I remain bullish but I remember when valuations (I was an intern for a large public accounting firm) were being made up for internet companies in the late 90s. Metrics like eyeballs/hr. I do think as long as Elon is around the company will do good work. They are still attracting the best engineers. Their intangible assets remain their greatest actual asset, IMO.
There's ample supply at the moment, but Musk has made deals with several companies, including one that's having problems starting up operations (piedmont lithium: PLL), but they might get it resolved soon. Lithium is a common element, so that isn't a big deal.. nickle, on the other hand is a bit more problematic, but it won't be a bottleneck.
and if the Shanghai plant weren't shut down due to the ~~flu~~ covid in the past week or so, it'll be even higher
I just put in a limit sell order at $1250, so now I just wait for it to jump up. These are my last inherited stocks then I can close my brokerage account since stocks are too volatile
Opportunity to buy at a bargain.
It doesn’t move anything based on merits if it did. It would be more than AMZN. If I could pay bills based on merits i would be doing great. Edit: I’m not doing too bad
You can thank the dogefather. Get out while you still can
As someone who owns a Tesla, (and other EVs), I think it is difficult to adequately describe the value and convenience of an EV to someone who has never owned or driven one. I think similarly with FSD, it will be difficult to explain but the early adopters will quickly make use of the benefits and the rest of the world will catch on shortly thereafter. The vehicle industry relies heavily on economies of scale, in that sense I don't believe Tesla has failed to monetize their EVs as they are still scaling
Almost 1,200
Can you buy more? Thanks. And then sell at the bottom Buy High, Sell Low!
Hope it goes down so I can more easily increase my portfolio for the long term.
yeah I am bullish also. it just looks and sounds very confusing at the moment. There are some calls for 1200 expiring next week that where placed and are out the money. that's a big gap to fill considering the implied volatility
If it breaks 700 confidently on monday, you might be golden.
Fun fact. Last time $TSLA closed two consecutive days below 50 ens, it fell +- 40% thereafter
Optimists attract pessimists
MUSK sells promises (memes) primarily, and products, secondarily. TSLA sells EVs but what does SpaceX, Boring Co., Neuralink, Skylink, etc sell? Promises, but not even that, just ideas of uncertain utility and unclear profitability. He even jumped into crypto with Dogecoin. One of these ideas or memes may prove profitable, but highly unlikely for the retail investor to win with any one memes of his. TSLA is an interesting idea, but not practical for long range driving, especially when factoring in the
I’m sorry to hear that bro I feel your pain, next time sell when it’s high and buy puts for more profit because other people would be selling as well and the more the stock goes down the more money you generate.
Great, now I’m stressed for no reason
What the fuck is wrong with you.
What about BLNK?
recalls and shorties
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That is only a smoke screen, the real truth is that the big ones are now pulling out since they begin to fear that the little guy start to understand how overvalued TSLA is
I picked up more shares today. It might take a few weeks before we see it jump again.
You are right, but the downvotes show that the Musk fanboys are out in force today.
In a world heading towards oligopolies, bet on tesla
I have 10 at around $400 and now 5 at about $940 on another account
RemindME! 3 days
It’s under construction. I drive by it anytime I go to the VA. It won’t be read for a while.
Provided we don’t enter another bearish cycle for tech- it could happen. Otherwise uptrend in late may early March before any run.
This man went to Wharton
I can’t wait!
It's called a "pump & dump"
Gap fill and run at $675 OR do we see $625?
Completely agree. $1800, IF people will stop being satisfied by 5%…….if everyone just holds, we WILL see it. Hang on folks!
I think ARK stopped the momentum today but people don’t realise ARK still own millions of Tsla shares
Imagine being a bear while you sit back and watch the fed pump $120 billion in freshly printed cash into the markets. Also I treat rates are basically 0 while at the same time unemployment numbers aren’t improving.
Partially agree. It will reach $2000 in 2025. I had around the same 12K in 2017- took some profit in late Jan. Came back again at $530 today. You need some profit taking as well its good for everybody
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Congrats! Your wish has come true.
Here’s my humble opinion: the hedgies are selling off to cover the shorts........I’m thinking ‘buy,buy,buy!!!!’ Oh, I got 40.......should I own 45?
I really don’t understand what Musk is trying to do. It seems he is trying to legitimize BTC and create a sustainable ecosystem for it. But I question whether Tesla shareholders are going to be happy with such an unplanned use of invested capital. Musk is not the majority of Tesla, and big shareholders are very very picky about where their portion of $1.5bm goes to!
Well said Sir clit muffin, I am a friend of your kind. 550 sale was beautiful, I cried. Then bought 100 shares. But still have 75 locked up in the tower of hold thy bag @ 800 🤦🏻‍♂️
Trading view has it a sell for the day but buy for the month.
Looks like $550ish was the bottom
Shanghai seems to have acquired 100+ nearby acreage for Tesla 2 perhaps? Then we need a Tesla 2 factory in Tampa or Orlando. Watch for where the new showrooms are located... let us start the operations of these two gigafactories to create some positive cash flow... then we shall see.
Thanks for everybody's comments and suggestions. Most make sense, but I think I'm going to FOMO my retirement account into OTM AMC calls and live large... Just kidding. I am going to trim down my Tesla holdings considerably, but probably not down to the 5 or 10% of the portfolio that many of you would suggest. I will probably sell half of my shares at various trigger prices over the next few weeks and months until I'm down to about 25% of my portfolio. I can tolerate Tesla losing significant value, as I d
No idea, maybe FUD, inflation FUD particularly
the fundamentals dont change.. Im an investot and think everyone buying tesla should be.. this wont affect valution long term at all.. it may crash now sure but thats it.. elon is commited and tesla is doing very well rn.. he has to pay taxes you can try to time it and make more that makes sense tho.. if it works and if timing is right but not my approach
Disclaimer...I don’t own these or the options..YET....but after doing the research for my prior comment there is some good premium on those covered calls...
