🚩 Report: Spam

by Nick088 - opened

This space, seems to be using https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium as a client, only to add 4 AD banners (which the first one has even a text that says "NSFW AI VOICE CHAT & IMAGES"..), as seen here in the code app.py code:

And also seen in the UI:

It seems kinda inapropriate to use someone's space as a client to only add your ADs, especially NSFW ones.

Please get some job kid! The gradio allows us to add gr.Html why are you getting jealous son?

And it's upgraded version of SD3 which allows users to bulk generate images and I am proud I made it first, so instead of crying @Nick088 find a job son

Does it look professional to you telling me to stop crying when i just said the truth? You are adding nothing more than ads.

Please get some job kid! The gradio allows us to add gr.Html why are you getting jealous son?

Getting jealous? You are the one being disrespectful here. Show some respect, and im not jealois of someone adding ads to every space.

And it's upgraded version of SD3 which allows users to bulk generate images and I am proud I made it first, so instead of crying @Nick088 find a job son

kekw, u doxxed urself, and you're literally breaking ToS. womp womp if u get banned Aheed.

@Nick088 did you check the TTS i added new languages and for Stable diffusion, I made a bulk app for it so people can have an idea of what can I do! And I think you are new in programming it is not your code it is our code and don't tell me that there is nothing new in my spaces all the spaces are updated for better productivity. SO YES YOU ARE CRYING!

And it's upgraded version of SD3 which allows users to bulk generate images and I am proud I made it first, so instead of crying @Nick088 find a job son

kekw, u doxxed urself, and you're literally breaking ToS. womp womp if u get banned Aheed.

I am talking facts and TOS looks like u made a new account @Nick088 what is pissing you off is that you did not know earlier that you can add gr.HTML HAHA

@Nick088 did you check the TTS i added new languages and for Stable diffusion, I made a bulk app for it so people can have an idea of what can I do! And I think you are new in programming it is not your code it is our code and don't tell me that there is nothing new in my spaces all the spaces are updated for better productivity. SO YES YOU ARE CRYING!

You are quite, literally breaking,
Content Policy

  • Spam, such as advertising a product or service, or excessive bulk activity;
  • Pornography and soft porn
    Code of Conduct
  • Public or private harassment
  • Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
  • Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit permission

And it's upgraded version of SD3 which allows users to bulk generate images and I am proud I made it first, so instead of crying @Nick088 find a job son

kekw, u doxxed urself, and you're literally breaking ToS. womp womp if u get banned Aheed.

I am talking facts and TOS looks like u made a new account @Nick088 what is pissing you off is that you did not know earlier that you can add gr.HTML HAHA

Might shock you, but alternative accounts are not against ToS.

Ok, and one more thing let the hugging face handle when they have an issue they will let me know. and I am not using ad networks its just banners!

Stop bringing in Alts, you will be banned in time. I would recommend keeping those alts so you have some access to this website.

You can't make new ones after you're gone.

You are bringing your fake ids and spamming please ask hugging face to remove the duplicate space button and the code you made is just a Microsoft TTS are you bill gates who is stoping me from using that? Go get a new life!

Ok, and one more thing let the hugging face handle when they have an issue they will let me know. and I am not using ad networks its just banners!

Let me recite what you're doing.
You are, copying code. Sure, there's no license attached to it, but HF ToS states that you must credit other user's work.

These are your ToS violations.
Content Policy

  • Spam, such as advertising a product or service, or excessive bulk activity;
  • Pornography and soft porn
    Code of Conduct
  • Public or private harassment
  • Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
  • Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit permission

You are also, being hypocritical, arrogant and a general nuisance. If you credited the work, of @Nick088 and if you removed the ads, you would be fine. However, you created a dare I say, ugly and broken space, with false reviews (aka, illegal), with your own alts stating this stuff.

@npbm @Nick088 @nroggendorff this is one person

You are bringing your fake ids and spamming please ask hugging face to remove the duplicate space button and the code you made is just a Microsoft TTS are you bill gates who is stoping me from using that? Go get a new life!

'fake ids'. Woow. Says the person commiting a federal crime.

Note these 3 IDs of a kid he is a spammer: @npbm @Nick088 @nroggendorff

@npbm @Nick088 @nroggendorff this is one person
🤦‍♂️consider the following. The hypocrisy of that singular statement, is funny. You as I just stated, committed a crime (which isn't really enforced), with each user mentioned being a real person. We're balling. We literally all have a huggingface worker in our following list. We're literally, people who talk in the discord server.

Note these 3 ids of a kid he is a spammer: @npbm @Nick088 @nroggendorff

Note, the alt.

For any moderators who may be reading, here are the violations.

These are his ToS violations:

Content Policy

  • Spam, such as advertising a product or service, or excessive bulk activity;
  • Pornography and soft porn

Code of Conduct

  • Public or private harassment
  • Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
  • Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit permission

Other things:

  • Saying that we should not have been born.
  • Attempting to discredit and attempt defamation.
  • Obfuscating the source of the repositories (via uploading the files from the space).

This message is spread throught all their repositories, with a copy of every repository (a link) sent to website@huggingface.co

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