{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "You should talk to your other friends who you had in common, not with us here...", "rp_id": "eegvnhv", "seeker_post": "A friend just died. A friend of mine just died. I don't feel anything, there's something that is very wrong with me. I should be more sadder but no, nothing, nada.", "sp_id": "ahlsym" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Not sure if you'll find this funny, but with each passing day, you *always* get closer to the day you die, natural or otherwise. Basically, suicidal or not, every day is a day closer to dying.", "rp_id": "d8zp1zv", "seeker_post": "Every single day I get closer to my eventual suicide.. Every single day it gets worse.", "sp_id": "58dpyy" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "All the time man, still remember when i used to go outside, play with friends, not worry about anything and just live life till that one day when everything just fell apart i lost my friends, my motivation to go outside and be social, my parents trust its all gone and i can't go back", "response_post": "All the time man, still remember when i used to go outside, play with friends, not worry about anything and just live life till that one day when everything just fell apart i lost my friends, my motivation to go outside and be social, my parents trust its all gone and i can't go back", "rp_id": "ea09y0w", "seeker_post": "Do you ever look back at the past few years of your life and realize how it has been slowly falling apart?. It makes me nauseous. I feel disgusted with myself.", "sp_id": "9ybhyr" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I support and am thankful for you, friend.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I support and am thankful for you, friend.", "rp_id": "dx3kwgh", "seeker_post": "im really tired. every day is too much.", "sp_id": "8b31ce" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "Don't they have two numbers?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "That's some poetic bollocks, right there. Don't they have two numbers? I've seen that someplace.", "rp_id": "cxyi5b9", "seeker_post": "I just got up the courage to ring Samaritans. The number on their website didn't work. Go figure.", "sp_id": "3wpbtb" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "It's only about 1:45, there's still time to get some sleep, even if you're up early. Ultimately worrying about sleep isn't going to help you relax, and that's just going to make it harder to sleep. Try to think about something else", "rp_id": "dkzpjyc", "seeker_post": "I cannot sleep!. Please why can't my brain just relax :(", "sp_id": "6qsp8v" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I can't remember the last time I went out with friends, I guess I'd have to have some first", "rp_id": "df38s83", "seeker_post": "Invisible. Went out tonight with a few friends. Went completely unnoticed again. Almost got into a scrap with some affliction wearing jock fag. Uneventful night otherwise as always. Why even bother.", "sp_id": "603c09" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Right now, I just fucked everything up", "response_post": "Right now, I just fucked everything up", "rp_id": "dl2fuob", "seeker_post": "Ever thought you were in a good, stable place and then one thing tips you off and you fall back down into the harrowing pit of despair so easily you question whether you'd made any progress at all ?. I just want to know and understand normal brain chemistry just once.", "sp_id": "6r0wrj" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Yes, but I dont know how because Im very emotional.", "response_post": "Yes, but I dont know how because Im very emotional.", "rp_id": "d6u9056", "seeker_post": "Anyone ever just want to disassociate from their emotions?. Emotions kinda suck. Maybe being a robot is better?", "sp_id": "4za3z1" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "Did you think you might die from it?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Did you think you might die from it?", "rp_id": "efb3r9b", "seeker_post": "Is this an attempt?. Is using your school id to make a noose and tie it around your neck a suicide attempt?", "sp_id": "al5o47" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "If she doesn't, you should ask about it. Talk at the beginning of the session and say I would really like to know your assessment of what's going on with me. I feel like it would really help me to know what you think, and what you think would help me get better", "rp_id": "d3mydqv", "seeker_post": "Will she give me a diagnosis?. Hey! I will see my psychologist next week for the 4th time and I'm curious. Will she ever give me a diagnosis or a detailed speech about what's wrong with me? because if not I know I will feel like shit I will just think that I don't deserve help.", "sp_id": "4lfgaf" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Brilliant. I sat here and mulled it over. I really like it.", "rp_id": "e0b3qdu", "seeker_post": "POEM:Hollow. ***EMPTY*** *rooms and* ***EMPTY*** ***SOULS*** ***FORGOTTEN*** *places and* ***HEART*** *shaped holes* ***DEPRESSION*** *comes with days of* ***STRUGGLE*** *and often times a* ***BLOODY PUDDLE*** UP\\-VOTES CURE MY DEPRESSION", "sp_id": "8pfmx8" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Nothing to be afraid of, would your bf be embarassed to go to hospital after breaking his finger? No. Why should you be scared to seek mental help, broken finger hurts, depression if not treated can kill, and in the worst way possible. Go and find yourself a therapist, someone you can tell all about your problems. Hope it works out.", "rp_id": "d9u5ky2", "seeker_post": "I'm terrified to seek help. I know I need help. Now. But I'm terrified, especially of what my bf will think. I know I shouldn't be but realistically it's a massive worry. I don't even know where to begin", "sp_id": "5c6vmi" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I feel the same fuck school", "response_post": "I feel the same fuck school", "rp_id": "dnai6tf", "seeker_post": "School is stressing me the fuck out. Makes everything feel so pointless", "sp_id": "71g1s5" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "Message me at any time, we are all in this fight together.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "On my broken days, my goals are to get up, take a shower, make a bowl of cereal. I'm a bit luckier than most, I have a wonderful wife and child, and they help me out when it comes to keeping myself moving forward. Just tiny things should be your goal. Eat an apple. Stretch. Take a shower, fuck, take a bath.", "response_post": "Here is a goal: get out of bed. I'm sure you are familiar with that crushing feeling where you just cant move because your depression is so fucking heavy. Just move a little bit. None is expecting you to be the fastest person in the race, we just want you to keep moving forward with us. A good goal is something achievable. On my broken days, my goals are to get up, take a shower, make a bowl of cereal. I'm a bit luckier than most, I have a wonderful wife and child, and they help me out when it comes to keeping myself moving forward. Just tiny things should be your goal. Eat an apple. Stretch. Take a shower, fuck, take a bath. Dont try to solve world hunger, just do what is possible for you. Message me at any time, we are all in this fight together.", "rp_id": "e4sr8de", "seeker_post": "I'm trying to set goals for myself this weekend but can't.... I just have no interest in living, doing anything for myself... I know that I should set some goals that accomplish something positive for myself but... I just can't... I can't think of anything I want to do...", "sp_id": "9a4oy8" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "are you quiet or shy?