{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "do you not know what you're doing in regards to a specific section of your life? Like school or work?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "That's pretty vague, do you not know what you're doing in regards to a specific section of your life? Like school or work?", "rp_id": "dgbdk7z", "seeker_post": "Help. Help me. I dunno what I'm doing anymore", "sp_id": "65m92s" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "idk what a Red pill means exactly but my advice to you is if she treating you right then fuck her there are billions of other girls out there, and if u feel like in love with her and just leave her then try to not care and you have to accept the fact that some girls(as well as some guys) will lie straight to your face for years without any remorse. my advice is stop caring before too late.", "rp_id": "e5t3oxh", "seeker_post": "I'm done saying I love you to her because I don't want to hear a lie back to me. I feel so ugly and unwanted and unloved", "sp_id": "9ezsfi" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "unless I'm wrong but that's how I feel", "response_post": "I think it's social anxiety , that creates paranoid feelings , unless I'm wrong but that's how I feel", "rp_id": "dhj8tcb", "seeker_post": "Always feel like I'm being criticized and mocked even when alone.... Does anyone else experience this?", "sp_id": "6b2cmc" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "By any chance do you think you're in a loop", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "For a while that was my problem too. Even if its just random, ill probably binge and feel bad later. Only to indulge in more later to try to cheer up.", "response_post": "By any chance do you think you're in a loop. Junk food can make you depressed. And being depressed probably makes you eat more junk food? For a while that was my problem too. Even if its just random, ill probably binge and feel bad later. Only to indulge in more later to try to cheer up.", "rp_id": "dyvq1ne", "seeker_post": "My diet becomes fucked when i get depressed.. I can't control myself in the grocery store when I'm feeling down. Chips, cookies, soda, cake, you name It. Anyone else a stress eater?", "sp_id": "8iz0as" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I take antidepressants and my depression is gone, it change you like I originally thought it would, it just makes me the same but not sad all the time.", "response_post": "depression. not sadness which is caused by something and is healthy. Depression is an actual mental disorder which commonly goes untreated. The best things you can do for depression is first of all, not hiding it, tell your loved ones so they can help you. also get a therapist, very helpful and help you cope with depression and get over it. If you think really bad you can see a doctor and see if medication is a good idea. I take antidepressants and my depression is gone, it change you like I originally thought it would, it just makes me the same but not sad all the time.", "rp_id": "eg40ecq", "seeker_post": "I hate not knowing why. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety when I was 14. That's almost 4 years ago and I still don't know why I am like this. I have more than enough, yet there are moments where I feel like there's no hope nor a bright future waiting for me. I feel alone and abandoned even though I have friends who know that I am depressed and am like this sometimes. I get so frustrated when I can't find out why I just can't be normal. Everything was alright about 2 hours ago, but it just changes so quickly and hard that I almost feel suicidal. I'm a fucking mess...", "sp_id": "aow3l9" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "That's why I'm repeating 11th grade. It sucks.", "rp_id": "d9hmspc", "seeker_post": "Not arsed with school. Can't study or do homework.. My family is in a bad way right now and I'm in a bad way, mentally. I just can't care about school anymore. Feels hopeless", "sp_id": "5aliuq" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Ask your school counselor what resources they can give you. Just go into the office, ask for the counselor, and see what they've got.", "rp_id": "eh9cb6a", "seeker_post": "My parents wont allow me to sick medical assistance because they think my depression is bs. Title. I'm 16, got no money. What to do?", "sp_id": "auo0t4" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "Hope you feel better soon", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "weak explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "Is that really so bad?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Is that really so bad? Maybe it was the smart decision because you needed that time to read recover. You're being kind to yourself when you need it and that's important. Hope you feel better soon.", "rp_id": "ds9oti2", "seeker_post": "I called in sick to work today. For the first time in a couple months I was feeling so Shitty I called into both my jobs today. Just feeling too burnt out, but I slept a lot, read quite a bit and finally managed to shower so the day a complete waste", "sp_id": "7oi3es" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "Why can't you get a job as a lawyer?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Why can't you get a job as a lawyer?", "rp_id": "e0oz7y1", "seeker_post": "Lost my job, have no reason to live. My career is over, my personal relationships are barely existent, and the friends I do have live far away. I have absolutely no reason to live, no job prospects, no way to afford treatment. I will be killing myself soon unless a miracle happens.", "sp_id": "8r6onw" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I don't want you to jump. I don't want you to die", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I don't want you to jump. I don't want you to die, in either one. I don't know exactly what you're going through but from the sounds of it, I'd suggest focusing on the parts in your life that you enjoy.", "rp_id": "dqje246", "seeker_post": "i wanna jump from an elevated place. i wanna kill myself, like really really would like to jump off an elevated place, but not die what do i do? drugs? fall from somewhere not far above the ground(like a 4meters jump)? you know, i'd just like to die but i have a gr8 life other than that (I have different lives in two different countries, just want to kill myself in one)", "sp_id": "7gipvi" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "It's not uncommon. Bipolar can be very difficult to diagnose. We tend to think of it as a constant swinging between high and low but really you can be low all the time and still be bipolar if you had one high at some point. What you do is move forward with your new diagnosis and work on treatment and coping skills. ADHD and depression are generally easier to manage long term than bipolar disorder, so that's a plus.", "rp_id": "dbstkc3", "seeker_post": "Wrong diagnosis-ADHD vs Bipolar Depression. For the past 5 years I've dealt with being misdiagnosed. I have ADHD and Depression but was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. Has anyone else had this happen? What were the ramifications? How did you handle and what actions did you take?", "sp_id": "5l3qho" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Expecting people to stop being depressed like turning off a light is extremely stupid.", "rp_id": "dnue2hm", "seeker_post": "How long is this going to go for?. I wish I fucking knew. Fuck you and everyone else.", "sp_id": "73yymy" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "sorry to hear that", "emotionalStrength": "strong emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "For me essential to plan my assignments in advance, so that I can just do things one by one and not let it all get piled up cuz then I wanna die", "response_post": "sorry to hear that, but been in a similar situation after taking some time off of school. My best advice is to take the minimum amount of classes possible so you get too overwhelmed. For me essential to plan my assignments in advance, so that I can just do things one by one and not let it all get piled up cuz then I wanna die. Also, if you need a break, take one. School will always be there but good to take care of yourself too :)", "rp_id": "dtuopol", "seeker_post": "I've had a hard time going back to school. Going back to school has been difficult for me, It's been around five years since I've been in a class room and I ask the teachers and the people that I go to my classes to cut me some slack for being rusty but they tell me that it doesn't matter, and my step mom doesn't want me to use the computer because she doesn't want to share. Its lead me to skipping classes because I feel like theirs no use in going to school, it would be cool to know how you would handle this situation and if you can give me any advice.", "sp_id": "7vs790" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I say with sincerity that any of those have worked for me but helped others. Keeping busy with hobbies on the days able to function might