person A: I hate when it storms so bad the power goes out person B: me too. it worries me that all the food will spoil and my animals will get overheated person A: I agree. person B: does your power go out alot where you live? it only happens a few times a year here thankfully
person A: I found a hundred dollar bill when cleaning my closet! person B: Wow. Do you remember losing it? person A: No! I'm not sure where it came from! and I live alone :O person B: That's weird lol
person A: There was a huge spider on my wall_comma_ it ran away before I could kill it.. person B: I am so afraid of spiders person A: Me too_comma_ I think it was a wolf spider. I hope I can sleep tonight person B: I have no idea what a wolf spider is. It sounds terrible though
person A: I'm so nervous_comma_ have a final exam on Tuesday! person B: Do you think you'll do well? person A: Yes_comma_ I have been studying a lot but still worried. I need to get a good grade! person B: What class is it?
person A: I have to give a speech on Thursday. person B: Are you prepared? person A: Yes. But mentally I am never ready to give a speech if im being honest. person B: I relate_comma_ what is the speech on? person A: It's on local politics. Not a fun subject either!
person A: I sold some stuff I didnt need last week. person B: did yo make some good money? person A: Yea_comma_ enought to have great weekened anyway. person B: I cold use some money like that
person A: I think that my husband and me have so much faith in each other. person B: thats awesome to hear_comma_ a lot of people cheat on each other frequently and dont care anymore person A: I know_comma_ I cant do that. I think it's very important to be honest in your love life. person B: i believe so too _comma_ if people are gonna cheat why get married at all
person A: Ten years ago now_comma_ a massive hurricane forced my family to evacuate. I didn't know if there would be anything to come back to. person B: That's awful_comma_ but better safe than sorry. How were things when you came back? person A: Pretty messed up_comma_ but the house was still standing. person B: That's a silver lining in all of it at least!
person A: was travelling 14 hours internationally. First flight got delayed and the airline would not apologize and provide altenative person B: That's terrible. I thought they had to offer some sort of alternative. What airline was it? person A: British airways. they claimed because they dont have ties to the connecting_comma_ they could not person B: I've never trusted British Airways.
person A: I've felt excited when I found out I had won a place on a prestigious creative writing course_comma_ taught by someone who I knew could help me in ways that I would I not be able to through self-study alone. person B: You are so lucky to be talented enough to achieve such an honor. Was it as wonderful as you had imagined it would be? person A: Thank you for the kind words. You know what? It was_comma_ but not for the reasons I imagined! It turned out that everyone in the class developed a really close bond and while the advice from the teacher was wonderful_comma_ it was the lifelong friendships and mutual edits that the students do for each other that has proved equally special! person B: Sounds like it was a once in a lifetime experience. person A: I think it was :)
person A: I like going fishing_comma_ it reminds me of when I would go with my dad when I was a kid. person B: Do you have any kids? person A: I do_comma_ I have a 6 month old boy. How about you? person B: I have 3- I bet you can't wait to take him fishing.
person A: I dropped all my food in the cafeteria the other day. Everybody was staring at me. person B: Was it at college? person A: No_comma_ it was at work. person B: OH wow! Did you get it all over youself?
person A: I once accidently ran down the battery on my car when I mid-judged how long I could run the radio for without the engine running. It was 5am and I was in the middle of nowhere. I called the first person I could think of who could help and they came with crocodile clips and recharged the battery. I felt so grateful to be on the receiving end of a kind act. I was also embarrassed that I had let that happen and I learned from it! person B: That sounds like a really stressful situation. It's really good to know that there are still helpful people out there! person A: Yeah for sure! It was one of those things that once it happens once then you definitely know the limits of the car's battery power without engine running - so you make sure it won't happen again! person B: I'm glad you've put a positive spin on it :)
person A: I'm ready for college football to start. I can't wait for kickoff weekend! person B: Who do you support? person A: Auburn Tigers person B: Cool. Do you play football too?
person A: I did something really foolish at the grocery store yesterday. person B: Oh no! What did you do? person A: I was reaching for some pasta sauce and knocked a few of them over. They shattered on the ground a such a huge mess that two workers had to come mop it up. person B: Oh yikes! That's a bummer. I'm sure the employees see that kind of thing all the time_comma_ though.
person A: I can't believe he did it! I just went to my brother's graduation ceremony at Princeton. person B: Oh that's super excited! I'm sure you're really proud of him. person A: Oh yeah_comma_ definitely! He put in a ton of work and it all paid off! person B: That's super great to hear! Well deserved.
