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‘Sentence t What cmos hove o higher cote of Chyistion observonce? Sentence 2 in Europe, there has been 0 general move omy rom religious observance ond bebe! in Christan teachings ond a ve tomards seculoriam.
Senténce 1: Carnival was also’a resuilt.of what aréa's folk:culture? Sentence 2: White christian’ festivals ‘stich as corpus’ ..christi:. were .. chureh-sanctionéd celebrations, :.Carnival: was . also: (a inanifestatiéh of European folk culture.
Sentence 1; What: did. the . Supreme Court .uphotd in Everson Vv: Board of Education? Sentence 2: Although: upholding. the state law in. that . case, © which provided - -for ». public’ “ busing. - to private. Yreligious schools, the Supreme Court held that- the First Amendment’ establishment clause. was filly’ applicable .to. <the-.:.state governmerits. © .
Sentence 1: Which presidential administration developed Safe Harbor policy? Seritence 2: The policy was developed by the Clinton Administration in 1999:
‘Sentence 1: Who was Marwan I.reloted to? Sentence 2: Morwon | hod préviously been exchided: from postions of responsibility
Sentence 1: How many finalists were there on season eight of American Idol? Sentence 2:A new feature introduced was the “Judges’ Save", and Matt Giraud was saved from elimination at the top seven by the judges when he received the fewest votes.
Sentence 1: How did monaterism aim to control the economy? Sentence 2: In the 1970s, monetarism has adapted into supply-side economics which advocates reducing faxes as a means to increase the amount of money available for economic expansion.
E In what city io the Ecole lytedynique de Montréal located? 2 Cote on roca cofeend the undergraduate university- en ie cole de technologie Erieure and the Ecole Polytedynique de sal (both of which are located in Quebec), leo offer gmduate and postgmduate programs, accordance with provincial higher education ines.
Sentence 1: Who wrote a book on the Mozart effect? Sentence 2: The approach has been popularized in a. book by Don Campbell, “and is, based on an experiment published in Nature suggesting that listening to Mozart temporarily boosted students’ IQ by 8 to 9 points.
Sentence 1: What PC Mag. staffer picked PS3 over Xbox in June, 2012? Sentence 2: In September 2009, IGN named PlayStation 3 the 15th best gaming corf#ble of all time, behind both of its competitors: Wii (oth) and Xbox 360 (6th).
Sentence |: When dod the Boston patriots change their nome?. Sentence 2:.While. they have ployed in suburban. Foxborough. since 1971, the New England. Patriots of the National Footbolt League were founded in 1960 as the Boston Patriots, changing their. name after relocating. ~
Sentence 1: Those with low levels of identity diffusion are classified as what? . ? . Sentence Wéinreich's ’: identity variant similarly ‘inclutlgs’ the ‘categories of -identity diffusion, féreciésure and crisis, but’ with :a somewhat different emphasis.
Sentence 1: How large is Pelharh Bay Park in biectiares? Seatence 2:"Pasks isi New York.City indude’ Cenizal ark, Prospect Park, Flushing’ Meadows-Corona, Park,, Forest Park, and Washington Squiare Park.
Sentence 1: In what year was the first edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica published? Sentence 2: In Germany, practical reference works intended for the uneducated majority became popular in the 18th century.
Serene 1 What jute planing on go bee -fedid not reach ¥ deal with? ‘Sentence 2 In| May 2014, prior to the-launich of YouTibe’s Sabveription-bused Maske Music Key service, the independent independent Network reach 4 deal to be included on the paid service.
Sentence 1: What University opened q satelite campus in the Detroit Medical‘Center? Séntence 2: Other institutions in the city include the College for Creative Studies, Lewis College of Business Marygrove College and Wayné County Community College
Seuitence a What: had caused. ictoria to be: ; ‘lame? x Sexitence 2: Throagh carly Sania, * she felt.."weak-” and: unwell’, * and: by-. mid- Jantiary she’ was: drowsy. dazed, [and}. gonfused’ . :
Sentence ‘: What city had some of the last buildings2G)to¥6 fall2Gin’g 194S%9 Sentence 2: Several in Berlin were some of the last buildings to fall to the Soviets during the Battle28 of Berin23in29194S.89
‘Sentence 1: What is another term for the Umayyads? Sentence 2: Thé two families are therefore considered to be different clans (those of Hashim and of Umayya, Fespectively) of the same tribe (that of the Quraish).
ene: 1s When” did’ the sale of Weather ropany assets close? sence ‘2: The ‘acgiiisition. does’ not’. include. he“ Weather :Chasifél "itself," which will enter into. 2"Tong-term: licetising. agreement: with IBM: i use. of its data.