I understand all the good news, however it’s also super overvalued, you guys don’t think one day we will be in it for a surprise?
What happened today??? stock dropped almost 45$ Is it because of the snl over the weekend, people losing confidence ? I bought 25,000 of securities for tsla but short term it seems like it’s dimishing
agree with you on everything, I also think they wont make quota due to the shortage.
Tesla is a great company.... .... But for heaven sake: DIVERSIFY unless you can stomach a dip to $200 for a few years..,... DIVERSIFY diversity diversify!!! At that stage, unless you're Warren Buffett.... QQQ is your best friend,
C'est correct.
Usually doesn’t work out for me either. I usually lose more than I make. I hold TSLA now and sleep better at night. Looking forward to a wonderful January uptick.
Yeah... he probably had to write a cover letter and apply on Linked-In and then wait nervous for 3 weeks for them to People at that level have headhunters that are constantly bringing them new opportunities... what makes them leave? More money or fewer headaches... So the question is why? I think we will find out, it’s just a matter of time.
If you don’t have faith. Yeah pls sells
Those docs also include silly names like Technoking and Master of Coin. Elon is a marketer.
Come on let’s take it to $750
Exactly what some said about the Apple stocks during a small dip in 2012 and 2015. Maybe some companies are here to stay? We’ll see.
Best advice I can possibly give just keep taking LSD if you are having those types of epiphanies LOL
She sold all of her Tesla? Or just some.
Omg I feel dumb 😂 I actually knew that 🤦🏼‍♂️
Ford just sent me a dividend. Thanks!
This post didn’t age well…
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I love the people worrying about 1-2% up and down a day while the rest of us over on crypto are seeing +-40% and we just chilling
Thank you. AMC is looking really good for the next day or so, and perhaps in the coming weeks too -- potentially higher percentage return than TSLA for day trading. I love TSLA, but am feeling greedy!
When precisely are we going to be living in Mars? 😂😂😂
I’ve seen those spikes with TSLA and others. I thought is was a blip from short covering. They often show up in Pre/post market too.
I was a greedy idiot and bought shares at $870 when it was at it's all time highs. I'm an official bag holder now. Pros: I don't mind holding onto the stock for years. Financially speaking TSLA is doing great on the balance sheets. Seems to me the price is trading on 90% FUD and 10% DD. Cons: I don't have anymore money to buy these dips If you ended up as a bag holder like myself I wouldn't worry about it at all if your in it for the long term. This stock will easily cross it's ATH later this year or in
Yes sir, The stock will bounce back and you are already starting to see that now.
If you had done your DD and bought a company you truly believe in you wouldn’t need “faith”. Sell at a loss and stick to index funds if you are not willing to put in the time to research and learn. But keep in mind that even index funds are volatile so I recommend you just hide your money under the mattress so you can sleep easy.
Company has tremendous potential. Even at this valuation think about what it can do in the energy space.
In 2018, tesla's share price was around $60/share. $600 isn't a pull back - its still way, way overvalued
I just bought more. Buy the dip!
Buy the dip is a dangerous game
If you cuts the nuts off your dog, is it still a male dog? Should I rename my dog? Shit sorry what sub is this? I’m a burnout lol. JK. Fuck Trevor Milton or Nikola and that bullshit lawsuit. Fuck the judge that is allowing this waste of money to proceed. Fuck I’m tired of so many people/companies/governing whatever’s literally trying to slow down or stop this company from flourishing- as it will only help the world in the medium to long term. Flip side what if the judge actually knows NKLA is trash and i
To the moon!
Below "most valuable company in the world" was mentioned, problem is that the valuation is already there. It's one thing to build a sportscar with early stage technology but do you really think that Asia and Germany will just lay down and die when the technology is ready for mass market?
No, the chips Tesla would use are made on dedicated lines
hmmm, I see $711 right now. Still waiting for the $650
About to be burnt chicken...
I don’t think this is true. I think he bought 8000 put options He also didn’t bet that much. That’s what the shares within those contacts would be worth
Sure, that would be a 400x multiple
That's an ape!
You know that several times he said he jokes about it and that people should be careful when buying since 50%+ of the market cap is in less than 20 wallets.
Can you give examples of each of those judgements on his character?
Model Y gets worse review of all current evs Search for it and do your due diligence
Your doing fine. Just remember to show ‘em memes and cute puppies and your karma will be higher than your investment portfolio. Still haven’t figured out what ‘dank memes’ are exactly.🤔
The stock has no reason to be valued at over $1000. Market cap isn’t justified. Time to run up another stock. Tesla is done after Bitcoin blunder
Again: show me any company making 30% on EVs. None are except Tesla. Every other company loses billions on EVs. They aren't capable of making money on EVs. They lose money. They are going to go bankrupt because they don't have the ability to make money on the only product that will sell. How is Compaq doing? What about Circuit City? How about Barnes and Noble? Or Kodak? Just because you're in an industry doesn't mean you can pivot. Not a single legacy car company has shown they can pivot to EVs and make m
$TSLA will continue to be an awesome company, but it's stock price has not been connected in any way to projected cash flows or fundamentals for some time now.
Same. Both stocks are definitely a roller coaster. Looking up right now.
Sorry I’m late, but why will a split tank the stock? I thought it usually was the other way around?