person A: I once had a long walk home from the railway station with two very heavy bags. It turned out that another person had also missed the last bus and had to walk much of the journey with me as his home was in the same direction as mine. The two bags I had had some expensive DJ equipment but they were VERY heavy so when they guy who had to walk home the same way said he would help by carrying one of the bags I trusted him! He didn't disappoint_comma_ he helped me get home earlier and without a bad back; while the kindness of strangers made what a potentially bad night to a reasonably pleasant one - all down to trust! person B: What a nice guy. There are fewer and fewer of those every day. person A: It's one of those things that in the day time you might expect but this was like 1am so I'm sure he would have wanted to get home as soon as he could but he chose to make his night harder to make my night easier. person B: Are you goings going to stay friends?
person A: I was really mad when I walked out my door the other day to go to work and my neighbors big dog jumped up on me and knocked me over. person B: Did you get hurt? person A: Yes_comma_ I hurt my back and couldn't even go to work. Shouldn't the dog be on a leash. Ugh! person B: I hope you get better soon!
person A: My transmission in my car went out the other day_comma_ maybe it won't be too expensive to repair. person B: That's never fun! Large unexpected expenses are the worst person A: Yes they are. I had just put a down payment on a house too_comma_ so my money is tied up. person B: Oh no! At least you have something to look forward to_comma_ the new house!
person A: I am fuming. I saw someone key my car while I was at the grocery store the other day. person B: Oh no! What a terrible thing to have happen! Were you able to confront them? person A: No_comma_ I was checking out when I saw it happen. I didn't even know them. I don't know why anyone would do something like that. person B: That is just awful. Now you'll have to pay to have it repaired.
person A: Had my first trekking expereince in the canyon last week. It payed off using all the things i learned during the scouts when i was small! person B: Nice. Did you like it? person A: I did. the scenes were really rewarding. also felt good to have all the tools and skills necessary person B: That is nice.
person A: Last week I saw a three piece rock band that sounded so huge that I was sure they were playing with a backing track. I asked their tech_comma_ and checked their equipment and guess what!? It was just them! person B: It was who_comma_who were them? person A: I'm sorry if I was unclear_comma_ I mean that the band were playing completely live (with no backing track). person B: Ok_comma_thats amusing
person A: So I learned to bowl using two hands yesterday and it was my best game ever! person B: Wow! thats great! I bet you feel proud of it! person A: Yes_comma_ very! It's also way more fun for me to put spin on the ball than traditional style bowling. person B: I bet you were full of joy and laughter yesterday!
person A: So I came home to dog poop everywhere yesterday! It was gross! person B: Oh no! Were you gone for long? person A: We were only gone for 2 hours! You just can't leave them alone I guess person B: What a bad doggie... hopefully they don't do it again
person A: I am starting a new phase in my life. Completed all debt and off to a new start person B: I can hear the sigh of relief in your voice. I bet your anxious about what the next chapter will be. person A: yes very. but I know that it will be good. person B: I can tell your proud of yourself. Im happy for you! person A: Thanks! I hope to learn from my mistake and continue to progress person B: You will be fine! Stay optimistic about it person A: I try to be. it can be difficult on some days_comma_ but I think I have a good attitude towards most things person B: I agree_comma_ but having great joy in life helps
person A: I'm feeling very motivated and good about school this year. I think I can get much better grades this time. person B: It's good you're motivated! That's a step in the right direction person A: Thanks! I've realized that school is extremely important and I can't squander my opportunity away. person B: I agree. I wish I could go back to school and pay more attention
person A: My friend bought a house in a very cheap market town and 6 months later a very walthy company opened an enormous regional HQ there. His house has doubled in price and he has paid off all his debt and now is very well off. I'm pleased for him but envy a little luck person B: That's amazing and a very quick profit! I'm a little bit jealous myself. person A: Yeah. It is one of those strange moments where a place can go from being a place in the cheapest third of housing markets to being in the most expensive third in just a couple years! person B: It's amazing the effect something so seemingly small_comma_ like the company headquarters opening_comma_ can effect an entire town like that
person A: So yesterday I went bowling and the ball got stuck on my hand... I went with it. person B: Yikes. Did you get injured? person A: No_comma_ but I was shocked at how a small 12 pound ball can carry you down the lane due to the momentum. It was quite funny. person B: Yeah and the lanes are really slick. That's pretty funny and maybe a little embarassing too.