Sentence 1: How long ago were rock paintings found in Somalia created? Sentence 2: Ancient rock paintings in Somalia which date back to 5000 yeors have been found in the northern port of the country, depicting early life in the territory.
Sentence court? : How many members are in the Supreme Sentence 2: Liberia's highest judicial authority is the Supreme Court, made up of five members and headed by the Chief Justice of Liberia.
Sentence 1: Haplodiploidy is what type of system? Sentence 2: in haplodiploidy, which is a type of ‘sex-determination system the offspring’s sex ig determined by the number of sets of chromosomes an individual receives.
Sentence Ll What happens to zine when’ it is manipulated .to the’ temperatures ‘betweén 100) and 150 Gelsitis? Sentence 2: Its melting ‘point ix:the lowest of all the. transition’ metals dside from mercury. and cadmium,
‘Sentence 1: When was the building consecrated? Sentence 2: It was the first church in England built in the Romanesque style.
Sentence 1; When did the colonies. declare ittlependence? Sentence 2: Meanwhile, the revolutionaries| expelled . British officials from ‘the 13 states, and. --:declared theniselves — “a1 independent nation’ on July,41776,
‘Sentence 1: The "american colonization society” consisted mostly of whom” ‘Sentence 2: But its membership grew to include mostly people who supported abolition of slavery.
Sentence 1: In who's honor was the city named Kaliningrad from Konigsberg? Sentence 2: in July of that year, the historic city of Kénigaberg was renamed Kaliningrad to honour Mikhail Kalinin and the area named the Kaliningrad Oblast.
Sentence 1:, Why. -did* Microsoft change the tablet resolution minimum? Sentence 2: Despite the reaction... of indus: ry experts, Microsoft reported ~that the had sold 100 million: licenses the first stx-monthe,
mntence 1: All modern birds lie within which crown group? mntence 2: Depending on the taxonomic viewpoint, the umber of known living bird species varies anywhere from 3800 to 10,050.
tence %.How, long are females requires lo go to school? 10. 2001),
Sentence 1: Who is in charge of policing Tennessee counties’ unincorporated areas? Sentence 2: Local law enforcement is divided between County Sheriff's Offices and Municipal Police Departments.
‘of Warsaw, cele 1815 became P®
‘Sentence x: 1 ihe pet el a pal gn sry tooutdo each other? 283. 2 ’ Setitence “21 Diiring ‘the. late’ Republic, the: political ‘competed to outdo each other in public display, and the ttndant om ramp were expanded tinue contests.
sentence 1: When was Queew's London production scheduled to end in 2006? Fated tn 2008 that they Sentence 2: Brian May a sequel to the musical were considering writing
Sentence i Who is usually responsible for earty stages of drug discovery? Sentence 2: A great deal of early stage drug discovery has traditionally been carried out by universities and research institutions.
Sentence Did the scientific revolution precede or follow the Age of Enlightenment? Sentence 2: The Americans Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson came to Europe during the period and contributed actively to the scientific and political debate, and the ideals of the Enlightenment were incorporated into the United States Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.
Sentence 1: What microorganisms are naturally found on a grapes skin? Sentence 2: Thus it has been proposed that Syrah red wine is named after Shiraz, a city in Pheada cat tabla ber ad ecemaicar Shirazi wine [citation needed]
Sentence t: How much does a non-subscriber of The Times need to pay to read the online versions? Sentence 2: There are now two websites: thetimes.co.uke is aimed at daily readers, and the thesundaytimes.co.uk site at providing weekly magazine-like content.
Sentence t Whet type of kings: brouglit thé” Gotiic syle fren France: teSocthetri Italy? . Sentence 2 Arcovrihiigs 5 bealight Gotlse . redbon from Frente to ‘Southern.
‘Sentence 1: In France and Germany, what languages will often be ‘substituted by native speakers of Dutch dialects? ‘Sentence 2: In both Germany and France the Dutch standard language is largely absent and speakers of these Dutch dialects will use German or French in everyday speech.
