Look. If this youtuber could predict such short term movements with such accuracy repeatedly, he’d be making a shit ton of money from short term puts, calls, shorts etc. to the point where he probably would have raised a $100m-$50b fund and wouldn’t be putting this stuff on YouTube. I didn’t watch the video but I’m inherently skeptical.
Probably not a P&D if Hertz is blasting out ads with Thomas Bradley
I’m hoping the GME gang remembers their lord and savior Elon Musk when the dust settles. I’ve got some shares and a long call. It’s been hard to hold but I love Elon and believe in the company.
Up or down that 27% though this time around 🤔
Thank you
Sorry I’m retarded. What is a split?
Buy the dip
I thought I would never buy over 1000 shares, but the drop to 567 was too delicious. Now I’m 1100.
What cost basis though OP?
$2000 next year
Dealerships will still exist, according to this article. They just won’t negotiate.
Tell her I need a loan.
That‘s the same for ALL companies. Therefore valuation should remain unchanged. No, it should go up because estimates were topped. Market is idiotic right now. Seriously who is selling TSLA now?
There are some big trades happening with Tesla this morning.
Tesla always comes back up strong after a dip. It amazes me that people still short or bet against Tesla succeeding and their stock price going back up. Short sellers continue to lose BILLIONS against Tesla lmfaoOo...
As you say you started investing (assuming in tesla) 5 - 10 years ago then what are you complaining about? You are by far ahead in terms of DCA than most. I only started investing in Tesla after their stock split. Do I care about the swings? Hell no!!!
So, what do you do, study bible or worship any god?
A bit FUDDY r we?
Possible also. A battery supplier announced a sodium ion battery. Lithium is a rate limiter with EVs as it is rare. Sodium is not. Thus would allow for more batteries to be made. Sorry I didn’t save the link but Im sure those interested can research.
I'm willing to add to my position at these prices. I don't want to average down. I prefer averaging up. ​ 60@458
You are crazy. You are buying at the very top and it may take 3-5 years to get back here
Hope I meet you up there. I heard the purple ones taste like grape. Stay away from the brown crayons.
Ahoy kingston89king! Nay bad but me wasn't convinced. Give this a sail: me GOT SOME options on TSLA t' $1000 Soon..... Time t' ROARRRRRRR
As someone who is typically a swing trader, with 1-2 long term positions, I will give you my opinion. I wouldn't touch TSLA right now until it hits $625 minimum. I think $650 is a bull trap in this range. I have taken 2 losses on this. Both times I waited until the $700 resistance broke and the support held. Both times it rallied to the $750 and then fell back to $700 support where I sat at break even only to have break support and work it's way back to $600 as I eat red. The $650 trap is that the current
Which timeframe you are looking at 50, 100? I use 50,200 MAE for big pic and 8,21 MAE.
first thing that comes to mind is taxes
This post belongs to WallStreetBets. I am a permabull... but dont like this kind of spectulation. so, what happens if There is no forward split in Dec and the macro is not doing well, soft hands are going to sell!
A put isn't a short, which also means that it has nothing to do with a short squeeze. Next to that, his puts are probably already far ITM if he bought those in the first quarter.
This. Don’t chase a stock that’s at ATH. There’s another deal somewhere. TSLA will drop and hit a short term minimum again soon. It may be higher than now. It may be lower than now. Grab it then.
$40k? seriously? I'll take 2 to go!
I wish I did! But didn’t have the money until Feb, then I took half my savings and put all of that in TSLA @ $671 per share it was $14k. Pretty happy I kept half in cash just in case for risk. Because now I’m a proud owner of 21 shares at $1100.
Pretty risky is a massive understatement. Tesla volatility is huge considering its market size. The investor hasn't made any money until they sell and there's significant headwinds to upside in Tesla stock. The question OP needs to ask themselves is "if they had $100k today would they invest it all in TSLA at the current valuation"?
"Six Six Six Six!". -jack black
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Why? What makes you think that?
While Im a complete bull on TSLA. I cant help but notice the gap up in price, and it didnt even come back to test resistance area. Leads me to believe this gain is shortlived.
Problem is that once earnings need to match stock price it will be much lower, but until then happy swing-trade and fund his game.
Next week right before earnings release❗💯
elon sold his shares of tsla to buy twitter. he took advantage of tsla high price and left the rest of baggers and believers in the dust. i bought tsla before the earnings and went up 10% the next. i was stupid to hold it. Now i am down 35% from my buying price. should i buy the dip? i would wait. tsla stock price needs to go down below 300 to priced in the coming recession.
I hate Elon musk because the guy next to me seems to as well.
If trading view was 100% accurate, everyone would make money haha
why on Computer Share? you are worried about synthetics? don't they charge fees? I just buy on Fidelity for free
Don’t allow them to play you they want you to buy there using what we call fun against us now. The world is watching Thank me later
The first thing to learn is that TSLA stock and earnings rarely ever correlate. Many times the stock will rip right before earnings then crash afterwards even when earnings are great, sometimes the good news is already priced in. It’s not rational at all, but neither is the whole market right now.
Bullflag on daily chart 🚀
Fuck off with your nonsensical analysis
Might see 700 tomorrow... no good news of any kind, many people calling Bitcoin investment crazy, heavier negative volume. I feel like it’s going to correct to the 200day moving avg over the next few months which is still near 400% ytd
that would be very nice, it makes it easier to pick up more shares. not to mention the weeks right after the the split, since people are not accustomed to the new share price, usually you can pick more up for a bargain.
Definite buy buy, buy and hold for thr split.