person A: My brother got a nice new toyota 4runner for his first car! I'm lowkey kind of mad at him for it. person B: I would be too! That's a really nice car for his first car! person A: No kidding! I hope he understands the value of it! person B: I do too. Maybe he will left you drive it!
person A: I just got a new car and I absolutely love it! My old car was a piece of crap so an upgrade is awesome! person B: Wow you must be so happy! Nothing like a new car person A: I am very happy! It's nice to know that I don't have to worry about if my car is going to start or not either. person B: HAving a reliable car really changes things for the best
person A: I was listening to a throwback hits playlist and it brought back memories from the good ol days. person B: Nice! What genre of playlist was it? person A: It was mostly hip hop and R&B. Stuff like Nelly Furtado_comma_ 2pac_comma_ etc. person B: Cool! I like to rediscover old playlists I made when I was younger.
person A: My grandson was admitted to the hospital the other day. It's so hard waiting around for test results. person B: I can only imagine! How is he now? person A: They still have more tests to do. Hopefully they will know something by tomorrow but it's so nerve wracking. person B: Doctor's are good at what they do! I hope for a speedy diagnosis and recovery!
person A: I am so excited - after a year of misery due to my loud_comma_ inconsiderate upstairs neighbors I'm finally moving into a new apartment! person B: That is great news! I bet you are glad to get a fresh start somewhere new. person A: I just can't wait! I've seen the new place_comma_ and it backs onto a forest_comma_ so there'll be peace there_comma_ at least! person B: It is always exciting to move into a new place and make it your own person A: Yes it is. And friends are going to help me with moving. It'll be great fun - we can have a bit of a party while they help me unpack :)
person A: I was bowling last week and I accidentally used the person's custom ball that was next to me! person B: oh _comma_ how he reacted next person A: It was a she! And she just glared at me. I felt awful when I realized my mistake. person B: its ok it happens with every one
person A: We have a family reunion planned for next week. I am really looking forward to catching up with everyone_comma_ especially my brother and sister. person B: Yes_comma_ that will be awesome! How long has it been since you've seen everyone? person A: It's been over a year and we don't get to talk very often because everyone is always so busy. I'm so excited. person B: That's fantastic that you get to see everyone again! I hope you have a great time catching up.
person A: I recently hit a new personal record at the gym! I was very excited. person B: That is a great accomplishment. I admire your dedication in obtaining that goal. person A: Thank you! I didn't feel like I would ever be able to do it_comma_ but consistency does seem to pay off. person B: It's really hard to stick with something like that. I wish I could do it.
person A: I have a feeling that the rest of this year is going to be great to me! I'm already working out and just have good vibes about the upcoming months. person B: That great to hear! Have you started a work out program before? person A: I have but I've never really stuck to it. This time is different though_comma_ I've been going for a few months and feeling great about the future person B: You can do it! Don't forget to reward yourself for all of your hard work!
person A: My brother got a custom-made bowling ball_comma_ and ever since then he's been killing the game! It is awesome to see. person B: Sounds impressive_comma_ does he mainly play for fun or is he in competitions? person A: He's on his high school bowling team_comma_ but I think he mainly plays for fun. It's kind of cool seeing him get so much better over time. person B: Very nice_comma_ I would be proud too.
person A: Ok_comma_ so the people upstairs were making a terrible noise last night and I'd had enough. I put jazz on quite loudly and went to bed. I really shouldn't have done that! person B: oh no what happened? person A: Well_comma_ they were shouting and stomping around_comma_ so I lost it! This morning_comma_ they've been quiet as church mice_comma_ so I guess it worked :) person B: that would really help if it was a permanent solution person A: Yeah_comma_ I really do feel bad_comma_ but it's been going on for over a year. person B: yeah enough is enough. i totally can't say i blame you. person A: Perhaps I'll try classical music next time - that might totally shut them up_comma_ lol. person B: bwahaha not to mention it will help you get some relaxing sleep.
person A: I was watching my dad's house last week and I heard some odd noises while I was there alone. person B: I hate creepy stuff like that because I get paranoid. person A: No kidding! Once I came back to the kitchen and the faucet was running even though I hadn't touched it. person B: That sounds more odd than what I am used too. Hopefully nothing paranormal is going on.
person A: I didn't see my parents since 2014! They live in a different country. I'm finally going to see them next week and I Just CAN'T wait!! person B: That will be an amazing trip!! person A: I know! And they've never met their grandson so they will be so excited to finally meet him person B: That will be so great for them - I can just imagine meeting my granson for the first time - what a sweet time you are about to have.
