FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'null'

by Nasa1423 - opened


Trying to use API for leaderboard space with fn_index=1, using this code:

client = Client("")
result = client.predict(
"null", # str (filepath to JSON file) in 'parameter_23' Dataframe component
"null", # str (filepath to JSON file) in 'parameter_22' Dataframe component
["Average ⬆️"], # List[str] in 'Select columns to show' Checkboxgroup component
["🟢 pretrained"], # List[str] in 'Model types' Checkboxgroup component
["torch.float16"], # List[str] in 'Precision' Checkboxgroup component
["Unknown"], # List[str] in 'Model sizes' Checkboxgroup component
True, # bool in 'Show gated/private/deleted models' Checkbox component
"Howdy!", # str in 'parameter_8' Textbox component

But I am facing a problem with "null" file path to JSON, script is returning error FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'null'.

What should I pass as "null" param?

Open LLM Leaderboard org

Hi, the arguments that are marked as filepath to JSON file should be actual pandas dataframes as they are all linked to the function update_table defined in, I'm not sure this function is able to return the result you want.

Open LLM Leaderboard org

I agree with @SaylorTwift .
Btw, you can take a look at the Resources that the community created (it's a pinned discussion), as I'm quite sure some of them use this API - maybe it will be clearer to use if you look at examples.
Best of luck!

clefourrier changed discussion status to closed

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