
by dreroc - opened


It's old technology that used to do that because the parameters used for it weren't enough to make it learn about things like human anatomy, so people resorted to fixing such problems by fixes like "inpaint" (you mask the problematic region and have the model redraw it), "control nets" (you have an existing image that isn't problematic and use them as a structure for the new one), Image to Image (a model without those problems is used to paint again the picture accurately), etc.

People like me continue to use the old technology because we're not convinced by the main alternatives like Stable Diffusion XL (which doesn't have a training as robust, so all its finetunes and loras look kind of similar to one another, like a vanilla flavor you can put honey on or chocolate chips but it's still vanilla. For his next version of https://civitai.com/models/139565/realistic-stock-photo , PromptSharingSamaritan had to go back to this technology because XL could never be as detailed), Pony (still SDXL technology that became popular only because of its performance for Not Safe For Work material), or Flux (Flux is great when you have something in mind and are willing to use entire paragraphs explaining what you want to it - BUT if you want to see a cool picture with some concept, Flux will plainly give a boring image, this old technology will be very creative about it and will add details and objects you didn't ask for. For a prompt like "girl in super metroid", this tech will add a lot of what you'd expect to see, Flux will output something simple and boring.)

Flux Vs Chip & Dall-e

Here's flux on the left and Chip & Dall-e on the right. I'm not saying Flux's output is bad, or worse, I'm saying on the creative department it'd never add what C&D adds to the image because I didn't prompt for it.

Another reason is people moved on to other technologies and thus nobody fixed the problems of this one, so newer model versions using it at the very least will require you to produce many pictures until one is good enough.

Also, it's funny how even Flux produced a hand with too many fingers, and that's state of the art.

I totally think like @Yntec said, old technology consists mainly with images with little prompt to nothing and produce an amazing sense of creativity.
SDXL and Flux are just the best with anatomy (while sometimes using inPain ControlNet plugin).

I prefer without any waiting time using Stable Diffusion 1.5 which is more surprising and elevate my visualization of creativity. Each Stable Diffusion 1.5 (with nice models such as Incredible World series or Gacha (my favourite)) produce a treats and sweets for my own visual pleasure and with prompting not fully what it adds! That's that which defines arts and creativity!

PS : I like even how fails produces amazing surrealistic visual amusement 🀭!

I really appreciate such feedback FashionStash! My favorite is Cryptids, it has full coverage of subjects I want, the most adorable chibi girls I've seen, a whole zoo of animals ready to be generated surpassing furry models, outstanding landscapes and backgrounds, incredible creativity and compositions, and it does objects better than models designed specifically to make objects!

Cryptids Treasure Chest

rpgicondiff picture of treasure chest

I guess its name was unfortunate, since its inception was to create animal fusions called cryptids, all its potential remains hidden, and, of course, its complete lack of ability to make photo realism.

It's great to be able to talk about this passion of mine, it gets more niche by the day and talking about Stable Diffusion 1.5 tech feels like talking about VHS cassettes, even though it's very recent.

Of course "Lady Nostalgia" is making our hearts pulsing when we're remembering the old days past to discovering AI Open-source for generating stunning wonderful arts with our Stable Diffusion 1.5, haha, exactly, like our old beloved VHS or even walkman with K-7 instead of nowadays MP3 players.

I'm in a community in Discord, a localized one where people pushes in front of the scenes the merits of Flux... Or Stable Diffusion XL, but theses peoples are always in the need to use plenty of variouses external plug-ins to achieve their creative generation.

I'm not saying that Flux or SDXL are not great enough to get prompt to arts and so.. But I'm saying that SD1. 5 can really be a powerful standalone technology, I'm not the only one in the world saying that, and I'm trying to often point it to new person that want explore AI images to think about their arts instead installing plenty of high-volume diskspace consumption, and then instead using the hyped new technology, starting by the root of the beginning and see what was really the AI strongest power : creativity. No more, no less!

Cryptids, you said Yntec, I will try it then, I also have a great preference in surprises than having exactly what I prompted for!

I thank you by the way to port plenty of fantasticulous models at HuggingFace, you have a nice taste when it comes to the creatives models. And I'm never going to stop following your works, here at HuggingFace. Always a new sweets to test and love regularly!

I love also when you bake some models together to create amazing new way of creative models (as the last Memoji Remix).

I use many of my AI generated images to make TCG cards, just for my own rolist tabletop games pleasure (such as Magic the Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh and even some more) but with unique arts and skills in the style of cards 😊

Also nice picture of treasure chest!

