These analysts look at the EV car market like it’s ICE car market part 2, not like it’s a whole new thing.
Nah I got in the day before this news. I bought the dip
Exactly. Electric companies fleece customers on excess energy currently. If customers could instead use that excess energy to mine crypto they would be making the cost of installing solar panels even more attractive, thus incentivizing clean energy.
Between 145k and 188k from analysts. I'm worried the downtrend from Thursday will continue
I think they meant halted through most if not all of 2022
Spoiler alert
Sell ir
What are Austin, Berlin?
Come on baby!!
Technical analysis works until it doesn’t. For me if there are no catalysts then sure it has a chance to follow since it’s often based in psychology. Problem is for every bull analysis there is, one could also interpret with a bear analysis
Thank you!!!! You said no way 1.2k. They said yes way!!!! The same day.
Not great advice unless you want to pay taxes on capital gains every year
And first trillionaire
My thoughts exactly. You have your facts right, bro. Wonder how many times Elon doubters will be humiliated for them to give the man his due. Betting against that man is a losing proposition. I believe we'll see another stock split this year.
The stock holders always get punished for CEO's who speak their mind.
Here some real DD too No bullshit. Friends in So Cal, mention that they are strongly considering buying the TSLA $50k power wall. Why, because at night they charge their 3. Friends electric bill is still high. These friends, like most have a growing family and don’t have time to go super charge station. Disclaimer, friends are 2 income private practice MD and have funds to spend, like many CA TSLA car owners.
Picked up a call for 4/9 660 strike on Friday. I’m ready for Monday!
you made a classic mistake, Tesla is addressing an existing market (personal transportation), not creating a new one (internet based), hence growth model need to take market share into account, one of these days you will finally be forced to understand simple facts.
No tax expert, but a US accountant here. Yes charitable donations are a deduction you can take to reduce your taxable income. It looks like it may be possible to carry forward the deduction to future years it’s over 50% of taxable income. So yeah, hypothetically, end world hunger may not pay taxes for several years. May be more complicated with someone like Elon though who doesn’t have regular income, mostly capital gains from sale of stock. Not sure how that may affect things.
Most people can agree that it’s very overpriced, but there are also many people who think it will keep going up. I’m going to keep hodling because I have long term confidence in the company but I’ll keep my eye on it
Nice stash!
95% of worn out electric car batteries are being dumped / not recycled from what I've read (why ever is there not a hefty refundable 'recycling deposit' \[10%?\] on them as incentive to drop them off at recycling centers??). So, I'm with Biden -- until the major component, batteries, is being recycled, Tesla like vehicles' time has not yet come.
TSLA $900 19/03 💯💥🚀🚀
I agree I will just hold it like it is AAPL
Lots of RED on the map today, but TSLA and a few others are still green, maybe in power hour this afternoon?
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Dude buy ark etf if you want Tesla exposure
You're quite right. It isn't up to Elon. People here keep saying that Elon doesn't want a split any time soon, but forget it's not entirely up to him to declare a stock split. It's up to the board, folks. The last time TSLA split, it was the board that made that decision after deeming the stock price too expensive back then. I still think we might see a stock split declared by the board if the stock price goes over $1500 and keeps heading higher.
Its on sale!!!
Elon musk’s brother just sold some shares
funny how people with large holdings are saying it is cheap to buy now... when it is crashing and they are losing a lot of money.
Stuck ? No , you will probably sell this Friday at 810 if not before . Tsla is more for long , 795 is actually a good position . Offclurse if it is not your rent money due on the 28th :)
Bill Gates has a short position against Tesla Inc. that would now need between $1.5 billion and $2 billion to close out, Elon Musk said Friday in a series of tweets. Musk said the position was $500 million and grew after Tesla “went up a lot.” When asked last year on CNBC whether he was short Tesla, Gates said, “I don’t talk about my investments.”
Where they have the rave caves
Fuck man these options are deleting my money lol need $1200 asap
i sold half today. feels good to take profits.
Model S/X => 2,340 Model 3/Y => 204,081 Total => 206,421 (vs. 201,250 comp).
Put 980 is on 7 jan 🙌🕺🏽
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Tbh bro I have zero idea I thought it was gunna plummet when he sold his recent shares but it only went down about 200$ so I’m not to sure but I’m hoping it does cause I wanna get back into Tesla, but as of right now I think it’ll stay where it’s at till something happens just keep an eye out bro bro
No proof no… just clickbait youtube videos haha
magic 8 ball says “maybe”
Long term good move Short term I dunno. Maybe I'll do the same.
It is already at price level where split happened last time… the short size increased as the price went up… my estimate is it is close to 100m shares… not including the short interest on options… regardless earnings expectations will be second factor other than insane demand for the shares and short squeeze… I will put another message on that
Split leads to a price appreciation.
What’s the timeline for the debut of the robototaxi biz?
Thank you
It's harder for some, like myself, arriving late for the party. I accumulated as it rose, post split from $400USD up to $860USD per share. I bought as funds became available to me, regardless of the price. My average price stands at just over $700USD per share. Yes I will hold, as I still believe in the outlook and future of Tesla.