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "are you quiet or shy? that'll be why", "rp_id": "dinx5vb", "seeker_post": "My friends started to hang out without me and have straight up ditched me. I don't know what to do about it", "sp_id": "6g5jbx" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I occasionally deliberately start fist fights with my brother (who is a body builder) to kick start things. Or hanging out volunteering with kids; shit is the best. You get to read to them, or fucking play with my little ponies or Legos, watch cartoons.", "response_post": "Terror and pain always wakes me up. I occasionally deliberately start fist fights with my brother (who is a body builder) to kick start things. Or hanging out volunteering with kids; shit is the best. You get to read to them, or fucking play with my little ponies or Legos, watch cartoons.", "rp_id": "d1e10ra", "seeker_post": "I hate being so numb that I can't even force myself to cry.. I just want to feel something other than empty hopeless despair. Even if it isn't real.", "sp_id": "4c0k4h" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I've been on antidepressants for a few months now and I'm still very much myself. Honestly, I'm more myself now than before I was taking them, because now I can see the real me instead of it being blurred out by some dramatic cloud of self depreciation and suicidal thoughts.I've still got a long way to go and my depression is definitely still here but yeah. People take them because they help.", "response_post": "I've been on antidepressants for a few months now and I'm still very much myself. Honestly, I'm more myself now than before I was taking them, because now I can see the real me instead of it being blurred out by some dramatic cloud of self depreciation and suicidal thoughts. I've still got a long way to go and my depression is definitely still here but yeah. People take them because they help. I don't know where this idea that they turn everyone into emotionless robots comes from", "rp_id": "dj427ay", "seeker_post": "Why take anti-depressants? I don't understand. Why? If you do, than you aren't yourself. I want to be myself. I don't want to be some drugged-up person who isn't really me.", "sp_id": "6i75r4" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Hey dude i used to cry everday on the bus looking back at my awful day, so i grew my hair out super long so no one could see it. Maybe its better not to cry", "response_post": "Hey dude i used to cry everday on the bus looking back at my awful day, so i grew my hair out super long so no one could see it. Maybe its better not to cry", "rp_id": "d2qoi8b", "seeker_post": "I can't cry anymore. I haven't cried in over two years, I don't think I am anything anymore.", "sp_id": "4hlqkr" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "Are you also experiencing sadness?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Actually, if it continues over a long period of time, it could be depression. You shouldn't be feeling numb all of the time. Are you also experiencing sadness?", "rp_id": "drbn3yf", "seeker_post": "Is this depression?. I feel empty inside sometimes. There's nothing there. No thoughts, no emotions, nothing. I'm just hollow.", "sp_id": "7k50g7" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I am as well. The person who meant most to me threw me out like I suddenly meant nothing, and replaced me", "response_post": "I am as well. The person who meant most to me threw me out like I suddenly meant nothing, and replaced me. He's happier now too.", "rp_id": "dnh0bny", "seeker_post": "When your friends all abandon you and you forgot what it's like to bottle everything. Having to go back to sucking it up and holding everything in and not having anybody to turn to hurts so much. Especially when I was used to somebody caring about me. That's what happens when your just disposable I guess.", "sp_id": "72a8dp" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Not a book but you should search up a spoken word poet on youtube called ' Shane Koyczan '. I was never into poetry until I heard some of his work. His voice is so passionate and calming and the visual effects help to focus.. for me anyway Personal favorites are: Troll When I was a kid To this day", "rp_id": "digd4gy", "seeker_post": "Books to read that can help me with my anxiety. Hi everyone. It is a very difficult time in my life right now and would like to start reading some uplifting books to get my mind on other thoughts.. Any book recommendations?", "sp_id": "6f91tb" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I wish there was an easy way to die. Like one pill I could just pop. Unfortunately everything has to be messy", "response_post": "I wish there was an easy way to die. Like one pill I could just pop. Unfortunately everything has to be messy", "rp_id": "e9ii5j5", "seeker_post": "First thought every time I wake up. Is how and should you kill yourself today. be a good sign.", "sp_id": "9w80y9" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "if you do feel like talking about it more feel free to send me a message. Keep going with the journey and stay strong", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "It's a sad reality that everything comes to an end and that we're not given an exact explanation of why we're here or what the meaning of it all is. The way I see it is that we're here to give our life meaning one way or another. Since we don't know the meaning we have to make the meaning. Some people find that through their work, family, helping others, etc. Life is full of endless possibilities of what we can do with it. It's hard getting to the point where we feel like we're happy or accomplished but that in itself is another aspect of life and finding meaning. For some people it could take most of their lives to find the meaning that they were looking for and in my view I'd rather spend my whole life looking for that meaning and helping who I can along the way than to just accept that there's no meaning to it and end it since that's not really an answer. I may never get the answer myself but I can at least enjoy the journey leading to the end and maybe that in and of itself was the meaning all along. You'll meet many varieties of people throughout your life who will give you different perspectives of what meaning is to them and maybe that will help you on your journey and maybe it won't. We have the time we're given and what we do with it is dependent on us. Even after we die and join the rest of the universe in it's infinite there'll still be people around who will say, Hey remember u/OkayScience, I want to do what he did and live my life to its fullest. We can still be remembered for the life we lived even after we're gone and in that way we'll essentially live forever. This is the way I see life and it helps me from time to time. I still have my bad days and sometimes consider if it's all worth it but then I just keep going because I won't know if I just stop here. Plus it helps talking to people about it at times and if you do feel like talking about it more feel free to send me a message. Keep going with the journey and stay strong since you'll find your meaning in time.", "rp_id": "digzwe0", "seeker_post": "What's the point?. Why am I supposed to stay alive? I don't want to reproduce and I don't care for anyone in my life. I don't see a point, especially if I'm just going to die in the end.", "sp_id": "6fb9i5" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "Are u boy or girl?