Sentence 1: Who was an’example of an excessively loyal samurai? Saranac re ae Senterice 2: Despite. the fampant romanticism of the 20th century, samurai could be disloyal and treacherous (€-9,'Akechi-Mitsuhide), cowardly, brave, of avery loyal (e.g, Kusunoki Masashige)
Sentence 1: Whére were, the. pirstical. kitigdomis from? ‘ Sentence 2: I¢ was occupied by piratical kingdéms of the. Barbary Coast, de facto independent since, the “¥8th century. :
Satece EB How may people in Bos we pbc anspor? Sentence 2 With nerly ao third of Bosonlns tutng bic mranst for thelr comme to work, Boston has the fYit-Hghest raze of public trandtt usage hn the couery. .
Sentence a: What ther areas has restling garnered interest from? Sentence 2: It is ften included as art of studies on heatre, sociology, erformance, and hnecdia.
Sentence. 1:-What:was the’ name ‘of the clone in’ Polaad? Sentence «.2:".The. Micro _:Genius: (Simplified: “Chinese:..i)/R4).. was marketed: in Southéast.Asia as. an alternative. to. the Famicom; Samurai: Was the.” popular PAL alternative “to: the’ NES;:. and. in Central. Europe, especially Poland, thé. Pegasus was available. :
Sentence 1: How can we classify the vast riety of bacterial species? ntence 2: While these schemes allowed he identification and classification of acterial strains, it was unclear whether hese differences represented variation etween distinct species or between strains f the same species.
Sentence 1: During the Australian constitutional crisis, what Prime Minister} was dismissed? Sentence 2: She declined, stating that she| would not interfere in decisions reserved by the Constitution of Australia for the] governor-general *
Btn eS he En 6 corporation? Sentonde % Dubasigl the BOB’ te. governed by ‘Eerepean: lew. “directly: rid. thos onet . by’ “€orperate. low "applyirig’ be --private | low “companion, lke. vet-up resembles. that. of a. ‘corporation Jn: the senée-that the ECR bos sbacaboliers ars stork oppttel .
Sentence: Ti In what’ year, did IBM “begin to provide group life insurance? ‘Sentenice | 2: IBM. was.” among the, frst <orporations’ to’ provide group ‘life insurance {1934), -survivor’ benefits (1935) “and - paid ‘vacations (1937):
Sentence 1: George Washington once paid. visit’ te Sherman’ shouse, what year was this? Sentence 2: Grove Street Cemetéry, a National Historic Lanidmark which lies adjacent te Yale's campus, contains the graves of Roger Sherman, €li Whitney, Noah Webster, Josiah Willard Gibbs, Charles Goodyear and- Walter Camp, amicng other notable burials.
Sentence 1: Who ruled Nri? Sentence 2: Nri and Aguleri, where the Igbo creation myth originates, are in the territory of the Umeuri clan.
Sentence 1: Statues have been made in whose likeness? Sentence 2: Some other distinctive features, such as temples, baths, reservoirs, warrior statues and decorative carvings have been found associated to this culture, together with rich gold and metalworking traditions.
Sentence 1: In 1995, who requested that domestic leagues lower the amount of games played. Sentence 2: Due to insistence by the International Federation Sf Association Foxtball (FIFA), the international governing body of football, that domestic leagues reduce the number of games clubs played, the number of clubs was reduced to 20 in 1995 when four teams were relegated from the.,.league and only two teams promoted. ®
Sentence 1: Where were most of the slaves in North Carolina located? Sentence 2: They lived and worked chiefly on plantations in the eastern Tidewater,
| Sentence 1: Which Programme was mentioned as being underfunded? Sentence 2: The report also cites concerns over potential cuts in the defence science and technology research budget; implications of inappropriate estimation of Defence ‘Tnflation within budgetary Processes; underfunding in the Equipment Programme; and a general concern over striking the appropriate balance over a short-term focus (Current Operations) in the delivery of future UK defence capabilities on future combatants and campaigns.
Sentences Sentence 2:
Sentence”’4: Which court case: featured” an’.-unprecedented ~and controversial decision? Sentence : ::2: Sonie opponents. further: claim “that “affirmative action. has’. undésirable . side- effects anid. that:-it'’ fails to “achieve..its. goals.
