This is going to 1.5k this week as perfect bear trap is in place and new upgrades are coming… I can’t imagine this stopping below that… so very exciting… remember Volkswagen went to 1k from 300 in a day… this can even get top circuit breakers…
This article sounds like it was written by a robot.
I would buy bye-bye below nine you’re gonna get rich soon the stock is going to rock and split
Cathie buys a lot of things that fall more before going back up. Look at U, or SRPT, or anything really.
As soon as you take those rainbow colored glasses off let me know. I thought Twitter was going to rip me apart. I reinstalled today. I doubled on followers bc I spoke up. Ppl are afraid to. That confirmed 100% a lot of people are worried about him. It’s not just the money I’m loosing at at. It’s more concern for him. Maybe the sexual harassment settlement? Elon just sounds like a regular dumbass Donald Trump. Worse actually!
Why are u here? Lol
Let’s see if this investment has any effect on the actual stock. Good or bad.
I'd say PE will continue to trickle down over the next 5 years as competition heats up but it will be a decade before it gets down to 30 and earnings should be up before then. Stock price in the $250-300 range within two years seems reasonable with people still bullish on Tesla the whole time.
Goto college
I'd say people still cautious of the volatility and hedging their options. I'd say it will go up about 100 a month from 700 for rest of year, occasional pullbacks of course. Defo think 1400 EOY is modest. I dont mind the dips. I'll be buying more. 550 sale there the other day was amazing.
"Billionaire businessman Bill Gates owns numerous real estate properties across the United States but is specifically drawn to horse farms..." He didn't want to come out against Elon himself because he didn't want the world to know he was working part-time as a flight attendant and giving Elon massages. Now he's shorting Tesla and leaked the info through a friend to try and bring the stock down. 🤪
What all this means to me is that if I buy-in too high, then it is just a matter of time before the price per share will come up so that I can exit and make better buying decisions in the future. I love it that TSLA will be worth a lot in 10 years, but I'm 50-ish years old and need extra $CASH now ... As such, I only need to know how much will the share price be the next trading session and/or in the near future trading sessions.
I hope you are right, that would be an opportunity to get into an amazing tech company.
Wydm gambling bro ,I just had two of those shares didn’t expect this downfall in the price
Inclusion into S&P means inclusion into S&P ETFs as well as institutional buying. These people have diamond hands and purchased when there was speculation of inclusion in S&P. When Jim Cramer started bragging about his wife and daughter liking the car and him being wrong (that’s been over a year) pension funds, etc started buying, then came the profitable quarters and S&P speculation. Looks like TSLA is priced with expectations of perfection. Mainstreaming worship of Ark, Baron, etc.
$7000 by April, thanks Aunt Cathie
Yes, and yes. If you haven't purchased any TSLA yet, you can always start the wheel by selling Cash Covered Puts (CSP/CCP) and wait until you get assigned (if you get assigned). Typically, each option I sell I try to get 2.5% per week ROI of the strike price I pick. So.. Week 1 = 2.5% ROI minimum... Week 2 = 5.0% ROI minimum... etc
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If we knew where and when, we could all become millionaires lol
I was a week early on the lowest point and it isn't quite the 1 year mark yet. Damn these early buyers not picking the bottom and getting stinky fingers.
thanks. I just have 1000 shares. good for you if you have more
What do you think make the shorts choose TSLA? Your refusal to see reality is music to their ears, they sell more at your expense. The index players know this but it takes time for them to get out.
April will be a good month for Tesla
Everywhere is batteries.
Not sure when he bailed but had assumed it was recently as the news came out today! Anyway I like the ‘he lost a fortune’ bit so I’m going to assume the latter.
Today's drop makes me think of that scene in Platoon. "Take the pain."
humm we were all wrong today!
Main reason driving the fall is bond bullies. This is the first comment I see saying that it has a long term value of 100. Not resonating with any pro comment. Btw I have seen many comments from you lobbying to sale Tesla. Did you miss your short price? I think there is still a chance to go below 500.
Thank you for the PSA! Haven’t sold a single share. Will keep holding until TSLA Mars and I mean that literally.
Waiting for prices to go lower tends to always lead to disappointment. If you are so focused on wanting to get a lower price then try averaging in over time. Every week buy some amount of shares. After a while you’ll probably see that you should have just brought them all at once and end up doing it later at a higher price. We all go through the same mindset but the best way forward is just to get into the markets early and continue to invest each pay day going forward.
Of course it dips if investors see that their core business is not profitable even after such a great revenue jump. Carbon credits and bitcoin won't last forever
So messed up how the news can throw a stock off . Glad Elon cleared this up. Maybe it will jump tomorrow??
I hope it goes up and just stays up instead of constantly going down and being all over headlines for silly teenage memes of a dog from a full grown man who runs some quite large and impactful companies.
OK TSLA might be overvalued, but why is Apple & Amazon also following suit? These are companies with real proven sales & performance . Sounds like the entire market is caught in some irrational rut. Everything is red.
I think 650 is key support level, it should not dip below that.
