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2 classes
Sentence f: What North Carolina City hosts the Merlefest? Sentence 2: The internationally acclaimed North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro attracts visitors to its animals, plants, and a 57-piece art sélection along five miles of shaded pathways in the world's largestland-area natural-habitat park,
Serteree 1: From what Virgina mines was asphalt obtained or early street pavings? Serteree 2: In many cases, these early pavings were made from naturally oecumng “bituminous rock”, such as at Riche Mines in Macfarlan in Riche County,West Virgina from 1852 10 1873.
Sentence 1: What generates output streams from each endpoint? Sentence 2: This comportent negotiates parameters with every endpoint in the network and controls conferencing resources.
sentence 1: What does UNTAG stand for? sentence 2: This was won by SWAPO although It did not gain the two-thirds majority it had joped for; the South African-backed Democratic umhatie " Aliance (DTA) became the official PPosi
‘Sentence k How many. nrinorities were granted cultural ‘autonomies? ‘Sentence 2: Cultural autonomies could be -granted to. imnorities . numbering: tore. than “3,000. ‘people with longstanding ties'to the Republi: of Estonia,
‘Sentence’ 1: yho, won “this season. of Idol? . 7 Sentence: 2: Glover. sold poorly with-her: debut album, and this. is also-the. first season: that thé runner-up - was~ not “signed by a music label.
Sentence 1:.On what island ‘did ‘mutinous American whalers land in| 1824? Sentence 2: The islands were named for Marshall on Western charts, although the natives have historically} named their home "jolet
Sentence'b ffs court tate” ‘after tulturat. change changed? Sentence 2: The phates rpeaning.-that,4”regisn. of territory ig supportive and-eandutive wth’the United Stat ‘Tike atUS-state:*
Sentence : How much bas che Amity Foundation Pela for disaster relief? Sentence 2: The Amity Foundation already begaifelief work in the region and bas’ earmarked US$i43,000 For disaster relic,
entence 1: Players who are sent, off in game are often faced with what? entence 2: Most. competitions. enforce andatory suspensions for players, who re sent off in a game.
Sentence 1: Fat Thursday is also known as what day? Sentence 2: The festivities end on Ash Wednesday with elaborate funeral rituals marking the death of King Carnival, who is typically burned on a pyre in what is called the burial of the sardine (enterrament de la sardina), or, in Vilanova, as l'enterro.
; « Sanlonce t What the toll ares if the legis J srt Snel Lens (Se it on they are Sle ‘but correctly known) ted watts : tel trad ie eae si
Sentence 1: What is the western equivalent of thesprefix ‘pre’? Sentence 2: Mffprefix pré- (‘trans-, over-") when long became pre- in astern Ijekavian dialects but to prije- in westem dialects; in Ikavian pronunciation, it also evolved into pre- or prije- due to potential ambiguity with pri- (‘approach, come close to’). +
Sentence 1: Who was the mother of Yazid? Sentence 2: The welfare state of both the Muslim and the non-Muslim poor stgted by Umar ibn al Khattab had also continued. * » &
Sentence 1: Whit wild animal was feceitly found foaming uurbaratfeas iti Portigal? ‘Setitence: 2: Boars’ were found recently..roaming at night inside large urban areas, like in Setubal.
Sentence 1: what are most mailbox providers as well? Sentence 2: Many mailbox providers are also access providers, while others are not (eg., Yahoo! Mail, Outlook.com, Gmail, AOL Mail, Po box).
Sentence 1 How. many. published reports of, Americdn volumes, éxisted in 1870? ; * Sentence: 2: The’: number -.of “published. volumes: 6f. American: reports” soared: from. eighteen n,1810 to over8,000 by 1910.
Sentence 1: Where did President Truman and General MacArthur meet on October 15, 1950? Sentence 2: To President Truman, MacArthur speculated there was little risk of Chinese intervention im Korea, and that the PRC's opportunity for aiding the KPA had lapsed.
i: ts the vicw of the impregnation oF ‘3 pregnancy. the. same as the one held the birth of er first chia’? : Catholics’ believe that ‘Mary’ was’ not the oduct ‘of a virginal conception herself but ‘daughter of a human father and nicther, aditionally ‘known by. the names of Saint joachim and Saint Anne.
‘Sentence t When did E1 Nuevo Herald leave Mami? Sects Ine papers it tale haa fe demic (Miami in 2013.
| Sentencevtce university worded Lee on honorary | | Se<torate in 20067
Sentence I: What- palace was the’ plac of: création for illustrated manuscripts? ‘Sentence *2: I Topkapr: Palace, thése. manuscripts -were created by. the: artists working. in-Nakkashane; the” atelier of : the. miniature and tllumination artists.