person A: I can't help but think back to the good old days at Christmas time. person B: Christmas was always a nightmare for me. person A: I'm sorry. That makes me really sad. We lived in a great neighborhood growing up and our neighbors were like family and always got together to celebrate. person B: I cried every year knowing santa wasnt coming to my house.
person A: The last time I went into a job interview_comma_ I knew as soon as I walked out that I would be getting a job offer. I felt I did really well. person B: That is great! It's so awesome to feel confident after an interview! person A: Definitely. You go through so many it's easy to feel down. person B: Yes it sure is. Did you end up getting the job?
person A: Last winter I was out on my porch at 4 am. Suddenly a large figure dressed in black was walking towards me. My heart was beating like a drum! person B: Was it a ghost? person A: I wasn't sure at first and_comma_ being in a wheelchair_comma_ had nowhere to go. Then the dark figure stopped in front of me. I thought I'd had it. Turns out it was my neighbor who couldn't sleep_comma_ walking her dog! person B: Oh_comma_that was so hillarious person A: It is now. But it sure wasn't at the time. I was frantically looking around for something to beat my "attacker" off with!
person A: I stress eat a lot. I decided i need to control it and i didn't eat sweets for more than a week. very proud of myself person B: That's great_comma_ keep it up if you can! person A: I'll try to do my best. i think i will also need to see a doctor. I just don't wanna get obese person B: It's good that you're being more proactive about your health now.
person A: My co-worker just bought a brand new car. person B: Man_comma_ i wish i could get one. person A: I know_comma_ me too. I really envy them every day when I get in my beat up chevy that I've been driving for 10 years. person B: I also drive a chevy and have had it forever as well.
person A: i wanna sell my phone so i posted ad on craigslist. i have 3 potential buyers but i'm so scared to meet them . you never know what people intentions are person B: Have you ever sold on Craigslist before? I always have the people meet me in the Walmart parking lot during the day. I have sold hundreds of things and have never had an issue like that. person A: I did but my husband was with me and now he is out of the country for a couple of months so i will be alone person B: It will be okay. You could also have the people meet you at the local police station. The police do not mind and would rather you feel safe.
person A: I am moving into a new apartment in three weeks and can't wait. It'll be quiet as it looks onto a forest! person B: Is it loud where you are now? New places are always so fun! person A: Not with traffic_comma_ but with the people upstairs - they're a cross between hyenas and elephants!. My new place was quiet when I was there_comma_ so fingers crossed! person B: OH that will be such a huge relief I'm sure! It's crazy that people behave that way_comma_ knowing they are causing other people such strife. person A: They're the most selfish_comma_ inconsiderate neighbors I have ever had_comma_ and I've lived all over the world! I just cannot wait to get into this other place.
person A: Someone stole my identity. person B: Oh no! How did that happen and how much damage did they do? person A: I don't know. They completely cleaned out my bank account and maxed out my credit cards. I am fuming. person B: That is horrible! What will you do?
person A: i have food on my table_comma_ a roof over my head and clothes to wear. I'm happy and thankful person B: That is truly all you can ask for. person A: yes. Some people take these things for granted. it's really easy to take things and people for granted person B: I try to never take anything in life for granted.
person A: so i decided to make a blanket and i got a sawing machine and got patterns and stuff. it tuned out to be so easy! I actually made 3 blankets person B: Wow_comma_ impressive. You must have natural talent. Do you plan to make more? person A: thank you! I do want to take more and to give them to my friends who recently had babies person B: You can always sell them as well. I live in Amish country in PA and the Amish sell blankets for hundreds of dollars each.
person A: I remember being in Scotland and arranging a trip to California to see my then boyfriend. I was so very happy to be seeing him again! person B: I bet! Is it hard to have a long distance relationship? person A: Very hard and this was before the days of smartphones and FaceTime. We spent a fortune on telephone calls. But it was so worth it to speak to each other and I was lucky I could afford to fly out to see him. person B: I can only image how hard that was before the days of smartphones! I'm glad you were able to visit him! person A: Me too. That was one of the happiest trips of my life. The happiest was when we got married six months later!
person A: When I spend time with my family_comma_ it reminds me how lucky I really am. person B: Aww. It's the things money can't buy that bring us the greatest joy_comma_ no? person A: Definitely. Even when times get rough_comma_ there are still so many things to be thankful for. I did not always realize that_comma_ but glad I do now. person B: That is so true and it's a good perspective to have.