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Are u boy or girl??", "rp_id": "dhjdhra", "seeker_post": "I'm a fucking attention whore. You can't hide the truth", "sp_id": "6b2tc9" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Yes. Doing anything is good. Specially these things that are just for yourself. It can be hard or even seem silly but if it is something you had to convince yourself to do and then managed to do it. That is good.", "rp_id": "doce45v", "seeker_post": "For the first time in a month or two I brushed my teeth and washed my face.. Everything seems to be too difficult to deal with, but at least I could get myself to do these simple tasks again.", "sp_id": "769n53" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I'm sorry.", "emotionalStrength": "strong emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I'm sorry. I wish I could help. I feel the same way.", "rp_id": "dy1jo3s", "seeker_post": "I give up. I’ve accepted the fact that my depression and anxiety will never be gone for me. I will live with this shit for the rest of my pathetic life.. No matter what good thing comes into my life, those things will always manage to ruin it.", "sp_id": "8f8qqe" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Yeah. My parents took me to a psychologist when I was a teenager, and that was one of the questions she asked me. I felt two things. 1. How would I know? I don't know what normal is. I only know what my experience is. How would you? How could you even measure that? It's not like there are distinct and separate thoughts you can count, it's just a flow. 2. What kind of terrible precedent does that set? Since when is thinking bad?", "response_post": "Yeah. My parents took me to a psychologist when I was a teenager, and that was one of the questions she asked me. I felt two things. 1. How would I know? I don't know what normal is. I only know what my experience is. How would you? How could you even measure that? It's not like there are distinct and separate thoughts you can count, it's just a flow. 2. What kind of terrible precedent does that set? Since when is thinking bad?", "rp_id": "d64atow", "seeker_post": "You think too much confirms what I've always believed.... Most people think too little.", "sp_id": "4w650t" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I'm sorry man", "emotionalStrength": "strong emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I'm sorry man. I wish I could take the pain away.", "rp_id": "dbhj318", "seeker_post": "The woman I love is getting married in 2 weeks. I'm in denial. I'm in pain. She's all I want.", "sp_id": "5jngfn" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "If you don't count my mother or family members, about 3 years.", "response_post": "If you don't count my mother or family members, about 3 years.", "rp_id": "dfgfa4q", "seeker_post": "When was the last time.... Someone gave you a hug?", "sp_id": "61par0" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "What have you been failing at?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "What have you been failing at?", "rp_id": "e9o12xv", "seeker_post": "What's the point sometimes?. I try and fail. I try again and fail again. I want to fix my Playstation and get lost.", "sp_id": "9wxbo1" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "But tunnels always have an end.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I want to repeat other comments, but do it. There is nothing afterwards, this is your one chance and you have to make it count. Life is like a train ride, there are turns, twists, hills, curves, but sometimes there are tunnels. And when your in the tunnel for a while you look back and forward but see nothing but darkness, it feels like it is all that is has been and will be. But tunnels always have an end. This train ride of life will get you where you want to go, as long as you get off early.", "rp_id": "ec8bztk", "seeker_post": "I could easily do it right now. It seems so easy to me. Nobody cares now. But they all will soon.", "sp_id": "a85ljt" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I guess for like short moments everyone has done it, but most wont remember it since it wasn't really a serious thought, just a quick idea.", "rp_id": "e2fkcub", "seeker_post": "Do non depressed people really not think about suicide?. Even when I wouldn't have concidered myself depressed I still thought about it quite often. It blows my mind when people say they have never thought about suicide. I feel like everyone has at least thought about it once right?", "sp_id": "8z2fy2" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "It's nice how you care for them", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Ask them what's wrong, what's troubling you, how do you feel, what did you do today, how did it begin, when did it begin. But don't ask like you're interrogating them. Say it in a nice tone. Don't say it gets better, or life is worth living, etc. It's annoying to the person, always. It's nice how you care for them :)", "rp_id": "dee9vnn", "seeker_post": "help please. what do you say when someone says everything is wrong", "sp_id": "5x02or" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I'm sorry there isn't anything I can say to help", "emotionalStrength": "strong emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Well fair enough. I'm sorry there isn't anything I can say to help :/", "rp_id": "dr3dbbm", "seeker_post": "Another great start to the week. Just found out I have a practical today I thought it was next week. Guess I'm failing at yet another thing in my life", "sp_id": "7j313g" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "That's my dream", "response_post": "That's my dream. Just hitch a ride to amsterdam and try to find some job", "rp_id": "di8dr2m", "seeker_post": "I just want to drive away from this city and start again.... But I don't have a car.", "sp_id": "6e8c95" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "It will work out, things will get better but you have to try and make them better.The truth is you're a loving caring compassionate kind person and deserves someone who wants you always", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I am also going through a break up and depression came with it.", "response_post": "Thing will only start looking up when you do. Its ok to feel down and hurt for