1: What year did Armenia begin competiting in the Olympics seperate from the ISSR? 2: Prior to 1992, Armenians would ticipate in the Olympics representing the USSR.
Sentence 1: What . has | Jared Diamond blamed - the ,decline of gatherers on? Sentence 2: In North.’ and South America, for’ example,’ most’ Large mamma species had gone extinct by the end of the Pleistocene— accordingito Diamond, because ‘of overexploitation . by. humans, although the overkill hypothesis he advocates "is... strongly contested. [by whom?]
Seintence.1: Who foundéd Ann Aibor? Sentence 2-0n-25 May 1824, thé town plat was fégistered ‘With ‘Wayne County as “Arinarbour:” this. représents ‘the earliest know’ use of thé-town's hame..
Sentence 1: tinigehdad believes any? nity 4s Uso “sense what? Sentence 2 int fact: Whitehead ‘describes any entity as. in. some ‘sense hothing more and jothing’ than‘the sum of its. relafions to. other. entities.~ i synutiesis of and teaction to the Worldaround
Sentence 1: What began to alienate the readers from publications such as NME? Sentence 2: Emphasizing glamour, fashion, and escapism in distinction to the experimental seriousness of earlier post-punk groups, the club-oriented scene drew some suspicion from denizens of the movement.
Sentence 1 What is the smallest bird? Sentence 2: Birds live worldwide and range in size from the 5 cm (2 in) bee hummingbird to the 2.75 m (9 ft) ostrich.
‘Sentence: Who founded the NFSL? ‘Sentence 2 Most prominent was the National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL), founded in 1961 Baehirrnes Nortech oreheety teal i ment, while another, Boren began kilég Lggnoinomets arose,
Sentence tn 230, whet was conducted 09 mumentnd remains of Semence 2 602001 giretic stuy wot conducted co the. _mrumenttd eons of boboons thot weye broughe back os gts from Paty ct Epc
Sentence 1: Whot did she endorse on Morch @b, 20137 Gentence &: Beyonce uplonded pictures of her paper bolot on Tumblr, confirming she hed voted in support For the Democratic Porty ond to encourage others to do so.
Sentence: Where is the Fyldé coast?. Sentence: 2: Lancashire: is~ home’ to a significant -Asiani population, numbering -over .70,000: ‘and: 6%: of. the. ‘county's population; ‘and ‘concentrated largely ‘in ‘the formercétton: mill towns in:the south past. . i
Sentence 1: What type of anthropology. is ised to’solve specific probléms? Sentence 2: This meagre statistic expanded in’ ‘the 20th. century “to. comprise. anthropology departments: in the majority of the world's higher educational institutions, many thousands in number.
Sentence: 1: What falls. within the: terin. “cultural anthropology"? ‘Sentence 2: Som etimes. "Culture": is also-used to -describe ‘specific practices. ‘within’ a subgroup of a‘society, a subculture (e:g: ‘bro culturé"); or'@ counter culture.”
Sentence 1:-Whoi ‘described: the “Lombard! mandolin-“as" wider “and shorter than the Neoapottin, mandoling ‘Sentence 2: ‘Samuel’ Adelsteit: described thé Lombardi ttn in’ 1893 ‘as. wider: and: shorter’ than the, Neapoltan..maridalin,: ith a. shallower back’ and’a’ shorter and Wider. neck with, six ‘single sttings to the Yegular mandolin’s set. of 4:
Sentence 1: in what year did the newer Atlantic City Convention Center open? Sentence 2: Boardwalk Hall was Atlantic City's primary convention center until the opening of the Atlantic City Convention Center in 1997.
‘Sentence + Why are there 20 fw surviving mosnics from the Komnenien period? ‘Sentence 2 Be lack of Komnenien mosaics outside the capetal is even more apparent.
Sentence 1% What were the scribes of thé chancery’ known! as? Sentence.” 2 This organization developed a scribal bureaucracy (known. as "men of the pen") as a distinct Group, pattly highly trained ulama, whicti developed into a professional body:
Sentence. 1:Asidé.from beeing’ the home of-thé monarchy and. a'toutist attraction, what elge'i Buckingham ‘Palace kriowin for? « 5 Senitence-2: Thus; Buckiigham Palace. ‘is ‘a° symbol’ and « homme ofthe Bish monarchy; aart.galety and.a tourist attraction: =|"
‘Sentence 1 The first college basketball championship, ‘took place in NYC'in what year? Sentence 2:"The first hational céiiege-levei basketball ‘champiénship, the. Natioiial. Invitation.: Tournament, ‘was held.in New Yorkin1938 andremainginthe city.