help. It does slightly for me.", "response_post": "The generic answers heard over the years tend to go something like the following; exercise, sunlight, talking, therapy, stroking animals, eating healthily, meditation and writing one thing thankful for daily. I say with sincerity that any of those have worked for me but helped others. Keeping busy with hobbies on the days able to function might help. It does slightly for me.", "rp_id": "e44llwe", "seeker_post": "Depression. So any non med for depression ?", "sp_id": "96zkq7" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "if you ever wanna talk about anything I'd be more than happy to", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Sometimes I think I'm attractive, and sometimes I can't even look at myself I'm so disgusted. I've come to realize it's all just a fucked up mind game I play with myself.", "response_post": "Hey, just wait it out. I know what you feel. Sometimes I think I'm attractive, and sometimes I can't even look at myself I'm so disgusted. I've come to realize it's all just a fucked up mind game I play with myself. I doubt you're actually that ugly, you're probably kinda cute honestly, but if you're anything like me, you've tricked yourself into thinking you're ugly. If you want people to want to be around you, you have to do some basic things like showering, putting on actual clothes, smiling, excercising a little and pretending you have confidence. It's honestly dumb, but these things can be hard to do, especially if you struggle with low confidence and depression. But if you take care of yourself, it's not too hard to find people. And just you wait until you find a person to kiss on New Years, because the feeling is worth the wait. I know this is all a bit corny, but if you ever wanna talk about anything I'd be more than happy to :)", "rp_id": "ecx2gco", "seeker_post": "All the people who will be kissed on New year's eve. I'll be alone like usual I'll never get someone to kiss me It's fine No one understands how hopelessly, alone, and angrily some people live. It would scare some attractive people that haven't ever lived like that.", "sp_id": "ab2lkb" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "My local mental health system is an absolute joke and often made me more suicidal. So I also am alone when in crisis.", "response_post": "No amount of 'you are not alone's from internet randos who won't reach out to you after will help. My local mental health system is an absolute joke and often made me more suicidal. So I also am alone when in crisis.", "rp_id": "ecs529t", "seeker_post": "It’s terrible being alone in a crisis. Just wanted to express this.", "sp_id": "aad2xy" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I even dont have that. Again there are people who got it Much worse", "response_post": "at least you got people trying to comfort you. I even dont have that. Again there are people who got it Much worse", "rp_id": "dz25gpo", "seeker_post": "honestly what is in this world for me.. nothing thats what i feel like living to make other people happy when they only like me cause they feel sorry for me not cause they actually like me jesus i live such a sorry life.", "sp_id": "8jsjf8" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "Does there need to be a reason?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Does there need to be a reason? Depression is an illness, and like any other illness it doesn't need some form of justification, it just *is*", "rp_id": "dnuofxb", "seeker_post": "Why the fuck am I depressed. I don't even remember when or why but I just feel empty Like I'll be having a great time and suddenly I just want to go home and sleep It's so fuckin dumb I just want to be happy I'm not even sure why like is it because I'm a little overweight? Or stress? Or because I can't get a girlfriend? Because that's a stupid reason to be depressed Why am I doing this to myself How the fuck do I fix this Why do I write all this trash thinking people will actually read it", "sp_id": "7409m9" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "You're a good manI'd rather you live, personally.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "You're a good man, Median. I hope you know this. I hope that you have people around you that will tell your story for centuries, and that you live on as a hero in the minds of newer generations. But, I'd rather you live, personally.", "rp_id": "dehmbgx", "seeker_post": "The world is really pretty.. Pity, that I won't be there anymore to cherish it.", "sp_id": "5xea9y" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "Thats totally normal, most people get that from time to time.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "It will pass, the", "response_post": "Thats totally normal, most people get that from time to time. It will pass, the when is the real question. Good news is you can work on the when, at least it works for me. I think the key is to accept whatever you are feeling, not fight it and not try to change it, even try to get yourself to cry. The point is really to change your mindset from 'i have depression i can't cure it, it is killing me' to 'i'm sad again for no reason, human brain is a pile of shit and buggy as hell, I'm gonny cry all day to give it what it wants'..", "rp_id": "d76kxsp", "seeker_post": "Don't know what this is.... Not sure if this is the right place but here I go. I feel alone, I feel trapped in my mind, I feel like life is a cycle and I don't know what to do anymore. I have gained weight in the past 3 months, everyone has noticed it all my friends and family. I have never been depressed nor ever felt like this really, only up until maybe 5 months ago. The thing is that I have not had anything traumatic happen to me to make me feel like this. I've had family problems but I don't really see that as a problem i've dealt with it for many years. Is it possible to be depressed for no real reason? Are these symptoms of depression?", "sp_id": "50sgzd" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "Yes you are right from my experience.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": ". I isolated my family. It just came second nature.When they don't understand me.I kept busy on the shitty computer to avoid my problemsI realize that the worst thing i could have done.", "response_post": "Yes you are right from my experience.Not dealing with my problems. I isolated my family. It just came second nature.When they don't understand me.I kept busy on the shitty computer to avoid my problems. I realize that the worst thing i could have done. I need to try harder and put my family first who means everything to me.", "rp_id": "d9o4ss3", "seeker_post": "Having kids is the most selfish yet selfless thing a person can do.. I just wish I never existed.", "sp_id": "5bftsk" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "Everyone I know is going to die and one day I am going to die. Why is that sad?", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I don't understand the weird sadness or fear of death that people have. I've known a few people who died. I wasn't sad at all", "response_post": "I don't really think life is he'll but I don't understand the weird sadness or fear of death that people have. I've known a few people who died. I wasn't sad at all. Everyone I know is going to die and one day I am going to die. Why is that sad?", "rp_id": "ee0zvki", "seeker_post": "Why does death make people sad?. a relief from the hell known as life", "sp_id": "afrkpz" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "No friends here, willing to listen.if you want to message me", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Need someone to listen to me sometime too", "response_post": "No friends here, willing to listen. Need someone to listen to me sometime too. I'm going to bed right now, but if you want to message me I will get back to you tomorrow.", "rp_id": "d18svfi", "seeker_post": "If anyone will listen. I'm in a bad place right now. I could really use a friend.", "sp_id": "4bfsbp" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "ive just sat in my room crying my eyes out thinking mostly about this. Conversations with people ive known my whole life i find difficult, its not natural.Everything feels so forced! im sick of trying so so hard to look normal. I hide my feelings from absolutely everyone and im exhausted. No motivation in life, feel like im a waste of skin", "response_post": "ive just sat in my room crying my eyes out thinking mostly about this. Conversations with people ive known my whole life i find difficult, its not natural. Everything feels so forced! im sick of trying so so hard to look normal. I hide my feelings from absolutely everyone and im exhausted. No motivation in life, feel like im a waste of skin", "rp_id": "d7okpmm", "seeker_post": "When everything is a challenge. Tying your shoes..eating..pulling your shirt over your head, even just walking. Everything is hard like you're climbing up a mountain. What I wouldn't give to see the world differently", "sp_id": "52z6f7" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "Omgosh. I just want to validate this feeling because I have been thereit doesn't stay like that. Hang on. It gets better.