Good time to open a sell trade???
TSLA is doing nothing but going up...this isn't a fad or movement on reddit. It just is a strong stock backed by lots of data and potential. When Elon decides to merge all his companies into 1...the stock will literally go to the moon. (Not financial advice)
Just bought a few more shares. My rule is that I buy VTI every time I buy more TSLA. It's not equivalent (by # of shares, or value)- I just kinda wing it based on feel. But, the general rule is that's what I do. Sentiment changes. The business model and upside have not. Yes, there is risk, but an expectation for an uninterrupted upward march is not reasonable.
I'm not impressed by the logic (logical fallacies) she displayed on both TSLA and BTC chats. She's definitely well versed in the market and above average intelligence and well as above average understanding of both TSLA and BTC but but but she seems to have become egotistical or emotionally attached to both TSLA and BTC such that she displays several poor misjudgements.
Tesla dropping to $490 in about a week
Why did the price shoot up before close?
I’ve been buying every dip lol and imma keep doing it
Agreed with this comment. I think impact on stock could be short lived. Capital is not infinite and ultimately the Fed will prove bond traders wrong. Firm believers in Tesla should stay resilient. I believe this should be considered an opportunity to buy low for those playing Tesla in the long term. Cramer has also made a comment in this regard. I think bond traders have manipulated US10Y all along to reshuffle stock portfolios. See : Bond traders spiking yields again won’t win their battle against Powell h
I really hope it goes into the 900's but I think it will stay in the 800 till next earning call, a factory opens or fsd.
Call me stupid but I just bought 20 more :)
I’d believe it if any other auto maker was producing the same types of numbers or anywhere close. Tesla has giga factories!!! I rest my case. But If you said 2034 maybe, but ain’t no way by 2024.
As I said before I sold all of my shares. The P/E ratio over 1,200 with EV competition coming in like crazy seems like TSLA is a loser going forward. This company makes no money but talking about dreams that need to translate into cash flow. A rocket in a car is a total contradiction with the EV environmental idea... Musk is a genius, don’t get me wrong but the company doesn’t make any money.
I recieved last week and there were Plaid's everywhere. I think tsla reports over 200k deliveries and maybe some decent profit even.
never selling a loss is a classic investor "stock marriage" bias, you miss out on exploding projects
In yo face!! Tesla Pauses Hiring, Musk Says Need to Cut Staff by 10%: Reuters
And if share price goes down?
Sorry 😅
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Inflation of the dollar and of stock values. The US Gov is cashing out on all of their US Stock Bonds and then raising interest rates. This is a controlled crash method to slow down inflation and revalue the stock market appropriately. Think of it like a controlled burn of a forest fire in order to build it back up to be even stronger and healthier. The only question is, how low will it go before it rises again?
Hell no, buy back when it's down %13 or more, it'll go back up soon don't miss out on more profits🔥
Not because of the split per say but because of forward outlook. The split is irrelevant to institutional investors.
Calls expiring next week
You prolly shorted Tesla last year. How’d that work for ya?
This is financial advice.
This is old fud the market pumps on TSLA every time it moves up
Ha, yeah, a few days after this I was buying TSLA puts for the first time. I still think TSLA will be an early recoverer, but that recovery is looking a long way off because of ever worsening macroeconomic factors. The Elon news certainly isn't doing TSLA a favor in the short term, but is ultimately a side-show that will blow over (possibly by being ousted, which at this point might be a positive). The huge drop TSLA is seeing is just these two separate things happening all at once and not due to any change
!Remindme 2 weeks
Should be able to have them replace it through the app. Might need to use insurance still
He doesn’t know why
Theres way better liquidity right now post split. I love Shopify and I hope they do a split soon. I try to do options in there but the liquidity is so awful 70% of the time. Like today it was (-0.50) to $4.55 for a put credit spread.