Sentenée..1: What have a’ number’ of tourism-related © organizations : placed Greek destinations at the top of? Sentence 2: Lonely... Planet’. ranked Thessalo |, the “country's - second- largest city, the world’s. fifth” best: "Ultimate: Party Town", alongside cities Such: ‘as. Montreat ‘and, Dubai, while ‘in. 2011 the island of Santorini: was:voted as the ‘best island inthe world by. Travel + Leisure.
Senterice 1:.Do- all language-’make the ° distinction, between poultry and fowls? Sentence .2: “Poultry” can be defined’ as domestic fowls, including chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks, raised for the production of meat or.éggs and the word is‘also used for the flesh of thése birds used as food.
Sentence 1: Why is a loss of energy difficult to measure by weight? Sentence 2: Matter may be converted to energy (and vice versa), but mass cannot ever be destroyed; rather, mass/energy equivalence remains a constant for both the matter and the energy, during any process when they are converted into each other
éntence 1 What were the'artisan-guilds called? enterice’2: The revolt’ was an anti-monarchist,. anti- ‘udai’ autonomist movement inspired by ‘the’ Italian: epublics, anda Sécial revolt agairist the nobility who ad fled the city betaré aii epidemié:of plague in 1519,
Sentence 1: What is another category of building that was, ‘established during the Romanesque period? Sentencé 2: By the ‘12th century, Romanesque architecture termed Norman architecture in England . because of its associatién with the Norman ‘invasion), was: established throughout. Europe and provided the ‘basié architectural forms and-units that were to remain in evolution throughout the Medieval period: * «3
Sentence 1: Who form the majority of islamic residents of the Congo? jentence 2: Followers of Islam make ip 1.6%, and this is primarily due to n influx of foreign workers into the ban centers.
Sentence ts Ghat vegetation helped populations lexpand? Sentence 21 Approximately 16,000 years ago, desertification forced bunter-gatherer oscieties south into the Sabel regions of northern Central Africa, where some groupe settled and began farming as part lof the Neolithic Revolution. *- =
Sentence 1: Where was Karadzic when he was finally arrested? Sentence 2: He died on 11 March 2006 during his trial where he was accused of genocide or complicity in genocide in territories within Bosnia and Herzegovina, so no verdict was returned.
Sentence Along with Willian Janes, who: wasan influential 96h century theorist? Sentence. Bi James. was, at American paychologist and. philosopher who wrote about ‘ducational psychology, Pye OlOy of peligiows experience mysticism, and. the ‘philosoplisy of, _pragmation. arene :
Sentence 1: Where did New Haven pizza style originated trom? Sentence 2 New Haven-style pizza, called “apizza” (pronounced ah- BEETS, (a pitts) in the original Italian dialect), made its debut at the iconic Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana (known as Pepe's) in 1925.
Sentence 1: In 2605, what percentage of residents used mass transit fo get to work? Sentence 2 586% of New commuted to work in 2805 using mass trans. New York Yorkers
Sentence: 1: What can ja,wrestlex, do, to show a willing submission? Sentence 2: Also. since Ken Shamrock G, legitimate. UFC competitoz'sin, its early days), popularized. it in, 1997, 4 wrestlescan indicate a, voluntary submission by "tapping out", that, is, tapping ajfree hand, against the mat or against gn opponent,
Sentence 1: Which steps most closely resembles copy-text editing? Sentence 2: The steps of examinatio and emendatio resemble copy-text editing.
tence 1: When did Britain pass the ‘egulating Act? Sentence 2; Pitt's India Act of 1784 and the Charter Act 1813 which regulated the Company's affairs and established the sovereignty of the Crown over the territories that it had acquired.
the firm who reported that the g system does not have capital to close the gap as of June 2009? Sentence 2: According to the Brookings Institution, the traditional banking system does not have the capital to close this gap as of June 2009: “It would take a number of years of strong profits to generate sufficient capital to support that additional lending volume.
Sentence 1: In how many ways can lone define luminous efficacy of a light source? Sentence 2: Not all wavelengths of visible electromagnetic energy are equally effective at stimulating the human eye; the luminous efficacy of radiant energy (LER) is a measure of how well the distribution of energy matches the perception of the eye.