a bit, but don't let it consume you. I briefly looked through your post history, you're going through a break up, it's understandable. I am also going through a break up and depression came with it. You gave your heart to someone and expected them to so the same. When they didn't you became devastated. The truth is you're a loving caring compassionate kind person and deserves someone who wants you always. It will work out, things will get better but you have to try and make them better.", "rp_id": "d54priu", "seeker_post": "Will things ever start looking up. I'm on a downward spiral with no hope", "sp_id": "4rub18" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "hey, wanna talk? im here for ya if ya want!", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "hey, wanna talk? im here for ya if ya want!", "rp_id": "d1mcspf", "seeker_post": "Oh ya. Fuck living!!!!! Wish I was dead!!!!!! I fucking hate life", "sp_id": "4cubbr" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "My hairdresser place always washes your hair and is still relatively cheap, I tell you those 5 minutes feel so damn good. It feels so nice to be touched, especially by a woman.", "response_post": "My hairdresser place always washes your hair and is still relatively cheap, I tell you those 5 minutes feel so damn good. It feels so nice to be touched, especially by a woman. Sounds creepy, but Idc", "rp_id": "dosdbz1", "seeker_post": "I'm so touch starved that I physically cannot fall asleep unless I have two pillows either side of me.. One for hugging, one for warmth. I genuinely look forward to going to bed. Those mornings where I wake up earlier then usual and can indulge in some daydreams while feeling completely safe and calm are my favourite.", "sp_id": "7838g0" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I'll be thinking this all night tonight.", "rp_id": "d8zon5y", "seeker_post": "Don't you hate it when.... ... you feel so guilty about living your life and being a burden to everyone, so you decide to commit suicide. But you can't because you feel too guilty about making others around you devastated because of your death.", "sp_id": "58e77l" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I'm glad it's a good day!", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I'm glad it's a good day!", "rp_id": "d856gx8", "seeker_post": "Wish me bday!. I have been severely depressed since last few weeks and thought my bday would be just as awful. But it's actually turning out great. I am actually happy it's my bday ! :)", "sp_id": "54uxww" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "That's a bit dark. How did you get here?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "That's a bit dark. How did you get here?", "rp_id": "e12c4pj", "seeker_post": "There is no help. Somebody just fucking kill me. There's nothing I can do", "sp_id": "8sueoe" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Some days depression can be worse than others. Just try to make it until tomorrow. :)", "rp_id": "d6xylvy", "seeker_post": "Lonely. I feel so alone. It's been going on for awhile now. There are people around me all the time, but it's like I'm invisible. I just want it to end. Loneliness really hurts. It's gotten to a really bad point. I may as well be gone.", "sp_id": "4zqjob" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I always say", "response_post": "I always say Still alive", "rp_id": "dag92n8", "seeker_post": "I love lying to customers. How are you? Good, Thank you!", "sp_id": "5ey9m8" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Good, glad. Do your best at work and I wish you the best :)", "rp_id": "egdsxp0", "seeker_post": "I can’t get up. I am in bed awake. I need to go to work, but I move. I feel awful about it, I just need to get up. I took yesterday off, I take today off too", "sp_id": "aq6thj" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "Hang in there bud.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Of course you don't have to be perfect. As long as you're doing your best, that's all you can do. Everyone makes mistakes, no one is perfect. Hang in there bud.", "rp_id": "dqx4tac", "seeker_post": "Can somebody tell me it'll be okay?. That I'm doing fine? That I don't have to be perfect and that I haven't really done anything wrong?", "sp_id": "7i9p0y" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "wanna talk? msg me if ya someone to talk to", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "i have been where you are", "response_post": "wanna talk? msg me if ya want. im not gonna tell you what to do or why your life is not fucked. but im someone to talk to and i have been where you are and might understand you, in some way.", "rp_id": "e16jj3m", "seeker_post": "im fucked. im whole life is fucked", "sp_id": "8tcxx6" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "You're not alone with that.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "You're not alone with that.", "rp_id": "dslzdew", "seeker_post": "Why?. The question i often ask myself...Why? Whats wrong with me?", "sp_id": "7q2t44" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "It didn't work for me (only get worse)", "response_post": "It can. It didn't work for me (only get worse) but maybe it will a good experience for you. I really hope ...", "rp_id": "dqgnrm5", "seeker_post": "Am I the only one ?. Is anyone not going to school or work?", "sp_id": "7g53g3" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Therapy and meds. I go to support groups every Thursday. I avoid alcohol. I read and write everyday.", "response_post": "Therapy and meds. I go to support groups every Thursday. I avoid alcohol. I read and write everyday.", "rp_id": "e7vg8k2", "seeker_post": "Do you cope well with Bipolar Disorder and if so, how do you do it?. And if you don't, why not?", "sp_id": "9onf35" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "If you are not happy and you are not ill then you need to do different things.", "rp_id": "d9ex8om", "seeker_post": "melancholic. I'm not depressed. I've been depressed a few years ago and I know what that was like - the mindset I was in where I beat myself up, felt shitty about everything I did, thought constantly about suicide, had weird emotions about my close friends/family and pushed them out..... i'm not there anymore. this isn't depression. where i am now...i'm just not happy. nothing i do makes me happy. it doesn't mean i'm sad, or that i beat myself up, or i'm suicidal. i can have confidence in myself yet also not find joy in my life, and that's where i am right now. i don't know what's worse. at least before i sort of knew how to get out of that mindset....", "sp_id": "5aa7u1" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Maybe that is why we all are naturally depressed", "rp_id": "dp1n349", "seeker_post": "I'll never be anyone's priority.... even though they are mine. :(", "sp_id": "79ca70" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "It sucks that depression is part of my life, but it gives my character a unique value that is missing in others. Still would rather feel good without falling back into the void every time.", "response_post": "The same advice applies to them in one regard. Need to know sadness to