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "weak interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I have been thereDon't let anyone tell you it's all fine and fun to go through that. I've been there. I've come out the other end and been okay for long periods too though so I mean, it doesn't stay like that", "response_post": "Omgosh. I just want to validate this feeling because I have been there. That said, if it's a matter of safety, there is no question. You know that you need to go. You just do it. It's not some kind of failure. You are taking care of yourself. It DOES super suck though. Don't let anyone tell you it's all fine and fun to go through that. I've been there. I've come out the other end and been okay for long periods too though so I mean, it doesn't stay like that. Hang on. It gets better.", "rp_id": "deozw6l", "seeker_post": "I don't wanna go back to a psych unit a third time.. I feel like I'm being pushed over the edge. I don't want to go back to the psych unit for the third time in a 6 month period. What do I do?", "sp_id": "5ycfvy" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Write here one good memory of something nice happened recently.", "rp_id": "e1khigz", "seeker_post": "Feeling really hopeless right now.. Can anyone offer some positivity or good vibes right now?", "sp_id": "8v44ed" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "What were you taking before vs what are you taking now?Are you being prescribed by your general doctor or a psychiatrist?Do you feel like you are in danger right now?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "What were you taking before vs what are you taking now? Are you being prescribed by your general doctor or a psychiatrist? Do you feel like you are in danger right now?", "rp_id": "df4zctv", "seeker_post": "Nothing works. They took me off the one pill that worked. The pill I'm on now is the worst one of them all. Should I call them and tell them? I dont know who exactly to call. Please kill me.", "sp_id": "60bfpl" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I'm down in that holeI drink to forget, but I've drank so much I don't know what it is I have to forget. So I drink, just to be sure.", "response_post": "I'm down in that hole. Don't get sucked in is my advice. You'll get nothing good out of it. The thing with alcohol is that, once you start drinking too much, too often, the idea that it makes you feel better is entertained while it is not true at all. It's: *I drink to forget, but I've drank so much I don't know what it is I have to forget. So I drink, just to be sure.* Alcohol and drugs have become a habit for me and I can't really live without them anymore. I need them to maintain a level of tolerable shittiness - but trust me, I'd be way less miserable if I never started it.", "rp_id": "d9rrwzq", "seeker_post": "I'm gonna become an alcoholic. I don't want to. I haven't touched a drop of booze in my life. I don't really have access to it, as I'm underage. But I think more and more about drinking every day, and I wonder if it will work to mediate the symptoms just a bit. My grandfather is a recovering alcoholic, and I don't want to follow in his footsteps, but I know I will eventually. I'm just waiting to see when I snap.", "sp_id": "5bwehm" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Thought I was ok and it passed away for half a year, but now it is coming back, and it hits twice as bad as before", "response_post": "Thought I was ok and it passed away for half a year, but now it is coming back, and it hits twice as bad as before.", "rp_id": "do4xd9d", "seeker_post": "I’m okay all of the sudden. How can i be so fucking depressed thinking about suicide every single day to just being fine? been a month or two since been feeling suicidal and out of nowhere i just feel ok. What. The. Fuck.", "sp_id": "75b9y7" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "you'll get through it.You're stronger than you thinkStay strong and don't give up.You can do this", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Get up and take a shower, and then go for a walk so you can clear your mind. That usually helps me after going through one of these periods. It sucks, but you'll get through it. And don't lose your job, you don't want to end up on the street. You're stronger than you think, there's just a cloud of depression around you that's obscuring your vision. Stay strong and don't give up. You can do this.", "rp_id": "d7cifel", "seeker_post": "I've been in bed for 5 days. I can't seem to stay up for more than an hour at a time. Tomorrow is my last sick day. If I can't get up I will lose my job. Somehow I really don't even care. I wish I could just blink out of existence.", "sp_id": "51jqxo" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "well not for nothing but you made it extremely difficult to read your post by only using a period in the title. JUST saying not judging.", "rp_id": "dqauptb", "seeker_post": ".. Why do I always have good news followed by a shit night, followed by sitting up at 2am wanting to kill myself? Why is life so difficult? Why is it so impossible to be fucking happy for once in my shit fucking life? What's the point anymore?", "sp_id": "7fc5zn" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "i used to. rn im in the area of not going to sleep so tmrw doesn't come", "response_post": "i used to. rn im in the area of not going to sleep so tmrw doesn't come", "rp_id": "e30aswq", "seeker_post": "Does anyone else sleep early to escape thoughts you get at night?. I always see people say how depression causes them to stay awake at night or become lethargic during the day but after 10pm, I become increasingly paranoid and depressed and so I force myself to sleep. Just want to know if anyone out there is the same...", "sp_id": "91lmlc" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I mean fastest way is a pawnshop or trading stuff into GameStop", "rp_id": "ehcws6m", "seeker_post": "how do I get $100 quickly and easily?. I want to buy weed. of course some one who is depressed like me needs drugs. but im serious i want weed so i can just smoke 24/7 to help with the depression.", "sp_id": "av5m25" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "If I had any will to do something good, I'd be doing it.", "rp_id": "du6wne4", "seeker_post": "Since we all hate the world and how unfair it why dont we all just become humanitarians. :) even though the bad outweighs the good at least we we will be helping others :):)", "sp_id": "7xbcg0" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Okay, so feeling shitty is necessarily a shitty feeling. But, even subconscious you is empathetic and cares about others, which is a beautiful fuckin' thing to be. It's why you have the capacity to feel so bad, and it's also why you can (if you want to) be an amazing resource for people. Being able to feel things as deeply as you or I can is something to be cherished and protected and put to good use. The world could use more empathy, you know? It's okay to hate yourself too, btw. Just be honest with yourself about your good traits as well, yeah? <3", "rp_id": "dg3tl9l", "seeker_post": "Had a dream about my parents falling apart and crying because they thought I'd killed myself.. Dream!me hadn't yet, but was unable to tell them because for some reason they couldn't see or hear me. So all I could do was stand there beside them and watch them break down and cry. Thanks, brain. I haven't been feeling shitty and hating myself enough recently while awake.", "sp_id": "64oj5u" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Each day repeats with the only change is it gets worse, preach man.", "rp_id": "dq9m34m", "seeker_post": "changes. i see no changes wake up in the morning and i ask myself is life worth living should i blast myself", "sp_id": "7f5fsf" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Pain's pain. There's no point in comparing our suffering to someone else's. Depression doesn't demand that you have a good reason. On a surface level, there's a lot about my life that people would even be jealous of, but that doesn't make me any less miserable. You're the only one living your own experience, no one else can say whether or not it warrants pain. If you feel something, you feel something", "rp_id": "dq2xffm", "seeker_post": "my problems are insignificant. i get bullied. i bully myself. i get beat up. i beat up myself. my family the best, but they the worst. i have things to look forward to, even if they provide a minuscule amount of happiness. other people have it worse. i whine. i am insignificant.", "sp_id": "7e6upg" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Treat yourself to some body lotion, chocolate icecream and maybe a glass of wine while you're at it. Couldn't ask for a more relaxing weekend than that.", "rp_id": "dmd08x0", "seeker_post": "The only thing getting 'lit' this weekend are my fall scented candles.. I am so lonely. I'm in summer vacation and I just lay in bed all day, and browse random shit online. I wish I could do fun things, but Nope, couldn't even get that in life.", "sp_id": "6x3pj9" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I care, manHang in therethings will get better eventually.