Exp Used Spring Boot Actuator to externalize application's configuration properties for various environments.
Exp Configured Swagger-UI registered Microservice with Eureka to monitor services from Spring Boot console.
Exp Used NGINX as a reverse proxy with the Spring Netflix components like Eureka, Ribbon, and Spring Cloud.
Exp Developed microservices with Spring Eureka to retrieve API routes and Implemented Spring Circuit breaker pattern, integrated Hystrix dashboard to monitor Spring microservice.
Exp Defined Hibernate Named Queries for Batch operations while defined Criteria Queries for Microservice.
Exp Microservice have been built using Spring Boot, Spring security and deployed to AWS cloud.
Exp Used Spring Cloud AWS Core, Spring Cloud AWS Context, and Spring Cloud AWS Messaging.
Exp Utilized AWS Lambda platform to upload data into AWS S3 buckets and to trigger Lambda Functions Including EC2.
Exp Developed Spring Bach for AWS S3 rules like User Creation, Folder Permission, and deletion of file
Exp Used PL/SQL and Oracle databases to store the information about the file transaction, sender, and receiver.
Exp Developed several REST webservice which produces both XML and JSON to perform tasks, leveraged by both web and mobile applications. RESTful webservice using Jersey for JAX-RS implementation.
Exp Exposed and consumed SOAP based Webservice to communicate between systems.
Exp Developed several SOAPS based JAX-WS Webservice interfaces for integrating multiple systems, code re-usability and JMeter to test performance of SOAP protocol.
Exp Used Apache Kafka for building real time data pipelines and for storing data in a distributed cluster.
Exp Experience in working with messaging systems like Kafka, Event Sourcing, and Active MQ.
Exp Used SOAP UI for Functional Testing, Performance Testing, Regression Testing and to test REST & SOAP.
Exp Used Datahub dashboard to search and filter the transactions and used elastic search as a search engine.
Exp Created and configured new JIRA projects and worked with departments to maintain existing JIRA projects.
Exp Developed Unit test cases using Junit, Mockito and Bamboo for continuous integration.
Exp Used Docker to collaborate code, run and deliver more securely for both Linux, Windows Server.
Exp Used log4j for logging and GIT, SVN for project management and version management.
Exp Functional testing of the front-end applications is done using Selenium (IDE and Web Driver).
Exp Created Clusters and instances in WebSphere 7.0 Network Deployment to support high availability, fail over and implemented horizontal clustering.
Exp Environment: J2EE, ReactJs, jQuery, CSS3, HTML5, Ajax, NodeJS, Gulp, Core Java, Spring IOC, Spring MVC,
Exp Spring Batch, Security, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Microservice, Eureka Server, NGINX, Swagger-UI,
Exp Apache Kafka, AWS Cloud, AWS Lambda, S3, EC2, Scala, Datahub, REST Webservice, JAX-WS, SOAP UI,
Exp JDBC, PL/SQL, ActiveMQ, JIRA, Bamboo, SVN, GIT, log4j, Junit, Selenium, JMS Queues, WebSphere.
Exp Client: Express Scripts, St. Louis, MO April 2016 – August 2017
Exp Role: JAVA Full Stack Developer
Exp Description: Express Scripts provides integrated pharmacy benefit management services including network-pharmacy, claims processing, home delivery pharmacy services, specialty pharmacy benefit management through its subsidiary Accredit, benefit-design consultation, drug-utilization review, formulary management, medical and drug data analysis services to manage drug plans for health plans, self-insured employers and government agencies (both as administrator of employee benefits and public assistance programs).
Exp Responsibilities:
Exp Designed Prototype and project layout skeletons using AngularJS, JQuery, CSS3 and HTML5.
Exp Involved in designing and developed presentation layer using Ajax, jQuery, and third-party libraries.
Exp Used various JQuery and Bootstrap plug-in like date picker, Bootstrap selectors.
Exp Used Apache Cordova to build native mobile applications using HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript.
Exp XQuery provides the means to extract and manipulate data from XML documents or any data source that can be viewed as XML.
Exp Used Adobe Experience manager(AEM) to manage and deliver digital experiences across websites.
Exp Used Groovy for various markup languages such as XML, HTML, and support for regular expressions.
Exp Used Java 8 Lambda expressions to facilitate functional programming and for simplifying the development.
Exp Used Java8 Stream API for Parallel execution in the Collections framework module of core java.
Exp Developed classes using core java concepts like Multithreading, Concurrency, Memory Management.
Exp Used Multithreading to develop various helper classes in programming to improve overall performance.
Exp Used Spring DI, annotations, and MVC to implement business layer and navigation part of application.
Exp Used Spring Boot Actuator to externalize application's configuration properties for various environments.
Exp Configured Swagger-UI registered Microservice with Eureka to monitor services from Spring Boot console.
Exp Defined Hibernate Named Queries for Batch operations while defined Criteria Queries for Microservice.
Exp Microservice have been built using Spring Boot, Spring security and deployed to AWS cloud.
Exp Used Spring Cloud AWS Core, Spring Cloud AWS Context, and Spring Cloud AWS Messaging.