person A: My dog just gave me a bunch of kisses! I love her so much person B: Dogs really are such great companions_comma_ what breed is she? person A: She is a golden retriever. Do you have any pets? person B: Yes I have a miniature pinscher_comma_ he just turned 15.
person A: School starts a week from tomorrow and I am getting fairly nervous for it! person B: how come? it will probably be an exciting adventure for you to start person A: Oh yes_comma_ I really like school and my classmates and stuff! I guess just because summer is coming to an end? person B: the summer is horrid. heat_comma_ sweat_comma_ mosquitos_comma_ rain_comma_ and crowds everywhere
person A: I always say i'm not a judgemental person but in my head i judge everybody and i'm so ahsamed of it person B: I do the same! I think everyone does. person A: yes but when i catch myself judging somebody i feel so guilty and bad person B: I think it's a normal human activity. You don't need to feel bad
person A: I've already gotten my school supplies and everything is ready! I feel like I'm gonna kill this semester. person B: That's the way to do it! Be prepared to kick it's butt and get good grades! person A: I will try! It will be hard with a part-time job but I bet I can manage. person B: Always put your school first_comma_ you will be thankful you did later!
person A: My brother just turned 16 and he's about to get his first car! I'm so excited for him. person B: Whoa that's exciting! What kind of car we looking at? person A: Probably some kind of SUV_comma_ maybe an Xterra or 4runner. Should be awesome when he gets it! person B: That's a really good/safe first car.
person A: I've been saving up for a new car for the past month and am making great progress! person B: Thats awesome! What kind of car do you want person A: I want an SUV_comma_ like an Xterra or 4runner. They are pricy though! person B: Well I really hope you are able to save up and get it soon!
person A: Recently my husband and I were traveling home from visiting his family when all of a sudden a car cuts us off person B: That's annoying_comma_ I hate how little attention most other drivers pay on the road. person A: I have no idea how we didn't hit them but it was so scary person B: I'm glad that you are okay! Keep your eyes peeled for terrible drivers.
person A: My oldest child's birthday is next week and it always makes me emotional. person B: I can imagine. How old will they be? person A: She will be 30. It makes me feel so old_comma_ but also how fun it was when they were little. person B: Yeah but also just think of all the amazing movies she has done.
person A: I feel so much better about myself and life in general now that I person B: Now that you what? Tell me! person A: Sorry_comma_ I accidentally hit enter haha. Now that I've been working out for about a month! person B: Oh that is great! I've heard that exercise can really help mentally and physically!
person A: I just enjoyed grocery shopping for the first time in a very long time. I've found my perfect restaurant/store and spent a very happy 40 mins or so wandering around it. person B: That's great! Did you get anything you are especially excited about? It's a restaurant and a store? person A: Yes_comma_ it's both. I got a chickpea curry with basmati rice that a local Indian lady made. And a bag of dragon tongue beans_comma_ which are delicious! person B: Dragon tongue beans! I've never heard of them! What do they look like? person A: They're the same shape as regular green beans_comma_ but lighter in color and they have red streaks through them. You treat them as you would green beans. person B: I will have to look for those. We have a huge variety of foods where I live_comma_ but this is new to me. person A: What I love about this store is it sources all of its produce locally and its all organic. So you get some strange_comma_ different things to try! person B: It sounds amazing! Are the prices good?
person A: I came home from work last night and my step dad scared me! person B: How did he scare you? person A: Like he jumped out from behind a door and scared me. I was not expecting it! person B: I bet that gave you a good scare! Gotta love dads and step dads!
person A: My step dad showed me a cut he got while working on his boat and I could see his muscle fibers. I almost puked. person B: Oh that sounds disgusting! person A: Yeah it was gross. He probably should get stitches. person B: I hope he gets that taken care of!
person A: When I heard Anthony Bourdin had taken his own life_comma_ I was so shocked and upset. He gave so much pleasure to a lot of people_comma_ yet was miserable in his own life. person B: I think we never really know what is going on inside people's mind. Celebrities like Anthony and Robin Williams seems to live a good life_comma_ but in reality_comma_ they are suffering. person A: It's awful. I really wish far more resources were put toward mental health facilities and counselling in this country! person B: I completely agree! I think it would even help lower crime rates. person A: Most definitely. We actually need these resources to get mentally disturbed people off the streets and get them the help they deserve. person B: All around_comma_ it would be a good decision for society. Just last night_comma_ I was watching Live PD and there was a young man stealing a candy bar. He was a drug addict. I believe if he had the help he needed_comma_ he would not have to steal tiny amounts of food. person A: There's so much we could be doing to help those in need and yet our politicians (on both sides!) are off helping the rich and corporations - it's disgusting.