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I care, man. Hang in there, things will get better eventually.", "rp_id": "dcqzatf", "seeker_post": "who cares if i exist?. today is a sad day. its just one of those days i guess. i'm just kinda done. theres not much to look forward to these days. everything is just kinda the same.", "sp_id": "5pc1m5" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Dude. broken my arm so bad that I needed a titanium rod. I was in hospital for 5 days. Let me tell you that it was the most depressing and humiliating thing ever. I was in a ward with a man who was dying from pancreatic cancer and another one who was about to have his legs amputated because of diabetes. It is absolutely miserable seeing them alone throughout the entire day waiting for a visit and sometimes they have anyone come over at all. Furthermore, the medical staff were stretched so thin that I had to scream and bear unspeakable pain for 45 minutes before I could get my shot of painkillerThis was after they had attached the rods to my arm. Oh and last but not least, absolutely humiliating to use the restroom or shower. I understand and appreciate the efforts the medical staff commit but I really help but feel embarrassed when they shower me or escort me to the restroom. wish to be admitted to the hospital. EVER.", "response_post": "Dude. broken my arm so bad that I needed a titanium rod. I was in hospital for 5 days. Let me tell you that it was the most depressing and humiliating thing ever. I was in a ward with a man who was dying from pancreatic cancer and another one who was about to have his legs amputated because of diabetes. It is absolutely miserable seeing them alone throughout the entire day waiting for a visit and sometimes they have anyone come over at all. Furthermore, the medical staff were stretched so thin that I had to scream and bear unspeakable pain for 45 minutes before I could get my shot of painkillers. This was after they had attached the rods to my arm. Oh and last but not least, absolutely humiliating to use the restroom or shower. I understand and appreciate the efforts the medical staff commit but I really help but feel embarrassed when they shower me or escort me to the restroom. wish to be admitted to the hospital. EVER.", "rp_id": "e0rck6m", "seeker_post": "Someone please come and break my legs and put me in hospital. I can't go to work anymore", "sp_id": "8rg0st" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Mine is coming up and I am generally indifferent to it. I told my family I don't want to do anything for it.", "response_post": "Mine is coming up and I am generally indifferent to it. I told my family I don't want to do anything for it.", "rp_id": "dnh1x5v", "seeker_post": "It was my 20th birthday yesterday. I had no emotions at all towards it.", "sp_id": "72aafz" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "Congrats on your birthday", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I've never thought as well that i might see my HS graduation this year.", "response_post": "Congrats on your birthday. I've never thought as well that i might see my HS graduation this year.", "rp_id": "d076i8t", "seeker_post": "It's my 18th birthday, everyone is congratulating me and to be honest I'm surprised I've made it this far.. Everyone wonders what I want to do with my life and I have no idea. The reason I have no idea is that I didn't think I'd still be alive today. I thought I would have ended it by now. Happy birthday to me", "sp_id": "46qwzw" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "Maybe one day things will become brighter for you", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Maybe one day things will become brighter for you to see it in a better light so that dream job might be ideal", "rp_id": "d5l4ikp", "seeker_post": "I'm contemplating suicide via ruining my life.. If I can't do it quickly, then I'll do it slowly. I'm in no rush. I mean fuck it. I'm going to be miserable whether I'm working my dream job or being a cashier at McDonald's. What's the point in taking up something someone else is gonna enjoy more?", "sp_id": "4txc2v" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "How did the trauma come about?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "How did the trauma come about?", "rp_id": "dhh6rh8", "seeker_post": "emotional trauma/neglect and being re-traumatized on top of the depression. I can't take it anymore I just want out.", "sp_id": "6asair" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I hope you're still here. It gets better.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I hope you're still here. It gets better.", "rp_id": "efuency", "seeker_post": "Fuck it. My girl and I broke up and im done. I was doing so well. Been clean for months now and now... I just want to die and get it over with.", "sp_id": "anl7mz" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "If there's one thing I regret not doing, it's that I didn't kill myself when I was 12 and actually attempted it. It's been all downhill in the 15 years since.", "response_post": "If there's one thing I regret not doing, it's that I didn't kill myself when I was 12 and actually attempted it. It's been all downhill in the 15 years since.", "rp_id": "du6glnp", "seeker_post": "Everyday I ask myself why I haven't killed myself.. And as each day passes I have less reasons.", "sp_id": "7x6g2f" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "a motorcycle ride sounds super cool. i can't even force myself on my bike.", "rp_id": "e031zmb", "seeker_post": "I finished a 6 hour motorcycle ride between two states.. Why didn't I get hit?", "sp_id": "8oe8ku" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "Let me know if you wanna talk about it", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I'm trying to increase my self worth so I stop doing this exact thing. My frustration immediately gets taken out on the one thing I seem to hate the most: me.I've started to set small goals for myself every day so each day feels like a success when I achieve those goals.", "response_post": "I'm trying to increase my self worth so I stop doing this exact thing. My frustration immediately gets taken out on the one thing I seem to hate the most: me. I've started to set small goals for myself every day so each day feels like a success when I achieve those goals. This has led me to branch out and actually put myself out there. In doing so I'm discovering a passion for mental health advocacy and rekindling a love for doing creative stuff. I'm not saying everything has immediately gotten better. Holy shit it hasn't. But this helps at least a little for me! Hope you can find omething that works for you. Let me know if you wanna talk about it", "rp_id": "dxmdx5u", "seeker_post": "Why is it so easy to blame ourselves?. It's strange, sometimes when I make mistakes that clearly not my fault I blame myself for it, but why is that and how can we stop blaming ourselves for everything?", "sp_id": "8ddtra" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "Hang in there!You can get through this because you're stronger than this!You can make it through cause the good will be worth it!Lots of love!", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "The good is worth it! Hang in there! You can get through this because you're stronger than this! You can make it through cause the good will be worth it! Lots of love!", "rp_id": "dp3d78n", "seeker_post": "Is the good even worth it?. idek anymore. Too much bad...", "sp_id": "79mrmc" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "i guess the idea is that have something strong enough to motivate you towards it. I personally have goals but I never have so I really help you here.", "rp_id": "dvrblpq", "seeker_post": "People said try finding yourself a goal. But I have goals. I can't work on them because I feel tired. Which makes me feel more worst due to my failure.. I am not sad I am just feel...given up.", "sp_id": "84nlem" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "What does that mean in practice?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "What does that mean in practice? Are you one of those persons who got tired of being used so now you use others?", "rp_id": "ef9wa41", "seeker_post": "I have become comfortably numb. afraid of who I am becoming", "sp_id": "akxbo9" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "Please know that someone out there cares for you and would be heartbroken if you here.