really be happy. It sucks that depression is part of my life, but it gives my character a unique value that is missing in others. Still would rather feel good without falling back into the void every time.", "rp_id": "e23dtmu", "seeker_post": "I get a horrible comedown after fun days of socializing. After good times with friends, I get home and feel exceptionally lonely and empty.. Maybe being an introvert it is just a draining affect? I dunno. It stinks when depression smacks you in the face after a while of feeling ok or even good.", "sp_id": "8x7msu" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "weak interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Lmao that's my plan honestly. Got sick of it, can't stomach shelling out $700+ a month when I earn $8 an hour just for a shitty apartment I'll never have time to spend in because I'm worried about making the rent for it.It's depressing and monotonous. I'm personally building a van to live out of right now, I plan to leave in the summer. I think of you have any itch to get out there and do something that makes you feel whole you should do itI've dealt with depression long enough and frankly I'm sick of it, so I'm trying something a little new. Travel, fresh people, fresh scenes, fresh work. It won't be the most luxurious life but it'll probably provide more than the norm of working all day every day", "response_post": "Lmao that's my plan honestly. Got sick of it, can't stomach shelling out $700+ a month when I earn $8 an hour just for a shitty apartment I'll never have time to spend in because I'm worried about making the rent for it. It's depressing and monotonous. I'm personally building a van to live out of right now, I plan to leave in the summer. I think of you have any itch to get out there and do something that makes you feel whole you should do it. I've dealt with depression long enough and frankly I'm sick of it, so I'm trying something a little new. Travel, fresh people, fresh scenes, fresh work. It won't be the most luxurious life but it'll probably provide more than the norm of working all day every day.", "rp_id": "dw1cmgr", "seeker_post": "Depression and capitalism. Does anyone else feel the way we have set up our western societies has helped trigger depression? I know when I think about life, surviving constantly but never happy, never truly living I become immortalised in depression and anger. Sometimes I feel buying land, living with a bunch of like minded folks and working as a mini community would help my feelings of utter contempt for life.", "sp_id": "85zveo" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "All the time.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "On paper, my life is fucking fantastic, but I'm still always sad. And I don't know how to make it better, because everything's already pretty great", "response_post": "All the time. On paper, my life is fucking fantastic, but I'm still always sad. And I don't know how to make it better, because everything's already pretty great", "rp_id": "d89a6uw", "seeker_post": "does anyone ever feel like this?. You feel sad, but you don't know what you're sad about?", "sp_id": "55bxju" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "Does it matter at that point what I want?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Does it matter at that point what I want? They're the ones left making sense of it. Let them do whatever they want.", "rp_id": "d1kvnq0", "seeker_post": "Anyone else not want a funeral or any services?. It gives me anxiety just thinking about it.", "sp_id": "4crhso" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Yea i wish I had someone who truly understood", "response_post": "Yea i wish I had someone who truly understood.", "rp_id": "daa5rl6", "seeker_post": "I wish I had a depressed friend.. It would help him and me.", "sp_id": "5e6w4s" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I also call it going to bed", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "But its 1 am my time and I'm still too awake to sleep", "response_post": "I also call it going to bed... But its 1 am my time and I'm still too awake to sleep", "rp_id": "dm9tt5p", "seeker_post": "Some people call it going to bed depressed. I just call it going to bed", "sp_id": "6wpqm5" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "When i have good days i think about what was different. Many times my good days are ones i spent someplace else by myself. Like a town the next county over, for example. Recently i went into a city at dusk and just walked around by myself. I was never", "response_post": "When i have good days i think about what was different. Many times my good days are ones i spent someplace else by myself. Like a town the next county over, for example. Recently i went into a city at dusk and just walked around by myself. I was never alone but i wasn't around anyone who knew me. It was good. Didn't end the dep but it was good.", "rp_id": "dmmccze", "seeker_post": "Does anyone else feel like being alone actually helps depression?. It's strange but it seems like when I'm away from people I can just be myself and do whatever without anyone criticising me, and I can also just enjoy the silence.", "sp_id": "6yao7x" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "like all emotions have been blocked off from me", "response_post": "like all emotions have been blocked off from me..", "rp_id": "dtigkmt", "seeker_post": ":(. I feel like i no longer have emotions", "sp_id": "7u6d2c" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "If you need someone to talk to, I'm here.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "What seems to be weighing you down lately?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "What seems to be weighing you down lately? If you need someone to talk to, I'm here. :)", "rp_id": "d02uwsw", "seeker_post": "Can't move. I don't want to expose myself to the outside world right now. They always ask me what I do. Right now, I'm not doing much. I feel extremely heavy. I can't move and I just want to die.", "sp_id": "466esw" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Then makes some, and create your own future. Not the one you think people expect of you", "rp_id": "e7ehe54", "seeker_post": "what will i be able to make of myself. no accomplishments. got nothing to look forward to", "sp_id": "9mgu59" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "It seems that's how I've been operating for a few years myself - doing things because I have to not because I want to. At least we're doing them, maybe we'll get our mojo back and want to do something later", "response_post": "Perhaps that's not such a bad thing for the time being - at least it sounds like you're still doing the necessities of life whether you want to or not and whether there's anything resembling pleasure in it. It seems that's how I've been operating for a few years myself - doing things because I have to not because I want to. At least we're doing them, maybe we'll get our mojo back and want to do something later.", "rp_id": "d0gjwwh", "seeker_post": "No motivation, only obligation.. The motto of my current life.", "sp_id": "47u2q9" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "feel free to pm me if you need to chat.No judgments from me, just ready to listenso feel free to say anything you want or need.Please stay strong.