Sentence 4 What: was the altemative to “prevention? Sentence a! In contrast tes” deterrent of purishment: > preventive -~ police.forée- would deter Guiminelity by mekizic : grime’ ceest gHerfective - "chime doesn't
Sentence: What clothing was Queen Victoria aidto rest Sestence2:in1897,Victoriahadwritien instructions forherfuneral which was to be military as befitting a soldier's daughter and the head of the army, and whiteinstead of black.
Sentence & What was one of the major differences between the Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs? Sentence 2: Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs differ in religion and were historically often part of different cultural Circles, although a large part of the nations have Bved side by side under foreign overlords
Sentence & When did the Saint Helena cricket’ team make it’s debut in international cricket? Sentence 2: Saint Helena has sent teams to a number of Commonwealth Games.
Sentence \1:' Cctavianus’-Augiistus -Caesai: had ‘his coitis. miadé ‘out’ of What alloys? ‘Sentence 2: At.first, the copper itself was valued, ‘but. gradually the shape and lodk, of the! copper became’ more jmportant.
Semen: Wha iste est of te incor of independent ingdos nd utes? Senence 2 Subsequent annevtin ino Ehinpa led to the Eivean War of Infependence, ending wth Esveen independence folowing 2 referentumin Ari 1993,
E Which two Tonnassoo counties cover ‘rca that comprised North Cordina's Tannassao 3 Cheseame County was the currant-doy Montgomery County Thorton County}
Seniencei: What nenpofit jubercuisis research foation has verhinits name? ‘Senlence 2: Aoi these, the Aras Global TB Vane Foundation recived gi ot ‘more than $20 milion (US) frm the il and Melinda Gates Foundation to develop. and, “icenseaimrovel vacineagaist uberuloss a use in high burden cuties,
Sentence]: A rheostat isthe size arid shape of what? ‘Sentence:2: This wes'‘mourfted upright or sideways oh the cab wall and operated via a projecting handle, le'ta slide around the top half of the
Sentee EN 179 oie such d tie sanlchio'comptinisé the tmet population? | Sentence’ 2: tice aceétcing 16 <rkactta Compriied croiind 8% af the, total Populi i 175 (p fom 6% the Mth century) itn nie tha 1% af ‘he Rai, Cattot (nosy etic Pish) poplin. >
Sentence 1: Between which two nations was the Treaty of the Pyrenees signed? Sentence 2: The Spanish crown maintained its hegemony in Europe and was the leading power on the continent until the signing of the Treaty of the Pyrenees, which ended a conflict between Spain and France that had.begun during the Thirty Years’ War.
‘estan 2: Aine, Witte wes ton fr it “nat teil be in the ght Oo (pas See te eee tee re Me cement ns pe atte
Sentence 1: What is active defense, according to the functions of the DCA? Sentence 2: Active defense is "the employment of limited offensive action and counterattacks to deny a contested area or position téthe enemy” (JP 1-02).
Sentence 1: What fraction of the size of an NFL football field is an arena football field? Sentence 2: The Arena Football League (AFL) is the highest level of professional indoor American football in the United States.
Sentence : Where do many non translation theories delve for concepts? Sentenct 2: Mony honi-transparent “translation,
Seniite 1: long with Downtown, n what neghborhood of Mami dees Bke Mam take place? Sentence 2:In recent years the atigoverrment, oder Mayor Manny Diaz, has taken, an anbitows stance in suppott of biyelag in Mami far both recreation and conmutng
Sentence 4: What. is. another cathedral in which: simple. cylindrical columns, stand-out more than the Gothic features? Sentence 2: The character of the building is entirely Gothic.
entence 1: What in the Chinese program aused trouble For UNFPA? entence 2: Fram 2002 through 2008, the ush Administration denied Funding to INFPA that had already been allocated by he US Congress, partly on the refuted laims that the UNFPA supported Chinese Jovernment programs which include Forced bortions and coercive sterilizations.
Sentence 1: Who. listed Yale us one of B the “most beautiful campuses in, the. United States? 7 ‘. et 2: In 2011, ‘Pravel+Leisure listed the Yale campus as one of the most beautiful in’ the United States.