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Please know that someone out there cares for you and would be heartbroken if you here.", "rp_id": "e1o1z1m", "seeker_post": "I feel so alone. And it hurts so much", "sp_id": "8vhyxw" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "When I read this, I had to think of a girl in our company. I saw her like 2-3 days a week, always with a sad face. So, one day I just asked her, if everything is allright. She said", "response_post": "When I read this, I had to think of a girl in our company. I saw her like 2-3 days a week, always with a sad face. So, one day I just asked her, if everything is allright. She said Yes, of course, thanks. How about you? I answered with I'm fine. But I don't believe you. If you're ok, why can't you smile for just... one moment? She said: ... I never knew, that it was that obviously. No one ever told me that. I answered: I guess plenty of people know that something isn't ok with you, but most people just care about their own shit or just don't know what to say. If you wanna talk... I'm here. She ended the dialouge with Thank you.... And she never wrote me again since then. I felt bad somehow. On the one hand, I just wanted to help, but she refused it somehow or I scared her too much. On the other hand... maybe I just made it worse for her, and that's of course not what I wanted. The human mind is a thing, no one can explain. It's infinite.", "rp_id": "di1eayy", "seeker_post": "It would mean so much for someone to just notice something is wrong and ask if I'm okay. Just once, I want someone to know I'm spiraling down without me having to pour everything onto them. If they'd just be interested enough in my well being to *ask*...", "sp_id": "6d5crp" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Weed make my sorrow funny", "rp_id": "e02fiyo", "seeker_post": "I can't even drink to escape my sorrows because I can't stand the taste of alcoholic drinks. So at least you guys have that going for you haha.", "sp_id": "8obw80" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "He's laughing at all of us, that sick fuck.", "rp_id": "ded0uva", "seeker_post": "I think God laughed the day he put me on this Earth.. Depression is the cruelest punishment of all.", "sp_id": "5wtgcl" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Sarah Silverman said exactly this in her interview with Terry Gross on Fresh Air a few months ago.", "response_post": "No time to find link right now, but Sarah Silverman said exactly this in her interview with Terry Gross on Fresh Air a few months ago.", "rp_id": "czilwjh", "seeker_post": "Anyone feel homesickness at home. I know that sounds strange but I think that's the best way to articulate it.", "sp_id": "43i6ys" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I was like this at 16-18 all I wanted to do was sit in front of my computer and not leave the house. It wasn't like I was actually doing anything productive but on youtube / games I was just rotting and completely ok with it because it stopped me feeling that deep void inside and the negative voiceI am now 28. Iv'e managed to find a little bit more of a balance between technology and life but I am still depressed and cycle in and out of this. I would look into an addiction though, it is possible to be addicted to electronics (especially gaming and the internet).", "response_post": "I was like this at 16-18 all I wanted to do was sit in front of my computer and not leave the house. It wasn't like I was actually doing anything productive but on youtube / games I was just rotting and completely ok with it because it stopped me feeling that deep void inside and the negative voice. I am now 28. Iv'e managed to find a little bit more of a balance between technology and life but I am still depressed and cycle in and out of this. I would look into an addiction though, it is possible to be addicted to electronics (especially gaming and the internet). If you feel like you're agitated and your depression is linked into computer usage you might want to consider that your depression and negativity is linked into an addiction.", "rp_id": "e248su2", "seeker_post": "hit a big depressive dip recently.. a combination of parents yelling at me, dissatisfaction at life, and mixed feelings about everything brought me into a low point again. i feel like i've broken yet another thing inside me.", "sp_id": "8xn4u4" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I have the opposite problem. I eat and eat and eat when depressed. Sometimes when I have bad anxiety I eat though.", "rp_id": "e43jm11", "seeker_post": "Stress fasting?. Do you folk get it? When it gets rough I pretty much won't eat for 4-7 days", "sp_id": "96vh61" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "weak interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "at the end of last year my girlfriend of two and a half years left me, i had to move back home with my parents and lost all but one of my friends. but it pushed me to finally come out as trans and get hormone therapy. one year later and i feel like myself for the first time in 22 years. a few months ago i stood up to my shithead boss and quit my job working repossession.", "response_post": "very cool accomplishments! a photographer as well, love to see some of your work if you wanna share. at the end of last year my girlfriend of two and a half years left me, i had to move back home with my parents and lost all but one of my friends. but it pushed me to finally come out as trans and get hormone therapy. one year later and i feel like myself for the first time in 22 years. a few months ago i stood up to my shithead boss and quit my job working repossession. i really miss the money but miss slaving away for 80 hours a week and now looking into getting a job dreamed of since i was in highschool. sometimes things really do happen for a reason.", "rp_id": "eczl002", "seeker_post": "What did you live through in 2018?. Every year, my mom has the family reflect on things that we've gotten through during the year. Good or bad, we made it through something. So now, I'm asking you the same thing: What's something you lived through in 2018 that you can now say, I made it through. ​ What I lived through: losing all of my friends but making a new one, concerts, trip out of my home state, and making photography work I can be proud of now, getting on stable meds.", "sp_id": "abe2qp" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I feel the same way", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I'm angry and depressed. It takes a lot out of me emotionally to do little things like run errands. I hate interacting with people. They state at me funny and act like I'm scary which makes me angry. It's exhausting.", "response_post": "I feel the same way. I'm angry and depressed. It takes a lot out of me emotionally to do little things like run errands. I hate interacting with people. They state at me funny and act like I'm scary which makes me angry. It's exhausting.", "rp_id": "dtxvirk", "seeker_post": "Depression and Anger are best friends if not the same entity.. I'm at the point in my depression spectrum where everything makes me angry. All day I experience silent rage. Things piss me off more than they did before. And this is the way i isolate myself without knowing it at times. My family tells me they don't know who I am anymore, they ask why I'm mad all the time. My partner does not get fair treatment from how shitty I treat him. My whole life is that feeling you get when your mom tells you to take out the garbage right before you're about to go sleep. Little inconvenience after little inconvenience turns into full on discomfort being awake and always being pissed off you have to do anything at all. I don't know how to not be mad anymore and it scares me.", "sp_id": "7w5szr" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Personally I hate Christmas and all the Christmas spirit crap.", "rp_id": "drf7fp3", "seeker_post": "Anyone else have a hard time this time of year? Looking for some help.. I have 2 kids and am having such a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit. The darkness makes me tired all the time and I feel like doing anything but going to bed.", "sp_id": "7klbxa" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I just feel like I don't have a purpose. Like while I need things to survive. The things I need don't need me.", "response_post": "I just feel like I don't have a purpose. Like while I need things to survive. The things I need don't need me.", "rp_id": "d5ygwc3", "seeker_post": "Anyone else feel incapable of being happy?. No matter how good things are I just can't seem to be happy.", "sp_id": "4vgd9d" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I was close to doing this so many times.", "response_post": "I was close to doing this so many times.", "rp_id": "dpr2j2s", "seeker_post": "I cried for no reason in a public place. That was the first time I really cried in a crowded place.", "sp_id": "7cj3mw" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I'm here. I'll try to help.