person A: I hadn't been able to see my grandmother in quite some time b/c she lives so far away person B: Oh no. I'm so sorry. Can you video chat with her? person A: Well I was finally able to go and visit her and the house and visit was exactly as I remembered it as a child. It gave me such great memories! person B: How wonderful. That's what's important and makes life meaningful in my opinion.
person A: I remember being on holiday and trying to find a way to watch an F1 race. I caught the beginning of the race in a bar before it closed and saw that my favourite driver had had a puncture and fallen to last place. My mate asked me what the chances were of him winning from that position? I said 1000 to 1. By the time we were back at the hostel_comma_ I learned that he had indeed won the race in what many believe was the greatest single event in the sport's history! person B: Wow! That is insane_comma_ too bad you didn't bet with those kind of odds. person A: Yeah_comma_ for sure! It was one of those nights where we were journey is what's fun rather than what you were aiming to do_comma_ if you get me. We went from sports bar to sports bar trying to see who would show the event and by the time we gave up we'd had such a funny night and the race had turned out great! person B: That sounds like a great time_comma_ one of those nights you always remember!
person A: I didn't know until the other day that kids have different teachers for different subjects starting in 5th grae. person B: Yeah the older they get the more teachers they usually get. I think it's good because they get a variety. person A: That's true. I was a little startled b/c I don't remember changing classes for things until 7th grade. Just a reminder that kids grow up so much faster now. person B: Yeah schools definitely start things younger now. Kindergarten used to be voluntary back in the day! person A: That's true - when I was in kindergarten_comma_ we only went for half the day.
person A: When I lived in California my farmer friend and landlord had me get organized and have all my valuables together in case of a big earthquake. He stockpiled such things as batteries and water. person B: I can understand that as I live in Florida and we prepare for hurricanes each year with a plan and emergency rations and supplies. person A: It feels good to get everything together_comma_ doesn't it? You feel as if you're ready for anything! person B: Yes_comma_ you are correct. You can always "hope" for the best_comma_ but also "plan" for the worst. Being prepared is a comfortable feeling. person A: I like that saying - it's very good advice. I'm all for advance action as it saves headaches (or worse!) later on.
person A: i'm so proud of my son! He learned a couple of words this week. He now knows how to ay please person B: That's wonderful_comma_ they say children have a certain gift for picking up languages. person A: he actually speaks 2 languages. I teach him english and russian person B: Wow! That's impressive and a lasting skill for your child to develop.
person A: A while back my loud upstairs neighbors went away for a week. My life went from night to day. It just felt as if all was right in my world. person B: Did you think about moving after that? person A: Funny you should mention that - in three weeks time_comma_ lol. person B: haha are you serious? Did you move in with your girlfriend? person A: No_comma_ moving to a 1-bedroom apartment. I don't have a girlfriend - I had a husband_comma_ but we split up.
person A: I found a cat in my attic yesterday! person B: Oh wow! I hope that it was ok! person A: My husband is allergic to cats to_comma_ I'm not sure how it got there. We had to call animal control to get it out safely! person B: Oh no. That sounds really stressful!
person A: My best friend's long-term relationship ended abruptly a while back_comma_ just after her father passed. I'm so full of admiration for her - instead of turning to drink or becoming crazy-depressed_comma_ she pulled herself together and made a new_comma_ exciting life her new reality. person B: That is very unusual. She should be proud of herself. person A: Yes_comma_ she should. She joined a community garden and helps out there_comma_ she got a part time job and took up badminton - not something she'd ever done before! person B: Wow_comma_ I wish more would follow her example. That's a recovery. person A: She's a very strong person and she also has lots of friends and family to help her. She's a lovely person and deserves the best in life!
person A: I just got Hulu Live. It's been amazing to watch TV again! person B: I haven't watched actual TV in sooo long. What do you watch on Hulu? person A: I love to watch Home shows on HGTV and Bachelor in Paridise on ABC. Hulu live has been a great value for the price! person B: That's real neat_comma_ I might check it out. I've only ever used Netflix_comma_ but Netflix is pretty good too.