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Hey there, feel free to pm me if you need to chat. No judgments from me, just ready to listen, so feel free to say anything you want or need. Please stay strong.", "rp_id": "e0aoa84", "seeker_post": "Can anyone help me im in pain. Im in chronic pain and ready to kill myself", "sp_id": "8pelt1" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "Hey i feel ya", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "today is my 20th bday, Im drunk in the middle of the day and thinking how to end everything asap", "response_post": "Hey i feel ya, today is my 20th bday, Im drunk in the middle of the day and thinking how to end everything asap", "rp_id": "dht6sap", "seeker_post": "Tomorrow I turn 22 years old but today I woke up with suicidal thoughts.. I've been trying to convince myself that I'm okay and that my life will get better but it's not.", "sp_id": "6cajjn" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "really depressed right now and I feel like it helps me been drunk that past 5/6 days and as soon as I sober up I feel like I do anythingI suppose the hangovers make it worse for a few days but when drunk worth not feeling as bad as I do when not drinking, I stand being sober and dealing with my thoughts. a bad cycle but I like to drink until my life kinda brightens up a little bit that way easier to be hungover", "response_post": "really depressed right now and I feel like it helps me been drunk that past 5/6 days and as soon as I sober up I feel like I do anything . I suppose the hangovers make it worse for a few days but when drunk worth not feeling as bad as I do when not drinking, I stand being sober and dealing with my thoughts. a bad cycle but I like to drink until my life kinda brightens up a little bit that way easier to be hungover", "rp_id": "eb1j54d", "seeker_post": "Thoughts on drinking.. Makes you feel better, calmer, but just more depressed", "sp_id": "a2vulb" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "for me i think its a little of both", "rp_id": "d3etau8", "seeker_post": "Am I alone because I'm depressed, or am I depressed because I'm alone?. It's been so long, I don't remember anymore...", "sp_id": "4kgmlf" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "hang in thereust get through the day. tomorrow is a brand new can get through this i promise", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "you can get through this i promise. hang in there, just get through the day. tomorrow is a brand new day.", "rp_id": "dvcc9kd", "seeker_post": "Aaaaaaand..... ... im crying in school again :)", "sp_id": "82n00x" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "Does your school have any counseling or therapy?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Does your school have any counseling or therapy? I think depression amongst grad students is way too common", "rp_id": "dpu6xnn", "seeker_post": "Are there any graduate students with depression?. I feel so alone here. This is slowly killing me. I feel alone. Everybody in my program they all have shit going for them. I made zero friends so far. Anybody???", "sp_id": "7d0y7r" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "You have one of the best names ever seen.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "You have one of the best names ever seen.", "rp_id": "dwk0ev3", "seeker_post": "getting ghosted. I just started getting ghosted by another person.", "sp_id": "88em9f" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Lots of cannabis, which I can't even use much anymore since I lost my job", "response_post": "Lots of cannabis, which I can't even use much anymore since I lost my job", "rp_id": "d3riy4i", "seeker_post": "What are your strategies for staying functional enough to complete schoolwork, etc?. Due to feeling like garbage, losing memory/attention, and anxiety, I have trouble doing work for school. Actually, I'm probably just a lazy piece of trash, but the problem still stands. For those who are on top of things: how do you manage it all?", "sp_id": "4lz36y" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I tried one once. It was a cool experience, but I'm also afraid of the dark, so it was a little anxiety inducing (they had a button to turn the lights on though)", "response_post": "I tried one once. It was a cool experience, but I'm also afraid of the dark, so it was a little anxiety inducing (they had a button to turn the lights on though). I don't know if it's really helpful, but it's still something I'd recommend, even if just for the experience", "rp_id": "ee8llx5", "seeker_post": "Float tanks?. Has anybody had any luck using float tanks for depression/anxiety?", "sp_id": "agpgmn" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I have many times i have made plans and let them go i want to try agean just to get away from it all i just want to hop on a train and go whare it goes and maby be hapy for once in a long time", "response_post": "I have many times i have made plans and let them go i want to try agean just to get away from it all i just want to hop on a train and go whare it goes and maby be hapy for once in a long time sorry for bad gramer and bad spelling", "rp_id": "eb91cin", "seeker_post": "Do you ever feel like running away?. Do you ever just feel like running away somewhere far away, move to another city or country, changing your whole identity, exploring new things, finding new opportunities and meeting new people. Just leave this life behind and start a new one.", "sp_id": "a3phop" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "When it comes to trust in humans, it comes down to expectations. What are your expectations?", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I trust my dogs and cats more than humans. Humans are fallible. Animals are just who they are", "response_post": "I trust my dogs and cats more than humans. Humans are fallible. Animals are just who they are. When it comes to trust in humans, it comes down to expectations. What are your expectations? When you enter into a relationship, it is something you should talk about. If you don't, you will find that everyone has different expectations. And you will never find a relationship in which you can trust.", "rp_id": "dxywljk", "seeker_post": "I trust my cat more than i trust humans. Actually no, i dont trust humans at all.. Im so done being used and lied to.", "sp_id": "8ex05i" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Yes. And i do like some company. I'm a confused person. Sometimes I like being alone, No one around me, sometimes I want someone with me", "response_post": "Yes. And i do like some company. I'm a confused person. Sometimes I like being alone, No one around me, sometimes I want someone with me .", "rp_id": "ea23qag", "seeker_post": "does anyone else feel so much better just staying in their room by themselves for as long as possible?. i just wanna sleep and be by myself for a while but life responsibilities just let me. god i miss being able to stay home for days on end without anyone or anything else bugging me", "sp_id": "9yf8st" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "That's wonderful news, you should be proud of that progress.