This is the funniest reason I've ever heard for not buying an EV. Hats to you mate
Bro he's selling 20 billion dollars at least worth of shares shares and funds are doing it day by day their not just gonna dump it. Maybe some institutional play will offer to scoop them all up at once. His brother sold 200 million dollars worth last week Yes its a buying opportunity but feel it out
He exercises options which results in more shares. This share count is larger than the number of shares he’s selling. Easier to see when he’s all done in a few weeks
TSLA is nothing without Elon. If anything happens to Elon, we’re fucked! This is my only concern daily with TSLA. As long as Elon is in the picture, the future is “bright”!
Just hold and buy more in February if you can. It will cost you nothing. Best investments are recorded on accounts with no action after buying. You can watch Tom Nash videos too. Tesla is a gem like google and amazon were back in a day.
I stayed long. Not because of faith. Because of Tesla's increasing dominance and profit.
I agree completely agree; between, competitor dealer markups and order delivery estimates already into 2023, buying anything besides a Tesla takes a great deal of commitment and creative value assignment.
Interesting times for sure.
It could hit 1000$ by end of month. People are aware that if it gets into the Mid-1000s again, it might have another split announced. And when the last split was announced (which was in the low thousands) it ran up to around $2,500 by the time of the actual split. ​ Yes, I know the market cap would need to get huge for this. But the stock market is currently disconnected from reality. A 1000P/E ratio isn't much different than a 5000 P/E ratio in the current era.
🏆 for most r*tarded comment I've read on reddit today.
Rob a bank? Might be easier than being in this jerky market.
Careful some of my people buy and sell people like you every day and they fuck rough. No they don’t split everyday. Hard work, partners you trust, luck, credit and cash buying power makes profits. Yes my old dick and stick is still bigger than yours. Don’t short or need to play penny options. Real estate and few stocks make life changing results. For family, friends and paying it forward. Peace and love.
Buy more
$TSLA nice run👍
what happens Monday?
Commercial pumping. I would rate the companies paying me big bucks well too, if you don’t they will go somewhere else. EOD Back at 686... this has been the resistance since it returned from 620 from ARK buying. Elon owes cathie wood a favor on that save, without her it would already be in the fives.
I know, right!? BEST investment ever! :D
2022 will be a great year for tsla. Long term is the way. You invested in 2020? Great HODL for 5 years and then take some profits. Tsla isn’t a short game. Its literally the future
I suspect she'll try to leave it until when the report has a chance of pushing TSLA to a new high. I'm thinking she will leave it until Tesla hits $850ish, maybe even bounces off $880 on the daily chart. Otherwise if things stall and trade sideways for more than a week, we might see it then. JMHO but there will definitely be strategy behind the release date.
Stock should land between 750-850 in Jan once the irrational FOMO dies down
I wish I jumped on $tsla today. I’m loving the forecasts for 1000+
Keep holding tsla and buy every dip and good luck to you
Well, Twitter disagrees now. He sounds like a meth head that’s been up for days
You mean dogecoin
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What happens is Cathie woods sold 90Million of Tesla, Cyber truck date is being pushed back from original 2022 end year to 1st quarter of 2023
My price targets for 2021 was actually 900 and when it hit 1200 I was like offffffffff. So we should take a step bk and relax because Tesla will always retrace after parabolic moves. I think we stay above 900 through year end and 2022 I definitely think we will end 1400-1500. Once initial ramps are done with Austin and Berlin the profits will just be mouth watering. Plus cybertruck initial deliveries and 25k model possibly being revealed w/ 4680s in volume production it's hard not to head into 2022 with ur
I figured as well. They’ll probably operate at around 50% capacity. So mid 2022 is likely to happen
The correction... sell now when you can! Banks with the billions can play with retail investors can be bad time. Enter low sell high.
I bought it at 648
Hey guys - I really dig Tesla as a company and what they are doing and absolutely believe they are on route to become the most valuable company in the world in the next 5-10 years. But I am curious for your views on possible dilution of shares and issuing of extra common shares to the market - affecting the price targets. Since we're in the conversation of the most valuable company in the world, let's compare with the current most valuable company Apple. Apple sit at a market cap of well over 2 trillion $
Buy the time she’s in college those shares will also buy her a house. She’ll be thanking u
Better late selling but out now
He is also a little extra arrogant too
because they have no idea about it and are just looking at car sales and market share LOL
Yup me too
Because TSLA investing in bitcoin publicly will drive the BTC price up. It's basically market manipulation, except the crypto market isn't regulated so it's not illegal. Very smart move, easy money!
A dip, not long term, I say that would be wishful thinking if it was not for the people that totally disregard profits
Sell on pro environment? lol
I know I will sell shares for a fair profit. Do you casino? Much better chances in craps and you not have to follow and feed off the chicken shit HF. Yes community number 1 high roller here. Peace and love.
I just wish I have a few millions just to buy me some more shares of Tesla to support Elon and Tesla and to mess with the bad guys.
Hold, its not a fucking crypto.
