$580 and falling today. What's your price target?
Since you were 16?? Wait, thats illegal 🚫
3 wave down so around 400 ish then back to bullish
The organic AI connectivity is not solved yet, he is trying to break through. It's not an easy matter crack open but if it can be overcomed... wow.
up. Way up.
I see $500 before $1,000
Bought my first 5 shares today thanks to the dip.
That I am done buying the dips that keep dipping?
Fake news , this guys a ice man
Gee thanks
So when do we get actually worried? <400?
Well said Sir clit muffin, I am a friend of your kind. 550 sale was beautiful, I cried. Then bought 100 shares. But still have 75 locked up in the tower of hold thy bag @ 800 🤦🏻‍♂️
Hold. Figure out a way to have another source of income that takes care of rent/mortgage. Don’t buy another new vehicle..?
Not sure why split will be an attributable factor to your decision. Split does not increase a company's value, neither does it decrease its value. Split increases liquidity of the stock because more smaller guys can involve. I don't think it matters for TSLA because 1) it is highly liquid even though single share is expensive; 2) one can buy just 1 share now, split doesn't lower the entry bar by much.
I think your going to miss out. Holding, long, too many catalyst, including maybe another 5:1 split. The last split was my multiplier money maker. My pension, 403B and 457 are in very large plans. TSLA is my side money. I don’t buy car, because I don’t show my money. This stock in the long run has made me money.
Yeah she’s been selling because as TSLA goes up it becomes a larger % of the portfolio and they maintain no one position should make up more than 10% of of the portfolio.
I don't think it is just TSLA, it is across all EV and tech stocks, unless a catalyst comes out of Musk someday soon
He picked those up right after the split and has already closed those options near 900...
That’s not how it works but good luck. Stocks don’t split normally near that close to a previous split. There hasn’t even been a decent correction since the last split. I wouldn’t expect one for years
Bill is just well informed, don't give your money to the big ones as they are gradually pulling out
For anyone reading dont forget they delivered a record 184,800 vehicles globally in the January to March quarter, beating market expectations on strong demand from China and revenue rose to US$10.39 billion from US$5.99 billion a year earlier
Well I’m talking abt the this lady who protested at Shanghai Motor show is actually working for NIO. I didn’t mentioned any of whatever glass supplier is a German company. Anyway according to stats Tesla is the safest car in this planet yeah this is the facts yeah.
If we cross 1500.... I'll give you the money to keep her.
bought 20 shares at 800$ last month...should have waited more, feels bad to see the discount right now and don't have any more capital to spend on it. STILL HOLDING!!
You can wait and buy it to 500$ level
Seem lucid to me.
Almost did it
How is anything here bullish? The reasons why tesla heads for new all-time highs according to the post: \-Musk's tweets \- tweet speculations about stock split \-gaps, which are also likely to be filled at some point in the future
I sold my investment in Tesla but keep my profits in Tesla free money. I don't Care of it goes up our down i wil always win.
I’ll be happy if it just stops going down.
Great insight hopefully true
900 today
Can we get a list of all your life accomplishments? I'll wait.
Maybe he's testing the neuralink?
Do you have any idea what number of vehicles they need to sell to defend the stock value?
Everything is up today but TSLA and the nasdaq
I’m in your same boat rn 🗿
Till then you will continue to not put your money where your mouth is. Excellent approach
500. Adorable.
And the move to Bitcoin will be proved as one of the best move in corporate history
You honestly believe that’s why he wants people back in the office? 🙄
But not a single other car company is making a profit on EV because they've got no factories and no battery supply. GM, Ford, VW, Nissan all lose money on their EV divisions.
All those rumors, seeing first
Do you understand what jobs are being cut? Upper management. Not the people who actually make the cars. He’s trimming the waste because he know FJB is destroying it.
Why even comment
I’ve bought a share at 1050
Called what. Tesla has always been volatile. Small time investors buy it 1 share at a time. They are still there.
Lol no Maybe in 2040
I'll look closer, didn't look like one with -$7.00 a share for the day
Envisage the long term, envisage what we will all be driving in the future, and evisage who the market leader is. Envisage all the technology, IP and competitive moat Tesla has. Now ask yourself if you think you should sell for the slightest market blip
Either way, stock compensation is a major part of the employees’ pay. With the price cratering, so is their pay. Combined with Musk’s meltdown, a lot of folks are likely to be putting their resumes together. There was already a high burnout rate, reportedly. These developments could easily be accelerating that. I’m especially interested to see where these talented folks end up. Could prompt VCs to reopen their closing wallets.
20-25% over current share price typically...I then try to work it. Buy it back if a big red day and sell to open on a pop. Tesla has been so volatile that it's working well. I take the proceeds and buy more shares..."earning" about 1 per month this way and haven't been exercised yet. If it pops 25% in 2 weeks, I'll just have to be content with my longs 😁
I'm too old to seriously think about looong-term ... I need additional income now and am not willing to wait years to make a profit .... I want instant gratification or as near to that as reasonably possible to obtain ...
