to this Thy glory beareth me witness!
I testify this very moment that Thy
mercy hath surpassed all created things,
and Thy loving-kindness
encompassed all that are in heaven and all that are on earth.
everlasting the doors of Thy generosity were open to the faces of Thy
and the gentle winds of Thy grace were wafted over the hearts of
Thy creatures,
and the overflowing rains of Thy bounty were showered upon
Thy people and the dwellers of Thy realm.
I know full well Thou hast delayed to manifest Thy triumph in the kingdom
of creation by reason of Thy knowledge which embraceth both the mysteries
of Thy decree,
and the hidden things ordained behind the veils of Thine
irrevocable purpose,
that thereby those who have entered beneath the
shadow of Thy transcendent mercy may be separated from those who have
dealt disdainfully with Thee,
and turned back from Thy presence at the
time when Thou didst manifest Thy most exalted Beauty.
immeasurably exalted art Thou,
O my Beloved!
as Thou hast divided,
in Thy realm,
Thy loved ones from Thine enemies,
hast perfected Thy most weighty testimony and Thy most infallible Proof
unto all who are in heaven and on earth,
have mercy,
upon those who
were brought low in Thy land,
by reason of what hath befallen them in Thy
Exalt them,
O my God,
through the power of Thy might and the
potency of Thy will,
and raise them up to proclaim Thy Cause through Thine
omnipotent sovereignty and purpose.
I swear by Thy glory!
My sole purpose in showing forth Thine ascendancy
hath been to glorify Thy Cause,
and to magnify Thy word.
I am persuaded
that if Thou wert to delay to send down Thy victory and to demonstrate Thy
the signs of Thy sovereignty would assuredly perish in Thy land,
and the tokens of Thy rule would be blotted out throughout Thy dominion.
My breast is straitened,
O my God,
and sorrows and vexations have
compassed me round,
for I hear among Thy servants every praise except Thy
wondrous praise,
and behold amidst Thy people the evidences of all things
save the evidences of what Thou hast prescribed unto them by Thy behest,
and destined for them through Thy sovereign will,
and ordained unto them
by Thine overruling decree.
They have strayed so far from Thee that should
any of Thy loved ones deliver unto them the wondrous tokens of Thy unity,
and the gem-like utterances that attest Thy transcendent oneness,
would thrust their fingers into their ears,
and would cavil at him and
mock him.
All this hast Thou set down through Thine all-encompassing
and apprehended through Thine omnipotent supremacy.
immeasurably glorified art Thou,
O my Master!
the hearts which,
in their love for Thee,
have been transfixed by the
darts of Thine enemies,