Gemini Pro 1.0 API Key Version? Open AI Key not installed

by MartialTerran - opened

Hi. You are following me. I wrote a Chat-with_PDF for Windows CMD console, using Google Gemini Pro API Key. I tried to use your Chat-with-PDFs here. It seems I need to somehow install/provide my own OpenAI API key to make this work here? I got this error message: "ValidationError: 1 validation error for OpenAIEmbeddings root Did not find openai_api_key, please add an environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY which contains it, or pass openai_api_key as a named parameter. (type=value_error)" I currently don't have any funds in my OpenAI API key right now. I do have free use of Google Gemini API key: Can you create a new version of your Chat-with-PDF that will accept the Google Gemini Pro API key from within my windows 10 environmental variables? And, can you disclose the sample code to use the Google Gemini API key in my environmental variables? I assume I can ask Bing (Chat GPT) or Gemini Pro to write a python script to install my Google Gemini API key into my Windows 10 environment?

MartialTerran changed discussion title from Gemini Pro Version? Open AI Key not installed to Gemini Pro 1.0 API Key Version? Open AI Key not installed

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