Why do you think Tesla valuation is justified at 1116x annual earnings? Plug: NEGATIVE cash flow, risen 15x compared to same time last year. Valued at $26billion (even after the decrease)? Is the company worth 15 times more after 1 year of losing money?
Thanks for the positive feedback!
We need Cathie to filibuster
Below 900 like $880 or so will be a fantastic price to buy now.
yeah i feel most people day trade with calls.. but i feel DRS only pertains to people who are just investing in the stock long term.. i feel most people wont sell TSLA even if it spikes to 5gs since the split is coming and that's not for a while.. my theory is if i can get a little movement going where people in TSLA are aware of the benefits than we can get the price at all time highs and all make an assload of money.. and theres enough time before the split which is when i'll stop pushing for DRS.. reddit
Make a clickable link and I’ll consider it.
Next week who cares. Next decade is where the money is
There is an issue with electric cars in cold weather, only get about 50% due to it burns through energy very fast in cold climate!
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Don't say that. That's the enron story.
Buy and hold long for the win.
Like Jeremy said "who wants a sports car that cannot even do one lap at Nurnberg ring" or a expect a newcomer to make a mass market product that outperform Koreans and Chinese?
eoy2022 is too unlucky
sold all of mine on way down (mostly $700-$800) and last sale was $603 today. best decision i've made in months. it was hard at first but now a relief (especially with 20/20 hindsight) it wass a momo story stock at one point, now EVERYONE knows about it, and the fundamentals are terrible. The buyes came in January and early February. No one is buying now - that's why it's falling - no buyers. They've lost Europe, and that Mustang is just as sweet (have you driven one, bro?) Evven the bulls are saying t
Yeah, what about Musk’s brother selling his stock yesterday? And Elon’s possible shares dump??
hate to disappoint, Jobs wasn't much of an innovator in the truest sense he mainly cobbled together innovations from others (Xerox for color and fonts, whomever created the operating system that was marketed as iOS ultimately, and many more) into a single product and found the sorta sweet spot of the market for these cobbled together innovations which became new products, the most appealing to the most average of people thus a huge market not saying he wasn't smart, he was
The afternoon decline today is a mystery to me, probably really disappointing for people trading calls expiring today. We now know why TSLA retracted from $1k to $820 and that event is over. There isn't anything fundamentally blocking the rise back to $1k and beyond. It is a fire sale on calls right now, it's like that day it hit $722 and I got some calls at $18 that I sold for $138 a few days later. This time I bought enough that I can finally get the wife that Model X.
1.6 trillion depending on the time frame. Yes if in the next 6-9 months. I think more 12 months plus
It will be 525 again
You must be new here? Just a few months ago, it was sub $600. q1 seems to be a low time for the stock, or rather after q1 earnings.
I have xx shares. I’ve sold off a few to take profits and I’ve bought back in on major pull backs. If you need cash then do what you have to do. I’m holding as many as I can LONG
The phone was some set that some random did once to imagine what a Tesla phone would look like. I’m not sure why anyone would think this was official information from Tesla?
i got a few 650 calls i put a sell limit at 700. Hopefully a good week
Blew this out at 240k
Today is a good day to crush Tesla Investments
Sounds like musk sold some shares to use cash to pay off officials.. I mean once we are all bitcoin and doge.. privacy will be harder to do these things Haha either way.. Elon gets it done.. doge will moon now I bet.. hmm I should increase my position. He may already be acquiring more.. let him buy gme and amc lol and some $FJB letsgobrandon coin
You sure about that?
So you buy the car to make money to buy the shares😂
Are they gonna fire you lol
Wishful thinking, no stimulus will make Tesla reach the profit levels required to defend even $100. Hype will not hold forever.
Probably 3 more split in 10 years. If It didnt split were talking 7k a share minimum. It will be bigger than apple before 10 years pass. I'm talking future apple.
Ho well let’s keep buying then , that way she will need to pay more if she wants to keep pumping
What was your plan when you bought them? Is it greed keeping you or do you have conviction this is your play during ups and downs?
I am interested in how many people, that are able to afford a Tesla, would be willing to share their cars to other people for any revenue. The problems to consider: \-dirty car interiors. \-damages to car, including small scratches. \-low battery. \-cars left in another federal state, that are hardly able (difficult roads) to return by themselves to their owner. The sole winner would be Tesla, not the owners.
I thought it was tomorrow?
Ding ding ding.
Well this was wrong
Guess we’ll be green next few days then
All in 😎
Pj at atlas is calling for tsla below $600 tomorrow and below $500 soon. Let’s hit $1200,not $below $600
but there is nothing about TSLA using MMAT for anything at all. If it is true share something which proves it. The 4 automobile solutions from MMAT are not that great that it will be absorbed by TSLA.