Sentence & What finance act affected the 2004 election? Sentence 2: The 2004 election was the first to be affected by the campaign finance reforms mandated by the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (also known as the McCain—Feingolé Bill for its sponsors in the United States Senate).
Sentence 1: How do speech perception and findings and jghts affect previous and more traditional ideas? 5 speech even is highly co-articulated, so it is words into simple segments without affecting speech perception.
a dd period t During whd time process of cularization set in’? Senlence 2 After ths dole everything thus previously rooled .i9, tradition was qiéstioned and offen replaced by new concepts in the ight of phloiophied reason
‘Senterice 1; For which work is Mary Wollstonecraft best known? ~ ‘Senterice 2: She is best known for-her work
Sentence. tf When did the Soviet Union break up? Sentence 2: This name: and “Russia” were ‘specified as. the official: state’ names*in the April 21,1992." amendment. :to.. the existing constitution. “and ‘were
Sentence 1: What is the common application of GaAs? Sentence 2: Because the electron mobility is higher than the hole mobility for all semiconductor materials, a given bipolar n-p-n transistor tends to be swifter than an equivalent p-n-p transistor.
Sentence 1: How have the bars changed over the years? Sentence 2:In the past, bars were made of wood, but the bars were prone to breaking, providing an incentive to switch to newer technologies.
‘sentence 2: Which too became the moin tenant of . “the arena in. 2008? * / Satie 2 Chesdpeche Eneeay Ares i desi -is:the principot multipurpose ‘arena inthe city. which _hgsts.concerts, NHL exhibition 9gmes, ond many of thie City’s pte sports teams, .
Sentence 1: In which direction did the French troops who did not surrender head? Sentence 2: The French troops who did not surrender retreated westward, leaving behind 1,000 dead and wounded and another 1,000 prisoners and all of their remaining ammunition.
Sentence x What Wipe of giniesis'S:inta' Monies Featured i Sentence 2: Tlie. Masquerade ~"Blnodlines (39104). Auto San’ Andieas Go04) as-a fictional: disirlet ~ Saigta-Mar Beach, Destroy Al tinjanis!
Sentence 1: What did Nasser suppress as a result? Sentence 2: Nasser had considered dispatching troops to aid his Iraqi sympathizers, but decided against it.
‘Sentence % The governor of what stare commuted four deat Sentences in January za1se ‘Sentence 2 In Maryland, Governor Marlin OMaley commuted the store's four remanng death sentences to ie m prison Wikhout parole i January 2015.
Sentence 1: How long has Puerto Rico had representation in Congress? Sentence 2: As American citizens, Puerto Ricans can vote in U.S. presidential elections, provided they reside in one of the SO states or the District of Columbia and not in Puerto Rico itself.
Sentence i: What country did the cotton come from that was picked by children? Sentence 2: In December 2009, campaigners in the UK called on two leading high street retailers to stop selling clothes made with cotton which may have been picked by children. .
Sentence 1: What did Kerry do on Apr 22 1971? Sentence 2 As Kerry threw his decorations over the fence, his statement was: ‘I'm not doing this for any violent reasons, but for peace and justice, and to try and make this country wake up once and for all”
Sentence 1: What was the approximate cost to build the Emirates Airline Cable Car? Sentence 2: Similar to the Santander Cycles bike hire scheme, the cable car is sponsored in a 10- year deal by the airline Emirates.
Sentence 1: When did the Chelsea Football Club effin the UEPA Champions League title? Sentence 2: Aside from Arsenal, Chelsea jend Tottenham, none of the other London clubs have ever won the notional league title.
Sentence 1: DeCarlo also penned a knock- off of what teen comic superstar? Sentence 2: Atlas, rather fpan innovate, took a proven route of folli lowing popular trends i Honest and movie: ferns and war dramas prevailing or a time, drive-in movie monsters another time- and even other comic books, particularly the EC horror line.
‘Sentence t: What are two popular Norther Portugal dishes?
Sentence: tWhat ‘date: marked: the: first ‘law restricting greenfiouse gas. emissions?, : Sentence 2 Schwarzenegger also’ signed a-<"second: * ‘glo warming, \bill-that: prohibits: latge-utilities-and corporations. in Californias from “making. long-term contracts .\with ~'suppliers . who: do shot meet: :-the.: state's. greenhouse’ gas emission standards.