"Lady Nostalgia"

Wow! What a name! To make a model with that name I had to cancel my plans ! https://huggingface.co/Yntec/LadyNostalgia - thanks for the inspiration!

I also love making these, it has became some kind of obsession or addiction of mine, I had tried to stop or to take a break, but when I find myself playing chess or another game, I keep thinking "wait a minute, after the game is over it'll all be gone, I could be merging some image model instead!" and back I go.

Making TCG cards sounds so cool, I'll keep that in mind when releasing models that could be useful for that, along with others that merge the Gacha model into them!

Hey @Yntec , I'm really happy to see that you created a model with Lady Nostalgia name, lol πŸ˜‚, That's an honor from yourself : your self-made models are incredibly amazing and creative, I love many of them!

And seeing a model that's named by the term I just used in my previous answer is an unbelievable surprise! You made my day and I will test it very soon with a lot of my self-written prompts notes!

πŸŽ„πŸŽ It's christmas before time 🀭!

Hahaha yes, I understand you very well, playing with the infinite possibilities of AI Generated Images, building new possibilities can be really a lifestyle sometimes.

My favourite chess piece is the Queen due to her moves freedom!

If you make a TCG game models, may I suggest you to bake together at least :

Incredible World series models + Gacha + Lady Nostalgia?

What will become from that cooking recipes?

:D I hope you like LadyNostalgia, I'm a fan of her style myself, here's a comparison with Gacha:

an illustration of a baby hedgehog with headphones holding a bow ribbon umbrella in the rain

an illustration of a baby hedgehog with headphones holding a bow ribbon umbrella in the rain

Euler - Steps 21 - Seed 17971 - 512x512

Gacha on the left, LadyNostalgia on the right.

But I wouldn't know how to build a prompt for a TCG graphic to compare.

What will become from that cooking recipes?

Unfortunately Gacha includes a model with a license that doesn't allow me to share merges I make with the model, so what I did was to not share its recipe, that way they can't go after me, lol! I learned my lesson after having to take down the potatoMash model: https://huggingface.co/Yntec/PotaytoPotahto/discussions/2

But what if to compensate I don't make you one, not two, but three models? Incredible World + Gacha, Gacha + Lady Nostalgia and Lady Nostalgia + Incredible World?! It sounds like a fun project! Perhaps one of the new models manages to be better than the existing ones?! Hopefully, it's an offer you can't refuse, haha!

So here's the first one! Incredible World + Gacha! https://huggingface.co/Yntec/IncredibleOdds - I made it yesterday, but forgot to announce it here, lol!

Here's the second one! Gacha + Lady Nostalgia! https://huggingface.co/Yntec/GrandPrix - I'm liking how these are turning out, one more left to go!

Hello @Yntec , I need to test a little bit more LadyNostalgia but what I can say for the moment, is that it's a n interesting model that is not ignoring prompt terms when they are many comma separated !

I like it yes. But I discovered that you labeled it as "PhotoRealism" but it's not very set to get photorealistic inferences, color is too much vibrant (which is certainly normal, since that model is using NostalgicLife that is a model more Anime oriented than PhotoRealism oriented).

I don't say that it's a thing that it must be changed in THAT model as it is a very fun model to play with! 😁 But perhaps releasing a new LadyFabulysm model (per example) that will have photorealism priorities?

In other words I like LadyNostalgia, I see a lot of potential with it. But another model oriented Photorealism whith conceptual main keys that was putbin LadyNostalgia would be amazingly nice too, no?

I see in LadyNostalgia also the probability to get something crazy for some inferences, but well, hmmm... I'm going to test your model LadyNostalgia even more and giving more feedbacks soon !

I didn't tested the other two for the moment!
But I will do aswell, thanks greatly a lot for your support to my ideas !

(and yes I'm sad aswell to discover that Gacha have such of a license).

I'm excited to see what you will produce with your cooking talents that times!

I was able to produce these awesome LadyNostalgia images, that's a model for arts, for sure, it would be amazing in a TCG arts-display implementation :
(love the creativity and highly randomness, that's what I can state for Stable Diffusion 1.5 will reach high levels when needing creative and inspiring arts images !

Looks @Yntec :


Thanks for the feedback! You're right! I have removed the photorealism tags from the model! I have trapped myself in some sort of bubble, limited by the same prompts I always test, and then, I just note they look good, and then copy paste the tags from the models I merged, which can lead to such mistakes! I'll keep in mind making a version of LadyNostalgia that enables what I promised, it'll be high priority after I finish these models I've planned!

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