Lithium is not that rare in fact…
Up 7% in premarket
TSLA shoud move from "maker position" to "pervasive innovator" .. increasing R&D investments, which seems to be flat during last 3 yrs (of course after doubling in last 5 yrs). This is the only trend, in my opinion, to sustain 5k$. Also equity earnings should be useful to achieve the target ..
He’s literally been so fucking annoying lately with his tweets. He needs to STFU and pay his employees better and make sure the stocks im invested don’t dip 😒😅 But seriously, his tweets have opened my eyes to the asshole he really is and honestly I’m done with it.
I wouldn't say it crushed estimates. Its within the estimated range of 145k-188k but on the higher end. Its great news still though
If you've been buying since 2014 I don't see how you would end up living in a van
I’m already here. Edit: She said Hi.
I would suggest to start buying more...but I feel that it may continue to dip sub $750
lmao just another story of people fucking around with options and getting burnt. Literally gambling Obligatory this is a casino, sir
YouTube university
Hopefully after the next split it won’t fall in a downtrend because then we would lose value 10x faster.
Inflation shit was blown out of proportion. We might have some jump but calling it 2008 is baseless. Even fed is not worried and yield has leveled out.
The shorts got a good reason to get on top of it at the high.
How can’t prove that can you.. you have nothing except the word of your broker.. the reality is they don’t abide by the law or the rules
I have about 35k to invest I'm thinking about putting it all in tesla. (Money I'm willing to lose) is it too late to jump in or did I already miss the train to make good money for the next 3 to 5 yrs on tesla. I'm fairly new to investing maybe 10 months experience.
TSLA = poopy pants today get the depends
Be weary - AS GAAP earnings will not be accurately reflected with how BTC gains/losses are recorded. Pay attention to non gaap, which has been more of an accurate measurement of Tesla.
Nice quote man
Someone gild this man.
I’m not touching that - MM’s at Melvin Capital
As much market share as your post takes my attention from my day
Will Bitcoin gains be included in this? How does that work?
Not great for day traders but if you’re buying and holding, it’s a good place to do it. You can even do fractional shares. Your broker will probably charge you for moving your stock out to direct registration and new buys have small fees. I started mine with a purchase for a few shares than moved my holdings over. I still keep my swing plays in a traditional broker.
Thanks for your input! ☺️
Tesla is so far ahead. As one analyst put it.... "... If it's a marathon... Tesla is on Mile 17, VW on Mile 2 ... All others haven't even laced up their shoes... " Brand new factories. The best software. Most efficient manufacturing processes. The "brand" in EV. No unwinding of legacy ICE business. Tesla on the road to being a $5 Trillion company. Period.
Left out the margin cause I’m an idiot. Be interesting to see if ev are higher margin by default and if not how long it takes others to catch up. I’m not sold on robots driving ppl for a long while, tech, laws and insurance some big hurdles I think. Obviously I been wrong to this point could be wrong still
Typically initial growth is exponential if the product is excellent (and it is) but after some time it becomes linear (has already happened) and then finally growth flattens out. When you are disruptive within an existing market, like passenger cars, the total is more or less constant, and the remaining question is what market share you can take, get it?
I’ve been holding an 860c exp 12/17 through all this. An emotional roller coaster but I believe in our lord and savior Papa Elon. Hopefully some of the GME normies and long time autists of WSB roll their gains into TSLA
No recent tweet from Elon discussing another split. He just made all kinds of cryptic tweets prior to the 2020 split announcement that have similarities. The article explains it better.
Lol. I'm not going to ask how you know the color of her bootay
Price volatility =/= risk. The price may go all over. But if you have some income and don’t rely on this for month to month, stand fast in your understanding of the value this company provides, and keep it there until you see something better, or have a need to spend.
have any link orr?
