But do you really see it staying there on the long run?
Do not try to trade TSLA. Trust me I have done it and only lost money. You cannot time this stock because you don’t have a time machine to see the future. BUY AND HOLD…
If Tesla did this, then they wouldn't be considered a technology company. Under these circumstances, they'd be considered an investment company. Instead of buying something from Ark Investments, people could just buy Tesla because of the large diversification in so many industries. One would then start comparing Tesla to Ark instead of comparing it to Google, Facebook, Intel, Nvidia, Microsoft, all of which enjoy higher than usual PE ratios.
Holding at $714
still im buying more tesla stocks.
Hmm, how come I can't see the comments? Nevermined... seemed to be an issue with my phone
That's a factually inaccurate statement.
This email is what a good CEO would do in times like these.
Yeap!... passes through 828 on its way to $1,000
Here is my take on this: 1. If you have confidence in the stock, stay strong, it will push back over 1100 and more 2. Momo stocks - you need to build a position, buy small, if you bought at 1100, you can add more 3. Never bet against TSLA, AMZN, GOOGL, FB- history has taught us, they will do well long term 4. If you think you can’t handle this or losing too much money, take a hit and sell
Hoping for the same formula that Apple has used to set itself apart from the competition. Quality, image, and buying into the entire ecosystem.
Wow 2013 we’ll done, you must have made quite the profit, no harm in selling half and realising the profit it’s totally logical, really pleased for you, life can’t be easy as a single Mum, we’ll done!
Not selling. But looking for an address of a nice bridge.
If you have TSLA shares you hedge with short term 2-3 weeks option puts to minimize the risk-limit losses with options, if goes down a lot-you make money as well. Instead of buying the dip. It’s like trying to catch a falling knife.
I think herzt will buy, dosnt matter which price after anouncment and addvertisment. And for me it disnt matter at all, tesla demand is higher than supply. That is all what matter.
14 years? Im shaking.
A split makes no change to the companies value at all, it does however allow more people to buy shares so there could be some movement after the split. However your assertion that I "must sell in time" is ridiculous, the price will spike much higher in future so I do not want to have to buy back in without improving my position significantly. In short, I must not sell too EARLY. It will go a bit higher before pulling back, then it will go higher again. Rinse, repeat. OR I just hold and wait for it to hit
How high is it projected to go? Just found out I have quite a few shares still from when I bought years ago. Sold a few of them back then and somehow forgot I had others!
I'm already buying as much as I can. But at current price, it's hard to scrape the available funds. Upcoming split? Yes please. (No, I'm not going to buy partial shares)
i did buy the deep but still it's go down :(
Zoom out and look at the whole market. Loads of stuff down 1-2% (the market isn’t that aware of the goings on of Elon musk)
sounds true..
Its for a meme Cyber coins buys cyber truck But A company can accept anything from objects, trade ins, trash, etc, as tender. So its not necessarily (in the US) a battle to make BTC payments mainstream. Its just inconvenience of setting up BTC and migrating out of existing payment systems (in the US). But I'm glad he's a supporter, couldn't ask for a better autist.
“Those who invest only when commentators are upbeat end up paying a heavy price for meaningless reassurance.” Buffett.
I just bought more 3/26 calls. I’m really... really hoping stimulus punches the gas pedal. The new price target by Cathie Wood is supposed to come out in the next week and to really put the cherry on top Elon could come out and show off how much they just banked in their Bitcoin investment over the weekend. Preferably these 3 things happen over the course of a couple of days rather than all at once. But hey I could be absolutely positively wrong and in that case I’m out about $4,000
I could see it test $500
Aged well eh?
I’m glad he’s selling! I’m making money! $20k gain the first day he sold
Elon f#cked us all.
It's not going up before hitting $660 I think...
totally agree.
Obviously it’s under attack by the shorters
I tried to catch that twice. Well done!!!
Hi pimp daddy do you want to my my magic beans?
Me too. Bought 20 more shares.
Just average down bro much less stressful
sounds like the best market to buy a Tesla.. But then I have to have it shipped to the USA
michael burry is a bitch, even his twitter handle is a female name. yes i know the story of Cassandra, but thats even worse, he thinks hes some prophetic tragic character when hes just a dork that got it right once.
when on the road you will see cubertruck model y and a roadster stock 3000
Elon is proving time and time again that he is a genius. His(Tesla's) investment in Bitcoin netted Tesla a gain(unrealized and not taxable) of more than $1 billion--BTC is trading around $56K and the Tesla's avg cost of BTC is $33K. That is more than what Tesla made--I'm referring to Net Income--in 17 years of doing business. The BTC will reach $100K in no time. Why would you hold cash when the fiat currency is losing it's value every second. And Tesla still has more than $10 Billion in cash on hand. In les
I'm reminded of Icarus. I love tesla though so I pray the sun doesnt melt Elons wings.