Now please!!! Lol
>the company hasn’t changed in the last month and this decline isn’t warranted Just like how the company didn't change with the stock split or SP500 inclusion and the rise wasn't warranted. Unwarranted rises lead to unwarranted falls. Brace for impact!
He has no outside clients at Scion Capital... He shut down the original hedge fund after 08... Emotional investment? Lol, dude.. no one bets that much money on emotion. Get real.
Cramer reads a script. Totally bogus
Wow. Has anyone ever watched russian car accidents on YouTube? Wait for some fallout-esque car explosions with the batteries reigniting.
P/E of 1000 Exposed to bitcoin which Buffet-Gates-Munger-Yellin despise Numerous, cheaper and more reliable competitors are coming from established car brands like Audi, Mercedes, Nissan, etc. Actual range is routinely worse than EPA projections routiney for it (higher range seen for Korean makes) If you really think it's going to be the only EV maker, then yes, that P/E is justified. But they are battery makers who through a car on it. The real car makers are waking up and won't just let that market d
It will be 700+ before end of month!!
Agree. Tesla is constantly improving manufacturing process for efficiency and squeezing every dollar from it. That is the reason tesla can start a new plant from scratch so quickly. Also a large component of EV is SW (in fact most if it) and how to get the max out of batteries.
Fuck bro I got 5 the other day that went down Thursday I got 2 more all that is a chance to add more tsla to the portafolio if you don’t see future there you are nuts
Elon ain’t stupid he knows what he’s doing
He’s a fUnDaMeNtAlIsT
TESLA had a nice little rally end of the day today I suspect it will bounce back on Tuesday into the 830-850 range, and will probably hover in that territory until the first model Y comes off the line at the factory in germany, at which point it will probably rocket above 1,000 per share.
If you know you know and that’s a good thing. It takes acknowledgment and study to understand these factors. Progress or be left behind
But it still went down at the end of the bell and after hours.
Stock market dropped and Elon still selling
If there’s anyone in the world that can go into TSLA, it would be Cathy. She was here before most of us were.
I bought more in the 660's also.
I had the same option but purchased a month ago I thought that following the S&P entrance it would fall back to 400-500. I sold it after it went back up to 670 from 630. Luckily saved a bundle since it’s now in the 700’s. Barring a major meltdown I suspect this will stay up until after earnings report. It could be sell on the news at that point but until then it could keep going up until earnings. By the way my put was a hedge. I sold my long call position when the stock hit 690. The fa
10 @ 62 in feb’18, wish I had more to invest back then. Still keeping it all for sure
I have a bunch at $790 and I’m going to keep holding. There’s no point in selling for a loss now!
Hopefully the share count is a lot more by the time I’m 30. I’m going into real estate as an agent and plan on putting most of my commissions into TSLA
Im thinking Jun 800c on Tsla. What yall think?
Nice cut and paste job
i was really hoping this was the new baseline 2 days ago. looks like theres still a chance
It will close the gap around 900, expecting it to go back to 1K after ER
$TSLA bounced off $700 fast. Looking for second wave down so I can cover my short. Longer term bull but, charts don’t lie
Hmm its a declining business
As much as I love TSLA and Elon's plan the stock is overvalued. Buying bitcoin was the last straw. Give it 2 weeks to correct to around 300-400
It’s probably already happening, just not public info yet.
you are right I sold at 650 will hold the $ until it drops under 500
Crooks are manipulating it like rest of the stock market
Shorting and penny options are not for me . Seems chicken shit HF play. For me just a few type of stocks and real estate higher profit margins. Need real money and credit to play.
Yes, I've been trying to explain this to others as well, but not many seem to know that lol
That’s trying to time the market. It may work or it may not. It could go sideways on you. That’s the problem with day trading. It’s a viable strategy but you’ll have to really pay attention and trust your gut and pay attention to the media. You’ll also need to see what the indicators are telling you. The best strategy is to buy and hold.
Wish I could afford calls I need a stock split
I think the big Red shorts needs to cover before christmas. Nobody know what news will be released for the holidays. Cover Cover Cover.
Tesla China , now shipping to Europe so no more sales in China
Make it now, and make a shit ton of coins so we can get it cheap. By the time Elon Musk passes my people would be rich. Its only gonna go up, dude is taking us to mars.
Don’t ever go all in on any investment. Just when you think you have investing figured out, it will remind you who is in charge and why so many lost money investing. Diversification is the key to wealth and investing. I wouldn’t invest all my eggs in any one basket.
Creating the bot?
Dude if people could call the market they wouldn’t be on Reddit.. do the best you can with what you got and keep it movin
What about the people that bought at the top? That hurts! The fact that it runs, and then dips after optimistic news should tell you something about general market sentiment. The fact that it has remained as strong as it has when compared to the widespread tech sell off is surprising. I guess that tells you something about company sentiment.
See you at $625!! Dropping faster than wet shiet
yup. For each 1 share of common stock you own. After the split you will have 3. Sell 3 CC option contracts, rinse repeat...