Sentenice 1: What did Knorr commission? Senience’ 2° Knorr commissioned” a. new: traristation’ of: the Bible, the New World Translation’ ‘of the. Holy. Scriptures, the full version, of which was released in 1961
Sentence .1! Who was -rétocated, during’ the,secénd world war from’ thé. Soviet Union?” * Sentence'2: Following the: deféat in. World. War 1, inflience® oF ‘Gémian-speakina “elites.” over’ Central and Eastern Gurope.was greatly limited:
Sentence 1: When did Alfred the Great begin his reign? Sentence 2: By the late 10th century Italy ha been drawn into the Ottonian sphere after aj period of instability; Otto III (r. 996-1002)} spent mich of his later reign in the kingdom.
Sentence 1: What consists of very lightweight bones? Sentence 2: The skeleton consists of very lightweight bones.
Sentence 1: Russians are generally similar to populations in what region? Sentence 2: Postulated to originate from| southeast Asia, it is found at high rate: in Uralic peoples.
‘Sentero. How mary railways Served ihe édunty, Sentence. 2, The iSih’ gentury ‘dso saw: the- “COnSIFUCTIN. ‘of. fahiays Wand troup Scrrersel ,
Sentence + What year where three officer building bought and used for seniterium? Sentence 2: In 1900, three of the officer buildings were purchased for use as ¢ sanitarium,
Sentence 1: In what year did Emperor Constantius die? Sentence 2: An obscure presbyter of the name of Pistus was immediately chosen by the Arians to succeed him, when fresh news arrived that filled the orthodox party with hope.
Sentence 4 Nitnoglycerin can be used to. help.what? Senterice 2: Nitroglycerin or opioids maybe used ‘to help with’ chest pain; however, they. do not improve overall qutcomes, :
Seritence -4: What “aré. the. names ‘of the: two -Separate Estonian languages? ‘Sentence 2: Moder standard Estonian has evolved: on-the basis of the dialects of Northern Estonia,
Sentence 1: What other system of calculations are inherent in the Gregorian calendar? Sentence 2: Calculating the day of the week is not Gory Simple, because of the irregularities in the Gregorian system.
Sentence 1: How many pubs applied to be allowed to sell alcohol 24 hours a day? Sentence 2: This allowed pubs in England and Wales to apply to the local council for the opening hours of their choice.
Sentence 1: What docs OSP stand for? Sentence 2: Tin forms intermetallics such as CuSSn6 and Ag3Cu that dissolve into the Tin liquidus or solidus(@50C). stripping surface coating or leaving voids.
Sentence’ 1;:What: duets ‘that Kathmandu is is.as ofd as itis? Sentence 2: The city has-a rich history; spanning nearly 2000 years, as inferfed from: inseiptions found jin:the. vale. :
‘Sentence 1: Who, could wear.a emblem of.two crossed silver oak leaves? : Sentence 2: Any individual made a member of the lOrder for gallantry could wear an:-emblem of two crossed silver oak leaves on the same riband, ribbon or bow as the badge.
Sentence 1: Who donated land to create a Victorian-style park in 1891? Sentence 2: Bannerman Park is a Victorian- style park located near the downtown.
Seninnes 1 Fochhachschulen first canie about in the carly years of what decade? Senteniee'2: Pachhockschilon were frst founded in the early 19708,
Sentence 1: What percent of the population has completed non-mandatory upper sécondary education? Sentence 2: Of the 24,311 who completed tertiary schooling, 51.6% were Swiss men, 33.0% were Swiss women, 8.9% weré non- Swiss men and 6.5% were non-Swiss women
Sentence 1: Which family constructed the /Basheer Bagh Palace? Sentence 2 Other landmarks of note are Paigah constructed by the Paigah family:16-17
Sentence: 4:'Whi. do seks say “the tines are different depeiding on the gospel it’ yuritten inv? “Sehtieneé 2: Scholars. hatie presentéd ,a ‘nuimber.’oF arguments:to deal with’the jssiié, some suggééting a i fi based"oi “the “use: of Roman
Sertancarton mary tiometers 6 omay tor Landa? Sevtance By roud it 450 blomete: (HO mil sauttrenst of London, 267 Mometres (078 mil sath of Calan. 305 tlametres 190 mal southrmest of russe, 7% bametres Kl mal ror® of Marsala. 38S blcmetres (239 mil ‘sortivenit of Nantes, and (25 tame [6 ma sauthr ent of Rasen.
fe How manysthousand ‘years ago..did the Romans Build soae road system? 4 Stebieek % Some inns in Europe are Several centuries old. «
‘Sentence 1: Which judge is a jazz singer? Sentence 2: jazz singer Harry Connick, Jr.
