and the heads which were borne on spears for the
sake of the exaltation of Thy Cause and the glorification of Thy name.
Have pity,
upon those hearts which have been consumed by the fire of
Thy love,
and been touched by such tribulations as are known only unto
All laud and honor to Thee,
O my God!
Thou well knowest the things which,
for a score of years,
have happened in Thy days,
and have continued to
happen until this hour.
No man can reckon,
nor can any tongue tell,
hath befallen Thy chosen ones during all this time.
They could obtain no
nor find any refuge in which they could abide in safety.
O my God,
their fear into the evidences of Thy peace and Thy
and their abasement into the sovereignty of Thy glory,
and their
poverty into Thine all-sufficient riches,
and their distress into the
wonders of Thy perfect tranquillity.
Vouchsafe unto them the fragrances of
Thy might and Thy mercy,
and send down upon them,
out of Thy marvelous
what will enable them to dispense with all except Thee,
and will detach them from aught save Thyself,
that the sovereignty of Thy
oneness may be revealed and the supremacy of Thy grace and Thy bounty
Wilt Thou not,
O my God,
look upon the tears which Thy loved ones have
Wilt Thou not pity,
O my Beloved,
the eyes which have been dimmed by
reason of their separation from Thee,
and because of the cessation of the
signs of Thy victory?
Wilt Thou not behold,
O my Master,
the hearts
wherein have beaten the wings of the dove of longing and love for Thee?
Thy glory!
Things have come to such a pass that hope hath well nigh been
banished from the hearts of Thy chosen ones,
and the breaths of despair
are ready to seize them,
by reason of what hath befallen them in Thy days.
Behold me,
O my God,
how I have fled from myself unto Thee,
and have
abandoned my own being that I may attain unto the splendors of the light
of Thy Being,
and have forsaken all that keepeth me back from Thee,
maketh me forgetful of Thee,
in order that I may inhale the fragrances of
Thy presence and Thy remembrance.
Behold how I have stepped upon the dust
of the city of Thy forgiveness and Thy bounty,
and dwelt within the
precincts of Thy transcendent mercy,
and have besought Thee,
through the
sovereignty of Him Who is Thy Remembrance and Who hath appeared in the
robe of Thy most pure and most august Beauty,
to send down,
in the course
of this year,
upon Thy loved ones what will enable them to dispense with
any one except Thee,
and will set them free to recognize the evidences of
Thy sovereign will and all-conquering purpose,