Stonk took a little zinger right at the end of the day
There is no split coming soon. Would have to be approved at board meetings and it would leak. Not splitting that close to the last split. Companies don’t like splitting, retail investors do.
fuck these lawyers
Let’s see
I wanna see gates lose his ass
I think they are less vulnerable in the short term. Although materials prices are rising, TSLA is able to raise their prices and clear amazing margins (and seemingly dodge supply chain problems). There are just way more people wanting to buy their cars versus how fast they can be produced. Within a year or two, or more idk, this will likely change. Supply of EVs will start to catch up with demand, and TSLA may have to reduce or at least not raise prices as aggressively, or (gasp) start marketing. Hopeful
Plus price of oil is going down.... total bs.
As long as he makes me money he can do all the goofy shite he likes
Splitting would be nice again to make it more affordable to other investors other than having to buy fraction of shares. It does increase the number of its outstanding shares, but I do feel that the consumption of those outstanding shares will decrease significantly in short order.
20k when subsidized by your money, but yes running cost is lower, but with the high initial cost the total may still be an issue In a saturated market, maybe 5-10 years from now the second hand buyer will think twice when facing the 20k risk
Definitely would like.
I live in bumfu$k North Carolina and I see Tesla’s everywhere. Even the hillbillies are buying these things. Not a perma bear at all.
Dumb reason to get upset. Everyone should have known going into it that those things wouldn’t happen and Elon would say FSD should happen this year.
It's at 700 don't know how you expect to get any at that price unless theres a big dip
Dude If I had to describe how BIG $TSLA will become in 10-15years in my opinion. You will sell your house and buy as many as you can get, today. Set it and forget it. Thank these people who are telling you to HOLD, you will be handsomely rewarded in future. 💎✋🚀🌕
Easy, just 10% up...10% is not easy?
I think HF using their shiny stocks/akaTSLA to raise capital to cover their SHORT SHORTS. I dont think it has anything to do bitcoin. I think HF scrambling... S3XY ..meow. buying moar.
What? This isnt "cancel culture". It's a defamation war by teslas opposition Ya'll need to get out of your little echo cambers and conspiracies
Good one @TSLAinsider 👍 *thefeelsofbeeingright 🤩
It’s hard to make a move on TSLA going into earnings. Good news could take the stock down, bad news could make the stock go up I’m bullish on Tesla but I’m gonna wait till after the 26th. Then I’ll look to sell puts because I’m willing to buy the stock at a lower price@625 and get paid to wait. 3500 premium
Set the expiry rate for 2024
Last time a split was announced in the 1,300 range, I would expect at least the same, and for it to hold as a base, not an aberrant up day. While a split does nothing to share value it means more people can play with options.
I’m sorry I don’t speak donkey.
Just thought people might want to read it as it’ll impact people in Europe
I don’t believe you but I really want to.
Terrible post, go discipline yourself.
Im going to be honest I don’t quite understand how shorting works but if I had to guess it’s because he’s bought a contract and hasn’t actually cashed out on his investment yet?
Is the 1.5 billion really needed out of the 20 billion? There's 2 factories being built as we speak. Why would they want to add more complexity and have more factories being built before the others are finished. Spending money just because you have 20 bill is not helpful. Elon said they will spend as much as they can but it has to be meaningful. I'm sure after or close to these factories being built they will build more factories. They are improving the process every time they build a factory and trying to
i did buy more but it did goes dipper.. so i guess i'll hold it
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If TSLA can reach 720 then it will go up.
If they are trying to short Tesla that means it’s going to go up to 3000 and split again. Lol.
Why would you expect such a drastic rise?
2nd July Q2 announcement. ?
No. It doesn’t effect you at all.
Major mistake enjoy your high reentry pt.
Holding since 2014. You don’t want to look at my gains. They’re once in a lifetime #’s.
Is going up too fast, that same way will dip soon it’s scary
Any automotive company with net profit of 10% on turnover after tax will have a gross margin of 30-50%.
Yayyy, everybody buy tsla
on monday TSLA will start the ride to the moon again 🚀💎🙌🏻
I laughed heartily :) I sold some of my shares at loss and bought $590 call options. I hope it is near the bottom. Otherwise, I am screwed too.
You have a few wrinkles in your brain 🧠.. nice most people have no clue lol and they set stop loses and wake up like fuck haha
Hopefully the successful launch gets some news out there other than this slam fest that’s been happening all week
I mean even in the short term, look at the last big run up in November, it went through January.
I hink its gonna be 2 for 1 split. Based on some articles ive read, the gist was that musk was looking to make 2 billion shares from currently 1 billion. So he said to the SEC. then again im quite stupid so i mightve read it wrong
Awesome comment.
It's called a sign from Jesus, telling you where the market will be going. Loading up on more 800 5/3 calls on Market open.
Eh CAN please post more wanta be HF schooling, oh yes please explain to me. Long, strong. For community to see. Your downvotes don’t help me and community make money.
Mind your own Microsoft. Don't come and disturb tsla. You short tsla, people will short Microsoft!!!🤬
Na. We need more pot stirring nowadays.
Downside, bro… sucks yeah? Such smartness dude…
Tesla is already building or expanding three Gigafactories right now, I’m sure there will be more once these are up and running. It is amazing how well Tesla is executing this, if you’ve ever been in a car factory you will know how vast and complex a car factory can be. Tesla is also streamlining the process to become more efficient than others. Prepare for Tesla domination of the transport industry in 10 years or so. Tesla is growing, others are losing market share and cannot follow nor make money from t