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "That's wonderful news, you should be proud of that progress.", "rp_id": "dslp51s", "seeker_post": "I got upset but for the first time since I got ill with depression, I didn't cut.. Had another cry because I was so proud of myself.", "sp_id": "7px0ul" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "My gut reaction is that if you were just insisting in wallowing in misery, you wouldn't be wondering about this.", "rp_id": "dwgzyrt", "seeker_post": "Self-doubt. Sometimes I wonder whether I'm just going through a teenage phase. Even though I've been diagnosed with depression, part of me just wonders whether I'm lying to myself and just insisting in wallowing in misery. Just needed to get this off my chest.", "sp_id": "8813yy" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I feel the exact same way as you doIf ever want to talk about PMDon't be to hard on yourself everyone in the world is loved by someone.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I feel the exact same way as you do and I'm tell my self that I'm fine. If ever want to talk about PM. I feel when you talk about your lonliness it helps to get through. I use discord and WhatsApp if that's your thing. Don't be to hard on yourself everyone in the world is loved by someone.", "rp_id": "dqvo9tp", "seeker_post": "I don’t think people love me. They love versions of me I have spun for them, versions of me they have construed in their minds. The easy versions of me, the easy parts of me to love.. But no one will ever love me", "sp_id": "7hvmne" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I hope you find someone", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "Do you have a tinge of 'why the fuck did I do that' after watching porn?", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I haven't, but I just try and remember friends, cute girls, whom I'd never imagine in that situation.", "response_post": "I think porn and affection are different really. You wouldn't love a friend just to fuck them, you love someone emotionally. Do you have a tinge of 'why the fuck did I do that' after watching porn? I used to see a lot of shit. It takes time to quit this drug that controls your actions. I hope you find someone, I haven't, but I just try and remember friends, cute girls, whom I'd never imagine in that situation. Buy a scarf and choke yourself until it hurts if you want to think straight.", "rp_id": "dlqk81g", "seeker_post": "Anyone else rely on porn to suppress the fact that you can't find love?. I feel like absolute crap when I watch porn but then again I don't have a girlfriend, or someone that I like to consider me to love. It's fucking corny but I thought it would help to share my thoughts, anyone else?", "sp_id": "6u6xx5" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Most do it even when they aren't depressed just to feel relaxed.", "response_post": "Having a drink is okay now and then. Most do it even when they aren't depressed just to feel relaxed. If you have problems with it then yes it can be bad for you.", "rp_id": "dn6helf", "seeker_post": "I need a drink. I know it doesn't help, I know it makes things worse, but I need an hour or two away from all the stupid little things that keep snowballing into stupid big things.", "sp_id": "70wx6v" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Same I'm tired of waking up exhausted even though I get a good amount of sleep.", "response_post": "Same I'm tired of waking up exhausted even though I get a good amount of sleep. Life is general is bullshit", "rp_id": "dp8fz56", "seeker_post": "I just want to stop existing. This feeling never goes away", "sp_id": "7a92ij" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I know the feeling", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I know the feeling :(", "rp_id": "de58vtz", "seeker_post": "��. I wish I could just drop this charade of happiness. My feelings aren't even mine anymore. I worry about putting stress on my loved ones. I'm so tired of this constant front that I have to put up when all I want to do is just cry.", "sp_id": "5vusnd" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "Hang there if you can.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Misery loves company...I just moved to a new state a month ago. Quit my job, left my family. The only", "response_post": "Misery loves company...I just moved to a new state a month ago. Quit my job, left my family. The only friends I have right now are my landlady and realtor. It's really fucking shitty some days. Hang there if you can.", "rp_id": "dkjpuf6", "seeker_post": "I feel so lonely. That's all I have to say today.", "sp_id": "6ohxzt" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I just sent my support out, it should arrive in a few weeks", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I just sent my support out, it should arrive in a few weeks, $3.95 shipping charges.", "rp_id": "e0l9xhu", "seeker_post": "Just need some support!. not feeling well at all. stuck in this place I want to be in, I get out of here because mandatory. I feel anxious and depressed, you know the drill. All asking is for a comment or maybe a hug. I need something to distract myself with, music help, really that bad.", "sp_id": "8qqmo9" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Most people don't care enough to do that once they've cried a little.", "response_post": "being depressed means you're almost as sad as you can get, the fact your thinking about your friend is how you know you cared. Most people don't care enough to do that once they've cried a little.", "rp_id": "ddortqe", "seeker_post": "A very dear friend died and i dont feel very different. Ever since the last year i was trying to convince myself that im not depressed and not diferent in any way from others around me but yesterday a very close friend died in a crash accident and my state of mind has not changed. Dont get me wrong, last night i cried whenever i thought of her but my mind and anxiety have not gotten worse nor better. 2 years ago, my school friend died in a suicide jump from a bridge and i know how i felt on that day and it's diferent now because then i felt diferent after hearing the news. Now i just felt like i needed to cry a bit, no sudden sorrow or anxiety attack, and that's what scares me that i trully am depressed. Can anyone give me some insight on what's going on with me.", "sp_id": "5tsuvo" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I can't deal with it, I just push through everyday", "response_post": "I can't deal with it, I just push through everyday", "rp_id": "d4fnipe", "seeker_post": "depression. how do you deal with it", "sp_id": "4ou6k1" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "By spending time with people, in person. You'll probably fuck up a lot, make lots of social faux pas, feel like your the biggest idiot in the world (I do pretty regularly). However after a while you'll get better at being a 'normie'. Well as normal as people can be. We're all a fucking mess with no idea what we're doing, we just find other people who are a mess that are fun to hang out with.", "rp_id": "djirooi", "seeker_post": "how does a weirdo become a normie ?. i need help on this -_-", "sp_id": "6jwgyo" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Preferably neither but if not an option then just run. Just die", "rp_id": "e4roe4t", "seeker_post": "Depression. Contemplating wether I should run away and never see my family again or commit suicide...", "sp_id": "9a00i3" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "What day is your birthday?Do we have the same birthday?