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I'm here. I'll try to help.", "rp_id": "e3ufpuf", "seeker_post": "im at my lowest point in life. i keep on failing at everything i do, i have no reason to live. Please help i cant do this anymore. Its become too big for me, i have no idea or hope on what to do. Please, help.", "sp_id": "95pf4d" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I felt this EXACT way when I first went as well. I felt like it was a grilling of my life, and I even tried to lie and say that I'm mostly 100% happy with my life and that I just wish I had more friends and cleaned the house more. YEAH RIGHT. I'm a mess a lot of the time and have so many problems I dont know where to begin. Eventually once I started to know my therapist and dive into the smaller issues, did she really start to open up and I opened up myself as well.", "response_post": "I felt this EXACT way when I first went as well. I felt like it was a grilling of my life, and I even tried to lie and say that I'm mostly 100% happy with my life and that I just wish I had more friends and cleaned the house more. YEAH RIGHT. I'm a mess a lot of the time and have so many problems I dont know where to begin. Eventually once I started to know my therapist and dive into the smaller issues, did she really start to open up and I opened up myself as well. Keep going. The first day is the hardest I think", "rp_id": "dswzg71", "seeker_post": "Got back from therapist.. and it was useless... she only questioned me why i dont work and why i dont have any meaning in this life... useless visit for a useless person.. well i guess its time to stop this..", "sp_id": "7rhsvy" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "One of my old therapists used to tell me that these were still considered suicidal thoughts even though I actively planning to do anything. I always told her it was just wishful thinking", "response_post": "One of my old therapists used to tell me that these were still considered suicidal thoughts even though I actively planning to do anything. I always told her it was just wishful thinking. Lol.", "rp_id": "e5cw70m", "seeker_post": "Have you ever just stared blankly at a car's headlights as it speeds towards you, wishing that it would it would hit and kill you instantaneously?. You close your eyes accepting the promised bliss of death... and the car stops. You slowly sink bank to reality as you open your eyes again and walk on.", "sp_id": "9clf40" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "My current goal is to outlive everyone that cares about me. It seems like the nicest thing I can do for them, and it also grants me a chance to figure stuff out. All of my self-preservation instincts are driven off of the pain I would cause loved ones if something were to happen to me, in all situations, and that fear is what keeps me going during the worst of it. If you can't do it for yourself, try to carry on for someone you care about.", "rp_id": "d79eey5", "seeker_post": "Wish my parents would die so I could commit suicide. I don't want to be alive.", "sp_id": "511gnt" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "It really is one of the worst feelings", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "My dog who was my best friend for 6 years was just gone one day when I got home. That was about two years ago and I still miss my buddy", "response_post": "It really is one of the worst feelings. My dog who was my best friend for 6 years was just gone one day when I got home. That was about two years ago and I still miss my buddy", "rp_id": "dl77r7h", "seeker_post": "My dog ran away today.. It's my fault, I left the gate wide open. I feel like shit.", "sp_id": "6rijqn" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I'm sorry, my friend.I feel your pain", "emotionalStrength": "strong emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I lost my mum too, two years ago", "response_post": "I'm sorry, my friend. I lost my mum too, two years ago. I feel your pain but it'll get better for you, I promise.", "rp_id": "d9j9jdo", "seeker_post": "I miss my mum. I'm just crying a lot today and.I'm really depressed because I miss my mum", "sp_id": "5as2mw" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "You got it all wrong. You should be looking forward to making more of those happy days, if you force yourself to be sad simply because you know you're depressed, you'll never get over it ever. Hang onto those days and strive to make more happy days each month. Depression is fed from negative thought process, let it starve", "rp_id": "dseuigj", "seeker_post": "I hate the good days. I'm really starting to hate any good days that I may have. I get one every month or so and it's quite possibly worse than just being depressed. It dosent matter how happy I am or how much I try, I know it will be right back. And worse than a normal day. After a few hours I fall right back down. I honestly don't know why I'm still alive. My life has just been a series of fuck ups. I should be a functioning adult by now and yet I can barely think straight. I'm just running in circles, I do the minimum to survive. Daydreaming is my only escape and even my depression is inhibiting that. Why, why me, why any of us. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.", "sp_id": "7p680u" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "Is depression real?Can't depressed be", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Everything is pointless, all our feelings are illusions because they are all brain chemicals. I don't see any meaning in life, there is no purpose, no happiness, no satisfaction. Why being happy/wanting to live is the normal quality of a human? Can't depressed be normal too? Is depression real?", "rp_id": "dr6qlb0", "seeker_post": "Maybe I'm not depressed. Maybe I just don't like living.. I mean, I don't seem to have ANY depressive symptoms except being generally dissatisfied with life and being suicidal. None of the drugs worked. None of the shrinks helped. Maybe living really is just a shitty, boring thing in aggregate.", "sp_id": "7jd5nn" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "weak interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "What I can say that I can relate somewhat to your situation.", "response_post": "What I can say that I can relate somewhat to your situation. Upholding social standard is hard and especially hard is keeping in line with what your family wants from you. You need to be able to find joy in new things, in what you find interesting currently, even if it isn't exactly accepted socially and your family might not like it. It's your life, not your parent's.", "rp_id": "e1imena", "seeker_post": "I feel numb. This year has been so hard. I have never felt loneliness like I have this year. Overwhelming feelings of sadness and despair wash over me as I am just walking long the road or sat at work. It takes so much energy to pretend to be normal for family or colleagues. I am so tired. My day used to be happy. I used to find joy in things but there is no joy left. But I know that I don't feel empty. Far from empty as there is so much darkness inside me. I feel numb. Does anyone else feel nub?", "sp_id": "8uvz33" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Not in the same way - I have a job (and prospects), I have some friends, but I live a life in solitude, since I cannot enjoy spending time with friends or people because it amplifies my depression - and I have no clue why. Maybe because I always feel alone, even when in company which makes me avoid it. So yeah, it's not what I'd call a life worth living and at least somehow related to your struggle.", "rp_id": "e4h2q35", "seeker_post": "Anyone else has nothing worth living for?. No friends, no job prospects, no romantic success to look forward to. Makes life look like an utterly pointless waste of time. Anyone else struggling with this?", "sp_id": "98llrh" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Back at my old job, I used sick leave.", "response_post": "Back at my old job, I used sick leave.", "rp_id": "dlyjhsx", "seeker_post": "Anyone take mental health days from work?. Do you use vacation, PTO, sick, FMLA?", "sp_id": "6v4wtx" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I think it's more like...suicide IS selfish, but so is asking someone to not commit suicide. So the argument is just kind of invalid because it's merely a question of who gets to be selfish.", "rp_id": "dgtvsnc", "seeker_post": "Depression shower thought. Common saying out there that suicide is selfish, but what a lot of non-suicidal people don't understand is that people who are suicidal know that the people around them will have better lives if they were not in it and know that being alive is selfish.", "sp_id": "67q3pg" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "Same, well obviosuly I don't know how you feel 100% but I thinks its appropiate to say I can relate to you deeply.