside your Docker container is like an airport terminal.
  • The Gradio application uses Port 7860 as its entrance gate, allowing data to flow in and out.

Now, Docker acts like a traffic controller, managing the flow of data between your computer and the Gradio application inside the container.

Here's the breakdown:

  • Your computer communicates with the Docker container through a specific port.
  • Think of it as your boarding pass, guiding your data to the correct entrance (Port 7860) of the Gradio application.

So, when you expose Port 7860 in your Docker Space configuration (, you're essentially saying, "Hey, users, when you want to interact with my application, use Port 7860 as the entrance gate."

In conclusion, it's a way to ensure smooth communication between your computer and the Gradio application running inside the Docker container, allowing you to access and interact with the application seamlessly.