Lots of great info here about emissions comparison over lifecycle comparing ICE, grid charged or solar charged, especially page 13-14 Also it’s WAY cheaper to run an EV and much more convenient. Easy to plug in when home at end of day if you’re running low and schedule it to be done in the morning and take advantage of off peak power overnight for even cheaper charging. Lots of time saved each week from no longer needing to stop at gas station,
long term ... definitely; if you’re just gonna watch it all day and stress about it then no.
That’s because how many ICE cars you make doesn’t matter. Companies will be judge by their capabilities to make EVs with autonomy.
I’ll admit I don’t know much bout their insurance or the cost saving va investing in battery companies or if they can pull off a robo taxi fleet and the semi. Honestly hope they do, big respect pushing the world to go ev
How does TSLA look compared to 5 years ago? Can’t be certain the next 5 years will be as good, but this should help reassure you of the benefits of time in the market, even with its bumpy ride.
Will never buy a tesla again. I have owned tesla and they are a horrible company which lies and a crappy product. They charge for self driving tech which does not work. Multiple repairs like automatic handles and now their center console leaks glue. They should be sued for false advertisement and a movement is already starting in CA.
Zoom out the chart to 1 year and feel good about it!
Tesla didn’t spend one dollar on the multimedia advertisement. I guess the deal of twitter is beneficial to Tesla in long run. Please take the long view on your investment.
How about this: Sell the damn BTC position and invest it on the actual company, not buying shares but improving production rate and so on. Many ways to funnel in money without directly buying shares.
Anyone doing wheel strategy on their holdings? How far OTM for weekly covered call sells? Regardless, [fuck bond yield, buy TSLA dip](
When there is no news but big price movement, typically it is hedge fund trying to create or catch a tide wave. TSLA is one of the most used vehicles used by hedge fund.
We will see 1000 this year. I think we may get another flash sale before the month is up.
I noticed.
Isn't it solely up to Elon?
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Sell before you lose it.
I mean yeah, I'm not contesting the leader, just giving the others a bit of a chance, i.e. their ads help themselves and also Tesla
Don’t pay attention to these people, this one is mad that Musk is in the side of freedom instead of woke delusional thinking.
Fed’s move is already priced in…. If anything fed can help the market
Now is probably the best time, the next proper move up will be when FSD (level 5) comes out, and this is EXTREMELY likely. Could be as early as 2021 In addition the s&p500 and q4 should boost the share price a little bit. So now is probably the best time, even if you think it's overpriced because high can always go higher, even if it goes down short term it's nearly definite at this point that it will go back up shortly, tesla is probably going to be the next multi trillion cap company. So depending on yo
Fully purchased a car with your TSLA profits.
Put a lot of thought into this one? Did your psychic examine a few of your butt hairs or something?
1000 950 850 772 590 499 432 276 A ginormous dip is coming
Keep a large margin
Been a tough couple weeks for this 4 year hodler. I'll wear my short shorts if this happens!!!🙈 Brand new in the 📦
Ford sales were from their factory to their dealerships. 75 real deliveries.... c’mon now
Buy and sleep 🚀
I’m just waiting for another dip before I grab some more.
can you back up your thought with reasons why it will go that low? Just posting that 150-200 is realistic (meaning 60% drop from current levels) without saying why sounds like something i'd expect from the WSB crowd.
Huge Sell off coming for TSLA ! Good time to get off and buy again 🧨
Down 70% then up 140% idk the time span
You have low expectations
I really hope so. I want to recover my PLTR losses.
Now is the time to sell unless you are looking for serious gambling with very poor odds.
Thank you buddy, you made my day.
puts were up 160%!
Stop weekly. Buy and HODL
He should not have to sell. i voted NO.
Jacked to the tits!!!!!
down 5% on a Monday - I would be panicked, but I remember too many times it was up 7, 8, 9 % in one day.
I don’t do calls I don’t do puts I just buy the stock out right so much safer and cheaper in the long run
Get the fuck out of here with that boomer mentality and go buy some fuckig ford or some other dumbass boomy stock. Tesla is a stonk!
I’m in all day!! Holds 50% of my portfolio. Even before the split.
I’ll Iike buying shares. Will make more profit on future 5:1 stock splits. In my home state, there seems to be many more cars, rapid charging stations. Home battery backup sales increasing too. New factories opening at the end of the year. Down vote your FUD.
Ok why the 23 cents though
It means they won’t be able to hit their production numbers they targeted before. Therefore the price target changed. No teslatruck, price target changed. People taking their gains are selling now.
In all honesty TA is showing top of 900s within 2 weeks. Looking at 1100-1200 by end of March.
Surely you mean $34,400 pre-split? As in, $6,880 split adjusted?
may I ask what else ya got, pervert?
Momma always said Stupid is as stupid does. I have no idea man. Just wanted to say good luck with it.
[The Q&A part in full ](
Purely speculative given the market conditions today. I have long positions in TSLA so I hope you are correct, but today is too volatile for me to sell other positions to invest more into TSLA.
Lmao..if only ANY of us had a crystal you really think an Earning beat will cause recession in a share price that has been going up for the last 3 weeks...hmmm hahaha
That's why you set alerts instead
In nearly times TSLA will be at 150 dollar. The real value.