Exp Utilized AWS Lambda platform to upload data into AWS S3 buckets and to trigger other Lambda Functions Including EC2, MongoDB focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling.
Exp Database required for creation of new tables, PL/SQL stored procedures, functions, views, indexes, constraints, triggers and required SQL tuning to reduce the response time in the application.
Exp Used Cassandra to handle huge amount of data across many servers with out single point of failure.
Exp Implemented service layer on the top of Cassandra using Core Java, Data Sax API and Restful API.
Exp Used PostgreSQL for multi version concurrency control and transaction.
Exp Developed several REST webservice which produces both XML and JSON to perform tasks, leveraged by both web and mobile applications. RESTful webservice using Jersey for JAX-RS implementation.
Exp Exposed and consumed SOAP based Webservice to communicate between systems.
Exp Developed several SOAPS based JAX-WS Webservice interfaces for integrating multiple systems, code re-usability and JMeter to test performance of SOAP protocol.
Exp Used Redis as in memory database, for storing and fetching data in memory to increase the performance.
Exp Used Apache Kafka for building real time data pipelines and for storing data in a distributed cluster.
Exp Worked on Drools Rule Engines with corresponding to validate the business User Roles.
Exp Used SOAP UI for Functional Testing, Performance Testing, Regression Testing and to test REST & SOAP.
Exp Used Apigee for web-scale, enterprise flexibility on premise and hybrid deployment on single code base.
Exp Created and configured new JIRA projects and worked with departments to maintain existing JIRA projects.
Exp Developed Unit test cases using Junit, Mockito and Jenkins for continuous integration.
Exp Used Apache Camel for integrating different applications with the enterprise design pattern.
Exp Used Kubernetes for automating deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications.
Exp Used Docker to collaborate code, run and deliver more securely for both Linux, Windows Server.
Exp Developed Maven scripts and builds using Maven and continuous integration servers like Jenkins.
Exp Used log4j for logging and GIT, SVN for project management and version management.
Exp Functional testing of the front-end applications is done using Selenium (IDE and Web Driver).
Exp Developed, Tested and Debugged the Java, JSP using Eclipse RCP.
Exp Created Clusters and instances in WebSphere 7.0 Network Deployment to support high availability, fail over and implemented horizontal clustering.
Exp Environment: J2EE, AngularJS, jQuery, CSS3, HTML5, Ajax, Core Java, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring
Exp Security, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Microservice, Eureka Server, Swagger-UI, Apache Kafka, AWS Cloud,
Exp AWS Lambda, S3, EC2, Scala, MongoDB, REST Webservice, JAX-WS, SOAP UI, JDBC, PL/SQL, PostgreSQL,JIRA,
Exp GIT, SVN, log4j, Maven, Apache Camel, Junit, Mockito, Jenkins, JMS Queues.
Exp Client: Commerce Bank, Kansas City, MO Jan 2015 – Mar 2016
Exp Role: Sr. JAVA/J2EE Developer & Full Stack Developer
Exp Description: The project was to enhance the existing online application with A/C Information, Funds
Exp Transfer, Payment Service, Credit Card Services, Investment Services, Rates Online Application Forms,
Exp and Customer Service. Development was based on Spring MVC architecture.
Exp Responsibilities:
Exp Followed Agile software development paired programming, Test Driven Development, and Scrum meetings.
Exp Developed using new features of Java 1.8 annotations, Generics, enhanced for loop and Enums.
Exp Upgraded existing UI with HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and Bootstrap with AngularJS interaction.
Exp Developed Single page application and structured the JavaScript code using AngularJS framework including MVC architectures, different modules, specific controllers, templates, custom directives, and custom filters.
Exp Worked with java Swing GUI controls for developing a module in the front-end part.
Exp Used Java-J2EE patterns like Model View Controller, Singleton, Data Access Objects, factory patterns.
Exp Used Core Java concept like Multithreading, Concurrency for performance and memory tuning.
Exp Used Spring Framework AOP Module to implement logging in the application for application status.
Exp Spring MVC Framework IOC design pattern is used to have relationships between application components.
Exp Developed microservices with Spring Eureka to retrieve API routes and Implemented Spring Circuit breaker pattern, integrated Hystrix dashboard to monitor Spring microservice.
Exp Developed Spring Quartz jobs to run the backend jobs and generated reports.
Exp Used Hibernate for back end development and Spring dependency injection for middle layer development.
Exp Developed SOAP based JAX-WS Webservice interfaces for integrating multiple systems, code re-usability
Exp Developed Microservice and worked on Spring Boot, deployed applications on Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
Exp Used DAO pattern to fetch data from database using Hibernate to carry out various database.
Exp Used PL/SQL to extract data from the database, delete data and reload data on Oracle DB.
Exp Developed Applications using Rule Engines- JBoss Drools 4.x to validate the business User Roles.
Exp Worked with Apache Camel as a standalone application by deploying in JBOSS application server.
Exp Used Docker to deploy applications using containers to allow package up application with all configuations.