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Model Card for UniformerV2

UniformerV2 is a large transformer-based model trained on a binary classification task. Specifically, it is trained to detect whether the input video contains a chimpanzee(s) exhibiting a reaction to the presence of a camera trap.

Model Details

Model Description

UniformerV2 is a large transformer-based model trained on a binary classification task. Specifically, it is trained to detect whether the input video contains a chimpanzee(s) exhibiting a reaction to the presence of a camera trap. As the dataset heavily favours videos exhibiting no reaction to the camera, we employ a class-balanced focal loss to address the class imbalance.

  • Developed by: Otto Brookes, Christophe Boesch, Hjalmar S. Kühl, Majid Mirmehdi, Tilo Burghardt
  • Model type: Vision Transformer, UniformerV2
  • License: MIT

Training Details

Training Data

It is trained on camera trap video footage from 15 different countries in Africa as part of the The Pan African Programme: The Cultured Chimpanzee.


We use mean average precision to evaluate models

Dataset Model Loss mAP (%)
PanAf Uniformer CB Focal 87.82%
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