person A: My husband ran over a cat this morning on accident_comma_ I'm so upset. person B: Aw_comma_ I bet he feels horrible about it. Poor kitty! person A: Yes_comma_ we had to call animal control to retreive the body! I hope it wasn't someone pet. person B: Aw_comma_ that's always sad_comma_ I lost a cat once and I assume that's what happened to her ;(
person A: I couldn't imagine losing all 3 of my kids in a fire. person B: That would be horrific. Do you know someone that this happened to? person A: Yes_comma_ I heard about it. Such a sad story. person B: That is just horrible. I think they would have to medicate me for the rest of my life if that happendd.
person A: My friends threw an unexpected birthday party for me. I thought they'd forgotten.. person B: That is nice of your friend. I hope you enjoyed it. person A: I did! It was a very nice gesture. person B: You can return the favor one day. That is what friends are for!
person A: We are waiting on military orders right now_comma_ I'm so hoping they come through next week. person B: Do you have any idea where you will go? Is it accompanied? person A: Yes_comma_ we know where we are going just haven't gotten the official orders. person B: Well I hope they get there soon so you don't have to wait longer.
person A: I get so tired of hearing about people being mean to animals. person B: I'm with you on this one. What is up with people these days_comma_ I just don't understand how they could do that. person A: Right_comma_ these poor animals have no clue why people are mean to them. Some people are heartless. person B: I think there should be stiffer penalties for people that do things like that_comma_ for instance more jail time.
person A: For some reason I've been thinking of our family Christmases back when I was a kid. I so enjoyed decorating the tree_comma_ helping my Mom with preparing lunch. And of course_comma_ eating Christmas lunch! Fun times. person B: i had a similar experience_comma_ i miss it too person A: It's nice to think back_comma_ tho' and relive the old days. We have our own traditions now_comma_ but the good old days will always remain just that! person B: i totally agree person A: It's funny_comma_ we always remember the successful_comma_ fun times and forget about the not-so-perfect things. Must be our minds' defense kicking in!
person A: Do you know anyone who spends a ton on eating out every week? It's crazy to me how much they spend. person B: I know that when just the 4 people in my family do go out_comma_ it runs us about $65. So we do it very rarely_comma_ it wastes a lot of money. person A: Yes_comma_ exactly. A friend was telling me they spent almost $300 a week on eating out. I don't even spend that much on groceries. person B: A week!? That is just crazy_comma_ and pretty irresponsible unless you are a millionaire.
person A: We are moving soon and I'm so ready to go. person B: Where to? person A: Texas_comma_ there's so much to do there so I'm happy for the change. person B: I spent some time there_comma_ when I was learning how to be an Army Medic. I really enjoyed my time there! person A: Awesome_comma_ my husband is Air Force and we have been in Mississippi for 4 years. Texas sounds better.
person A: I was worried because the weather man said a hurricane was coming. So we got everything ready just in case. person B: It's better to be safe than sorry. You can't overprepare. person A: So true. Luckily it didn't get as bad as they thought so we didn't have to evauate. person B: I am glad you didn't get hit. I know how stressful hurricanes can be.
person A: My cousin contacted me the other day via Facebook messenger. She had my twin aunts with her_comma_ one of whom I hadn't seen in over five years. It was such a delight to see them and chat with them! person B: I bet! I hope you were able to catch up! person A: Oh yes_comma_ and then some! They both looked so well and had lots to say. What a laugh we had. I'm so fortunate to have such a wonderful family! person B: You are very lucky! person A: Yes I am! When I hear how some families are I feel very blessed. They are very special people.
person A: My dog has to have her teeth cleaned on Wednesday and I am really nervous b/c she got super sick last time afterwards person B: That's strange_comma_ I hope she makes it out ok this time though. person A: She is super tiny and they said with small dogs the stress of the procedure will give them stomach issues sometimes. I wouldnt even do it except she has an abcess person B: Oh wow_comma_ I would never consider something like that hurting a dog.
person A: Recently my grandma passed away. she lived pretty far from us most of our lives but at the end she had Alzheimer and so we moved her down to be near us person B: I'm sorry to hear that. I hope she passed peacefully. person A: Yes_comma_ it seemed so. I really had fun reconnecting with her as an adult_comma_ so it was really hard when she passed. person B: I am sure she appreciated your visit before her passing. She must have felt loved.