It's a 1k stock EOY minimum. Wait for q1 sales and earnings. 2020 q4 will not be allowed to happen again
He better start tweeting something positive as next support level is 450))
Don’t waste time with “what if”. You snagged an $80 gain, that’s a win. Be happy about it and focus on the next trade opportunity. “Paper hands” doesn’t mean shit. That’s just what bagholders call the smart people who take profits
Bullish Tesla tomorrow. Trends are sideways for big players and looking for a bounce tomorrow. GDProduction is estimated 6.9% this year compared to last years 2.9%. I am holding and bought the dip today
I agree...I hope those playing with Margin didn't get slaughtered though
It is my firm view that Tesla will prevail as the no.1 EV company, especially if/ when full self drive comes fully on/line. ... but .... I’m hedging my Tesla bullishness with a sizeable chunk of VW and a few other more stable stocks. It worked wonders for me today VW covered my Tesla losses. I retain a substantial Tesla holding which I’ve had done since $220 before the split but these giddy heights need some cover! I don’t like VW poor ethos, lied about diesel etc, but it’s worth putting feelings to one s
Which level are you referring to... 620, 610, 600 , 590s, 580s , 560s it’s been all those places today and very well could close even lower. At this point the market maker is happily selling putts for days on end now...
I don't believe the stock will go below $900. When I look at the TSLA mobile app ranking how it has been going up from #169 in January to #78 in November, I can't wait for Q4 earnings ;).
Yeah op must live in a really nice area or something. I think I’ve seen one Tesla in my city ever. It’s a large ish city but also not very rich
Answer is yes.
It’s called Fuckery aka market manipulation
Steady.....Up, Up and away......🚀🚀🚀🚀😉
I believe so, record deliveries should translate to record revenues. Investment in Bitcoins also has positive return.
I did the same! bought 5!
I'm hoping it does, since I bought early on the dip and didn't have more to average down when it _really_ dipped. But I'm also vaguely concerned about the whole market being at risk with all the other fuckery likely to happen around the 19th this month. I've no problem letting TSLA ride since I have faith in it long term, but it's got a lot of my liquidity tied up that I may need if things go south fast.
yup and then went the fuck down, i bought some at 1193 like a sucker.. I keep telling myself, don’t over invest, stay a little liquid; do i listen? do i FUCKING listen? No, because i’m a fucking idiot that doesn’t listen to his own advice. ugh. I have a lot of faith in this company, i’m in it for the long haul, this is a minor set back. — he said while his eyes were tearing up
I have tsla and ARKK It’s a long term investment. Don’t get in for short term gains. As for Cathie, they continue to mock her but she is usually always right. Maybe not now but later. She gave “ridiculous calls” on Tesla a few years ago. I remember squawk box and Joe Kernen literally treating her as an idiot and making fun of her when she said Tesla 700. She then raised her target and instead of apologizing to her they did it again. She is no idiot and it’s time people stopped treating her li
I bought my first shares in 2014. I’ve been pitching it to a coworker for 7 years. I’ve been buying on dips the whole time. Meanwhile he’s bought and sold radar makers, Lidar Spacs, traditional OEM’s, Chinese makers, etc. He always thinks TSLA is too expensive and he’s never pulled the trigger. Thankfully for him he still gets some in his index stuff. Why are you always trying to find the next TSLA when you could actually buy TSLA? He never has been able to answer that one.
Tesla should have completed the VW takeover last year.
Its coming right back. never sell!!!!
It was speculation. Calm down.
666 was one of my sell orders when I was playing sell it and buy it back lower game which I lost. Sold and bought back higher
GOOD answer > 3x less than in 2024
Yeah. Robots not approved by board. Conference call was a joke. No infer stock tanked
I told you guys. Dr. Michael J Burry is a very informed dude. I have been telling about this competition issue and no one listen. Run!!!
Priced in lol.
This is what I am talking about. Thanks for the reply.
I just picked them up at 722
This is nothing out of normal. ARK is known to buy on down days and considering billions in AUM for ARK this really is peanuts. Disclaimer: Long substantially TSLA commons.