I’ve sold at 755, I wouldn’t suggest selling until at least 700 again, but all of my technical tools are telling me it prob won’t reach that again today unless anything major comes out in the news or something externally affects it
How about my 1350 Dec 17th call 🙃 #stonks
Buying more.. rat out this guy with the smoke
Not too worried? I’d imagine the more effective at trading one becomes the more worried they would be about everything
You know what pisses me off....not Elons intentions but the outcome... and knowing he's a fucking brilliant man..he knows the effect of his tweets.... this last one cost me 93% of me option spread. When we bet on him and TSLA and he treats it like a meme that he knows his tweet will effect pricing.... drives me fucking insane.
Why not sell and buy in again when it hits a more appropriate value?
It depends on your investment horizon. It depends on whether you going to need the funds in the short term or not. Otherwise, just ride the wave of variability. If you are in the money or profiting from your position, you can write covered calls to get some profits on the stock tesla, I just tried price that would give you a nice 30 or 40% return.
Nice one
I talked to a friend at Tesla about how a rumor like this could even start and if Elon did have interest in making consumer stuff. Seems it may have spun out of some creative chip sourcing, definite no on cell phone and cell phone-like stuff.
Hodl until at least 2024. Year or price per share. Whatever comes first
Remember half a Billion
I think Friday was a bull trap. The crypto market bounced with the whole market Friday and now is down 5-10%... makes me feel inflated tech (Woodstock’s) will do the same monday. There’s nothing happening in the economy or news to keep this bull run going and it’s already broken multiple averages and trend lines. Will see Monday.
Literally the reason I sold last week…been holding for over 2 years and still fully believe in TSLA as a company…but just got sick of the press targeting them for anything, and then musk just being musk too, hopefully will be able to find a good price point to buy back in
I read articles "the best thing that can happen to tsla is to lose market share slowly". Are you kidding me? They say no one is buying right now until the EV credit news. Do you not think they won't pump out as many cars as they can anyways!!!!! Tesla is the next Apple x20. Been hodler since 2015.
Click on the Photo to see the TSLA calls.
I'm a BIG TSLA supporter and shareholder relative to my net worth. What Gates is reported to have said is accurate. For persons who manage portfolios professionally and work to control risk (uncertainty of returns) with even a modicum of success, they understand what Gates is doing and why. In that regard, the mechanics of portfolio management as Gates alludes to, this isn't unusual or and shouldn't be considered personal to either Musk or Gates, IMO.
why don’t you try putting in a limit price to buy?
Because Everyone Tanked Today. I'm hoping it drops even more, all the way down to $980.00 before it shoots up. Need to buy more.
The business model is fine, they just don't have enough supply of materials to produce new models of cars. They can't sell enough of they ones have as it is right now.
Have you heard of doge-1? I guess not. Have you read about major sports teams accepting doge? I guess not. Have you heard you can use it to travel on travala? I guess not. And if you’re not educated enough with money and throwing life savings into a coin, maybe you need some self reflection. Being accountable is everything
Cant seem to get a good read on calls and put plays this week with how the stock is running flat the past few days. minimal gains and minimal losses. might just break even.
Arkk will too
And she was wrong to the conservative side last time. Not bullish enough. Remember that too.
P/E of 800-1000, revenue 40B, burning cash like it’s fun, press hates them, shorts the them, Cramer hates them, all bad things but...Everyone hates the guy on top. It’s about the growth baby!!! 50% of my portfolio is Tsla today, and 50% of what remains outside of Tesla (mostly ETFs and Apple) will be sold so I can buy Tesla if it goes below 650 week. Long term they will hit 3 trillion dollar valuation and I’ll be there to say I’ve made a killing! Hope to see you there too! HODL!! 🚀 🚀 🚀
- Cars - Global BEV 2021 was $68B (taking this blindly from Statista, can't find a good source), of which Tesla took in $47B (right off Q4 report) - Y/Y growth of EV market share growth of total car market increased about 50% 2019-2020 and 108% 2020-2021 - You're estimate of 400B is probably good for 2025-ish, but a 10% market share? That is ridiculously low given Tesla's current market position, Tesla's rates of growth, and the actual rates and even self-reported growth targets of Tesla's compe
Cracks me up they are getting so upset citing Roe v wade “control over women’s bodies”… which is *theoretical potential* and hasn’t happened yet. Yet they dismiss his actual experience where democrats shut down his factory for months, *actually* “controlling what they do with their bodies”. It’s crazy how they can’t see why he refuses to stay in an abusive relationship based on real experiences that actually happened, instead of prioritizing moral general victories.
That is not 1 million Trucks. The looks are similar to model Y. 275000 first year, but more equals great exposure.
Andrej Karpathy - Director of Artificial Intelligence Ganesh Venkataraman - Director of Hardware & Project Lead for Dojo Ashok Elluswamy - Director of Autopilot Software Zack Kirkhorn - CFO and Master of Coin
TA is stupidly important
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Read about P/E ratio, google it
I think it depends on what fiat currency you are talking about and what the stability of that fiat currency is. I don't see that many North Americans or Euros using bitcoin to pay (especially Americans with the capital gains tax), but perhaps it makes sense for customers in nations with less stable currency.
My God you are new at this. Just hold
Is that post split?
Fuck! I am not happy...
This conment is incoherent.
Buy now!!
Tesla attracts the best talent and has excellent compensation. Austin will be a success. Germany? I'm not certain. Tesla has no EV competition. Go drive a Ford Mach E and you will see. It's software is junk.
Beat by 4%
I’ll sell Tala stock Monday morning Because the Tesla team is focused on making money, not on market share
TSLA stock has become so political
It will get back and over 800.
True they will fight tooth and nail. But if only a couple institutions get involved every couple days (there are literally thousands) and the volume stays a couple points up… shiiit…it’s done it before…$TSLA 🚀🚀🚀🌘🌘🌘. (😶‍🌫️🇨🇦😎)