A Clear step by step local Installation Method would be nice.

by Magenta6 - opened

The Readme.md is a little cryptic and could be clearer about setting this up locally and getting it to run.
In the interests of making this technology more widely available to non-coders can StabilityAi please do a step by step install video with a Gradio or ComfyUi interface.

I have git cloned stable_audio_tools-0.0.16
I have downloaded model and .cfg

  1. Where does the model get put?
  2. Does it need to be re-named?
  3. How exactly does one go about getting the Hugging Face token?

I don't want to sound ungrateful, but given the brain-power that must exist within StabilityAi surely accessibility of your work to your market would be a priority.
I appreciate this all takes time and effort and I want to thank StabilityAi for their desire to keep Ai as Open as possible.

Stability AI org

I added some more documentation for the Gradio interface to the stable-audio-tools README, easiest way to get it going in the repo root is to run python3 ./run_gradio.py --pretrained-name stabilityai/stable-audio-open-1.0. That will pull down the weights from Hugging Face and start the demo automatically.

You'll want to run huggingface-cli login on the command line first to add your API key for Hugging Face

Fauno15 changed discussion status to closed

Thanks for your reply Fauno15.

Saganaki22 has created a one click installer, which has made things a lot easier for me.

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