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Same, well obviosuly I don't know how you feel 100% but I thinks its appropiate to say I can relate to you deeply. Why don't we try distract ourselves, even if its just 5 mins. Listen to a song you like, watch a small video, browse r/eyebleach or even go drink water. Im gonna try and watch something in youtube to at least try and not think about you know what. Wannna try with me? :)", "rp_id": "d9lanb3", "seeker_post": "Sometimes I wonder why I even try. I've never really overcome depression, because it always comes back worse than before. This is the worst I've ever had; I can't go more than 5 minutes without thinking about suicide.", "sp_id": "5b22h0" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "It took me seven years to get a bachelors, and a lot of that was done part time or online.", "response_post": "It took me seven years to get a bachelors, and a lot of that was done part time or online. Do it on your schedule. Nobody else's.", "rp_id": "da14epr", "seeker_post": "I have been a Freshmen for 3, 1/2 years. I don't even blame my depression , I am just dumb. I was at community college for three years and now I am on academic probation in a university, this is my second semester here and I only have twelve credits to my name. I am trying , I really am but it's just hard and hopeless. The other day my parents told me we made room for your future degree , next to your siblings degrees! I am twenty-two years old going on twenty-three. I don't know what to do.", "sp_id": "5d14si" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Its not silly, its cruel ;-;", "rp_id": "df8zgb9", "seeker_post": "Its silly how out of the blue it can hit you and ruin everything you built mentally up to that point.. especially during the ACT. fuck me.", "sp_id": "60qpap" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Except we're all driving on a flat plane", "rp_id": "ee3ih48", "seeker_post": "It’s like I’m driving with no driving wheel. And just wishing for the car to hit a wall", "sp_id": "ag4b23" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Revenge. . . On a life thrown away.", "rp_id": "da903n9", "seeker_post": "Your entire reason for existing explained in one word.. Work. . . That's about it.", "sp_id": "5e1hfm" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "what about the relatives and the mess?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Well yeah, but what about the relatives and the mess?", "rp_id": "d38rr6v", "seeker_post": "Getting out of your situation or not is a choice.. Paraphrasing what a former friend used to say. Splendid, I felt so enlightened I could cry tears of joy.", "sp_id": "4jo290" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "Hellow, is bad toyou know, even tho existence itself has no meaning, we can just try and take the best out of it as long as we can.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I hate how my life is right now, I feel empty and bored with everything/everyone, but.. **I love being alive**, you know, even tho existence itself has no meaning", "response_post": "Hellow, is bad to hear that you're doing bad, I feel kinda the same, don't kill yourself, you're going to die anyway, so try and enjoy as much as you can. I hate how my life is right now, I feel empty and bored with everything/everyone, but.. **I love being alive**, you know, even tho existence itself has no meaning, we can just try and take the best out of it as long as we can.", "rp_id": "drrwnq7", "seeker_post": "Anyone feel numb/epmpty. I don't really know of its depression but I figured you guys could help. I have this number feeling where I just don't feel emotions other then sad or angry I just feel empty. Like I'm just a shell with nothing inside just going through life. I don't really know what to do with myself I don't want to kill myself because it would hurt the people I care about most but at the same time I can't feel anything other then everything suck why am I here. It's really tough to even get out of bed in the morning all I want to do is cry. Does anyone have any ideas on coping with this numb/empty feeling because nothing makes me happy.", "sp_id": "7m7ncr" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Happy birthday bud :) Being a Virgo has its perks... this isn't one of them. Always a perfectionist, never happy with anything. I feel you man.. tomorrow is my birthday.", "rp_id": "dn7d9b0", "seeker_post": "Today is my birthday. I should be happy and shit, but I'm just empty. Does this happen to you, when you should be happy but your just empty? This sucks. Want this shit to end", "sp_id": "70znnh" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "same man I feel you", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "same man I feel you", "rp_id": "d8t7my8", "seeker_post": "Idk. It's 5 am and everything is hitting at once", "sp_id": "57lakv" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "If you want to talk about it more or anything, feel free to ask anything.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I felt like you for a while, just a few small pleasures but nothing really else. For me, it went away after a few months.", "response_post": "Sounds like apathy to me. I'm guessing you feel kind of lost and without a direction and you just are following the path that you feel is required of you. While apathy is one symptom of depression, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have depression. By no means am I downplaying depression or trying to convince you that nothing is wrong because there isn't any on true definition of depression. I felt like you for a while, just a few small pleasures but nothing really else. For me, it went away after a few months. If you want to talk about it more or anything, feel free to ask anything. My only advice is don't give up now, because if it goes away, you'll regret a lot of things that you stopped caring about.", "rp_id": "dbavdkj", "seeker_post": "Do any of you guys feel like me?. For some background, I'm 18 and in my freshman year of university. For a couple months now I've just been feeling sorta weird. It's like a long funk. I don't know how to describe it. If I had to choose, I'd say I feel empty or indifferent. I'm still able to laugh and find things funny, but a lot of the time I just feel like a machine, doing things because I have to. My motivation is minimal. A part of me is just not transitioning very well from high school to university. I don't like it here and I don't know how to describe it, either. Maybe out of place? Not fitting in? The environment here is just cold. I've been looking forward to sleeping more lately, but I dunno if that's just my exhaustion from late night studying/work or something else. I think I failed my chemistry exam and the course and it doesn't really phase me. I don't know what's wrong. Am I depressed? Do you guys feel similarly?", "sp_id": "5ith76" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I have mostly had bad experiences with antidepressants, but I am not a good example. I know people who really improved while being on them.", "response_post": "Really depends on the particular medication. Everyone responds differently as well. I have mostly had bad experiences with antidepressants, but I am not a good example. I know people who really improved while being on them. It is a bit of a gamble and it can take time to find the suitable med for you. I would say it is worth a try though.", "rp_id": "eb97xgf", "seeker_post": "I'm curious about how anti-depressants have affected you. I've been dealing with depression since I was 12 (I'm nearly 19 now) and in the past, my doctor recommended anti-depressants. I was hesitant because I've had friends say it essentially makes you feel like an emotionless robot, so I ended up declining that option entirely. I feel like my depression has only gotten worse and worse and am now looking to meds as a last resort. To anyone currently/previously on anti-depressants, could you tell me how it's affected you both mentally and physically? Thank you all <3", "sp_id": "a3ucss" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I totally feel you, you are not alone", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Depressed since I was 9, I'm 23 nowI deal with the severe depression as it occurs and try to enjoy the times when it's milder.", "response_post": "Depressed since I was 9, I'm 23 now...I totally feel you, you are not alone. Thankfully life does seem to get better for each year that passes, I deal with the severe depression as it occurs and try to enjoy the times when it's milder. Good luck to you in life.", "rp_id": "dafzbcp", "seeker_post": "I've had depression since I was 8 years old and I am now 21 years old with no recovery.. This makes me incredibly scared of my future...", "sp_id": "5exud4" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Late at night is pretty much the only time I feel normal. Too bad I waste most of the night on sleep.", "response_post": "Late at night is pretty much the only time I feel normal. Too bad I waste most of the night on sleep.", "rp_id": "dwwibke", "seeker_post": "Does anyone else feel normal late at night?. I find myself depressed mostly morning-evening. However I feel content and relaxed late at night", "sp_id": "8a6nbe" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "feel free to message me if you want.