Tesla is a buy at $423-$500
I can’t see it going below 850 probably not even 900 (not that I would know anyway), from what I understand, Elon is selling 10% of his 170 million shares, he’s sold 37% (6.3m) and has 10.6 million left to sell. All depends on how much of that decrease in stock price is due to Elon selling and how much is peoples reaction to the news. Also how quickly he sells the remaining shares. But I think once retail investors see TSLA for less than 1k they’ll be buying
Too early... I’d write december 600, 500, 400, 300 put instead.. 1,2,3,4... Nice way to avg.. end up with an average long...1000 shares at 350 (est.).. or stock over 600... 50k profit
Analyst consensus is 620
I think he only put a small percentage of money into bitcoin. But everybody knows this and as bitcoin goes up and down people will assume that the stock is connected to bitcoin even though in the grand scheme of things it’s not true
I don’t know your situation but I wouldn’t take into account anything that u/quantumbam says. He is a literal retard and has zero clue what he’s talking about. Go check out his post and comment history. u/quantumbam hey ya big dumb-dumb!
This stock has been up and down more than Nina Hartley in the past 3 months. It will be fine.
Oh! I didn't think that was today.. All things considered, I shouldn't be surprised by that.
Right there with you on that
Well said!
People will just vomit numbers around…
Tesla sells about 90k cars a qtr in the USA... vs. about 180k cars overall... if USA buyers pullback to await clarification on the generous tax credit, I highly doubt Tesla can easily shift these cars to other markets. I have to believe cars for the US market are somewhat different than cars for Europe. Hopefully, the tax credit issues gets settled quickly.
Ok please put down the glass pipe.
check out the TSLA Pi phone here: []( This is truly mind blowing!!!
I'm new to stocks, but picking up more and more information as I dig into this youtube channel. I guess I didn't think of this point and it is something I will look into.
i think it s safe to buy now
Tsla to the moon
Isn't tesla down now? Hit around $1200 earlier in the year and at $700 now?
No one can take on TSLA. vw is small time in EV. They can’t even produce a diesel vehicle less than $40,000. vw EV will be $50,000 starting price. Anyone who thinks TSLA is not the best is interesting to me. How? No way. Don’t even try and explain that.
Why did it shoot up all of the sudden?
Can you elaborate? I made this post to get everyone’s opinion
Musk is convinced China will hit Taiwan as soon as the US housing market crashes. Losing TSMC during a US housing/economic crash would pretty much kill the global economy for a few years. I'm also pretty convinced the housing market is facing a second crash because the US economy is in an impossible position right now when it comes to wages vs housing cost and now interest rates are turning off the free money tap. I'm far less convinced that China would hit Taiwan in a move that would be a net negative for
Gravity always wins at the end.
You must be talkin to me cause I dont see Anyone else here
The entire growth sector is getting hammerred right now..Amzn has lost $250 since its ER..
Is that the rumor? I can't see Warren being able to sleep with himself at night. Must be one of the younger guys over at BKB.
Not to mention a stagnant culture opposite of rapid moving innovation. These have been the companies that were laughing at Tesla before they started seeing massive changes on the scoreboard. The race to EVs is totally over imo. As soon as the others start to catch up the narrative is gonna switch to self driving cars and no one has as much data as Tesla. They will never catch up in that department.
Cathie Wood and ARK Invest are predicting $TSLA bull case at $4000 per share by 2025 (base = $3000, bear = $1500), so you might want to buy all you can and hold...Not a financial advisor though.
very hard man, bear markets lasts years not months
Buy long dated calls
TSLA 2022 PT: $2022 If Musk builds TITS in TX in next 2 years, then $4044 by 2024.
Fundamentally they are strong. They have good sales. Meeting production numbers and have new products in the pipeline
I did the same. But I just pulled back the chart and I think it may be going down. Especially when you consider the shorting hedge funds have to make up for their loss somewhere.
Less than $600 got a lot of votes, damn.
Please sell more today so I can buy more tomorrow!!
Buy dogecoin 100%
#I'm fubar!
My stress is just fine thanks. I'm actually enjoying watching Musk self destruct.
With the amount of bot-auto-banning going on here, I hope Elon eventually clones the best parts of Reddit and Instagram into Twitter.
Why so anxious for a split? It's nothing!
Well I think if you want to short momentarily it’s a different story. If you truly think tesla is gonna stay down then as we all do, just speculating here but my bet is you’re gonna lose money. Tesla is a highly diversified company, it barely is considered just a car manufacturer anymore. Be it TA or fundamentals I think moment it hits 480 it will have to bounce back. Market had reached a plateau, this year we do expect a flash crash in general. But I wouldn’t put my bets on tesla going down for too long. J
3T market cap in one year sure!
Could you explain further? Are you saying if you sold a CC at $800 you’d want at least $20? And what do you mean by week 2? Sorry I’m dense
Selling puts is bullish
you have no idea when the end of a correction will be. youre going to miss out on dollars trying to make extra pennies
thanks my man💜
A nice recovery today for Tesla. Charts indicate 640 as Support and 700 as resistance. With the recovery of bitcoin I think Tesla will head upward until May
No it will dip wait
From everywhere it’s getting indications to investor to sell. If it won’t get up by 760 within couple days; the trust would fade away .
I love me some TLRY
It was the perfect excuse for shorts do work their ~~crime~~ black magic to tank the stock. It ain't over yet either. I wish Elon would stfu some times but its his company to tank so I guess we're all along for the ride. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
I wouldn't call it delayed, there was never any plan to do it this soon. It would require shareholder approval which means waiting until the shareholder meeting, which has no date set. 2021's was October 7th, but it's been slipping, with 2017-2019 in June, then 2020 in Sept, and 2021 in October. I wouldn't be surprised by any date from June to Dec. EDIT: August 4th
It‘s gonna take a lot less than 50 years
Nope, that was a very present surprise.
Elon doesn’t use robinhood?
How’s the stock gonna move this week..I’m scared
Elmer FUD