person A: We broke down and couldn't get help for several hours as we were out of cell range. Good thing I had packed extra food and water. person B: That was a really smart call on your part! Were you worried? person A: I was very worried but we were lucky eventually and someone stopped and helped and we went on with our vacation. person B: Well_comma_ it was a very smart thing you did packing those extra supplies.
person A: I've been so busy packing_comma_ packing and more packing. person B: That sounds pretty stressful. Are you moving soon? person A: Yes_comma_ don't know exactly when but I hate being rushed so I've been doing what I can. person B: That makes sense. I hate leaving things for the last second as well. Hopefully you won't have to leave everything boxed up for too long.
person A: I recently got married to my best friend. We are older now and are happy with things being low key and staying on a routine. person B: That is great! You are lucky! person A: I do feel very lucky_comma_ especially to find someone who is as satisfied as I am in our old age. person B: It is a wonderful thing that you have someone to share your life with.
person A: I got to hear a lot of cool songs on a radio station I usually don't listen to. person B: Nice! Which ones did you hear! person A: Mambo #5_comma_ Missy Elliot_comma_ and Ricky Martin. It really took me back person B: That one is a zinger! I remember listening to that when I took my grandma to prom!
person A: I took a test for college the other day_comma_ it was basically our midterm. person B: How did you do? person A: I don't know yet. The wait is killing me and I'm not confident I did well. person B: Im sure you did fine. what was the subject? person A: Discrete mathematics
person A: I was watching the Scottish Open golf tournament a few weeks ago. I know a guy who was playing in it. Guess what? He won! Fantastic four days of baited breath and cheering him on! person B: That is great! Can you call him and see if we could all celebrate together? person A: He's playing in the PGA Championship right now or I'm sure he'd be delighted to_comma_ lol! person B: Well yeah_comma_ that sounds about right. He has to go to the Championship first and win_comma_ then party time !!!!! person A: You got it! I've been watching him play for a while now and it's such a fantastic feeling to see him win - and in his own country too! person B: It is really could to see friends live out their dreams! I will be cheering for him and the team! person A: Thank you - he'd appreciate it. It makes tournaments so much more interesting when you know some people involved.
person A: I love teaching people how to skydive - it is so much fun helping them to learn. person B: That's sound like a lot of fun! Do you know where I can go get lessons? person A: There are skydiving centers all over the world. What part of the country are you in? It is an amazing sport. person B: I am in VA. I have been looking into it for quite awhile_comma_ but I think I'd be too chicken to jump out of the plane. person A: There is Skydive Orange and Virginia Skydiving Center. I grew up near Richmond!
person A: Everyone in my family laughs at me b/c I am super organized and I like routine in my life person B: Nothing wrong with that. I'm definitely with you on the organizational front. I bet they're not laughing when you get them out of a jam! person A: Exactly! I always joke that I use to be a boyscout b/c their motto is "Always be prepared" person B: It drives me nuts when people are disorganized. My husband is hopeless - I could throttle him sometimes!
person A: You know when you see the perfect house to rent and someone beats you to it? That happened to me recently - the owners rented it out the night before I was to see it :( person B: Oh man that is really annoying! Have you found another one you like yet? person A: Yes_comma_ but it's an apartment and this place was a lovely quiet 3 bed/2 bath place in a lovely neighborhood. Such a bummer! person B: Oh man I would be so upset. I totally understand! I hope you will be able to enjoy your new place person A: I'm sure I will so long as I have good neighbors. I'm over the first place now_comma_ but it wasn't pleasant to be pipped at the post!
person A: my horse died last week i was devastated when i found out person B: Oh no! Do you know why? person A: yeah the vet told us it was cancer i was really sad person B: Aw_comma_ I'm sorry. I hope you get another horse that can at least help to replace that hole!
person A: i am always outside my house beafore my friend gets here person B: Do you know he is coming_comma_ or is it just blind luck? person A: i know he is comming i just like to be there couple of mins before he arrives person B: That is very considerate of you_comma_ I bet he really appreciates that.
person A: i was really happy the day i finished my doctorate person B: Wow. That is quite an accomplishment! Congratulations! person A: yeah it really took a lot of hard work to do it but it was worth it at the end person B: What was is your doctorate in? person A: in science of medicine it was really a fun exppirience
person A: My wife has been out of the country for 2 months_comma_ and is getting back in a week. I'm super pumped! person B: what has she been doing? undercover CIA agent? person A: No_comma_ taking a language course to help her graduate studies. Good guess though :P person B: *wink* *wink*