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "weak explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "what do you have?", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "As someone who's felt the same", "response_post": "As someone who's felt the same, what do you have? And I'm speaking objectively, because I typically don't want to admit that I have what I need when I feel as you do. Not that I'm saying that you do have a lot, but your post doesn't necessarily shed a lot of light on what's going on. It's easy, or it has been for me, at least, to say that I don't know what to live for, in the past. Somebody out there cares, man/woman, small or large. I don't know what your situation is, by your post, but feel free to message me if you want.", "rp_id": "ddtar8i", "seeker_post": "Feeling dead inside. For the last 1-2 weeks feeling nothing inside, like most of the other people, dont know what to do. Thoughts in the middle of the night well, i might die, i dont have what to live for. Literally void of nothing, black space.", "sp_id": "5udu49" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "You deserve it! No one does!", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "You deserve it! No one does! should yourself, though. Try to roll with it instead of beating yourself down more. You could comfort yourself instead and see what that does.", "rp_id": "dyw38lq", "seeker_post": "Feel like I'm forgetting what enjoyment is. Time with my partner doesn't feel fulfilling, not like it did. Even my zoo job feels routine; I don't do much there, and today, I feel dull to it. I hate this; I don't deserve numbness, I should be grateful for my life. Depression, thieving fucker..", "sp_id": "8j0pu8" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Will pray for you my friend. Pray lift these things and issues up to God. Pray without ceasing. Put your faith and trust in the Lord that he would help you overcome these issues and struggles. I wish you the very best. God bless you my friend.", "rp_id": "e8799hm", "seeker_post": "The 20's. Are the 20's supposed to suck this bad. I want to fast forward to when my life gets better. Kind of like a click remote.", "sp_id": "9clfjw" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "Talk it all out here if you need toPM if you need help or need to talk, always willing to!YOU ARE NOT ALONE!", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!! You posting here proves that. No matter what give up. There is always a better day, a better year, and a better life. There is so much help waiting for you. Talk it all out here if you need to, we judge and we can all relate. Please rob the world of your life! PM if you need help or need to talk, always willing to!", "rp_id": "ds1l9jk", "seeker_post": "Feel so lonely and hopeless... My mind even clear enough to articulate my thoughts to write here clearly. I just feel so lonely and want to die.", "sp_id": "7ngkf3" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Exactly. Don't worry OP it will be ok, if one of your conversations got awkward just shrug it off, it doesn't fucking matter. If you see someone alone , go talk to them. If everyone is in a group just be like hey guys what's sup , again don't try to be weird just be yourself. People will accept you I promise. It's best if you try taking to one person, it has much better results so go do your thing", "rp_id": "dyxniz8", "seeker_post": "Lonely in a crowd. I'm hanging here at a party of about 75 drinking, and I feel completely alone.", "sp_id": "8j7t4g" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I just get more nervous because I suddenly have that happiness to lose. When Im depressed it is what it is, but when like carrying a bag of money through a bad neighbourhood at let me lose lol. I be happy if not risking something. The risk and fear of losing the happiness, is part of how I feel good.I feel proud that willing to take that risk. If that makes sense? Be careful with music, powerful. I have stuff I listen to because so good at effecting how I feel., if ever had an extreme sugar rush, or done cocaine lol", "response_post": "Yea, things go more wrong when happy. Kind of. Really I just get more nervous because I suddenly have that happiness to lose. When Im depressed it is what it is, but when like carrying a bag of money through a bad neighbourhood at let me lose lol. I be happy if not risking something. The risk and fear of losing the happiness, is part of how I feel good. Like, I feel proud that willing to take that risk. If that makes sense? Be careful with music, powerful. I have stuff I listen to because so good at effecting how I feel. Also, your brain releases a lot of chemicals when happy for the first time in a while, if ever had an extreme sugar rush, or done cocaine lol, it can be overwhelming. normal though.", "rp_id": "dvyu0kk", "seeker_post": "Feeling nervous when happy. So yesterday I felt happy for the first time in a while and switched from my depressing music to my happy music. I quickly switched back to my depressing music because the happiness made me feel uneasy and nervous. Anyone else have this happen to them?", "sp_id": "85o241" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I smoke haha but seriously maybe theres other things that you might enjoy. Before I lost all motivation for anything I used to like running till my body hurtIt releases endorphins and other good stuff. I can vouch, I felt good afterwards.", "response_post": "Replace cutting with something else. When you wanna cut do something else. I smoke haha but seriously maybe theres other things that you might enjoy. Before I lost all motivation for anything I used to like running till my body hurt. It releases endorphins and other good stuff. I can vouch, I felt good afterwards.", "rp_id": "d53v6ke", "seeker_post": "I don't why but I just cut myself out of sheer boredom. I don't know why this happens and how to stop.", "sp_id": "4rroe8" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Depression is a hard fight. I am 29, on meds and I still struggleI had terrible acne as a child and hated how I looked, but as I grew older I gained more friends through my humor. I only really have 2 friends but they are great friends. Quality over quantity and all that jazz. As for being single I too am in the double digit bus.I go from periods of loathing being alone to being numb to being okay with it. My friends and the things that make me laugh help ease that pain.", "response_post": "Depression is a hard fight. I am 29, on meds and I still struggle. All I can add is to start with yourself. Keep a daily routine, like hygiene or reading, find something that allows you to clear your mind and be calm. Go to work or go to school and be yourself. Always find something that can make you laugh. A great sense of humor and a good personality can for real change the way people see you. I had terrible acne as a child and hated how I looked, but as I grew older I gained more friends through my humor. I only really have 2 friends but they are great friends. Quality over quantity and all that jazz. As for being single I too am in the double digit bus. I go from periods of loathing being alone to being numb to being okay with it. My friends and the things that make me laugh help ease that pain.", "rp_id": "dtwwsfk", "seeker_post": "no friends for 10 years. no gf. ugly. wtf do i do?. I'm a 24 year old old man.", "sp_id": "7vzguc" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "When did you notice you're feeling crappy again?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "When did you notice you're feeling crappy again?", "rp_id": "dn66pqn", "seeker_post": "despite being on medication, the depression is coming back. it worked so well, i thought finally i can feel normal again well that were some nice 2 months but now im feeling like shit again have some side effects as well and in about 1 month ill see my psychiatrist again lets see if i can survive till then", "sp_id": "70voy4" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Medication. My panic would feed on itself to the point where I'd have done just about anything to make it stop", "response_post": "Medication. My panic would feed on itself to the point where I'd have done just about anything to make it stop.", "rp_id": "e4rpn7m", "seeker_post": "Anxiety/panic attacks. How do you guys deal with anxiety/panic attacks? I used to have them a lot and could discrease them but never really stop. But now they're back on like, almost daily basis and I really don't know how to handle them at all.", "sp_id": "99y2b5" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "Dude don't say that man your family loves you", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Dude don't say that man your family loves you and trust me you do not want cancer", "rp_id": "ebqr262", "seeker_post": "I wish i had cancer. So my family was helping me, instead of judging", "sp_id": "a60p68" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "actually, you've faced the biggest betrayal up to date. Wether a bigger betrayal will happen in the future or not, you can't know. so if i were you i'd try to get over it. Life may be short but a betrayal is just an event in the story. Flip the page and carry on!", "rp_id": "dazg0jr", "seeker_post": "Depressed.... I've faced the biggest betrayal ever, and I am depressed as shit. Any thoughts?", "sp_id": "5hduca" } exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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