Sentence 1: How many water-powered cotton mills used child labour in 1788 England and Scotland? Sentence 2: In England and Scotland in 1788, two-thirds of the workers in 143 water-powered cotton mills were described as children.
Sentence 1: Where iS St Mary's Dominican Church? . ‘Sentence 2: Other popular tourist, attractions include. the grounds ‘of. University College Cork, through which the: River Lee flows, the Women's Gaol at. Sundays
‘Sentence t: In what year was Gregg v. Georgia decided? Sentence 2 in 1976, contemporancousty with Woodson and Roberts, the Court decided Gregg x Georgia and upheld a procedure in which the trial of capital crimes was bifurcated into guilt innocence and sentencing phases.
‘Sentence 1: What side of the Konigssee was St. Bartholomew's chapel built? Sentence 2: The rivers form lakes, such as Lake Geneva, a crescent shaped lake crossing the Swiss border with Lausanne on the Swiss side and the town of Evian-les- Bains on the French side.
Sentence 1: Morphine was named after what Greek god? Sentence 2: The first of these were local apothecaries that expanded from their traditional role distributing botanical drugs such as morphine and quinine to wholesale manufacture in the mid 1800s.
Sentence + Which genre did Madonna started out in? Sentence 2: Before emerging as a pop star, Madonna has spent her early years in rock music alongside her bands, Breakfast Club and Emmy.
Sentence 1: What was the name of the Windows 8 advertising campaign? Sentence 2: In Hay 2013, Microsoft launched a new television campaign for Windows 8 illustrating the capabilities and. pricing ». of Windows 8 tablets in comparison to the iPad, which featured the voice of. Siri remarking on, the iPad's Limitations in a paredy of Apple's "Get a Mac! advertisements,
Sentence 1: What Act declares Non-Australian residents “outside of Australia" while they are. on Norfolk Island? Sentence 2: Non-Australian citizens who are Australian permanent residents should be aware that during their stay on Norfolk Island they are “outside of Australia" for the purposes lof the Migration Act.
‘Santen viet malesupccoprarectralstules? Sent ther nl ext ena is compara tls bed ante sop of compare Mtatand ual stubes{otatn reel
Sentence I: States may grant their citizens border rights as long as they do not inftinge on what? Sentence 2: Thus, most US. law (especially the aqual "living law" of contract, tort, property, criminal, and family law experienced by the majority of citizens on a day-to-day basis) consists primarily of sfite-law, which can and does vary greatly from one state {o the next.
Sentence 1: What percent of Ukraine jis fluentin Russidn as.of 2006? Sentence. 2: 65% of the: population. was fluent in Russian in 2006, and 38% used it as the main language with. family, friends or at.work.
Sentence 1: When did the Manchester Small-Scale Expetimental Machine run its firs{ program? Sentence 2: The Manchester Small-Scale Experimental Machine, nicknamed. Baby, was the world's first stored-program computer.
Sentence 1: What state employed Abmad_ ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi? Sentence 2: whose general Ahmad ibn tbrahim al-Ghazi (Ahmed Gurey) was the first commander ‘to. use cannon warfare on, the continent during Adal's conquest of the Ethiopian Empire. and the Sultanate of the Geledi, whose! military dominance — forced governors of the Omani empire north of the city of Lamu to pay tribute to the Somali Sultan Ahmed Yusuf,
Sentence 4: Who did ihe constituent college belong to? Sentence 2: In 1907, the. newly established Board of “Education. fotind that’ greater capavity for higher technical: educatioix wag needed: and: a proposal-to merge: thé .City and. -Guilds’ College; the -Royal: School: of| Mines and. the Royal College of Sciéncée was: approved and passed, ereating ‘The Imperial College of ‘Science .anél Techtiology as: a coristituent. College. of the University ef London:
Sentence 1: Along with the ESPN networks, on what network were 2014 AFL games broadcast? Sentence 2: Starting in 2014, ESPN returned to the AFL as broadcast partners, with weekly games being shown on CBS Sports Network, ESPN, ESPN2, ESPNEWS along with all games being broadcast on ESPNS for free live on WatchESPN.
Sentence 1: What is Nanjing’s nationwide ranking jor National key laboratories? Sentence 2: Nanjing has been the‘educational centre’ in southern China for more than 1700 years.
Sentence.1: Who was the first perscn to carry the torch in ‘Macao? Sentence 2: It was the first time that the Olympic torch had traveled to Macau.