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "What day is your birthday? I turn 17 on February 6th! Do we have the same birthday?", "rp_id": "dt2pily", "seeker_post": "My birthday is in 15 days.. I have never felt so unexcited & Apathetic about my birthday in my entire life. Happy early birthday to me..", "sp_id": "7s7ohy" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I did several months on citalopram but eventually got moved onto escitalopram. I'm now taking Wellbutrin with the latter. Much improved.", "response_post": "I did several months on citalopram but eventually got moved onto escitalopram. I'm now taking Wellbutrin with the latter. Much improved.", "rp_id": "drk2ylm", "seeker_post": "Does anyone have an experience with Citalopram?. I have been put on it due to my depression getting worse. I was wondering if anyone has been put on it and what are your experiences with it? Do you find it's helped you?", "sp_id": "7l5o4v" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I hate it when people say that. It makes you feel so guilty for", "response_post": "I hate it when people say that. It makes you feel so guilty for whining.", "rp_id": "d3txksm", "seeker_post": "Does anyone feel like your problems are insignificant compared others, yet they still seem like a heavy burden?. For example, compared to the lives that some other people had to endure, my life isn't too hard. However, my problems still feel like weights on my mind.", "sp_id": "4m5haa" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "currently in a relationship. I keep thinking going to breakup with me or cheat on me. My anxiety fucks it all up", "response_post": "currently in a relationship. I keep thinking going to breakup with me or cheat on me. My anxiety fucks it all up.", "rp_id": "e2fxl9v", "seeker_post": "Has anyone else ever gone through hell, then met the person of their dreams, the person they're meant to spend the rest of their life with, and then you fuck it up forever because you felt it was too good to be true so you constantly started fights to make it feel like it wasn't a dream?. Fuck man, I hate myself so much now. I don't hate my heart. I hate my brain. I hate my consciousness. My subconscious fuckin warned me to wake the fuck up and stop ruining things. But I didn't listen.", "sp_id": "8z2iq9" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Happy birthday dude, it's actually my birthday as well today!", "rp_id": "dk2w4ug", "seeker_post": "It's my birthday today, but I dread it every year. I feel like my friends are slowly forgetting about me or not caring anymore..", "sp_id": "6mluo8" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I'm the opposite of this. I just ask Can today be worse than what it already is? And Can it be worse than yesterday? Somehow it always manages to get worse.", "rp_id": "eew57bl", "seeker_post": "Every day I think; this can't get any worse. And without fail, the next day proves me wrong.", "sp_id": "ajhuga" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I don't but I wish I did :/", "rp_id": "dxntn69", "seeker_post": "Does anyone else hate socialization?. I don't enjoy social contact and try to avoid it when I can. I never enjoy hanging out with any of my friends. Does anyone else have this? Is it depression, bipolar, or social anxiety? Or could it be something else?", "sp_id": "8dk85o" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Yep, I was actually feeling pretty good about myself this morning, but now a total 180 and I think a disgusting freak never going to find love", "response_post": "Yep, I was actually feeling pretty good about myself this morning, but now a total 180 and I think a disgusting freak never going to find love... I hate myself", "rp_id": "eehax4z", "seeker_post": "Do you ever just feel bad for yourself for no reason. My mood can go from okay to wow a worthless piece of shit that deserve love I see people who have their shit together but here I am 27 and working at a restaurant I wallow in my self pity and I seem to change that", "sp_id": "ahrg14" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I even put up with bad books. Anything that gets me thinking about something else.", "response_post": "I even put up with bad books. Anything that gets me thinking about something else.", "rp_id": "dabxoy3", "seeker_post": "I honestly need an answer.. What do you do when you're so down in the dumps and stuck in your own head with revolving negative thoughts over and over and over and over again? Literally 1 thing that has helped you in the past. Please.", "sp_id": "5eexwk" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "chances are not as irreparable as you think. Time will heal most wounds", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Whoa, easy. Whoever she is, and whatever you did, chances are not as irreparable as you think. Time will heal most wounds. And if it is really irreparable, then you move on. One incident is not indicative of your worth as a human being, nor does one opinion determine whether you are good or bad. It might hurt to move on, like *really* hurt, but alright. normal.", "rp_id": "dyufd5z", "seeker_post": "i shouldn’t be allowed to be close to people emotionally. i hurt her i hurt her its all my fault she hates me its irreparable i hate myself i shoudnt be allowed to get close all i do is hurt others all i do is bring pain", "sp_id": "8ism9n" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "have you considered getting a pet?", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "generally people who like keeping a plant alive would love to have a happy, living pet around them", "response_post": "I'm going to buy a few lemon plants and plant them in a cute Groot pot just for this reason. Btw, have you considered getting a pet? I don't like pets (bad childhood experience with wild dogs) so it's not for me, but generally people who like keeping a plant alive would love to have a happy, living pet around them", "rp_id": "e5305ra", "seeker_post": "Bamboo. I bought a bamboo plant from my local chinese store a few years ago when I first started feeling depressed. To this day or is still alive. Just wanted to tell people that I feel proud I can keep something more alive than myself.", "sp_id": "9bh63s" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Some people are sensitive. Don't change the good things about yourself just because some people don't understand silence.", "rp_id": "dxskols", "seeker_post": "Does everyone think i hate them?. I recently was hanging out with this girl who said she thought I hated her last year, it hit me kinda hard, I'm extremely quiet and I just wish I could know everyone's opinion of me.", "sp_id": "8e5jsr" }